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Watchman (1888), 26 Dec 1895, p. 6

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ed from the officers of the school that the program will be fully up to date. The schOol under the generous superintendent __________________.â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"- paratively chol.’ one *éhduld'b'em I . not to store onions in too large bulk. and to prevent heating they should he s I in shallow bins or in crates Mr. Edward Richardson is in a vigorous , 3 fit: 3“ condition. ‘ . KIRKFIELD. The American Cultivator makes thel Always means ECOnOm statement that underdrains laid in the A. “'9 . Special to The Watchman. 3 3 1 h k th 1 ' M OBITUARY.-â€"â€"It is our Sad duty to EXTRACTING HONEY. £811.“,113 (1.0 mp: betterdWOT 161:0; but when you can buy the best for less than Ell . 3 , . 1 the death of the late Rev. owmg spring an can rams a1 a (2 price 03,333 i p chrome e ’ . - 1 How This May Be Done In the Late Fall that tune. - - . . ‘“~ 3 3 _ R bt. Bo nton who died of Brights . inferior you have a two-fold advantage. lo q. . , * ° 5' ’ - and mm" HOW TO use WHITE SAUCE " in“ W has .. . .? disease on Saturdav, the 7th Inst, , . 1 ' _ 3 ~ buy ~ All the le ?: . - ‘ Many beekeepers exPenence troube from the manufacturer whose reputation M v ‘ l :1; after a. brlef illness; The: (31303359? in getting thick honey out; of the combs This Treasure of the Housekeeper Useful ’ is at Static '1", first step 31'? was One Of .01“ “103” br‘m‘f‘m an“ at this time Of the year and later 011i” 1.“ Many wan secure goods at the cost of production you muqt d. 1 . V , able Bu :7 promising young men and his early the winter, if the honey is left in the For re-servms left overs of meat, fish “ Ca With 11., . h 1d 3 5' death was a severe sh0ck to the COm'- combs until that time. G. M. Doolittle, or vegetabes a good3white sauce Will be producer. If you are in need of 31333133083 Horse Cox" 3 O 1 d3} 3‘ ?£ 3 g3 munity. About seven years ago he whose large experience entitles his found both appetiamg and wholesome. 3 " Us, Clef; bargain :5 1,3 ,. resolved to enter the ministry. opinions to consideration, has the fol- Many people use 1t 11} preparing made Twccds, Flannels or Yarn, buy direct from our ram“, ,3 ,. l: Attendin“ the public school here for a. lowing, originally written for The dishes of fresh materials 3m preference 3 -- 0.: 2;? few in 03,1518 he successfully passed the American Bee Journal, to say on the t0 anintlhe': sauce 01' d§2881:%1 T0 mafkel $3.50 Blankets are made 0f lOllg, fine Silky 1amb5_v3,003 3 3 3,9 3 . . - subject: a goo w 1 e sauce me a a espoon u 3 3 3 3 '2 =6“ ‘33 33 31.12“”? efiaminattion, Iâ€"SIt'ZnS;I;egert:: Were it not that a much better arti- of butter in a granite saucepan. 3When and warm, Will wash Without shrinking or turning 3763330.? M. ‘3 j? i hlg eit m t e coun y. . l. t 1 cle can be produced by leaving the hon- bubbhng, Stll‘ in (1‘3ch 33 11%ng ta- .31 f F . ' "’ “'- 'Ladies 534% ' is the Lmdsny colilegmte msllmbe'l‘ll' 16:38 ey on the hives until the end of the sea- blespoonful of flour or a little less of W1 wear 01' years. ancy Strlp and Check covers lowlife". ‘5 ” he matricu ater was e us. y [‘1 Ian . 3- - - cornstarch, add aduall a on of hot 3 “We. Cl son, or until all is thoroughly sealed or 81' y P made of strong Leicester wool, felted so as :9 torn rag 3 " A.1 an“ milk or cream or white stock. Stir con- stantly as it thickens. For toast add salt - '1 'Wide 8 By luiy m. then all gond. ser- He was then accepted into the Meth- ripened, I should be greatly in favor of wind. Colors warranted fast. Robe Linings, \liit~ q . a A.“ :2 “Sci: \‘iuvcbir xm‘“ PWWMS fw‘“ 0‘" odist church and stationed for two extracting every third to fifth day dur- 3 3 3 i 3 store. For 5.3.3.; boy get a Psi; years on the Oakwood circuit. under ing the season; but if we would have only, for vegetables add salt and peppelr ComIO ' of skates. ‘wv won’t nee 1 f th beg h _ hi h be d and forfish or meat season to taste witi - . . the Rev. Mr. Burns. The peop e o e t oneyw 0 can produce , 3 and Stockin 5 of our own manu .3 3 w, " 3 it becomesanecessity thatweshOnld ex- omon. parsley. cayenne. curry. mus- g faCtum' A“ ch= CUt cor: vi ...' ,~"‘ .. fiie. For . . . - - :2 Sb“ ”mu“ u b H ‘ h H 1 Little Britain then secured his servmes , :h u- g ~l‘ ()M‘. uf those new , "33:33:! 5,333.,“- {a dds Carpet for the next year. At the last general 3 3 3 ., . * .’ ' ' - ' . l , , 1 l it without a firstextractor, it came in midwmter. I ‘ ‘ . SWct‘llrl' made in lmudsnme new (.Olifelence 10 was 6 _ . ,. .e ‘- v _ 7 1 d - a, repaired to the shop, took down some - _ v win-(ls and cheap as Ht’l'. And Stitbloll to attend college, am urln,D . 3 , d 3 . ~ 3 frames of honey I had stored array, un- fer Slbtvrmw "1 tll‘w‘“ he“ some the holidays lic ably and successfully . . 1,3 33 3 [3 3‘, T3. or, Che.“ . . ,. capped them and tried the machine. As M W g'lHl-w 1 3 b . "l occupied the pulpit. of the labernacle, mi ht be ex eoted the thin was a too. Arm for runeself a pair of . 3 .3 1 t 1, 31 g .p . , g 033.3,,“ (,5 wl'icli mum is ,3 13...“. the m5“ Ml’tho‘hbt clinic 1 0 ’9 6- failure. Upon going to bed that night I ' \‘ l n . ' ‘ H ' o ) . . F' l" 3 333,331,“, , _ , , V1118- lieturning here abou’flthe ”’11 thought, of course, I could not Succeed ' of October. With the intention of inthrowing out frozen honey, for the ’ entering Victoria. UniverSIty Where he extractor was made for use in the sum- V A N C A M P S was enrolled as an undergraduate, lie mer time when the weather is hot. rook ill, and despite the best medical After some study and planning, the next morning found me up bright and early, with several combs hanging up tard, celery, lemon juice, capers or mushrooms. To make the sauce richer stir in as it is taken from the fire a beaten yolk of egg or 2 hard boiled eggs chopped or grated. Use cornstarch or double the amount of flour when you ish a very thick sauce for croquettes. to meet the times, and marked in plain fizure: Vi“ . ‘ ‘ ‘ . Wtute HORN BROS. ‘3 m... LINDSAY WOOLLEN MILLS. tract thick honey. When I received my How to Make Mineral Water at Home. Mineral waters may be manufactured easily at home. To make a certain kind, take a gallon of distilled water and add to it 8 grains of carbonate of lithia with 20 grains of tartaric acid. If you want ~x vars-v attendance be after a gallant struggle .. «\a‘afitug‘fiu” i , , . 3 ‘r- - ti 2 ll succuml ed ....... The funeral , _ . . - ' . - ' ~â€" ,â€" ~â€" ' ' g ‘2 3n 1 y ) . - near tho ceiling of a small room, with anotlici, add to a. gallon 0f dismlkd “-3- WWXWXJ ~£.:°:‘*°~V A halt hd . 1 l?) A N ! Q?“ “I I lT \v as conducted by the Masons or a fire built (ind 33 thermometer h “3ng ter 4 ounces of 5331131333,.3 of magneSIa. ~ . v . ~ . ‘4 - h 056 f 3 3 3 , 3 3 7-, 3: S . 3 i . H z _ . . _ C 0 l‘ .3 83‘ - 33 EU; a”. \ ictorm Lodgc 39 ,3of Wthh lodge 3th? close by the combs of honey. I soon had Stir it up, and there you are. You can “W F751 . f h - z deceased was chaplain, 3m ws3s 0m“ 0 the temperature of the room at the ceil- make :01“ 0“"! effervescmg Cltf'afe 0f 3 _ ” MILE O!“ t e n ,3! , _ FGOAT the largest. ever seen here. \V e extend ing up to 95 degrees, where “£01333 it for mugncsni by taking agullon of distilled APVROPRIATE/ 3: f 1 11 1d 3 3 3 . l; .3 . V 3 our Sincere sympathy to the sadly six hours. In the afternoon Iagnin tried water and adding to it an ounce of car- lHGUDAY GRFTS in o thear y 3 phi ayh pu3rc;;:ise3s3 isapparezx; ' ' ‘ bereft brothers and parents. the extractor, when I could easily throw bonatc 0f magnesia Wm.) '3 ounces Of 0113- > 2:22; 33;: 1:13,}. 3.1: Base! ‘ n --- BEAR STOREâ€"One day last week 01W 95 I301‘ ccnt 0f the honey the comb no and. PM the ac1d Hi by3degrees. so ‘ when w h 1W2“ laid ,3 a i 3 , 3 t' - l. E , , 'h' . , - 11,, as to prevent the too rapid givmg off of e ave “ j“ “'e “59* Sandy Ewens and his hired man “ere cond‘fnzle‘ 11“” ii “:1 bwzih purtm J gas to give you p,- par 't'en . . - , can is con r near a a town cut, ‘ ' . . . U ' G i ' cuttina WOOd 1” a small PMCI' 0f y ) The only difficulty about making min- tion. ()ur suck Li J .-_.â€"__-_â€"_,-â€"â€"-â€" timber on their premises. Noticing 32%;? :voeIi-bbsnlégggdaxaglin 01:33:11)“; the peculiar actions 0f the“ dog to keep them from draining. By hang- towards :13 certain 103 they went ing the combs near the ceiling of the . . . forward Will) the expectation of un- room it does not take an extremely hot whatever, 88 It contains neither salts eartliing a coon. The lured mun fire to keep the temperature at from 90 nor germs.___________ thrust his axe far into the log when degrees to 100 degrees, or even higher, flow to Clean and Frost Brass. suddenly the axe was violently struck if you have old, tough combs. I keep Acid should never be employed in out of his hand, and immediately after- the combs in lUSt SO 11113011 11033 as they cleaning brass, as the metal will soon will bear without breaking down, for become dull after such treatment. The six hours, and where kept in this way application of olive oil and very fine no one need have a pound of honey loft tripoli, followed by a washing with everything in the Jewelry line nexerwas eral waters at home is that they ought to be corked under pressure. In produc- ing distilled water there is no trouble larger, and in addition we are giving away a pretty SILVER PIN TRAY as a Souvenir to every lady one I. tonier who buys 81's worth tr3 LP We all rea, upwards. Our line of Silverware :3, 7: 3 stock of English. Scotch and Can- adian Twccds, second to none, wards a large bear made its appearance. Mr. Sandy Ewcns seized his axe and struck the bear a. powerful blow on lllflblllfllflllfllflfiflifllifll‘fllflliflliflfllfiflfllfilli‘lll‘ll i‘ and at prices away down. Fit and and \Vorkmansliip guaranteed . 3 - h , , s - - 1 1. . . .- - 3 the 33683313233131)” it. Another bear was in t mm, as as been reportedby some. soap water, CODstltutes the best method ,33 3 888011 15 particu ar y auracuve a??? 3, a Dona... 8 also discoveredain the loor Not think Another thing, the eXtraCtmg' when 0f polishing, and preserving the bril- mm” ‘ less tWhil‘lodhb Remember. N) U); 4? ‘ ‘3 ‘ _ d ’ h' . - done in thi‘ “‘a 3 Q /_~ 'h th ' - ‘ ~ - ----- .W 0 etter f ‘1‘ you than...“ ll mg it safe to rely wholly on their axe, little else tr: do yus (iiili‘aiid egarlyeffiilis: 1181195? 3'31303i3rots3t3llir3ss and fin"? It a (1913' ’ g L ' 3 0f I10 StOI‘ Parties having Tweed on hand can ”“9 guardedfi 311:! 10% Whil? the 0‘1“” ter is comparatively a time of leisure 2:35;?“ :ihtlerfhhhizgri: 12: Cilia, Bring Us Your Repairing. ‘ ii here All 3 .-_ . 3 have them made up and Trimmed :3? 32:55:33: L 3:33:3022 315333 01:39 0f With most beekeepers, and by tiering wash again; then dry in hot sawdust ‘ l 3. w; 3 . . . u i , “m at “P and 103““?! the honey 0D the INWS and give the still hot metal a coat of . 53;; ,3 3 at ROCK Bottom prices. Cutting bear killing. Mr. Kay speedily put in until full the extracting can be done varnish. , e o , THE JEWELEE 3 a specialty. Note the address. an appearance and with little ditliculty when the cares of the busy season have 33-13 put an end to the second bear by send- 1311.55“ by, and 3 quality 0f honey 013- park". rurnitureâ€"Odd Pieces 86 KENT STREET h » ing a bullet through its heart. taincd which shall be of benefit to our 3 7g: . . C T H ADDER ~ 5 market, instead of a curse. as unripe Ihave a number of odd pieces of Parlor _3'_ All‘“ocl Dress 5333 _ .3 _ . ,_ n I b fiSIPSSVEMENTS.â€"l\lg. Hictor (fIam3p- honey always is a curse to any market 3l~‘um3i3i3iir3e 'ha3l \x-ill3liehsol3ll3m3cos; “Tahesgnzzrze' P333333; 33333;: 3336334 . :3 3 . . e , e popu ar pr prie 01‘ 0 [m where put on the same. {can in goo< s,am s on t )e c 3 . _:3 V .. 3. 0:3 .33; ’ z - Campbell house, has l‘uilt a. fim. \ on can have your chaice at actual cost price. . ’ . bey line 0: \‘v mp ,_ . MERCHANT TAlLflR . . â€"-â€"-- .,. . - . - Child 3. 3 3 3 ’ addition to his hotel, Mr. Campbell Irrigation by Windmuu. 1:333:33 iii-33:733. OPPOSlle the Bens m House, It n o n t 3.; magician;- iig. l‘ I - El Opposite the Daly House. Kent Street. uses (libelower flat Of the new addition 3In dryseasons great losses are ”‘3' M.â€" .. -â€" Fur Bo“ tieâ€"c.5751?!” *5 Lindsay. asfia lilnng rooml a3nd31t lS certainly a. tamed. This loss is distributed over Do You Want Money? ‘ " “ Job H0155 “F1535 3 "' _ ' - 3., 3 ' S, oiliy ;‘-. {3 a3 {19 Wing?) we 1 13% Lied 530?. L313) wiccile sections of the east, and cannot be The undersigned has made arrangements 3 Ladxes’ Mimics a: it - _ . ~ __ __-_,_- ,, , , a, H (”“qu smrs 4 l‘. :“np )? a? “ ‘ e lo “5 5m to be confined to any 5990131 Place- with a large monetary institution to secure 3* Ladies, Gems .-:.;~,,{< 3,3 ~ b m t b accommodation eight tine large bed- The loss is apt to come any season, and funds for farmers who can nfll-r undoubted as u c Silk Handkerchiefs] l3 _ 3 3 e a C "‘8“, rooms. - oftenwhen we are the least preparedfor security. Lowest rules of interest and no 1‘ Still?“ Handkerciici ‘ ‘L ; ' 3 . it. The loss on Long Island last season lawyer’s fees. R. G. COR.\'Ell., No. S 3 l - finish \'<‘l‘,‘.\;:ed . .3233 3, THURspAy, DEC. 26gb 1895 . A HUSTLER M" Jo" V' smpleb would have erected windmills on a good “‘lllmrsLâ€"M-S- r”: mus, TOY-<- cicu at? . 3 _ ’ is a. hustler in selling cutters. scarcely part of the whole number of f 3 ac- _____+._â€"â€"â€"â€" 3 army Fur Box-rims l . . a. day passes but from three to four d‘ - - ’ 0Ur CNbbmz List. - '001 Shans from.. LULAL NEVVS-LETTERS . , cor mg to a writer in The American 3 , .. Men’s and B” ‘ cutters are seen leavm his show 1‘ _ Tm: ATCHMAN and the\\eekly Globe ' 0‘ a Ollll ,. V) = rut Tar. ANNIVERSARY summers in connec- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Cranmeâ€" @9119! a 800d living if it is kept in a one year:..: ............. ).:....’ i 00 in the Ti ht \Va ’ but it (1065 COSt ‘ (ion with the Oakwood Methodist Sunday The opening of the new Presbyterian In?” state 0f cultivation. Tm: WATCHMAN and the American Ag- g y ’ school was had last Sabbath morning, church will take place on Sunday, 29,333 3‘A windmill to irrigate such land. riculturist. one year. ............ 1 3o .COIIZ-c’ d fibennzddrelssee were 3giiveri by the Rev. inst There will be three services With all the necessary material for ntil- THE W3A;CHMAN and the Weekly Star . , A d . .l- ' . " ' , in am'l H ld ............... ' Tde 8.1313232); hayn the {indsiymti'sepggzzltl 3nainely, mOrning, afternoon and even- 251(1)]: “1]: 23:6 :éalégidtpgtcggspggfip 31:1,: Tm:1 {VATCIiiiAxemiind the Montreal I 30 A HE A P , ! ives proved very interesting. mg. The3Rev. Mr. Mchnald and than pay for this cost. Several years ago 3Weekly Witness ....... : .......... I 30 ‘ 3 33 Several ministers from a. distance are a dry spell swept over Lon Island and T‘“‘: “:Afimlm‘f and Fanning-~- .3 I 30 1 CANNILGTUN. ex ected to be resent The arm 3 3 8 Tm. VVAI‘CHMAlN and The Rural l\ew- DEDICATION.- The new Methodist p ° 1 b 1d p ' ’ u3a eastern Jersey, almost ruining the mar- Yorker for one year """"""" st 40 OF MONEY church, of Canningtonmill be dedicated to tea ml e be on New Years day in heat gardener s crops. Only a few had Tm: WATCHMAN and the Scientific Am- the worship of God on Sabbath Dec. 22nd, the basement of the church. Alter the their land irri rated by Windmills. The erican for one year ............. 3 00 §erm°n§yviinvbi3 rprfiached 0:3} 01393.13. ang tea. an excellent programme will be $5908 for all arm crops Wait spam. ,,_____ ‘13- m- e - - “I?!" .01} 0: an ' ly in price and the few who could â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"“â€"‘* __ -â€"-â€" and at 2'30 . in. by Rev Dr. ‘Villiamson, given. _____________ 8 ’ of Ingeisol.p Liberal collections are asked ”159 the“ empamade. 60 Per cent more If ()u are not Careful where and l'lO fir a; all gerviggsén nipl of give trust tang. What the People Say. Eh??? 1.19591: In short, they made enough y ' on a. . ec. ‘ ‘I , a 30 . Inner Wl e Lindsa Dec reth 18 . topay or their windmills several times ’ ' ' .er edly) thelaliesof tlecon ieat'o fro y, ’ ’ 93' - " s \ y z | n in over. It is not a good plan to mortgage you SClect your HOUSChOld : Supphea ‘ 4 to 7330 in the basement of the church. We are pleased to testify that we have used At 3 o’clock a. platform meeting will be Pilkie’s Diphtherinc for our little girl who held presided over by M31 Geo. Fox, suffered33from a bad attack of quinsy and of Toronto. Addresses Will be delivered Sinceregrecommend it as being an excellent in the money to pay ofl the mortgage the farm for anything, but if there is th' h ' ‘ , any one mg t at Will be sure to brmg as many hOUSCkCCPCI‘S h'glVC found ' by Revs, J.S. Shorey, J.W. Totten, Wm. lremedv. ' ' ' ' ' ‘1 Johnstan, Dr. Williamson, resident min- ' A. BOUYEA “93:1”?th “-18 a 800d Windmill and a. l ' . ° sters and others. Admissiin'to dinn: ranl . ° p 9° irrigation system. ' ‘ thelr COSE. 2 f, ; ‘ 3 13:, 9 3 entertainment, 150. Special music by the Lindsay, N0“ ‘2 1895 w- . ' "‘ 3 . . :3 3 1' chair. I)This is to certify that I have used Pilkie’s The Corn Crop. ’ “ a , > - W iphtherine for hoarseness and sore throat and T ‘ J JANBTVILLE. d found it an excellent remedy. stats: fifocfifgéntfigsm; :31; 2111168 322.5% \ ‘ CORRECION.â€"The correspon ent hare is 3 _ . , 3 _ 3 3 \.\ busily laboring under some talse impress- D W F MCCARM Jeweler. belpracmcally Imposmble ‘0 market all \, ~ â€"- \‘ , owneyulle. Nov. 22nd. 1895. of , it. Farmers will put some into cat- ion and I wish to put him right. In the 3 last issue of Tim WATCEMAN he says there While diphtheria was prevalent in this tle‘ and Hess, and market in that way. is a branch of the Independent Order Of neighborhood we used Pilkie’s Diphtherine as The rice of co ' chrlelstcersgegedf tlflgw Rgléergdi: 3pc}:1 grgragfllé a. preventive iii our family, several of which got it paIys better mrge;:?:1vhzgr{oiggimz o a or e ~ . _ ' . . sore throats A few doses were sufliCient to good deal Will be put m crib and re_ there is a good strong progressive court effect an immediate cure in eve . ry case. We . . of the Canadian' Order of Foresters here, think it everything that it is represented to be, served for the higher price that is sure to come before the next corn crop can and we believe that is much better. . , in he says Mr. Halladay has a family and Would “0‘ be wnhoutlt- 3 of tourteen children, thirteen of. whom are JOSEPH LUCAS. be harvested. It ls a common remark “hillsi- Now tipe {act is, ttheirs are tvzlelve Downeyville, Nov, 20th, 1895 “1113*" £11118“!!! large crop of corn is usu- c I ren in a ’ e even 0 w3 om-m Ive; Four of our family were afflicted with a ver a y o owed by a medium c1:013 01' 0110 ggfgggbfeg, £32,, {22533393 Jihaahigl; sore throat.3 We used rilkie’s Diphtheria: under sine. Should there be a partial and a saw of a carpenter. Now i the and we noticed them getting better from the corn failure next year one-half of the cuts of this family‘ which is the most very first dose. It not only cured them of sore corn crop reserved now will be worth mellectual and respectable in the com- throat, but gave them an appetite- We can as much as the whole crop would bnn' g munity, regards them as a burden it is not speak too highly of it; we believe it to be if rushed 'on the market at once __ Am or- somethin the majority of' us have not what it is re resented. . heard. r. Halladay is on‘e of the most ‘ p ROBERT WINE. lean Cultivator. successful and popular mechanics in this _ vicinit and as he annually fills several . Lmdsfl)’: N0“ 12 I895 Storing onions. heavy nilding contracts we think he is I am subject to ulcerated sore throat, and Onions like other bulbs can be easily U 0 . quite able to support his large :family. having used Pilkie’s Diphtherine can heartily several of whom are old 8'10“le to earn ;rccommend it to any person similarly efiected. preserved if kept dry, and although. if Take a. special pride in keeping every thin choice and up-to- date in the 11116 of roceries and Provisions, Can ,3 Goods, Foreign and Domestic FIE!"M etc, and customers can alwaySKI‘GIY‘to being well served. FRESH AND SMOKED MEATS .11....ysinstpck3 GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY' Do not fail to call at. MO‘RTON’S For your LUNCH, Also for your Oranges, Lemons, Candies. and the best: Home-made Taffy and their own support. Mr, Halladay last. this is observed they will stand a. con- earbnilt for himself a verv commodious J- TRENNUM . ' 3 - .- . _ . 3 anbeautifnl house which he has equipped Linlsay, Nov. 20, adulgfimegfmpfgm' it 13 dz; Enandfii'm‘gedg‘ng Cakes to suit '3 ' WW ° .1: ma e Bakm' g a Spe- . with many 81981133“ and modern conven- We have no hesitation in. recommending from 85 to 45 d When in a3 5 p ‘ Pilkie’s Di ‘ ' " ten 335 ,, ptherinc as the best remedy wchavc < ~ -. . . . .' CHRISTMAS E3.0YMET8. The annual ever u l in our family for th t at? tions. room, they start readily, 6399315113313,“ malty , . . Christmas tree and entertainment of the . . . , 3 thod'st Bu da 11' 1 l g be h 111- We would not be without it. , -. _ a hishfinperature. and as, W313i, 3 3 3 3 . .grinelylon 01.3mm eovoe'. win-a seen?- 'TKos. HARTLEY. ”henna bnbm.mnifhnt.nor£: M Ml to (”“3110 Bank. .

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