"lfll'ifg . .p 1 - h mm): a r ~."“’., Exï¬â€˜s‘JL-t' . ‘. :. .. .rge'gzï¬wï¬fï¬?‘ ‘ ‘99.: xv \- .. fl! \ k ‘, "i»*\‘i min . Wt." ‘. _ A " _, *5,“ q . .. . u . .sz-v- .9 5-»- - a . ,., what-gin “6.1? ' O W?“ . .‘....,.,-......,’ ,. v .....;u..-. r. ~.'.wo~3vpi-rv - - A. 1?; d iv A in f T : InK .. l .. i {'32} 1’“? . l: j I], 93¢ ' , . 1.2: l i». 1. , ;d"»i . ’b4 .VfJ'i it: *“ . .; l ,3 . l ‘. V â€.3‘ â€ii“: lira. “53‘ 4- . . 'é)? i if» i ,.' .. " . V t ‘6 .“ 1 r’. ; it? ' i g. . l F ii," TI‘J‘iHE i ‘: _.f .“ a ’ 1; . 1? § ’1 . , .: "‘. an v5 .1 . ‘1‘ '~ .»e 15;: 4. it: 1» '4 El . . . â€a 1.: k I? â€3?. l.‘ ,~‘ 1.1 . 1],} .1; v~ : - .. n. . l ‘ ‘.i?‘¢. .“_ps . .3 r ,, .1 fl; i, :51, l“; . _ MA -. ._ ‘1‘ E'W , f4 “l 7", 7 ~. 23%“; {.3 '7 ' a“. ï¬r»? ‘ ’ ~ $33 1i ' '13 if“; T 1‘. . . WY. 93 5 L‘ii‘l ' «‘ . ‘Ji , V1 2‘ ; '~ ,’, .;, 5 ‘ it»: ‘db as Why! Because I wail: mï¬neï¬ 3:: lment will be hegd Li; tSt. John’s Sunday ave too bi a stoc . ea a 3801,00; Decem em 5_ Ileal’n and mike UP your mi d that 1 expected. Come along and have a. good ’ l wish him AR l Woollard of Raymond, returned home to l spend her Christmas holidays. here last Wednesday for Cobcconk where he is taking charge of a drug store. We success . . . . .Miss, Aggie TEA.-The annual tea. and entertain- A good time is Lennon’s is the place to buy : time. . . NORTH MANVERS 12 Bars Of soap - fer 25C. l Special to the Watchman. 7 dozen CIOCheS Pins 1(8) I CLOVER THRESHIN‘G.â€"The people of “ ‘ A good Clothes Line A Wash'ooard - 3 5 Papers of Pins 5 A 600d Whip “ 8 ’ 2 big Bars of Soap “ 23 , A whole bbl. Carpet Tacks at 3 A Curry Comb for 10 i (6 I (C A Good Horse Brush “ 15 3 2 Cups and 6 Saucers “ 30 i A Coal Scuttle “ 25 . An Ash Sifter “ :5 l A big Bread Pan “ .5 l Say, neighbors, we are ï¬lled; from garret to cellar with just-such. bargains as above in Furniture] Crockery, Glassware, Knives and Forks, Looking Glasses and otherl lines. A good second-hand Art‘ Garland Coal Stove for hall. Also Coal and Wood Range. JAS. H, LENNON Opposite the Benson House. ! Vibe ‘lillstchiiian. 28th, 1895 THURSDAY, DEC. Li CAI. NEWS -l.ETTF.RS ____.+_.__ CAMBRAY. Sp». ml to the Watchman. I.'2RSU.\'AL.-â€"dlr. Richard Ware, and his sister. Miss Emma Ware, are at present visiting friends in Cramahe and Brighton rownships. They will be ab out a couple of weeks. +_, REABORO. Special to the Watchman. Baa-Ker Seeminâ€"Thc Reaboro brass band intend ’ ilding abasket social at Mrs. Herbercs. ' 7, con. 8, Ops. on Wednes- drv, Jar f. A good program is ex- pected, . . ,1 and instrumental music: ex trybo .. fivited to be present and etjoy. j’lllJ :vening. God save the Queen .4.â€" .IARTLEY. Spec tofheV. .tchman. XL.» Y"tit’s CONCERT. â€"- On New Year's even“ g, Jan. let, a grand tea will ’ e served ‘ the hall here from 4 (1)730 o’clock, 3.2;. r ‘ten all have feasted on the abundance . good things provided an adj turninen' will be made to the church and a prom up of music, singing, etc., enjoyed. Don't fail to be present. You will be sorry if you miss it. ..___ JANETVILLE. Special to The Watchman. PsasotzaL.â€"Mr. Arthur McGill, of Elmvale, is enjoying the holiday season with his friends in this vicinity . . . . Mrs. R J Mills, of Holland, Man, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Stinson. Her many friends are pleased to see her ...... Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fallis, formerly of this place, have decided to return to their farm in this locality. They prefer Manvers to Manitoba. MANILLA Special to The Watchman. I,U.().F. Esrzsrsrmnnr.-â€"The Odd- fellows of this \illage propose giving a grand concert in their new ball on New Year’s night Jan. lst. Mr. Sim Fax of London, 0nt., Canada’s greatest vocalist and dramatic reciter has been engaged and will be assisted by Mia. Trengloss Stevenson of Guelph, the famous “Queen of song.†These artists have been greet- ed with crowded houses in all parts of Canada and the United States, and a rich treat is in store for those who attend. Grand Master W.’H. Hoyle will deliver an address, and recitations will be given by Mr. C. E. Kelly. Admisslon 25c. reserved seats 35c; children 15c. Concert commences at 8 o’clock __â€"â€"â€"â€"-.-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" ‘ FRANKLIN. Special to the Watchman. Tar: ROADS in these parts are very bad and business is quiet. The farmers had onls properly started for their winter’s work. SOCIALâ€"Court Mnnvers Independent Order of Foresters held a grand social on the 12th in the Orange hull, Bethanv. Dr. C. H. Brererton ably ï¬lled the chair. Addresses were given by the Rev. Alex. McGillivrny of Toronto. P. H.C.R., and Bro. Douglas of Cavanville, and the chairman. Bro. George McCartney gave a humorous reading entitled “The Scotch- man and his bicycle,†which was very interesting and caused a great deal of amusement. Altogether 13 nice evening was 'spent, when the company broke up, giving a vote of thanks to the ladies for their bountiful spread and the singing of “God Save the Queen." â€"â€"-â€".â€"â€"â€" DUNSFORD. Special to The Watchman. TEE Esranrmivmm given by the. pupils of SS. No. 2, Verulam, was a decided success in all respects. The schoolhouse was full in spite of the in- clement weather and everybody went away well pleased with their evening’s outing. Omanâ€"It is with and feelings that we chronicle the demise of Samuel Jackson of Lindsay. who was interred in the Pres. byterian cemetery on Sunday last, Rev. Mr. MacMillau of Lindsay, ofï¬ciating. The last and rites were performed by the Ithis vicinity are busy threshing their clover at present. which is not turning out as well as expected. Faurer and Colvin are the threshers and they give good satisfaction. BUi'ING.â€"â€"Mr. Frank Gordon passed through here one day last week and picked up quite a large amount of stock. The people do not. feel inclined to feed much stock this winter as feed is scarce in this section of the country. VISITING.-â€"-Mrs. Robert Mills of Brandon, Manitoba, is visiting friends in this part ...... Mr. Joseph Mills of Liï¬'ord, is visiting friends here. _____â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"" SOUTH EMILY. Special to the Watchman. PERSONALâ€"Miss M. McLean of Toronto, is visiting her brother-in-law, Mr. J. B. Hayes ...... Miss Mitchell is visiting her brother in Crumahe township ...... Miss Jane Coulier is now living with Mr. \Vui. Adams REiiov.\I.s.â€"â€"â€"l\'lr. A. lones has decided to cease farming and has removed to Olllelllef". Mr. D. Rowan will soon remove to the same hamlet. No ELECTION is expected this year. The present council has done. very Satisfactoryâ€"but a few must have a batlot and turn them out. Apneaâ€"At the present time it seems , that a man. whether he has proved very Capable of doing the. business must step out. This teaches ofï¬cers to be careless, but I might venture. to say, careful about their own pockets. Let us have no election. Save the cost and thereby lower the taxes. ,-._.__- GLENARM. Special to the Watchman. Bitt'rns â€"Mr. and Mrs. S. Nicholson are rejoicing over the addition of a son to their family. . At't‘iner.~()ur village blacksmith had the misfortune to have a red hot flake of iron strike him in the eye, fortunately not completely injuring the sight, but Causing very severe suffering for some time. MILL Pimpsâ€"Messrs. Cameron and Nicholson’s steam grain crusher is a great success. Try them and be con- viiiCed. errtso.â€"We hope the tonic of Maple lewes will prove so effectual to the “Lovely Vines†that the reading public will receive no more reports of their Sodomistic deeds in future. CHURCH Norse. â€"The anniversary services in Connection with the Presby- terian church were conducted by Rev. Mr. MacMillan of Lindsay. assisted by the pastor, Rev. Mr. McDonald. The building was filled at each service. Mr. MacMillan is an able, earnest preacher, and we will be glad to see him often ..... The annual meeting of the congregation will be held on Dec. 24th, when a full attendance of the members is requested. MUD TURTLE LAKE. Special to The Watchman. ACCIDENT. ~Mr. G. H. Runny happen- ed with n serious accident on Monday last, when one of his horses kicked him in the face and breast, result of which has conï¬ned him to his bed. We hope he will be around again in a few days, as it is rumored he is a candidate for council- man this year. With our united efforts he will be elected. PERSONALâ€"Mr. R. Windrum is spend- ing his vacation under the parental foof. The ladies are glad to see Bob. . . . Mr. T. McBride is visiting friends in the vicinity of Mindcn. Tom is a jovial fellow, and has friends wherever he goes. RsonoANIzmu.â€"The Mud ‘I‘nrtle de- bating society is about to reorganizemnder the leadership of Mr. B. Richmond, who has returned from the North-west. Hooxnp BY A Gown-Mr. M. Fountain had one of his colts hooked by a. cow the other day. which necessitated the removal of part of the covering of the bowels Under the skilful treatment of Dr. Snel- ser the colt is fast recovering. A BUSINESS Tamâ€"Mr. R. Rumny was in Fenelon Falls on Monday with a load of bugs for Mr. H. Austin. Bob seems to enjoy a trip to the Falls; of course he onlv goes on business. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-.â€"_â€"â€" VALENTIA. Special to the Watchman. Inrnonccronv.â€"I am sitting down in the back kitchen (my ink got frozen last night so I had to bring it in here to get it thawed out) trying to write you these few lines, to let you know that the people in Valentin are living yet, although every thing is very quiet. Wood cutting is the order of the day. Racovsmo,â€"I am pleased to state that Miss Lena. Scott is recovering from her recent illness. LEAVINGâ€"I regret to learn that Mr. John Frise will leave us in a short time, John is commencing to look very sad. ENGAGED.â€"The cheese-maker las been engaged here‘ for another year, as Mr. Stillman has resigned. We are not sure if he made the big cheese that was at the Worlds Fair or not, but he can make one just as big and good. We wish him success. - RE-ENGLGED.â€"Mi38 Ida Mark is re- engaged as teacher for 1896. Dun OLD Sum Gunsâ€"I promised ALF. sud A.M. of which deceased W8! 8 the boys I would write toyou and tell you member. what they wanted in their stocking for MALâ€"Mr. Ed. Woollord left New Year’s and I thought I would put it It has been our aim for years l l llllllillllilllllillll.IlllllllllllllllillLlllltllil:ll l i lill‘llllllllllllzlllllllllllllllll‘llilI.|‘.|’l|lil|l[lillll' i 1 case? Heavier production, much bigger Don't that look uncommonly like success? Popular Clothiers FOURTH LESS than any other stores, don’t believe tors in either quality or price. The Wonderful Cheap Men, IIllllllll’lllllli‘l‘lllIlllllllllilllllllll||Illllll’llIllllllllllllIllllIllIllllllllllllllllll|Illlllillllllillillillll’lllll;|:l;| J Men's Overcoats, Men’s Pea Jackets, Men’s Suits. B In these our range of choice has possibly one faultâ€"there is perhaps too much cut, ï¬nish and appearance is beyond question. As for price, if we can’t give as good an article for UAE Practically, however, we have no compc'i- ‘ -- That has been demonstrated over and over again. _ Themselves on Sight. We have no “swaps†; dissatisfaction unknown. ; customers, us hereafter. GOUGH BROS., Lindsay and Peterboro. g -. iiiiiiiiiiii‘liiiinIiiiiiii‘IiiiIiiliiiiiiiliiiilIilfliliillilililiiliili.Izliiiiiiimiii'IililmminiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIiiiiiililuuINQUIJ‘I‘iIIImIiliimiimmli;ééiizzn fling in THE WATcmuN as I was sure you would get it before any other paper, and you Would believe it. too. for THE WATCH- MAM never fabricwies. John F rise says he wants a life-sized portrait of Sir. Walter Scott. Thomas Sugget wants a life-sized portrait of the Mark Comic company; Thos. Carpenter wants a nice bunch of Roses; .los. Hobbs would like a return ticket to Zion; Frank Thompson would like a invitation to dine with the Swain;and, oh, I was nearly forgetting J. B.Emmerson, would like a stuffed por- cupine; William Sugget wants a quarter of venson. Now Iam sureI have told you what every one would like, and hope you won’t dissspoint them. If there should happen to be holes in any of the boy’s stockings just leave the presents on the buck stove lid. Good bye.â€"[SNOW SHOES. in that city respective parental roofs. . . . . .Mr. and Mrs. J. Wallace are at present visiting friends down around the old homestead. â€"â€"--.â€"- OAKWOOD. Special to the Watchman. A Tnm 'ro Bur.~No better time than the present can be found to buy harness, and no better place than from E. PROUSE, Oakwood. He makes it a rule never to allow any out the best made harness to leave his shop, and by this means has built up a very large trade In Mariposa and surrounding townships. If you want well made, reliable farm harness or a sett cf nobby single harness, or anything pertaining to a horse’s outï¬tâ€"robes, covers, bridles, whips, etc.â€"PROUSE is the man you want to see. Also a number of handsome fur conts.â€"52-t.f. Remandâ€"John Chidlev, son of Mr. James Chidley. who resides about two miles south of this village, arrived home from North Dakota last week. He has been in the west for the past four years farming and has done well. There are quite a large number of Victoria county people in Dakota, all doing well and quite content. Among these are the Little- johns, near Glasston, formerly of Marlposa; the McConnells, formerly of Verulam, parents of Mrs. Wm. Simpson of Lindsay; Mr. Arch. Sinclair, brorher of Mr. Dougald Sinclair, of Lirdsay, and at one time a resident of Salem, Mari- posa ; the Booths, formerly of Vorulam , Mr. Duncan Spence and Duncan Camp- bell, borh well-known former' residents of Eldon ; and many others. Mr. Chidley will return again in March.“. Gunmanâ€"A grand concert under the auspices of the Oddfellows will be given at Manilla on New Year’s night, Jan. lst. Sim Fax, of London, Miss Trengloss Stevenson, 0f Guelph, will _â€"_â€"-â€"-°â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" PLEASANT POINTâ€"FENELON. Special to the Watchman ' EXAMINATIONâ€"The public school No. 7, Fenelon, held their examination this year in the afternoon of Thursday. Dec. 19th. The teacherJMr. McFadyeu. and scholars were very much encouraged by the large attendance of parents and friends. After a very careful examina- tion of from two to three hours, there was a short intermission, during which time preparations were being made for a short, but interesting program, which continued until darkness veiled the scene. The parents and children then separated for their several homes well satisï¬ed with with the results of the examination. Cowmanâ€"The entertainment which was to be held on the evening of the 20th, in the schoolroom, took place in accord- ance with the appointment and proved to be a complete success. The meeting was called to order at 7.30 and Mr. J. Kennedy, Sam, was appointed chairman. The first half of the program was conaucâ€" ted by the pupils of the public school, and the excellent way in which it was rendered aroused the admiration of all rake part. It will be the feat of the the beholders. The second part of the season. and you shou not miss program was rendered chiefly by the it. How TO CHOOSE A Winnâ€"Here is Public School Ispector McBrien’s method of choosing a wifezâ€"“Instead of practi- cing too much chair pressing, just ask your sweet heart to go for a walk, and walk her 12 miles. over a rocky country, then if she don’t puï¬' but breathe easily, pop the question.†Say, boys, here’s your chance to test your fair ones trot ’em out to Lindsay and back some moon- light night, and if if they don’t puff or ‘blow (about it)and are up at 6 the next morning and havethe family washing out by 9, and are not a bit tired, you are quite safe in popping the question. But whether you are accepted is another question. . HYHENEAL.â€"A quiet wedding took place here on the 18th inst, when Mrs. Weldon and Mr. Sanderson were joined together by the Rev. 8. MeAuley. The interesting ceremony was witnessed by a select number of personal friends. Th. senior members of the Sabbath school. It consisted of choice recitations, speech- es. instrumentals. clubswinging. songs, dialogues, tableaus, etc. The program from ï¬rst to last was all that could be desired. The careful selection and arrangement of the diflerent prizes, the perfect preparation of the different selections. the beautifully decorated building, the able management of the whole entertainment; and the excellent program from ï¬rst to last, reflects great credit on those who so earnestly strived to make it a success. By 11.30 p.m. the chairman announced to the sorrow of all. the last piece “Good Night Ladies," and after all had ï¬nished their ‘little talk’ and big praises, they quietly separated for home. Praetorianâ€"Mr, and Mrs. Fred Myron, who have been away on a trip to C eve- land, Ohio, are back mung us, again, after an enjoyable visit to some friends ..... Mr. John R. Hay, and Mr. Bruce Greer are home from the city to spend their vacation under their happy, though not. youthful couple, will cast in their lot with the citizens of Oskwood, where Mrs. Weldon has re- sided under that name for a quarter of a centurv. C.O.C.F.-The following are the ofï¬cers for the ensuing year: Chief councxllor, Wm. Lownsbrough; vice-cmmcillor, Jno. Weldon; recorder, G. B. Rennie; tress , A. O. Hogg; prelste, Chas. Thomas; marshal, Malon \Veldon; warden, J. W. Mark: guard, Thus. Paley; sentry, Nich- olas Hill; representative, P. S. Mark; alternate, A. O. Hogg; med. exam., Dr. Chambers; past councillors, P. S. Mark, R. P. Butler, (Toronto), Joseph Coed, (Manitoba). A. 0. Hogg. This society continues to increase in membership and popularity. Its membership here is now over 60. I.O.F.â€"The following are the oflcers for the ensuing year : Chief ranger, Wm. Short; vice chief, Chas. Pet-tin; recording secretary, D. A. Anderson; ï¬nancial secretary, G. B. Rennie; treasurer, W. Arksey; chaplain ; Thou. Rich; senior woodWard, Jno. Perry; junior woodward, Geo. Wilson; senior beadlo, Orson Wel- don; junior beadle, A. Harding; court deputy, Chas. Perrin. PROSTRATED FOR TWO YEARS WITH LIVER COMPLAINT. Restored to Perfect Health by South American Nervine was Mr. W. J. Hill, of Bracebridge, Out When men and women can be got away from simply temporizing with disease there will be less disesse in the world. The immediate matter it is natural. is to relieve the present trouble. But how ofren is it forgotten that any cure that is only skin deep, if we may use the expression, cannot be lasting. 1t will certainly turn up again. This was the case with Mr. W. J. Hill, the well-known boilifl of Bracebridgc, Ont. He had suffered from severe liver trouble and nervous prosrration for nearly three years. During this time he doctored to no end, and occasioimliy secured a little temporary relief. .b'ot American Nervine, with little hope th it it would be any better than other medi- oines he had taken. But he soon discovered the mistake. Where doctors had said that he must die, this medicine gave him life. He persevered with it, and to-day is in possession of robust health. . The secret is this : South Amer- ican Nervine treats with the nerve centres, from which flows the life blood that keeps the system in perfect health. When these nerve centres are kept healthy, neither liver com 'nt nor other troubles will worry one. r. Hill’s cure was lasting for this reason. Anyone who uses Nerviii‘eb will expat-fence sumo renninâ€"Sol y A. High than, drug- gi-t, Had-y. past to offer clothing unapproachable in material, style and ï¬nishâ€"â€"clothing whichwould ï¬t the wearer, would be scarcely distinguishable from “to order†goods, in appearance and wear, would “appear to both the classes and the masses, QUALITY and CHEAPNESS To make and maintain a reputation. Have we sucyded ? Looking back a little while and comparing s'ales. then and now, there cannot be a doubt ofit. Had our Clothino been poor and dowdy, ill made and ill ï¬nished, ill shaped, ill lookingâ€"had it been such stuff that a buyer or. 5 bit, would give us a wide berth ever after, then failure, dire failure, must have ensued speedily. But what is ‘ sales, continuous business equal to that of any other establishment outside of the large clothing establishments in the large cities. Without wishing to be boastful, we may fairly be considered the of the City and District. Just now, however, we want more particularly to- mention two or three special lines, suitable to the season :â€" evident oy’s Overcoats and Suits. to choose from, but the quality, (Q1 the old trouble would come back again I after the charm of the cure-alls had been , A J0 llll Xmas exhausted. ' He entered upon the use of South -~â€" «m, A- »H ,,,,- ____“_\ aflilllllllIllllIllillllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllilllllillllllllllllililllllllillllilillllllllilllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllIllllllllllllll‘llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllll flllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmm; lll THE NET THAT DRAWSs l-c CI‘ tilt satisfaction. i "A Our Goods Sell § 3" o z The Ladies say that tn; ...,st-ock of... WATCHES. CLOCKS. JEWELRY SILVERWARE, and NOVELTI‘ES www.cw'fsmeï¬msa 36":312 )K‘ ‘ y l K I â€â€œ3." 2'? 33.x surpasses any they 7 have seen for goal.- ty and low prices. VVehive no mm to quote prices an no room here i L enumerate articlc.~. Come and see on stock. We. please you good. honest good: at low prices and treat. you nouri- eously. r I Ci.- ('t. O K. a n oâ€"â€"‘ '-\ Ma ,y with AW. 2 . at '33..)«333 to all our friends. (all and see us at 77 Kent Lindsay, :E’gqu’ XJ Wï¬fxï¬g