P. S.â€"-Accounts are now ready and as we want money, parties interested. are request~ ed to call and settle forthwith. A. C. C. Co. It requires a great dial of “ grit." get up early now. The good Templars go to Beztvertou on Friday to pay a visit to theil Breth- eren at. that place. Our Mr. Campbell has returned from Montreal. where he made special purchases ul general Dry Goods, Clan Tartan Dress Goods, 8:0,. together with a choice lot of Fruit: and General Groceries. which buyers should inspect before purchasing, as hard pan prices will be quoted for cash. Report of Eldon Agricultural Society meeting will be found in another col- umn. 23†Eystem. Having tried the credit system to our hear-w content, we pronounce it an unmitigated evilâ€"as it affects buyer and seller, especially the latter. Soliciting under the new regime a continu- ation of the favors so liberally bestowed on us in the past, and wiahiug our numerous friends and patrons, in spite of the hard times a “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,†we remain, Why dont the Band stmt their Penny Readings? IS often asked us. W's hope they will take the matter up at. once. Th0 Missionary Meeting held in the basement of the Presbyterian Church, on Tuesda y evening was pcorl y attended. Stirring addresses were (Iélivered by the Revs. E. Cnckhurn and \V. J. Smyth. 10v. J. McNuhb occupied the cinnr. At the Presbytery meeting held here on Tuesday last, there was a good at» tendnnce of ministers and elders. A call from the Woodvillo congregation to†the RV. J. Lunoron, of Chat-swnrth, signed by 243 members and 9.08 mi- herents, was sustained. A call from Cnnnington to Rev. Iolin Fletchemvnw also sustained, and Mr. Fletcher tele- graphed to. llensked for a few days to consider. A call from Snnderiand and Vromanton, to Rev. Mr. Bnrrmas handed in, but for some cause was set aside. The subscribers while gnteful to 3 dia- cernin‘f public for the liberal patronage be- stows on them in the past, beg to uiuouuce tint on and after the tint day of J anuury, 1879, their books will be closed and positive- ly no credit givenâ€"excepting as per special arrau ementâ€"believin thatthe true Nation- al Poï¬cy consists in t e adoption and car- ryipg out by igrdividnalg of the “ lfoy as you Grainâ€"Considerable gmiu is coming in now, and should the Weather cuu~ tinue ï¬ne we may expect a slight re» viva] of lu.sincss. Farmers’ sleighs when they go through King Street are as thickly covered with boys as a molaases cask with flies in hot weather. Business is very dull at present,-â€"- just the time tn advertise Maury is scarce and everybody is lacking around - New Openingâ€"Mr. N. S. Sherman, has started lmaimrssin Mr. Rod. Camp» hell's New Store, Manufacturing Pic~ hire Frmnvs, and selling pictures, chromos, frmncs, and in face everything in that line. Call and inspect his Splendid stock. The merry jingle of sleigh bells. the sparkle of the crystal snow in the lnm~ hent light. of the moon, and the couï¬d ing creature that, Meatles closely to him beneath the buffalo robes, tenderly claspiug his lt'fb hand in hers, while his light. holds the reins, constitute the winter night’n pOcm that, is flolatiug tln'ough the doting lover's soul, and leaves him in doubt. whether to let go long enough to get. his handkerchiel out. or draw his coat sleeve across his nose. to sen where they c511 procul'uvthc best bargains. _ The bankrupt Stock of Mr. D. Sidey lla‘s been purcluu-xed by Mr. Archibald Campbell, of this place and removed to his own block, one door east. of the ymt'oflice. Accidentâ€"A young son of Mr. Rod. Campbell wasrlun over by a farmers' sleigh this week. Afthough the little fellow was not seriously hurt, it is a wonder how he escaped. _._The Annual Sabbath Schoool Conven- tion of the Lindsay Presbytery, Will he held at Beaver-ton, on 'IZnexduy. Fel» rnary 4th. All Sunday School workers are oorgially invited. The pulpit of the Presbyterian Church was ï¬lled lust Sabbath by Mr. lean-y, at student. from Knox College. Toronto. His sermons were pithy and Well deli'v- next. Sabbath. Error.â€"-'l‘hronghu misprintlast week we made Messm. J. A. Mitchell 61.003» special say that. all accounts would be placed in the hands of the Buililf on the lac Julv. It should have been the lab Fem-wary. \Voodville. Dec. 18th. 1678. ï¬. 03. @muphrll 8: 60. u\ xv“. ,- W‘ THE CASH SYSTEM. The Rev. Mr. Burr will preach “CAI. DIA'I'TBBb'. A. C. CAMPBELL «9 Co. The annual meeting of the Eldon B. Agricultural Society, was held at the “ Eldon House," on Saturday, 11th Jnuuary, 1879. The following oï¬oers were elected zâ€"Auditom for 1878, Ira Argue and Dennis Hawkins ; President, Donald Grant ; Vice-Pnesident,William Ashman ; Treasurer, J no. G. Gilchrist; Secretary, G. W. Miller; Directorsâ€"â€" Sidney McKenzie, John Campbell, Ira Argue, J. J. Fee, Duncan Campbell, J as. Stuart, Donald McIntyre, Lachlan Cameron, jr., and Angus McEachern. 'l‘he Auditots’ report for 1878, showing a balance on hand of $108.50, was read and adopted. Messm Andrew Morri~ son and Dennis Hawkins \vem appointr ed Auditors for 1879. On motion the Secretary and Treasurer were ordered .to be paid their usual salary for 1878. 2nd Deputy Reeveâ€"T. Broad, 299, W. Foams 173 _I:{. Rodgers, 19; Councillomâ€"E.Bowes,v254 ; A; For- guson, 234; W. Lowusbrough, 267 ; N. McCorvie, 155 ; \V. Stewart, 113. The election for Councillor in Ward No. 2, Eldon, resulted in the return of Mr. Wm. Ashman. Mr. Robt. Ann- atmng was elected for \Vard No. 3. The old Council are all roâ€"elocwd. The following are the correct. returns for the Township of Mariposa: For Reeveâ€"Robert Adam, 334 ; R. Irwin, 227 ; lat Deputy Reeveâ€"James link, by acclamution. A Directom meeting Was also held on Saturday evening, at which it was movâ€" ed by J as. Stuart, seconded by William Ashman, that the Treasurer be authorn izecl to pa;- Donald Grant and Duncan Campbell the interest due to each of them on the amount of their claims.â€" Moved by Jas. Stuart, seconded. by S. McKenzie, that G. C. Smith be paid $10, for balance of fence account, as submitted. Both motinnu were carried and the meeting adjourned. At the 00mm Hovs'm. in the Town of Lindsay, on TUESDAY, Januiauzy 28th; 115279, County (flcrk‘n Ofï¬ce. Lindsay, Jan. 13, 1879. The ommr can have him b) proving property and paying expenses. ROBT. ADAM. Fall “meat... Spring “'heut, Barley. .. guts, .. Music Lssgons on the Organ l'arues getting their Auction Bilk printed 94’. _t_hig ofï¬ce will be entitled to [no notice in Tm: ADVOCATE. A SORREL 11016819, Aged. The best holiday present- is to send a relative notice that vou have paid for him or he:- a year’s subscription to THE ADVOCATE, and all through the yea;- when at number arrives, " that friend will have a. new reminder of your kind- mass. Monday, Jan. 20th. Under Chuttel Mort- gage, the gomls and chattels of Mr. Arch. McLean, Lot 8, Can. 4.. I‘homh. 7'1). Ross, Auctioneer - Saturday, Jan. 18th. Leas McNeill’s sale of Waggoner. Buggies, Sleighq, Cutters. c., at their Wareruoms in “'oodville. XV. A. Silverwood, Auctioneer. Saturday, Feb. 131;. Sale of \Vatchoa. 1t Beaverton. J. A. Ducett. Auctioneer. See advertiSumeut. Peasv Jggs Pork: Hay. Potatoes, Butter, At her reaiflenco'on King St, next door to Mr. McSwoyn'n. Pupils can be attended at there own residence if required. C 0 HA 6’15 01511012572 COUNTY COUNCIL! At 2 o'clock, p.lu., pursuant to Statute. W TERMS MODERATE. Parties getti'qg _thoirf_\»l_\c§i§n Bilï¬ printagd \VOODVILLE FARMERS' MARKET. lflflAin-pd. MISS H. G. STOTT ‘om’ouwnox OF THE COUNTY OF ' VICTORIA. .w A ME into the premiacs of the subscriber Lot 4. ch (10"., Mnriposa, ï¬lm Saveriisemmts. ELDON B. A. SOCIETY. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. is now prepared to give ls hereby given that the AUCTION SALES. ASTRAY. NOTICE “'ill meet in the T. MATCH ETT, County Clerk. w.wmmw 55M%m 00000 10 Roll 13 110-2 075 ‘ G30. Turner's Watch. â€chmâ€"Silver open- Iace . Donald Bruce, English Watch, 75¢“.â€" Silver open-faced. Cheque 80.â€"-Sil\'er Hunting Cue \Vntch, MAâ€" Parties may reclaim Watches before date of Sale. on paying amount of repairs md coats to Auctioneer. JOHN A. DUCE’I‘T. lst of February, 1879. At 4 o’clock. p. m, a number of Watch" left by the following persons for repairs and which repairs have not been paid nor Watches claimed. Cum into the premises of the under~ signed, Lot. 6, Con. 15, Mnriposa, about the 13!: Nov., A RED HEIFER CALF. Under Mochcnlca' Lola Act. Owner can have by proving property and paying expenses. LL indebted to DB. ROBINSON no _ requested to settle their accounts be- fore the 15m 0! JANUARY next, end save expenses. Mr. Duncan Campbell is author- ised to receive payments and grant receipts. \Voodnlle, Dec. 18th, 1878. If you want money to buy more land, to pay off a mortgage or other debts, we would ulvise you to see the redqu terms of the Canada. Pennauent loan and Savings Com. y, which has made more loans to farmers or the last twenty-three years than any other You can get any time you want to repuy, up to 26) years, The full nmount of the loan is advanced, no deduction being made for commission, payments in MlVance or expences. For further particulars apply to Obtained for Inventors, in the United States Canada and Europe.“ reduced rates \Vith our principal ofï¬ce is located in Washington, directly opposite the United States Patent Ollico We are able to attend to all Patent Business with greater promptness and dea- patch and lens cost. than other patent attor- neys, who are at a distance from \Vashiug ton. and who have, therefore, to employ " associate attormws." We make prelimin- ary examinations anil furnish opinions as to THIRTY-FOURTH YEA it. Only $3.20 a year, including Postage. \Veckly. 52 numbens a year. 4,000 book pages. Tm: Scmxrmc Afllfltltmfl in large First- Clm \Veckly New: apcr‘of Sixteen Pages, printed in the most autilul style, profmely illustrated will: splendid engraci nga, represent- ing the newest InVention and the most re- centAdvances in the Arts and Sciences ;in- cluding New and Interesting Facts in Agri- culture, Horticulture, the Home, Health. The most valuable practical papers, by em- inent. writers in all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientiï¬c Amcrican ; pa'tentu' ility, free of charge; and all who are Interested in new inVcntions and Patents are invited to send for a copy of our “ Guide for obtaining Patents,†which is sent free to any lddrcss, and contains complete instructions how to obtain Patents. «ml other valuable nntmr. We rcfm- to tho (icrman- American National Bank. “’nshington, D. 0.; the Royal Swmlish, Xqirn'egian. and Danish Leg- ntiuns. at \Vnshington; Hon. Joseph Casey. late Chief Justice U. 3 Court of Claims; to the ofliciala at the U. S. Patent (Mice, and to Senators and Members of Congress from every State. Terms, $3.20 per year, 31 60 half year, which includes postage. Dicount toAgents. Sin 10 copies ten ccntr. Sold by all New:- de crs. Remit by ostal order to Mnnn 00., Publishers, 37 y’ark Row. New York. V -- v v-_v---...v..u-v- 7 icnn, Messrs. Muss C0, are experience. cud now have the largest establishment in in the world. Patents are obtained on the beat terms. A special notice is made in the Scientific American of all InVo-ntious patent- ed through this Agency, with the mine and residence of the l’atentee. By the immense circulation thus given, public attention is directed to the merits of the new patent,and sales or introduction often easily efl'eete l. Any person who has made a new discov- c or invention, can ascertain, free of charge w lethcr a patert can probably be obtained, by writing to the undersigned. \Ve also send [rec our llaml Book about the Patent Law, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their coats, and how procured, with hints fo.‘ Address: LOUIS BAGGER a; 00., Solici- tors of Patents and Attorneys at Law, Lo Bruit Building, Wasnmamn, D. C. "The Advodate.†ML'NN'5L(1O., 37 Park Row, ix'éw'mrk Branch 0mm (hr. F 827;}: 8â€,, PATENTS. Droctiring advances on inw- ntions. Adress tor the l'rper, or cnncernjnvr Patents. Scientiï¬c American. ‘ Auctibneer. Beavorton,Jan. 11th, 1879. R. G. W. VANZANT be a to mneunco that he will sell by Pub in Auction at .6 Hamilton Home, in the Village of Be» voxtou, on Saturdsy, the SALE! PATENTS Cure for Hard. Times. @311" UP! SUBSCRIBE FOR .21 82253.71 1’: JNO. C. GILCHRIS’I‘. G. W. VA NZANT, .‘T. Watchmaker. ROBT. JOHNSON. In vonnection with the Scientiï¬cAmer- \Vas‘tiilgtnn D. C. In the ofï¬ce lately occupied by Tax ADVOCATE. .3- Enlnrging and copying old pictures a specialty. Call and see him. Charges model Being about to commence the Photogrzrhic business the public in general that on an tor Monday all kinds of Photographic work, at his New Gallery, oppos1te the Call and inspecthis New Stock general Groceries. Great in- ducements For Cash. THE ‘HONEY’ IMPROVED PANNIN G MI] We would respectfully call the attention of the farming oomlnnhy to tho FANNI MILL now made at our works. This mill to known on Best and most Comï¬lete‘ Mill Man ufactured in the Dominion. The BEST 50 cent TEA in town. TRY I' WHITE . Any party Wishing to purchase GOOD ORGAN can hear- or a advantageous Oï¬â€˜er by applying 3 THE ADVOCATE Ofï¬ce. NEW CAKES CONFECTIONER‘. McLEOD‘S NEW BAKERY CAI AVING TAKEN MORE FIRST PRIZES THAN ANY OTHER, AN] INVARIABLY RECEIVES THE HIGHEST RECOMME DATIONS‘ \VIIENEVER AND WHEREEVER IT 18 BROUG T INTO COMPETITION WITH OTHER MILLS. ' Fall and! Wing? Dry @st, PHOTOGRAPHY ! T . C. GlLCHRIST Agricultural Works, IS NOW IN FULL BLAST. We ask our friends and the fax-non generally to A. MCFADYEN, ..._-â€".A FULL STOCK OF- It in undoubtedly to \VOO DVILLE STORE in WOODVILLE. would intimatm next, he will be prepsred to exocm ‘.‘ Northern Hotel,‘