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Watchman (1888), 23 Nov 1893, p. 5

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L] V b1] V ’â€" Dr. Sage’s tarrh Remed Ca-i miner] tly,P05]' tively C111"?d db’i fin the gamer above, rm secure. impure 1MP“ U‘ m, BiliousneSS: and mu Skin, 50319“ ions, the‘ ‘Discoy remedy so certain guaranteed. If it or cure, m "at, )ur money back- I me rum, gunucu com,â€" the weather’s cold, chilly -\;v VA‘;-u ' v â€" impure blood, D7,; is perfeFtIYv peg“ s We copy the iélloig'g English paper of a recent 1r feeblest prayer. 'the ripe, golden col-11,. ksgivina "Iadly we rais Redeerfme: and Lud, dam grace, he ripe, golden corn,- sing richly He pours, ht softly diffused 10W ers. 00d that’s done by >lden Medical Di? ies the blood. And bad, it cleanseS, 1'9“ gorates the W110I :nce from pneumfi' other wasting d!" :an equal it 88 3’ rative tonic to build and strength: ‘1‘ the ripe, golden com,- "ur spirits oft have been 3e ripe, golden corn, life’ 3 rich 1131'th 3g been appointed as ; ivipg. divine services will mung at 11 o’clock. in t1. uiv ’ 11 the bodily W ‘8 health and “go" .88 that comes 2°" ‘t last. the : m a position to y tell the ta 16 of 1e ripe golden corn,â€" mrvesc never shallfafl; *f our (10d shall endure, foes assail. as FIRST in foi' the ripe, golden corn,â€" ‘oher tender by cares; ‘ throne to relieve all our ksgiving Day‘ new born the and be glad t10W 1n SIOCK G. .A- LITTW 1e ripe, "olden corn,â€" name for sunshine and For 37 1-; from tempest and T0 F0 QT] throb of our 92nd by post prepaid to Messrs. McSweyn Cerfon, of the tnu'n of Lindsay, solicitors for the ruin", Edward Burton. their Ghtistian and sur- fs) addresses and descriptions, the full particulars Inenr chums, a statement of their accounts and the ‘3‘“? of the security or lease (if any) held by them; in default thereof they wi'.l be premptonly excluded ’3 the benefit of the hut! judgment. EVU)‘ Creditor hi-lding any ~~‘ecurity is to produce 53m}: before me at my Chambers at the Court “58. In the Town of Li' dsay, on the Said 4th Day 0 "’35", 189;. a: 11 o'clock in the forenoon, being .3ch appointed for the adjudication on 5): ms. ted thxs Pursuant to a fthe szh Ccurtj rut-snarl: to a judgmcnt of the Chancery Division the High Court of juxtio: made in a cause of Burton - Burton in the trauma of the partition or sale of eWest Half of lot Number 8, in the and Concession the Township of Fvnelon, in the County of Victoria, 3 creditors of Auth0ny Burton, late of the said )Wnship of Fenelon, farmer. deceased, who died on about the month of Jammy, 1887, and of Edward Men, of the same p‘acc. farmer, including such sditors as have specific hens on the whole estate, or Y undivided interest or estate therein If any of the 1 arties are, on or before the J OTIC} 1. large consignment of lhinaware‘é Crockery, all good goods Hand- ome Lamps for the hall .nd library, all beautiful .esigns. 'th Day of November, 1893, Secure your Thanks- iving Turkey, at Victoria County, While all readers Will unite in making their selections from our Choice stock of In addition to our re- gular line or Family Gro- eries we have received G- .A- LITTLE ‘OKS AND STATIONERY. dandard Family Groceries. THANKS- GIVING. Games of all kinu 109 Kent Street. Lindsay and annoyance. H‘NM A. ’NRFIIEESI, ‘O-BANG, QEVERSI. In Great Britain. and many are compelled to suffer. You may be caught in a like storm with a defective stove in your home. Y< why you did not go to BOXALL’S and have him make home more comfortable with or Ragers. You want a good article, you also want it put in the proper place‘ so ther of Fuel these hard times. See to it and have BOXALL“domtheivgorkt It will save . Campbell, .ite Post, Office, Kent-uh, Lindsay. FAMILY GROCER. Our Annual Thanks- giving Greeting will be read this year all over 7th day of November, 1893. I also keep Coal Oil, Lamp Chimneys, Burners, Wicks and azfull llncjof Granite ware. I have a full staff of competent men to do all kinds of Tin and Plumbing work: '3 TO CREDITORS. THE SEASON. Local Master at Lindsay now in stock. \V. \V. DEAN. i We have received some advance sheets of Toronto Saturday Night’s Christmas number. This yearly publication has for years been the special study of the pub- lishers, and has now reached a state of ex- cellence which gives it a monoply of the ground over all other Canadian holiday publications. The premium picture this year is an oleograph 20x28 inches, which will be found posted in the shOps of news agents in a few days, and which may be left to speak for itself. What we shall call sbecial attention to is the literary features of this Christmas publication. M1. C. L. Shaw, a Canadian, gives what he terms random Reminiscences ot the Nile expedition in 1884, when an attempt was made to rescue Chinese Gordon and his garrison at Khartoum. Mr. Shaw was a brave voyager and his account of the trip is the funniest and most hilarious piece of reading one could imagine. Four hundred Canadians took part in that peri- lous expedition, and Mr. Shaw pictures the trip in jolly words. The other gems of this Christmas number are: Two Old Hunters, by Octave Thanet; Old Dickson’s Young Lady, by Evelyn Durand; The Ex- odus of Centreville, by Marjory McMurtry The Rouin’s League by Helen Gregory- Flesher; With Murder in His Heart, by E. E. Speppard. Poems are contributed by E. Pauline Johnston, 0 G. Rogers,E. Hawthorne, Wheeler, Bee's, Mofl'att and , others. We strongly racommend our ; readers to buy this mmber, as the ‘ oicture alone is worth ten“ times the 3 "'0'“ soccnts. Saturday Night’s Christmas At BRITTOM BROTHERS, the Je'wellers‘ $2.00. -â€"3-ly. TOWN AND CO UNTY THURSDAY, NOV. 23rd, 1893‘ MAN AGE R- Corner oi George and Simcoe Streets. Peterboro . N o. 96 Kent St. Lindsay. THUS. ARMSTRONG, We pay special attention to repairing and redeellng Seal Skin Garments. P r 1 c e S .a n d. prompt dehvery. A full line of Capes 1n fashion- able fine Furs e X c 1 u s i v e d e- Sidnsxeasonable Fine Furs, Trim- mings, U a p e S, C O 1 1 a r e t t e s, Muffs, Caps and Mans Coon Coats See our Men’ s Coon Coats, No.1 (Special Make). FAIRWEATHER (Cheâ€"*m FUR BUYERS Marriage Licenses MANUFACTURERS 0F JAS- BOXA COMPANY defective stove in your home. You will then wonder Number. ;, for “2. Every nne is guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a penalty not exceeding $25, who sells any pistol or air gun without keeping a record of such sale, the date thereof and the name of the purchaser and the maker’s name or other mag-k by which such arm may be identifi- The follow ingclause in the new criminal will be ofinterest to alldealers and users of revolvers and air guns. Clause 106 reads as follows:â€" “Any one guilty of selling orgiving any pistol or air gun or any ammunition to a. minor under the age of sixteen, unless he establishes to the satisfaction of the justice before whom he is charged that he used reasonable diligence in endeavoring to acertain the age of the minor before making such a. sale or gift, and that he had good reamm to believe that such minor ‘ was not under the age of sixteen. ere, Soon the piece of meat came up, and the farmer began to breathe again. and went home in a. few hours apparently all right; but; he had a very close call. What might have been a fatality but for the prompt action of proprietor T. J. Overend. occurred at the Windsor Hotel on Tuesday of last week. A farmer had just commenced his dinner, when he got ‘a piece of beef in his throat, and getting up from the table, walked out to the office and there dropped down on the floor. apparently dead. The clerk noticed him, and called to the proprietor, ‘ who at once picl’ ed the man up and sent for a doctor, not knowing What had happened. When the dining room wait- ress came to see what was the matter with the guest, Mr. Overend asked her if the man had eaten any dinner, and, on learning that he had, Mr. Overend at once concluded that he was choking, and, throwing the man forward, struck him several times on the back of the should- A London cable says:â€"-â€"“The Times has a long article to-day on the results of last season’s agriculture. Speaking of l the failure of the grass crop in Britain. it l says that the scare at the prospect of a scarcity of hay at famine prices has ended. The recent appreciable decline in values is largely due, it declares, to the free impmtatien of excellent hay from Canada. Ireland and the United States. Canadian timothy, says the Times, is beginning to be recognized as good for hunters and carriage horses as the best available. The ‘ writer states that the drought has shown English farmers the value of Lucerne or lAlfalfa as fodder, without which Salt Lake valley, one of the most productive regions in the world, would be still a barren waste. H chased. “Messrs. H. O’Hara 00.. members Toronto Stock Exchange, 24 Toronto- st., last week purchased from the Irondale Railway Company $63, 963. 00 worth Ontario Government Annuities‘of $699,6O each, payable one each half year for 40 years, to yield them 4;} per cent. half- yearly. As the Ontario Government has a large surplus, these securities stand in the markets second only to Dominion of of Canada securities. These choice bonds have been sold by Messrs H. O’Hara Co.” They have also bought $1,100 worth of Township of Photon Drainage Debentures bearing 5%, payable at end of‘ 15 years AT PAR. iwheréin the com 18.1.52“ ran his drain g . .into a DOiKthP’s rain, with m: consent: both waters ran into a third drain. tn» owner of which, Mr. Berry, had not given his consent. Berry tears up the complainant’s drain ct the junction of the second drain, out of which arose the case. It was held by the RM. that com- ‘ plainant had no right to tap the drain without full consent of all parties interest- ed. Case dismissed with costs. $63,963 Government Debentures Pur- ~Lasb week a. case outside of the ordinary run was tried before Police Magistrate McIntyre. It was the case of Gunigie vg, Berry. This was a. case wherein the com Isis ant ran his drain into a neighbors min. wilh m. consent, Fenélon Fails. â€"The G. T. R. bridgemen placed the bridge over the roadway one mile east of Cumbray. The day was very rough, but, the work had to be done, I0 that, no delay would he occasioned in the trafic_ They put the finishing 1509531138 on the work Monday. . . . . .The men are now busily engaged at th‘; swing; bridge at T3... -IA_ 13-1]- The Salvation Army self-denial effort in Canada in 1888 produced 82,828. 93; 1889 it produced $5,993.16; 1891 it pro- duced $12,257.18, and last year the steady improvement continued, end it produced the magnificent total of 814.- 080.85. This year, as the needs are still greater, an extra effort was put forth, and the Commissioner fully expects a sub- stantial increase. Almost Choked While Eating. table with one of his Stoves :e‘ so there will be no waste will save you money, worry The Modern Highway. Take Warning. Police Court Matters: Canadian Hay. Salvation Sallies, â€"â€"Bohcaygeon Independent:-Dr. Bonnell, Mr. W. Boyd and N. Vanier, of Bobcaygeon: Mr. Attrill, of Peterboro, and Mr. Edwards, of Lindsay, passed through here on Saturday from their hunting expedition. We hear that they had a good time and succeeded in shoot- ing their legal number. The law pro- hibiting the killing of fawns was found to cause a lot of trouble last year, and it was rescinded. Such laws are not needed with hunters like Dr. Bonnell’s party. It is a shame to kill fawns and his party let five fawns swim out of the lake. We will be glad to see these gentlemen in this part again, The slippery days are at handâ€"the saddest of the year, the days when bits of ice conceal themselkes like an enemy in ambush. You walk on the Sidewalk apparently the monarv‘z of all you survey, but pride gums before a fall, for you unconsciously step on the glittering crystal of depravity, and sud- denly find yourself studying astronomy with too many stars in view to be proper- ly reckoned. ‘ â€"â€"We understand that the Gas Co. are about to introduce the Auer incandesent light in town, which is said to be in many ways superior to the ordinary gas light and at the same time consuming less gas. As a single instance : The Cyclorama, of Montreal, which is lighted by the Auer incandescent, pays 90 cents per night, when they paid $4.40 per night previously for an inferior light. â€"-It has been said that a truly inno- cent person Will never be an object; of suspicion, but we defy an angel to carry a black vinegar bottle around a. neighbor- hood in which is located a liquor store, and not have public opinion divided regarding its contents. â€"Kind heaven has blessed you with bountiful store, With rathions to sell, and enough, too, for Winter. So, when that old stocking won’t hold any more, Just bring in the surplus, and pay up the printer. â€"Our local hotel keepers should live up to the letter of the law on every occasion, for they know not when the detectives who are commissioned by the government may entrap them into breaches of the liquor license law. For ev‘egg conviction the detective receives $5. I -Zinc that is used under stoves should never be dampened. If it becomes soiled or dim. rub it with soft flannel and a little fresh lard. Cleaned in this way a zinc may be kept as bright as when first purchased. â€"A county convention of the Patrons is called for Peterboro county on k atur- day, Dec. 2nd. The consideration a.“ a advisability of taking political action Will be the leading feature of the meeting. â€"A practical young man suggests that the church bells be rung at the conclusion of the church services in the evening, so that the boys won’t have to hang around ‘ the doors, in the cold, so long. â€"â€"A K. of L. mem‘ber of the General Executive Board statsec.1 that. thq member- ship of the order in gom. 1 standlng 1s now 80,000. What has becol. “6 0f the 10031 K. of L. â€"â€"A chart 'e of selling a. revolver Without keepiucr a. re. ‘co_rd of sale was preferred last WZek 8.0m wrist, a Peterboro dealer and after :1 Camden from the maglstrate dismissed. ___Business men will soon begin to send out their accounts, and we OWOllld advise them to call at THE WATCHMAN thce 8 nd examine our stock of bill- headsâ€"an d get prices. â€"The steamer Esturion made her last trip on Saturday last. \Un Monday she got up as far 38 Pleasant Point. when _ she was forced to return on account If ice. ,â€"â€"_Ever'vbodz admits that; the ulsters cover a m‘fluwae ”0f. sins, but you can’t. get a man W‘mh crooked legs to admit that he W‘Zsars it to hide them. 0 fl, -â€"A “sausage eater” complains that there is a lack of pork in the sausage now reteiled in town, and protests loudly thereat. â€"-If you want to know where you can purchase any article at prices to suit the times, just scan the advertisements in the columns of this journal. â€"The time is almost here when the boy will forsake his father and mother, and leave the wood pile an orphan and go for a good skate. â€"The Christian Workers’ Convention will hold their next annual meeting in Toronto. -â€"Harper’s Arabian Balm is the best liniment sold. Popular price, 25 cents a large bottle. Gor sale by E. Gregory. -â€"17-tf. â€"A man who suddenly sat down on the icy sidewalk on Kent~st., on Thurs- day of last week, discovered a new planet. He named it ”Gosh!” 7 éMoney seems to be the missing link between a man and his tailor these days. â€"Neuralgia must 20! $5le for a. case that 9 Harper Es Aratliiag 1132313 will nof'zhgal at once. or sa e v . regorv.â€" t . â€"Candidates‘ for municipaLhonors'Will soon begin to loom up. â€"A man got shot in one of our ilocal hardware stores last week. He got it by the pound. â€"Burglars are around, but printers are unconcerned. They have nothing to lose but bad debts. ~Don’t forget to clean your sidewalk, the ice and snow is easily cleared off with the help of the rays of Old Sol 5 LITTLE LOCAL LIN ES â€"-A young: man named John \\ an}. of Bethany, Came in an untimely end inst Wednesday afternoon. It ap ppears that While going through the field to a. neigh- bor’s house. he stopped to Watch some men engaged with a stump imachiue. Something went wrong when a pan of the machinery flew back, stricki: ,_,. {\‘urd on the head and breskmg his skul‘ kill- ing him ixistwanrly Mr. Ward’ 5 dL u‘ a is rendered doubly painful from the fact that his sister, a very estimamfile young suddenly just about a. month ago.“ I 5 â€"â€"The Walters-Ross hunting parry re- ? turned home from the hunt last Week 3 Well ladened with the spoils of victory. The party consisted of Messrs. Thos. Walters, Alex. Ross, W. A. Geodwin, . Capt. Ross, Lindsay, Mr. Chas. Donde, f of Galt, and one or two oihers. The scene of their exploits was Hawk ' Lake, and they secured no less than twelve antlered beauties. It is said now that local butchers cannot sell ordinary meat in the Victoria. Ward for smne‘ reason. «“19 Midland Free Press is informed 'rhn; .n- Michigan lumbermen are now thoroughly disheartened by the immense lOSSeS they have sustained through the breaking up of tows, and are quietly and quickly arranging to saw their logs in Canada in the future. “Murrili Ring are supposed to have dropped $50,- 000 this season by the loss of a large 1 rug, and the breaking up of a large tow. Other firms have suffered in proportion. , And the promise for next summer is J that the several mills here will he in live- ly operation.” of Bah-gov“, arrived inlbeaides other small jobs. This 1138 :11- 1 \ute for Peter- been accompiishea Without a singie town last Thursday, en m at elated, by breakage of any kind. bore and becoming somewh. ,, - ’ 0b a little â€"â€"It is stated that the fisherman of meeting so many friends, she 5 'irrhts of . too demonstrative in her “fl“ in the Georgian Bay and north channel are oratory,” while awaiting the train ‘ ‘ tel {preparing a petition to the Government ‘ for the reimposition of the export duty evening. The railway authorities ‘ 41 _ . phoned the police office and upon I». on sat! logs, in View of the damage to the 'oawninaz grounds and fishing nets caused arrival of Constable Short, instructed that _ oflicial to take her in charge. The 3‘ “"8 en .route 1'10 the MIChigm mill! following morning she was. very penitent; f3); b‘wnadian territory. but the police .magistrate inflicted a fine] ‘ , '“ Seymour, alias Silas Shaver, and costs which amounted to $11.00.‘ .~Cyrus'h. \ne of the worst bigarnista She then resumed her 1ourney. iahas Martin, e. am“. “in-..“ a“ , 1. l â€"-Mrs_. Young, â€"At OngOde Hall, Toronto: last Thursday, before Chief Justice Robertson in the case re L‘Iudspeth, Toronto General Trust Co. v. Hm‘ispethâ€"E. J. Bird, for the plaintiffs, mt ~ved on consent for an order confirming ( report on sale and dispensing With a vment of purchase money into court. G} untied. â€"The SadIer-Knowlson shooting party ' fled to town on Monday. They returk scarcity of ducks,but were fortun- found ”'2 I: to secure some fifty of the ate enou‘l‘ribs. They ,also secured a feathered ” ‘ "“k and rats, beside a m a few mix . Paiggfiine and a 10t of partridge. The boys had a great time. A__ 1 -â€"The “Welland Canal” on Wellington street. has been completed and Street Inspector O’Neill as well as the residents of that part of the town are to be com- plimented upon having such a work per- formed in so prompt a manner. The work was completed below the estimated cost. â€"Laet week large quantities of white fish were netted 03 Cedar Point, Lake Simcoe. If the Government does not mean to protect the fish from poachers it should repeal the regulations which prevent the law abiding from obtaining a share while the supply luteâ€"Packet. â€"-In order that everything may be comfortable and pleasant, the members of Lindsay Lodge No. 100, LO. 0. F.. have had the ceiling nicely paperea and have introduced electric light, Mr. Reese: done the wiring. ‘ L" auv-r-r 1%; V . znn exchange tells of a woman in Colifornia who recently lost her husband, whose life was insured for $2,000. The heart-broken woman immediately tele- graphed her friends in the east: “Jim died this morning, loss fully covered by insurance." â€"â€"The fall of the “beautiful snow”Ta:t Wednesday evening, brought out many cutters and sleighs on the following day. This was followed by another heavy fall on Sunday and for a while in the evening it proved a miniature cyclone. â€"The little steamer Marie Louise, has gone into winter quarters. Captain Parkm has had a. very busy season and. is not sorry than; the time has arrived for taking a rest. â€"Mr. John Uarevr nniahed the seasons cut in his new mill on Tuesday last. This is the “first season” for Mr. 09mm in his mm mm, and he is fully satxsfied with the results attained. â€"Call at E. Gregory's Drug store and gen 3 bottle of Harper’s Arabian Balm. the best linimenb for man and beast. Every bottle auaranteed.â€"17-tf. , 7 -â€"-|[t. Alennder gmith, barrister, for several years identified with Toronto newepupers, has been appointed organ- izer for the liberal party in the room and stead of W. T. R. Preston. â€"'1‘he bracebridge Gazette says : Sportsmen never had better weather for hunting than the season just closed. Deer were plentiful, but were quite hard to get at. â€"In Knoxonian’s estimation “there 13 no more pibiable creature than the weak- ling, of whose nose someone always has a hold. leading and jerking him here, there and everywhere." ”â€" éAn exchange says storekeepers would do well to scrutinize pretty close- ly any large bills they may receive these days. as a. clever note-raiser is at work in Toronto. peat will likely hear from him within the next few days; â€"Mr. Wm. Foley, inspector of Black Knots, etc., is on the war-path and partles whoseflffiruic trees are afi‘ected with this â€"The County Parliament is in session this week. â€"Harper’s Arabian Balm cures lum bago.â€"17-2. â€"The annual sacred concert of the Cambridge-st. Methodist Church choir, took place on Monday evening last, and was thoroughly enjoyed by those present. The audience though good, was not so large as was expected, Considering the high order of talent engaged for the occasion. It is needless to say anything as to the merits of either Mrs. Caldwell or Mr. Warrington, their reputation as vocalists is widespread, and the 61100!“ and applause given on Monday eVeuing ‘ was sufficient evidence that they were ap- preciated The choir also gnVe several pieces which were well rendered, and showed the careful training they have received from Mrs. HOWSHU. Who played the accompaniments, as well as one or two pieces which were rendered in her usual style. The choir and indeed the oflicials of the church owe a debt of gratitude to Mrs. Howson, for her inde- fatigueable efforts in bringing the choir to the present high standard of efiicieucy,” evidenced on Monday evening _ , VUJ luuul, aunts DUKE Dnaver’ ' .-Cyrus§. ‘ne of the worst bizarnists 9h“ Mam”: u. "den released from the in Canada, has t“ ‘ served tWo terms. penitentiary. He has . _ Miss Vaude- Among his Vlctlms were ‘w ‘ 'WAter, of Belleville; Kate Lt . . “wall. Omemee. and Nellie Fish. of Cor. â€"A meeting of a number of yet ~. men of the town and the collegiato institute was held in the Y.M.C.A. hall. on Tuesday evening of this week, for the purpose of forming,r a. hteraryand debating society. The “Adelphi, literary and debating society” was organized. The next meeting of the society Wlll be held in Hamilton’s hall, Kent-st, 0n the 28th inst.. at 7.40 p.m.. Young' men interested in debating are invited to attend. "mg Tuesday, â€"Capt. Fee, of the Alice Ethel, reportsagood season’s work from May lst to Nov. 14th. During the time they have handled some twenty excursions, four scow loads of stone. two of grain, r Ann 5,000 cords of wood and 23,900 "logs; besides other small jobs. Thus b38311 A J1..|~ been accompuwea mthout a. singie' breakage of any kind. "' ' 'â€""__'_J marble Works. on business and pleasure bent, visited Maple Lake, in Stanhope township. last week, and, joining a hunting party secured a fine deer, Blessings never come single, is true in his case, as a kind friend in another locality has, since his arrival home, forwarded a second "sntlered beauty.” â€"Some two hundred fine hogs were weighed on the market scales last Mon- day. They were purchased by the Messrs. Jas. Cain, T. Bell, and Jet. and T. Fleury, for the Messrs Matthews, and were shipped to their Peterboro packing house. â€"Rev. J. C. Ash, of Cambray. has been suspended from the ministry of the Methodist church until the conference meets as the result of serious charges pre- >ferred before, and investigated by the Lindsay district. -â€"Messrs. Ingles 85 00., of the plaining factory, report business better than it has been for years for the same season, notwithstanding the hard times. There is never a. “rose without a thorn,” how- ever, and Mr. Ingles thinks that the rush of work now means a slack season next summer. â€"Spea.king of the Whitby young ladyg musical “power” theChronicle says: “Sha is about the only person who can thump enough life out of the everlasting piano solo to win an encore. --The store and dwelling of Mr. Jon. Tull, and blacksmith shop if Mr. Jnmu Irwln. Springville, were destroyed by fire on Sunday afternoon. The amount of insurance is not known at nresent. ~43!“ Academy of Music Co. haVeO number of men 32PM“ 137mg 5 $.19 drain around their property. T.“ m mil be tapped by eave troughing from the roof and carry of all water direct to the river. I og‘iâ€" â€"Mr. Frank Jordan, our local drover, will ship a. carlond of cattle and sheep from th.e stationpo-day, Thupsday; They are being consigned. Ito theq'i‘orioixizg markets. ~â€"It is expected that the Perkin Lumber company will close down their shmgle will this week. The season’s output has been simply enormous. and it in only through lack of material that thq are forced to shut down. â€"The reg 3181: meeting of Faithful Brethorn lodgeA. F. and A. BL, will be held on Friday evening December In. 1893. Full attendanoeo' m requested. . -._,.Wuu.n-_ â€"The “double quartetbe” in connot- tion with the Cambridge-st. Methodid; church choir, took part in the sacred concert at Uxbridge on Tuesday eveniggz â€"-Mr. Robe. Reid shipped 50m; seventy-five hogs from Feuelon Falls, on Monday last, to the Peterboro packing house, . â€"John»L;t~ta, cheeaemaEer, was fin; 320 at Belleville last Monday for using an illegal weight and refusing to show it when requested. â€"-A heavy fall of snow on Tuesday evening was swept away by the rain before the next morning, much to the disgust of our rouiites. â€"The bodies of Barbeau and Bonus, two of the victims of the Fraser disasbu' in lake N ipissing, have been recovered. ~Mr. John Short was duly appointd chief constable by the town conned last Monday evening. â€"â€"The Lindsay packing house is now h full blast. nws en route to the Michigan mine ‘wnadian territory. ‘ , '“ Seymour, alias Silas Shave}; "“5 5. ‘ne of the worst bigamista Mam”, u. "den released from the mafia, has in ' served th terms. entlary. He ha» Miss Vaude- uy “:3 u:AL._â€" -I‘he steamer Alma-Ethel has. been laid-up for the winter. '. Robt. Cha‘mbgrs, of th_e Lindsay "fin.

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