OF BENSON HOUSE. Our Clubbing List. new»: and the Weekly Globe Year ..... . .............. "th no ncmms and the Weekly 312:1, year ....................... x no mmsux and the Amelia- Agâ€" Imï¬ï¬‚. one year. .......... .. 1 fl mum»: and the Weekly Star Family Herald ...... ......... x ? ’ncmux and the Manual: A rrcmmx and Farming" . . . ; ‘0 for : a NOBBY PIPE, constructed on Eric principles, and of 6m 31.38 an essential both to your t and your appearance. I have :eived a large shipment from 59!“ nin. Montreal, including the latest r from the best makers in the world. "A stitch in ï¬ne- saves nine,†and we put it: in prompfly. tastefully and for fair moneyed con- siderations on all occasions. B along your dolin- quenc furs and you can trust. you are giving it into hands too expert and tasteful to turn out 5;; 3m; :1 perfect piece of quk- rzm“ turd reasonable prices Hedi. MISS A. FORBERT 00 YOU SMOKE? £41., East. below Grist NHLâ€"4143 >r SPOT CASH. My expel!a dual and I sell on amt-yell!“ G. BLAIR SONS. Our assortment or Cl better, and comprises 1 nd American Tweeds attems. . “'e have earned made and con team! I.) no . NOBBY TAILORS. Foot “Kent Skeet. LINDSAY. l'c‘ have a large range of Goods to hoose from. Fit and ï¬nish guaranteed. *VE RCOA'] 'I N GS BY, UP-TO-DATE BRING ...... Y A!!!) SHELF HARD- MOT. 6 stock lit erv . s 60.. a... «an u k5, Hinges, Sash d, etc. C utsâ€"sze gauges thinner Second Growth Hickory Eus. all kinds of Leather hes, bleigh Bells, Horse ther Halters, Buck Saws I‘I‘Ar‘ OODS . A. CARROLL. anon-.otoo-ot... OWCSI. 10 other housE OI Carvers, But- Our Goods are prises_ English, Scotch †A! †FURS. AM‘E‘ï¬idhu Ioths was never of thé newest amts “ble, pushing man who desires a per- °“t~ Paying position working for. us. r business has been established since . and we are well and favorably "1 throughout Canada as a reliable 17 ï¬rm. We also handle a number l'miseeds. new varieties of excellent %. Farmers can make good pay 38.11 “1 seeds during the winter. Wnte qgickly for full particulars and secure cry, The Rochester Star Nurseries “Wm Ofï¬ce. PETERBORO, ONT- 49-1111. , T For the next sixty days, subject to change only as P R I C E L... S .the Goods are sold out. Look this list through very carefullv and compare prices. Carter will be found doing business at the old stand, Lindsay. mWool Dress Goods, regular price 25, 35 and 40c. Men’s Overcoats, at $3.95, $4.75, $5.39, $6.00, $6.95, '0 clear at ............. . ~ ............... IS $7-75, $9-7S,_$10.59 and $l2.00. . N3 1 éoecial Line of Dress gerge. 42 ll‘lt‘lll, veryglgculvy. . 2;) See our biliztzard Irish Frieze Ulster, plaid lined, muff 5 39 .-av. u Dresseel' C," .xncx,Ԥ2. :HL‘S.. 2 . pOC‘CS ........... .... ...... ..... ....... ..~u : N Dress sergge, 24-inch. 27 shades . . 30 Children’s and boys’ two and three piece suits, beginning at I 95 Beguiiful line of Plaid Dress Tartans, nice it: children. . . l 5 Extra giod quality Pea Jacket, plaid lining, we are selling Willie? Blziï¬pézï¬iii‘SS‘XEEJZ’ 5123,32,“; filer: : :: g5, Mais gens, nasal'ru;'5v;;ear;;sgsn,;: : : : : : t: :2 32‘; [.2er Mantlesv some new iinï¬shconï¬nled l0 us. 6. :nch. $2 :35 Job line‘of Pact‘o‘ry Cottpp, 23 inches‘ymde, only ........ g; . .~ g ,, w, ' es ant co ors 1 . . 5 . . ’ . .‘ ...... “in?" Blame} Cl-Otigï¬rinalll sisze: long sleeves ’5 ....... i 5 Gray Flannel in all qualities and shades, commencmg at, 10 9??““5 L;“‘,fâ€Â§f,1 [lose in black, all sizes .......... I 5 Fancy Shaker F lannels, new designs, 5, 6, 8, 9, IO and 12/114 waxvutum a irw “ i “ electric ï¬nish. "ill; 25 Special drift: in fancy factory flannel Shirtings pure all- “ b'nation leather and SI ' woo ................................... 21 Hauld gallisiirscgm i .................... , 25 Heavy Canton Flannel, very fine warm nap, only ....... 03 u a sonion contains 240 articlesâ€"needles Pure all-wool navy Flannel, plain and twill, 26 inch ..... 25 Comps: clove cleaner etc ................ 25 Big drive in Tweeds, inst the thing for boys’ wear ...... . 25 . ping-P ’ ' ,ttems *8 inches wide I 5 Genuine French F ullcloth, very neat patterns. . . . . . . . 48 :: D"(SM"Erigivgciiiiivooi, any size a snap at x 5 Extra heavy feather ticking, big bargain ............... . 08 x ' {Cali fr‘iiieiZlei Velveieen, beginning at ........ 20 Special job in Table Linens, good quality. 54 inch ...... 25 'C DIeC‘: 0 E - . I ' 000000 C 3?,‘ll'orhhn and Childrens’all-wool Hoods, any color, to 3.. 3: p33? unb‘lfached ‘S‘heetmg;;eyryï¬l:)eeavt . . ........ 213’ clear at iiiiii ’ Md 208 8-4 “ Bleached “ linen ï¬nish .............. 25 ts’ and boys" Fur Caps, this seasons goo s.. . . . 5:16.:Dh§€€\,hue Fur Boas, extra lonlsl: and large ........ :3 Five-poitggdbggnch white cotton Yarn, best make, all I 00 â€â€œ.‘.‘. ' ,' 5 es .................. : ................. ..........:. H3515 ‘Whlte U‘r‘ilaunderfd S‘nrt‘s‘, a 532cm! ........... 50 Five-pound bunch white Carpet Warp best make, Will . ' . a . ' ' ' t for 0 make 0 ds carpet ........................... . I oo Hm km top bhms’ the best Shutscinlt’hlst cotun glitch 5 Five-pound bingh col’d Carpet Warp, all shades, will Rah “flored Underslurts an an S o , 25 make 30 yds carpet ............ I 25 oin at ............................... _ . . .: ........... I .. L’mlerslgirtsgand Drawers to match,hpt(1;re allgwgglï¬. 45 Cream 1:31:11; White lace Curtains, bound edges, 2 A yds. 20 †~ rma l ....................... . ............... J “ DCOECh Lallllinzgsisoii’n‘dwftat mZn’s. . . . . ..: 50 Cream and white lace curtains, bound edges, 3 yds. long 50 ‘9 sma ' h 1 nd toes ve Handsome white wool bed Blankets, fancy borders, ï¬velbs I 95 u p33 all-wool Socks, white ecs a , 17 10 Very large gray “ u “ u I 25 heavy """ 5 ............... Vain. les le B. B s No. I quality 16 ounce, seamless, per doz 2 40 340° mm.“ and boys’ winter caps, manufacturers. .5. . .P . . 50 Egan Giniizghdms, fancy bdrder, beautiful patterns, 36 Ch‘r’lcc """" 3 ' ' l- ..... : ................ 2 inches wide ....... . . . ........................ Io Mm"; and buys’ pure 511kbtliesl; Eggiaijggigfghojackets. . I 255 36 inch Union Carpet, worth 4oc., going at ............ . 29 ‘N‘ to see our men s don e1; hts bought under peculiar Beautiful hemp Carpet, new designs ........... . ...... I 3 375 P93" 0f men s thntz) ma ’ ....... 1 25 Horse Covers. cut to shape ancll3 strapped ....... . . . . . . . . 50 3 C mstances o ............. th :1 w American att .................... o7 llen’s Sit-:1 Suits, all sizes, every ï¬t guaranteed-mu 3 95 Ask to see c e ' ' ' ' f the Il throu h the list and compare prices. The above 18 only a small hst o . Werv mg}; (11,13,535: gliding yorf Send On your letter orders. Moneyï¬rrcturned if goods are not right. A- NEW REPAIR SHOP. choice .................. . ..... . ...... . ...... Men’s and buys’ pure silk ties, going at two for ......... 35k to see our men’s double-breasted Cardigan Jackets. . 37; pair of men’s winter Pants, bought under peculiar [Would respectfully intimate that I We, Opened a. general carpenter and Pm Show, next. door to Mr. J. Graham’s ld‘iamith shop. Furniture of all kinds plated on short notice. SAWS sharp- 9d. SKATES sharpened while you it All kinds of JOBBING and REPAIRS n ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ special. .......... Men‘s knit top Shirts, the best Shirts in this country, for “ Flush colored Underslxirts and Pants to match, going at .......... . ................... . ‘ " L’mlershirts and Drawers to match, pure all-wool. . -‘ “ Scotch Lamb Wool, with German Shirt, in small men’s and fat men’s ..... “ Pure all~wool Socks, white heels and toes, very heavy ..... :,4.oo men‘s and boys’ winter caps, manufacturers’ samples ....... c-ooooooa-n-.. 01.10.. c ciear at ............................. hdies, g’ents and boys’ Fur Caps, this seasons’ Eildren’ s thte Fur Boas, extra. long and large Hens White Unlaundered Shirts, all sizes.. .. pins, gloxe cleaner, etc. ............... “ Underskirting, nice patterns, ,8 inches wide “ Cashmere Gloves, all wool, any size a snap at Igcpieccs of silk ï¬nish Velveteen, beginning at ....... . m“ omen and Childrens’ 311- wool Hoods, any color, to on shortest notice. {ill-Wool Dress Goods, regular price 25, 35 and 4°C. to clear at ......................... N3. 1 Special Line of Dress Serge. 42 inch, very he â€.ny 2 " Dress Serge, 36- inch, ‘2 Shades. 3 “ Dress Serge, 44- -mch. 27 sharks . . Beautiful line of Plaid Dress Tartans, m cc for children.. . Special line of VVrapperette Plat-nels, new shades ....... lobby Tweed Dress Goods, assorted shaded, 41 inch†Ladies M miles, some new lines, conï¬ned to us ........ Ladies’ Manue Cloths, in all shades and colors, 56 inch . . Childrens' Undervests in all sizes, long sleeves .......... Lidia; pure all-wool Hose, in black, all sizes .......... u u “ “ electric ï¬nish ..... MEN WRNTED. JAMES PATTERSON. In a store like this Four weeks left for brisk business. you are always sure of ï¬nding a few things that are w'orth while buying because for some reason or other they are extra cheap. The best way to ï¬nd the things is to come often and go around the store. We have to crowd on steam during these four weeks ; trade must move at a livelier pace. Goods must go and dollars must come even if prices are clipped to a point where proï¬t vanishes. The furs, the cloaks, the dress goods, the silks, the underwear, all share in the liberal reductions made to win you to the store now. â€"-A young horse belonging to Mr. Peter McCabe, of Opl, was worriod to death by dogs one night hot week. The animd was run into the boggy ground on the Sougog. Of course bones are not wortp_lnuch than don, but dog: on _. Mr. Wm. Weese, our local home buyer. shipped a cal-load of heavy work horses to the Montreal msrket Saturday. This make: 182 horses shipped to the shows market; since Sept. 2131:. -Go to Fox’s for your lunch and oyster stews. Unfermented wine, sweet cider, hot lemonade and other temperate drinks servedâ€"48. â€"â€"Sleighing is excellent in town and country, and business is already being beneï¬tted thereby. It is just what was needed. -â€"Sweet Cidar 20¢ per gallon at A. Platinumâ€"49. ~â€"-DR. NEELANDS, dentist. is very auc‘ cessful in treating aching teeth without extracting.â€"49-tf. A thoroughbred Berkshire Boar for «ex-vice on the '1‘. FEE FARM. by the Sud Pit, Lindsay. In sym- pathy with the low price of pork. the charge will be 753., to be paid at the time of service. 49â€"4-eow. THOS. PEI. BOAR PIG FOR SERVICE. THURSDAY. DEC. 5th. 1895, ’(L'be Watchman. Dumms FLAVELLE Bans. Write us letters, LITTLE LOCAL LINES Send your orders through the mails if it isn’t con- venient to come to the store. We will ï¬ll the order as well as though you were here, and all the time and trouble of shop- ing will be saved. 25 29 50 95 75 15 Is CARTER, Lindsay: The holiday show is ready, u z " ‘ ' "J ' before Christmas time. buyers. Those that you like the most are likely to be least expensive, and there’s no one to object if you only come to look. It is not a bad idea to buy early, because shrewd shoppers usually get away with the best long harming P1....'-L_. _ - THE WAICHMAN. LINDSAY, THURSDAY; DECEMBER 5TH.1895 -â€"Ia.ny people my not be aware of the fact that the practice of “dumping†eshee on the street is a contravement of the statues, ~but such is reelly the use. Complaints have been mede to the street overseer and in the future ell pereons so trenegreeeing will be summoned before the Police Magietrete, who will no doubt impress them with the mejeety of the law. -â€"The County Council, after all. is composed of men possessing a great deal of the milk of human kindness. At their last session they transferred the grant of $250, voted at a previous session to the isolation hospitalâ€"(a scheme that never m.turedâ€"â€"to the new and well equipped home for the aged. There was not, we understand, s dissenting voice. â€"â€"Go to Fox’s for your biscuits, oysters confectionery. oranges, lemons, ï¬gs, dates, nuts, canned ï¬sh, fruits, jams, sweet cider and unfermented California wines. Biggest and best stock at lowest prices. â€"â€"The provincial county of Haliburton, under mocment with the County of Victoria, will contribute $400 as its share towards the administration of justice for the text ï¬ve years. --Mr. Peter Mitchell has been appoint- ed bailiff, in the place of Mr. Chas. Silver, reaicned. â€"-F. C. Taylor, Insurance Agent. Ofï¬ce on the ground floor of the new opera house. Lindsay-at.â€"-8. â€"Headquarters for choice handpicked apples at A. PRIMEAU’s.-49. Men’s Shirts. A line of shirts that are as good in every way as any you ever bought else- where in town, and all the extra furnishing-house proï¬t is left off. If you wonder how much the difference is call at the men’s furnishing stock. suits, beginning at ting, we are scllmg coo-oo-u-oo-oooo big snaps. ....... 21 25 48 08 25 18 20 25 03 IO 12," â€"-The annual election of ofï¬cers in con- nection with Westminster Lodge Sons of England, was held Tuesday evening. Subjoined are the ofï¬cers for the ensuing term : Past Pres, Bro, R. G. Harris; President, James Boxall; Vice-Pres, J. H. Gheach; Secretary. John Way; Trea- surer, S. Parsons; Chaplain, W. Jolifl'e; Surgeon, Dr. Clarke; Managing committee Thos. Walton, R. Baldwin, John Walton. J as. Vickery, A. Williams, H. Woodvine, H. Chambers; Guard. H. Wingrove; ‘Outer Guard, T. Riggs; Lodge trustees, ‘F. Frampton. Thos. Bryant; Auditors, J. H. Gheach, R. G. Harris, F. Frampton. ...... While the lodge was in session the weary sentry at the gate, who had just‘ begun to nod, was surprised by the ad-‘ Vance of a numher of ladies. who upon careful scrutiny proved to be a skirmishinz party of Lady True Blues, armed with an invitation to partake of refreshments and spend a half hour' I: sociallenteitainment in their lodge room. The invitation was promptly accepted, and the way the qastefully served lunch disappeared was very gratifying to the ladies. The meet- ing closed with ,‘God save the Queen.â€... Themenibers of Westminster Lodge desire to return hearty thanks to the Lady True Blues for the hospitality extended. I -â€"The concert and entertainment under 1 the auspices the Central Charity commit- tee will be he'.d on Dec. 12th. in the Academy of Music. The program, which is a very complete one, is now fully arranged. and will be issued in a few days. The ladies of the committee trust that the residents of Lindsay will turn out en masse and ï¬ll the Academy to over- flowing. Certainly the object in view warrants the fullest patronage on the part of our citizens. Admission, 15c.. 25c. and 35c. Plan: as usual at Porter’s bookstore. â€"There is trouble now on account of lack of notiï¬cation to the pump house when a. ï¬re occurs. Why not leave this duty as it is, and in order to make assur- ance doubly sure have Constable Reeves send in an alarm also. The latter not being a member of the brigade will always be cool and collectedâ€"having, nothing to “rattle†himâ€"and can be safe» ly relied upon to perform the duty. TWO‘ heads are better than one, and there is noj necessity for any extra. expense. 1 The game was somewhat rougï¬: but; thé best of good feelings prevailed throughout. â€"A football match was played in town Saturday between the Collegiate football team and a team from Oakwood, resulting in victory for the L. C. I. by a score of 4 to O. The game was very hotly contested from the start , and some brilliant plays were made on both sides, but the skilful generalship and better play of the home team proved too much for their opponents. â€"In reply to an advertisement for teachers for Huntsville, Muskoks, pub- lic school there were over 300 applica- tions at salaries ranging from $200 up to $300 for ï¬rst class B.A.’s and M.A.’s and several other letters attached to their names who, if any good, should com- mand from one to two thousand a year in our best cities and towns. Things have not come to that pitch that really ï¬rst- class men gifted with the art of educating! the youth, have to beg for “site†at, navvies’ wages. 4 I â€"â€"Mrs.(widow) Short, who resides near ‘Little Britain. while in town Saturday lost her purse containing 330, a ticket and some papers. A young girl, not a resid- ent of Lindsay, was observed to pick the purse up, and it is possible that the money will be restored to its rightful owner. Notwithstanding the alleged scarcity of monev there have been a num- ber of fat pocketbooks lost in Lindsay this fall. 1 hill. â€"-Coascing on the hill at Squire Macdonnel's residence has commenced for the winter. It is a very dangerous place for this amusement. and. unless great: care is exercised a lamentable drowning accident will be recorded before the season is over. The ice is thin and treacherous at this spot and the sleigh that- runs out onto it; will carry its living freight to a watery grave. Parents should warn their children to keep 03‘ this L:I'I _ ._v-_ â€"â€" mâ€" on William-st. south of Kent. Th2 Doctor gives special attention and treats uccessfully diseases peculiar to women, diseases of children and all diseases of men. Conlsultation strictly private and conï¬dentia.-â€"45-tf. â€"Dr. E. S. Wilson has returned from Bufl’alo N. Y., and is located in Linda: on William-at. South of Rant '1')... ~â€"Mr. Robb. Chambers, the well-known monument: dealer of this town, was in Bobcaygeon last week placing a blue granite memorial stone for Mr. Reuben Clark, in Harvey. Mr. Chambers also placed in the Fenelon Falls cemetery, last: week, a very handsome monument to the memory of Mrs. .103. Heard. --The Children: Aid Society hold their monthly meeting in the council chamber next Friday evening, Dec. 6th, at 7.30. The members are requested to be on time as some will desire to get. away in an hour to attend other meetings. -â€"A hive of bees were discovered in a large elm tree on the farm of Mr. W. Robinson, South Emilv. The tree was chopped down and ninety pounds of deli- cious comb honey removed. It was a sweet ï¬nd. â€"-Mossom Boys 00., of Bobcaygeon, advertise an unreserved credit sale of pure bred and grade cattle, to take place on December 11th. A large number of Polled Angus and Highland cattle will be offered. -â€"The annual meeting of the West Victoria Farmers’ Association will be held in the council chamber, Lindsay, to- day (Thursday) at 2 o’clock, when a president and orher ofl‘icera will be elect- ed for the ensuing,r year. ' â€"â€"'1_‘he recent repairs to the county builamgs amounted to $861.41. It is claimed. that the new roof on the court house Is the best since its construction. Mr. Wooda’ contract for the same was $707.65. -â€"Swiss Drop cures coughs and colds and prevents consumption. Sold only by G320. Fox. Try some, Reference was made in these columns last week to the magniï¬cent record of the Lakehurst Institute treatment for alcoholism in the Eastern town. This week, from the village of Wellington, is the county of Prince Edward, there has cOme news even more gratifying. Dur- ing the past eighteen months twelve of the best known drinking men from this picturesque locality have made the pil~ grimage to Oakville, and our advices are that there is not a failure in the lot. Every man a living, speaking example of a complete success which has invaribly; attended a course of treatment with us. i ‘Had these been dependent upon theiri ;will power during that time, in order to! abstain from the use of intexicants, probably not one could have stood the test. Their unanimous testimony now is that liquor is no temptation to them; they know that tue stuff will do them harm, therefore they abstain. The treat- ment at Lakshurst Institute removes the disease, eliminates the alcohol from the system, and makes them free men, and their intelligence prevents them from putting the shackles on againâ€"48. The professional examination will commence on Monday, December 9th, at 10.30 a.m. Teachers wishing to renew their third class certiï¬cates, are required to write on the following subjects. the examination of which will be held in the examination hall of the collegiate institute. (1) Methods of instruc- tion, (2) Theory of education, (3) Hygiene and temperance, (4) School law and regula- tions. They must produce a certiï¬cate of good moral character signed within three months, and must be recommended by their last inspector. ‘ Nsw RAxsxxs, N aw CURRANTS, New Prams, an FIGS. Great value m any of the above lines to be had at A PRIMEAU’S. -â€"We are called upon this week to chronicle the early, but not unexpected, death of Mrs. David Walker, which took place at an early hour on Saturday morn- ing last at the homestead in Ops, three miles from town. after a long and painful illness. Some three years or more ago her health became impaired, and the best medical skill in the province was called in, to no avail. During the last three or four months Mrs. Walker was conï¬ned to, her room and received every attention whichkind friends and careful nursing could bestow upon her. She bore heri sufferings with christian fortitude and} resignation. No words of complaint fell from her lips during her long suffering. and she looked upon death as a welcome visitor. Mrs. Walker was the second daughter of the late George O’Connell, and was born in the township of Emily, near Downeyville, in August 1849. Four isons survive her, all of whom are grown up to manhood. To her husband, family, and Borrowing friends we extend our sin- cere sympathy in their great sorrow and amiction. The funeral took place on Mon- day morning last at ten o’clock, to St. Mary’s church, thence to R. C. ceme- tery. soon, as the young people are bezomiog anxious. â€"The tenders for the skating rink for the season were opened Tuesday evening when the tender of Mr. Joseph Parkin at $400 was accepted. This will meet with general approbation, and ensures good we and good management. Mr. Perkin will set to-wcrk at once to put the rink in shape, and if the present cold snap continues skating will be announced in a very short time. It cennot come too â€"-Skating on the river has been excel- lent for several days past, and has been enjoyed by many. So far no serious mis- haps have occurred. At the railway bridge the ice is treacherous, owing to the swift current, and skaters require to ex~ ercme care. Banannas. Nice Banannas, just in, at Fox’s. â€"Steps will it once be taken by the town solictors to have the home for the aged incorporated. This will assist: in getting the government grant of seven cents per day towards maintenance cf each inmate of the home. -â€"There has been a misunderstanding between the teachers and trustees at Omemee, and as a resull the board is ad- vertising for two teachers for the high school and also two for the public school department. â€"â€"The Children’s Aid Suciety ‘wlll thankfully receive contributimls of of «:1- ing, smrable for children ranging Il'unl seven to thirteen years. These can be left at Mr. D. Ray’s store. â€"u.- su‘ I I; â€"-Mr. Fred Frampton has received the ’ for the next 1hr appointment of caretaker of the uniun Uaonwms.â€"-â€"46-7. school made vacant by the resignation ut‘ i â€"â€" Mr. Fred Reeves. % “H“M M“ vu-vu“ gold medal. deliciousâ€"3.133. healthful. only by GEO. Fox. Quart bot cents. Try one. Another County Heard From ~CALIFORNL4 Lindsay Model School. - Just in Store nousand healthful. Sold Fox. Quart bottle 40 Unfqupented, I and the program throughom will he carefully prepared. Admission free, and all made ; welcome. â€"â€"On Friday evening, Dec. 6th, a gospel temperance meeting will be held in the Queen. st Methodist church at 8 o’clock. Rev. S. J. Shorey will address the meeting. An interest- mg program 18 expected in addition to the â€"On Monday evening last Mr. H. Petter, who is about to take up missionary work '3 the district west of Calgary, Alberta, was tendered a farewell reception by the memhexs of the Gleaner society and friends. The schoolroom of St. Paul’s was comfortabiy ï¬lled, and the evening was one of a very social character. Light refreshments were provided and dispensed with that hospitality characteristic of the ladies of St. Paul’s eon. gregation. The chair was ï¬lled by Mr. Leigh a very able one. A short program of music and singing was rendered by the young ladies took advantage of the occasion to deliveravery feeling farewell address, in the course of which 'he thanked the congregation heartily for the ’many kindnesses shown him during his me two years residence in Lindsay and his oonnee. tion with the church. He hoped ere long to again visit Lindsay and renew the ances so pleasantly formed. Mrs. president of the Gleaners’ Society, then stepped forward, and on behalf of the society pm“; Mr. Petter with a gentleman’s - companion, accompanied by: suitable addtels. Mr. Petter, while somewhat taken ho ......_--- of the congregation and others. Mr. Fetter ' i Mt. retter with 2. gentleman’s, companion, accompanied by: suitable addtcs. Mr. Potter, while somewhat taken by surprise, , made a nut reply, thanking the society ï¬r their vexy appropriate gift. After a few remarks by Rev. Mr. Marsh, all joined i singing “Godbcwithyoatillwemeetagaig’ ‘5 when the way pie-mt cveaingcnneio ' AM. â€"Rev. Dr. Potts, a prince amo ‘ ' orators, will preach in the Queen stï¬tfulg church next Sabbath at 1 I o’clock. Collection in aid of the educational fund All invited. 5 0f the church. .Vï¬-w, -v-nuvs~u I)" we CHOU, Mr. J. W. Lyons, tenor; Miss Brentell and Miss Mabel Winters, soprano' Mr. A. W. , Roberts and Mr. Wm. Robson, bass. Thc rendition was simply perfect, and the andiene: was delighted. The rendering of the gnamette and chorus by Misses Winters and Cornell and followsâ€"Piano solo, MISS Florence Marshal: of Toronto, who displayed rare musical ability and her numbers during the evening were warmly applauded. The numbers by M335 Ella Gross, “Come Thou Fount,†and Miss Blanche Walters, “Abide with me,†were 3.15;, warmly applauded. Mrs Houston’s clever and ï¬nished contributions on the organ called forth the warmest applause. The number, “Prayer and Cradle Song,†was particularly sweet, and evoked an encore, to which she very kindly responded A supper was given the members of the chair in the basemgm at the close of the program. ,_-- h“ â€".- VJ kllL} LUUfl' 0' Inc Cambridge-st Methodist church Friday evening last was fairly well attended. The evening was stormy and this fact no doubt prevented many from being present, and enjoying a. most delightful evening of sacred song and music. The ï¬rst part of the program consisted of .eber’s harvest cantata, rendered by the Chou, Mr. I. \V- I‘Vnnï¬', I’Pnnro 1‘3..- 1')". . ‘- v “n.“ All. W. H. Clarke, president of the association, then introduced the speaker of the evening, Rev. Mr. Bartlett is a very fluent, forcible and pleasing speaker, and for about an hour held the closest attention of the audience. His ‘address, which covered the whole ï¬eld of Y.M.C.A. work, and showed very clearly what made up the model young man, was one of the bes: ever delivered in Lindsay under Y.M.C.A. auspices. It cannot but have a very beneï¬cial eï¬em in the upbuilding of the many young men present. He congratulated the association on the formation of a juvenile branch, from which the future Y.M.C.A. young men would be recruited. If they were properly trained as boys he had no fears for them when theyzrew up to be young men. A musical selection was given by the choir, after which the meeting was dismissed with the benediction by Rev. Mr. Bartlett. Methodist Church Choir Sacred Con The anniversary services in connection with the Lindsay Young Men’s Christian Associa- tion, held in the Presbyterian church on Tues- day evening, Were very successful in point' of attendance and interest manifested. By eight o’clock about 350 had assembled to bat an address on the “Model Young Man,†by Rev. 5. '1‘. Bartlett, and also enjoy the annual program furnished by the Y.M.C.A. choir, 3male quartette and orchestra. Interesting ‘Verbal reports were given by the secretary, Mr. F. A. Robinson, showing the growth of the association in Lindsay, the good um had been accomplished and the work that was vet to do; by Mr. J. L. Allin, treasurer, showing among other thing that an average of $800 per annum was required to meet the expenses, and that there was at the present time only the small deï¬cit of about $30; and by Mr. Alex. Horn. president of the junior depart- ment, who very clearly and concisely explained the importance of the juvenile branch Of the Y.M.C.A. The Chairman ‘Dr Just What You Are Looking For. Beautiful Reed and Rattan chairs, new designs; also Oak and Fancy Rockersâ€"jus the goods for holiday presents, and very cheap. M. E. TANGNEY, opposite the Ben- son House, Lindsayâ€"4741'. The for sale, one Cutter;2 extra large and superior q articles will be sold chap Ross, Dominion Bank. â€"-4; A Marriage License BRITTON BROTHERS for S" “O.â€"~3-t.f. flaw sacred concert gven by the choir of the {Ann ~L 11-4. - a Gutter and Robe For Sale. Y.M.C.7x. Anniversary. Bargain; in Wall Paper rxchanged ‘--v I J I “e“ Sunday morning : Cutter; also Buï¬aio Robe, superior quality The above encore, to which she A supper was Given in Ih e basement at of the Cambridge-st .m-n-- months ac W. A. 1)’ and ooncisdy 1: of the juvenile The chairman Dz. of the association, :er of the evening, fluent, forcible and bout an hour held be audience. Hjs 1e whole ï¬eld of mad vcrv clmh â€"b‘ unl- thp pulpit at A bply to R031: new few