a. V ' r __ If..‘ x ‘ . . .5 ; ,1 , _ --...._.._...: ;, g i m THE WATCHMAN. LINDSAY. THURSDAY DECEMBER 26TH. 1895, .â€" Eoenjï¬lfï¬ï¬nllï¬nflmtgï¬dlmn >EE@%E@% Egg is C. @ =__â€":-_=% lie of Lands 1): THE l F1173: 53‘441‘1‘13 â€it .‘- ii" 1‘ 0f le TUWn (sf I:Y‘d l M I... . . , . dry of November. 1:33- "a? ; 1- . ...c.‘ it land for the arrears 1;:an 11.1 s...u Inns and cast are sroncr paid, 1 uniï¬es L- , (121‘ H 1., ,. U 0.1 ck in the siterm on, at tl‘ie‘éori: c 1:1.111 the said iiirlds (-l' "3 much ’h . “ h {'YCl' '\ . . 1:.rgts t: tllxrcu. ‘ ‘5 My C051. oi Adv er- t 1..., i, 321 6‘.) s} 11; $26 65 4 \ a- o '_’l 3 - .... 1.. 5 s? 1 so i .52 ,4. 7 .fi 1 .35 53“; *i ii :3 lit: 5:73 ., _ a 7 ‘: l '3. 1 4i; 5 7 ; ‘1 21-: l .11; 5 78 ~: :2‘. '5': 1 75% 17 09 Four W w W- ° W - 1,; it 3?. eeks ago e announced that 0 ing to the hard times we ould refuse no reasonable! :1 11 1 1:; , â€" ° 1 1 l 11 1:: oï¬'er for goods, and the public have taken us at our word. 1' ll 75‘ - rt ~ Ill: 3: I: 1)]. 213:: 3% 11:5 it s ‘»l 1 31; 9 37 '12.: it '1 If) I 45') 5 50 i ll 1:: :3. ll 3;; 3"; or: >5? 1 :37 g 26 l l. l l\ 1 ES 2 56 1 5 ii 1 :â€" " 1:. 1 21; 1 It‘i 1g '73: f 2 l\‘ I 41) 3 58 i. 7:3 1 «ll 5 16 o: t: i: l :11; 1 11; if: .) ,1 ‘ ' T 1‘: :1 .'> 1 11 5 0-3 ,7 f: i 1:1 1 is - - Bo rs’ Suits at 2.00 ’ . . - f: if: 3...: 3 1:, 33 33 3 , . $ . regular price l $4'00 Men’s Ulsters at $5.00 regular price - - - - $8.00 ii 3;; p; 5 1,: 3i E Boys Suits at 3.00, regular price - - - - 5.00 M g I, ,3 1 -2 - -- . . en’s Pants at 1.00 e ular ice - - - I. 1, 1:13;: 1 {311 if; 33 Boys’ Suits at 4.00, regular price - - - 6.50 , r g pr 75 3 ‘12 H (35 13 59 . ' g 12 >1) 1 157 11 56 Boys’ Suits at 4.50, regular price - - - - 7.50 Men’s Pants at {'25’ regular price - ' ' ' 2.co FRED KNO WLsox, . To“, Treasurer, Boys’ Overcoats at $3.00, regular price - - - - 5.00 Men’s Heavy Freize Pants $1.45, regular price - - 2.25 l 1 1 15111151111711 1.1:. BtRNING. if -.v woo-inf any kind yu c 11 always I ’ . . 3:. 13vw\~..(.;_ in 113': ‘elzgtha‘, zit. the . L's )1 HS. 'l‘alilzii'iick and slabs in u m 0 1-. L c1;vt.eti 0.. sh ..i. notice. I m J. CAREW, w rat-oh :2»; \c. :1 ~46. , * ' Ladies’ ackets I 2 re ular rice - = - ' $300 w # J $ 5’ g p ConSists of Christmas Presentation Goods, of which we have a very 5 D EAGLE.“ 1X. Ladies Jackets 1.50, regular price - - - ~ 3.25 - . i a ‘ -\ i â€": 4 1 11" 1,, L d' , . 650 large stock. It’s imposmble to give pricesâ€"the list would be too 1 n, Y‘.1""". . moi“ '. ' '. - 5.412199. .- 1iii‘or, e . . I' - - - lf‘ 51.}. â€â€˜1'. .‘«l r i, lizl accounts. Llinllllcfc’fl a les JaCketS 3'Co’ reglllar prlce 3“ . 1' v;:'.‘ i lit-Counts, Succlty accounts, . . o- . . . ’ ’. 1' “1‘ “Ml- iebw Sheets Ladies’ Jackets 4.00, regular price ' 7-50 long. ‘ ’ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘_, '."'rl ...: .l- lllle adjusted, as between :. x 1- 1. ~ :11 lotsoiiaole that you cannot :' * ":~'.\ ..1 having low work iiiclliclent- AT THE '1N‘DS4Y LUMBER MlLLS. ..l nun-“113.4 use wt try large I» w i< :1 Clllllce for , . . 11m,- neztl‘ future to -‘ J. <‘..;‘, .1. ~ 1‘ 1;“.er "« vi? 2' (l. J. CAREW. C l’lllAl’ LUMBER l A Merry Christmastide to all ‘ our Customers and THE WATCHMAN P M readers. I l mills are feeling very keenly the present competition from this side and live in t which his is one, are shut 5831?“, um: nave Orv‘u man; m .v‘â€;;;"‘~-~::; Jillian Americans 81‘? 1‘63“? 11111.11 ' 1‘ r). 1"in .1 7 7) ‘ . l: 15 ll 0" i511“ l3 ‘1“ rill. Wï¬eï¬ they have proved invaluable as l to accept as payment for solid cash, ' l l Editorial Note. by farmers are only sritiï¬csl and do not 7117113 it: . 'J . defending forces. At one time, several . assuredly we are silly in not at once ‘ meeting demand with liberal supply." d e netrate to the bone. He should secure in ' Aberdeen 0 so a work on live BtOCk’ and then he ’ "‘ centuries ago, the city of Tainly, in the SPEAKING at the Orange banquet hel ' " . we†11. Clark mv 1110101.“? thigh ldtk 'Ho elt would know when anew breed 0f sheep down. - â€" o - Spanish territory of Xiatine was be- ~ . - .7 - . \\ ziilace said .e wou nei er COOS} : or even curly dogs was introduced int. -â€"About 9,000 pounds of turkey were 1T IS SAID THEY ARE TH: BEoT Ot- seiged by the Portuguese 'l‘he lnva- i “ifegqizlldlgs :11; oer: bathing paiari: . . ‘ . v 7 ~ . a . . ' . ‘ . ~ ‘ ) 7’ v ' :1... will: or the Protestant.- Conservailses this Vicinity. purchased at theAthens turkey fair on ALL messeNGLRs. ders were winning bastion after bas- 2 3th to remain in t1he sap:- will? {ï¬le 1:1 ilzt'nrlo who had fought in many IrTâ€"FLE BR ‘1‘ Friday by American buyers and shipped __ “on, when the beleaguered citizens l ware is sounded. 'l‘his is now done in titfl‘wsni‘min“ the prmmp 16 Of Sepâ€" ‘ h I?†h I Am. hm“ â€rookvme saladâ€? m9râ€â€œâ€œ=’. t" Lhe. .. - . . r .7 were 5mm" With a brilliant PTO-leCt- '1 the First Battalion Welsh Regimenr era‘s: Schoo‘s in Ontario, because Spend tot e atc man 0 Boston markets. The average price “if" "' *“""'"“'l“‘5 bxl’“"m°““ " 4"“ They brought all the hives that they at plymouth, and I hear that one he li~'ii-\'vil that the Public Schools How To Save Money.â€" ne way to aboth cents. The chances are that it “mm as Umrrhmw w Carri“, mgeo,†could ï¬nd _in the place and set them morning last Woe-11 a man who “as . _ «, ’ p _ l f lh . save money is to buy your furniture at will bring from 28 to 30c in the hands of ~ . upon the City wall, building great ï¬res izerl \Vllll ammo and came 0 1 . “‘“f‘b'†were good 911093} or .eiir home and thus save railway fare and the retailers. Why can not Lindsay iii-.11 i).-..pa.ciics mi 'thlr bucks. underneath them. The smoke and the sent back to stard in the W ter, up t); Clllitll-cllwel‘e goodenougri tor any chlh - freight charges. RICHARE blurn. furn- have a Christmas turkey faint .. , , I. h m“ flames SO meensed the bees that the? his waist: until the order to retire was ' . " l. - ' ° - It is more than likely tiat t c n . h . ' l 11 in H"ito impose Seoamte bowels iture dealer, Little Brit-am, 03ch you ‘ y. ‘ U .. b .11, d rus ed out m swarms and flew down . given. N“ doubt the bam‘ng parade .. . t.) 1 . . â€"â€"Da wson Co_ Toronto. recentlysent great buropean vnu Mil a blew me h . . _ ‘ . .. _ ' .. p ‘ . _ . parlor and dlnn‘ng l'OOlll ‘ i 1 b h b . some atlo'rcther remarkable ,inno- Upon t e enemy: making 3' Dame In , .s a (331111.11 thing-5 for luxunl. mil :1 arge um: 31 ~ 5 ‘ ‘ stanter and causmg them to flee. ;_q. ems a cruelty and an ab~urdity to WlTH NO INCONVENIENCE WITHOUTATRUSS No people were better just as nice furniture, bed romn sets, chairs, tables, an expressmaii t" deliver 3 ' ‘ '2 t' ~ i the wa of carrying military ' _ . . fancy rockers matrasges' springs, etc , 33 Of bananas uO an Italian in the west end 5351703321125 Theycarricr gingons of a Very much the same plan was tried, : keep him in the “water Wth h. is at- needs and wants. They were the ' b Is (if f 1 of the city. ()1: the way the driver was ~ b . _ 1"" . . and with equal suCCess, by 3 statesâ€" ‘ tacked with crampâ€"1,011.10), Truth ‘3 ' l ons of the men of On you can g-tany wheiee :an hor (garYess almost startled oi.“ of his wits by the quarter Of a century haw“ we certdm man of Thuringia whose house was. ' Imam“ am 5‘ - Th 0‘ u are 0“ - b , d d ..e ha'JS b storks, ‘ ’ _ j . money. on W Y" y . , . «i. he ellow ‘0 e superse e . I‘ r 1 y . surrounded one da b a furious mo 1 till‘vallO had gone west to heW out OK“ certainly save money by dOIng SO. apBeardncf, firelg t‘tge.1‘;};;::.f ton y.‘rri\._ perhaps b}, Sparrows. Experlxnenta He marched his seyr'va’yrlts out with abli: A†Broke 3‘ 0330.". tummy-Ives. Who ‘ Repairs of all kinds made promptly. ltrult, 0f {.13 15d ," ‘3' E'Ghb Wh') makes have already been tried with both his beehives and threw them one by “So you took your family to the sea: in the. Ontario ' Undertaking in all its branches.â€"â€"48â€"tf. mg alighe Fallanezt: "3:8 stilt for and these birds. and With a fair. degree .Of one in the midst of the crowd_ A l Shore?" said the facetious man. 3 h†y 0 serp ' ‘ ’ success. The stork, however, deSplte cannon ball would not have been half! “I did, was the melancholy reply, 1 Where there is such grandeur in 01". Manitoba. . able iojudge for themselves as to their new homes for had been educated . I Dublic 531100153 they know the“ own # after great trouble, his snakeship Was his swiftness of flight and his strength. llliE‘l‘rsIs, and the men 0f both parties . SWINDON transferred, furl‘ms and hlf'smgi t0 9- box, is too easy a mark for the Lebel bul- Zieifgiittizg 21:33:13; IRIS: jzbalcnglfuin: the breaking 0‘ the wavesâ€"â€"" hitiluniteil to say that they didnot want. $136133“:o the watchman. . . . t and imprisoned therein. Fhe “bk? ““3 let, and it is questioned whether the moment to clear the space around the “Yes." S5 "rate ï¬ChOOlS Separate Schools for SLEIGHINC.â€"'Th.e .Slelghlng 18 excep - Of 3 dark hue, addornezl Wlth distinctly Sparrow is sufï¬ciently Strong_ In thls statesman’s dwellingâ€"N, Y. World. «Am the bmklng or engage- p“ o ' ionally QOOd for ““5 time Of year. Many marked (trey spots. It measured hl'e teet uncertainty an English apiculturlst of- mentsâ€-â€"â€"- 1 a ' I “Yes; and the $20 MSTâ€"Washing- . .. ; â€" . ’ ' nds . . _ Bl..ii.ioho would be turdlblg tthe 23011-,“ the farmers are making 800d “59 0f m from head to tail. M's begs as messengers of war. 3.8 B ‘ 1““: "11.13119 ClOCk: would Se 8. tea t for teaming Purpossfl- M if f L' d -â€"The "militaryâ€accoutrlaments were has tested their packet-carrymgdabih- â€3 FROM TRUTH. ‘03 Star. 1 at" ste . In the Unite tates ex ['3' Vmumc â€"â€"Mr. . o att 0 “I say . . . , or of the ties, and can vouch for their spee y re- _____....__â€"â€"â€"-â€" l 'V P d‘S‘r'bmed among tht’ memb- 8 turn, upon liberation, to the place ' ordinary progress had been made, atpd laid; flying Vim} to Zisegaugp 1:311:11? BoYs’ Brigade last Friday evening. and whence they â€me . a 'o ...-00 r?! ' 1 9 . .’. - . 2‘ ' ~ ~. we . its Schools in no Edit M M 5’ v the orgaumition can now be sud to be in While at (list sight the turning of “he . Begging Reduced ‘ ~ Sv»~ um. London Small Talk as Noted by u:.' A friend writes me from Paris that the mendicaiists in that city have n g- l l ousr, SiGflND '6 there were Seplr: . _. . . t' d - this _ \i -,,. ,, ' Manitoba is melting rien s in ~ . ‘ .. .~ 3. ks to the eiier- _ . _ , DECORATIVE PAINT“ ’ 51“â€? â€â€8 of the Umon’ If they. vicinit . ’She will visit Lindsanvemiamfluctfibsm .0981“: n’ will. MacMillan of “'1?“ they 13“?“ Prof’ed ‘f‘mluable as . . ular "1111.31.11.11... 01 imien-tors," in RESCOlNG GRAINING 3 had beparate benools imposed on Mam d My ' sa friends before returning. â€19â€" efforts,“ RW‘ J' . f thing of a Joke. It Is net ertheless Te- An imaginative bonvtempomry states two edmons_a gm.“ one at (30 cents "‘ t t) 1 w onceï¬rml estalished an aripo - bv the Mac- l Sb Andrews under the instructions .0 gai'dt-d seriously throughout England. that Since the arrival or the court at and a large one for $1.30. These books KALSOM'N'NG , 0 21., it t 18y ere y the BALL-O-"A ball was givenM d [Lleuh B. McAlpme the boys are acquiring The man who suggested it took a few balmoral the Queen has been amused , give the names 0; 1,9,an known .0 “ thw‘"? â€3 a matter Of course y cabees m McKays hall on on ay ewni lconsiderble proficiency in the mysteries of bees from his own house. to that of a at watching the efforts of the Duchess l EC benevolent 31.0 their Salmon 1; â€.1 STAlNED GLASS :r would be imposed upon the entire Nor- ing. The attendance was 315139;“ E. ti: 8 “right. left,†and their military step and friend four n-..: 3 away. He waited of Connaught'and Princess Louise to l â€Mica, faith: 315,, the hour 5,, when ' I fullest, and that was why they Were ScHooL l‘lo'l‘FJKVâ€"‘D’i‘as . ‘ f " 0 d h1 bearing is almost noticeable on. the street. several days, so that the bees might master the 1310370163’ Asa matter or 3 We}. may be fmmd at home. em The . SQ eVldcnt-le pr838€d for, and Why Que‘ we understand! l'e-engflglng 01‘ allol. e; The formation of the Brigade 13. Sure to become familiar With their surroundâ€" fact. n?ither Of these Prlrltoessï¬ has, “réllgious racket" is vex-3' remunera. Art DeSigns in all Brancheb- . 'l ' h l - d so few of her sons in year- She ‘5 an eï¬'icwnt teacher, an result in much good. and the movement ings. He then let a few of them loose been “'lthin hundreds 0‘ 1111195 0f 331’ 3 tive. it seems. An old ragpicker a: SAY ("IT †uec, .“ “c 1.1. .’ - h terms under her management the 999115 show will no doubt extend to all the local in a room. in which was a Plate 01 Tnoral' for they,have bOtb been Star I Clinchy lately confessed that last win , 78 PEEL STREETJJNB ’ ' ' Milnmba. was dlcmtmg as er - marked improvement. M Nmn also re- hurcllcs honey. The bees settled upon this, and mg on the comment 611169 the Queen 1e) her child was baptized 12 times in l ________.._// that separate Schools Should be In" remains another year. Our people know 0 ' Th , author of while they were busy eating mock deS- 16“ OSbome- . Protestant churches and 10 times in . it 9038(1 ‘01) Nlanitoba. He! for one, how to appreciate 8006‘ work. . TGapt. Geo. 8’ h 0%}??02} 11 Lumber- patches were fastened on them by the The announcement that Prince Hen Catholic ones; each time the mother 0 ‘ TH I Wre‘l ' P rliainent or out, SO long Socur. Evnnr.-â€"A social eventing W38 "LP'EO‘Dcfev 0" t ° d E e the lumber apiculturist’s trained hand- W 0‘ mea had left Kiel, having received one franc and a new dress. u. ' ‘Q‘er “1 a d . h the suï¬â€˜raoes “I, by the "Knights ot"the Macabees†man.’ 11218111le return? mm f G r i n The thinnest of all thread bound the been granted leave of absence for a When epidemics are raging the beggar NDSAY f: 9'3 “,e was entruSte .w1t ' tin esth- giithe 9th. Intritations were extended camps on the north shgre ofor 225?. :31 little packets, which were of the 111m; :2? égaizgeroéggfdgfagigm travel, asks for contributions. on the plea 15 KEN I'-ST., LI Of his hearers, would not 35518 _ f - nds of members of the order. A Bay. where he . hi“ can _ Siest of paper, to the bees backs. Grea . e surprise- R that his or her offspring is down with ;: lishinrr that system in any Provmoe of to r16 1 t rogram was rendered after months past: pushlng the sale 0f h“ 139â€â€œ care was taken to leave the head and DPW turns out Eh?“ there has been 3 diphtheria, croup. etc., and many peo- . th D51 3 8V9? se 9% 13 served Avery ’enjoyl among the lumber-men. He 111% With wings absolutely free. The windows difference of opinion betwcn Emper- ple quickly respond, in order to get SAN 13';th ENBIUEEBS» IS 3: e cmlnlon. which 11111.0 W9" nt ° excellent success and will return after the were then opened, and the bees thrown or William and Prince In my, which rid of what they believe to be a very l PLUHBERS AND STEAU "11 “ â€"â€"~â€"-/ able evening was spe ' holidays. It is Mr. Thompson’s intention out into the air. W'ith the certainty of has rapidly assumed large proportions, dangerous class of pearln ...Vamty, l CENTRE ELDN. ...â€"oâ€" to have the book printed in French as carrier pigeons they started off at on? ‘tmd the efforts a: Eilpreés Frederick Sue-r Cured 3"“ the IE ' '1 Special to th W tchman. Local and General. ' this means his for home. arriving there in an incre â€" 0 arrange mat rs ave proved en- “The fume;- said one of mu. TIN AND shift-T IBOIV waBA'EBS- E T11 1r Nesw a KIND 01" SHEEP"Mr‘ Mr Stevenson M P for West Peter' :a‘liwwillnï¬lemihcggsetdy fully one-third. ibly short time. with the DaCketS se- tirelyifrï¬itliss.iP;iegce He“? has been pigs was sick. so I brouzht it com. ‘ , 1 ' -â€" ', ’ ' ° 1 . . - cure u on their backs. prac ca 3’ an s in col scquenca at .†TBUUGWMG- 570' 1 Dallas Wright wants the correspoadzgl: boro, was in Ottawa last week, and bad When the present edition Of .3030“: Natuli‘ally this project would only be the quarrel which arose out of some $55853â€?- __ s; from Centre Eldon to rise up an an interview With Mr. Ragga?" respecting exhausted the book will be tense - rm cu- question connected with the Baltic . gaven' on ever heard _â€"--â€" 9 bout a I h d a better possible in summer and in wa ‘Yes. sugar. t 7 , VES, HI}. Pu! g; plain his untruthl’ul staFemePt 8 1011 the Trent Valley works. 11 is t eintcnt- corrected, and then issue in C d mates, for the reason that the bees CE ml. of sugar cured hamsfâ€"Oakm ‘ HOT AIR FURNACES: _Sd0 e in town ans 5 .new variety of sheep. First. Just .30 h 9 ion of the department to call for tenders form for general sale not only in1 sale a. would be unable to endure severe Writing of the Marlborough-Vander- Tunes. 1 m and rcpgltcd- “ 051* 0:11 all kinds of asthe municipal council will perm“?6 .991? immediately for the section between but in the United States and E08 9'“ 2‘]: weather, Bees wouid have the advan- but engagement. Mr. Lab! where sayz. . -.,_.__â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" wuni‘y' Lstimatelzss gllï¬mon employed- to run at large why has he not the 911:1; Peterboro and Nassau. well. His son. M0330m, Thompsonifv :1 tage over pigeons or bird: because of “In the meanwhile, we in -‘- tap still Should nan Called: Clerk. “O‘k' hm“: w ' ' , age to let his sheep run the wads do ...-Mr Ceo Cormack, owner of a grist deliver the books subscribed forum m ' their invisibility. Nor «would there more American amumula Slay 311- “Is this attar of roses the strictly R HEAT'NG' ' . same“ other farmefl. ‘3 long as they 6. flower mill in Aberdeen. Scotland, is say and vicinity and W111 also so to any be any Moulty in going through the ncunclng. that any one. ‘ ' 5: “7195 a" .9... article?" inquired the 70m ‘ HOT WAT: not trespass upon the farms of his 9“ this country to judge whether he who would care to procure 3 COPY- enemy‘s lines. The apiculturist says 311 Amenm heir“ Wâ€: ' 3 ' - rainage- 5“ a}! ne' hb D b not know that even In to i 08113118. or to see if he -â€"-.--*-""" that they could travel ï¬fty miles quite Peer. the ““9 Duke, M3" - u :3»: you would“ t a“ s l ' also house d ectnc lg ors. oes e . ' should 10"“ u . - in de nden on the at he .. ' - A ‘Pcc’a [y ’ 0‘ ‘1 all admit â€h“ ‘ ' B rders Wanted. as easily as they could four 8 P9 t . , . said the drug new Angle Lamp. Cheap“ ‘wg 0055 3‘ ' it“ enemies 0f M" Wright u cone can secure for 1118111915 Improved machin- oa odated in g ï¬rst. t1 th t fortune thus secured. If . .,,-z the church." light, and give: better light. 1’ the sheep owned by big‘ “631532101069 on cry and facilities winchlsre wringingf to cm A few boulders can 290;“221‘311. APP'! Thus; :2; :5 the ed a ‘3; mi or a piece otpmmt ' “‘ ‘ e to Wit oralgn .Vate - y. 1 O - -- ...---‘. ...... «a .aâ€"uu. ...â€"...: cent per hour to run. ducted and the best an qme 6 tell the 31319 them to comp 9 PH farm Lo“ m bee: ’ ~ , . ,â€" 1-4. , «“4- ...-u y W 1 ,, . mg; priced the roads. Secondly, can I“? 119 . “mommy“ He says tht the Scotch at 51 Peel street 5 we sell srovns .1: W mar-kin h 110er ‘1†“PW " - es...'-.. -- ’~ - - ‘ ' g8 put on t 9 3 ' ’wg’_l,°i.tff __ iV-tm‘ . v“ - ' bikiéuâ€"l u.» ,. _ ' . "_ g . . . ‘ _ )5? - .. 0 .1115. 5111111820“ . . 3,3,, _ .. .