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Watchman (1888), 31 Dec 1896, p. 1

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FMRWEATH ASTONISHING VALUES, ALL GOODS REDUCED IN PRICES Gifts in Fine Furs and Gentlemen’s Furnishings. Fur, Jackets. Caps, Capes, Storm Collars, Muffs Gaunt- . lets, Buffs for Neckwear, Men’s Fur Coats, Robes, Etc. Hats and Caps, Neckwear, Shirts, Collars, Umbrellas, Unmar- tshows no abatement, but is daily and hourly increasing 1 “ WARNER €06 During which we purpose giving unheard of Bargains in \VHITE and GREY BLANK ETS, (over 100 pairs); LADIES’ MANTLES, prices about out in two. We have a. few last season’s Manties, splendid garments, which we will surprise you by offering as low as $2 each. After a. very suscessful season’s business we have decided, as far as lies in on PW“; "to make a Clean Sweep of all W'iuter Goods. In order to do this and clean out ever] doHar’s Wux'th of these lines if possdme we commence ....atoncea..... LA DIES L;\ DIEi almost, hi; redu {dd as 15 vents F 'RS 0 Overcous and This is your 0p}: MANUFACTURING FURRIERT BORO and LII ,â€" -L SOOTEERAN, ‘iYIN TBR SWEEP! (“20015, too many, and are cutting priczs to the quick to clear them in :1 hurry. M ENS HEAVY ET FFES and Tweed Suitings, some big drives. L \E‘IES HEAVY {AP SHAWVLS, about 75 to be slaughtered. ' I,.\I)I'E>5’ '1‘ VEED and FANCY DRESS GOODS, bV the cord 35?, hi4 Wine-Hons right hcrc--commencing with a. splendid line double La: v.» ems per yard, ‘3'!) “ml or all kinds at less than wholesale prices. . Men’s and Boy’s eveor: and Suits. must be cleared. What we advertise we carry out. is is your opportuni'y to secure these lines at . . . 3mm: 333mm 33% 31am: IX. Number 53 GEEAT INTEREST DISPLAYED IN MANTLES and ULSTER CLOTHS. We k 76 and 78 KENT STREET, LINDSAY. i8 REDUCUONS ON REGULAR PRICES. IS THE NEXT ORDER OF BUSINESS AT EVA RNBR C098. 3N ALL CLASSES OF GOODS LINDSAY a~-oâ€" _ - ‘w wjae “Qs‘- - We have still a. large stock of :s to the quick to clear them 9’35 more. $5135? LESTED fig PR1CE/LITTLF A 33% NESS ‘ 3% RAY co. g lhfi’ mid River owrcoa‘s, wmzâ€"mpot. slash‘ d pockuts, tweed lining. for 4 to S yam-s, a tiucp rercoat, was $3.00, now $3 .5 Men‘s ulsecm. same as last but not so intex’lined, 3n“ :57. 55, 39 40 inch. breast, fotlllrfl'h' <‘ .0.:3L’,â€"â€"now $3 ‘35. Men’s b r'c‘c Irishf iczc ulstcrs, slccxe rockets S h; stitched storm c mm .3; I ah raised sea. us Ion ;. 37, 3!) 40 41 sizes. Reduced fu'ln $1: lidâ€"«now $0.99. No; 3' Ir sh frieze ulster-s. chain hang. or. slashed pr‘ckcts, tweed lixmd. bilub, 4 10 12 )‘mrs, wore $‘5."5-vnnw $3 «)0. Men’s heavy my. {ism ‘umcrs in Oxford Grey, s’zes. 36 to 44 inch breast and buyer tnun_1:¢st, were 3!). -â€"now $43.50 Mcn’a extra. heavy Irish maze ulstcm, twwd lned, fibre chumo sintcriininmin grew wide c Hur, double frunt, well put. togetherâ€"fused to be $11130, now 33.5”. Men's blue serge over-coats, velvet c l- iar single breasred, mum serge lined, strung-Ry manic throwrhnuI., 83 to {£2 inch. b: «not Origiimih, SS (in I ow $5.76. Mcn‘ s ulsters. heavy lri :1} [firm in brown and bInck double-brewed tw Bed lined, “hie c0 lass, hrcass pockets, .5010 4') in. on: next, “ex-:0 “,‘S. 00 now 35. 75 OVERCOATS The saving in cost as compared with oth- ers' figures for similar qualities will help make ends meet, These days,--lzlst cud of‘gé and front CIldof‘97_21re apt to be cool at both endsâ€" and in the middle. Fact is, a Ray Co. overcoat is need- edâ€"or an ulster. LINDSAY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 315t, 1896. Special to the Wctchmn. ‘ OBITUARY. â€"~On the 28th inst. death removed from our midst one of our most respectqdmciitizens i“ the pgrsou 'nf Mmr , ‘n mâ€" 1 “ A. J. Burton; M. atA. ,.Bi Grills; 1313M of C. G. M3 ybee; Seninel, A. Fisher, Pick", J. Burton. , ENTERTAINMENT AND ELECTION OF Clementâ€"The K.O.T.M. held their annual entertainment on Dec. 17th. when an enjoyable time was spent. At their last regular review the following officers were elested: Ii. an1.. D: S_rnith; Com., VVWI’ .'I'.VH. Barnes; L. Com.,~.j; WVVT-fiouglas, R. and F. K., J. H. Broad; Chap. D. Walker; Physician, J .‘Gl'flltL‘NE D ;_ Segg. SIIAUN AROUN.~«The young people of St. Mary’s church, Manvers, purpose giving the great original Irish drama, “Shaun Aroon” in the Temperance hail, Lifford, on New Year’s eve, Thursday next, Dec. 3lsr, mth a [strong cast; of characters. Before the ply a short, but very interestlng program will be rendered. The Bethany orchestra wii‘l be in attend- ance and furnish choice music. Doors open at 8 p.111. Admissiuix 25 cents. Special to tho ,Watchmnn. EDEN MARIPdSA. ”Adah -1.- LORNEVILU SCHOOL Cinemaâ€"On Dec. 22nd Mr. C. E. Kelly, who for he past three years has held the prmcipalship of Munilla public schoo', Seiel't'd his connection with the school. During Mr. Kelly’s sojourn in Munilla he has won for himself a high record as a teacher. His candidates for t'lltl‘al ce and departmental (xuns. in nearly every case were successful, and in one instance one or his students took liunots and the highest marks in the county. The forenmm was taken up ir public examinations, and in the afternoon tllt) children rendered a program. the principal feature of which was an addreSs and presentation [0 Mr. Kelly. Suhioin- «d is the address: IlIr. U. E. Kelly, Principal nfllluni'la I’. S.â€"â€"DEA1< Sm,â€"- Another term of years has passed, years l'retghted with . many results and ‘ memories. These years have been years l of great importanw to us as pupils and to ‘the school’s best interests. They are not j without. their weight. To us they have! been a round of tail upon toil. hrokeni and sweetened by hours of pleasure. rendered noble by steady advance in culture, which it has been our privilege to acquire under your efiicient teaching. It is with mingled feelings of joy and scr- row that we meet ycu this afternoon, joy to remember that the past three years you have spent with us and that we have spent under your instructions as pupils have been those of harmony; sadness at the thought. that one we have learned to love is to be separated from us, it may be as long as time; and as we in time shall be forced to leave this familiar room and each take-his several ways into the future, and when it may be wearied and weighted down with the responsibilities of the future, we, your pupils. will each look back with joyous memories to him who has been so kindly disposed tawards us; .he who shared our happiness in success Molt as keenly as win our failure or ‘rwat of the season. so don’t miss it. Tickets 25c; children 150. Special to the Wztchman. Exmnmxxnmxr. â€"- Court Maripoaa I.0.F., will give a grand entertainment In the town hall here on Jan. 13th next. and have secured the services of Miss Jessie Alexander of Toronto, Canada’s leading elocutiuuist, who perhaps has no \qual am this continent as a reciter‘ There will also be a capital program by leading local artists. Thié will be the PERSOXAL.â€"Nliss Maggie Cameron is home on a visit from Tornnto. Also Mr. Leslie Bowes and-Mr. Wm. Mason anJ funny. . . . . . Mr. Charles Damon and family of Winnipeg. Man . are the guests . 1’ Mr. Ruben; fiardner. . . . . . Messrs. Pagan-re and Wm. McKinnon spent Christ- maa in Toronto ...... Mr. James Thonms “f Bracebridge paid us a flying visit. FOOT BALLâ€"The senior team uf this place followed a. challenge to Woodvxlfe ’Xmas day, where they played a match with the senior team of that place. which vesulced in a vicar; of three to one in favor of the visiting team. The boys put up at Nemlon’s he'e , where they were us- ed A1. The ntmn much will Le played here on New Y« ar’s day. Special to the Watchman. hecovuuxn."M-«stcr Samuel Weldon :1; slowly recoveringr from a severe attack nf ‘nflammafiun. v-ulft is due In the ladies and gentlnmnu ulm so Cll‘t‘flllly Lmined the children in Mlcll a slum time m par-rfurm their parts :0 well. Annmg me mmy happy faces w w~-rc pluused to 5:0 that nf our friend '~li~s Richm‘w'm of l’orerhnm, wlm was farmerly a teacher in our- sxcllnnl~ BASKET SOCIALâ€"01) New Year’s mg} n. wand lnskct soci-sl wifl be held in the Mme 'clmrvll, under thu auspices of He l'lpwurth Luciana. A splendid program will be provided. and all who come may uxpect u good time. Special to the Watchman. EN'I‘EKTAINMANT.“The Memo-list, Sun- d'vy school entertainment Was he'd m Xmas eve. Though these annuzel game."- ings are mm? in be successfuh this um» hewds the lust. The spavious new church wus Wu“ fighter! and h‘a'vd for the arcsiun. 'I‘wu largo ’Xnms trees were we?! Inuderl with presents. but!) 059an and nrnament‘al. among rhvm were twn iur nur bolnvid pastor. whn occuphad tho flair. and few cou1d 511 the pnsi‘itm S" 3.th as he. The program consisted of (-Ixuruses, kindergmtvn sorgs. 801m), xecitulinns and dm‘uzues. also a. Very interesting sehctiuu was rendered by Miss Presmn and (me by Miss Mwee. Much by the above mentioned gentleman. The subject of which is “Can a man eat saw- dust; WIHWUC butter.” There will file» be -,., proxy-arm to which Miss Warsun pf I‘icm'ermn and Miss King uf Liudwy “33} contribute. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES.-â€"0n‘ Sunday. !he 10:11 of .Jaxxuury. Special servlces win he conducted in St Andrew’s church by Rev. Dr. Potter uf Peterhoro. On the Mluwing Monday evening at instructiVe and interesting lecture will be delivered PERs<>xm..â€"-~Dr. D. C. Smith of Stoufl' ville spent ’Xmas at l’omv. . . . . ReV. D. I). and Mrs. McDmald are. visiting at Collim’ Bay. . . . . Mus. G. Shaw is visit- ing Tommi) friends . . . . .Miss Manic Smith of Dommview is Spending her vacatinu at lr m-e. . . . Mrs. \V. R. Burmn has returned home after spending ’Xma: with bar parents at Lungfr rd. :hirty years. 1113 was an imiustrinus. upright, hard wurking mm, and mm!» “Hwy “mm friends. H». Was a. member of the l’reabyrorian church. and tank all active interest in p-Jlitics, usually voting COHSL‘I‘VHllVG. The funeral took place to Eden cemetery 0.1 the 30th, and was very largely attenjcd. II’ANSE GROVE-ELDON Special to the Watchman. years. Drupsv of heart; and lung cnmplicatmn Was lhe cause of death. Dccwascd was born in the township of Home, and hved near Duusfurd for about MANILLA JANETVILLE. OAKWOOD B. F. Strattotiucted as accmntoanist, and ”5’1“?“ attendmg an Important church isan artist of no mean raicrtions. She “Neil"?- .. T V and Miss Strutton, MR1} gave two in- A- F155: EFFELâ€"Mr' ‘F' (1‘35“ g3“? strumental duetts in very line style. The very 11!“? die“ to one Of M}SS 5"““3‘13 duetts by Mr' Galloway and Mrs. Carnnc- Vefl‘bP’U‘13 3: the concert With 3 ““18““! sky, Messrs. Galloway and Brown, Mrs. selection ("1 the mandolin. Carnovsky and Miss Stratton, were all Ruth‘sâ€"Mrs. Jas. Blewitt was taken first-class and érfltlly enjoyed. An im~ suddenly ill Saturday right, and is at this portant feature Was the rendition of three writing in a precarious condition. A rtcitatious by Miss Stratton, with very nurse was summoned from Toronto on fine etl'ect. “Lazy Jim” was well done by Monday. the boys, especially the part taken 1») PERSONALâ€"LIL Pearce of Chicago, a. Master Frank Rustlaud. Last, but In t former teacher of this village, is renewing least, came the fall drizl by Henry young acquaintanceS. . . . . .Mr. and Mrs. Ashton lv‘ullt8,1Vh0didlllt‘llWM it with as 1111 c'iprt- of Cornwall are visiting at Mr. Mark cisiou as a iniiiteny body ull drill, keeping Wickett’s. . . . . . Rev. and Mrs. Wicket: of [time to the strains nt’ the instrumcn! Mountain Grove are spending their holi- lpresltltd over by Miss D n‘idson, Ill-c days with her father and mother, Mr. and luccomplished church organist. Rev. A. IV‘Irs. Yeo, ard other relatives ...... Wm. l R. Delve graced the platform as pres-2dr: t 10, student at Trinity college, Charles, lof the E L.C.E , in whose interest the teacher at Scarboro, and Miss Yea, also a concert “as held. The house was filled, teacher, are all at home on vacation ...... and tlm ln‘ul'tftflls amounted to the nice Mr. St. John of Sunderland has been sum of $85.65. I land almost forgone: to visiting at Mr. John Glennie’s ...... Mr. ill-:lltlnll the line tillllltllla' and guys s- and Mrs. Joe. Gregg of this place spent bt-nutifuLly given by the choir. . . .During the ’Xmas holidays with ['xbridge friends. the cntcrminmcnt Mr. Hiram 81‘0““ um . . . .Mrs. G. Garbutt, of the Ladies‘ Col incidentally detained after sinuing for :7: loge, St. Catherines, is spending her moment by the president. and whi‘o cou- vacation under the parental roof. . . .Mr. vex-sing Miss S. Smith interrupted them R. Broad, student at Trinity medical by stopping forum-(land lending the foi- college, Toronto, spent his Christmas lowing address, during which. at the vacation with his parents here ...... Mr. proper time, Miss Stratton handed Mr. end Mrs. Elliott of Hamilton spent the Brown a. beautiful purse containing: 830 ’Xmus holidays at the residence of Mr. To Mr. Hiram Brownâ€"DEA): Sll:,â€"â€"-\Yt- and Mrs. J. Blewitt, Mrs. Elliott’s Dar- feel we cannot allow this fesxivu season in cuts. . . . . .Ml'e. Yeo of Manitoba is also" pass without to some way giving you visiting relatives in this neighborhOOd. assurance that we are not unmindful of Cnmuxsnox.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Mark the ardous labor devolving upon you as Wickett celebrated their china wedding on leader of thes-srviceofsong in thischurch. Christmas day. To say it was a tine From time immemorial singing has occu- Eufi‘sir would be altogether too weak an pied a foremost place in divine worship. expression. Some sixty rehtivee from whether on the banks of the Red sea, various parts were the huppy recipients of when Moses and Miriam led the vast host a huge ’X'nas dinner, while the host and or when after the victory over Canaan’s hostess had their kindness ruciprocated by monarch Deborah, and Barak sang that a. large number of valuable gifts. most delightful song of deliVerance. A.0.U.W.â€"-4Little Britain Lodge of A. David’s escape from Saul calls forth his 0.U.W. held their election on Tuesday gratitude in a song, of praise. In the evening with thefollowinqresult: W.M. wilderness, in tents and booths, in the Thus Honey; foreman, S. Motherell‘ re: tabernacle and temple. at every altar, by courier, W. Cornish; receiver, R Sniith- mitred priests, crowned monarchs .and finance, R. Robertsdu; overseer, Geo: bearded prophets alike; in ancient. time, From; guide, Mark Mickett; inside God has been exalted and adored in the watchman, J. Bll vent; 0.W., Alfred service of song. This service is also re- _Wullaee; repreeentutive to mud lodge, commended ut the very begiun'ng of the , to B.:Stratto;ult 3090115 tion;" I. n mnz. 4 .m. E.L.C.E. ESTERTAISMENT.â€"The great BVent of Christmas 18 now over, and the verdict rendered is “the beat we ever had.” Everyone in bigh‘zlee. The pro- gram was 'carried out to the letter, and those who touk part were in good trim and did their Work grandly. Majur Gailoway. heading the hat, tank the huuse by stnrtn from beginning l0 finish. His sousâ€"33X in numberâ€"were exquisitiveiy wdl reu- derrd, while his parts in the duets and quurzettes were as well greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Caruovsky, M.M., daughter of Rev. READ Tumâ€"Sukaâ€"The annu-ll tea. in cunnection win”: He 3'Ieli11‘léiial’ church. Little Britain. will beheld on New Year’s day. An excellent program will cum- wence at 2.30 p.m. Revs. J. P. Real of Woodville and B. Geatrix of Canningxon mll deliver addresses. Au intermission from 4 to 7 will take place. when a sumpt- uous tea will be Served. At 7 .30 the literary treat: will be resumed. Addresses by Revs. D. N. McCamuscf Port Perry and J. S ewnrt of Sunderland. Plenty of good music . All are im md. Tickets 25 cents. iaét range of wise rendered her Slnging most acceptable. Miss Weir gave some very pretty, . well-reudcied and We” rLceiVed recim'ious. M 83 Wait bids fair to be a star in the alucu'iunary, line. Mr. Asap!) Eiwards fined the char (on micety. and the b‘st of order was main- tained throughnut the entire chnix-g. HOLIDAY (iL'ESTs.â€"Mlss N. DcLurey of Tut-unto, spent Christmas uncur the parental roof. . . . . .Mr. Mrs. Cunwzxy o: Oshawa were the guests of her daughkr. Mrs. A. Edwards... ..M:s. Buzicr is Visiting her sister, BIN. Gw. Comte. .. . . ‘ Mrs. Robinson ana Mr. Geo. Cvtl‘ierUfT Urilia are enjoying a few dug Wi'h‘ their parents, Mr. Mrs. Geo. Carter. . . . . Miss T. and L Tipp Hf 1’01: Perry. are Visiting friends in tow :. . . . . .M. 0. Mc Lean of McMaszer University is home for a few days V . . . . .J. IV . McLean of Woodstock college 18 renewing: old ac- quaintances in tour. and community. Special to the Watchman. :vpprecisimn uf his hearers. The singing by Miss Dcwart cannot be Spuken or ten highly. Her full deep fmd rxch tune-rand THE I.().O.F. Commaâ€"The Odd Fellows of this place haxe now a reputa- tion for annually bringing to our town a good cancel t, and last Thursday evening’s program was no exception to the ruie. Though there were many other attract- ions to draw the attention of the people. yet norwithsmuding this they gut a full house and all enjuyed the melting well. As a. Cuumdian W. E .thmsay is among !he first-rare class. The pads of lamina: and hearty encores, to which he gener- m’ly responded, wtre evidences of thv disappointment; he whose ever watchful eyes was attentive to our good and Wm; spared no pains to make the otherwise weary hours pleasant and attrac'ive for us. Then, dear teacher, as we bid you good-bye \s'e rmnmher ynu n8 a kind and ”Him”, teacher, 3, WIN: counsellur and a most. exmzncm instrucc Jr. and feel assured yuu will ewr he remem- bered by the pupiis of this sum-)1 Wi‘h fvelinga of the highest regard and esteem. But we feel Cold words are insu’finienc to express our apprcciation of your service. and we ask you to accept this gentleman's [travailiug Cam: and shaving set, so that? when yuu luok .1: them yuu may in mind be again with us and thus zvrmuyve the kind nmmmies (.° your Mani 1a ”wits.â€" Signed on behalf of the schunl. DAISY BELL Couxrsu. J L'NXIET’I‘A Emu nus Mr. I{1:”_V, though takcn entirely by surprism made a very fitting and pointed reply, thanking his pupils and wishing them ail possible success for their futures. LI [TLE BRITAIN 91 KENT-ST. , On Approved Indorsed Notes for any term from 3 to 12 months. Money to Loan . _____ â€"â€"-°â€"vvnuvw. CELEBRATION. -Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wickett celebrated their china. wedding on Christmas day. To say it was a fine sfi‘sir would be altogether too week an expression. Some sixty relatives from various parts were the hegpy recipients of a huge ’X'nas dinner, while the host and hostess had their kindness reciprocated by a large number of valusble gifts. A.0.U.W‘.â€"-â€"Lictle Britain Lodge of AA V-_-‘-v- In“ Vv". uvlu, nun sum IOU, also a teacher. are all at home on vacation ...... Mt. St. John of Sunderland has been visiting at Mr. John Glennie’s ...... Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gregg of this place spent the ’X mas holidays with ['xbridge friends. . . . .Mrs. G. Gal-butt. of the Lsdie s’ Col lege, St. Catherines, is spending her vacation under the parental roof. . . .Mr. R. Broad, smdeut at Trinity medical college, Toronto, spent his Christmas Vflcatlon with his parents here ...... Mr. and Mrs. Elliott of Hamilton spent the ’Xmss holidays at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. Blewitt, Mrs. Elliott’s par- ents ...... Mrs. Yeo of Manitoba is also visiting relatives in this neighborhood. PERSONALâ€"Mr. Pearce of Chicago, a former xeacher of this village. is renewing acquaintances. . . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Ashton of Cornwall are visiting at Mr. Mark Wickett’s. . . . . . Rev. and Mrs. Wicket: of Mountain Grove are spending their hoiio days with her father and moxher, Mr. and Mrs. Yeo, ard other relatives. . . . . . Wm. Yeo. student at Trlnitv oollen, Charles, teacher at Scarboro, and Miss Yea. also a Runsâ€"Mrs. Jas. Blewi:t was taken suddenly ill Saturday night, and is at this writing m a precarious condition. A nurse was summoned from Toronto on Monday. A‘ F151;: Ewanâ€"Nb. W Giass gave very fine effect to one of VIiss Stamens mutations at :he concert with a musical Belt ctiou on the mandolin. CHURCH.-;The services on Sabbath )ast in the Methodist church were very largely attended. The morning sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Wickett of Mount- am Grove, who pleased and edxfied us all, and the evun’ng was by the Rev. Mr. Stratton, who gave an able discourse on “The lost friend.” Evideutiy there is a growix-g interest taken in these adver- ti )ed subjects, as evinced by the increased congregations. A pleasing feacure of the evenim.y service was a sacred solo sung by M s. Carnovsky. organist of Brock-st. M thodisc church, Kingston. Rev. B. Beatrix 18 announced for next babbath 81. 10 a.m., and Rev. Mr. Wicket at 6.30. it heingthe annua! mis=ionary day. . . . Rev. Mr. Garbutt was absent last Sabbath at fish-ma attending an important church meeting. eutcruxlsen the most essential 'ti't'ouJ. 18 to have gvmd leaders. David reeguized this when as the sweet singer he stood without. a. peer, and in writing: his music he dedicated no less than fifty-fire psalms [O difl'ereut-leaders under the title “To the chief musician.” Any leader of sacred song must therefore realize that he [8 keeping company with the modest men of the ages, men who have thrilled Vast audiences on earth and ureatly enriched the upper sauctuarv with the melody of Song. As leader of the choir and congregation in this place, then we approach you with feelings of grufitude to God tl-t we have tn our midst a “chief musician,” whose unselfish interest has so long mmnifesred itself in our welfare. “'6 cinnot but believe this has been a work of love rendered freely and often amid great discouragements, costing you much self denial ut precious‘ time and sucial duties in home life. We uish to assure you that y:ur‘training has been of great benefit to us as a choir, and the import- cult BerVice rendered this church in this department of work eternity alt-Le wiil reveal. .Not only in public wora'uip has your ability been brought in nonisitir‘n, but as well with heart and voice have we found you ready to aid in the social and .‘itermy pirt of church work. We are proud to know that we have one in our midst so well qualiiitd to lead a Work so indispensable to the progress of God’s muse. Permit us in conclusion, on bei: ...f of this congregation, to thank you most heartily for inbuls “more abundant.” thus lbwstoweu and to as}; your net-«prance of, ; ibis purse, not for its intrinsic Value. for it but: pearly represents our obligation to you, but as a small token of the very high appreciation had of your value ole serviCes. Uur prayer is thatgou may long be spared to fill this position here, and the: leader and people may et'entually help t.’ swell ihe chot us of the skies in singing “ [’nro Him that luVeG us and washed us from our sins in Has own blood, to Him be glory forever.” Signed in behalf of the congregation. IDA E. STRATTON, Linen; Smm. Our: Gnomeâ€"We notice an improve- ment to the church choir. in both quality and numbers. Our old friends, Messrs. Weldon and G. l'rouse, are back in their accustomed places. ' '1" â€"‘V sang his sum: 3f salvation, 3.1.1 the exact- mum; to the (-huzch is “-‘ucume b'dure his presume widz einging.” When dme with ear-h. 11m church militant IS to enter the heavenly zion with song. In all great: selves in [realms end hyms and spiritual songs, singing and making megody in your baa“. to the Lard.” The same author ‘rcummands mat we “teach one auuzher in palms and hymns and spirituai gang's, smging with grace in your hearts to the bad." Herein is fauud the model for [ha quality u: singing to be used in God’s worship. Nor has the church (eased t3 recugmze the teachings of the bank rela- tive to itsaucienb and modem cusrum of praising God in snug. Its eziecr, has been marwllous in all ages, on aii classes, and under all circumstances. David’s cm:- veteion put a song in his mumh, Hwekiah sang his sum: 3f Salvation, and the exam-- mum! to the r-hu:ch is ":u come before ‘, H. SOOTBERAN, so Cents per annum LINDSAY.

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