,TUR. 1 two my} Business is in Full Swing at this store and Bargains mean 131 more than usual. We have gathered together such a col- ‘ icction of Seasonable Goods at prices the like of which we haven’t oï¬'ered before, it will pay you to read ‘is carefully and do your investigating and judging in all our Departments Up-to-date Jackets ~Boys’ extra heavy 4 ply ribbed Wool Hose, with double knee and heel, 25c. ~Ladies‘ Cashmere Hose, spliced heel and toe, all sizes, regular 50c, for 350 Janey Ringwcod Gloves. i! and colors at 20c and 25c. rLadies’ pique sewn {ere buyers choose from the 5T STYLES, get the beneï¬t he Best Values, and have the -,. VF. ' ' :rmtzs.actxon buymg . . . JANTLES. --â€"Fancy black with pebble ground and Mohair lar 50c for 40¢ ; 60c at 483 ; 44 in. Brig silk warp endora. regular $1, now goods up be $1.50. ia'est designs and shades, all-wool navy coa‘ ‘ ‘ de special price 50c a yard. »"~ .1939. assortment of Trimmings. Jets, B of fashion. The very goods you need most and q raids and Gimps, fresh f uickest are he Amer 'Extxa super unshrinksbb G.rey Flannel tor shirts, 35c for 250, umon flannela. 1‘23.c, 150. 18c. ‘Heï¬v-Y English and America}: stripe Flannelettea, plain and Twllled. 12° for 10¢; ixtra 32 inch, 55. 6:, 7o. . Extra superï¬ne unahtinkable whnte wool Blankets, fancy borders, regular and too, a pair. Maï¬a, Cgpeï¬pog, Collm, Cape. md Fur Jackets. Our repuution f0! Fun is naked on the “ti-food“ upreeaed by on: custom “I“ ldleo’ and Misses’ Mink Rnfl'a, Sable Rad‘s. Grey Lamb Russ. !_â€"â€"| READY-TD-WEAR CLOTHING.- FLANNELs, “gage from 4I-2 to per cent ' " Numbel’ 48- 7 to Loan Furs. Hosiery and Gloves. â€"-â€" Men's Kid Gloveq._ 2 (10190 The kind we sell you can always rely on being dependable, everything for Men’s. Boy's, Youth’e or Children’s Wear tinde showing here to satisfy all classes, while m ices are within reach of all. -Men’e Tweed Suite for fall and winter, regular $8.50, now $7.00. -Men’s heavy double-breasted Suite, with dou‘xle-breaeted Vt e: in regular way $12 00, for $9 50 : -Men’e Canadian Tweed Suite, for $4.00, $5 50 and $6 75 ;1 these three lines have been reduced 30 per cent. off their regular price. -Y- uth’s Nobby Fall and Winter Suite $4.50, 35 50, and $6 50 are three leaders. -Small Boys’ Braided Suits, Reefers and Blouses at close shaven prices. -;\'Ien’s Heavy Tweed Pants, regular .51 25. for $1 ; $1.75 in Black or Grey for 3135; see our extra quality Fulcloth Pants at $1 50 . -r. . , uni. 4....-.“1 |:n;nn 1‘ uwlOlu Ara-nu: an :4)... vv. Men’s Heavy A 1 W001 Freic ze Ulstere with tweed lining, deep storm collar, in Fawn, Brown and Black, our price for this coat; is $5 00. Men’s single and double breasted blue Beaver Overcoate, regular 88 for $6. $10 at $8 25 ; extra value Blue and Back Beaver at $12 00 for $10 50. Ladies’ Underwear, Corsets. BLANKETS, SHEETINGS. LAWNS. 111 all size i Dress Goods. LINDSAY Braids and Gimps, fresh from the leader . most and quickest are here. Men’s Wool Gioves 18:. Dressed Kid Gloves, 50 3. $2 75 f-. 1' $2 25 ; molar $3 25, 6% x 85, for $2 75 ; flmnelette blank eta, were $1, for 75¢. A great chm.» for buyers in Shooting ends. plain and twilled, w‘dth 7 4, ~ ,,_ L- cm- 8.4, 94. 10 4. Don’t mies this cl Fine Lawns 80, 1069 they are up-to-date, natty 3nd prices easy, and the present season cur- es every other. Beautiful assortment of Fur R )bee in all e’zra. Coon 003159, Back Astraohsn and Wombat. fine heavy ribbed, tutton front Vests, 12c. 15c, 200 25s. .Plain heavy Vest, 65.: for 50¢ ; 90c for 750. Our vests at. 25c, with‘drawera to match, Ire fut nellerr. Combina- tion in Women’s, Mistes’ and Children’s? size. . "' . AK- See our three leader! go'od value at $1 25 for $1.00. The best mocha, naps buck and reindeer. well lined, dome fastener at close prices. and Mohair sfripea. regu 44 in. Briggs. Priestleys $1. now 85c; beautiful ; for buyers in Shooting n and twilled, w‘dth 7 4, 10 4, 2 yards for 303. this chance. navy costing serge, 52 wes 18:. 25:, 306. 350 Gloves, regular 75: at (C WIGTGBlA COUNTY GOUNBIL Council met at 11 o’clock are. Warden Switzer in the chair, and mbmbers all present. Minutes of previous meeting read and conï¬rmed. REPORI‘S. The report of the Kirkï¬eld library was read and on motion referred to the com- mictee on ï¬nance. A CHARITY MOTION. Moved by Mr. Bryans, seconded by Mr. Graham, that the standing committee on ï¬nance take into their consideration and report upon the advisability Of paying for the support of Thcs. Parker in the Home for the Aged.â€"â€"Carried. , THE COUNTY HOUSE OF REFUGE. Moved by Mr. Austin, seconded by Graham, that the standing committee on ï¬nance take into their consideration and report upon the‘advisability of erecting a county house of refuge, in the county of Victoria, in the near futureâ€"Carried. COUNTY PROPERTY REPORT. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Bryans, that the report of the stand- ‘ing committee on county property be re- ceived and read a ï¬rst time as follows :â€" Your committee have considered the re- port of the gaol improvements committee. which has been referred to them, and beg to recommend that the report be intro- duced to the council for adoption. With regard to the statement in the paragraph of the same report relating to the Francis street sewer westward from the junction of the old sews: with the new structure, your (ommittee recommend that should it be found necessary in order ito conform with sanitary requirements to renew the sewer from the junction to the court house and gaol, th a work be carried ‘ out under the supervision of the chairman of. this committee then in ofï¬ce. Your committee recommend that the account of Mr. George McFadden for painting the outer woodwork of the court house, authorized at the June session, and for repairing and painting the chimneys of the court house, amounting to $160.00, be paid, and that the action of the chair- man in carrying out the further repairs which he found requisite, be ap roved. ‘7____ -AM.M:H-nn rannmmnn R that. 8.0- Luau I“ Vuï¬alnua 'v-' -77- . which he found requxsibe, be ap roved. Your committee recommen s that. ac- counts as follo“ s be passed : J 05. Maunder, wood, court house. .$ 330 60 “ “ registrypfflce†41 55 L1 [30 A. Lumsden, repairs, Hourï¬ house... “ “ registry ofï¬ce. . Bell Telephone ofï¬ce, county at- torney’s ofï¬ce ................. Georae Walker, sawdust, court house ......................... Jas. Boxall, sundries. court house “ repairs, gaol ...... . . .~. . “ furniture, regis‘y ofï¬ce “ exn’sian ef waterworks “ hose reel. etc .......... l F. Brady, worjz, couzzf. house ....... Geo. Ingle. repairs, court. housp, . . . “ “ , registry otï¬ce.. Light, Heats: Power 00. reg. afï¬x-e tA t5 ‘6 H Light, Heat; Power Co. refractory court house ................... Dundas _Fln.velle Brcs., linoleum, court. house, .................. Jos. Thornhill, loam, gaol yard“ . . Waterworks 00., addxtional rate, Your committee recommend that the following allowances be paid to the memb- ers of the gaol improvements committee, Viz: J ames Graham, 4 days ............ $ 12 00 R. Br ans, " ............. 12 00 S. J. ox, 4 days and mileages. 13 20 Your committee recommend that the chairman of this committee be paid the sum of $50.00 in acknowledgement of his general services in the control and super- ‘ vision of repairs and improvements of the groperty of the county and of supplies uring the year. , On motion the council then went into ccmmit‘ee of the whole thereon, with Mr. Bryans in the chair- The repnrt was then read a third time and adopted, GAOL IMPROVEMENE REPekT. On motion of Mr. Graham seconded by Mr. Bryans, the report of the goalim- provements committee was received and ad opted. On motion ofiMr. Switzer, seconded by'l Mr. Fox, the riport of the standing‘ committee on printing recommending pay- ‘ ment of anumber of accounts was reâ€" ceived. The report was given the usual readings and adopwd. THE COUNTY REFUGE IS BADLY NEEDED ioved by Mr. Austin, seconded by “r. Johnston. that the standing com- mittee on ï¬nance be instructed totake into consideration and report upon the advisability of paying for the support of Joseph Pelow of Somerville who is now in the Toronto hospital and pronounced in- curab‘e of the diseaso with which he is afflicted. and if possible have him re- moved to the home for incurabBea.â€"Car- THURSDAYS PROCE EDINGS. Dr. Wood gave notice that at the next meeting he wOuld‘introduc‘e a petitlon to the honorable the minister of railways and canals, praying that the land in county of Victoria pro%o:ed to be flooded by the waters of Trent timber, brush and stumps, before flooding the said lands, as the experience of the pant shows that if the timber and brush be allowed to decay it will be a source of malarial fever for .years to come.--Car- ried. Council then adjourned till 10 o'clock on Friday. warden On motion of Dr. Wood seconded bv Mr. Bailey. a petition to the minister of rail- ways and canals, graying that all timber be removed from t e ands in the town- ships of Bexley, Eldon and Garden to be flooded by the waters of the Trent Valle canal was received, and passed throng committee and ï¬nally passed. EDUCATION, On motion of Dr. ‘Woxi seconded by Mr. Fox, the report of the standing com- NOVEMBER SESSION. u l‘ F R I DAY'S AN mPoRTAix‘T NGTICE; THE PETITION. PRINTIR G. PROCEEDINGS court h'se LINDSAY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24th. 1898. 12 31 59 69 86 93 3 36 mitbee on education was received and read at ï¬rst time as follows:â€" Your committee beg to recommend pay- ment of accounts as follows : . Wilson Wilson, printing for mspec-A tors ............................. as 12 erson 8; Wilson, printing for inspec- tors ............................ 2 00 Bond of examiners, entrance and pub- lic school leaving examinations, West Victoria ......................... 16! 71 G. W. Beall, stationery to; same ..... 36 20 Board of examiners, entrance and public school leaving examinations, East Victoria ......................... 55 95 Board of examiners’ meeting NOV, 5th. . 18 3o Your committee have learned that the board of education of the town of Lindsay has, by reason of a reduction of the stall of the Col- legiate Institute from seven to six teachers, effected a considerable reduction of the annual expenditure. As the saving is a deï¬nite one, not anticipated at the time of the last trennial agreement between the board and the council, your committee would express the opinion that the council is entitled to be allowed by the board a rebate equal to 36 7-10 per cents of the amount by which the annual expenditure is reduced in consequence of the decrease in the number of teachers. Your committee regret the absence of an opportunity for dis- cussing the question with the board, but deem it advisable to record their views for the guid- ance of the:treasurer. The council then went into committee of the Whole thereon with Mr. Fox in the chair, and the report was ï¬nally passed. RECONSI DERATION. On motion of Dr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Bailev, the report of standing com- mittee on printing was brought up for reconsideration. On motion of Dr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Bailey, the report of the standing committee on printing was referred back to the committee. The council then went into committe of. the whole thereon and the report was adopted with certain I amendments. -- - .-ur~ . The council met. at, 10.30 am. Warden Lithgow in the chair and members all present. Minutes read and on motion conï¬rmed. ¢ day morning. Moved by Mr. Johnson. seconded by Mr. 1 Br) ans, that the report of the standing committee on roads and bridgesbe now received and read a ï¬rst time as follows :â€" Your committee have considered the para- graphs of the warden’s address referred to them and beg to recommend as follows : I. That approval be ex ressed of the steps taken by the warden re ative to the Union creek bridge, and that the correspondence be Butchmun. ï¬led 2 That approval be expressed of the course pursued by the warden representing the Pigeon creek floating bridge and that the correspondence be ï¬led. n.l, A..-_‘ Your committee have examined the report of the overseer of county bridges on the condi- tion of the same, and would recommend that the :overseer be requested to supply infor- mation as to the length, height, width and material of the bridge examined. Your committee have examined the report of John Bailey, member for the 5.".h division, re3pecting Black river bridge, Gould creek bridge and Montgomery’s bridge on the 'lomdary between the townships of Dalton '1': J 4- ll-_o~nmnru,c [Caucuuus an“... --.-_ ,, a ’ bridge and Montgomery’s bridge on the lomdary between the townships of Dalton and Digby. With regard to Montgomery’s bridge, your committee recommend that Mr. Bailey be authorized to have all necessary Dunc, UV awn-“v. n...â€" repairs made in such a manner and of such materials as he mayideem mOst suitable. ~ , -L: “lulu-awn: w “v â€â€"1 â€"---_ ____, , Your committee have considered the peti- tion of A. McFarlane, and other ratepayers of the township of Eldon asking that measures be taken to have the approaches to the Talbot UC Lunxu LU â€ac- ..._ _rr_-ee_ river bridge on the boundary between the townships of Eldon and Thorah rendered suit- able for ordinary travel, and would tecom- mend that Dr. John W. Wood, member for the sixth division, be authorized to have the neceesary work camed out in conjunction with a commission of the county of Ontario. -L-A- a \«vunu-nuunvu v- __- . You: committee have examined the state- ment submitted by Mr. W. Veale. oom- missioaer for this county, in expending the grant of $100 maie at the June session for cuttin; down Smith’s bill on the boundary between Eldon and Thomb. showing an ex, penditure in all of $300. and beg to recon}, head that the sam be accepted as satisfac: tory. Your committee recommend that no action be taken respecting the boundary between the tOWnship of Somerville and the township of Lutterwotth in the county of Haliburtdn, the condition of which is reï¬ned to in the com- municatio x from the clerk of Helihnrton. nu-Olll\u§lv - ..‘â€"__ ___ - Your committee have considered the com- munication from the rccvc of Dalton respect- ing the rebuilding high of the Gully bridge on the Victoria Road, and would recommend that any action which the council might take be deferred. - .- n, An 4L-L 4L- LCICIIbu The treasurer of Dalton reports that the county of Ontario has made an equal grant wizh this county for the improvement ot the boundary between the townships cf Dalton and Rama, the amount apportioned by each being $50. Your committee haveexamined the corres-‘ pondence relative to the conditional grant of $50 made at the lune session for the improve- ment of Victoria road, mm of Uphill, and ï¬nd that the local municipalities are contribut- ing their share 0! the supplementary amount [required by the department of crown lands. Your committe rwommend payment of nfll‘nl‘flffl and SW at {0'10“ 3 accounts and 329-1133 I- au-wn . Sunday persons, tepairs Modgmn’cxy’s g bti e ...................... _ . . .$24 75 Nelson Tallman, rep’s, Gould ck. badge 6 50 Thos. Bell, “ Norland “ 3 00 John Ham. “ Cobooonk “ 2 oo Wm. Kennedy ‘_‘_ 1::qude ““ _§ 7? jFG.vï¬ag;d;§'éo., icp. stone cxusher 7 60 John Makins “ “ {8 e0 . E. Gordon ‘f_ “ 16 4g John Ham. “ Cobooonk “ 2 oo Wm. Kennedy “ Fencion Falls “ 5 75 “ ,“ “ Forest House “ 17 45 t‘ 6‘ u Gm dyer u 3 75 Sundry persons, “ Brown’s “ 7 00 M. Boyd Co.,lumbcr Forest h’se b’dge 45 85 Tp. Ops, repairs, stone cmshem . .. L' . 2 90 * â€" â€" - I n n 7 ; _‘__‘ u__ A- a ‘n '1‘. J. Parsonavgigt'ihg Omemec btidge 2:; 00 Village of Omegncc, renewing sidewalks , Omemee bridge.,........... ..-... 23 7; Ceo. Smith, engineer, services re Ops . and Manvcrs budge ... ...... . .. .. L6 50 C. McMahon, rep. Union Creek budge :4 00 ‘W. Kennedy,overseez Co. bdgsinsp’ct n 39 45 -> Your committee ï¬nd that the stOnc crushet has been used by the township of Ops and the town of Lindsay during the season, and that 48x cords of stone were when. SATURDAY’S PROCEEDINGS ROADS AND BRIDGES. ser,fotemn“ u ...... $12 50 {8 oo :6 4s Your committee recommend that the fol/low- ing allowances be paid, viz :â€" .- m,__ T. Stephenson, setâ€"vices Omemec bdge..$ 3 Iohn Austin “ Brown’s “ 2 W. C. Switzer “ Pigeon Creek floating bxidge .............. . ..... 3 W. C. Switzet “ Omemge bridge 3 folin .Bgï¬ey “ Mcntgomery’s and Gould creek bridges ........... IO 00 Wm. Cameron, services, Smith’s hill. Eldon and Thorah ................ 4 50 The council then went into committee of the whole on the seconding reading, with Mr. Ellis in the chair. he report was ‘ then read and adopted. FINANCE REPORT. Moved by Mr. Shaver, seconded by Mr. Austin, that the report of the standing committee on ï¬nance and assessment be now received and read as follows :â€" Your committee have considered the resolu- tion of council instructing them to report to the advisability of erecting a House of Refuge for the county, and in connection therewith the request of the deputations from the Home for the Aged and the Woman’s Christian Tem- perance Union who waited on the council at its sesssion held on the 16th inst., and urged r the necessity which exists for the establish- ment of such an institution. Your committee t have also considered the paragraph of the \warden’s address relating to the subject, and ‘ s..., have heard statements from the gentlemen who represented the council at the convention of ‘ charities recently held in the city of Toronto. ' Your committee are of opinion that the time has come for making the question of the estab- lishment of a House of Refuge an active one for the consideration of the electors and their representatives and would recommend that a vote on the question be taken at the ensuing municipal elections. Your committee beg leave to introduce a by-law to provide for carrying out the foregoing recommendation. 'our committee further recommended that the report of the special committee who re- ported on the subject in 1880 be reprinted for ‘ the information of electors. Your committee being convinced that it would be a valuable means for the purpose. The only exception ‘ that may be made is as to the estimate of the annual expense for interest, sinking fund and cost of maintenance. Your committee there- fore recommend that a brief table be prepared ‘ and appended to the report, bringing the estimate into accord with the changed condit- ions as to the reduction of the rate of interest, etc, besides the addition of such other matters of record as may be deemed desirable.l Your gommit‘tee have considered the other reports 9f the Werdsn’s addICSS, and beg to ‘recommend as follows :â€" ““V'ï¬â€˜v- I. That. leave be granted tointtoduce by-laws to provide for licensing and regulating auc- tioneers’ and pedlars, respectively, in consoli- dation of existing by-laws and amendmets thereto. “ c n.1,, A-_.:_ 5]. fog; lllCl Stu. 2. That approval be expressed of the nomin- ation by the warden of Mr. Robert H. Rexd of the township of Ops as county student at the Ontario Agricultural college, and that the nomination be for one year. ' ‘ ‘ .I LUJL-.. uvultuasnvu v‘ -v. v..- I _e Your committee have coosidered the further resolutions of c mncil referred to them. and beg to recommend as follows : I. That as Mr. Thomas Parker has been a resident of the township of Ops for many years, and the council of the local municipality being, therefore, the body to provide for his necessi- ties, no action be taken towards sending him to the Home for the Aged at the expense of the county. 2. That no steps be taken at present for the purpose of sending Joseph F elow, a reputed resident of the township of Somewille, to the iflome for Incumbies. 1. Thin: the documents relating to the recent convention on charities referred to in the warden’s address, be ï¬led._ Your committee have considered the céfna minimums referred to them, and beg to recommend as follows :â€" "u-uvâ€" _ '2. Thartilleeorrespondence respecting the nnmination of a. county student to the Agricul- tural college, referred to in the warden’s addless, be ï¬led. l.‘ n I hwy-I‘M _- ___...e 3. That the statutory statements of the Bank of Montreal of the amounts standing at the credit of the treasurer of the county on june 30th a._r_)_d Septernher. 30th last, be ï¬led. 7 -_-___J -- AA oL- to 5 percent. 5. Thu: approval be expressed of the cor- respondence of the county solicito: and the derl: with the law clerk of the legislative assembly, mpecti an apparent error in the revised stntutes of ntario relative to the fees peyabls for 9611495 licenses. ,,A____-j “ ‘LA 41.45::- v. â€" _-r--_, 4-: “fhat gmtiï¬eetian be exï¬ressed as to the reduction by the Bank of Montreal of the rate of intexest on advances to the county from 5% up». w...., P v - 7 7 7 , . That approval be expressed of the decis- ion of the special committee appointed at the June session to deal with the caSe of Henrv Hanlon, a‘destitute man, in sending him to the Home for the Aged. Knowing just when to buy Mantleaâ€"for cash ; know knowing just how to sell Mantlesâ€"for cash ; gives as t] found anywhere. Visit our MANTLE DEPARTMENT. MMNI'MMMW‘MWIMW fldglx. nt' 11m4ihhrlllitllhi4l‘h[link/Hillmdxï¬m. Jilin. .ui KENT STREET, Ladies’ MantlesA and Games. Children's Jackets and Ulsters. Omemee bridge Brown’s “ H 7. That action be deferred question of payment of a fee judge for the examination of conï¬ned in the county goal. _ 'v-l u--- _ - 8. That the request of the cauncil of the county of DuHerin for co-operation in petitming the legislative assembly for a change in the system of auditing municipal accounts, be not acceeded to. It’s more like investing money than spending money when you buy FURS specially from us. Our Furs have been care- fully sclectedâ€"perfectly cured and made up in the stoutest manner possible. With reasononable care they will last a lifetime. Ibvv‘vx-vâ€" --. 9. That the council co-operate with the council of the county of Dufl'erin in petitioning the legislative assembly for amendment of the of the jurors’. act, with a view to reducing the expenses for attendance of jurors at the various courts, and that leave be given for the intro- ductian of a, petition. 10. That the request of the council of thC county of Wentworth for co-operation in petitioning the legislative assembly for amend- ment of the assessment act relative to taxation of incomes from mortbages, and for uniformi‘y in the rgéu'l-avtia; 61:11: rése of highways by bicvclists be not acceeded to. II. That the request of the council of the county of Welland {or co-rpention in peti- tioning the legislative assembly to provide bv statute fee a free market for all farm and garden produce, be not acceeded to. Your committee have examined the trea- surer’s statement of monevs at the credit of the municipality on the 3Ist day of October last, and would recommend that it be appended to this zepon. Your committee have considered the peti- tion of A. McFarlane, esqv and a large number of residents of the “W351“? 0‘ Eldon. asking h certain privileges for John French of the Village of Beaverton. who is afflicted with blindness, and recommend that the moiety of the ï¬ne imposed on him by the police magistrate for exercisi..g the calling of a pedlar in the town- ship of Eldon‘without a license, and the magis- trate’s ices received by the county be remitted, and that a pedlars’ license to travel with one horse be granted to him and that the fee there- for be remitted. Your committee apprcve of the contract with the Bell Telephone Co. for service in the court house. Your committee recommend that the derk complain to the council of the township of Verulam of the excessive asseesment of the Brandon lot owned by the county- Reports have been submitted to your com- mit: ee as follows :â€"From the Prescott and Russell ï¬re relief fund committee; the Home for the Aged; the Children’s Aid society; and the public libraries of Kirkï¬eid, Bobcaygeon, Woodville and Lindsay, and your oomcnitteg recommend that the same be ï¬led. Your committee recommend that 'he follow- ing accounts be passed, viz: Home for the Aged, maintenance, - county inmates .................. 5 4o 95: Home for the Aged, maintenance 3 county inmases ................. 61 50 E. E. W. McGaï¬'ey, clothing, county inmates. ................. 3 02 M. J. Carter, clothing, Co. inmates“ 2 75 Moore Jackson, solicitors’ services. 9 00 C. D. Barr, searches re tax sale. . . ... 5 00 Clerk and Treas, postage, Jan. lst to Oct. gist ..................... 49 3r Clerk and Treas. telegraph, etc, Jan. xst to Sept. 30th ............ u 04 Your committee recommend that the usual allcwance of $200 be paid to the warden in recognition of his services for the current year. Your committee recommend t a the follow- ing allowances he paid, viz .â€" r The Warden. exp. chaneties’convent’nJ 5 55 ¢ Jas. Grrham “ ‘ “ 5 55 J. R. McNeillie “ “ “ 5 55 R. Bryuns, attendance, re Hanlon ..... 6 00 19.5. Graham “ “ ..... 5 00 J. A. Ellis. services re Brandon lot. . .. 4 oo ' (Continued on page 8) Is now ln full working order and doing good work. Already many have Iconsnlted me and are reaping the beneï¬t of Properly Fitted and Ad- justed Glasses. It costs you nothing to consult me and I may be able to Preserve your Eyesight tonyears. Everyone is cordially invited to cell whether in need of glasses or not. Persons with defective or painful vision or who have been improperly ï¬tted are specially invited; HERBERT BEALl, OPTIGIAN Prices are moderate too. cash ; knowing just how to mark Mantlesâ€"bo ask but one price ; ; gives us the biggest combination of STYLE and VALUES {to be Lindsay’s New Optical Business JEWELLER. OPTICIAN, ENGRAVER, Lindsay. relative to the to the county insane persons Wi tll Money to Loan On Approved lndorsed Notes for any term from 3 to 12 months) , H. SOOTHERAN, Are you sure they are in perfect order Pâ€"that some of the parts are not broken Pâ€"that they don’t need a good cleaning? Let us give them a thorough overhaulingâ€"ï¬x everything that needs attentionâ€"- and make them all ready for cold, :winter weather. In time of pea e [prepare {0" 'Wat’. KTA‘IT I- tï¬â€˜e ;‘V" t3 GEO. W. BEALL time. We have them in ail styles and at all prices. Drop in and examine our immense stock of From the best makers in the Do?- minion! EA VETROUGHIHG, PLWBIIIG, E 00â€â€œ and Guru/(1w 1150.1 “0.6K on Short Ilatice by (empat- ent Workman. W.G.WOODS Should You Want a New One COAL STOVES, LINDSAY WOO D STOVES, BOX STOVES, HEATERS, DRUMS, 75 Cents per annum :KENT STREET. HOW ABOUT THE STOVES ? 9906.