6 :, THE W ATCHMAN, LINDSAY. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, (892 W A MONO MILLS. MIRACLE. a short time ago were helpless and seemed useless, I can now walk with a little assistance, being able last evening to go A TALE THAT READS LIKE A to my room with my arm on Mrs. Benson’s We are disposed to conclude from . what am?†th°ugh ’10 one had expressed any par- Why, man, a few months ago some parties told us, that the base imita- I could not do that on the promise of tlon business is already entered upon by inheriting the kingdom of heaven.†Here unprinc1paled persons, and. the pubhc Wlll Mr. Hewitt stamped both feet on the do wellto see that the Pink Pills they said another. NOVEL. The Story of George Hewittâ€"Helpless for Thirty Yearsâ€"At Last Finds Relief in a Simple wayâ€"The Story Corro- borated by Reliable Witnesses.- shoulder. flocr With much vigor and enthusiasm. wrote anything it was by placing the getting through with the work in that way. danger/ill. Post. . Don’t ask me if I tried the best doctors. Forseveral months The Post, in common with many other journals of Ontario, has been publishing accounts of miraculous cures in various parts of Canada and the United States. We must confess. however, that we have paid little or no attention to these reported miracles, and probably our indifference would have continued to the and had it not been for a little incident that occurred in our ofï¬ce when Wash- burn’s circus was in Orangeville a few weeks ago. Mr. Stewart Mason, a respectable young farmer of Albion town- ship, called at our ofï¬ce on busmess on that occasion, and as he was leavmg we happened to ask himâ€"a course generally pursued by the newspaper man in search of newsâ€"if there was anything new in his vicmity. He replied that there was no- thing very startling and followed this up by asking' us if we had heard of the wonderful cure of a man named Hewitt at Mono Mills. We confessed ignorance, and then Mr. Mason said that from what he had heard it was undoubtedly anotl‘er miraculous cure throubh the agency of Dr. Williams’ famous Pink Pills. We had become so thoroughly imbued With the idea that the various details of miracles in other parts were only a new and catching fake 1n the booming of patent medicines that we must admit Mr. Mason’s intima- tion of a genuine local cure at once excit- ed our interest. We took a note of the name and quietly made up our mind to investigate the matter at our earliest convenience. We came to the conclusion that there must be something in it, for Mr. Mason, a respectable and reliable young farmer, would not for a moment be suspected of equivocating on a matter in which he had any interest, much less in one which did not concern him. A few days ago The Post despatched a represen- tative to Mono Mills to make a full inves- tigation of the alleged cure of George Hewitt. He ï¬rst called on Mr. John Aldous, proprietor of the Commercial Hotel, and after a few usual preliminaries asked him if he knew a man named Hewitt, in the village. “Is that the old man that wasn’t able to move a short time ago, and is now getting all right so fast?†queried Mr. Aldous. The reporter nodded assent, and in less time than it takes to tell it the quilldriver and the obligiiig Mr. Aldous were on their way to the W comfortable home of Mn} after physician, and paid some of them give me the slightest relief. You can put that down in black letters. Of course wonderful change in me. I read in The Post and other papers of the miraculous cures affected by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills but I never dreamed that there was even a a glimmer of hope for me through the use of this much advertised remedy. Miracles might be worked on every side of me, but there was no chance ror me. I was like the doomed leper, a hopeless outcast, a being whose sufferings and disabilities would end only with the period of earthly existence. One day I picked up a paper and read the Saratoga miracle, that case where Mr. Quant was so miraculously restored by the Pink Pills, and at once concluded to try the amazing cure on my‘ self. There must be some chance for me, I thought, when a man who was as help- less as Mr. Quaiit got such relief. I had no money, but I sent for Mr. W. J. Mills our popular and kind hearted general merchant and postmaster, and he procured me a supply of the Pink Pills, and these I immediately commenced using Wlth the joyful result I have described. 'My vome is fully restored, my head is upright once more, my chest (once so shrunk. and hollow) is rapidly ï¬lling up, I am qu1ckly securing the use of my legs and arms, and can feel the slightest touch on any part of me. Is there not a miracle here, indeed, and would I not be a base ingrate if I refused to sound the praises of Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills? Even I get no better than I am now I shall be forever grateful for what has been done for me. But I have great hope that the cure will go on until I am completely restored. I drove down to the village last twelfth of July. It was in April I commenced using the pills, and the friends who saw me could scarcely believe their eyes. It was like the appearance of a spectre or an apparition. “Oh, I tell you, sir,†said the grateful man with enthusiasm, "it is my that I have gone through, on all that has been done for me, and you may be sure that the chief prominence Wlll be given to Samud Benson, with whom it was learn- DI“- Williams' Pink Pills- They are :1, ed Mr. Hewitt resided. The Benson bOOD WhiCh CEmDOt POSSible be WU “'id‘dl' home is in the eastern suburb of the known'†of the village, and upon the reporter and Mr. Aldous calling, . they were . , courteously received by the busy house- The reporter â€00314 scarcely Whom wife, who Was not too busy, however, to that Mr. Hew1tt's voice, now so Silvery spare time to tell The Post all about her and resonant, “'38 ever the squeaky, THE STORY CORROHORATED. interesting boarder and his miraculous feebieand indistinct organ of speech he cure. Mr, Benson was not at home, and had indicated, and thescribe questioned The Post at once suspected that a gentle- , Mrs. Benson on this ponir. She said that man of between 50 and 60 years, wholevery. word Mr. Hemtt had related occupied ,a chair in a corner of the cosy was literally true, and on the question room, was no other than the famous Geo, -0f the restoration of his VOice she was Hewitt, The surmise proved correct. corroborated .by Mr. Aldous. and other Mr. Hewitt shook hands with the scribe, respectable Witnesses whom the reporter taken hold of your hand a few months Aldous said he was not Silt‘pl'lSptbtlf. the age.†When the object of the visit was liositun y of people :ibput believing the announced, Mr. Hewitt, who is an intelli- l wonderful cure. Hodid not think that gent, Well educated man, began to dilate he himself could credit it if he had not in glowing terms on the wonderful been an eye Witness of the. whole affair. change that had come over him. “Shall He had known Mr. Hewitt for years, I tell you the whole story?†asked be of snow that his former utter helplessncs the reporter, and upon the latter intimat- was as he had described, and either he ing his desire to hear all, Mr. Hewitt had to say that it was not Mr. Hew1tt who gave him the following narrative . sat before him or to admit the nnraculous , . , , escape. “The pills, said Mr. Aldous, â€P“ HEWIn s.wor\ DEBFUL STORY' “ are certainly a wonderful remedy.†“ 1n old Ireland, thirty years ago I was The repOrter shook hands with Mrs. scaling a stonewall one day when I fell Benson and the cheerful Mr. Hewitt, backward and had my spine injured so and started forth into the street a doubt- seriously that a short time later I became ing Thomas no longer, ï¬rst promising to almost entirely disabled. The fatal effects transmit to the Dr. Williams’ Medicine of the fall were gradually but only too Co. Mr. Hewitt’s lavish expressions of rapidly felt, and looking back on astretch thanks for what their wonderful Pink of time extending ï¬ve years over a quarter Pills had done for him. “ Here we are,†of a century, there is little more in the thought the scribe, “in the cold and prospect than a. picture of pain and gloom practical nineteenth century, but here’s and suffering. About twenty-eight years something right here in this little village ago I came to Canada and am known of Mono Mills mighty closely bordering around the country here for miles. Until on the miraculous all the same.†twelve iyears ago I could sit on a chair After leaving the Benson home the when placed on it. and managed to move reporter sought out Postmaster Mills, myself around a little. Then even that whom he found equally eloquent in his comfort was suddenly taken from me. praise of the Wonderful Pink Pills. One day I was unintentionally thrown “They’re certainly a great remedy,†said off the chair, and the second fail may be he, “and anyone that doubts this has only said to have done all but end my life. to be told about George Hewitt’s case. I There was not a ray of hope for me, not a suppose you have heard the whole story, sign of a break in the dark clouds. Ever and there’s no use in my weiirying you. since then my pitiable cmdition is known The pills have undoubtedly worked the to every one in these parts. All power amazing change that is to be noticed in to use either arms or hands, legs or feet, Hewitt‘s Condition. It was I ï¬rst sent completely left me. I could be propped for thepills for him, and I can certify to upright in a. chair, but something had to the striking change.†The reporter fur- be put in front of me to keep me from ther learned that the Pink Pills were kept falling forward. Usually a chair like for sale by Mr. Mills, and that the do- this,†and as Mr. Hewitt spoke he lifted niand for them was large and increasing. and drew forward a chair which was near The representative of The Post Converscd him, “was placed in front of me and on with many other citizens of Mono Mills this, I would rest my arms. Not only regarding Mr. Hewitt’s case and found was all power left my limbs, but every allagrccd on the question of his former feeling likev. ise' Why, you could run an Condition. his restoration and the remedy. needle right into my flesh and I would Everyone iiiimd around the village, in not know what you were doing unless I fact, appeared to know all about the cure, saw the act. A myraid of flies might and Pink Pills seem to be a household light and revel on me, but I would be in word in that section. On The Post’s happy ignorance of the fact. When I was return to Orangevillc. Mr. Richard Allan. laid in bed I could not get up or move cx-wardcn of Dufl'crin County, «iri'ippod unaided if I was given all creation. The into our ofï¬ce. The (ex-warden resides only part of my system in which any about three miles from Mono Mills, and strength seemed to remain, was my neck, was asked if he had heard anything about but at last even my head fell forw 1rd on what Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills had done my breast, and I was indeed a pitiable for Mr. Hewitt. He had heard all about eight. My voice, formerly as clear and the case, andwas unhesitating in expressâ€" ringing asit is to-day, seemed to go like ing the opinion that it was a striking the strength and feeling from the rest of instance of great results following the use me, and sometimes I would scarcely be of the pills. “I’m not much of abeliever able to make myself understood. I know in wonderful cures I read about,†said the you hear me with incredualitys f"? you can (ax-warden. " but. I have known Hewitt scarcely believe that the helpless and for years, andthis change in him is cerâ€" hopeless invalid I have described is the tainly astounding.†The Post was sur- man who now sits before you, cheery, prised to hear that Dr. \Villiams’ Pink vigorous and hopeful. On the legs, which Pills were extenSively used in this section, “In those days," he resumed, “if I ever advertised by the Dr. Williams’ Medicine "chestnuts,†from one of the bo s. This handle of the pen between my teeth and I spent a fortune, thousands of dollar8,_ in scientiï¬c preparation. They contain in at trying to get cured. I consulted physiolan condensed form all the elements necessary hioh fees for their services. They all and restore shattered nerves. They are failed, utterly and hopelessly failed, to an unfailing speciï¬c for such diseases as you have heard what has wrought this 13. grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale full intention to write a pamphlet on all- roa k mvi q z . . , , _ I meiii’ “1:0 liisldlguï¬isdmlciigii {(2): fife: 23:1 the then, does it get its replenishment? From 3 remarking as he did so, “I could not have met- iii the Village later in the day. Mr. i ~ nmer itself before any man. There are lines gravity iiicliiic that levels with their floor â€.- l \ NEWSPAPER LAW. v 3 What a COUgh ! Will you heed the . . , Warning, The following condensation is based “kl? signal perhaps of the surea b The ticular desire to go there. on derisions rendered at various times y more terrible disease Cons “I should like to take a drive around the Division Court Judges ;__. . †. . . . J . l ‘ . V 8' mihnziiiifid ï¬kzv’igesgeoï¬igféï¬dflifl 1131;,†1. Subscribers who do not give deï¬nite Of 8av1rg 50¢†‘0 run the risk and die notice to the contrary tire considered as ghillcihl’i C .11 This answer was followed by a cry of wishing to continue their subscription. ure Wi c but after the Hewitt narrative it was not Joe's â€mm Thin surprising to hear of great beneï¬cial re- correcting horse , she said, “N 0, tell me sults following the use of the great remedy, ï¬rst why you would like to 80 *0 C8130!“ purchase have all the marks of genuiness remark did not, however, attract t e atten- 2. If subScribers order a paper to be â€0'3. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are not 3. tion of the teacher. In fact, during the discontinued, the publisher may continue Company. " " ~7 _ . . patent medicine in the sense in which , entire lesson there was a complete absence to send it until all arrears of subscriptions Lake onlfll'lll SlGflIBboat E0 I _ A, ._.. -__ . d‘ . 1. . . . that term 1S usually understand, but a. Ofï¬zgipgï¬l: children had given their rea- are wild- sonsl for desirin to go to California, the 3. If subscribers neglect to take periodi- 138350119? remarke , “ ow tell me how long cals from the post ofï¬ce, they are likewise it takes to go there?†responsible till all arrearages for subscrip- In reply to this all sort of guesses were tions are settled. made, the lowest being ï¬ve days and the 4. If subscribers move to other places hi hest seven weeks. . it last a. little gm said, “I know. My without informing the publisher, and the ggggaitdhegh atoThClarlsiéggnia last winter. papers are sent to the old addreSS, they DAILY " FOR ' ROCHESTER Th' f 1 . “Hughâ€"â€dd are held liable.. not, iiingéifragpzzrviggnlggt p;?,;,°"§,,,ï¬,. 5. The courts have decided that refus- mous approval, as the child’s remarks were i119: ’50 take periodicals from the 13013t ofï¬ce, cut short by a cry of “Come off.†or removnzg to another town and leavmg Unfortunately, to the teacher herself the them uncalled for, prima. facie evidence of NORTH K ING wholle séibject Cdf California appeared}.1 tol be intentional fraud. ' invo ve in as ea a in ster as t e an- - . guage of the Hindclios. Tndegd, the children 6- If Subscribers 1'- X in advance they W111 leave Cobourg at 8 A'M'i “id Port appeared to do more toward the enlighten. are bound to give notice at the end of Hope at 9.45 A.M., on arrival of (;,T p merit of the teacher than the latter did to their time if they do not wish to con- Trains from North, East and Wes: ' ‘ enlighten them. Nevertheless, she ï¬nally tinue taking the paper, otherwise the . Pmï¬'nd sand to, the. agonizing suspense by publisher may send until such time as a saying, ‘1 thmk 1‘ would take about a deï¬nite order todiscontinue, accompanied week.†- - “Through what cities would you pass by payment of all arrears, 18 sent him. travelling from Buffalo to California 2†was to give new life and richness to the blood locomotor ataxia, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of and sallow complexions, and the tired feeling resulting from nervous prostration; all diseases depending upon vitiated huniors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelus, etc. They are also a speciï¬c for troubles peculiar to the females such as suppressions, irregularities, and all] forms of weakness. They build up the blood and restore the glow of health to pale ad szillow cheeks. In the case of men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of any nature. These Pills are manufactured by the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company Brock- Magniï¬cient New Steamer RETURNING~ Leaves Charlotte a+ 11.15 P.M., except Tuesday at 15,45 p.51: and Saturday at 4.25 Pd}. C()1\‘.\’li(‘15 at 7, The man who allows his subscription Rochester with early trains for “11 . . . _ . 7 7 .H ll.†Ville, 1((intqlaiid Stpheneritady, N. Y.,ta!()1(l thf‘gï¬ï¬a‘geï¬lï¬ï¬i one of the children to run for some time unpaid and then on l\‘ew York Central and all (13:;de are so on in oxes earin our ra o i - ' ' - . ~, ,, . .-. a mark and wyi'apper, at 500 a box, or six “Let me see,†the teacher remarked, as orders the paper discontinued or 88k†the lines. CALL†at Brighton and («“llmurne she walked to the wall map to verify the post-master to mark it “ Refused†leaves Wednesday and Friday at 4.00 answer. When other cities were mentioned ’ himself liable *0 punishment. she did the same thing. “What can you tell me ab... 3,, Fm, ~ _ _ “Wm- .. cisco?†she asked later. It is the largest Q‘ï¬pstczans. city in California,†a pupil replied. “It is one of the largest, but I don’t DR, DEGRASSI, PriYSICIAIN know that it is the largest,†said the SURGEQJ, ETC. ETC, Wellington-St teacï¬xernd. 1 . . _ Linds largest, swiftest and most. powerful stea- is ri icu ous reCitation was closed With â€" mers 3n the lakes. Lighted by ElcCtricity the reading of an extract from an article on a California. which one of the children had \A/ L' HERRIMAN’.M' D' M' C: P and modern throughout. found in an encyclopedia. ' 8: S. Kg. Oiiice and residence. Camb ridg C H VICIIOLQOV _____ St. Lindsay, opposite Baptis Church. ' ' * Kw - s Gen. Pass. and th. Agt, Whence the Water of the Great Lakes? . Whence doth t f L-k M' 12' Dr. B- E, MCKENZIE 13-A- e W â€3 ° 8' e ‘c 1g“ ’ ’ c. F. GILDERSLEEYE Pox? Hora, General Manager, boxes for $2.50. Bear in mind that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the dozen or hundred, and any dealer who offers substitutes in this form is trying to defraud you, and should be avoided. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams Medicine Company from either address. The price a: which these pills are sold make a course of treat- ment comparatively inexpensive as com- pared with other remedies or medic-i] treatment. THE NEW ENGLAND VILLAGE. :31" Rochester, and Wednesday Morning and Saturday Evening from Rocllcstci'. I -I-.,......w _‘..._.._.._ .J ...L--v._, . . . Th rough Tickets and Baggagc Checks from Agents or on board. THE NORTH KING is me of the come from? is an old question, and it is a . . question as old as the artesianwells. Where Lecturer on Orthopedic Surgery In the Every genuine New England village is do their waters come from? Colonel Foster, women’s Medical College, and in Toronto like an apple orchard The trees are all an eminent civil engineer, for many years in U . . _ . . . ‘ - , i - niverSit Consultintr Ortho )edic Sur- aPPle trees, and Yet there is not one of them charge 0f Government interest on the lake, y, o I that does not inâ€, upon its own individu- was fond of talking on the ï¬rst subject. geon to Victoria Hospital for sick children, ality, and assert successfully its right to a aften‘vligrdirig (:ltccliilfesc 3:311: fr he ‘5‘: Toronto. Diseases of the Joints and De- ..'. - ,_. - -(, _ ‘ , ' mn . . . . hgiblddncshzdailied (:lfOItlisllf‘Lllgll I: ii'tisll 1:25:10 . Rocky Mountains.†His theory was that I formities only. Consultation 10 to 3. the east or the south. At any rate, it will they were brought here subterrancously, l Bloor St. W. (h ear Yonge St.) Toronto. be something in and for itself. So, as the but he never, to our knowledge, marked out 8'1)" crowding ï¬le comes towards us through the the course 0f the su'bterraiieous stream. narrow passage, we catch for every face its He announced “us as â€â€™5 conViction long ’ lown peculiar traits. That man looks not peforeâ€"iiidced, he (hell beforeâ€"the smk' f unlike the city type. He is a rich man, ing 0f zirtcsian wells In Chicago and the i and is always ready to lend money to [consequent discovery of the now undoubted . fact. liJ’OHNY A. BARRON, Q. C. (Solicitor the poor farmer, taking his farm, his ,. . . - . . ° . cattle, and his furniture for security. The “’ll’am 1" Ogden held the same “em†for Dominion Bank.) Lindsay. 0- next one, with the bright blue cvcs, so and used at tinicshto. make himself very ces “filliam St" in new Dominion Bank ,full of kindliness, the face broiizeil and ï¬ltcrcstingin expa'tiatipg “130“ "5' .“ It†i building. ’full of lines, every one betraying fun and him, as Welles w’t’h (“0" 1‘05“"? It was ; [good-humor, is the old stage-driver. no‘inore than a theory, but be adhered to ‘ ,- - . . There is not a man, woman, or child within lb lii'mly‘. . . . . LIfA‘TS’ BIACDOBELL’ BAFRIOTER’ a. radius of ten miles whom he does not . MI" Lregierh who ’5 seientiï¬c before he; , Shelton 1‘0â€?"- ‘Qâ€"C' Oï¬m?’ over know. and scarcely a stone on the ten-mile ‘8 a. DOI’twum’.ls wont to talk approvmgly l [\ennedy’s smr‘b halt St, Lindsay'- [ mail route that he does not recognize as an Of the theory m 8‘ manner to convnice any } Money to 10311. ’old friend as he drive.~ * . ' ‘wii-c a day in . szl’ie phenomenon is the runn'n t f i :all weathers. lIc it i» in c’ 1 . in .' 1 8°“ 0 . the most obstinate llOl'Nf, and 1:113:22 13,: this lake throughtlic others of the easterly l MCS‘YEYN ANDERSON, BAR- his will by dint of native slircwdiicss and Chm†and 9V8" Niagara. hills of an "1.0310“ ' II , RISTERS: SOLICITORS- e‘C 917-1609 im- tact. Following him comes a tall, slender, 2:)::\qlrl:ix::::z 31f illihtlfoliyuisl: ponltiiiiuutlflg « nljiciilaiiily opposllc the 1);;va House, lxent street, somcwha so "r. i " ~'* â€I â€"3 '10?“ ‘5" . farmer's £102.01)ng lfiii’egbingtli’lhlizr’h’l.fliillniild f ay, every day in the year, and every year : JOHN MCSWEYN DONALD R. AXDERSON Parties Wanti i’bI‘le house by the side of the stage In [)I‘Ugrcsmvc tune! I .â€" _______._.____ ; - Hg The lake has no visible inlcts; where, i flOORE K: JACKSON (SUCCESS; _ think themselves fortunate, for he is the Rocky Mountains. ORR tc Hudspeth Jacksuii) Burris-I THOROUGHBRED POULTRY it . . . .. . , _ .. . ., . . ,. ‘ - ers. SoliCitors etc. Oï¬ice “illiamstr et “Just and kind.†Here comes a lliiough [cuts and menus, oown into 6 9 . , ; . lLindsa . mechanicâ€"a. wheclwright, carpenter, farm- civcrns it the roots of those mountains, 7 er. The sharp, watchful mechanic's eye pour evci‘thc waters from melting snow. 'F_ D, MOORE, looks clear ahead, and has no need to lower four thousand feet tlicy Sink to strike a Kixcsrox. F. C. TAYLOR, Agent, Lindsay. @‘rofessional’ @arbs. l G a. HOPKINS,(successor to Martin l Hopkins) Barrister, Solicitor etc Ofï¬ce, William St. Lindsay Ontario. of sorrow and lines of care, but. when under Chicago. - he smiles they all disappear in a glow of Under this City and elsewhere on the sunshine like those that sweep over the west side or Lake Michiganâ€"this is the landscapein which he has alwavs lived, proved theory, them-Y as (500d as provedâ€"â€" smoothing out the ridges in their gleam. the snow-covered Rocky Mountains are He is the gravedigger, too, and knows all pionstaatly seating the". yraters to SUPP†the resting places under the grass of the £0“ng and evaporation t‘mt ls cvcr‘ gomg pretty little cemetery, which he cares for as ("TIM m the watery expanseâ€"Lhiwgo if it were his own garden. The young man Hem d' behind him in shirt sleevesâ€"“boiled shirt†sleevesâ€"caught up with elastic, is the Dem- ocratic candidate. He has run over from the grocery store to cast his vote presum- ably for the Republican candidate, as they are very good friends, and as soon as he had got rid of it, runs back again to his ' The next one, tall and dark, the “honest man†who was once sent as representative, has driven four or ï¬ve miles with “ the nicest colt you ever saw,†and has just come down from the platform, where he has been help- ing to count the vote. Following him, a very old man leaning on a stick. We sel- dom see him except at night, when he comes after the cows. There is something touch- ing in the fact that it is always the very old men or the very little boys that go after the cows at night. It makes one think of whaf some phrenologist has said, that when a baby is born, God sends it into the world with a bare head, so that everyone can see jiist what material, what powers, it has to deal with. Then He covers it up with hair, and says, “See what you can do with that I†And the child goes on working till,after his life is almost done, God uncovers the head again, that all may see what has been ac- complished by the man. So the old man who goes after the cows must often remem- ber how he used to run behind them long years ago, before he had almost “got through,†as the people here touchingly APPLY TO MR. J OEN A. BARRON Lindsay, for Moneys for Investment, at Lowest Rates of Interest. Ofï¬ces William St. in new Dominion Bank build- ings. cIN TYRE STEWART, BAR- Mmï¬;§,§f::,sixg,rdsmm HOOOANS, WHITE LEGHORNS D. . C - . . . PLYMOUTH BOOKS. P. DEVLIN, BARRISTE - A“ LICITOR, etc., County CrownAtEEigo D' 0‘ TEE-W Cleark of Peaoe, Lindsay, Ont. Oflireover Foley's \4 MB. niciAiin HOMPHREY Having removed to the South End of Orders ï¬lled as received. His -â€"â€"__________ Deserved the Name. J onesâ€"Smith is about your closest friend, isn’t he? stock are all prize birds, as followa THE HEAD SURGEON Of the Lubon MedicalCompany is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted either in person or by letter on allchronic diseases peculiar to man. Men, young old, or middle-aged, who ï¬nd themselves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting from many of the following symptoms : Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sen- sation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs. dizziness, specks before the eyes, tw1tcliing of the muscles, eye lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby J. d: M. H. McLAUGHLIN, - BARRISTE, 850. Ofï¬ce, Baker’s Block, opposite the Market, Lindsay, ~Skitch’s Ron Ont. Money to loan. Private and Wâ€" company funds in amounts and on terms lLLI'A'M ST’ to suit borrower, and at lowest rates Lindsay, Will receive pupils there for of interest. PIANO ORGAN, VIOLIN, ETC, Money to LOan, or will vis pupils at their homes. Would invite the ublic to see STOCK 1! TSWEYN ANDERSON are pre- p . . pared to, loan on good security both f 0f MUSIC’ both Classm and J‘Odem private and company funds at lowest cur- f WhiCh he has for sale. and will I'UTDISh rent rates. lboth MUSIC and INSTRUMENTS at neasonable rates. Pianos tuned. MONEY TO LOAN. Money lent on mortgage, and mor- gages and notes negotiated. city-bred person with more astonishment in the New England villages than the number of things every man can do.â€"â€"From “The Aryan Mark,†by Anna. C. Brackett, in Harper’s Magazine for September. ci‘s. Fniliirr‘iinkimu ’ NEW and wonderful. Pa 1:. . _ HJlnneu .2: “0.. Box SSO l'ut'ilznuf. Maine 1Ԡ(If! (I l“ ii i L say when aman dies. And so they pass, muscles, desire to sleep. failure to be loans at 6 per cent. wumzh‘ 3 farmer after former, though almost every rested by Sleep, constipation, dullness of ‘ MOORE JACKSON y aLilli-’19}.Nihiliilid.2113.717' : man of them is something more than a. mere hearing, loss of voice, deSIre for solitude, ' . .L . . - ‘. .,‘,,d,_,.,,,,“-,_,. “9,, “ ““53 n . . . . - . . ’ “h ‘ ‘o:.('.:iu.-r.. " - farmer. lhel‘e 18 nothing Whmh Strikesa eXCltability 0f temper, sunken eyes sur- KR ‘ . Ul}31?3::431ix;w.kip,†‘ “fl- ’ . ,> cu. ,. ..“hi‘\' , .xn" d MONEY TO LOAN. rounded with LEADEN CIRCLE, oilylooking skin, etc , are all symptoms of nervous debillty that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring of vital force havmg lost its tension every function wanesm consequence. Those who through Dr. J. M. Rice, who is contributing a. ' ~ serie of articles to the Forum that sets forth permanently cured. Send your address the results of the original investigations in for bOOk on all diseases peculiar to man. the schoolrooms of the principal cities of B001“ sent free sealed. Heart disease the United States, this month takes up the the symptoms of which are faint spells, schools of Buffalo and Cincinnati, which he purple lips, numbness, palpitation ski ’ findsare good examples of the purely me- beats, hot flushes, rush of blood ï¬o thIe) Chamcal way 0f teaChmg. and not 0f tea-011' head, dull pain in the heart with beats ing in the proper spirit which makes the - - ' u ' ' school for the child, not for the teacher or Iitdgltghuliacklei Illicinlfllizggig? Eh? segond Capital 151,2 0’000' Liberal DOhcyâ€"Bonus lows and Plates. All work warrantedo , sin 3. out for the politician. In the sixth grade he , , every five years, $5 per annum “011113835 - su plieda can positively be Portable or stationary forges P says the subject of the lesson was Califor- thsegreagt bone, etc., S weeklyfcompensation and $1000 in the nia. During this recitation no text book cu ' 0 cure, no PaY- Grid for bOOk. evento death by accident. Wm. HERLIHEY- William St. LW†AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES INTEREST PAYABLE YEARLY T . DRESSING MILL-PICKS. erms to suit borrower. _ MCINTYRE STEWART, The subscriber is prepared IOdI‘CSS 311 Barristers and etc†Lindsay kinds 0f Lilli-Picks, and l0 do all Cltlhcr _ . jabbing in connection with Blacksmithlng Accident Insurance. REPAIRING The London Guarantee and Accident In ‘ ' a Buggies, We. ons and setting Utes surance Company of London, England specialty. Reggairs to Blacksmiths Bel In a Buffalo Schoolroom. was used by the teacher. The teacher 0 en- Address M- V- LUBON, 24 Macdonell Ave. ed thalessonwitluthsmtien. ‘fflow i Torunto. Canada. . “ - Joaiibrï¬Agd-ifiscï¬ndsay J 1 189’ a me , Z.’ .. .-,,,.,..'.. um. . , £37,141 PUSSY‘S a once a tiny litti home away, Far from wiiodlai little rabbit g ()ur Old Tabby Ca kitchen do Jr, Thought she saw home ioniriie Gave a pom 5e, ‘Wltll a libs-Dy i Ere the frizlitciii; know Vila? :2) Gently Lobby hr: - Old <l¢.i’rl"ii'-.t, Pun-ed 3!;(lT11l 1.4.; edâ€"nioti.i-rj:,» But What pox/.3; ; E ed hci' 17:22.5, was the lezi‘g‘u ti, kitty’s wilt-e so". Most amazing. 1.;1: sight to licl‘: Green and rm .‘2. 1 stiff and straigh “Poor. Weak erZT:.', deformed, " 1., “Surely this has But you went Iron) But you‘re welcom mother‘s Luv; is Though I will conf were not so lam So the tiny little. r. quite. And, my children, I pretty sign: When nice old Tabb gray. Would frolic in fl: merrily would p And when by and some wee, new ‘ Dear old mother-cat. kitten just the Is But she’s never ye: all her doubt: a. How it happened the extra lengthy ea THE Ebiitiii (231' F. ii. It was a clear cc}. was splendid sleighi Sleighs of varies Cs and down the their . lively mining cant}: i talus, while crowds o the wooden sidewalk a rule to keep war large jewelry storc ï¬fteen years 325. dec‘ ed in admiring tizv precious Si'flllt‘i -p heavy panes of gia=s to either cold a: c: . tag so E‘iI‘IlCSILV to large diamond breast SUPPUSIUQ’ â€.0 ~. i, ’ A from :1... 1:18.: ..«:-".\ valua- Ze 12’2in . a in: r. «v.20 «3-31.13 (1‘; leokvd at Erin; “ seconds. 9.1:: 31': ; tofecl:~.11:i:..i 11:31.1: to hear a Strung Vitae , “\‘Hr‘ii. tl - â€(1:1 some Curisniuis‘ ed‘ il my Dalllk‘.‘ l ride this 13:1; :.f_‘..:? H i a orood onw" 1 And the t. 3.1. .. ....1 0f black EA. : ~ . .l QUickly un'.‘ f. ‘ . 1 With jiiiinif . ‘ J 8d into tip; .. i WCI‘e lixii‘z.-~»~. izl and his 3: :11? and Jimmie v as in day-now. the view. .::.3 ~ tion that 8.1: noticid ELM“. . OHWnrd. l’.‘.:.'2.' - horses. Tins \ « ‘ for a \\',']lit'. :LI‘Q ‘ ' This C‘XDlAL‘iillj 2:. '.~ 'able; but iliiiiiiLic “f. -: hlJCklc bud loci: One. Bells add s- ':.;;.‘i Sleighing. 1' A very ï¬ne tuil'l WM and for nearly an hour :11 ‘tua swift trot. A: lastj from the hard lchi rail began to ascend a hill. 5‘1 believe,†began J i113 q“Eintance, “that I’ll go dam. just beyond here: “Naples of rock. We're q