‘No. x and No. 2 sold in Lindsay by E «622604113 Dug is Is successfully used monthly by over 0,000 Ladies. Safe, eflectnal. Ladies ask ourdm ' ttorcook': Cation but Co.- E. 'lzkenoo er_asdl Mixturesmillasnd ‘tttions are dangerous. Price. No. 1, 31 2 box, No. I, 10 degrees stronger-.83 per box. «5. 1 or 3, nailed on receipt of prloe and two l-eent Jumps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. g-Nos. 1 and 2 sold and recommanded by all â€pensible Dmgglsts in Canada. Wed quantity of LEans on F an}: Proï¬crty at 5 to 8 Per Cent. Intact. All Loans will be put through with the Last possible delay and upense. GEO. TAYLOR. 27. Clerk Tp. Vemlam, Bobcaygeon Repairing Is the Largest and Best Value in town. ‘WATCH for Ladies. Our stock of .......... 8.. J. PETW UNSUR~ PASSED. Enlarged premises and increased number of teach- er. The thnruxgh instruction enables its studean to secure the best salaried positions and to pass manually the most searching public examinations Write for new prospectus, free. R. D. NXMMO, Fe low Incorpor- ated Phonogmphic Society. . . JAS. HARRISON Undexgrml. 1’â€an Tor. Univ. S. of RS. 1 Commercial . . . Shorthand and Typewï¬ting, Civil Service Preparation. General Improvement. VERemember the place, ï¬rst door West of the Benson House. THE NIMMO 8c HARRISON Business and Shorthand College t New stock of COBS, BRIERS and ARCHAUMS. Carroll is coming to the from. in the Tobacco Business and no ï¬ner array of PIPES and SMOKERS GOODS can be seen in town than his Special prices during the fair. I_haye marge mganementsjor plaging an un- you had formerly to live amOng wild mdians. Now you can enjoy that. luxury bygettingone of . . . CARROLL’S Of Peace The Pipe To Smoke Opposite Presbyterian Church, William Streef, Lindny. we excel. This is our special department. end our SUCCeta is the beat evidence of public appreciation. Noted for CORRECT Turn: and Low PRICES. mu .1. nvvm A tall stock of DRESS GOODS and LADIES’ FURNISHINGS of all kinds. Prices are lower than elsewhere. You am save money in buying your Winter JACKET, CAPE or ULSTER from us. The stock is superb, and above critical». Call and see for yourselves and learn prices. _ - ““73““ nnzrl'xa -..J Cor. Yonge and College sts. Toronto. MONEY TO LOAN. .Cook’s cotton Root Compound THE JEWELER. Engraving UR stock for Fall and the comimg Holiday Season is unsurpassed in the county. We are show- ing larger and better assorted lines than ever before. Special values in Ladies’ Jackets. All Work Warranted. Mrs. H. gi La lVBl’, RINGS IN MILLINEBY and 0.0.. See our $10.50 GOLD FILLED Watches COURSES Under the mist cabable, qualiï¬ed instructors. \vl A N EW Sumâ€"A suit. for damages is said to be pending. The amount is named as $30,000. Further portion lars later. Snowâ€"Evidences of approaching winter are again making themselves visible. As far as appearances are con- cerned, we think that a covering of white snow is adecided improvement. But then appearance are deceptive. How innocent and harmless it looks, Yester- c»y the blue clay Was determined to make 3. else and lingering acquaintance with our freshly-shined shoepacks, causing us, as we dieconsolateiy scraped ourselves with a shingle, to mildly remark that we wished the money which came into our possession had some of the same sticking propensities. But lac-day it is all dti‘er- eat. But do uot trust in appearancmâ€"i just take a few steps through this inno-i cent looking snow. and you will most 'sure’y ï¬nd that the mud is still there ai-h all its glorious qualities of adhesion: and persistency ; just as friendly as ever, and just as determined to calmly over-‘ look all our insults and stick as close as: before. Though the snow is unwelcomed f by most of us, we cannot say that it is by all. What is the reason for that un- accoumable tendancy in the small boy to go into ecstacles when he sees the ï¬rs' snowflake. and later on to wallow in the largest snowbank he can ï¬nd? In the summer time when the ground is dry and the grass is green, he would never dream 1 it getting down on his hands and knees and crawling around ; but just watch him when the ï¬rst six inches of snow comes, underlaid with aiittleslush. He turns summersanlts, and crawls and rollgand thinks he has reached the highest point of bliss, when his sleeves, pockets and boats are ï¬lled with snow. Can anyone explain this peculiar freak of human nature? . » LITTLE BRITAIN m h In WM PERSONAL â€"Mr. E W. Glaspe 11, who is caretaker of Grand inland, Balsam lake, is now in the vicinty of Randolph for: few days of combined hunting and visit.- ing. HERE AND THEREâ€"There has been good sleighing around here for the past: few days ...... Most of the farmers have ï¬nished their plowing and some of them are busy drawing out their grain ..... Mr. Joseph Hadden is building a ï¬ne shed, which will add greatly to the appearance of his place ...... Mr. Tripp and family have moved into Mr. John Cairn’s house ...... Our cheese factory closed last week for this season. PERSONALâ€"MP. 'James Lytle of Toronto has been renewing old ac: quaintance in this part ...... Mr. \Villie McRory and family of Peter boro’ are visiting at presene with Mr amd Mrs. John McRory. Willie is sick at present but hopes are entertain- ed of his recovery ...... Mr. Levi and Herbert Fallis of Peterhoro’ spent Sunday at their home here ...... M158 Jennie Hedden has returned home after spending a couple of weeks with her cousin; at Omemee ...... Mr. Thompson and family of vae: a Station moved last. week back to their farm here, where they lived for many years. MAY CHANGEâ€"There is talk of the Commercial house changing hands. Txersxey Spellman has had an unparalled record since taking charge. of this house as a succeasful and popular proprietor DIVISION COURT sittings here Dec 8th. Smrrmo STOCK.â€"N1r. Richardson has shipkped another large lot of pigs this wee . MUSICALâ€"There are one hundred pianos in our village and vicinity, and J. D. Thornton has been placing afew extra good ones. RANDOLPHâ€"TIN Y 39on to an Watchmn. Comxc. Evzx'rs.â€"â€"The high school concert in December promises to be a musical and intellectual treat......The Presbyteriane and other churches and eocleuee will hold entertainments on Christmas and New Years. ' Epoch! to the Waterman. no sickness. and every thing is running smoo:hly in our village ...... The old councillors will soon have to give an account of their stewardship ...... Ont village has improved in the past year, and still better hopes for next year ...... There is a good opening here for a shingle bolt and lath factory. SKIM Mumâ€"A patron of the chemo Special to the Watchman. BREVITIES.â€"Th6 roads are in a bad con- dition, but not deep mud ...... There 15 "L'f‘ . . . . . .The Sons of Scotland are about. improving their hall still further. The inside is to be lined throughout with grained lumber, a porch built at the door and a coat of paint applied 'to the outside. wwwâ€" PERSOIQflLMiBB Annie Innea, who has had a slight: attack of typhoid fever. is now convalescent. . . o . . Mr. John Campbell is ‘etiil very poorly. heart trouble is the cause. IMPROVEMENT.â€"Mr. T.H. Watson is this week placing an Ideal Brantford windmill on ms barn. These constivances supply_e cheap pogve: 1n breezy weather -L-â€"_L CHEESE MEETING â€"The annual meeting of the North Ops cheese factory will be held at the factory on Monday. Nov. 2lst at one o’clock in the afternoon. A full attendance of the shareholders and patrons is respect fully requested. W to the Wuohmn. _, MEETIFG or PATRONS.â€"A meeting of the patrons and stockholders of the Janetville cheese factory will he held in the Orange hall on Saturday. Dec. 3rd. A Fun mtmndanceia requested. as the A fuvllï¬ aftendance is requested, as the business of the year will be wound up. Special to tho Wm Special to the Watchnnn. DISTRICT NEWS: FRA NK L] N JANE TVILLE NORTH OPS OMEMEE SONYA â€"On Nov. 5th United Stato- cold stored summer nukes of white choc-o, veto quotod In Liverpool ot the some NOTES OF THE HARKSTB â€"No. 1 floor hides are quoted in To- ronto at 9c; No. l oows' at 815°; calf skim, 100; and sheep skins uh 75° nob. hone hides m 82 to $2.50. Wool rennin- nomlnol It 150. FliIDAY, Nov. 25TH.â€"By Ge< guctioneer, unreserved sale TERESA Dus‘ms. -,v __..---.... van-Iv, out n aiifb thatio is accompanied by tlie good wishes of all present. MR8. RICH Musn, M~ISS ANNIE MOASE, Mlss "In“..- . “â€" â€â€"â€" From another correspondent PBESENTATIONr-OD Friday evening, Nov. 4th. the members 0! the Zion and Pleasant Point choirs, together with a few friends, gathered at the residence of Mr. Wellington Hoover to bid adieu to Mr. Wes. Hoover, their violinist, be- fore his departure for Dakota where he has gone to reside with his sister, Mr-L (Dr.) Swanson. The evening was spent in games and social amusement, during which Mr. Hoover was presented with a fur cap and a pair of gloves, accompanied by the following address; MB. L. W. Humanâ€"Dun Faunaâ€"Amid the coming joys of Thanksgiving we are eons- cinus of an alloy of grief. We regret that you have seen ï¬t to sever your connect- ion with our two choirs, and feel we can not allow you to leave us without show ing you that we appreciated your help while with us. Therefore we, the; members of Zion and Pleasant Point; choirs, have gathered here this evening‘ for the purpose of presenting you with this fur cap and gloves, asking you no“ to regard it for its material value, bu! SOMETHING QUEER.â€"Lalh Sunday a nice young man with a pleasant smile and a fair complexion drove a smiling faced girl with light blue eyes to Cannlngton from one of our east wards. Don’t you imagine in your own mind and no other person’s that they would also have a smiling time, taking all into consideration â€"-roads extremely rough and snowflakes falling by the dozens. Next time ask H WIY‘Lh'hN Q‘n- 1’ I... L-I_‘ __ , “Evgnlné Star †to takeï¬you 1-5.}; day “ Sweet Briar.†That’s right ; him yourself. GUEs Ricovmma.-Mr. Colwxll’s family is now said to be improving after a long illness of that dreaded disease typhoid fever. Tmrpzmxcn Mannaâ€"The S.S.T. B. of Zion held {heir monthly programme last Sabbath. Although the day was nm as desirable as some other: in the peer, owing to the snowstorm, agoodly number assembled togethe : to listen to the HBIKC‘ tione given by .he choir and readings and recitation: rendered by the other members. Those who acted on the com- mittee were Misses Ada Snelgrove, Nellia James, Beatrice Stokes, Mertie Culbert and Ethel Mitchel, while their president was Miss Edith Friee. A WARNIsc.â€"A few people in this lcality who come up to their own idea of greatness are but very small men. Think what you like. PERSONAL. â€" Mr. Wm. Scott and Master Sylvester of Valencia helped to celebrate the anniversary of Mr. John Friee and wife’s third wedding day ; also the birthday of their little daughter Myrtle Viola, 011 last Friday, Nov. 11th SICKNESS. â€"Aflliction has again entered the home of Mr. Richard Moaae. This time it has claimed his wife for its victim. For a day or two last week the ones that resided under the same roof done all that laid in their power to keep. her from fainting away. But the friends hope she will soon recover. Still we all know that afflictions are but the shadow of God’s wings. WATCH FOR IT.â€"-Wbat2 Why. W. H. Pogue’s change of advb. in next week’s WATCHMAN. Bargains in millinery and new Christmas goods, at the Lively Dollalr Store. Boots and shoes at cost, dry goods at lower prices than ever. Epoch! to the Watchman. AMICABLY Smashâ€"Some legal lights of Lindsay were in our hamlet on Tuesday. It was supposed the justice mill would grind out several grists, but a happy disappointment was given to the spectators when it was ascertained that by the efforts of the opposing lawyers, the 'matter was amicably settled without trial. It is a mistake to suppose that lawyers have no title to the’ better land. ' â€Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God,â€a.nd “if children then heirs.†l SAD N Eweâ€"George West, on Fri: ‘day night 188?, received the sad intelligence of the sudden death of his f Ather, who resided west of Cannington. The information was all the more surprising, as the father had always been healthy. George and his wife went on Saturday to the old home, where they remained until after the funeral. PEiiSONALs.â€"-Miss Ada. Yeo is once more in our midst, after spending four months with her sister in Manitoba. Welcome back ...... Mrs. Mark Wickett has returned from a three week’s stay, waiting on her sï¬iicted mother at CoKumbus ...... Mrs. Silas Irwzn is seriously ill with inflamation of the lungs. I. O. F.â€"â€"Mr. Hempbill, organizer for the I. O F., is in town looking after the interests of that order. On Tues- day evening Little Britain court was well attended, and some initiations took place, with more to follow. factory who neglected to take warning about skimming his milk has con- tributed $30 in lieu of going to court for the offence. He now has among the papers he never shows, a. document which reads. “Received from â€"'- $30 for skim milk delivered at the Little Britain cheese factory.’ aucuoneer, unreserved sale of valnaBle farm stock and implements, the propetty of Mr. John A‘dï¬eld, lot 18, con. 1 Ops. Sale atone o’clock shap. ‘ COMMERCIAL SALE REGISTER FIN GERBOARD THE WATCHMAN. LINDSAY THURSDAY NOVEMBER 17TH. 1898 to__talge you a. be“; â€"Bv G_co. McHugh Ight ; ask Gums. HEAT, POULTRY AND DAIRY PRODUCE. Chickens, perpalr . ...... Ducks, per tr. .......... Geese. perlga......... Buttérperï¬). ............ Egggperdozen. .....n... Turkeys per 1b ............ Hogs, live weight, per cwt Lamb, per lb....... DressedH ........ Beef ...... 033... ........... cumin. Ha‘y,perton............ Honeyper 1b.......... .' Cr'eam per qt...u..‘.. ... Sago porbunoh.........."' MmlbOICI.â€W........ Stavrpegioad....a...... math’nolOOIOODOOOCOOOO Amounuununuu. Rodolovor........un-u 030t0040 045t0055 0061:0007 015to3 17 01660016 0808:0009 m. 8 up ~ '5 883833389 m$HHQ¢Q9m OS «cowl-r 69° 88888338 8883§3888 Hidesâ€"Boer '.’.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.7 60" £5 7‘ 56' Potatoes Buckwheat...“ coo-o. Barley, per biz-1101...... R ye‘OIooouoolto 6.0...- (‘Atn nnnnnnnnn .onguooooo Pemsmlu..a... sotvcot P685, Mum‘m..oucoon Peas. Blue.............. Blackeye peas.......... Fall Wheat per bushel.; .. New wheat per bushel. . . . Fyie Wheat do do.,.... . Spring 'do do . Goo-e do de.’.... WARS! Gm. â€"In Bufl‘sro last week, according to The Farmers Journal. the market ina general way was about steady. Good workers were selling the best of any kind while the little farm chunks were hard to dispose of -at satisfactory prices. Good drivers and actors Were steady. The bulk of the good workers sold at $65 to $85. Gooddrsfrs $85 to $115. Drivers fair to good. $6000 8100. Extra actors. $115 to 3145. Common and general purpose horses. $20 to $40 per head ..... The Chicago Breeders Gazette says that $900 was obtained at Chicago for a pdr of 16 hand bays and that a pair of Peroherons of extra quality. weighing 3,660 pounds. for export to Hamburg. brought $475. At a recent sale of Clydes and Shires', weighing 1,600 to l.900.pounds, $125 to $190 was secured The same animals would have brought $140 to 3225 last spring. -The export cattle offered on the Toronto msrket Tuesday were not of a particularly choice orade. Some very fair exporters running at 1,250 to 1,275 pounds, but lacking ï¬ne ï¬nish, sold at $1 per cwt. The price for poorer grader, ran from $3.75 to 84. Export 1.0m, wpre were in demand at from $3 to $3 50. “mt something very choice as high as $3.70 01‘ e'vOD $4. Good fat heifers and steers for butcher stock were scarce and sold at $3 75 to 84. Skinny cows and poorly fattened heifers sold at $2 75. Stockers sold at $3 to $3 25 and feeders at $3 25 $083.60, with something choice as high as 8365. Feeding bulls sold at $2 to $2 25 for light 61- inferior stock, and at $2 50 to $2.75 for something heavier There was considerable enquiry for milk- ers, and a limited scock of poorish quality were offered, the general price being 830 to $40, but reslly good would bring $40 to 850. Vesls sold ah ah int 84 to $4 25 per cwt. Sheep seemed a trifle more in demand and were sold at $3 to $3 25, with bucks at $2.50 to $2.75. Lambs, ewes and wethers sold at $4 25. â€"The trade circular 0:, Carter, Wilkin- son Co. of the 5th quoted Irish (Water- ford) sides at 101:0 to 110 per pound; Swedish and Danish at 9 6 70 to 10 2-70 per pound; Canadian singed Wiltehire at 9 370 to 9670 per pound; Canadian Cumberland cuts at 10 2 7c per pound: American Cumberland cu's at 7 2 7c to 8 1 70 per pound; Canadian long cut: hams at 11 4 70 to 120 and American heavy *0 light hams at 7§c to 8 1 70 per pound. Two facts are deserving of special mention in this connection. On the 5:h hog pro- ducts in England were selling at from .9 3 70 to 120 per pound, while live bags in Toronto on the 8:11 were bringing only 4 1-80. The other fact is that while Canadian hog products were selling in England at from 2c to 40 a pound above American hog products, Toronto packers were paying less than half a cent per pound for live hogs above the Buffalo price. -â€"Baef by carcass in Toro 1to is quoted at $5 to $6 y50; bindqmrters 3t $6 to $8; forequarters ah $4 to $6; veal at $7 to $8; muégon at $5 to $5. 50, and lamb at $6. 50 to â€"In Liverpool grain prices have been fluctuating somewhat but the tendency is again upward. On Thursday the price of N o. 1 northern spring was 63 335d. On Friday the price was 65 3i; on Saturday 65 2§d and on Monday 63 3d. â€"In Liverpool on Monday test United States cattle brought 6d; Canadian bid; and Argentina, Bid Canadian sheep sold at Eid. At Liverpool Canadian cattle brought: 43d to 5d and sheep 53. ~William Rennie of Toronto says that while ‘ the alsike market: is somewhat quiet, still fancy samples will bring about 35 Good No. 2 is $4 to $440 and No. 3 i! 33 50 to $3 70. Red clover is $4 to $4.40 for choice new seed, and good old stock is worth $4 to $4 20. Good clean samples of timothy are worth 8120. There is practically no flailed threshed timothy offering. â€"Some forty horses were sold by auc- tion at Grand’e. Toronto, on Tuesday. A few blocky workers, weighing thirteen to ï¬fteen hundred, 5 to 7 years old. sold at: $75 to $100 each. A number of drivers etanding 15 to 16 bands, 4 to 8years old, sold at $50 so $125. A lot; of useful second-hand horses went at from $20 to $50 each. price as Canadian of similar quality. namely. 8!;c to 8 4-70 per pound. Flues: colored Canadian was quoted at 8 4 70 to 9c per pound. Fancy Ontario white or colored of August make war 9 1-5c to 9 37c per pound, and strictly perfect white and colored Ontario September were 9 9-14c to 9 6-70 per pound. 7’ {V6 vmcootooon b.0â€"I-oo I‘oo-ono.II.-OOOOOA Im‘llcoo‘ooo sooucotoc Mummies.......... Blmjnboooocoootlï¬. ayepeummmm THE LINDSAY MARKET W “gun-00"." 050 â€(THEY AND DAIRY P30] perpairflu...†030 51' it. .......... ,045 {IE-o...†.0.- 006 rmOOQOOOOOIOUCI 015 doZonOIII._IIVDV-.Oo¢ o 16 >0: 1b...†....... O 08 VEGETABLES. mmwwm 00000 ommmm smmmo 0.0000 %flfl%%www 00000000 mmmmmwwm ï¬wmmwmww 00000000 3. Lu: as sons. Norma no, 11:30:"!th Gating] Mutt-4H. 1‘“ undo’nlguod htnunum’bor of Nubia prop- ortim hr ale as follows: ‘ Lorna to 75, Sommllle. On a number 01! than have good dark: ‘ mull hazing oxohu'dl ind comfortabie tum bu! dmu. Also as no md Boiler. in Long 8: Thomson‘s foundry. Oru It s burgdu. A null cideamool Tug. chap. The J. C Gould Hill In Coboconk for ml. or 0- chuugo f-or Lands in Simcoe or Victorin (ountfiu, or villi-kc rattle in ptrt payment. - Ellt In" Dot 4. Con. 5, Ind “nth hull Lot 6, Con. 8, Sommille. ' About (.000 Pine. Hemlock, Cour uul Buhwood in Union School a A y stating lam-y WI: 335‘; Green P.0.â€"§5-3. BARGAINS 'IN LANDâ€"The Inl‘ï¬hlmd k-.. u n.._ L-_ .‘ _AL, at 7.30 p.m.. to pan e By-lew stopping up and cloemr tint, put of Victorin Avenue consisting of a. strip 84 feet wide along the West side thereof, between Ruewll street end Glenelg street. between Glenelg street and Melbourne street md between Melbourne street end the nllwey track, end authorizing the leaning or ale ma eonveynnee theme! to the Greed Trunk Rsllwey Company of Canned: 'Deted this 29th dny at October. A.D.. 1898. MRNDAY. 5TH DAY OF DECEMBER. l898: ‘ given tint the Municipal Council 0! 1h» 1mm of Lin uy intend, st. ; meotinz to be holden It the COUNCIL CHAMBER, IN THE TOWN OF LINDSAY, on Tenders will be received either for the whole: or {or the Noxthhm boec or (or the South Put. 65 acres, eepnrately. Ten ere mustbeou forms which will be provided by the nation ned on application, and which will contain the l 1 conditions of sale. No tender neoeeeerilr tempted. Dncd st Lindsey this 7th dey of November, 1878. lem. 115 3cm, more or lea. 'lhe property is a hate within 6 miles of Bob“) goon; convenient to school end cheese tectory. The so“ in good clay loam There m elected on the properti‘two log houses, one (rune ban end two log barns. ERMS AND CON DITIONS.-A merited cheque. mynble to the order of me undel'eigned. for $100.00 must aecompmy ench tender, whi.h will he returned thould the tender not be accepted. The bunnce o! the purchne money the]! be paid within 80 days item the eccepusnoe of the tendon Amusements. howevernmay bu nude with the undersigned {or 60 per cent. or less of the purchase money to remain on mos-tynge u. live per cent interest. ‘~ \‘ALUABUE FARM PROPERTY. â€" Seded Tenders, uddrencd to the undenig ned, will he re ceived up to Twelve o ‘chck noon org SATURDAY NOVEMBER 36th.1898 tor the Purchase of mu vduahle Ftnn Pro petty, viz: The West. [all of 14.: No 8, in the 8111 Concusglon ot_ the Township 01! Vern- p‘UBHC NOIICE ijsjllergby n Aï¬ OL‘ ‘I.._ 4..-] IV..AÂ¥ V premises of the undenined. North Hall Lots 38 and 24, Con. 7, Mtripou. ONE STEER. about one year 01:11:31.: away {a reg-aesteq w_ prove progggy, {my SiBenCéé: 3553.18 'i‘n-e' wEuKlTQ-QFHQEi-SRI woos umraoxnaâ€"w-s. at 7.80 p.m.. to peas 1 By-lew. etoppinz up and clos- ing thet part of Durham Street in the Town of Lind- “ , consisting of e strip 14 feet wide dong the South si thereof. between Lindsey Sueet end “uke Street, between Duke Street end Wolfe Street, between Wolfe Street and Sioux S.reet. and between Sloux Street and River Street. end auth vrizing the leasing or sale end conveyance thereof to the bnnd Trunk Benny Company of Condo. Dated this 3rd day 01 November, A.D., 1898. Means. Brandon, HcDounll and Austin of F'énclon Fdls have conslgned SEVENTYJ'IVE HEAD OF CA‘I‘T 4E 20 me for No. They compr'ne some minus]: ready 1' 2 the butcher and n urge number suit-able for {a din purr-mcs. Partners and others looking for such k “i I do we" to see ‘his bunch. EUGENE Fem, Lindsay. Ontâ€"£6. V of the undenicned, 2m. 22. Con. l. Souervillo. THREE YEABLING llElFERS, one Bilcln and White sud Tvlo Red; duo ONE GREY STEER. Etch animulhu muk in left. ear. Anyone mung informut: ~u 1-1)“ ‘1“ land to their recovery will be rewnrr’cd.......Also ham on above pnmiseu ONE RF.†BULL._\uang. Owner is requ-med to prom: urupevty, pay avenues sud alto shim-l any. FRED. RA‘l‘ILE, Bsddow 2.0â€"4? 3. ,_ given thatthe Municipal Council of the row}; of Linduy intend, st 3 meeting to be hotden on STRAYED. nrnrninna A. Ohâ€" ‘ the large store in the Hana}! Block. next the post cï¬icc. Moat prominent situation in town. Sultabk for nociaty hall, or will be divided into 006cm to suit tenants. Apply to MCLAUGHLIN 6: MchARMID.â€"46 2. ‘- Nice quse in fut-claws reta’r, convenient ailunï¬on in North Ward, to let, $6.00 per month. McLAUGHLIN At McDIARMlDâ€"Ad 2. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby "hm“ oi.-. 03.- u....:-:-..1 r‘-.._.‘:| I ‘ 45.4 _ v----â€"'v ' 1' V of the undersigned. Lm 7, Con. 6. Ops town- ship, about midsummer, a SMALL RED BULL, shout two yem old, witn while back and split in right ear. Any information leading to his recovery will be gladly received. OWEN TRAYNOH. Lindsay P.0. _AK.l TO LETâ€"The Hesiairs oAv‘gr flu. ‘n'nn -41... :.. n... â€" 3011001 aecuou No. 8, Bexley; Applicant must hold second or th'rd cuss cenzï¬cate, and have ex- perience. Duties to commence Jmunrv, 1599, JOSEPH IL BLACK, Bexley P.0., Ont ~47.3. * School Section No. 8, Bexley; [phi hold second horfh'rd‘clnss cerczï¬cate. and Adam Block, Kent at: eet. STRAYED.â€"Frognnthe‘p;11?es n! "so “nagn:~_‘g 7 -L H OUSE TQ AE‘E‘T:+\Ve havg a. V6,.“ 11‘...“ .. TEACHER WAN Onkm! CM“..- \v- n n, . TED. :ï¬ Agent for - - 46-4. Milch cows, each ...... $30 00 to $40 00 Export cattle, per cwt. . 3 75 to 4 00 Bubchers’ch’icecatfle cwt 3 75 to 4 90 Butchers' com. cattle cwt 3 00 to 3 25 Bulls, per cwt.. ........ 3 50 to 3 60 Feeders, per cwt.......' 350w 3 75 Stockers, per cwt ...... 3 75 to 3 25 Export theep, per cwt 3 00 to Lambs. each ........ 4 00 to Calves, per head ....... 3 00 to Choice bacon hogs,per cwt 4 :38 to Light: hogs, per cwt. . . . 4 00 to Thick fab hogs, per cwt. 4 00 to Saws, per cwt ......... 3 00 to “phoenix“ wwto mmm88$§ Rye ............. Oats ............. Peas ............. Barley ...... . . . . . Hay .............. Straw ............ Dressed hog< ...... Potatoes .......... MONEY TO LOAN on Mortgage at Lowest Rates. N 0% Discounted. TRAYEDâ€"Ffom the premises OR SALE BY TENDER OF MOVDAY. 5TH DECEMBER. l898, CATTLE FOR SALE. TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET Money and Insurance. ..uun “um“ "NINE†â€..uuda The Imperial Life Assurance Company of Canada. The Scottish Union and Nation- al (Fire.) The Union Assurance Society of London (Fire.) All exceptionally strong Com- panies. XcLAUGHLIN d: McOIARMID. Vondora' Solicitors m" N0- 10. Somorvi‘lo. imam. to WILLIAM FELL, F. KNOWLSON, To": IL'lerk JNO. KENNEDY Tame into the F. KNOWLSON. Town Clerk 055.05 %67222 333334 Lhd“’l NOV. 10th, 18. Block K Block L 3 Wellington Block D Sub-div pks 8 8c 9 W Adelaide . [ W Jane 5 E Jane 1 6‘ C‘ Subdivision kHlâ€"Nâ€"Méi; Park N1 par N Glenelg W S Glenelg E N Melbourne E N Busseil E S Ridout S Russell E E St. Lawrence Subdgyi'eion pig-k X E Eindsay N King N King N King N King S Kin , E E St David Block ‘ F W St Patrick TOWN OF LINDSAY. ‘Nhereas b virtue of a warrant- issued by the Ma)?†9! the Town of Lindsay, and authenticated y the corporate seal of the said Town. 08“ ing date the 9th day of November, 1898, and to me directed, commanding me 101?†upon the following lots or parcels of land for the arrears of taxes due thereon and 60>“ I hereb give notice that unless the said taxes and costs are sooner paid. I shall ‘3 TUES AY, THE FOURTEENTH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1899, at the hour. ~ " Tmn‘wn A'n‘M" I‘Mn A'- bhn â€AI... UAI‘A~A L. ALA 7B,“..- A: 1 Iâ€"An-“ nun/man in 51".; D! Twelve o'clock, noon, at the Court House, in the Town of Lindsay."proceed to “13 Public Auction the said lands or as much thereo! as may be suthcwnt to my ~‘“ arrears of Taxes and all lawful charges incurred. All the nndermentloned lots are Patented. TOWN or LINDSAY RAW FURS WANTED. 00 H I. ' Dyeing Furs, Remodelling Furs, Repairing Furs, Dressing Furs, FURS 1 .FURs I. Lookout for this space next week, when we will tell you all about Our LATEST MAKE of Cutters. TOUGH BUTTS Y TREASURER’S SALE OF LANDS Ct N u II C: Street N Division i u I‘ ...GOOD... â€"FOR TAXES IN THEâ€" 16 19 16 19 21 31 19 RICH. KYLIE tail Proï¬ts. The only bona ï¬da FUR M UFACTURER in Lindsay. from the‘ maker arm a..- N pt ’ 37 ft 145 1-5 - 15 . L5 1.2 Npt fwr’i‘p 1.04.04m12mflw. 444425533: 1-2 Acre. 1-4 1-4 1-5 1-4 1-4 1-4 OPP. POST om ma 10 81 10 81 13 43 13 15 ““wmï¬umggug .8 8 â€uni; lgul .9 $.35 sms â€Hflï¬ï¬ud . Hï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ {Mb I P555, F EAT UGH' AUT‘ DRE? Pric 3 womew will 01 GU 9â€.