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Watchman (1888), 29 Dec 1892, p. 3

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"“1? manufacture-1 31E 5 '3‘; Which renames the “II! LO the guns or jaw, ale 5 fer days, and no ”has“ insert“ on 3!} [he bproved styles and applhgl uh union. Numbers of PM 7 MY. Neelands over so 3. Prices from $10 to gm Ice will 3 lease Send ice, Ken : Siren, ] at the Storehouse. l 1890â€"36-tf. have much to do ly furnished ne home L grow County. and lure ‘he, Gas. for $30, ible' l Ball's Local n°“' using a new ml. .. louse, Lindsay L, Barley, 31:13 Alsike .nd Potatoes iheaply. ruld have been :re was never at least. he Market. ad for $2, 01' 3 Hall Furniture [attrasses to buy at the new Cowdry treet- TAIL 85 CO. "'1 :Mounta'ns of New Goods. our? " ”EH! 5'; as so, a. ' “0.000 9.. HEADQUARTERS FOR Leading Lines 9f all Kinds 6f STQVES. Thesef'goods are an Fresh and Reliable. Heads of families will do themselves a service by calhng upon us, A. CAMPBELL, flimw chasm and thelar avgiest selection < shown in ctoria. County. PRINTING OFFICE, William . Street, One Car Teasâ€"our celebrated 250. Brand. One Gar Sugarsâ€"Granulated Light and Brown. Three Cars Saltâ€"To be sold at the popular price. One Car Celebrated American White Oil. one Car General Groceries and Fancy Lines. Two Hundred Boxes New Valentia Raisins. One Hundred Cases Canned Goods. new fall stock received during past few weeks are now open. GO TO E. WOODS, Hi AWAY DOWN IN THE VALLEYS. AND KITCHEN WITCH. FOR ALL KINDS OF Amkemz‘, Base Buy/74675. very Thursday morning, and sent. to anv address for - selection 0 la. Countv. f Wood Cooks and Parlour Stoves. Get our prices before buying. CABLOAD S OF woon RANGES. THE WATCHMAN, LINDSAY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, I892. bum‘ess, ITo FARMERS on AGENTS Who will kindly send us the N o. and style of their plows we will send one or a dozen of the Johnston Patent Plow Shares, Guard and Underscore Attachment, manu- factured by this company ahd supplied by our agents at average, ordinary price of common shares. We will expect testi- monials, if only on post cards, giving candid opinions, as we have many already highly in our favor. Agents wanted; we will pay good, salaries to the right men. Address The Johnston Patent Plow Share 00., of Toronto, L’td., 423 Spadina Ave. Toronto. The London Guarantee and Accident In surance Company of London, England Capital $1,250,000. Liberal policyâ€"Bonus every five years, $5 per nnum secures $5 weekly compensation nd $1000 in the event of death by acc1dent.| JOHN D. MACMURCEY, privileg° tqborrower to pay ofi' gmy sum on account 0 princxpal wnth any payment of mterest without notice and thhout expense. Interest yearly. All payment COMPANIES’ 8L PRIVATE FUNDS‘ TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. MONEY T0 «LOAN. Accident Insurance. Barrister, Solicitor, c. , Co rner of York Ken Streets Lindsa General Agent, Lindsay. . B. DEAN . Eta, ever REA TATE NSURANOE. 8: FINANCIAL AGENTS FIRE INSURANCE- The Actnu Fire Insurance Co , of Hart ford. Comm. incozpurated 1819, losses paid in 713mm about $65,000,000, assets over $10,000,000, ab<olute1y the strongest Ameri- can, Co. in existence. Wf: also repregem other Fire Companies of high standing, and can give safest se- curlty for th. .th'Sb rates. The Kort h Brit xsh and Mercantile 1ncor porated 1509, paid up capital abt. $53,500,000 total assets §50.:;76,064. The N B M is the largest and strongest Co. in exhtence. LIFE INSURANCE- The Confederacion Lite Associatlon, of Toronto, ‘ssues Policies Incontestableafter three years. FREE from ALL RESTRICTIONS as to RESIDENCE. TRAVEL or OCCUPATION. The New Annuity Endownment Policy affords absolute protection against contin~ gency of early death, provides an INCOME 11 old age, and is a good investment. Rate 15 to 20 per cent iower than ordin- ary rates. We have a large list ot valuable Build ing Lots, Brick and Frame dwelling houses, Farm properties, and choice lots on Stur- geon Lake, which can be had cheap for cash, or mortgage at a low rate of interest, MONEY To LOAN at a low rate of interest. Persons desiring to place their pro erty ii. the market can have it advertise free of charge and will be sold or exchanged by us at a small commission, Represent the Beaver Line of Steamships Eying between Montreal and Liverpool, oats large and well equipped and cheap rates of passage. Represent the Norwich London Acci- dent Insurance Co Capital $1, 000, 009 Bates extraordinarily low and security un- urpassed OFFICE WILLIAM-ST. NORTH OF KENT STREET. Lindsay, 1\ (A. 1! 11', 1%“ .â€"4£-13. HIGH-GLASS POULTRY Orders filled as received; His stock are all prize birds, as followa HflUDANS. WHITE LEGHORNS PLYMOUTH BOOKS. KN OWLSON BROS. Lindsay, will receive pupils there for KNOWLSON BROS. or Will vis pupils at their homes. Would invite the public to see STOCK of MUSIC, both Classic and Modern which he has for sale. and Will furnish both MUSIC and INSTRUMENTS at reasonable rates. Pianos tuned. KNOWLSON BROS. Parties Wanting THOROUGH-BRED POULTRY KNOWLSON BROS. Must be sent ‘ afternoon to lowing issue_ niilnilenci: (30.. The subscriber is prepared todress all kinds of Mill-Picks, and to do all other jobbing in connection with Blacksmithing Buggies, Waggons and setting tyres a specialty. Repairs to Blacksmith,s Bel} lows and. Plates. All work warranted Portable or stationary forges supplied. MR. RICHARD HUMPHREY Having removed to the South End of [Skitch’s Bo“ NOTIGES, ADVERTISEMENTS, 8L0. W'lLLIAM tNAN!) ORGAN, VIOLIN, ETD, DRESSING MILL-PICKS. REAL ESTATh, PLYMOUTH ROCKS. nt in_ "not later than] Tuesday to secure insertions in fol REPAIRING VB. 0. TR EW, LINDSAY, a HERLIHEY. Snugmne mum! ,_ Jam-M work for us. by Anna Page. Austin. Texas, and Jun. Bonn. 'l‘olt-do, Ohio. See cut. Others "re doingas wen. “'hy not you? Some warn over $500.00 a month. You can do tht‘ work and “V! at home, wherevor yuu are. Even be ‘ -- u. _ 1..-... a: n“ II: IIUIIIV’ Y! IIVIK In. .v .... ._. V. ‘ inm‘rs are easily earning from $5 to 103 day. All ages. We show you how ‘nd start you. Can work in spare time or all the lime. Big money for work- ers. Failure unknown among them‘ NEW and wonderful. Particulars free. .Box 880 Portland.Maine had better apply to TBE'W' Wi liam st., Lindsay '1 o everyoqe using this Remedy: acqording t9 dircc‘tions, arvn1655'éfieékfifii and conséientiouslyurefunded. PRICE $1.00. 5 PACKAGES $5.00. Sent by mail to any pomt In 0.3. or Canada, securely segled fr_ee trom_duty 9;_inspecti_qn_. _ IA cure is Guaranteedll "WFiié'tBF BBF'B‘o'dR 1" s'fi'n'ffl'nié FACTS” tor men only. Tells you how to get well and stay well. Mm 91.9%!21 QUEEN..M§9!0_|NE 0%. DENTIST All branches of Dentistry. including the beautiful and durable Cures Lost Power, Nervous Debility, Night Losses, Di- seases caused by Abuse, Over Work, Indiscretion, Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants, Lack of Energy, Lost Memory, Head- ache and Wakefulness. Young, middle-aged or old men suffermg from the effects of flollies and excesses, restored to perfect health, manhood and vigor. RELIEF To THOUSANDS BY THIS MAm’ELous REMEDV. CROWN and BRIDGE WORK, successfully practised by Mr. Gross. An upper or under set of good teeth for $10. Pure GAS and VITALIZED AIR for painless extraction. Free when artificial teeth are required. Over 30 years exper- ience. Rooms over Kennedy’s store. op- posite Dominion Bank, Kent Street. Yb“? mw. H. GROSS, Lind Lecturer on Orthopedic Surgery in the women’s Medical College, and in Toronto University; Consulting Orthopedic Sur- geon to Victoria Hospital for sick children, Toronto. Diseases of the Joints and De. formities only. Consultation 10 to 3. Bloor St. W. (Near Yonge St.) Toronto. 8-ly' V ' 8: S. Kg. Ofiice and reéidence. Cambridg St Lindsay, opposite Baptis Church. Dr. B. E, MCKENZIE, B.A., OHS A. BARRON, Q. C. (Solicitor for Dominion Bank.) Lindsay. Offi- ces William St, in new Dominion Bank building. Money 60 loan. ALLAN S. MACDONELL, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, c. Oflice, over Kennedy’s! store. Kent St., Lindsay. “nil RISTERSz SOLICITORS. etc. Offices, im. mediately opposxte the Daly House, Kent street, Lindsay. JOHN McSWEYN DONALD R. ANDERSON tars. Lindsay. F. D. MOORE. ALEX. JACKSON G ’d. HOPKINS, (successor to Martin Hopkins) )Barrister, Solicitor etc Oflice. William St. Lindsav Ontario. -â€"AND'1‘HEâ€"â€"â€" PORCELAIN FILLING SYSTEM APPLY TO MR. JOHN A. BARRON Lindsay, for Moneys for Investment, at Lowest Rates of Interest. Oflices William St. in new Dominion Bank build- ings. 1V1 vâ€"I'iISTERS, Solicitors. tharies. etc., etc Officesover Ontario Bank, Kent-St. , Lindsav. n. I. McINTYRE. T. STEWART 51- LICITOR, etc., Clem-k of Peace, Lindsay, tore, Kent-St. Lindsay. J. M. H. McLAUGHLIN, ' BARRISTERS. c, Ofiice, Baker’s Block, Opposite the Market, Lindsay. Ont. Money to loan. Private and company funds in amounts and on terms to suit borrower, and at lowest rates of interest. MCSWEYN ANDERSON are pre- pared to loan on good security both private and company funds at lowest cur- i‘ent: rates. ABSOLUTELY Oflice over Fairweather Co’s Store, op posite Post Office, 94 Kent St. Lindsay' Gas and Vitalized Air administered Charges moderate. MONEY T0 LOAN. AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES INTEREST |PAYABLE YEARLX Terms to suit borrower. McINTYRE 8: STEWART, Barristers, etc, Lindsay i. DEGBASSI, PHYSICIAL SURGEON, ETC. ETC., Wellington-St NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING, Montreal,’can CSWEYN ANDERSON, BAR- 'OORE JACKSON (SUCCESS .ons tc Hudspeth Jackson) Barris- Solicitors etc. Office William street, cINTYRE STEWART, BAR- g’rofessional‘ @arbs. HERRIMAN, M. D. Mac: 2 , HART, L. D. DENTIST. DEVLIN, BARRISTERSO- Q’fipsicians. Money to Loan. Iounty Crown Attorney, Ont. Ofire over Foley LINDSAY 1! '9 my Still Exist. but as Humble Imitatm of Their Bold Ancestors. Recent declarations of the Greek news- papers that a regular piratical organiz- tion still survives in some of the more out- of-the-way parts of the Mediterranean re- ceive a certain amount of confirmation from the confessions of two men arrested in the Piraeus on charges of piracy not long ago. The headquarters of the band is said to be Alvali, and two dozen ships are said to be engaged in the business. The scene of their operations, it is further stated, is the coast of Asia Minor and the islands of the Archipelago, and by means of false papers the booty is landed in Greece duty free. Cattle stealing is the chief part of the enterprise, but it is said that vessels are also attached. Indeed, the pris- oners admit that a short time ago they, in company with others, attacked a Greek vessel on the coast of Ephesus, whose crew had gone ashore for water, killed. the cap; tainfwho had rammed 3:1 board, carriéd 05 the cargo consisting of fifteen oxen, and sold the beasts on the high seas. The plan of the pirates was to rob outside of Greek waters, and within them to pose as honest merchants. This is why they have been able for so long to practice their trade in security under the very eyes of the authorities. The alleged piracy evidenth has been on a small scale and of a most un- romantic character, but the existence of it was unsuspected and a thorough investiga- tion has been set on foot. It is difficult for owners and trainers of the‘resent day, when a valuable horse, trained to the hour, can be sent anywhere to meet an engagement within twenty-four hours, to appreciate the difficulties felt by their predecessors before railways were in- troduced. In those days horses were marched over the country at the rate of ten miles a day, and a winner of the Oaks in 1836 was despatched at once from Epsom to take part in the Newcastle Plate, with afull month spent on the journey. Lord George Bentick’s enterprise devised a plan by which racehorses were placed in a van, a sort of travelling stable, and taken by poetr horses all over the kingdom. Tho first occasion or; which this new ma- chine was employed was when Elis was sent from Goodwood to take part in the St. Leger in 1836, when the horse had been left temporarily in charge of John Kent’s father. His successes at Goodwood and Lewes had induced Lord George to back him heavily for the Leger ; but just before the race he found that some parties were helping themselves largely on his horse, and he made it known that unless his com- missioner was accommodated with a bet of £12,000 to £1,000 he would not start him. The bet was laid, as John Kent suggests, because it was believed at that period to be impossible to get Elis to Dorchester in time for the race. LVL vuv . “v.- However, Lord George’s newly-invented van was brought into requisition, and on the Friday before the race was started, laden by Elis and his schoolmaster, the Drummer. The distance of 250 miles was divided into three sections of about eighty miles each, and on the Sunday morning the two horses were galloping on the Lichfield racecourse. On the Monday evening Elia was safely stabled in Doncaster, the cost of the journey having been about £100. On the Wednesday he won the Leger, and Lord George was well repaid for this expendi- ture. When he finally joined the Good- wood Stable, Lord George had six such vans employed by John Kent and his father, and doubtless the invention had much to do with the success of the stable. â€"The Academy. Fascination. The London Queen discussing the subject of fascination, asks : What is it that at- tracts us in one face and repels us in an- other? We might say the plain impress of the spirit within if we were all attracted by the same person, and repelled by the same. But, as with that homely old adage which sets forth how “one man’s meat is another man’s poison,” so the faceâ€"the personâ€"â€" whom we loathe another passionately de- sires, and that which we desire another as passionately loathes. The cause lies deep- er than this. It has its beginning in some secret sourceâ€"some strange, undetected science of which we have not got the key. These subtle harmonies and no less subtle discords have their own “Ur-sprung,” and we have to go farther yet into the mysteries of psycho-physiology before we come upon that well-concealed original cause. “Magnetic,” some call it, which is merely resting the elephant on the back of the tortoiseâ€"and the tortoise on. what 2 qu UV. uvâ€"_' When we say “magnetic,” how much nearer to the absolute cause of this harmonyâ€"this discordâ€"are we 2 We have given a name, but the name wants its definitign; and then qu only uu---v v. .._v- â€"that definition must be reduced to its * elements. For, after all, what is this >- “magnetism” which we say we see because 3 we feel 2 Is it a chemical afiinity or a geo- é metrical harmony 1' And in any case how :3 is it, that one person can fascinate many, 1‘} and so prove an indefinite amount of chemi- : cal affinity ora strangely complex geometri- ”r1 cal arrangement of atoms ‘2 g3 ‘X? The danger through arsenical poisoninlgl in our homes is not confined to the wa 3 papers, having been found often present in " cretonnes and imitation Indian muslin in ‘4‘ poisonous quantitie s. “A curious case came 3 i under my notice lately which, I think, is of .1 public value. A Christmas tree resulted in most of the little 2 children’s party and ‘3 people and many of the older ones being i seized with symptoms of mineral poisoning. 1,; The fact of several who were present who '1: had not partaken of food or liquid of any -; kind being in the number of those affected .3 directed my attention to the colored candles on the tree. These I had examin- f. \l’_ 1’.â€".,. Wuuxcn uu vuv â€". --- ed by the county analyst, Mr. Lowe, of Chester, whose report ;is to the effect that the green candles were colored with arsenical teen, to the extent that every eight can les would contain one grain of arsenious anhydrite. He further reports that the red candles were colored with vermilion. There is no doubt, therefore, that we have not further to seek for an ex- planation of the symptomsâ€"a. crowded room, with the atmosphere charged with arsenical and mercurial fumes sufficiently accounting for it. It is only fair to state that I learn the candles were not of English manufacture, and were bought with the toys.”â€"Chambers’ Journal. -‘â€"'_-_w_ I, , NEW YORK, Dec. {BLâ€"At a. meeting of the Chamber of Commerce 3. resoluf tion requesting Congress to p :55 u :r- 1 mal quarantine law no» unanimoualy u v. Led. Vans and Racehorses. GREEK PIRATES. National Quarantine Ars enical Poisoning. ens subtle ing, ” am!-‘ into the: before we . origins! , which is 19 back of rn what. ’ uch nearer . tonyâ€"thin s u a name, ;and then ced to its t is this; so because r or a geo- case how ”LAB «5:2:sz is? E tax-23% poisonin .4 , the wa. Lprwent in :, muslin in 31‘ 3 case came 33 think, is of party and '3 of the little 3

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