â€I W “I w ILLNESS.-â€"We are very sorry that Miss E, Treleaven and Mrs. Benj. Hancock are on the sick list. Their presence and ser- vices were very much missed in the tem- rence meeting last Wednesday evemng. When they gecover we expect some joyful ‘y-iï¬ts froni them. CAIIBRAY “odd to the wncnmn. WAR ON Mumâ€"A shooting match for turkeys, geese and ducks will take place here on Christmas day, Dec. 25th. There will be plenty of good {at birds, and as we have a number of excellent marke- - _ -. . - A _ -«MMnnt flaw?! :33}; this district a shoot is looked for. begin at 10 o’clock. _ â€eds-l to the Wuchnnn. CARD or TI]A.\'KS.-â€"I beg leave to express, through the columns of your paper, my most sincere thanks to the C.0.0.F. for the prompt payment of $1,000 insurance on my son, the late David moi-man Kennedy. I also wish to specially thank the Lily of the Valley Lodge, No. 182, of which he was a mem- ber, for their many acts of kindness and sympathy extended during his illness and ' ‘ “’ , --â€" nnkin npflnr nnntinne to muo- W!†C u C. . death. May your noble order contmue to grow and prosper. and may it meet with the success it so richly deserves, and may its members be long spared to continue in their good work. MRS. J. Knxxmnr. lucid to tho Watchma- Eo'rES.â€"-Mz. J. Hutton and Mr. Fox are cutting wood for D. Farrelly. They win make the saw hum ...... Mr. D. Farrelly. P. J. O'Connell and J. Hutton no going to start cutting feed next. week. ...... Mr. John Riley has erected a new gig pen and intends fattening a number of M. this winter ...... How is it that _our Boga rams Wuucx. . . . . a...†.. _- Island people like to go north on Sunday. . . . .Our east ward farmer found her stray Iheep last Sunday. PBRSOXAL.â€"Misses K. McIntyre, M. Burke and M. Downey were the guests of Mr. Coughlin last Sunday ...... Mr. J. Hutton went north deer hunting last Wednesday. -- ' “#-Aâ€" LA. “nu, IV wuwuw‘, o PURCHASERâ€"Mr. Joe Breen has pur- chased a brand new cutter from R. Kylie’s shops at Lindsay. RCNAWAY.â€"While on his way to Lind- ny last Wednesday, Mr. Hiram Burn’s team took fright while passing a load of wood, smashing the cutter and throwing the occupants out. been] to tho Wztchmxn. RECENT ARRIVALâ€"The angel who distributes the little ones left a son at Mr. Wm. O’Hara’s. .Congratuhtions, Bill. Poll another vote for Laurier. . . . A tiny feather from the wing of love has dropm into the home of Mr. John Frise. .1 ac): looks quitglxappy.‘ . - _ l \T__LA- 00v- Avv-nâ€" 1â€"--- _,.,r r. , PERSONALâ€"Miss A. Moase of Newton- ville is visiting relatives in this locality. ...... Mr. Jim. Emerson of Lindsay paid hingerboard a flying visit on Sunday. . . . Mrs. M. Myers. who has been visiting here for the past three months. returned to her home in Cleveland last week ...... we are pleased to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Freak King, who were sick with dip- theria, are recovering. We hope to see them out again soon. W'ORRIED BY Docsâ€"Mr. T. Mouse, jr. had four ï¬ne lambs worried by dogs last week, which resulted in uhe death of one of them. Farmershsd better be on the look-out: for such dogs, and so save enother occurrence of the kind. M to the Watchman Currantâ€"The late Alfred Ryley of Bethany, a short notice of whose demise appeared in The Waterman last week. was born in Birmingham, England, on Sept. 28th, 1827. He came to Canada with his father. Thomas George Ryley. about the year 1841. and settled in the vicinity of Port Hope. The family re- moved to Manvers township in the year 1851. Mr. Ryley was appointed town- ship clerk in the vear 1853, and held the oï¬ice continuously since that time. He had long been recognized as one of the beat posted men in the province in muni- cipal law and custom. In January, 1856, he was married to Elizabeth Argue of Manvers. Rev. 'I. W. (now Archdeacon) Allan of Millbrook performing the cere- mony. In religion he was a Methodist. and in politics a conservative. His widow. four sons and two daughters aur~ vive him. RE-E‘IGAGED.â€"Mr. J. W. Moï¬'att,our popular teacher, has been re-enguged for the coming year. Mr. Moï¬'att has been very successful with his pupils at both the entrance and promotion examinations. m to the Woodman. A GRAND Scccnss.-â€"The re-opening services as previously pmnounced in con- nection with the Mechodistchnrch here were held on the 5th and 6th inst“ and were in every way a capital success. The set-Vic s on Sabbath were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Butler of Beaverton, who delivered two touching and appreciatiw discourses at 2 30 and 7.30 p.m. taking for hiavtexf, Dent. 33: 2 3. and 1 Peter 4 :10 respectively. At both the services nil the seating and standing room was need, While s number could not. st all gain admittance. The choirtusisted by We Gilchrist. Mr. and Mrs. Ff?8(f Islay, had special music for the occasion and, added much to the impreeeivenees of the services. On Monday evening an excellent tea was served in the hall and euï¬ce is to eay they the waiters â€"genial and attractive we’ll admitâ€"were kept ministering to bodily needs for three long hours, of the good thinge that always chancterize a tee meeting in Hartley. At 8 o’clock an entertainment and instruc- tive program began in the church with Hr. John Christinaâ€"the choice of the trustee boardâ€"in the chair, and as chair- man over such a peckezi audience that evening, he was “the right 'men in the right place." Addresses were delivered by Rem-Mr. Butler of Benetton, Reva. ,Snowdon and McKenzie of Carubray and Rev. Mr. Red, the burnt. Recitation. 1m given by Miss Katie Meaning, Hines. B. Mandyen and S. Wilson of III". The music was furnished by the Weodville choir. The attention end reception were sufï¬cient evidence of the â€predation of the anthem and the 50108 EDENâ€"MARIPCSA. KENNY'Sâ€"OPS- DUNSFORD. FINGERBOARD. BETHANY HARTLEY f good fat birds. and of excellent marks- a successful day.†Hostilities will rendered by Mrs. Real and Mr. C. E Weeks. Every person went away feeling that they had spent a pleasant and proï¬t- able evening. On the following Thursday a social was held and was not a whit be- hind the tea meeting in merit. The fol- lowmg took part and delighted the audience : Mrs. Real and Miss McPhaden of Woodville, Mr. and Miss Wilson cf Fenelon Falls, Mr. D. Gilchrist of Glen- arm, Misses Gilchrist, Wilson and Me- Free of Islay. The proceeds of the services amounted to about $80, which goes towards the building fund. The â€" -__.£-_L..RIA and gWB vavasvu qu -â€"_.._-_,. church is now very comfortable and attractive, a credit to the pastor and the board of trustees. The carpenter work was in the hands of Mr. Robert Morrow while the painting and kalsomining was done by Mr. Geo. McFadden of Lindsay, and the work as completed is evidence enough that the above gentlemen under- stand their business. NORTHWARD BOUND."~Our young men are now few, through several detach- ments going north to work in the lumber camps. The last was composed of Messrs. Hugh Gilchrist, Peter Gilchrist, John Moones and Rod McEachern. We wish them all success and a safe return, when (he lumbering season is over. LOCAL NOTESâ€"The great temperance meeting in Eldon on the 7th imam, was well patronized from here. “A good time†is the report ...... Mr. W . Camp- bell of Lindsay. Mr. W. Warren of Pales- tine and Miss Campbell of Woodville have been welcome guests in our midst. . . . . I .Sleighing is all gone and some of our local prophets are prophesying an open winter. medal to the Watchman. PERsox.\L.â€"Miss Bella Stevenson of Lindsay spent last week with relatives here ...... Miss Maggie Stevenson, who has been visiting here for some time, has started for the prairie province. We wish her a safe and pleasant journey. CHURCH Normsâ€"We are credibly in- formed that Mr. Weir has declined the call extended to him recently by St. Andrew’s congregation . . . . . .A lecture will be delivered in the school room of the church on Friday evening, the 17th inst., by the Rev. Gordon Smith of Glenarm, on the subject, “The fashions of to-day; their uses and abuses.†No doubt this will be a treat. Come all and enjoy your- selves. Tte proceeds will be devoted to ,,,‘I_ 1: flvllvao -â€"v ........ the Sunday school. Admission only 15 cents. ‘Mâ€"v" BETTER THAN EVERâ€"The social held at Mr. Simuel Todd’s on the evaning of the 9.h, was easily ahead of any other so far. The crowd was large, the program good and the proceeds about a fourth higher than at any of the previous ones. Everything was favourableâ€"the weather mild. the moon bright and the aleighing perfect. A large number were present from Penetang. W to the Wstchmul. GONEâ€"Though the sleighing was so ï¬ne on Thursday evening, the snow nearly all disappeared on Friday, leaving only an occasional bank by the fences, the remnant of the two feet: reported last week. "V‘sâ€"- PERSONALSâ€"Messrs. Wm. Robinson and Wilfred Todd of Uro. the guests of the latter’e uncle. Mr. H. G. Todd, are enjoy- ing a couple of weeks’ hunt. So far the foxes have pretty well eluded them. but better luck is hoped for next. week ...... Mr. Fred Archer ls home from L'xbridge for Christmas vacation. His friends here are pleased to see him back. ' m to a. WWII. PERSONALâ€"Mn. T. C. Bit-chard. accom- panied by Miss May Balladay, left Tues- day for her new home in Cobocouk. We hope to welcome tpem all back at ’Xmas. ,,,_-JLAM- . . r. Mr. Ed Bradbutn has returned home from the prairie province, where he spent the last few mopths. but intends going back in the spring. I wonder what is the attraction 2 BAsKE'r SOCIALâ€"Many of our young people attended the Bethe! basket social and report a capital time, as everything possible was done to entertain the crowd. Camemâ€"The Rev. Mr. McDonald of Blacketock occupied the Methodist pu1pit Sunday evening. taking for his text Matt. xv . 16 : “' Let your light so shine." from which he preached a very eloquent ser- mon. CANTATA.â€"L00k forward for the “can- tata†to be given by the choir Christmas eve; but we hope the Sunday school may have their entertainment some time in the near future. HUSTING.â€"-\Vbile Mr. William Magi“ and his twoaona, blasters Will and Rollie, and Dr. S. E. Porter were out hunting last week they were successful in éhooting seven red faxes and two necegns. 'XMAS ENTERTAINMENI.â€"The Metho- dist Sunday school here intend holding their annual entertainment on Christmas eve. There will be a Christmas arch and bell to hang the presents on. The musi. cal part will be a grand cantata given by the Sunday school scholars, large and small will take part. A pleasant time expected. Come one and all and bring your friends. Admission 15:. Tm; LIFE OF GLADSTOXE.â€"Ml'. Peter Rynn of Toronto will deliver his popular 'ecbure, “ The Life of Gladetone.’ in the Preebytetiau church on Friday evening oer, Dec. 17th, commencing ct 8.15 o’clock. NEW BUSINESS.â€"Mr. Thou. Grant he: opened out in Campbell’s block in harness and cutters. Mr. Grant in making a number of sales. LIGHT ON THE SUBJECT. â€"â€"Mr. A. J. Smith. agent for the Hamilton Acetylene Gas 00.. has placed one of rhose machines in a local store. and the light. afforded is giving general satisfaction. Mr. Smith has orders for several of these machines. Oped-.1 to the Vacuum SUCCESSFUL HOG Realmâ€"Mr. Dennis Hawkins is gaining quite a reputation throughout the province as a. successful breeder of Berkshire hogs. He recently sold a. few Berkshire hogs to Hon. Thos. Greenaway of Manitoba, and the other day shipped two to the Broekville asylum. Altogether he has sold seventy hogs the psstyeer. Mr. Howxins believes breed- ing from the best. and will in s few days have forwarded from Snell Bros. two sows sndr a hog. A few more men like Mr. Hawkins would very much add to the pro-perky of our community . RANDOLPHâ€"TINY JAN ETVILLE. WOODVILLE. SONYA kW5 Accmmz'rs.â€"As Mr. A. Campbell was leading a. colt. from ht. stable the animal reared up, coming down on Mr. Campbell, breaking three of his ribs ...... Mr. Wm. Teskey of Eldon came near losing his life last week. Whilst: felling a tree in the lumber camps he was struck by a fallinc tree and rendered mensible. He has returned home and is doing well. 174â€" LcLusuvu uv...v ..â€"_.. .. _-_ Go'r AN APPOINTMENT.:-Fr0m a Van- couver paper we learn that Mr. Jno. K. Campbell, formerly meichant tailor in Woodvflle, has received the appointment of tailor’e supply agent to the mounted police in the Yukon district. and has left for Skaszway. The interesting informa- tion if also tendered that he leaves his wife (nee Miss M. E Stuart of Woodviile) with a three weeke’ old daughter. been! to the wuchnnn. FARMERS’ INSTITUTEâ€"The farmers of Fenelon township held a regular conven- tion in Dickson's hall on Friday and Saturday last. A pleasant and proï¬table program was rendered and every person .m. n‘nnnnr‘ “naming those who could we; pleased. excepting those who could gain admission because of the press. Coomxo.â€"Miss L. L. Burnham, medal- ist and graduate of Toronto School of Cooking, gave an open lecture in Dick- son’s hall on Monday evening last. Her lecture and demonatratione were good and well appreciated, and in all prubabilxtv she will form a cooking class soon, it AL ‘32-; IHU "III LU.“ .- VVvâ€"uu Sncu L. â€"â€"The E. Lo 6% ‘the’ ' Methodist church held a social in the basement of the church on Tuesday last. A program â€"‘- unnAnvnA rnfrnnhmnntn served and uuv vuun vâ€" _..__- v was rendered refreshments served everybody had a Io_vely time. - _,-___ -_â€"Anl C'UL’UVU: unu- w --. -_J , VITASCOPE.â€"Edisou’e new invention, the vitaacope, was here on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, under the auspices of the Mechanics’ Institute. Ar. average crowd attended each evening and spent. a proï¬table time. The Mechanice’ always have eomething good. ' “ and. â€0'0 uvmv- u-uï¬ bvv ’XMAS TREE. â€"â€"On Monday, Dec. 20th. the Presbyterian Sunday scholjl purpose having a Christmas tree in Dickson’s ball. A two-act drama entitled “ The Last vuv upw- â€"_â€"__ ioaf,†will be menofi the special features of the evening. Admission 150. DRY-DOCKED.â€"Ml‘. J. A. Ellis’ palace DRY-DOCKED.-â€"Mr. J. A. Ellis' palace scow, the “ Chemong.†is at present; dry- docked here. She will undergo a medical examination and receive repairs during the winter. _ -, ___j Luv W auawa . Sammieâ€"On Monday afternoon and evening a number of skaters took advan- tage of the capital ice on Cameron lake. PERSONALs.â€"â€"Mrs. Joe. McArthur left on Tuesday to spend Christmas with her son Clare. who is attending the dental college in Detroit ..... Mr. E. McLelland of Bobcaygeon spent a few pleasant days in town last week. going home Monday.l Some say there was weeping and gnashiug of teeth, but- it requires evidence ...... 1 Miss E. Austin and Miss H J. Austin returned on Friday from the model school in Lindsay, and were followed on Satur- day by Mr. D. G. Campbell ..... Messrs. Thos. Rotson, J. A. Ellis, J. H. Brandon and W. McCall were wandering around Lindsay on Saturday last- ..... Mrs. Mc- Diarmid returned on Saturday, after an absence of a couple of weeks in Toronto and elsewhere Rev. Mr. Foster of Bobcaygeo; occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday, owing to the absence of Rev. T. P. Steele, who preached in Oakwood that day ...... Mr. Jas. Dickson. P.L.S.. is at present visit- ing friends tn Toronto. Fall Wheat: per bushel . . . . New wheat per bushel. . . . Eyfp Wheat 6.9 do_.,. . . . . Sbring Potatoes per bag ......... 0 00 50 any, POULTRY AND mum rnonch. Chickens, petpairum... 030 t0040 Ducks, per 1' ........... 040w060 Geese.perl ..;. 005t0006 Butterper ib........ ..... 014w316 Eggs,perdozen.... ....... 014 t0015 Turkeys perfo ...... .. ..... 0 08toO 09 Hogs, hve weight, per qwt 325 to 400 Lamb, per lb ............ 006 £0007 Dressed Hogs ............ 5 25 toOOO Beef ................. .. 4001:0500 Fat-man’ Hum. net 11). . . . . C 98 to 0 10 Farmer-3’ Hams per lb. . . Hay, per ton ............ 700to 800 Honey per lb .......... . 0 06 to 0 00 Creum per qt ........... 0 20w0 20 Sage per bunch .......... 0 05 to 0 05 Lard per lb ............ . . 09 to 0 10 Strut per load ........... 150t0250 Timothy ................. 1 25 to 1 85 Alaike ................... 4 00 to 5 00 Red clover ............... 4 00 to 4 50 Hidesâ€"Beef ........... 5 50 to 6 60 Woodâ€"dry, beach and maplo2ft. .......... 4001:0400 Tamamlong...... ....... 260w250 Tum-ac short ...... . . ..... 3 00 to 3 00 a It 5‘ Wheat. white.. Rye. . . . . . . Peal. . Barlev. . . One. . . wwmwmwmmm memmmoso we mmmmmmm ma%m%mmm o ..... o. -. Om Peal Barley Hsy. Stnw........ . . . Dreasedhogo. ....... Toronto Live Smack Market. Milchoows,oach.......$2400to$48 00 Export cattle, per out. . 3 50 to 4 00 Butchers 'choioeoatflcht 3 30 to 3 75 Butohara’ goodmttlmcwh 3 00 to 3 25 Butchers’com. cattle, owt 2 75 to 2 90 Bulk. perowt ......... 2 00 to 3 50 Feeders per own. ....... 3 25 to 3 50 Shockers per out ....... 2 50 to 3 25 Shea ,por out. ........ 3 (I) to 3 50 Buto on’ sheep ouch. . . 2 75 to 8 75 Spring lambs each" 4 00 to 4 50 Galvan, per head ....... 2 00 to 8 00 Chmce bacon hogs. cwt 4 60 to 4 75 Light fab hogs, pot owt.. 4 25 to 4 38 Thick fab hogl, per 018.. 4 25 to 4 35 Sonpercwt.......'.. 300m 325 Stmmm.........' 200m 205 Oilvai, per head ....... Chmce bacon hogs. cwt Light fab hogs, per owt.. Thick fat hogl, per out†Saws. percwt.. Stagmporcwt...... Toronto F armer’s Market. FENELON FALLS Lindsay Markets. oad ........... éé.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.' 7, beach and 2ft. .......... ’ng-uo .- ooooooo do do do do..... VEGETABLES. THE WATCHMAN; LINDSAY. THURSDAY DECEMBER 16TH, 1897 GENERAL. I010... WWWWï¬ 00000 mmmwm $ï¬mmw 00000 83033 hi 9.2424 3% 000000 mwmmmmmm wmmmmw%w 00000000 Eé‘icmthing PricesintheStlu P @ Wmm nga Great End of the Year Sale CORNER OF KENT AND WILLIAM STREETS. Gough’s December Program is destined to be the greatest end-of-the-year sensation in Clothing, Hats, Caps, Underwear and Winter Furnishings ever known in Lind- ...... say...... will reign all over the Big Store every day of every week from now until New Years. The public will do the scoring, and will mark this Tremendous Underl’rice Occurrence as the “Star†event of the last holiday shopping month of 1897. llillflmfl“I“lillllllllIllllllfllilmlfliflil: We might talk till doomsday about these new goods a never know how good and how cheap they really are. J. Gougï¬ THE WONDERFUL CHEAP MAN, LILLIPDTIAN PRICES ..Prosperity is Her-6.. mmmmmmIImIIIIImIImumumlmlnunmnlmum.LG mlmmmmunamiummuummm.uummuuluu:uumumumummmmmm new goods and our regular ï¬rst-class stock, regular ï¬rst-class stock, but unless you visit this store you’ll are striving to make this store indispensable to rich and man the following sample of closely-pruned prices : Stand from Under the Crash Gough’s purchasing power with ready cash has brought prices down to the level that no other store is able to reach. By a fortu- nate stroke of business, we secured at a ...... great snap. . . . . . Two Large Wholesale Stocks 2%: for this great holiday event from two of Montreal’s millionaire Clothing manufac- turers, noted for reliable goods, as follous: From Messrs. E- A. Small Co.â€" 900 Picked Win- ter Suits for Men,Youth’s and Boy ’5. LINDSAY, ONT. From McKeena, Thompson 8: Co. â€"the Cream of a superior line of Heavy Winter Overcoats and Ulsters . hwilibe Wm ca “with D; to 'the Jute Sheer his 3:?