Pilze Books, .' S. S. Library oks, HOLIDAY BOOKS. B {gages 2‘ A ssorz‘mmz‘ in Lindsay. 33 0â€"6â€"1: 8 FOR EVERYBODY. NEW STOCK reduction proposed in the "matter 0 in the Mill’s bill would be a great change from the present high taxation under the McKinley bill, but would still be a long way removed from free trade, and in fact would be 20 per cent. higher than the Dominion tariff under the National Policy. The leader of the Democratic party in the house of representatives last winter deï¬ned TUST IN ATâ€"â€"- the policy of his party as follows: - “Such revision of the tariff should be P O R T E R’s in the interest of the consumers of the country, but brought about by such BO OKSTORE, conservative methods as will not em- barrass any legitimate industry in the country, or deprive labor of one day’s employment, or of one cent of its re- muneration. (the Watchman. On the contrary, any revision of the tariï¬â€˜ ought to be follow- ed by increased stimulus to industries, Editorial N OteS- increased demand and better wages for A STATEMENT of the revenue and labor." This points to a moderate expenditure of the Dominion for the reduction of the present high tarifl‘. ï¬rst four months of the present ï¬scal year presents a good showing. The former has increased $585,000, whilst the expenditure has decreased $638,417 6 The public debt during the same period shows a decrease of $3,252,236. The record is an encouraging one. N UNDER the constitution of the United States the electors chosen in each state THURSDAY, NOV. 17, 1892. N Peterboro Paragraphs. PETERBORO, Nov. 11.-â€"The ï¬remen had a busy time here last night. About mid- night the large frame storehouse of the Rathburn Company’s agency, at the cor- ner of Murray and Bethune streets, was discovered to be in flames. The ï¬remen responded quickly when the alarm came in, but when they arrived the structure was entirely enveloped in flames. building was ï¬lled with sas dressed lumber, all kiln drie the flames. t d, and this fed THE WATCHMAN, LINDS remains today the policy of the party, Ml" Edward Blake’s Reappearanee In as all the utterances of the Democratic fleaders and press clearly indicate. Under the bill in question the average manufactured goods was from 47 to 42 per cent, whilst in regard to farm pro- ducts there was very little change proposed from the then Republican tariï¬. Since that period it is true the passage of the McKinley bill has still further increased the United States tariff to an average of 60 per cent. ' The adoption of the policy laid down d bod'j liidelzkalolt'e lo 1’ n r which have no bearing whatever on a o A II o R W o o D RA N G E s Wax D“):- nolitical perplexities here, except to lead 1 ‘n a'l Sizs People astray. All that can be said of and. th 1 t 1 t f W (:1 C k lls Heads' ' " Mr. Blake’s speeches is that, putting e arges .88 BC 10I1 O 00 90 S and Parlour Stoves, EtC, taper “ aside their author’s ignorance on some shown In VICtOI'Ia County. G913 our pI‘lCGS before bUYIIlg‘. points, they are more calculated to provoke despair than conï¬dence in the Gladstone camp. plained, has a solution of the Home Rule problem. u. y Bibles in all \ . ‘ suita... This view of the situation Home Rulers hink ridiculous. -- j: . have been apPâ€1“~"* â€"“ M Terriï¬c Explosion. explosion of dynamite occurred near the main wheel pit of the Cataract Construc- h, doors and The r AY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER I7, 1892. I. on T0 E. woons, HEADQUARTERS FOR“... England-His Self-Sacriï¬ce. LONDON, Nov. 11.-The return to 5 Great Britain of Mr. Edward has been the lsignal for a general newspaper discussion of the Canadian member’s line of action since he left these shores. The Star says Mr. Blake’s arrival once more marks the ï¬nal and lasting severance f the of his connection with Canada’s affairs ea d 1 1 e S 6 all lods a g . you hie:1 e sum and politics. There is not in history ’ perhaps 9 se Cox another instance of such self-sacriï¬ce as . terrible disea. 3f Mr. Blake has gone through. Nothing I 1,. v es If you can!» but a stern sense of duty has impelled . ~ . tc ru 1 this eminent man to give up a great part 500- . of Irish Home At a dinner at the Liverpool Reform Club yesterday, Mr. Blake said that while Canadians were deeply attached to their political differences they agreed upon some things. One of these was the advisability of adopting a measure of Home Rule for Ireland. A combined and No er ofthe Holiday 'r :c'. 11H Rlbill b' . 14 k 268 8 . ,, ,. pills. (’33 aisles flail? Jiiiiï¬ iii- M 67/5 , $58 91774675. Carthy and his friends would have assign- ed to them a voice in the deliberations of the party. The Irish people looked for- ward to a glorious future for the Liberal Notions, QC (15 y ve the Geo his y oulcabn aggido Party- _ . ic e ac .. HAPPY HOME HAPPY THOUGHT _.._. .. pool Courier says Mr. Blake has not yet .â€"___ . , __ ... _ , , ’ received his political creed. and that it is . not, therefore, to be wondered at that he has not thrown any new light on the Home Rule question. As a result of his trans-Atlantic experience, Mr. Blake attaches too much importance to methods mplete As-sâ€"ormen â€ht now I am read “it: ' stock of Prze lie 81.155. PEA VJ: 12 Mr. Blaketit is com- ation as being for the time 7. glo Canadian Mei: I; . Parties requiringolusfc ,. Locxron'r, N. Y., Nov. 1".â€"A terriï¬c . call and examineny .5: c On the 8th inst., will meet and give their votes upon the ï¬rst Wednesday The ï¬remen turned their attention to the saving of the coal-shed adjoining the store-house in December, when the election of president and vice-president will pro- perly speaking take place. The votes must be sealed and transmitted to Washington before the ï¬rst Wednesday in January, and on the second Wednes- y Mr. Wm. Yelland, whose loss will be about $800, partly covered ‘by insurance. The loss of the Rathburn Co’y is estimat- Wi ed at between three and four thousand names of the president and vice-presi- was discovered in rear of the Commercial dent declared. house, corner of Georgc and Brock streets. lumber man, asserts that the white ' pine reserves of Canada will be ex- hausted before the close of the present century. Mr. Hendry may have over- the proprietor of the hotel, loss at about 8500 on furniture. He is insured. The building is owned by Mrs. Budsall, and is damaged to the extent of about $800. It is also insured. cam Each man had his followers ing ehwimre. tion C mpany’s tunnel, Niagara Falls, ti: ' 0 “I, CUITAR lANCO- 9.45 this morning. The magazine con- freSh-ness and varlety ls nOt excelled 111 town 9 , Q41: ,-;-,‘.- 9" taining about 166 pounds of high explo- . , ces form '20. ,â€" sives, ignited from some mysterious cause. Ta, ï¬in eVer thin . t t $6 up to o, . . .. ., . , eport was deafening, buildings were . 7 q _ demolished, windOWS, doors and debris of g y g 1n 0 accoun we feel that G- A MHH: . every character ï¬lled the air. It was 2 K, . 1-.. only a few moments before the ï¬re ' ‘ ' ’ “' as... .h. “pm,†a... .1... those Who purchase the1r household wants "‘ .. was made, and workmen touched b precipitately fled for their lives. in Contractor Douglass’ I50 feet 1; THI: itSDA" \ 1 the head and shoulders. A number of IX 9611 years In the Grocery and prOVI' I 'i :L? dollars, but there is insurance to the full other employee were more or less Town :25. Count day in February the certiï¬cates will be amount. The cause of the ï¬re is unknown. injured. ’ _ Hardly had the brigade got back from â€"â€"â€".‘ opened, the votes counted and the Rathburn Company’s premises when ï¬re in Ireland and F NenLaw Firm. . . Mr. D_ H, Chaim. tatâ€"j _ . _ CHATHAM, Ont, NOV. 13.â€"Yesterda ‘57 ' g, 1 ,1- Ch}: .Irrz. P CT The flames started man outside stairway, Messrs. Martin, Malcolmson, Piggott andy and COï¬eeS e malntaln our 01d reputatlon, Hshgoorrlne into irtlx'l'ï¬lif Bâ€: THE 'd't 'th h' h 0 t _ andate thell‘ way Illnttli theh gillsh anld other members of the Board of Trade met : Hopkins. 'e wish the n rap: 1 y w1 w 1c our 11 .ano partitions, running a. roug e ote. Mr. W. F. Barnes, representative of the . . . ; k' ‘5; Chiolzn every suct forests are disappearing is a matter to The whole building, It was thought, was large packing and produce house of that and have some super 101' Value to Oï¬er. v 1S1- op ms . t doomed to go. but the ï¬remen succeeded name in London, England, with branches be regretted. Mr. Hehdryl a prominen in extinguishing the blaze. Mr. Rountree cussing the object of his mission the establish house against J. S. Woods, works, was blown Another man, was severely cut about and killed. lliam Weiss, Pork Packing. rance. This gentleman e here by appointment, and after dis- , namely, ment of half a dozen branch 3, he was driven around the town "cesat Soanf Fish and Frd To-day’s pric: Grapes Ba “nets 40¢ ; (apes (green. 1‘) tax collector of this w ,~. -‘ \lv. -I ;new UranE. Lemons. Fi m ohm-ties, fee: Potatoes. I m .- " ,’ l "5 «till A b l l t . ht d h and surrounding country. From what he sa’ ples' nu,%;1:ge%f1§0::shl5W7†- - 111‘" 81‘ 88 1112 entere t e resi- saw and learned he ex resses himself as . ; “ . “1 “1 . . estimated the work of destruction that deuce OfOMl‘. Wm- Fitzgerald, Dalhousie favorably impressed. ï¬e also stated that eanuts, ancCh351.1%:nu}e ‘ i; h l 18 going on 5 but there 19 no doubt that street, while Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald both the town and country possessed those SEE A TT 8: ; KI~ “ ," dock, 0’ 3‘1 $1.“ in i? before many Years the Pine lumber “er? at Church The Vigitor "33 "ident- Special facilities required in connection | I J , ...~. ggci’ni‘ruisifsirhl .31 d of C cl .11 be . . d ‘1. ly disturbed by their return. and left many with their business. Before leaving Mr. Snares , i idil' tra e ana a WI 111 Its es: .118, “lliam“ behind him. He, however, Barnes gave the committee to understand FAIIILY GROCERS . L d l §;§ and one of the great sources of private earned 8W8? half 8 dozen Bllver knives that Chatham will be recommended as a ThChIcago e ge I“. it .1. . . and forks and a dozen Silver 8 oons. site for one of the branches. Th 1 1 ~ ’3 . has a a m and public wealth wrll thus be removed. p . . 95’ were . twenty yes on a. a . t if F: . N 8180 led to belleve that If the factory is Plâ€. “ H . - ,, u 140’“) cms a week. 1: is a 1 ii†It is to be regretted that the govern- W established it will not only employ 150 . , , ' ow to Cure All Skm DISCaSe$.. cry and frilv paper' 2.3,,†. 1; ments which have control of our forest ' hands and buy frcm 10.000 to 15.000 hogs gimpâ€, 3p 1 . “Sw .. _ O, _ ‘ N .- _ mm! 2.1-... in eveipsrticulsr. and P“ \ - CHARLESTON, W . Va. Nov. 12.â€".â€"The per week but will attractalar eimmi ra- ' medic“ regulred. A81: zivrimzs‘rfevwm'hhufl - ' The“ is 8‘ : iii“ reserves 00 um seem to apprecrate the notorious desperado, Friank Phillips, of tion of wiaII-to-do Danes. g 9; Dealer In FreSh and Salt Meats 3:33:21: xiii-3:3? hlafc‘: 50;: a ' .3 33 ;, phi-11:21:; (1 also :1 Young : . % great loss to the future of our country Plke cguntlyl, KY.. on Wé‘lose heazlha Il-Iice _ Orders delivered to any part of the tow Surftive gem..- 3;, pig-Sta i; ~ ~6 “r: 3.... uenteither wilich‘ , e1 ,, - ' ‘ was so , W 0 was le9 u If] t,- . . . S'yaur ruggist S . .3 -. 13111â€"17. . ' - '1, leC Lft . ,4. which such a prospect implies. ï¬eld-McCoy vendetta and £ho hasekillzd An Interestlng DeCISIOn â€"sth door east “the “whet. Lyman sons Cg: ï¬ddgriilfwhhdlegale Age†grthetlbgaï¬ipp‘t: i315. e“ E . £32? “MW-II I I ' . a score Of men, is reported to be dead, A case Of COHSiderable interest to tax- . "Vm'on’. 8.811.; it? free .5! CLEVELAND has been elected PreSI- Phillips quarrelled yesterday with G. G, payers was heardby Judge Morson. The _ , ,2}, dent of the United States by a sweep- Peters of Lousia, Ky†who was in Logan Bell Organ Piano Co’y brought, Wit it. _ , _ county near the Pike county line. A}, majority. This does not, however, ’4‘} all well armed with guarantee any very great change in the esters. There had trade policy of the country, as neither Mr. Cleveland nor the Democratic revolvers and Winch been ill-feeling between Phillips and Peters for some time, although th were formerly warm friends. of yesterday’s trouble is unk it was not long before shoo Four or ï¬ve hundred shots and h , raised . . . _ are stid to pomts this out when it says: “This city, and N. J. Stev recover an organ which had been the company under the ordina agreement, or hire recei due by Dane for 1891, organ could not be distr pies andlducements f . , _ ' d girls erywhere are 2}):le “Hing théedgt‘r to regent: d il’rite forarticulars. Adress ï¬ller, WD. Boyce. lll‘». ill ï¬fth aveiB, Chicago. l enson, his b m VALUABIE PROPERTY DENTIST - - “IN THEâ€"~ ailiï¬â€˜, to sold by COMPANIES' ry sale pt, to a Mr. Dane, or arrears of taxes The objection was solicitors that the ained for taxes, as PRIVATE FUNDS. TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. privilege principa H. mass, D SLINDSAY! ad been seized f to borrower to pay off any sum on account 0 with any payment of interest without notice and without expense. Interest yearly. All payment TOWN See at the Rails-.5. by the company’s ‘â€" }‘ Stad All br , - - - the OnWeesday moi-nix: :2 . my... GP LINDSAY ““ï¬fggflfgftggggï¬m ...... .mp1. .. .1... have been ï¬red and when the smoke clear- it was not theproperty of Mr. Dane, the H. B. DEAN, F R SALE ’ them“? bld far?" 8:255. 1“: victory does not mean free trade. It ed away Phillips was found shot through person 00011037111}: the premises, relying on Barrister, Solicitor, c., /O CROWN and BRIDGE WORK: Hffuiti-rf .h‘iln m ‘ , , the thigh and left lung. He sank rapidly the Landlord and Tenant Act, chapter Come, of YorkKen Sm t L' d ~ tilBrews any tlI'L‘ .7 does not mean the unsettling 0f 1ndus~ and it is believed he died last night. 143 Of the Revised Statutes Of Ontario, L. e S, in say PARCEL 1 Lot N 3 . . ~â€"A1\D IKEâ€" Mthearms would rktlu-.L s. try nor the derangement of commerce N seetion 27, which enacts that _“the goods mdsay Dec. 30th. 1887. -â€" S 0 6’5 4 W est Side It does not mean disturbance of what- TUberCU'OSlS Does Exist in This Pro- and Chattels exempt from 86’ ever is sound in ï¬nance.†And David B. Hill, a powerful factor in the Democratic party, as clearly deï¬ned the situation when he said the other day : "We must carry out oms by reforming the tariff and reducing Federal taxation, not by harsh and extreme measures, but upon the conserâ€" vative lines indicated in our platform ‘vince Beyond Doubt. by dist held th tamed execution†shall not , goods which coul execution for an , prorected only zure under be liable to seizure cctur of taxes, unless "not of handsl:.~.kit:;- . being half an acre Nintend a drrzzlin: rfliii o-and dwelling house, co ‘ PORCELAIN FILLING SYSTEM DR. SIMPSON, PHYSICIAN. .011 which is a tw -a-half storey brick ress by a coll - the timflid not damwt: the . . successfully practised by Mr. Cross. A†s t - _ _ . _ ntamtng parlor, sit- . m 510. thlewlng, but as the Erin: _ they are the property of the person Ofï¬ce and resrdence, Russell Street, ting-room. dining-room, china closets, gï¬ggréggngifisï¬ï¬.’E‘Eï¬gï¬thï¬p for therein choir on the 1:3; ' actually assessed for the premises and Lindsav, second door west of York Street. azghrlihblsfltchih‘hlatundldy, (lsdtationary painless. extraction. ‘Free when artiï¬cial Ii .gg’ï¬â€™ “ Shin}: WC If.†Whose name also appears on the collector’s Oï¬ice hours, 9.00A. M. to 10 30 A M ' P + - ’ W1 0 an co water), teeth are re uired. Over 30 years exile†we!†6 mm ‘7 â€5‘ roll for the year as liable therefor. The . " L30 ' bath room, (bet and q plaintiffs contend ed that this included all d not be seized under an y reason, but the judge words used included and the goods which are con- ist of exemptions in the . We’hd “ Praise Grid fix 2:; M to 3 P. M. and 7 to 8 P. M. eight bed 1.00,“. . flow," duringr “325‘ Nov hes ience. Rooms over Kennedy‘s store. 0?‘ posite Dominion Bank, Kent Street. DR. J. SIMPSON, t, amid wavinr «f .‘"\._‘1 elists commence s. :v: at the atyoginaw, Mich. next Sui Graduate of Univ. ofTrinity Col., Toronto. Mcmhero Col. of Physicians __â€"â€"-/ Surgeons,0nt. in the 1 Late Physician 7 soft water and every convenience I s H I Lo H Sad Accident. R ck d A 1 , K' . . - , n . . . execution act, and has accordingly given ge:n,‘ï¬:dsa::3?:ï¬ch mgsm Grand Trunk S igngggyi’: 1.0338221: 03 see the p remises N itA lf_our youngmen am" 3" ... .-.. .h. .p...... of candidate.†m 3.1133: 313:“ 1“ cattle?†his?“ "‘ m“ °f “m WW†â€" g “" ....,...., CONSU M PTIO goggdygg (33.x; It will be remembered that in 1887 “There is reason to believe,†he said -â€"~ W\ Pégï¬fifo.t2.7LC-)ts N01 7 and 8 ea“ “In evening four young 9‘: when Mr. Cleveland was President his “that there is more or less of the disease â€"Peter Buck, in company with another To RE the Separitsersilrddlln-nihdmthly Opposue cu R EI 3:: cu- °]d. elm?!“ in“? ,3,“ :1 Lb * f h emsting. Indian, left Marysville for home Thursda NT- wa r ' ’ ere isa r1 ht Of . l ' : crossing program“ Party attempte t e Passage 0 t e u ,, . . . Y Y eserVed from No 8 and l URE ~ W "is C , W ' 50.1 M'll' b ll e h' h d ï¬ d th “ére the ctat'tlle desltroyedh? d .mght midi“: the Influence 0f h‘lhOh “N eet of rear of same a_so a few This. GREAT COUGHC tight 3?“ ‘ ‘ bribourg, tHL ‘ hm ) e ' 1 s 1 , a m asure w to e ne e es, cer am y, w len t e isease is When they reached the railway crossin a mCONSUMPTION CURE. SW“ 0 ' ' " l P, In at emptm?‘ U 9 policy of the Democratic party, just as 33091: "fd- Thlerihis only one‘beast killed train was approaching. Buck thought‘he A HOUSE! AND LOT PARCEL N0 3 ‘FiVB-and-a-half acres allel in the history 0f medicme'iï¬ingdï¬g’g; ' ' H inï¬d :38 which Is]? 3:11 . .. , u severa 0 er sus cteo cases ave could th t k ' - - . in B1 ~ - ' ed t sell itona-POS 1 "" 1131 e an is 9 A‘ the McKmley b’h does that Of the heen reported and are ulhder consraera- passedfghsd Whippddchis high: irtiltl: 3.2.3111“ containing one acre 0f land, With bear- Thesgtllhtfarglggnltg-ZSI5atri’d1imclqgwe. hretehtutthhcgizm “(her cure can “mgdnfl 4‘1“de in the same 3 Republicans. Oh his re-nomination at'tloï¬l†l t , His companion grabled the reins and ï¬glorcgzfl’h also.a 'istabled and It?“ ocated within one bloc galliduliiuy Ifyou liave aflï¬ugh, sofuTmfftiddrChhdh; â€â€˜6‘ ThThe Skhlh 1‘ 5:56. a . . . s (0C or was reticent as to s eakin tt t d t 11 th ' ' e 01153 15 51 uate on A ert bur - use it. orit ' cure Y ' - ram. v ree surgeons w J the bational Democratic Convention of more deï¬nitely on the cases. Theldepartg :eshllipwis thitlilie 1101:9303: :21 inIIt‘ii: Street, North, and will be rented cheap or iiildfd :ldeguilzfllIIiSchOId in one block, the Group, 9’ “711°0ng Cou 1121:1533“, 5"? Pl- last evening and were, ’7“ 1888, a resolutlon was adopted ment is eVidently in the midst of its in- middle of the track and werepinstantly to a 800d tenant. Apply to the owner T p asers. danisdeaserelief ls mPTiCIZIOESZ/‘ailwwï¬â€™h -, 'g to operate on the l “endorsing and recommendinor the early vestigation of the reported cases of the killed. Buck received such serious , lerms easy For further I‘ articular - CONSUM cost,n0thing'° .,§ ’ hereisno hOpeforhlsr b“ v Th 32.1, 'fl' dtalllgerous disease and furthur developâ€" 1 juries that he died the next da His WM. CALLAGHAN. app y to . 33m chief {glfloIrOH’S CURE. Price};re 1‘ '§ ' l. s. Philp have the sym P353333 0‘ the 1 - e 11 5 tan menrs may be looked for â€"-l ews. riend was not fatally injured. Lindsay Nov 14 1892 . J~ R. DUNDAS. ggls 5’ $1 00 If Your Lungs “Sad“ ’ l ends m their tumble,“ f , . , . M H 3 , . 113 5th, 12. $315. an uséSllflOll’f PorO‘lSle' - 1 g, /