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Watchman (1888), 4 Dec 1890, p. 5

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.re Toe pen est designs and finest goods of the season. My .low Irices make the beautiful all Bargams. Beautiful lines In Opp. New Post Office, Kent Street. reachers Special Discount. Agent for pianos and Organs. We would remind our subscribers Ina! we have engagements to meet, and that unless we collect wizat is due as we will be seriously inconvenienced. T/ze szcoscription price oft/1e WATCH- MAN is very low, and we cannot aford .fo send a bill to each parzjy, out we would take it as agreaz‘favor if t/zose in arrems, would remit at I "A'J __- AI;FRornsamurfi: GIFTS My HOLIDAY STOCK, 1 3m pleasing them all. A large .nd varied assortment of fig. MEHERELL’S, Books, Stationery 81 Fancy Goods PLUSH GOODS, WGRK BOXES SHAVING GASES) ETG-, ETG. Can and see my New Oxford Bibles. TO OUR SU BSCRI BERS. The public ugh Mitchc tha E SENSATION 0F THE SEASON, BE SURE AND SEE IT. TH hurry, and prugramme. _ ' of \‘v u are in receipt of the first.nm3be;eu {JIM [TM/IVS, a handsomely prlnt? ’ Our armn'red I52-parre monthly magfizflle. h '5 O - f ivmg "1 eac HUIH’F, nukes aspecmlt’y 0 g d wings number original arCh‘tectuml £110 a. and Sim-citicatious for house-bu b l OTI'er YaIU‘z3>'ze: feature not attempted y ‘ - e mazuzines. It also devotes conuderaPl space in house furniShing’ home decOrzgic"; {ind kindred t0p103~ as well 33b]? hers iitemturc and poetry, The pa 1sthfi’ir announce that in order to Increas" tt 0e Circulation they will give a free co ta?“ WUL'U) 5:47.311 ()1‘ Will give that amoun nurn'n.;;- Hf LIFI'OI'S, (woris Wrtgnogly 3pc xmis-MWH) in the issue 0 ”‘ . Z33 1" ““1“; v1 wl'l be mven tWO cash prl .: ~.~ A ‘ h ' ’h of , "1 NW“ wwh, four of $100, 91.: “ f $5 {8“ 0t 9’5 hventy-five Of $10. fifty o 61 . . '_ ‘ L. ’ - 1.--...er an Ulvvvv -7, {j . once. To those who Izave pant us rethlartv we return our best tlzanks. we will receive no subscriptions zn fntnre unless accompanied by tfze ears/z. THURSDAY. DEC. 4, 1890. She Wiatcbman. ten of $25 twentyâ€"five ‘ One hundred of $2, and it? of S‘T (Harihntad 1‘ m («,1 5., “he hn‘_‘o)q t‘.~'e:]ty_n\ve OI wLU, “I‘J v n ‘h‘(ll'\)(l Hf Q5) . d d -' d v. d, an one hundre an N filly ()~ :‘ - . . I ‘1. (llstmbuted 1n order mentioned I) will be In mi . _ Sent £31.“!!! ref-5‘Jlafi0n5, whic receipy‘lp” 301W 0f December issue on flash, M, it 1;) Cents in stamps. Special dunm,',;(" 3”?!) away almost everyday : "npetltlon which closes Eebruary Tn r5, BOOKS NOVELTIES ‘NGY GOODS AND MOTIONS ETB. given away 31 most eVm' dun n” r- 7 - . ”mh0t1t10n which closes Eebi \ ISL 1591 the A Glimpse at Fairyland, New Furniture Store. ~511Mscriber intends opening a new um and Undertaking Warehouse in Keenan‘s Block opposite the Benson .nn the 16th. of December next, : he will open a general assortment rniture. Doings About Town. McNab 8L Martin :1istr‘1butors of Lumber, Shingles (u middle mens profits to pay when ml with us. 47-tf. Lindsay Collegiate lnsti 1 kinds of folksâ€"little and at all kinds of pricesâ€" qreat or small. meeting of the Literary Society usual in the assembly hall of the .n Friday evening last. The pro- ‘ c. msisted of instrumental and'vocal md readings, Misses Ferris and it each contributed an instrumental 3‘ well chosen and well played. IcDunald sung a. song that was pnreciated, and Messrs. Blackwell, and Grant, added teadings to the Fur Repairing. , ’ l1 kinds Repaired, and made I It :uization Caps, Collars, Capes. 5. age. Prices reasonable. All remind}? attended to. Residence [blic are hereby notified that Mr. Lmhell has ceased his connection W mommy 53 agent. . METHERELL‘S, A Cottage Given ,mpuy au :11: street. NOTICE. M. E. TAXGNAY. Miss D. FORBER. Away. an: tute. Are settled in their new office, they have the best yard in town, and sell the cheap- est. 47-tf All lengths at lowest pnces. Order now, Telephone Connection. 47-tf. MCNAR Kr. MAn'rrw Remember the second annual concert of the Lindsay Collegiate Institute, in their fine Assembly Hall, Tuesday, Dec. 16th. The Mahr Bros. violin and cello. Mrs. MacKelcan, alto; Mr. Harold Jarvis, tenor; and Mr. S. H. Clark, elocutionist, will furnish the programme and their names indicate the high class character of the concert. We regret to chronicle the sad news received by Mr. John Lyons of this town of the death of his oldest son William, which event took place a few days since in New York city, after a three days ill- ness of pneumonia. Mr. Lyons was em- ployed in one of the leading boot and shoe houses in New York, where he held a reâ€" sponsible position, and his sudden death has been a severe affliction to his parents and friends. Deceased was about 40 years of age, and unmarried. The family has the sympathy of all who know him. Another melancholy death of a towns- man took place at Bufl‘alo on Friday last, the result of a railway accident, in the person of Mr. John Fee, oldest son of Mr. James Fee of this town. Mr. Fee was employed on the Michigan central as con- ductor, and by some unaccountable ac- cident was thrown off the platform, and the wheels passed over his legs. He only lived a few hours. His body was brought home on Saturday, and interred on Sun- day, when his remains were conveyed to the riverside cemetety, accompanied by a large concourse of friends and sympath- izers. Deceased was 40 years of age, and leaves a Wife and small family. It is particularly sad for Mr. Fee, when it is remembered that a younger son was killed in Peplow’s mill, Peterboro’, a few months ago. The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Education was held on Tuesday evening of this week. Present, chairman John Dobson, Messrs. McNeillie, Ray, J. Kennedy R. Kennedy McLaughlin, Col Deacon, Walters, MacyMurchy, and Duns- ford. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Principal Harstone, of the Collegiate Institute reported an average attendance of 216 for November : and Principal Broderick an average of 7 26 with 805 up- on the roll for the same period. A communication from Mr. Passmore caretaker of the Institute, with reference to 5; caretaker’s reeldence, was referred to the management committee. The secretary was instructed to adver- tise for two te ichers for the public schools, one to fill the vacancy caused by the resig- nation of Miss Mitchell, and the other for the additional department to be opened in the South Ward school. applications to be in by the 9th inst. A petition signed by 116 ratepayers was presented by Mr Walters, asking that provision be made for the fifth form public school course as provided for under the p'ublic school act: F yled. The report of the Finance Committee was read by Mr. McNeiIlie and adopted. The use of a. room in the North Ward school wasjgranted Mr. Inspector Knight, in which to hold an examination in scrip- ture during Christmas week under an as- sociation now established for that pur- pose. . ‘ 1',,,_._-.J .-...t.l mnnarlnrr llJOV- The board adjourned until Tuesday next 9th mst‘, to ccnsider applications for vacancies in the teachers’ staff. The sacred concert held in St. Andrew’s church last Friday evening was in every respect most successful. The attendance was large ; the music was good; and the speaking Was interesting. It would be difficult to classify the various parts of the programme with good, better and best. The four anthems by the choir, “ God is a_Spirit,” “I Will Lift up Mine Eyes.” “Abide With Me,” “ The Lord is My Shepherd,” were well rendered and showed great care in the preparation. The parts were well balanced. the voices Were well modulated. and the time was perfect. The two duetts by Mr. Slater and Miss English of Omemee were also extremely a ;the sweet tenor of Mr. Slater and the rich alto of Miss English blend into asing duett. Mr. A. H. Grant read “ The Great Missionary Move- 1’ ‘ -‘ I AL- Collegiate Institute Concert. Board of Education. McNab 8: Martin Best rHardwood Sacred Concert. Obituary. MCNAB MARTIN. THE WATCHMAN, LINDSAY. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4 I890. Lindsav Octette Club, New Year’s Night. Eer- bert L. Clarke, Cornet Soloist. Mr. J ohnson, of Omemee, was in town on Saturday last. Mrs. Shaw, of Toronto, was in town for a. few days this week. Rev. J. McMullen and wife, of Minden, were in town on Monday last. On Sunday eveningnext in Cambridge street Methodist Church, the Rev. Dr. Williams, will preach a Special sermon to young men, Subject. " What a ywung man saw when his eyes were opened.” D1. Wood, of Kirkfield, was in town on Saturday. Mr. J. Daly, of Peterboro’ was in town over Sunday. Mrs. R. N. Roddy, of Peterboro’ was in town for a few days this week. Mr. John A. J ackson, clerk of the town- ship of Eldon, spent Saturday in Lindsay. Miss Maud and Edith Battisby, of Port Hope, were in town for a few days last week. Mr. Alex Blanchard, Principle of the Peterboro’ Business College, was in town for a few days this week. Rev. Dr. McTavish and Mrs. McTavish of Toronto, received a cordial reception on all sides, during their stay in town last week. Mr. F. Knowlson and Mr. G. Kempt were in Toronto last week attending the meeting of the Ontario Hockey Associa- tion. BREVITIES Buy the best. Terry’s first prize bread. We learn that the skating rink will be in running order in a few days. The best hand-made long boots equal to any ordered work, at much less money at Bryans 85 Co. The election of officers for the True Blues has been laid over till the next regular meeting. There was a good market on Saturday last. A considerable quantity of poultry was offered at reasonable prices. LOOK out for G. A. Metherell’s advt. next week, who has a. large stock of beau- tiful holiday presents to assort from. A meeting of the central charlty com- mi:tee will be held in the mechanics’ In- stitute on Friday afternoon at four o’clock. As will be seen by advt. in another column M. Authors of Authors Cox, Toronto will be at the Benson House on Wednesday Dec. 17th. Boots shoes. trunks, valises, etc., at the lowest living profits at the new parlor shoe store, first door east of Duly House, Kent Street, Lindsay. It will be seen that the Lindsay Octette Club will give a. concert in the Opera House on New Year’s night. L. Clarke, Cornet soloist, and other attractions will secure a. full house. A meeting for the purpose of forming an Ontario Hockey Association was hell at the Queen’s hotel. Toronto an Thurs- day evening last at which Mr. J. A. 'Barâ€" ren, M. P. was elected vice-president. R. Bryans is always well pleased to see his many old customers calling to purchase boots and shoes from the Parlor shoe store, as he keeps all the best lines in the com- mon-sense and walkingphast boots, hand mad e. The writ for the election in South Vic- toria has been issued. The nommation is to take place on Thursday the the 11th inst., and the polling on the 18th. Bryans Co. buy their boots shoes direct from the largest and hest manufact- urers in the Dominion in large quantities and pay Spot cash, enabling them to secure a. large discounf,,and as they sell for cash it is very easy to see how they can undersell all others. The curling rink is being got into order for the winter’s sport. Skip Keith is “ bossing” the job this season and if he fails he will hear about it. However, he guarantees first-class ice regardless of I--- guaLuaxuvv J ..-..- weather. So far he is succeeding splen- didly. and there is a prospect of a game this week. The question as to the new station master in the East Ward for the railway that is to beâ€"after the eleetionâ€"is the burning topics in certain circles. It is felt that the appointment would be a much more substantial reward for distinguished services than the confering of any high- sounding titles. It is not to be appre- hended that there will be much difficulty in sizing up the claims of the applicants. The anniversary of the Lindsay branch 0f the Y.M.C.A. was held in the Cambridge street Methodist. Church on Thursday evening of last week. Interesting ad- dresses were delivered by the Rev. Mr. McTavish and secretary Cole. The musi- -J -t- LVLU 1 (I: V 1011 (IIJV va- vs--_., cal part of the program consisted of a. very finely rendered solo "' Eternal Rest” sung by Miss Aggie Jackson, and selec- tions by the ladies quartet, and gentle- men’s octet, evincirg careful training and exceedingly good musical taste The little game provided by Mr. A. B. Terry for the amusement of the young- sters of the town, is an ingenious con- trivance, and has been somewhat extensively patronized. “ Drop 't copper p.\vvu:uuvv-J .,,, in the slot and draw a stick of gum "l describes the situation. After its being in operatiop for two or three weeks, it was npened and the following results nutcdi: â€" out of about 60 “ coppers ” found therein. 40 were “lead ” coppers. We are afraid this does not speak well for the honesty of our young hopefuls, and a. sound moral lesson ought to be read to them in con- sequence, Church Notes. Personals. M O 'V I G SALE. Decide to visit our store and inspect our magnificent Winter Stock. Notice in particular our unparrelled attrac- tions in DRESS GOODS of the latest and most popular styles. Give careful attention to our complete line of Mens’ Boy’s and Youth’s OVERCOATS, in Ready-made Clothing our assort- ment is large. Inspect our Stock of Mantles, Mantle Cloths and Hosiery. Remember we are selling our Furs, Robes, Coon Coats and Caps at Moving Sale Prices. - PROGRAMME. DRY GOODS HOUSE DOOR EAST OF SIMPSON HOUSE KENT STREET, LINDSAY. Compare our prices and qualities with _ others and then proceed to make the most of this grand opportunity. ' PART PART PART PART V- PART 1. MGGAFFEY, 5.

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