m 1 a 1‘1 Special to the Watchman. CHOSEN FRIExDs.â€"On Sunday week. Nov. 12th. the order of Chosen Friends, some forty in number, attended divine service in the Methodist church. The tor. Rev. John Webster, delivered an excellent discourse. This lodge is not; only increasing in usefulness, but is also increasing in numbers. At the last meet- ing one new candidate was duly initiat- ENmRnnmnr.â€"The Mechanics' In- stitute, of this place. purpose holding ï¬eir annual entertainment in the Methodist church, on Friday evening, 130v, 24th. The entertainment com- prises stereoptican views of the White City and other beautiful scenery, by Mr. Wu). S’evens, B.A.; club swinging, by the Cnlumhian club; marching, etc; uartetres, and speeches by the Rev. 1'. Power and others. Miss Edith BytHS, elocutiunist, will be present and favor the audience with some favorite selections. Everybody should remember the (late and fail not to attend. PONTY POUL. STILL MlssmG.â€"=The body of Jos. Dnuglass who was drowned in the Moon Blver near Parry Sound has not been found yet. The bereaved famiiy have the sympathy 0f the entire community. Winter is coming with its stinging blast, And three months here it is billed to last. The boys will get out their skates and sleighs, And then the time will pass away. The river will have a surface of ice, And it will be so glossy and nice. We will skate as long as there is ice on top, Far this jolly enjoyment will never stop. But best of all is the toboggan slide, lHie tobboganists down, down they glide, And the bottOm is reached without your death, All is well, only a little short of breath. M. Some boys like a. good hill ride, Where it’s so slippery the sleigh will slide Down to the bottom, and so, Since you left not a thing you know. -CHEESE Mannaâ€"A meeting of the trons of the Reaboro cheese factory will be held on Friday, December lst, at 6 o’clock, p.m., when a full report of the season’s work will be submitted. A full attendance is resquested. LOCAL NEWS-LETTERS A BAD cum-Mr. William Gibson,form~ erly of Pontvpon], and Who is now in the geueml hURpitnl, Toronto.is slowly recov- ering after having a leg and arm unputated which was necessitated by being thruwn on to the railroad track by a runaway horse near Brampton. Spe‘cial to the \Vatchman. Weial to the Watchman. _ I 0. 0'. F.â€"â€"Our I. 0. 0.10. Lodge is growing in number. Three applications for membership were received at the last fleeting. Fuzz Swanâ€"Mr. Wm. Elliott. of Mount Horeb, recently purchased a Yorkshire white boar, which is a rattling ï¬ne animal and which will prove of great Factical beneï¬t, to our farmers See what Mr. Geo Matthews, the Lindsay mt}: packer, says in last week’s \VATCH- 11):: about the Yorkshire’s. Mr. Elliutt 11;. also some fine horses, including a. in! roadster, sired by Phil Rysdyk, dam by Valentine, 2.32. This fellow should move fast. MOUNT HOREB. ï¬ecial to the Watchman. €3an1' SALE.â€"â€"Many people in this locnlity will regret; to learn that Mr. Jas. Armstrong has decided to remove to waitoba. With this end in view he has given instructions to our enterprising wctioneer, Mr. Jas. H. Wilson, to dispose of all his farm stock and imple- ments, on Thursday, Nov. 30th. The Rec includes a. number of head of good live stock, together with all implements (nearly now). Here is a chance for bargains, and you should attend. Sale at; one o’clock, and without reserve. Special to the Watchman. ACCIDENT. â€" Mr. Clifford, the new promiewr of the flouting mills here, while putting up some new machinery. met with an accident a few days ago. While placing some shafting one of the pulleys fell across the back of the hand md inflicted severe wounds. It was a. very narrow escape, as his hand and ï¬ngers might have been broken. Every- one here hopes to see Mr. Clifford make the Janetvxlle mills a success. He is really a. good miller, and from his past career at Kirk field, and other points, we are conï¬dent that he will succeed. Speoial to the Watchman. UBE'I‘EJA arr-Once more has the relent- lm reaper garnbred one of our number to ti". rmhns of his silent city, taking from swung; us Miss Maud Cowieson, young- :3; girls of" the whool whore uh. was “ï¬nding. Tanke- on] jut when she was entering the portals of womanhood, flu) lifo wu_ looking uncut enticing; when oat (hamlet of Mr. Alex. Cowieson, on Menday morning last. She had been slightlyy a: ling for about. a. week, but there were not the slightest fears entertained regarding her recovery until the morning of her death. It seems that sometime during Sunday night she became rather Worse, but; her perentn did not feel ulna-med until Monday morning, when their worst fears were soon realized, as she passed away shone eleven o’clock. Kg; death was a. shock to the corn- mp‘nity in geeeml.tbut especially so to ,_‘ _L___A _L- _-.. young friendships were most fervent; nukes he: deat‘n inexpreasibly sad. It is negatess to say that tho bereaved parents and We!!! hays the “Minded sympathy JANETVILLE. OA KWOOD. REABORO. CAMBRAY. WINTER. MANILLA. -R. B. PEARSON. of the entire neighborhood. The funera1 on Wednesday was largely attended, the body being taken to the Presbyterian church, where the Rev. Mr. Johnston preached the memorlal sermon, efter which the funeral proceeded to the Eden cemetery. “’ n“ 1‘ 1 n KICKING.â€"The foot ball club have commenced to adjust their accounts after the “Emma Wells†engagement. There was too much of a rush, and they got knocked out for a considerable annuunt. FAIR. BEEF. *Hunter Lamb the “butcher†is busy hunting up Christmas beef already. Look out for something especially line. and he has many a wood days work done before ether “dudes†are out of their peaceful slumbers. yVâ€"â€"_-7‘ - CHURCH Normsâ€"The Rev. J. 0. Ash having been removed by the com- mittee of the church for certain "inâ€" discretions,†a young man from the college has been placed in charge of the circuit for the balance of the conference year. We trust that Mr. Anderson will be successful in helping the cause and have an agreeable season amongst us. . . . . . .While writing about church mat- ters we would like to draw attention to a. very bad habit some persons have, and that is in taking positions at the outside ends of the lone seats, and compelling later arrivals to crowd past them. This is in very bad tasteâ€"they should either move over or else rise and step out and let the others pass into the middle of the seat. We hope we have seen the last of PorsomNo.â€"Some ï¬end has been recklessly scattering:r strychnine through our village and as a. result ï¬fteen or eighteen dogs have been poisoned. as well as a. large number of hens, birds, etc. This has been going on for the past six weeks and peOple are becoming alarmed that their cattle, or even their children, may accidently get this poison. \Ve are surprised that the authorities do not place a. detective on the case to try and find out the guilty party and give him what he richly deserves. Suspicion has at last rested on one party who will in future be carefully watched. mml_::§ THANKS.â€"Tlle pupils of the Kirkï¬eld public school wish to express their thanks to the Rev. Father Bretherton, of Vic- toria Road, for the kind present of a bag of apples sent them on Hallowe’en. Special to The Watchman. APPOINTED.â€"Mr. E. Mosgrove has been appointed commissioner to the court of Queen’s Bench for the County of Victoria. BUSY MARKET.-We have one of the best grain markets of any village in the provmce. Farmers for miles in all directions have been hauling grain here since early fall, and all unite in saving thst our popular grain buyer, Mr. Alex. McKenzie, pays the highest price that can be gut. Special to the Watchman. this. BAKEus.â€"What we eat is worth seeing and inspecting . You have only to visit any of our bakeries and see how cleanly and systematically they are ran. T. A. McPherson the founder and trainer o.‘ those in charge of such important industries can well be proud of his men. \VATER WHIELâ€"Uapt. Evans has about completed the flume, and will shortly place the water wheel. It has prgved a very boa}; job. ‘ TRAPPING AND Rummaâ€"Some of our local [rappers have captured a large lot of muskrat, min]: and racuon. . .. . .George English and son, Thomas Laidley and Thomas Magee returned after having a successful hunt in the vicinity of Halibur- ton, capturing about eight deer. ENTERTAINMENTS.â€"The Bethel Church anniversary services were very auccesï¬ul Sunday and Monday. Besides the local mimsters the chair and many of our citizens attended. The Methodists and Presbyterians are busy arranging for their holiday entertainment. Particulars will shortly appear. POWLES' CORNERS. THE PATRONS. â€"â€"The Patrons of Industry have received their ï¬rst consign- ment of groceries from a wholesale house in Toronto and have also received goods from the Farmers Harness Supply Co. in Toronto. CHEESE FACTOBY.â€"We learn that some of the members of the Patrons of Industry have taken shares in the Cameron cheese factory, which will be built next season by the patrons. FINE WEATHERâ€"If 'the farmers lmd kuownofthcbmutiful weather that was in store the timecwlu' have been extended for taking up the turnip crop, which would have been larger. Home Ac.ux.-â€"Mr. Dougal Swain, who went to the North-west. last spring, has returned and gives a. very hard account of it. He says he hever saw as much poverty in his life before, and his advice to those here who have any kind of a home is to remain where they are. VANDALISM.â€"â€"Sonle one full of cussed- ness and evil, one Sabbath day during service not very long ago nearly destroy- ed the lines on Mi. James “ager’ 3 horses in the shed. There are a Efew boys that call themselves men and sit. in top buggies during the time of service smoking and chewing tobacco. PERSONAL.â€"-Mr. John Jones, who has been superintending the work of ï¬tting up the new roller mill machinery in “‘ork- man, Stinson' Sons mill, in this place, has com leted the job. and left for home on We nesday last. .....llr. D. Sinclair, of Goldwater, formerly of Mindon, has been visiting his friend: here the past few days, during which time he innpeotod the new machmery in Workman, Stinson Sons new roller mill, and pronounce: it ï¬rst- DIPnrann.â€"-Hr. Alex. Anderson, of Ingoldsby, lost a son nbout 10 eon of age, on Wedneedey lee! he. dip theria, his dauzhter who taught Ichool at Bet lake, Minden township, is now also prostrated with the disease. Since the above wag put in type we hove been informed that two men menial. of the name femily KIRKFIELD. OMEMEE. MINDEN. have died from this terrible disease. Mary formerly teacher at} Bat Lake school, and an elder sister, Ann Jane; another sister, teacher at Niven‘s school, Dysart, is re- ported ill with the same disease and it has also appeared in several other families in that locality. NEW ROLLnR MILL. â€"The Minden roller mill is now completed and in ï¬rst-class working order; its capacity is 50 bbls. a day. and it is guaranteed by the builders to turn out an A 1 quality of flour. It has been tested by milling experts and pro- nounced satisfactory. The new mill will make only one grade of flour, and that will be ï¬rst-class, so that all who atronize it can depend upon getting good our, and the matter of yield will depend largely upon the quality of wheat delivered and the manner in which it has been cleaned. a recognized scale has been established for yield of flour, the old toxl system hailing been done away with in roller mi 8. ELECTRIC LIGn'r.â€"â€"A representative of the Royal Electric Light 00., has been here during the past week and had about arranged to supply our village with an electric light service. The Messrs. Hawey 8:. Son, who are about purchasing the Smith property, make a still better offer, giving the light at court in lieu of certain municipal privileges. BROKE ms LEG.â€"Mr. Samuel Routley, of Norland, who was driving a team in Mr. John Coburn‘s lumber camp, Anson. had his leg broken between the knee and the ankle, by a. log rolling upon the limb, he was curled out from the camp by his companions to the Scotch Line, and con- veyed from there on a. stretcher to Terry's hotel, Minden, and remained there until Saturday last, when he wee sent home. Dr. White, of Toronto, who was huntin in that locality, reduced the fracture, an set the limb in plaster, so that he could be moved home. Mr. Uoburn was looking after Mr. Routley's comfort personally. [Echo. CANNINGTON. Special to the Watchman. - FENELON FALLS. Special to the \Vatchman. BOBCAYGEON. NEVER TOO LA'I'B.â€"â€"Years are nothing while the heart keeps young. Seventy- two is certainly not too young, and yet. evidently young enough for marrying, as Mrs. Flannigan, of Nogeys Creek, testiï¬ed last “eel; by launching upon her third venture in connuhial felicity. The heart. Eve; beats responsive as long as it. has at Le '. CHURCH Normaâ€"The Rev. B. Geatrix, occupied the pulpit at Cunnington and Derryville, on Sunday last, in the Metho- dist; church He delivered powerful discourses to highly appreciative audiences in both places. ON A Evanâ€"The tow boats are getting on a. rush to ï¬nish the season‘s work. Four boats with strings of scows were on the lower lakes on Wednesday. Some of the boatmen expect navigation to be open till the end of next week, others think this week will nee the finish, whilst still others give the 29th for the last day. You can take your choice on this counter, free of charge. Help yourself and come again. [Independeut. CROSS CREEKS. Special to the W'atchmau. CBoss Cannxs Barnumâ€"For many years it has been well-known that the bridge over the Gross Greeks was in a very unsafe condition, and it is a wonder that no serious accident has been recorded. It has not only been unsafe, but it he- been a continuous drain linancially 0n the rate- payers. The amount which has been collected for taxes each year in this vicinity has been swallowed up in repairs to this old structure, instead of going to improve the roads. etc. The present council decided to take some action in this matter, and on the 17th instant visited the old bridge. The necessity for a new one was mutually agreed upon, and they proceeded to look over the different locations, with a view to securing a site‘ which would bejust as convenient to the school and no further from the county town. It “as ï¬nally decided that a road running east and west through the centre of lot 6, could be constructed for at least one third less than the amount that other locations would cost. and the bridge ‘would not exceed eight rods in length. ‘This would mean a great saving every .year in repairs. while we think the site selected is the most feasible, it should not be forgotten that the land right here is low and flat, and that considerable ï¬lling; in will be necessary for the approaches to the bridge in order that . they will be above. high water mark in the spring seasonâ€"which will be found to be four or live feet higher than at the present time. The council are to be commended for their action in this bridge and the interest they manifest in the ratepayers of this locality. A Punuc QUESTION.â€"Some of our worthy ratepayers are asking. in view of the proposed change in the hridg, if it, would not be possible for the “Silver- haired Knight of the Sou og"-or some other knight to take imme iste steps to see what could be done in the way of purchasing, or buying out, the water orh-ileges at Lindsay. If this scheme Was carried out there would be no neocssity for expensive bridges, and the necessary outlay for continuous repairs. The taxable land of the township would be greatly increased, and the assessment of the municipality advanced by st least $20,000, and possibly double that amount. The beneï¬ts to all townships concerned would more than compensate for any expenditure that would be made to secure the desired end. Who will be the ï¬rst to move in this matter. ' VALENTIA. THANKSGIVING SERVICES.-â€"â€"Th6 gimme»l Thanksgiving eerVices were preached here last Sunday by the Rev. Mr. Totten, of Cauningcun. His discourse during the services of the day was very interesting and we trust beniï¬cial to those who had the pleasure of hearing him. We under- stand Mr. Tomeu is about. to go to Lind- say and it is the wish of his many friends at Valentin that. wherever his lot may be cast that his labors may be crowned with success ' BASKET SOCIALâ€"The Orangemen of this place intend holding a. basket-social on the 12th “December, and as we leagn tho best of talent is being secured a large crowd is expected and a gOod time is an- ticipated. For further puticnluu see pgogmmznc sheets. ‘ ‘ . - 7 Bmovnn.â€"Mr. ‘ 'Humphrey, of the vizlage, has moved to Ireland where he is armed as forema- on I lug. fun. NORLAND. EXPERIENCE TEACHES, that We give you better Goods for the same money or the same Goods, (if reliable in uality), for less money than any other house. may 9 proved any dayâ€"in season or out. Those Who know usâ€"our customers~our publicâ€"stick to us. ROBABLY no Savin%s Institution was ever planned, and so wel calculated to save you Money as this House. PRICE. PRICE. PRICE! MON EY SAVING! MONEY SAVIN G1! Not as much as half What they ought to be. Waather does it. DRESS GOODS Special values in Black Dress Goods. Ask to see Our 50 cent Figured ‘oProser BENSON HOUsm, With many Bargains for You. DUNDAS <32: FLAVELLE BROS, NEW LADIES and GENTIEAIEN. -â€"-â€" FTER examining all the stores that are sell 1110 gwoxls at cost and below cost, before buying come and see leRR CO Our goods are new, the qualities are good. 11:1â€111 p1ices dont suit the keenest buyer, we will not ask you to bux one article in our store. . «a Our Dress Goods, All we ask is to come and examincthem. BLACK DRESS GOODS, the best value ever shown in th‘ trade. Ladies and Childrens Underwear, Corsets, HOSIERY and GLOVES. If we are not doing those goods right, in a short WY: vvwv - “V ' 'â€"""' r "' ""' “" ""“‘O """o “23"" "' ’ _ .. We will start giving them away, then if they ï¬nd fault we Wlll dCJIVC'r them free to any address, free, Blankets, comforters, flannels, Halli - nelettes, cottons, shirtings, see our table linens, toweling and tOWC Everything we guarantee ï¬rst-class. A few Astrachan jackets, f" capes, collars, caps and muffs, to be sold cheap. Gentlemen exam“ our Furnishings. Storey’s nappa tan gloves. 011G Priceito EYERYBUM. 1’! ‘- A -L-l‘ 42 42 42 inch rEweeds, in checks - - - - inch Bengalines, all- wool - - - - inch Iridescents, worth 750. - - inch Changeable Honsackmg, worth 90c. - inch Illuminated Suiting, worth 900. - 25 cents. 50 cents. 60 cents. 75 cents. '75 cents. THAT’S THE MAG-NET COMPANY! "I. DlBECT IMPORTEBS. Cracked Wine . “’31 If it is purchasc blended Teas, equaled. the heaithicst Old. We only ke very reason. great to all . Come, See a: BE REDUCE» next month W prices, and an part of the C01 AT 8? FOR 76 and 78 KB THOUSAN are offering that we still friends from Ever ShOWI‘: Advevti cess' Blue, Boxés lgs of Flour :1, Casks of Porter, Case OUR 'O'U'R mm d tha: HIGiN offcri ons: