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Woodville Advocate (1878), 9 Jan 1879, p. 5

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Anniversaryâ€"At the Presbyterian Sabbath School anniversary, New Year's night, there was a large attendance. , The Rev. John McNubb occupied the chair. Addresses were delivered by the Revs. F. Keem and E. H. Bauld, and Messrs. Bannermen and R. McNebh, interspersed with singing by Mr. Jam- ieson and the scholars. On being open-‘ .ed the missionary box was found to contain 866, which was voted as follows: .10 to the Plovinciu . S. Association, $l6 to Star Lake, Musnoka, 81510 the French Evangelimtion Society, and $26 to the Home Mission. Accidentâ€"£1» Thursday last, the en- - ine of the north bound train on the glidlsnd, sprang a rail, when within a mile and a hull' of Woodville Junction, letting scouple of cars off the track. Fortunately no great damage was done. The passengers werejurred considerable, among them, Mrs D. B. M chb, of this piece, who escaped with a few bruises. A gangof men and another engine were sent (mm Lindsay to get the train on the track again, and sue- ceeded in getting the wreck cleared in filefcrthe regulsr train on Monday. ‘ L08! in the Stormâ€"On Thursday evening a young man left- this village to go about a mile into the country, but altar golng about half way the storm was no violent that he got lost and after wondering about for a couple of hours he found himself in the vicinity of the village again, where he was forced to romnin over night. Personalsâ€"We were pleased to see our friend Dr. Robinson in town last week. Along with his brother, Mr. Jno. Robinson, Barrister, Toronto, he was blocked in here by mow, for a couple of days ...... .Mr. Reazin, School Inspector, was also detained here by the snow, on his way home from Orillia. ROWdyism.â€"Those young roughs of \Voodville me getting notorious. At the festival New Year's night they kept up such a racket that the speakers could not be heard. We are sorry to say some of them were the worse of liquor. Boys, boys, this is shameful! New Year's Day was very fine, and the aleighing splendid. Every avail- able horse and rig in the country was out. Everybody that could drove out oftown,and those that could not, mourn. ed because they had to stay at home. a v ”"‘ " ""I’l’ ""' All Accounts mung be settled this month by call or n “.4. A. Mitchell 85 Co. For the past few Sabbaths the pulp“ of the Pmsbyteriun Church has been occupied by a student. It will be a great boon to the congregation when they get a settled minister. luried.â€"Mr. John E. Nisbet, for“ merly on Tm: ADVOAA’IE staff, was on New Year’s day married to Miss: E. A. Wayling, of Sharon. \Ve wish Mr. and Mn. Nisbet many‘ years of happiness. Victimâ€"Several parties. have promis- ed to bring us wood in payment for subscriptions. They will oblige by (10' ing 80 before the end of this month. Our “ Ned ” says that a cold Church and a long sermon willdo more to send a man tn everlasting torment than it will to save him from it. The annual meeting of tho Eldon Branch Agricultural Society will be held in the Eldon House, on Saturday next, at 6 p. m. M the annual Schoolr Meeting, held yesterday, Mr. Duncan Carmichael was elected Trustee, for Woodville section. First Sale.â€"â€"Mr. Neil B. Campbell, agent for the “Champion," sold the first Reaper this season, this week. The Bailifl‘ gets all our unpaid accounts lltlJuly. -â€"J. A. Mitchell Co. Good Dried Apples 81.40 per Bushel, at Mitchell’s. Dentistry.~J. S. Neelands will be at tho “ Queen’s," on Tuesday next, 14th P. Sâ€"Acoounts are now ready and u we mt money, parties interested are request- ed to all tad nettle forthwith. .. _ A.C.C.Co. Our Mr. Cam bell has returned from Manual, where 8 made special purchases 0! geneml Dry Goods, Clan Tartan Dreu Goods, ac" together with a choice lot of Fruit.- uxd Genoul Groceries, whiéh buyers should inspect before purchasing, a hard pun prices will be quoted for cash. Soliciting under the new regime is continu- ation of the favors so liberally bestowed on u in the past, and wishing our numerous friends and pstrons, in spite of the hard times a “Merry Chg-fistulas and a Hsppy ”A- VA... " mn ...... New You," we remain, The subscriber: while grateful to a dil- ooruiéi! public for the liberal patronage be- stow on them in the past. beg to announce that on and after the first day of January, 1879. their books will be closed and positive- ly no credit given~excepting as per special nrnn ementâ€"believin thettbe true Nation- al [’0 my consists in t e adoption and car- rying out by individuels of the ” Pay as you no" oystem. Having tried the credit system to our hearte’ content, we renounce it an unmitigated evilâ€"as it ecta buyer and seller, eapeciully the Inter. Woodvme. Dec. 18th. 1678: mu. IA'I'I'EIS. ,. C. CAMPBELL é Co. ASH SYSTEM. LL indebted to DR. ROBINSON no , requested to settle their aoooute be- {are the 1571! or Juan" next, and save expense; Mr. Duncan Campbell in “thor- iled to receive payments and guilt receipts. Ctmo into the premism of the under- signed, Lot 6, Con. 15, Maripou, about the lat Nam, A RED HEIFER CALF. Owner can have by proving property and paying expenses. At the hour of One o’clock p. m.. for the purpose of receiving and disposing of the Annual report of Directors, and of electing office-bearers for the ensuing year. All members of the Sociétir are respect- fully requested to attend. -â€"OF THE-â€" North Victoria E. D. Agri- cultural Society, Will be held at GL ENA RM. on Wednesday. 15th Jan.. 1879. ANNUAL MEETING THE ELEVENTH Willbe held in the “ELDON HOUSE, ” WOODVILLE, on Saturday newt, 511th Inst" At 6 o 'clock ...m for the purpou of receiv- ing Annual sports and elcc'ing otfioon for the ensuing year. ("HE Annual Meeting of the Annual Meeting. The owner can have him by proving property and paying expenses. _ ROBT. ADAM. Woodvfllg, Dec. 18th, 187 .' A SORREL HORSE, Aged. At his father's residence, Mnripou, on Saturday, 4th inst, Mr. Willim Brown, aged 28 years. At the residence of the bride's mother, Sharon, on Jan. lst, by the Rev. J. Gray, M. A.. Mr. Jno. E. Nisbet, Lindsay,” Miu Emma Wayline. DIED. At his residence, Beaverton. on Jan. 311'], Henry White, P. L. S.. formerly of Toronto. BEXLEY. For Councillorsâ€"Peter Cameron, 82 ; John King, 74; \Villiam Peel, 64; Thomas Grandy, 62 ; Capt. Carson, 44; Thomas \Vintm', 23; Chas. McInnis, 18; Edward Lytle, 17. JOHN MCTAGGAR'I‘, Secretary. Kirkfleld, 3lst Dec., 1878. Another Snow Blockadeâ€"Oz; Thurs- day last, it started to snow and blow again, and by night the railways were all blocked up. The Nipissing train due here at 7.15 p. m., did not arrive until 11 e. m. next day, and we receiv- ed no mails from any direction until nine o'clock Saturday night. The man- agers of the Nipissing Railway are to be congratulated on the indomitable energy displayed by them. The snow plow was sent north as soon as the road Was found to be blocked, and by work ing night and day succeeded in reaching Coboconk on Sunday morning. The N ipissing and Grand Trunk east were the only lines running into Toronto on Saturday night. The regular trains commenced running on time Monday morning. As soon as the break on the Midland could be fixed, the trains be. gun to run to the Junction, but it is reported that all trains north of that station are cancelled until spring. ELDON BRANCH Agricultural Society I ‘ G. W. MILLAR. Secretary. Woodvillo. J an. 6th, 1879. The North Riding Agricultural Soci- ety annual meeting will be held at Glenfirw, on Wednesday next, 15th inst., at l p. m. Congre stional Meeting.â€"â€"A meet-~ ing was he d in the Presbyterian Church, on the 2nd inst, for the purpose of moderating ins call to a minister. Rev. J no. McNubb, of BeaVerton, presided, and Mr. J. C. Gilchrist acted as clerk. On motion of Mr. Colin McCusig, sec- onded by Mr. John Gunn, it was un~ animously resolved to extend a call to the Rev. J as. Cameron, of Chslswortb. The following committees were then appointed : to frame reasons for the translation, Messrs. Donald Grant, J no. McDonald and A. C, Campbell ; to pro- secute the call before the Presbytery of Lindsay, Messrs. \Vm. Reid, J. Gunn and J. C. Gilchrist; commissioners to Presbytery of Owen Sound, Rev. John MoNabb and Mr. Donald Grant. 109-4in-pd. AME into the remixes of the subscriber Lot 4. 14th 11., Mariposa, gm gaverttsmmts. T312” UP! #6272211”. ASTRAY. MARRIED. ROBT. JOHNSON. ‘ 2:30., for large box, $3.00. or 4 boxes for was“: 3: “123i! .0 my part of United 0! n on map. 0 ' e. or 1) mm, C. 0. D. Addrou. pm y “I t ROBBINS, _ W Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. I PERMANENTLY CUREDâ€"no humbug one month’s usage of Dr. Goularcl’s Celebrated Infsllible Fit Powders. To con- vioe sufferers that these powders will do 41 m claim for them, we will send them by nil, post paid. a free trial box. As Dr. Godard is the only physician that bu ever .do this disease a special stud , and as to our knowledge thousands have ' \n perm» neatly cured by the use of these powders, a Will guarantee a permanent cure in ever cone, or refund you all money ex nde . All sufl‘en should give these pow rs an early trial, and boconvinced of their enm- h‘Ve powers. FITS EPIL EPSY, "-0 Râ€" Falling Sickness Address: LOUIS BAGGER 00., (an of Patents and Attorneys at L: Droit Building, Wmmxmmm D. C. htifms, at Washington :Hon. Jose In Case; 1m Chief Justice U. 8 Court at aim; to the ofliciala of the U. 8. Patent Office, and to Senators and Members of Congress from every State. -..-vâ€".-. w- uv patentmvility, free of charge, and all who are interested in new invention. and Pntents Ire invited to send for a co of our “ Guido for obtaining Patents,” which is sent free to my “dress. and contains complete instructions how 00 obtain Patents. and other valunble I‘m. We refer to the German-Amelie": N‘tional Bank. Washington, D. C. ; the Royal SWedish. Norwegian, and Daginh Leg- hH..-- .‘ m-..L:.__4.-_ , £06, and who have, theréfa'érto employ “ associate attornevs." We mnke prelimin- uy exami :utions and fumiah op_ini_9naAal to _‘L-_A_4 3‘! AA Obtained for Inventors, in the United States Umda. and Europe.» reduced rate: With our principal oflice in locamd in Washington), gigctly oppositgthe United States Patent Oflco 'weâ€" ure abk to attend to all Patent Business with greater promptneu and dea- pateh and less cost, than other patent attor‘ myl, who are at | distance from Washing 6n- " ‘ - a...) -.L_ L-_-- Al In connection with P ATE N'l-S|I the ScientificAmer; icon, Messrs. Mum: C0, are experience. and now have the largest establishment in in the world. Patents are obtained on the beat terms. A special notice is made in the Scientific American of all Im'ent'ions patent~ ed through this Agency, with_the name and residence of the Patentee. ' By the immense circulation thus gchn, public attention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction often easily efl'ectel. Any person who has made a new diseov~ e or invention, can ascertain, free of charge w ether a patcrt can probably be obtained, by writing to the undersigned. \Ve also lend Iree our Hand Book about the Patent Lowe, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their coats, and how procured, with hints for frocuring' advances on inventions. Adreas or the Prper, or concerning Patents, MUN N e 00., 37 Park Row, New York. Brunch Oflice, Cor. F 7th Ste, 'I-V alv- Terms, 83.20 per year, SI 60 half year. which includes postage. Dicount toAgents. Sin 16 copies ten centv. Sold by all News- dejers. Remit. by postal order to Munu 00., Publishers, 37 Park Row. New York. Scientific American. THIRTY-FOURTH YEA It. Only $3.20 a year, including Postage. Weekly. 52 numbers a year. 4,000 book pages. Tm: SCIENTIFIC Alntux is: large First. Class \Vcekly NeWspaper of Sixteen Pages, printed in the most beautiful style, profusely Illustrated with splendid engravings, represent. ing the newest Invention and the most re- centAdvauces in the Arts and Sciences ;in- cluding New and Interesting Facts in Agri- culture, Horticulture, the Home, Health. The most valuable practical papers, by em~ inent writers in all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American ;’ If you want money to buy more land, to pay off a mortgage or other debts, we would advise you to see the reduced terms of the Canada Permanent loan and Savings Com- pany, which has made more loans to farmers or the last twentpthree years than any other You can get any time you want to repay, up to 20 years, The full amount of the loan is advanced, no deduction being made for commission, payments in advance or expences. For further particulars apply to J N O. C. GILCHRIST. N. B.â€"â€"Dr. MoKny's varied and extensive experience in the Hospitals of England and Scotlandâ€"tho four Diplomas which he holds from the best Colleges of the Mother Coun- try in addition to his Csnsdisn Degrees should be a sure guarantee of his efficiency. t? PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR. PROF. LISTER’S Appliances and apps!» etna for the Antiseptic - stem of Treatment now adopted by all the ending Surgeons of Europe on hand. L. R. 0. 8., BBIIIURGH. (ucxsnux novu‘ cause: or PHYSICIANS, an melamine or ROYAL casual or summons.) GYNIECOLOGYâ€"(Diseasos peculiar to Women) practiced in Hospitals exclusively devoted to Diseases of Women in London and Edinburgh made A SPECIALTY. At her residence on King St, next door to Mr. McSweyn’s. Pu ile can be attended at there own residence i required. Hush Lesson: on tho Org» Ofioeâ€"King-at., Woodville. 3" TE R MS MODERATE. MISS H. G. STOTT PATENTâ€"S MCKAY, M. 1)., Cure for 33rd. Times. is now prepared to gin . Row, New' York. th St... \Vushington D, c. P. and 106 For “ THE ADVOCATE,” only $1 per year if paid in advance. A new story next week. Mr. J. S. Leedham having erected a Photo-‘ graphic Gallery over McLeod’s New Bakery. ’1 he is prepared to do all kinds of Photograph- § work including COPYING and ENLARGING. l SUBSCRIBE .' Phatagraphy! Photogra ph; The BEST 50 cent TEA in town. TRY IT NEW CAKES CONFECTIONERY McLEOD‘S NEW BAKERY. THE ‘HONEY’ IMPROVED PANNING MILL Best and most Complete Mill M; ufactured in the Dominion. We would respectfully call the attention of 9!: MILL now made :1: our worlm In the office lately occupied by THE AnvocA'm. W Enlarging and copying old pictures a. specialty. Call and see him. New Gallery, opppglte the ‘3 Northern Hotel. As Cheap as the Cheapest. Frames of all descriptions oq hand. Enlargmen Photograph Card, Cabinet, Rustic and Grecian Rustic, all sizes. A large stool of Chromoa, Steel and Stone Engravings, Monographs, Foliograpbs, and a larg collection of Mottoes, cnromo and perforated, from b‘cta. up. All wanting fume will do well to leave their orders at once. Glass of all sizes in stock. Would beg to notify the public that he has opened a store in R. CAMPBELL’: NEW SHOP, first door east of the “ N archer-n Hotel," where he is prepared to do Woodville, Ont., Dec. 3lat, 1878. N. S. SHERMAN. lg about to commence the Photografhic business the public in reneral that on an a ter Monday all kinds of Pfiotographic work, M; his PHOTOGRAPHY I EEDH AM’S NEW GALLERY. Agricultural Works New Opening KINDS OF PICTURE FRAMING IS NOW IN FULL BLAST. We ”ask IN WOODVILLE. our friend: and to far.” My h . nMcFADYEN, 'â€"A FULL groan 05...... It is undoubtedly a, .hic business in WOODVILLE. would intimte1 ter Monday next, he will be prepgrod to oxecm of the farming mm to In EARN 1N1 rorks. This null In knowu a: - 8- SH ERMA Charges m‘

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