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Watchman (1888), 10 Nov 1892, p. 6

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s , , .. ~ therearenowisitorsinthe house. Therein , PAPER LAW. ‘ i ' ENoLcr'i RAlLfiUAJ ACClDENTS. "‘"‘ m“ ‘ “’0' n0 Ostentatim 31’0“.“ his meals, and t1}! ‘ THE FARM- NEWS 011, What a. C I; it ‘Within Human Power to Avoid rm.» ”"m‘ved 5° ”"33"” That 1‘ ““5 resPethul freedm'" The Kaiser and th' Keep the mangers and feeding boxes" The following condensation is based up- signal perhaps o ., Frederick do not 1 hit it ofl f ' ‘ THE BRA . 0 h .3 .ulen Into iltsiepute. Empress . a ways clean. , , ‘ . . . - the ,,,. , N Thom “to.“ or - Killermoood con€ers n0 pOIitical privi- ' together; but the Kaiser and his own Em’ . . . . or! ‘30.“51‘” re Jdered at various times by more terrible disease ~..‘ ’ DOD . £25 iffliiCYII‘niilbiltii:iitfingi:illiig $18,352:. gene, fwd it is not heleditarv, and con- ‘ preis seggauaglewzyl: :2 he in harmonyâ€" h A Wlndmlll in the right place 18 a good Dmswn Court Judges :-- yourselves if on can d " . n my Jo . Iii ' : a U ’ . “ ’ s r ‘ . . . - ' r ‘ ,_ the number of aciidents to the 45,000,000 SEIlllCIltly, it seems to have become an} eerlesa'lin politics. She 303;; liozvigpifee; t “ll-{'- 1. Subgcrlbers who do not give definite: 0_ $971112 090., to run th fr _. «John Anderso ’ notice to the contrary are conmdered as no. mg. Vie know fro ‘ passengenn carried by railways in that, admitted PI‘iDCiPle that anybody and play the role of the Empress Eugene: which Don’t allow sheep to be tortured by the Brae, John . - ‘ ' ( ' everybody has a prima facie claim ' _ - ' ' ' ontin e ir subscri tion. Shlloh’s Cure Wil e“ e brae‘ EEEEJJ'uitfffliilf‘ii'nneellii323111123:55%"? .e n. nee pee... .. en... e n. eeeee .ne... teeth _ meme e e .. n. P .nee..ne in... merge}; ennne. bored fin; he lowest figure in any year on more than a thousand knights have be? N Sheep 1n dry- time often need to be 2. If subscribers order a paper to be MIPQd wi grey; record. dubbed; and, as we nonced 18‘“ wee ’ A Sled for Muddy Ground. ”Utled- discontinued, the publisher may continue “ '. ’tlng a " ‘n eré 83¢ clcdr, JOhn’ what were S'de ga' ’ , . .. "outed cheer,John , $3121.11. door} the brae. W . - - . - “the last batch of persons to receive the _ . . . fifehznfilszxfigl c2: gietifiildflfh 311:1: roval accolade and the right of prefixing A "Nd boat IS 8- sled With broad runners. Grade Jerseys are said to be persmtent D b " structions or derailments from defects ‘Sir’ to their names consisted mainly 0f pro- l It has US$13, adlvantatgles 0Y9? the narron' milkers. in the permanent way are slowly fessional musicians of by no means a high i runnerb f 3 “'39“ 9ft: 13 1’“ it Sta? F'trm'r {.11. t o T t t 0 ri e for ' ' ' ‘ - . class amonrr them the music-master formel‘- J amoun ° 811°“, or 3. er a thaw. he ' e 53“ ‘3 brass be 0 p diminishlnrr. In lool there were twenty- e , a, e. - lbroad runners ass over n d1 1 and best hav four such 0Cases in 15'9“ Liner“ Were live I" at luton Lollege, now Of. the Guildhall, I slushy places without utt' mthw es, Th i. i ’, c , ~ 9 _ ‘ ' 'e c lnor em. e n . - - and last year six. The greatest number of the 1804192“: tt’lne“4‘3u<:1esl;: ,Blnitgzilfiigd’tfeig i accompanving illustrations aria) fromsketchesl Liteeduda' from twnis encourages twm ' ' ‘ - - a ’m . s . acoldents, amounting to twenty-five, came an orn'tmb . I -. , - _ - - bi't‘cdlllt'r. under the head of collisions within fixed ‘ gentlemen personally. we have notlnng : by R‘d‘ar‘wmes’ 0* Fra‘ltlm 00» 01“" " _ . . . , . I The runners are sawed from a lo a bent. signals at stations or sidmgs. With regard whatever to say. In ex ery moral and l at one end Saw to the an rle f g, ‘he end to derailments, two of the accidents were ‘ S’Xnttl quality we have no doubt they are reverse and saw from tlleg th mm (d Th. due to the points of the switches ‘ alltnat can be deSlred, and that, so fill" ’ 0 er en t e not beinw altered 'after the passarre of their admission into the order to which 6 D l previous trains, one was due to a point they now belong was perfectly justified. aamaemd by a previous train one was . but that handmasters, orgalllsts and teach- D‘- ) to send it until all arrears of subscriptions Lake entflrlo Steamb‘m are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect to take periodi- cals from the post office, they are likewise responsible till all arrearages for subscrip- tions are settled. 7" ere coortin,’ Jo ‘ -. ts a’ swffilldiers r '4 o ea . , It “fitghliridht beams did : 79.“ e we're bent, .lohzi, . ‘1 8g win’leâ€"strae ; ’ has been lent, aye :‘ bflfinilfoon the brae. . w t aince were rosy, J . 4. If subscribers move to other places «we without informing the publisher, and the papers are sent to the old address, they‘ DAILY are held liable. iiave shade, but not too much, around the house. Broad tires in Michigan take off half road tax. 5. The courts have decided that refus- ‘ Magnificient N in«_' to take periodicals from the post office, i ew Steamer l Manure applied this year helps next - . . . I ~ ‘ - . a . . a ‘ caused by the failure 01 a cast Iron girder, ’ in. (it anuslc htr‘dl prpper 1.365039%; (E: til): I year's crop. or removnig to another torn and leaving : fie" ' ththat, aince were $1110th one W33 due to carelessness 0n the Part Of ? nfglte- can M ky_ hel “fin-f1” 7. t' l - . . them uncalled for, primer facie evidence of ' I H R I '5 er wi’ wrinkles, J the engineer of a relief train, and one was i “bumpt‘on that mg t 10° ‘5 0 “on "we ’ ,_._.g:.~.,n,‘n.,s .V_.,.,; . Mulberry wood is said to make durable intentional fraud , wed 0‘” due to unknown causes. Inadequate brake l to be regarded @3 the appropriate reward of ing power was responsible for twelve acci- 3 public serv1ces in whatever capaCIty they I dents and frogs and storms for the same f may be rendered. More eSPeCiatly it this , number also. i obVlous in relation to the art With which In eight instances fault is found with a : they themselves are connected ; for assured- defective svstem of train despatching, want 1y, 1t knighthood 13 a sutfiCient recognition . he tinge o’ your-ll. V . htao were Site llln] 518) 'J'..'_", t ed 0’ molly a deny; ' "they DOW I‘K‘eSt‘Tll'lfleflt '01 I i ' ’ doon the )re_ - wearln fenCe posts Will leav ' . . e Cobourr - . 6. If subscribers pay in advance they =5 ‘1‘ 5 ML, an are-bound to give notice at the end of izgfigagriio€fly 0? 3rtilt-10f their time if they do not wish to con-' ' ‘ ”"1’ Ea“ and Wes; tinue taking the paper, otherwise the RETURNIVP Silage walls should be perpendicular and smooth. 1 cl 0. Good, bright straw with grain makes of telegraphic communication or lack of a l of the eminence of Sir Arthur Sullivan and good fodder. publisher may send until such time as a 11 1,, , ”Leaves Chart, h we’re auld and frail, 3'1 block zvstem. Purely mechanical causes, 5 Sir Charles Haile,.it. is infinitely more than ~ lie cow works in the morning and definite order to discontinue. accompanied . o P.M., eXCept luesday at 9.4: 42 a be downC'AS'e ; w a 1: from human error scarcely appear at _ a. sufficient recognition of the emi‘nence of AN OHIO MUD BOAT. rests at noon. by payment of all arrears, is sent him. and Saturday at 4.25 R51. Cov- nun o‘r duty “‘ccl. Joml- 36:” and it would this seem, says thel Mr. Parratt, Dr. Barnby and Mr. Lusms. . .3 .dnne v do‘it to the lat". . I 7, ’1 l‘ew York Central and all die .. life’s spark ‘8 “we . " ---- bri htel‘ d’t} ’Ilsee 8' Ilia ht'du‘ .lt)li2.. Enwineerin commenting on these returns, It is true that simple knighthood, as dtt' part Of the runner Whmh rests on the O . , . . . ground should be ten feet. long. the to be within human power to work the rail- 1 tinguished fr omdxmght Commalidershlp 0f other art, about two feet. 1 'th ways without any accident whatever. \Vhile ‘ the Bath, St- Michael and St. (xeorge and rise ofiight inches. ong WI a few railway oficers will probably subscribe i the Star Of India, to say nothing Of the l or bolted. The nose Remember, crops feed at different 7 The man who allows hissubscription depths of soil. ~ to run for some time unpaid and then The bunks are pinned Buying feed is often better than to orders the paper discontinued or asks the Wednesday .and Fridav - -. - ' ' ost-master t mar ': “ ” . - at 41! two11 on i . . -. . to this conclusion of our English contem- : Garter, and Thistle and St. Patrick, is not, l inches wide and l 71”“: 11“ dabollltt “Sh; buy fertilizers. iiimself liableoto pulilishmgnetf used leaves Rochester, and Vi ednesday Mcmi' ”bottom 0 the br‘e‘e- porarv the figures produced by the Board. l and can scarcely be expected to be: held in ‘ end fasten the sepag: Yb) oteh. ld' net: Medium-sized quick-maturing animals . Saturday Evening from Rocliesre‘ ‘ " of Trdde certainly show that abroad as well i any great veneration. Custom has made 1t l brace chains b vgvhich (th or O m" be are ill demand. ' . r. ' ‘ u . ' 3 im rative on the sovereign to confer it on. . , ,. . ’ y . e. ongue can ‘e . ' ' Through Tickets and Ba N IN as in the United States too many acoldents pe O . . , made ll<'ltl or flexible at Will iach chain . - - ~ yfivfitaans‘ ggag“ - can be traced to negligence want of care or f a. number of persons whose soc1al status is : e" ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Raw manure is not a fertilizer; it must . from Agents or on board, D ’ ' _ mistakes on the part of officers or servants. l altogether different from that of those who l should be fastened well forward on the â€"-St. Louis Globeâ€"Democrat. are admitted to the royal orders. But, 5 tongue. and be about five links longer than , , R. DEGRASSI P 'iYSICIAIfi ~ . . ’i . . l is needed for rigid bracing. With unhock~ Weeds in an unri e cornfield mav be D SURGEON, ETC- ,ETC., \Vcllin'rton-St THE AORTH 1‘11“" 15 "he ears after the 3:100??ch E : however pr omlscuously enjoy ed, the honor, ? ed chains, the hinged tongue allows the sled p ' 6 ac y Physical Training of Women. l l I g i first be rotted. . - . lar est swiftest and " . ,: - ' . r. 'a. such as it is, is invariably sharedffi by thf ’ to be placed parallel with the log while the killed by sheep. Lands meiis ori the lakes Lijilitszdihwaj?" Mn put doun J12 3122;. Judoes of the land and the law 0 core 0 1 ., .‘ . ,~ - . ' ° - - , __ i ,, ° ‘ ‘ country 115" C "” "7 The physical training of women has re- the Erown ; and even city Sheriffs and pro- «mm I: nearly at right angles. black chains Lune aids in rendering other plant L. HERRIMAN, M. D. M. C. P and modern throughout. the : ceived a very great impetus of late years, and we may see the result in their notably . e. '. 1. ' ft ds w; '- , , , leaal discipline as vinc1al 31213.0“ have some reason to com_ pt “mt t1 ('_ Sled to wmd between “WEPS m i llldble. ‘5: o. rig. Office and residence. Cambridg C H VICHt v Q( . " and I: - l W' 3 a? Ii plain when its value is still further depreci- ”3‘3 wilf‘i'KW-L'hhvtty ”0°de mads' W‘th There is no advantage ill poor hay 5!. Lindsay, opposite Baptis Church ' ' ‘ Jl‘" )‘\’ . known beforclq '1‘ hp: . increased statue and beauty. That women . ated. No doubt, the disrepute of kilight- it‘ll 513:1“)??? ms? can haulcllough logs to however mixed ’ Gen Pass and F . a large town ”“7." nine: 6 are much taller and better developed than? hood is no new thing. Heralds are accus- l m“ L " ' act 0 square timber. Straw ° ‘ ‘ £3. . v .. - - . the rOVllin: (If i)»: they used to be is an incontestable fact, and tomed to date its commencement‘ or ha, (an be hauled by iilscrtln at tho Gaphar dry earth in dry weather to use Dr. B- E: MCKENZIE, B.A., C. F. GILDERSLEEYE baV'n m P way of race development? - _ much the same as that which Thackera ' de- head and th‘? trap sprung. The rope broke, ( Less a r 3 ~ ' e I - Unfortunately, however, Whlle thls Phy' Scribes in one of his “Roundabout Pagers” and after beulg carried baCk on the SCflEOld ‘ o c e and better “tops 18 ‘he \ l GETS. - - - , . l and of the bunks standard (0) ich do P02” ‘here that Cl band (it profs: thisis undoubtedly owmg to the greater: from the reign of James I. Who 1 f . . onw '1' asan absorbent. . . . ‘ - t . ;: . ._ w amount of exercise and open air life that’ created 300 knights in six weekg, and “Cd-“e3 are Placefl- \Y 1 k _ Lecturer on Crthopedic Surgery ill the General Manager, _ numbering t:l:f.}1i:? ii are DOW the faShion for the fin de Siecle . that of his son, Charles I., who knighted: Trrâ€" m *kzt “Cd Wt good “11326 and manure women’s Medical College, and in Toronto; KINGSTON. '., a. and executed .r; ‘1 - - -. maiden. ' amon others Sir Jeffrey Hudson ' . ear '“ - ” g0“ crops. Universit - C n 1 ' , ' ' - ! catch after inf: pr A girl of the period belongs to her gymâ€" l the Qieen’s Dwarf. But it reachedgclimgnl .“Speaklng of bravado on the scaffold re- It seldom pays to hold roducts when ,fy’ _0 su ting Orthopedic Sur f F. C. TAYLOR, _'u5 S f criminals was lien" nasium, which is fitted up with all the lux- 5 under George IV., who discovered in the . minds me ofa one-legged man I saw turned read for market p geon to \. lctorla Hospital for SICK children, l . hment 0 .. :9 ’ . 3:7 °_f appointments i1; the W?Y °§ b3“? .5 mere threat of administering the Royal Eff 11,1, Wiffim Pegrllsyll'fdua when 3 “f'asha y ‘ , Toronto. Diseases of the Joints and De- ; Agent, Lindsae efieCt and :0; at t3” â€" _. , essmg T001113, etc-: 13 at are can in t e accolade an effectual rotection against the 0y, 331 0891‘ 3'95 80, a £31188 0 t 6 A corn ere) should leave the soil in a ' 'n . ' . 5 1m - a ”tn ‘ athletic club to which her brothers belong. ; presentation of nnw-ellgome addregges ; and Southern. “He was known to have killed mellow condition. formitic‘s only. VCUIISL‘lltJthD 10 to 3' l “x mm gfor several ' She has her fencing lessons, her Dclsartean under William IV., who knighted every. ; five men. He had lost a leg while trying to r . Bloor St. W. (A car longs St.) Toronto. : era , . . contortions, her ballet dancing lessons and bodv who would allow him to do so, matters : add a Sixth to his string, but finally recover- Furillps respond to manuring with S-lv- _ other fads of the day, which are all never- 1 in this respeet were not much mended. .‘ ed, "‘18 tried and sentenced to hang. The crude phosphates. ' ' theless decided aids to the development of In the earlier years of the Queen’s reignfi execution took place in the court house S 11 c ’ _ . l her physique. Moreover, she spends a. good however, when the counsels of the lamented . y ard, and several thousand people gathered ma pastures and .requent change 3"} rofcsszonal @arbs. part of her time out of doors, as a matter of Prince Consort were in the ascendant, 3 to Witness it. McCoy, for that was the are good for sheep. \ ; course, and all this, despite her late hours knichthood was ver sparin 1v conferred criminal’s name, ascended the scaffold with n . - ~ - , - - v - . . , and the excitement of fashionable life, has andvits position as aysocial digstinction was, no other assistance than that afforded by lo'Iduilethlli dis. iiull 0f hfe’ foul 8" ls Offi‘x DA. .BARRO 1‘" Q'.C‘ ($011“th ! <3 produced its effect. proportionately raised. But it is not too his crutch. When asked if he had any~ d e l 8'“ 1' “or . ”mime? Bald“) Lindsay - Ottl‘ L ‘t' ~ It 18 CODStantIV remarked as each 1183?, much to say that of late it has been dis- thing to say he replied .that he, Ground bone makesa lasting and satis- ces .mlam M" In new Dommwn Bank i? bevy of debutantes are introduced to their . tributed with so little circumspection that would like to say good-by to his fiddle. ‘ factory fertilizer. bmldmg- 3 . world, “How tall and large the girls are it has become almost valueless for the pup- , It was brought and, standing on the death- . . _ ; " nowadays!” And if it is true, as_ physiy pose for which it is supposed and ought to ‘ trap, he played,a lively sir. handed the’ 1‘ he must 1“"?th part of the wheat - m i Clans assure us, that healthy, physrcal de- ' exist. : VlOlln to the sheriff, and With the aid of his I goes With the bran. l LEA]; 8- MACDO)‘ ELL, BARF-“TEE, - -‘ velopment and the consequent makino of S fari deed as knighthood is to be re- 3 crutch danced a. jig on the trap. He thenl . . ‘0 lCltOI‘. botar“ die. Office over good blood assist mental development, vihat carded as: mark of eminence in literature, announced that he was ready. His atm‘l A deep 811° preserves Sllage betteri Kennedy’s Store. Kéht St, Liiidsay, may we not hope for in the future in the gcience or art, the result appears pretty were pinioned, the black cap drawn over his: than a shallow one. l Money w loan. v-crf sical training and open air life have become as likely to have ensued if George III. had more dead than alive he asked how long it l ‘wdex‘cy 0f the times. i CS“VEYN ANDERSON, BAR- ~ - -. ~. "i ”clutched hf: tail? Co 7 fashionable among the few, the great ma- instituted the Order of Merit, which he would take to procure another one. Hel The philosophy of feeding is simple. . _ R151‘12R5.50LIC1TORS etc Oil-20:5. in}. ..-n . looms ., was {Una-vs Pikfl _ .4?” Jorlty OI Ame-“coo women ore ”Still indoor once had in serious contemplation. That was told about ten minutes. wivou’ give l but few understand it. medlnie'ly opposite the Duly House. Kent strccl, f _H_ neck. 30“? and tilell a \.L.i ll creatures, their only exerCise ior week in order was to have been dedicated to Miner- me my old fiddle while I’m waiting,’ he; hm“) ' .ed from behind. In such C! and week out being the daily routine of va and Dr. Johnson himself was to have said. He was unpinioncd, the cap rcmovedi It is better to sell to your neighbors .' JOHN MCSWHYN DONALD R..-1.\'DERFO.\' household tasks in the pent-up air of been the First President or Grand Cross or and he made his best bow to the audience, l than to buy fr'lm them. kitchen and bedroom. While many find Grand Owl of the society. The members saying heliad not expected an encore.”â€" Parties Wanting stranaler’s thumbs were brou a i ‘ V A 1' l w: on the back oi the neck, : h.._..fi ._. ex- __ _ . . W ‘ V W V ~. v , . - ~ ,, ~~ . . 'v , Beeline no" is recommended in o‘m- ? 001‘}; ‘t' JACRbOB (51 CCI‘NQ « . - saber O timle i011: a greater or less .dtigl'9810l intellet- were to be adorned With a star of Sixteen Globe-Democrat. llcction WIlLllhllOi‘tlculture ( . 3 01:5 u; Hudspetll Jackson) Burris: . THOROUGH-BRED FOUL fingers were lothed £03-... tua cu .are, the} 0313105‘ ln‘.aria ’1} neglect points and a yellow ribbon and all thel . x ' iters Solicitors etc Uili' “"112 ‘ , “apple ” their physmal training, the result being recoonized luminaries of the literary ; lrench Proverbs on Women, Ti - 7 . lL- ’ ' cc 1 lam street, . ' e ore arrested. that. as 3' rule, the American “'“mtm (rc- scienatiiic and artistic worlds Were to be en: ‘ What woman wills God wills f ll Hire 113 [22218.2 1n mgtton up to tile 9 mdsay- - in I suspeCL '\ C ‘ bout the . - -. -..- . -_l ‘ . j . . ' u sun 0 e em , f ‘ r â€" .v-. - A, la‘,‘r ,'. . A ' presentedqby the majogityl P “In 8' “eh , rolled among them. But how, Thackeray ; He who takes a. Wife finds a master. H y an l E D' MOORE“ ALEX- JACth) had ‘3“‘6‘ ‘ ”'- came Of It a woman lcgtft’rddadild Lbiz't'léhe’ddiiimailiiiogftiiiiatligdc ‘ asks. when they had all of them been ad- A foolish woman is known by her finery. bilagc fed from the Side spods faster; W““““““‘ to ”after the first case . l L: of L ~ A A c ’. a l _ , . u h .1, ‘ an effort unable to be“ the “who“ nervt" minted, could the . door be shut} A melon and a woman are hard to choose. than when fed from the top. I d, HOPKIVS (SUCccss )1. t \I' , - 2' dead Within three kitoc. .’ _ ‘ n s . . , b against inferior claimants ? How He that bath a Wife . I . f . _ 5 . ._ H ,_. : z . t. oT elltln, . D c Til . . e and c‘pe had 3130 fal and brain that it is the lot of most women could you have excluded Sir Alexis Strife is a ways sure 0 Coarse. manure ls often effective be- ! ()tl‘i ck") ollkll‘lb) barrister. bollClturetc I . I oquar : . ~ - oler V0,: d to endure. , . . ' . Sever, Sir Alessandro Tambnrini. Sir Agos- . . . . cause of its mechanical effect. é cc. “1-1mm St. Lindsay Ontario. y Victim to the Strano . - "w Men should look to this : tnc remedy lies tino Vell‘lti Sir -\lltonio l‘winini (violin- j A woman unemployed is busy in mis- D , l l LlNDSA Mn choked to death, but . . ‘ . i 3 l, - L .5 . o ' . o ; *Mwâ€" ~e ‘ ‘i I ' v' 1 . , . . . ‘ . ' v v N .F‘ in their hands 1110“. even than in those of IS“, on. >andy Bl txolfog (PIPN‘ to the most chief. lonlt egiil the “inter With more ll PPLY TU \IP ] )1 _ ' ) 3 - . or broken‘ The polite the women. bet the farmers roalizc that honorable the Marquis of ,li‘arlntosll), Sir A woman conceals what she does not 5m“ tmn 37"” can carry through. 3 L' ‘ ‘ L' L i) A‘ LAI‘I‘U3 d bodies of Gav the mid-101.115. OI the lnlllates Oi :lle Insane {Icicle I’llt‘ll'lc (pr‘cillicr (lanficur Of Her knowl B ‘ 1] d I lildsayszr BIUllcystr Illl‘estlllent, ‘ l Wd, 8!) d bro ah .. ,, . “ o . ‘ _‘ _‘,'“ ,‘_ i _ .. . \(r ' - ' - ' .; -i~ . , en. §_ . 1 11 asyl‘unis are uoumnrrom the farms. let them Majesty's lllcatl‘e), Sir Harley Quin and chvcr a. looking-glass told a woman she ‘ boll} Billie). all work up, instead of; it” Lou cot “Imus of interest. Ulnces u ,. the couLtry an , ~ :9 ice L0 it tlflat their Whl’es and (liliughters Sir Joseph (irimaldi (from (Tovcntfiardens). was ugly. beginning arge and working down. 5 \\ llllalll St. in new Dominion Bank build- on noon“ «C rel: of suspicious characterr, bu ave time or more out-t 00:“ life am l'ccrea- m“ . 9' l . ll n} ' . , . .' . . - ‘ lIlUS ‘ ‘” ‘ g i ‘ 5 “id1 . . . 19 no at is lave all the \ -llo\v llb- ‘ woman “ho loo , . - ’ H ‘ .11” C0- , tion, and know that 1t15l’t‘t30tt0l’tw the lJOH )Tllcv arc i'ill honor'llllc blcvcr and Spihs little k5 “1110}! m the glass! Have e‘erythmg movable abUUt youri ‘* ‘ ‘ L ‘1 ' ' ' ’ I the Other C353 nu‘tn calea‘ed .r 0.. ‘, ac' ‘, ‘ ,.r‘,.V'.' l , 1 ,, 7': ‘2‘ j '_ . 'u f ‘ ’ ‘ ' ,. ' . ‘1 e ' F - , V ~ , th“‘ 5 -‘ ' ‘ i ‘i 3 ' ' "1Q TQ :e . e I‘ \â€" 3 l {sol-gave} ah Illielllhlikl Ulla.“ a i<)n§ltll)b't()l s distinguished artists. Let us elbow tllrough .1 tender hearted mother makes a shabbyl poultry housa, it makes tilSler chiming. . N101} TYRE it STE\V {RT B R LOL art 21 pl .1; O.lt.. . a. _ .. and all had to ti 1v tusl e'z;~"a- "l'il . ‘ ‘ 3 “ ' ' ' ' ‘A' “ “lift; O‘I‘é’tg‘e ‘1 :0 E,“ lo“. I“ Ll ‘ mg a the rooms, make a bow to the ladv of tn: daughter. “K 5 Rlbllzl{>, solicinon. moo“. m. a r I ht . “Manon almOst C‘F ' l 'i . . case ( et_'s o c leap, goo. rcaly- -, e.- , ; . ._' H . , e . _ .. Q ~. e, . .- .. e, n, ~_ â€" " 1 " .‘2‘ ' .. 5- ENOUDA S WE'HTE LEGHU ". -: ‘OWSZ made clothing let the Women zinc lip their bolus? give a, iipd to1 bil .( corigtr llllumi A deal husband and a. blind WllC make a - :' gmichidla‘JLlnllil: bank, hunt-51.,Li‘zzuftâ€"iy,‘ . - is g ‘- the same reply, at fOA‘l a (ll-t-ssmakingvand eternal Stitlillfl‘l‘fl', and retuVllbnlftfijll"11.13;"!)t‘l.'lfllg{trillt‘ls‘tzlll‘Yillx‘l(“ft‘tiinfgilgl happy Couple. THE HEAD SURGEON ; . M . '1 51h“ ART P. S “N0. sahib. I and as}]az}]t‘d" .to S ‘ learn to feel the n 'sical le;t"ll‘c and ex- -"., "I, ‘ ‘ ‘ ’_. ‘. ' ‘. '. 1',- "' . ,, With all old husband‘s hide awidowbu s, . l X ; EYMOUTH 806K ' . lil'V OI tit-5 C h‘iiv' .: . P elm . p l' f,“ _. ‘ . ._ n\r l-tlcllitrd, VHIO ls presiding (Lt. the bullet. v U , mm y ()f the Luborl MedlcalColilpany is now atl P, DEVLIV B I\ l" ISTEP -, _ ' I am 110$ g1. ‘e levee: ‘ inti-“idon SI. exemh‘om t 1‘ “”“um‘sfm This was intoll'lcil to be a c:‘.:'icrtlul'c when a 10,115 ‘ ' . , , 7 , .‘ . I lCl’l‘DI‘ “ ’ ‘ Ll ‘50 D C TB 3 ” me no longer mél’l, but Sm ~ ““3” the City folks go 3” fur t” "ll-3‘53 'l‘llrwkcmv \vm‘c it But it L‘£"'l'LllllV rc-tds ‘\ “the", Wind and woman’s minds r T‘mmt‘b Canada, and may be Consulted Cle'llleifl’ k l ilk” Cbmmyncrown-".2icri:cv- ' ‘ ‘ huge!" have COUVWe but a . o; ..' v ‘ .o .4 , ,L, , , “ ‘ ‘.‘ ‘ ’ 1' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ . " ‘ , , ‘, _ ; . . - . _ . " \‘ilUL‘. .in any L; t. f‘ . _.'e\. -â€"»â€"â€"â€"‘_~-_mn- WWW,“ ., , mfi “ h 2 u , “:12“;th to them 1° 3‘11“”! an m“““’“’“ a great, .lt-tl more illie a prophecy now.â€"â€" . “ballot H‘t the moon. either lll person 01‘ by letter on all Cllronlc tore, Kent-5:. lumhhy.’ ’ 1 mm ow: hk) ’ i d d I lift Y1"? thIZC- (”Eu-my- - ~ ~ 1 L’m‘t‘)” World. J “idol-rs weep my the melt 0f 3‘ husband, diseases eculi'ir to ill-in Me ' I M i: R Ric 5A8” ””Mpil I' A i an are no i -1 0" ., will X Dike” Beef? "”54“” "m“ Of the "a“ i not for the loss of one. , l l p 1 ‘ " ‘ * tue loung I ‘”” ’ A" "mm-*m _“~‘ an . I 5‘53, . . M days later the strgug er C .» ”CE’JL snl .-: 2‘ mil ’ .' -. . - ; h. ' " i ~n ~.~ ‘- â€" . - , - ~ ~ '~ ~~' ‘ I lieu-k ‘1 prism“); $22181: m It“; in Villa: leututinns Wine.“ on... 3;,my.;..(.yed_ ; He “no l; mntlllcd, lor tries to lead an ” ‘ l ”r ‘mdt 1: 1349‘} “h” tmd tlltlllbbl‘tb, 1% ll.e\l“\’l $1. H. Mi LAI (:llLI)‘. . Havizi': removed to rho South E thud Victim, and this “Hie 1 1 a; 1‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ U: “ ,t ‘“ t . . . . ‘ ass is never rce lrom arrue. nervous we: ' z e -'.- ~ e - - n. ' l- \ S I "e ‘ n ‘. - we ‘ V . - - . . ’ 1N9 ”no 01 “or mmmer bmmUS. "l do!“ :‘iI‘IlLllllj.’, but In mm do you “.15” that a _a.- P o a 1. inc L.\ll misled. nllo arc ; Block “ ’ , x... ‘ it} do" Millet. luktl s <11; .1 ‘- 1- \ European. Only at tart l' kexcr much :1," 1: ynvself ; in fact, [ humt cw ry l'l).<(t you see might llltle‘lrtl be “the D' I 1' l B' k broken down from excess or ()Vcl'WUrk, l () it ‘ “l l “but" - lb] . lill'lxk’Ii), Lindsay, ‘ ‘ L 1" “J ‘ tore the mutiny had in Ednol u : .r . “ ,i ,- , .7. . .. . . . .-- . .. , . is :10 i am ismarc . ' - , l . .' oncv to ”an .' .. e ._ ,, 3 : . . . “.- se, :1 l. .ol ex tears. I rv lensanQL since I letâ€"at lost o. summer. so t\t.:l.l\ .tlc ton of! l‘CSllltll‘U’ from ill-ill of the fi"ll()Wll ' l ‘ ' “Mt“ ‘ ‘1“ ~.â€" I ‘ l lI‘C-‘letmona . ~~ . . . . e. - , - .~. - , - ,.. ‘ . . , let .. . .c .- . \K7 T «is 1 to t19 * was a. :irl. when I went down to see a big llcrir'l'lg U19.“ declare it. Magi»: it rumor-k I At ‘t ‘lllmt't 31‘9” 1” London ”1 1801 by w y J r‘ e‘ (”mild“) ”mt!“ m “‘“Uunts v'UlLl 01! terms . lLL'LA'LW: S “Ct m t , , , , . . . . ;i.. l.. . e. l.. . a.) \Yllitie brought in. lather was one of tho “elmlle i’e ”“311“ "“‘t lh‘e‘." ““3 1““th m F'tlt. him” 1” ”mm“ to HH’ (”and ”1ch 0f him” 1 i .. . . , .' -. - . .37 . ',; ..,. l’,,.. ., "". .._. . , - n. lllc-S;L\'l!li_" mom. and :le mnemnsod me a. new the (lilt'SLEHLl, “\\ mil 5 ill a name: Willi all \l ":I‘MI‘ ‘1'“1. “’{l Iilml‘l'ul“ “ h" .“as 9“,“. ~.lr-.-:<s if they caught i‘l, and naturally I felt illl‘ Of cons-ions and original wit. it seems . "l m" gums, mt“ it long C‘V’HVCI'S‘WO“ “We” ., ..,,. . ' - - .. :‘nu symptoms. Mental deplesSloll, plelllatui'c to suit bill‘l'lp‘.\'el‘, ,md at lowest rites _ Lindsay will V‘s-rive .,... ::e v‘vc‘ yclass, It seemed ‘0 be 1 . - . ‘ ‘ ‘ . u a u t. -..\ H’ ' - old age, loss of Vitality, loss of memory. I “f “ltert’St- ( i I . . “Dd thin with all no: to me x\ (”Aha ORGAN, ViOLlN, Era: mthem ign any Inanner, he Vi -- bad dreams dimli * " ' - ‘ - ' . - ... . .. . . x . ~;. ., .. . .; - . . Lss of Sight ml llta 1. , . .L‘ .ntcl‘es‘tcd. . , New \ork li‘lbulle. . as if to their Coils: h illioll it suppressed (lilo-i “It- f)““t‘til'~ 'tl‘t“ “if!“ "t the Ul’l’°"‘t“’”' ’ . . a i I i t t n Money to Loan : . . ibis ~ 19-" :«ittSClZCJ I ‘3 __‘__~_fi____h___ _ ‘ tation “who as (liLll"8l‘0us as suporcssed. llc tot-n said nt- Sllt‘lll(l shortly be ollllegcd ”f the heart, 611115810113 lack of energy, ° iOl‘Wlll \‘ls pupilsat lllt‘ll homes. case was 4 C ”\I 1 ‘lt‘V \ e ' . . C ‘ ‘ e. ‘ “new...“ "..,.; .-“ . l - - . . '\ .-- e. - a \ - - . .. M“ l ’ "n f‘l \- of“: Wm, Physiology Teach“. gout; and were they to chief a darkened! :f’ ‘-“~“eet‘~-‘-t “it "‘lg‘getet‘jn ‘0; [ht 1 ”film pain ill the kidneys, headache, pimples on “(I CbWI‘A) kt ARDI‘JRNA are pl‘c- l \Vould ”1"”9 The l-llll‘l‘t' to m 3 Collectors omu" k L .w, ' it .. . . . . . ' 'i . -: e: '. " - -- . . : -o\'cl'lllllvnl: Lin. ll:~' :rsetulvwoll (. be . . 2 - , . - 7s m : ...l l . ' ~. ' ‘1' . ’Le L; : l’nyszolog‘.‘ :eitclles that during infancy, ‘ f:)()111‘:i1lLl; : I “upslni'lnigyg11131”, _l, H ting-108‘ 1., yup-”Hun?“ [ln- “M". UW’ lmvwouhl Lt‘flp the face 01' bUCly, ltClllllg ()I' pCCUllltl‘ SOll- pri‘ t1) lI‘Cil [U 10(lll ()1; guyd necurlty btltll l 0f 11L SIC. llOfll \ l:i<\.:_' ...lt. 3 been In for a. “(8 . L ‘ uh" .. .; . .. ‘:. ~ . ‘. H (H'W‘ss ‘x-e‘ ) . no won ion. ‘ - . ‘ M " ' - ..-. . ’a cunt comlzm um - . . ‘ - . ; ' l in :1 e“ “r i e t. \A ~..'- - .. l’ Hg. " n ‘ - . n .n . ‘ ' 4 . . - s o. - - ‘ t a - ~ . « i ‘ " ~ r on .7." inx '1! ”L: ill tttlil'mi‘ 3Oircmmkixrna tilt- liilll ml 3’11 strike- inward with fatal ell'cct l WK" 1““ “Wt i"‘~““l"""“Xt 1" ‘i‘r’t’ltttc war Baum) about the scrotum, ““3th 0f the rent rates 1 y (it 1')“Ut LUI “huh ht has for fine. ‘H‘j \‘mf ’ moi-1:371:22 2‘th tiwn T93 .18.‘C'_'iil.!':<.. .2 list l‘CtPSS-V 0 cut- . . ' . . .. w. . . - - ..~- the e t - ~ . . . e _ u \-.. - . .. .. . . . .l 44......“ \ ml o (Us..- \ "lit. (lcllrhullb . ,. , - . 'v ,y m. . ear 0 l , ti LlUU‘i is '_fl' ;'.\ ill or the l)0(l\' and its illusclcs ‘ e’" ‘Li‘ M “1 ”My”? 0f. bout) ‘md they = ;, . . . . .l. in .i. ., _ “. it}: .. .. l .. organs. did/.llless, SPRCLS before the eyes, bOth III'SIC and 13‘5“” ]\ ,. - â€" e‘ e *l‘ “are“ ‘3.’ '.l._ ; “hi; i" M“. 1.. m ), 52 mid N f t I: “111% throw out of illell‘ SVstCIll “A thing "e ~~ .o till-"M“ “‘L “'l‘e‘e“? etmt “Ha-Lu twitchinu of ill l . N I reasonable rates. 1’1;131r1< zuzlnl- '1 clerks hep! be“ 1“" (l ,, . .li btk'k tui (Lek: 'v. ’ Z 3) , ' ‘ . - - "~- -. ' 4 . . .ly,.. . .‘i‘u ~- n.,41..,.' <\' u i ' . . ~-.:‘ ' ..; c if . - ,' u 1. 1 ) (”if 01 llcitlltv is .1 WV forever, like a rush. "W“‘e W1 ‘7’ ‘ " M Le“ ”bl “Mt? t0 " e muse 68‘ eye hds’ and MONEY TO LOAN l "Mfr and there “at Lair d it? at 0e t-et’ l'mm- em“ a Celllu llwv‘iws 111 . - ‘ ~ 8‘ i ' ~ .,‘ .. e:.. -. ..2 ,. , e. v '......:,> ,1- . .l . b. , . . . ”fl; . a . .. t,“PryceImucfnhwlv 01W“ :1 “mm “W u would ilt: oonowous to Shoowso ”I... m... . . eaten-lo o. lulibmnl. L st.“ lcrc, asllfulness, deposrts iii the M l l .. ~ servants to take care 01 , _,. V‘ L“ ‘ ."r ’-‘ .' v ' ‘l -‘ l a e. ' .7 ,.' . . .' ‘ . . " :1'2: "~l:.~' 2: .‘r.‘ . mull. " tormv‘ll's .' , - - Olle’ ‘ « . " - ’ i f annoy than Usual. or m am, other thing l'e- V Should )loll lllleditlilll on} sight or sound, 1 W _ . ., . : ' .. . \1.. “load"; aims, loss of will power, tenderness of "‘Wes 131d (Sit: on mortgago, and mor- ‘ . .3 W This clerk whose Homo ' -- . n . ' . . ‘_ . “av wn- ~ . . .. . 3' 9‘ . ' ,' we " e‘ ‘. .el'. -'-.i i. . . ‘ ; 3 fl . ‘, r: .- S ,4. Elm?“ Mom“. 01 the mod, n 13 certam to steil'or“ lieu: a ‘1lt‘tlcle “a; oi. tile) will top H ”Wk on 11...: t-:;.n-.i.n;-,.gmu.v l’l'0"l'ill‘.lllle the scalp and spine. weak and flabby loin t 6 ) 0 es negotiated. Straight] -~-.-.,- h d . t've “mm for o I; go o.- done at tile cxpenseand not iilfl‘cquentlv J at???“ “T “Pub {3 lilmm’htl‘gub on. that \\ No.1 in.- hm:- .-..~n--.l!~- t'lll'i’lcd nus ’ mUSCIGS, desue to Sleep. failure to be 83 p“. vent. ' ' l 3.1 a nd 1 t1 . w" 3. to {on irr'e‘ 'ie: ., v, lee i - ., i- , , j : ( ls azure culls cnc lali ment o lo VICW. . ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘_ ‘ " ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ - . . ' . p '85 conva Csccm- “ -‘ ‘ ‘ L‘ bl“ ell" u mime} 0‘ mt body, . if tllov “'Lll 'tt 'our house lll‘t scldm t’ , Iizn“ (‘l'tl'v 41' i, .e :;:::r' : no moans vellum reSt‘id by sleep, WDSUPdtIOH, (1111111953 0f ItIOURE «t3 JACKSON ‘ a [110,512 ~ ll< n a wile-n in a 5.10?» tlnicbecomcs compill'utlve- , ".1, .~,.f1‘,.1 l' ) ;‘ ,‘ .‘ .' _n “e3 ;. ‘ ' .. H glow; go “no“ hearing, loss of voice deSire for Solitude t ' 3t 10 oclock he sent 1.‘ , :3. punv and Weak. Such cal-1v forcing is \.i i lllnl il :} assert that their Visits are | ‘ e‘ ' . 't‘ b'l' f ’ ’ \ ‘n - .1 ' hall 11 t") notion; floor, for body nor “mm; it otlle like those of angels, “ few and far “ 8x013 Silt-Y 0 beillper, sunken eyes sur- ' .DOt'e to a. bung‘i 0“ w A u - ‘ I“ . ' - . ’ . ‘ " _ . ,_ .. . . MONEY T0 LOAN ~ J3. 531119 tune It may be noted that children lloLWCCIl 9 If they com‘e‘ .Oitcn, that 8â€"â€" EP: et WIth :‘FAIDLI‘ (“IR(’LE, Olly IOUklng I .“ ':(‘ Hard“ to The PUTS“- “ ‘15 JD‘L“ ‘ iii” 05:1lllles show remarkable buckwardness in V the} ”return to you like a bad Busrness "1d Dress Reform. (8] lil e C]. are a. 1 Symptoms Of nervous AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES 7 ' ""‘guxsyn m...- 1"; matters of an hour, aha egg talking who can we. ,_ well. In fact, the penny. Is the practice of quotation, . The new gymnastic suits that are being 6 “ty ‘lmt lead to "133th and death w .q â€"~ â€"-â€"â€"-- 1-3th he found Adams d more intelligent a child is the less he uses then, tobe ruthlessly suppressed Without introduced in athletics for women promise unless cured. The Spring of Vital force INTLRBWT PAYABLE YEAR-LT . . ch fl” ‘ h L his throat. :5. . Words, because he only learns words in: pity, Without exception! (.ertainly not. olead the way to dress reform far more havmg lOSt Its tensmn every function Terms to suit b {IRESS'NG MILL-P t, was t e mar. on . e . hi: ha ; proportion as he gains News about objects. 1 lherf are some quotations ‘wlnch are not) directly and effectucally than more theo- wanesm consequence. Those who through ' Orrower. â€" Was no question about "it 1 I 'v.’ . .‘ . _ ',~, v A. . 7‘ o‘. ' . . â€"_ ‘ a . o‘.. “ .3 “oh children of little intelligence, but infroly Puflllllbdl'ble bult indispensable. and; retltal discourses. _ ‘ . abuse committed in ignorance may be MCINTYRE STEWART l -~ the Victim Of a pTOfesolOIld . : who are gifted “1th ilelele organs and u llt. l we co we. own no more do WithoutE Athletics in its Wider application covers permanently cured. Send your address ’ The subscriber is prepar 0d [Oi _ . 1 .l‘ . - - . . . e e fiend “eet' with a. inemorv in advance of their judo- . in writing and conversation than we could. the whole held of useful pursuits. Every 1y 0f the same for book on all diseases peculiar to man. BarrISters and etc" Lindsay kinds of Mill-Picks, and to do 31 _ m t , d . d 'd t - 9 get on without shillings and sixpences in.f tinker in Euro e and man a teller in this . . . . . ,. v. 3-5 1 ~ I ed the Other tWO. . r: 1,122: wor Sprece e 1 eas and aka the". commerce.â€"The Spectator. lcountry, has hpis particug, working coo BOOkS sent free sealed. Heart disease, \\ Jobbing m coxmecuon “1th 1’1“” " 1“ police and the mlliiary ‘e m “a l tume. the SymPtoms of which are faint spells, Acc1dent Insurance, REPAIRING lost th . heads Darin" ;‘ ‘ Genius Appreciated. I William as a Family Man. l The employer who induces his female em- purple lips, nnmbness, palpitation, Skip The London Guarantee and Ace d t I ‘ . 6.“ i’lero aboué3 :‘7 The humorous contributor was talking to The Kaiser is verv much of a family man ; ployes to adopt a. sensible and modest at!“ beats, hot flushes, rush Of blOOd to the surance Company Of T o d 1 en 11 Buggies “.3030!” and setting t ., g week there \ 7' l ~ . dc e editor when he heard a terrific 01‘ h - , . -. . , . ' l letic costume and makes rOViSlon for its head, lell pain in the heart With beats ' . . 1 l] on, England - i ‘a - a 's lllih Some Of them belng md th as in Those who have waited him at Berlin and . . . P Ca ital $1 ) 0 000 - l h t 31:10li ~ ~ 5 the composing room on the floor above. etpected to find a soverei too full ' l utilization is doing the very best kind 0t strong, rapid and irregular, the second p ”‘0 ’ ' Liberal policy â€"Bonus SpeCia ty. epalrs to - war . away Nothin" like (16th F “What’s tliat?’ he exclaimed, starting up mersed in business to thigrllk much (if his Ldress reform service. heart quicker than that first, pain about every five years, $5 per ‘tnnum secures$5 lows and Plates. A“ worlx Was akte ted and as a col ; ., - - Talk in man social reformslead the we. - th . - weekly compensation an - . , . es 511 mp . ‘ l _,o run, household have been supposed at, the ample _ _ y y. e breast bone, etc. can positively be d $1000 in the Portable or stationary fort: had 10 ? “That’s all right,” said the editor, sooth- domestic life which he leads, and loves to but It 15 business that Puts ideas‘inbo harâ€" cured. N o cure, no day. Send for book, event of death by accident. E ‘ every susp‘eCt v evidd g ingly; “it’s only the foreman tumbling to; lead. He is as homely as an English aesiand starts them on the roadâ€"Boston Address M. V. LUBON, 24 Macdonell Ava. J OHND MACM - Wm HERLIH " - ed for want Of an) seed 1 - one of your Jokes.” l country gentleman in his rural retreat when ° 6' Toronto. Canada. - . “Cm . him. The authorities 9 “1181:1892.“ William St ,, the idea that if a wife“: of p60ple: were arrested “ t7 would somehow be, San efforts were mods

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