51$ accounts as follows . Wilson Wilson, advertising lands {or mes,†mm ..... \u ., Wilson_ a. Wilson, printing min-ts; w’l'iz'e Itritinkland prices have been entirely satisfactory and you: committee recommend, therefore, that the present arrangement be Co., and the Review Publishing Co. 0? Peterboro, respecting the blank booksr uired by the county. Your committee ï¬ndt at in the year 1891 the Review Publishing Co, was brought into competition in prices with the leading manufacturers of blank books in Toronto and an arrangement was then made whereby the county would be supplied by that company With registry and other books at the 1095* Price. quméd' . I v A. o PBINTIXG . Mr. George Laidlaw introduced the report of the printing committee as fol- lows 2â€"- ~Can‘ied. \ our committee have considered the com- Council resumed at 10 o’clock p.m. The warden presided and the members all present. Minutes of previous session read and approved. Moved by Mr. Dixon, seconded by Mr. Campbell, that the ï¬nance committee take into consideration the advisability of introducing a by-law to amend by-law regulating pedlars’ licenses.â€"Carried. TBB POWELL BRIDGE. Moved by Mr. Thompeon, seconded by Mr. Campbell, that the committee on roads and bridges take into conaideration and report on the advisability of granting $100to assist the township of Dalton in building a bridge over the Head river, in aid township, known as Powell’s bridge. Moved by Mr. Kylie, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the ï¬nance committee take into consideration and report on the advisa- bility of granting the present warden the usual amount, $200.â€"Carried. Mr. Kylie pointed out that some years the warden had very important duties to perform, and had to do a great deal of extra work. The salary was sometimes placed a_t $100 and eo‘metimes ipcreased to THURsnAY’s Pnocnsmxus. Council resumed at 10 o'cl0ck. the warden in the chair. Members all we sent' Minutes of previous sessxon read and approved. THE CAPTAIN’s PET SCHEME. Moved by Capt. Crandell, seconded by Mr. Kylie, that the committee on ï¬nance take into considerat ion and report on the advisability of making a grant of $250 to the home for the aged m lieu of the grant made to the isolation hospital.â€"-â€"Carried. A “'ORTHY COMMITTEE. Moved by Mr. McQuade, seconded by Mr. Lithgow, that the names of Messrs. J. L. Read, of Bobcaygeon, and John Kelley, of Verulam, be added to the com- mittee presenting the motion of condol- ence to the family of the late Capt. Bot- tum.-â€"-Carried. $200. It was for this reason he desired to have the matter considered. The council then adjourned. Dr. Wood asked if the committee were sufï¬ciently far enough advanced in their ï¬nancial arrangements to state at. what price they would be able to receive poor peofle from the country. accomplished in the distribution of fuel as Would be now achieved when the poor were all under one roof. He would therefore more that this councfl name the hour of one o’clock p.111. to visit, the home for the aged. Mr. Ray stated that the committee were not able to give this information, but they hoped to be able to keep the pogr at a very small cost. - The motien was then carried and the council adjourned until ten o’clock on Thursday. they agree that Armitage’s is the place to buy clothes. Several of our best customers have acknowledged that they have tried buying their clothes at other places and wound up by coming back to us. All we ask is a. fair com- parison of our goods and ï¬ts with those of other makers, and if ours do not appear to an advantage, we will not expect your patronage. THE COUNTY [EGISLATORS When Well-Dressed Men Compare Notes THURSDAY. DEC. 5th. 1895, (the "(watchman E. ARMITAGE, (Continued from pay» .3). 'rmr. WARDEN'S STIPEND. FRIDAY’S Pnocznmxcs. rznmx’s LICENSE. .Qo oooto-uo l’C‘ 7| KENT STREET {mm-1d an). 5;» up ' the clinic: by inviting any memboroyggtho council who might be in the northern metropolig go atop than. . no council {hon Adjourned until 10 o’clock on Saturday. James V “ _“ court house . . Geo. Ingle, furniture, clerk’s ofï¬ce. . “ sundries, court house. . . . F. K. Begliic, speciï¬cations, court house roof, etc ...... . . . ...... F. K. Begbie. speciï¬cations, etc., gaol, plumbing ................... Frank Crandell, 4t cords wood, court house. . . . . ................... Sadler, Dundas 8: F. M. Co., 40 cords wood, court house . . . . ........ James O’Connell, work, court house grounds ...... . ............... James O’Connell, work, court house grounds .............. Bell Telephone Co. , Mr Devlin’s ofï¬ce removing telephone Mr. Devlin’ 5 ofï¬ce .......... . Rathbun Co., lumber, court house. . . . Your committee recommend payment of the following allowances, viz : Geo. Crandeil, chairman of this com- mittee and member of sub- c0m- mittee ...................... $50 00 R. Kylie, member subâ€" committee. . 35 00 John Ellis, member, sub-committee. . 25 00 The report was adopted. A CORDIAL INVITATION. Dr. Woods stated that he bed learned that it was the duty of the municipeiity to purchase handcuï¬s an therefore «had to have his motion 17 drawn. He explained that the sum granted for- the purpose of building 3 lock-up ut Kirkï¬eld had been euflioient for the purpose, end that they now had 3 safe and confortuble building. In thanking_ the council for the A communication from Mr. \\'. (‘1. VV'oods has been submitted, in which he calls atten- tion to the serious loss he has sustained in executing the contract for covering the roof of the court house with iron. Your committee recommend that the well-established rule of requiring all parties to a contract in which the public is concerned to comply with its provis- ions as to the amount stipulated for be adhered to. grounds ...................... Iohn Sandford, repairing drain, etc. . Matthew Carrolan, cab hire ........ J. Brimmcl], work, court house ..... F. Brady, work, court house ........ B. Brooks, earth, court house ....... W. G. Woods, repairing etc , gaol. . . . V. Electric Light Co., lighting court Your committee have considered the c0mmunications from the divisional inspector of electric light, giving the result of the inspection of the meters in the county build- ings. and would recommend that the docu- ments be ï¬led. Jos. Thorphill, 101m, court Your committee recommend that the com- munication from the Light, Heat and Power Co. respecting contract be ï¬led. Your comrï¬ittec recommend that the folow~ ing accounts he passed, viz. 2-â€" 0 Bryan, removing safe C0. Altorncy‘sA (Sfï¬Cc. ..................... '. .$ 13 ()0 G Bryan. removing furniture County Attorney’s oflice ......... 7 00 R Blain, work, etc., Co. Attorne) 5 ofï¬ce. . . . . . .................. 4 00 A Skinner, work, etc, Co: Attorney‘s ofï¬ce ........................ r 50 M E Tagne), furniture. Co.Attorncy 5 ofï¬ce ........................ 26 05 W. (1. Woods, furniture, Co.Attorney’ 5 ofï¬ce ........................ to I 5 W. G. Woods, repairs, furnaces at court house .................. 37 35 Robt. Blam, Work on courthouse. . .. 4 38 office ........................ 7! With regard to the account rendered by Mr. James O’Connell, your committee recommend that while no proper authority seems to have been given for planting the trees charged for, the sum of $20.00 be paid, provided the amount be accepted in full settlement. Ou motion the council went into com- mittee of the whole on the second reading. as follows, Mr. Campbell in the chair :â€" The council went into committee of the whole on the second reading, with Mr. Robson in the chair. The report was ï¬nally adopted. HIS NAME “’AS WRITTEN THERE. On motion of Mr. Jacobs. seconded by Mr. Thompson. the name of Mr. Camp- bell was added to the committee on roads and bridges. Your committee have examined the report of the sub-committee and are pleased to ï¬nd that the instructions of the ccuncil respecting the various special matters intrusted to them have been so efï¬ciently carried out and beg to recommend that their report be printed in the minutes. Dundas Flavelle Bros, boxes, court house.... W. E. White, furniture, gaol ...... Alex. Skinner, work, court house. . Light, Heat Power Co, lighting court house .................. Light, Heat Power Co., lighting registry ofï¬ce ................ V. Electric Light C03 lighting registry oflice ........................ Moved by Capt. Crandell, seconded hy Mr. Kvlie, that the report of the stand- ing committee on county property be now read a ï¬rst time.~â€"Carried. Revie“ I". P. CO , binding abstract slam-u, l'L‘SlaU‘)’ uliICc. .. . .. Review P. and P. Co., jury books. . . . Review P. and P. Co.,voters list blanks mow: â€6‘68 C. E. Stewart “ ......... . G. \V. Beall, stationery ..... Review P. P. CO, registry ofï¬ce Sam Hughes, Wilson. Wilson, miscellaneous print- mg ......................... Vt'ilson \Vilson, advertising ...... Geo. Lytle, advertising. . . t x ....... C. \\. Richards, advertising ........ \V. G. Cave, advertising ........... Wilson 3: Wilson, printing minutes†112 50 assessment and col lectors rolls, percontt: act ...... I40 39 Wilson 8: Wilson, printing llst of lands redeemable, per contract. 9 oo VVilson \Villson, magistratc’s forms 17 oo “ printing for Judge house....:..... .... Box-.111, repairs, registrar ofï¬ce l‘ ‘L ¢‘ l‘ COUNTY PROPERTY. airing drain, etc. ‘cab hire........ court house. . . .. urt house ........ ourt house. . ..... iring etc , gaol. . . . registry oï¬icc house I 600 x31 20 THE WAICHMAN. LINDSAY._THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5TH. 1895. I 50 22 IO 15 7S I000 .3 m2 92¢ 2C0 570 57° «J 20 N 50 15 4 The assistant treasurer has made a full and clear statement respecting certain expenses in connection with the administration of jus- tice. It appears that owing to the establish- ment of a precedent, which has been found on investigation not to be warranted by the law, the expenses of the preparation of the quarterly lists of conviction and returns of the same to departments of the governments. by the clerk of the peace, exclusive of the cost of publication, have amounted to $251 per annum. It has been shown to your committee that to ï¬ll the statutory requirements it is necessary to incur an expense of $60 per annum only. There are four charges for services by the clerk of the peace which are not required by thevstatute to be performed. Your c0mmittee ï¬nd by the report of his honor the county judge to the board of audit in the month of October last, that the objections raised by the assistant treasurer in his memorandum dated 28th Au- gust last, have, with slight exceptions, been sustained. On the whole question your com- mittee beg to recommend that no service be required of the clerk of the peace or paid for, that is not authorized by statute or some gov- ernmental order having the torce of law, and that the judge and justices in sessions be re. spectfully and earnestly requested to rescind any resolution or order heretofore passed, under the sanction or authority of which, any of the services referred to in the assistant trea- surer’s memorandum have been performed by the clerk of the peace and especially any reso- lution or order authorizing the issuing of notices to justices of the peace requesting them to make returns of convictions, or informing them of the receipt of the statutes. Your committee recommend further that the county clerk be instructed to procure and keep a supply of blank forms for the use of justices of the peace in making their quarterly returns of convic- tions, and that a circular be issued by the countylclerk to all justices of the peace in the county whose names and post ofï¬ce addresm can be obtained, notifying them that from and after the ï¬rst day of Ianuary next no further notice will be given them to make returns, and that the blank: for the pnrposecnn be obtained from the county clerk. ' . , Your committee have ‘diaoveted the rmlu-, timofeonncil instructing them to tie into A petiton from Mr. William Iirokenxhire and 44 others, rate-payer. of the Township of Fenclon, praying that the decision at the council at the lune session relatite to the petition of James H Thurston and 0111ch he re- considered, has been .submitted to your committee. The petition reterred to \\ 1‘ an appeal under the proxi<ions of the 82nd Section of the Public Schools Act against the action of the council of he Township of lenelon in refusing to form a ne“ school section. and a reComtnendtttion of your com- mittee thrt the appeal he not entertained was adopted by the conned. The opinion of the Count) solicitor having been asked as to the re opening of the question, and the solicitor haxing grv e11 it :15 his opinion that the council having once heard and disposed of the matter, the appeal 15 at an end, and that there is now nothing before the council upon which they can act, your committee recommend that the prayer of the petition for re-consideralion he not granted, The report was adopted. FINANCE mat-0111‘. Moved by Mr. Lownsbrouszh. seconded by Mr. Shaver. that the report. on ï¬nance and assessment be now introduced and read a ï¬rst tuneâ€"Carried. As doubt appears to exist as'to the meaning of the provisions of the regulations of the education department relative to travelling expenses to be allowed to the examiners in addition to the per diem allowance provided for, your committee recommend that the treasurer be instructed to pay all expenses necessarily incurred by the examiners in reach- ing the place to which they have been ap. pointed from the time of leaving their usual place of abode until the hour for commencing their duties, and from the hour at which the examinations close until they reach their usual places of abode. In the case of an examiner who ï¬nds it necessary to hire a horse for the purpose of going to and returning from the place where he is required to preside, the amount paid for hire and keeping horse will be allowed. On motion the council went into com- mittee of the whole, Mr. Kylie in the chair, on the followmg report. Your committee recommend that the follow- ing accounts he passed, viz.: J. C. I‘Iarstone, examining drawing and book-keeping books for primary examinations ....... . . . . . $6 00 J. T. Harrington, for like service. . . . 6 00 Accounts have been submitted for expenses of entrance and public school leaving examina- tions in West V'ictona, amounting to $121.55, and in East Victoria amounting to $22. . \ our committee have considered the para- graphs of the v ardcn’ 5 address rcxcrrcd to them and beg _to report as foilows--â€" .â€" I With regard to the proposal to appoint valuators undet the provisions of the Consoli- doted Municipal Act, your committee begto recommend that further action hedeferred until the ï¬rst session of the council in 1896. 2 Your committee approve of the action of the warden, under the advice of the advisory committee, in directing the treasurer to pay the grant of $100 made to the l’lowman’s Association in June, without insisting upon .},e conditions which were coupled with the grant. - Your committee recommend that the arrange- aent made by Dr. DeGmssi {or the discharge of the gaol surgeon’s duties be allowed to continue so long as it may be necessary. \our committee have considered the com- munication from Messrs. Sims and McAulay on behalf of the East Victoria. Teachers’ Association, asking the council to assume the eXpense of printing the papers in promotion examinations in the inspectoral d vision for which the association has been formed, and beg to recommend that the sum of $13 50 per annum be paid to the association for the pur- pose named. Moved by Dr Wood. seconde by Mr. Macdonaid. that the report of the stand- ing committee on education be now read. â€"â€"Carried. The council then went mro committee of the whole, Mr. Adam in the chair. on the second reading, as follows : Council resumed at 10 o’clock sharp. The warden in the chair, and members all present. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. TO BE SENT TO THE HOSPITAL. Moved by Mr. Kylie, seconded by Mr. Howie, that this council instruct the trea- surer to have James Hepburn. now in gaol. remm ed to the hospital at Toronto or Peterboro. and to make the best arrangements possible for his maintenance and support. SATURDAY'S moccmmxcs. EDUCATIONA L. THE CHEAPEST! FIT THE BEST! WEAR THE LONGEST! - {heir parents buying onlyv .. WHHE’S Comfortable Shoes WHITE'S SCHOOL. SHOES Wear Like Iron, and don't cost any. moreâ€"perhnp s not. Is much--u :ifcrior shoesp sold elsewhere. From tight, ill-ï¬tting Shoes will ï¬nd qumpt relief. by-insisting on Lindsy‘s Leading Shoe Merchant. GOOD POINT TO KNOW 7 Th'it the letter from the general manager of the Grand Trunk Railway Company relative to the agreement in regard to free grain wareâ€" houses, the terms of which agreement it is stated will be at an end on lst February, 1396, be ï¬led. By buying them all good. ser- viceable Xmas presents from our store. For your boy got a pair of skates. Thev won’t need shapening if bom ht of me. For mother get one «f those new Bissell Grand Rapids Carpet Sweeper, made in handsome new woods. and cheap as ever. And for sister one of those handsome l’arlor Lamps. They’re cheap too. And for yourseif a pair of Carvers. of which there Is a large stock at VAN CAMP S 5 That the letter from the inspector of asylums respecting me case of Alexander Bell, be ï¬led. (3 That no action be taken with reference to a house of refuge brought to the attention of the council by the prisoners" aid association. 8 That the report of the })onx'111én’s associa- tinn be ï¬led. BHILDREN WHO 4 That no action be taken relative to the copy of petition respecting the law affecting suits {or damages arising {10m accidents on highways transmitted by the clerk of the County of l’etmbnm. 3 That the letter from the clerk of the privy council, transmitting a copy of an order in council, in reply to the petition of this council askingr an amendment to the law relating to trials of actions for damages arising from acci~ dents ni highvmy s, be ï¬led. 3 'Ihut no action be taken relative to the clp) of petition to the legislatch assembly respecting «omty loundary bridges trans- mitted to the clerk uf the county of Norfolk. 4 That so much of hy-law 31 (endorsed No. 32) including the ï¬rst clause thereof, as referee to the payment of an allowance to the warden of this county, be repealed. and leave be granted to introduce a. by-law for that purpose, and that an allowance of $200 be paid to the warden in recognition of his services during the preeent year. . 1 . I I That the letter of thanks fr um the super- ioress of St. joseph’ 5 hospital, Peterboro, respecting the late Bryan Murtha be ï¬led. Make the Family Happy \ Onr committee haw examined the com- municaliOns u-fc rml to them and beg to recom- mend as follow: :â€" $ 2?: I. Tbhut no steps he taken towards amend- ing the hy-law relating to hawkcrs and pedlars. 2. That the grant of $250 to the municipal- ity of Lindsay towards the building of an iso- lation hospital, made at the junc session, be rescinded, and that the sum 0: $250 be granted to the central charity committee for the pur- poses of the home tor the aged in the town of Lindsity. ‘ {'1‘ Q . ‘1,’ t‘,,,‘l, 4 Tlmt handcuffs be not provided for the use of the constables a: the village of Kirk- ï¬eld. PORTER’S. consideration the various matters referred to and beg to recommend 15 follows -â€" ‘,__ _I_ ,,___..,J (L'mztinued on Page Ii). That we can sup- ply you with any Magazine or N’wsâ€" paper published, at the regular Publisher’s price. , warts, FFER s A. CHAMPION , .THE TAILOR. My stock of Overcoatings was never so complete. All the new and ele- gant patterns to select from. Don’t delay; Leave your order now. Cut ~ . and ï¬nish ï¬rst class. mg. Leave your order now fore no y suit. Prices from $14.00 up. I have now in stock a complete ran . of IMPORTED and CAN- AD AN CLOTHES suitable for WINTER SUITINGS. Trim- gERCOATING. MTER SUITINGS Solid Steel Scoop Shovels. Genuine Kelly Axes, Maple Leaf Cross Cut Saws, Nickel Steel (fross Cutsâ€"â€"ï¬ve gauges thinner on the back. every saw warranted. Second Growth Hickor‘. Axe Handles, Kearney and Foot Files. all kinds of Leathér Mitts, Curry Combs, Horse Brushes, Sleigh Bells, Horse Blankets, Whips, Ropes and Leather Halters, Buck Saws ..... and Saw Horses. . . , . , -â€"-â€"ANDâ€"-â€" MRCOATING. in Glass, Nails, Building Paper, Locks, Hinges, Sash Oils, White Lead, etc. We are always in the lead with Acne :Club Skates. Pockey Skates and Sticks, Guns, Rifles. Revolvers. Cartridges and Ammunition of all kinds. Knives, Forks and Spoons. ‘A large stock of Carvers, But- cher Knives, Scissors and Pocket L1: 1 erx. Our Goods are the best c1nd Prices the Lowest. "saw m, 9.. III-I’D Ilill 'I III, I'Il-IIIII II'IIIII III' yin-Inn Ill'l We Solicit Your Trudei SPECIAL [OW PREGES COW TIES Begs to announce that she will offer some VERY SPE- CIAL BARGAINS in Winter Millinery during the next six weeks. Her stock is large and exceptionally well assorted, and corn- prises the VERY LATEST CREATIONS in head-wear of every description. This is an opportunity very sel- dom offered to secure fashionable, up-to-date Millinery at VERY Low PRICES. Call and exam- ine before purchasing else- . where. . . . WHO! ESALE AND RETAIL HEAVY AND SHELF HARD- WARE MERCHANT. “I847 ROGERS 3303.†A! Winter Millinery. Special Bargains MISS BANNEN MISS BANNEN, SPORTING GOODS KENT STREET. IN Vouéblubbing List Tu: WATchAN and the Weekly G oneyeu ................... ....$l 0° Tm: Warcnmx and the Weekly Mail, 00¢ year ........................ I 00 THE WA'rcnuAN and the America! A: ricultutist, one yen. ........... 1 3" THE Wn‘cmux cud the Weekly Stat andFamilychld. . 13’ 733 WATCHMAN and the Manned . 1o Weekly Witness.......: ....... "7 Tu: WATCHMAN gm! Famxnz. .. . ... WEST OF BENSON HOUSE. If so a NO BBY PIPE. constructed 013 Scientiï¬c principles. and of ï¬rst-61883 material. is an essential both to your comfort and your appearance. I have just received a large shipment from $9565 Ind Genin. Montreal, including the latest designs from the best makers in the wadd. I buy for SPOT CASH. My 6393â€â€œ are nominal and I sell on a very do“ margin. anything but a perfect piece of work. Pxomptnegq and rcasonab’le prices guara'nteed . W. G. BLAIR SONS. 39 heat-81., East. below Ggist' XMLâ€"4113 HOBBY,- UP-TD-IATE TAILORING ...... IN OVERCOATINGS IN WINTER S UITS The NOBBY TAXLORS. Foot of Kent Street. LINDSAY. We have a large range of Goods to choose from. Fit and ï¬nish guarantccd. Our assortment of Cloths was never better, and comprises English, Scotch and American Tweeds of the newest patterns. . . . . . We have cameda reputation for “cil- made and corrcct ï¬ning garments second to no other house in Limi- say. . . . . . . . W YOU SMUKE‘? MISS A. FORBES: ! EHGUSH" AMEHIGAH NP.‘ Quail “A stitch in time saves nine,†and we put it in promptly. tastefully and for fair moneyed con- siderations on all occasions. Bring along your delin- quent furs and you can trust you are giving it into buds too expert and tasteful to turn out F URS. .. CARROLL, 3’ 811.115 {Men’s tweed Suizs. all siz ; kxnuly go. L Very many bargazn: NEW BEPR PRIC All-Wool Dress ( to clw a:- 33. 1 Special Lit. We hue a. good 05' Ruble, pushing map] mam line of 1m. .. : special line of “-15.3 gut: Kobby Tweed Dress (330 :L: OSknit mp -mrzc, “ Flesh coloreq 1 20‘ m: :1! o‘ 5 Women 5.: clear a JOBBING and n on shortest notice JAMES P . , new va‘ 11!- Farmers can! {0|}: needs during 1 in“, for full par 3 opened a gene: ï¬r shop, next door hmith shop. Fur lined on short anti-1 L SKATES 8113! '. All kinds of busine'ss is: bee' V _ Lndershinsr and en‘s \thze ;’Man'.‘;e C ‘l 3 pure 21‘: “ (l Cl MEN W throughout Cat ï¬rm. We also! you are atf ï¬nding a fe‘ often and a store. We havd these fou: a. lichicr dollars m clipped It The furs, the silks} the libcra to the SN nder A.- .1.) 111.1 LL Scot ers Ii nd DE If“ ‘ ‘ I ere