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Watchman (1888), 31 Dec 1896, p. 4

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W. M. RflBfiflN, Y.M.C.A. Notes. -New Years diy will be a big day at the Y,\I.C.A., and as in former years the looms will be crowded with young men. lx’cl’resh- meats will be served from 3 until 7 p.m. Members are privileged to invite: their friends and will all who wish attend themselves. â€"Rev. H. R. O’Malley addressed the after- noon meeting in the Y.M.C.A. hail Ln Sun- day, 27:12, and was much appreciatcd by all who heard him. -â€"The game mom is now in full swing. and attracts a large number of young men daily. â€"â€"There will be a good speaker at the Sunday afternoon meeting at 4 15 :also bright orchestral music. You “i: 1 1e nzim‘c welcome if vou come. â€"The regular meeting ot the board of directors, postponed from Christmas, was held Wednesday, after prayer meetin". unr IEBB, (formerly of New \0rk),â€"â€"Doctor 0| Refraction in Optics, an‘l inventor of the famous Recherche Optometer, the latest and most improved instrument known to modern science for pointing: Out every defect and disease of the eye aml sight. Cure: granula- tion and inflammation of the ii'ia. headaches, and straightens cross-eye, etc., without inedi. cine or operation. A Cure guaranteed in every case or money refunded. Consulation and examination free. See small hills. Treatise on the sight free. Will he at Morgan’s Drug Store, junuary 6th and 7th.-â€"53-I. _ ‘ v,_‘...._.\‘ m uauauzl In! shnw like resuhs upnn same plan and Cumparing rrsuhs with sumo other ‘e cnmpanies doing Maine“ in Canada, I l \muld pay mm:- prcmium and naive s4 hundred dollars 1e»- rcsulls than the: American Life Afiunnc: Cu. Icm: you the mulls are way gratif) in: to me Show good m-{nztgcmcl’zl nu behalf 0‘ Cnmpauy, and hope that the good ma nn-nt and profit eamings of you: Con .my long cnminnmâ€"Yunr‘ vervmdv ' New Year Greetings. At this smson of the year many homes are made happy, but how much happier is a home \rlen thc husband has his family well provi'lr-(l for, both inthis life and in the event of his demise. A life policy in the North American is the most valuable gilt that can be given at this season of the year. Read the following unsolicited testimonial, giving proofs of re- sulls: “'m. McBnrlc, esq , M A , manager North American Life Assurance Co., Winnipeg, Man. DEAR StR.â€"I am in receipt at not maturity of my policy (No. 406) in Company. In reply kindly permi that fifteen years ago, zoth Oct. last. I took out :1 fifuen year semi-tnntine policy (4c6) [of $1000.00. with your cnmpany. payingtherefm a yearly premium 01 $67.40, and {0-day am in Inns-"n. u. .L _ r n ice of your 1 me to say . . p .---;---s mum" a wady premium of $67.40, and {0-day am in r~ceipt 0f the following choices zâ€"Cash $I533.28; an annuity for life of $123.90, or afully paid up policy of $3040.00. These results have lveen in excess uf estimates given me hyynzxr agent at the time of the applica- Iénn‘ I heficvc (her? are but few (if any) Cnmpanies dning business m Canada ”in: cm shun: ‘;l'n 'm-‘u‘lg ..- _‘ - THURSDAY, DEC. 3lst, 1896. WEST EN Dâ€"3 STORES. She Watchman. Dividend Exceedinq the Face Policy by over 50 yer cent age . We take. this oppor- tunity of thanking our friends for their gener- ous support during the yearjust closing, and to assure them that we shall in the future make every effort to deserve a continuance of their confidence and patron-J We cordially wish one and all a happy and prosperous New Year. --"In.nmn anq I" ' mt“. cu” Yours truly, Coming. )H um; I l! ”)mg 10 m:- and m lmhflf of the me goal manage- ventjmiv. M. s. IVS rug“ ”he! ihc 1.1-1 or «Mr. David Wilson and son of Mansfield, Ohio, are visiting Mr. R. I. Yarnold, <outh ward. Aha Mrs. j. j. Lyndc and son Arthur cf Whitby. â€".\-lessrs. J. Livingstone and J05 John- sum of Cannington were in town Tuesday and dropped into THE \VA'I‘CHMAN office to renew their subscriptions for the ensuing year. â€":‘Ir. Frank Mailelt, in the employ of Park, Blackwell Cw, Toronto, has been mimma himself with friends in town during â€"l\'Ir. Jos. Primeau of St. Mary’s college, Montreal, is spending lus vacation with his parmts, Mr. and Mrs. A Primeau, town. â€"Mr. and Mrs. Gormond of Oshawa. Were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Ferris, Glen- clg-st., during Xmas. -â€"â€"lhs. \V. Campbell of Rossland, RC, is home on a visit, and is at present the guest of her brother, ; lr. John Naylon, in town. â€"liiss Agnes Hanalioe, lately teaching in Emily, gncs to Toronto shortly to Continue univusity studies. â€".\Ir. E. ‘Vcldnn uf Osgoode 1131' Toronto, is spending his vacation wuh friend in town. ‘ â€";‘Ir. Frank Park, Blackm'” cnjofing himsclf [he p153. week- â€"Mr. jdm Pratt of Montreal spent Christmas with his parcnts, Mr. and Mrs. T. Pr mi, south ward. â€"â€"Mr. and st. Robt. Chambers of the north ward spent the holidays with Toronto himfls. â€"â€"ReV. Joseph Robinson leaves for Toronto in about a. week to finish his university course. â€"â€"Mr. F. A. Shannon of Peterboro span1 the Christmas holidays in town unch the parental roof. - -â€")II. and Mrs. Peter Tully of Toronto span; Christmas with Mr. and M rs- l). Scuhy, â€"â€"Mrs. F. B. Stratton, the we of the popular clergyman at Little Britain, and Miss Strauon were in town Mundny. â€"Dr. GCOTQC Wallets of MO“ their parculs, Mf- east ward. â€"â€" Miss Annie Steele of Bobcaygeon is apendxng the holidays in town with her sister. Mrs. W. Brown, south ward. â€"Mr. A. F. Barr, B.A., of Victoria Univ-:rsity, Toronto, is spending his Christmas vacation under the parental roof. ~Miss I. Much Mmkuka, is spend m low}, the guest 3|. -â€"M r. Thomas Puley of Uakwood was in townLch:acsday and gave Tm; WATCHMAN a. cal â€"Mr L. V. OConror, lmrrister of Peter- boro, spent Christmas under the parental roof. â€"Rcv. Frank \Vhite of Hastings and Mr. Ii. 1,, whim, 'l‘ommo Univusiw, are sprnd- illg xhcir mention un-Jcr the parental roof at 011k wood . PERSONAL. Mrs. W . Maston of Toronto is visiting {,2 was in town. Miss May Cowieson of Cambray is visit- {my it Mr. Chas. Silver 5, Kent- st. Mrs. Y m. Brooks and son Gordon spent Chriflmas in Port Perry. “Mr. McLean. Orillia’s fast skater, is .pcn‘llng holidays in town. ~3‘Irs. V'. IL King, Sussex-5L, spent Christmas with friends at Barrie. (MES: Whitney of Port Perry is the guest of Bliss Flo McConnell. (Mr. Wm. Goodwin of New York is heme on hi~ annual visit. «Mr. and Mrs. John Mallett spent the Christmas holidays with friends at Toronto. 7â€"Mr. and Mrs. W. Lawson of \Voodviile spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pu!ey "f Oakwood. ~.\Ir. Ernest Neclanus or me acuuu. u. Practical Science, Toronto, spent his ’Xmas Vacation in town with his parents, Dr. and Mia. Neclands. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Richard Southam of Assi- nilbuia, N.\V.T., lovmerly of Mount Horcb, *3: spending a short holiday with lricnds in p8. â€"-.\lr. R. H. Walks is mending his vaca- tion with relatives at Brnokiin. .â€":\liss Genie King spent Christmas with Toronto friends. ”Miss Eva Ferris spent Xmas holidays with friends in \V’hitby and Oshawa. -~.\3r. Wm. Foley. (f \Voodville, spent Christmas with his family in town. v-Mr. and Mrs. D. Coughlin of West Ops spent Christmas with friends in Deseronto. â€"â€".VIr. M. Cook of Port Hope spent Christmas with his friend, Mr. P. Leddy of ()ps. â€"-â€"Mr. ”Thus. Armstrong and wife spent Christmas with Peterboro friends. â€"â€"Dr. White and siater Lilian spent Christ- mas Under !he parental roof at Oakwood. ~.\Iiss Alice Birmingham, teacher, near Hu'nlsvillc, Muskukn, spent the Chnslmas hulldny: in tom», the guest of Miss Josie Buck and Other irienrls. ~.\lr. W. 11. Blair. cutter in the popular Flowing house of john Allan, Montreal, en- J°)‘td his Christmas dinner with his parents, Mhand Mrs. W. G. Blair. ~\lr. \Vm, EM»; of Nurwnnd. accompani- C'E I.y his wn, spent the Chrimnas holidays with his s'Ncr, Mrs. Edward jmuhs, Sussex- Sl. «Mr. D. II. Stinson of Picton §pent Christmas under the parental roof. ~\1r. james S. Neads, traveller for A. J. S‘eumt. wholesale cnnfectioner, Toronm, ac- FUmpanied by Mrs. Stewart, spent Christmas "1 mm, thc guest of Mr. 0. j. Mcliilmop, “(nth ward. ~Miss Kat: Buck. of the Ontario Medical C‘i‘kgc in: Women, T Ionm, is spending her llmhhy vacation undetzlh? parental roof. m a fcw mumhs sts Buck‘wm mile M.D. aha her name . ~< 21.. l‘r .nL' H m: \hoo 0' BufTv M is spumfing 1")“.‘1‘5 n.1awn wuu In» livtflib, .‘11. mm "c .13. _,,~ :u. on them 1. mu.’ 0.1 "‘Gwn u.-. lhc Christmas ~31 r. W. E. Beacnck. a prosperous young farmer ol Blackcmck, Cartwuighi township, was in town on VTtrmysday on his way to spend a m. /‘l~ Ernest NeclandS' of the School of 3‘, Mitchell, teacher, of Ullswater, spcnding [‘19 Christmas vacation A.x _'__,___ L7H“. rgc Walters of Forest and Will Montreal spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walters, fialidgys‘wilh friends in Vern- of Mrs. Atkinson, Kem- Osgoqde_ ‘hal‘l, â€"Miss Lax-ell of Clintham presided at the organ in St. Andrew’s on Sill)l).1lll lustyzmd in the evening sang a. solo. She is p0§scsscd (f 9. rich. sweet voice, and her singing and playing was much admired by the large mn- grcgation present. It is safe 10 say beitsr music was nevcrlieard in St. Andrew‘s. It is probable Miss Lavell will fill the: posiiion of choir lcadcr and organist for the ensuing year. «Rev. N. Hill of Omemee attended the last meeting of the Queen- st. Gospel Temper- ance Socici y and an“: an acclient address \Vc “mild “ish that all {he ) nung men in ”10 community could hear it. He dual! hcan blows against whiskc), tolmcco and other exils, and mapped in :1 very pleasing manner _,, H, ,, (ICUUI'SC of life whic'l if fullmvcd wlmkl lead to success ard safcyt y. The meeting was :1 decided success. ”ylhe ' have been and Min are held each month, usually the last Friday. â€"The Christmas tree.- in the Queemst- church on the evening of Christmas day was a great success. The program was excellent. All seemed to be happy. The secretary’s report sh0wed it to have been a very successful year. The average attendance is said to have reached a higher point than an lnclnre. In finances the school is doing well. We heartily congratulate Queen-st. on the success- ful school they have and we wish them still greater SUCCESS. Church Notes. “A watch-night service will be held in the Queen-st. church on Thursday evening, begin- ning about 10 o’clock. Rev. 8. j. Shorcy is expected to preach. Others will take part in the meeting. All are cordially invited who desire thus to spend the last hours of the old your. Monday evening there was a joyous gathering at the family residence in honor of the presence of the only boy. â€"At the S S. anniversary service held in the Queen-st. church on Christmas day Rev. J. “I Totten “as presented with a hamlslmze clock, suitably inscnbed, u a token of regard from the Queen-st. church. Mr. Totlen acknowledged the kindness coming as it did thus a complete surprise, and thanked the friends for this token of their kind regard. . . . Miss M. Thurston was presented by her elms with a beautiful lamp . .Mr. and Mrs, Gilson were presented with a cane and a lamp, Mr. Gilson made a. suitable and :ippmpnule reply. â€"The annual entertainment given the children of St. Andrew’s Sabbath school, which took place Tuesday evening, cnnsisting of tea, program of recitations, choruses, dialogues, etc., by the little ones. and a Christmas tree presided over by Santa Claus himself, was the nsLml gratilying mica-s.» Tea was served in the schOOl room from 4ln7 o’clock. anr‘ at 7.30 shnrp the program began, by which time the spaciuus church, like the children, was “fullto the doors”â€"an<l fifteen minutes later standing room was at a. premium. â€"Mr. W. H. Sculthorpe of Port Hope, the well-known dealer in fancy peas, was in town for a few days last week arranging about the crop for 1897. as well as winding up busines for the present year. Mr. Sculthrope dis- tributed over 2,000 bushels of seed among the farmers of this section last season, and the returns on the whole were excellent. Mr. M. Moriarity, who works the Geo. Mcllugh farm, South Ops, thrashed about 350 bushels, which averaged considerably over a dollar a bushel. â€"-Mr. F. C. Gillies of Oakwood was in town Thursday and gave THE VVATCHMAN a call. Mr. Gillies has bcen engaged as princi- pal of the public and mode} schools at Minden for {he ensuing year. He is a gxaduate of the A lengthy program was carried out to the satisfaction of all, and reflected great credit on the ladies and gentlemen of the church who so curelully trained the children. At nine o’clock the second part of the program was concluded, and then came what was perhaps the most interesting portion of the evening’s entertainmentâ€"the distribution of the presents from the two beautifully decorated and well loaded Christmas trees. Santa Clausuwho h3- the way is evidently a. Seotchmanâ€"nrrived in time. and after ashort speech proceeded to distribute the preeents with lavish hand and without lavor. There was something nice. for every httle tot in the congregation. and by H115 all had been sent home happy, to dream of Santa Claus And the next anniversary. â€"C21pt. Maurice Lane and Mrs. Lane left Thursday last for Toronto, where they will spend several weeks with their «laughter, Mrs. James Carroll. After thirty-seven years of faithful service with the Messrs. Boyd of Bobcaygeon, thirty two of which he has been navigating the ScugoghMaurice thought it might not he amiss if he enjoyed a short vacation and the pleasures of city life. That he and his estimable partner may have a. happy New Year is the wish of THE \VA'I‘CHMAN. Lindsay conegiate, and a very clever young man. â€"'\Ir. Alex. Black of Merrill, Wisconsin, is visiting relatives in Lindsav and Port Hope, and was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Ruhr. Jex, south ward, for the past week. Mr. Jex's two sons, Norman and Fred, formerly of Port Hope, are publishers of the North Star, a prosperous journal at Marineue, Mich. Obituarv. ---â€"Denth entered the home of our esteemed town~man, Mr. W'zn. Thurston, on Monday evening last and took fl'Om their midsr Victoria, the youngest member of the family. Just two week~ before. her department the some hour of the (lav. she was in the Queen-st cl‘urch with others, assisting in making preparations for the Sabbath school anniversary to he held on Christmas day in the Queen-st. rhurch. This was her last time, it is believed. to enter the house of God, where she had so very faithfully attended. She was a valued mvmher of the choir, being' highly 'zifted with the non-01‘s of song. In the leauue and Sabbath school she was deeply interesvvd. Sudden] the message came and she was gone. 1 cv. J. ‘W. Totten crin- ducted the fnner-ul service. A large number of persons attended. Victoria was much] ved being amiable and kind. In her la t hours she was graciously sustained by Mr firm trust in the Redeemer. It is nrohable that Rev. J. W. Totten will conduvt a «ax-vice on the evening of Jan. 10-h. in whioh some lessons esncc ally for the yming people, will be L'nthere'i f"‘iln her sudden departure. How brief is life. Two short weeks and the SWi-et singer and active marker has ceased to. live here i having gone to a fairer slime, â€"Mr. S. A. Lockwood or Ucllevme rs spending the holidays with his brother, 11. M. Lockwood, of the (LTR. local yard staff. He has also secured the Belleville agency for the Sylvester Bros. M lg. Co., who intend to open out a warehouse in that city, carrying a complete stuck of their implements. 1\,,I -â€"Dr. \V. I. Burden, of Lyell-ave, Roch- ester, made a flying visit to Lindsay last week, and spent Christmas with his parents, Mr.‘and Mrs. Burden, Peel-5L, returning Saturday morning. The urgent demands of a large practice prevented Mr. Burden making a more protracted visit. .-â€" - ‘r TUESDAY. JANUARY xz'm.â€" Bv Eiias Dawes, auctioneer, credit sale of farm stock and implements, the pmpefly of‘Mr..W. R, Cunning» ~nnnh half lurks, Cflncehsic‘u IO, .‘Wullpnnzl S.l‘', :11 On? ()’I.‘."V"l< shun) and wuhnut «saw, a» Mr. Ouuuimfi £3, givmg ":3 ';-.:m‘“3, SALE REGISTER. ,blyshers 0! the “(Hun gnu, 3.1 at MarinettP, Mich. Lockwood of Belleville is ays with his brother, 11. M. e (KER. local yard staff. (1 the Belleville agency for u. M fg. Co., who intend to THE VWATChMAN, LINDSAYa THURSDAY. DECEMBER 3IST9 1896. Now is the time to get the goods whiic this sale is on. Positively for only 30 days and SPOT JAS. H. LENNON, 2 Tins Cups - - 05c A Good Whip - - 10c Dust Pan - - - 06c Shoe Brush - - - 08c Scrubbing Brush - - 04c Lamp Glasses - - 5c and 7c A Good Bedstead - - $1.25 Ico yards second hand Carpet. A second hand Singer Sewing Machine, A lot of second hand harness, 2 stores full of New and Second Hand Furniture, Stoves, Crockery, Glassware, Knives and Forks, Looking Glasses, Chamber Setts, Butter Bowls, Butter Prints, Tin- ware and Granitcware. mm. . 3333313 .. [4 Bars Silver Dust Soap, zlarooms - 7 doz. Clothes Pins, - A Good W ashboard - 20 quart Dish Pan - A Good Tea Kettle - I (102. Cups and Saucers I doz. Tea' Spoons - I doz. Pattie Pans - For the next thirty days we will quote you prices that will surprise you, for Spot Cash. NEW YEAWS ..PRESENTS It is our Constant aim to supply the Very best at lowest possible prices. Our methods of doing business are being more appreciated from day to day The Auction Mart, Opposite the Benson House. â€"-â€"Solid Gold, â€"-â€"RoIIedq Gold and ~Ster1ihg Silver â€"-Novelt1'es . . Kent-st, Lindsay. We have an unusually laxge assoxtment of . . . W. F.1M90ARTY, -â€"- SU [TABLE I-‘C Râ€" . CASH . I 2c 20c 60c 60c 10c 10c 05 c I CC 06c 08c 04c Sfecz'alu THREE Picked up last week AWAY BE- Low REGULAR PRICES and now ...onsale... Men’s Heavy Fyeize Ulster-s, special at Overcoats I! ..Rubbers, Overshoes $5. $7 $8, 89 '8 heavy ‘lsters and Socks, 31 per pair up. Men‘s Long Boots, 18 inch leg. special at $2.50. ' Men’s fine grain Long Boots, special uxcu D III-U 5-1.1“ ”vs-b uvv~u, vi vvvvvvv at. $2.75. Boys" Long Boots, special at $1.25. Buys’ finest quality Oversboes special at $1.00 per pair. and Boots .' Christmas Large Assortment of Newest FANCY GOODS. Mugs. Cu 5 and Saucers. Vaaes, Hanginz Lamps, lush Goods, Albums, Picture Books, Toys, Dolls. JeweHery and Christ‘- mas Cards. All New Choice Goods and extra good value. Uhoicest ualities in Table and (‘ooking Raisins. urmnts, Spices, Teas, Cnfl'ces, N uts, Confectionery, Dried Fruits. ELC. SPECIAL PRICES for Men'q and Boys SUITS and PANTS to clear the stock out by 1st Januarv Good quality (‘lorhimz and well madv at, about cost pr'ces.1f you will need chs' Suits 15 will pa) you ...lo compare prices... . OAK‘WOOD. I have a large amount of money to loan on Farm Property, at low- est rates of interest, with privileges of re-paymen}. NO SOLICI- TOR’S FEES . I can also lend money on Town Property on the l‘est terms. Come and see me before vou arrange your loan. DB YOU WANT MONEY '2 N0. 8 “rilliama LINDSAY. t’ â€" G. W. BEAM. ’Xmas . . and N4 n. n. comm, MUST GET THERE IN TIME. .. ..G00ds ! ‘THE JEWELER, Hum: Baas. Purckases- Presents â€"TO BUY MYâ€" N) READY FflR HILEAV SHEPPERSULSTERS â€"Astrachan Caperines, fine quality, worth $22.00 for $18 .00 â€"-â€"Grey Lamb Caperines, worth $15.00 for $12.50 â€"Grey Lamb Collars, worth $5.00 for $4.00 â€"Grey Lamb Ruffs, worth $375 for $3.00 â€"Opposum Collars, $2 00 and $3.50 â€"Grey Lamb Muffs, $2 75, $3.25 and $425 â€"â€"Grcenland Seal Capes, 25 inch, fine Satin lined, good sweep, worth $22.00 for $18.50; 27 inch, $22.50, worth $30.00 â€"â€"Election Sea! Capes, 30 inch, full sweep, worth $45.00 now $3 3. 50 â€"-As_trachan Jackets, worth $24.00 now $18.00; worth $28.00 now $21.00; worth $35.00 new $29.00 â€".:ray Lamb Capes, $19,00, worth $2 5.00; $24.00, worth $31.00 â€"Men’s Fur Caps $1. 00, $125,331., 5, $200 ,.$2 50 and $2.75, are just marvelously cheap â€"Children’ 5 Grey Lamb Caps $1.75, $2. 50 and $3. 00 â€"Buy’s Silk Windsor Ties 2 for 250 â€"Men’s dark and light lies, made up, big bargain 10¢ each ~â€"Extra tine Corded 15c, 2 for 25¢ â€"â€"l\'xce Four-in-haui Ties 15c, 2 fur .5: -â€"Men’s ties for weddings, a. moat. cot pleté. assartment 25c â€"Ask for our 1330 Collars â€"Men’s Elastic Braces, tine web crown made. kid stayed back. 45:: â€".\ieu's Einstic Web. leather stayed 0’3 â€"Good sensible Braces 156 and 20c -â€"-\fen'a Underwear all-wan! 35:: each -â€" Jen’a Underwear, all lleaA‘y 4.3g em -.\1en'.~ U..ucrucar «Mr... hb.‘\'_y 5m; -â€"Meu’u Union extra heavy 225}: each â€"â€"Heavy 80); We a pair -Heavier Sax 16c. 2 for 25¢ â€"(-rcy Flannels 150, all wool â€"(rrey Flmmel heavy 136.8“ wool â€"-Grey. extra heavy. 20c, all wool â€"Nmy 18c worm0 25c â€"â€"Anuy Flannels, 25c worth 30c â€"-\\ hits and Scarlet Saxony 20c, 25c, 35c and 400 â€"All Wool Plaid, single foid, 12§= yd worth 20c â€"-A'~ocher case to hand of our celebrated 7c Flmuelettes Come and do your ,Holiday Shopping with us. You'll be more ........ ....than repaid............ ~8aby Ribbuns all shades 2c vd ~~ Culoyred Saz' m Rxbhons i- iuch,.. " for ac â€" Ribbons suitailo for fmscy w.ork 8c. 12c and 15c and. 50c â€"-Suimble for elderly ladies, 75c. 90c. and $1.10. good shades; these are Ladies" Black Cashmere Gloves 20c, 2 5c and 30, three specials Lg- CAPS Ladies’ Cashmere Gloves in fine Navy Seal, Garnet worth 25c a has; and Bowl pair, 2 for 25¢ Ida’s ConeyFui -Ladie:’ Colored Kid Gloves, laces and studs, $1 00, the best dollar ‘ l glove in the trade 5:1 l Men’s Lined Kid Gloves, extra special 50c j 3 Fine Kid, in Colored, 75c, worth $1.00 Men’s Mitts 50c, 75c and $1.09 â€"â€"Boy’s Lined Mitts 50c and 75c V v Hemstitched handkerchiefs, plain, white and colo redâ€"Ladies’ and Children’s Borders,2 for SC; Ladies’ Hemstitched, 5c; Ladies’ Initials me, 3 for 25¢ Swiss Embroidered 20c, 2 for 35¢ Fine Batiste Embroidered 25c, 2 for 40¢ Gents’ Pure Irish Linen, Tape Bordered, 18:, 2 for 30: Ladies’ Hemstitcned Silks 10¢ each; Ladies’ Hemstitchcd Silk ICC each; Ladies’ Hemstitched Initials, 2 for 25c; Ladies’ Cream, pale blue, pink hemstitchcd Silks, extra fine, 45¢ each Lawn Handkerchiefs 2c, 3 for 5c; Ladies' fancy Silk handkerchiefs, 25c; Ladies’ hemstitched for the week 25c, 35c and 50c "'"_ J' 11.1 . Lined Gloves, in ladics’, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 A fine assortment ladies’ and gezfitlcmen’s, suitable for weddings, 95c Shoulder Shawls for little folk 35c, 40:: cry extra Heavy 20c. :5 for 35¢ very hioa wobl goods Specials fhis week in FURS ...N OW FOR THE UNDERWEAR RIBBONS. ,â€"â€"â€"' iâ€"Fmel‘ â€"Fun' A i 11:13 {ch . sum each I __L n (Al) 1c ‘ â€"--U.uud Lch ‘ unri â€"-La «is . "G“ = day â€" 3 u l"! : c â€""-ply Fingering Yarn 50c l'n â€"â€"Huavy factury yam, Hack ~10ch â€"F1ugering Yam 5c akezu â€"Cumplclc 383011."th Carpet Warp $1 and $1.25 ll bunch â€"\Vide duubl-e fuid Sc: '9, 81300:. Navy, 8631. GM not 12§c, 156, 18c, 3decided lende's â€"B}ack Navy. Seal, Green, Fawn and E- ectrie Sex-gas. all wuoL 23c â€"Extra heavy '1‘ “card worth 40c in :0“. -â€"-Fme Navy ‘md black Pages. 35:. 4% .â€"Fuu- a.“ n "rm. mzuv itqu \'e' u" uns In BdthlClv, P1uk,l'm.:b.u-. lwm sulnhlc for buxcy work. sis k tin. v rOc â€"-L “91) Cniuu Silk newest, shade.- Lo: -‘Umud mm.»- Uiuua‘c Silk 25C 3 ~\ 2‘5. wurth 40¢ una-uisum» thk Sliks ms atiw in . nuuest wen-w. n-ry suitabzc fur Mi:- [ .i- av yr. soms .Mc, $1. ‘30 and SI 4‘ 'â€"3 u!) deaiuah'e \‘aiuee lint 1i 1: in Cu:- «m. Punk Blue, Buttercup .5. in: 406. worth 55c â€"Vumh- f ‘(1 Skin Lininm, 5c. 7c. l rc -â€" l’uublvf old " " Sc 11):.1276 -â€"\Vaist Linings 10c. 1253c and 15c -â€" Dress Steels ac. the best .â€"3 Spa ‘h vf 'l hrvad for 10¢ â€"l-~h in: of Dress and Msntle Butts;- â€" Handsome assortment. Babies Cums at haliduy prices â€"Chxld:~en’s (Haters to be cleured $3.00 and $.50, wele double the prices â€"0ut Men’s Henry Frieze Costs -0w.-r ‘ caat at $4.75 is without exception the: most wonderful burgain ever ofl'ered a trading public â€"â€"Men’s Yourh's and Boy's Suits «i. am mt : prim, DRESS GOODS MEN’S avy Knit for ig Range Kni' en’s Cnlaund en’s “'hite D k Tifi, 2 for 150 Pan's, 1.90- envy Knit for ig Range Knit en’s Cnlaund en’s “'hite D k Tics, 2 for CAP! “‘53 [1131: will surpris no worth {mm 5, and 57-50 in Bar Buck W :. New g0! :35. The f< .vcrstocked ‘ $18.00 :0 :32. $12.00 loaxs. extra qt :TCHE dies’ ; old ] VATCHI ovemc akcs . BO‘

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