Send us the N8W8.â€"-\Vlien anybody gets married, dies, runs away, strikes a rich gravel or quartz mine, steals any» thing, builds a house, makes a big sale, whips a man (or his wife), breaks his leg, or gets the senses kicked out, of him by a colt, or does anything remarkable qteals for instance, a million dollars wand you have reason to helieve you know as much about; the occurrence as anybody else, don’t wait for some other person to report, it, or trust us to find it out by instinct, but, come and tell us l ofit or send us the facts on a postal card, This is the way new; is f‘urnisll~ 0d, tad it takes a good supply of that. necessary article to make up a gocd home popor. See if you can improve and lot us know every item of interest “it Mpil'ea in your. neighborhood.. The annual meeting of the Woodvillc branch of the British and Foreign Bible Society, was held in the lmm-nmntz of the Presbyterian Church. last; \lenesr day evening. The attendance was very small. Tlm agent of the society, Rev, J. G. Manly, (lelivm'ed it very interest,» ing address. The clmir Was lillnd by the Rev. Mr. Burr, who made it law appropriate renmrks, and closed the meeting with the benediction. The Band Concert has been postpon" ed for one week. but. will come ofl‘ on the 13th 01 February without. fail. The boys say they are going to have 'somea thing new and startling at it, but they are very mysterious over it and won’t tell anyboby. But if we can ï¬nd it, out by next week we will tell you. Blockadeâ€"The N ipissing and Midn land Railways have been again block. :tded. No mails passed north from Saturday until yesterday, and the train from the north did not reach here until Tuesday, being three days late. The Midland was completely blocked north of the Junetiml. Hymenial.â€"â€"\‘»'e are informed on the best authority that Mr. Peter Grifï¬n-(l, mailâ€"carrier, carter, «in, intends taking unto himself a better lmlf, sometinw next week. \Ve don't know the lady, but we wish them all happiness. ' The Madaâ€"The lute thaw has ren- dered the made very had. in fact ul- most impassable. Had the “pitch holes†been ï¬lled during the hard weather a large amount of the present danger and inconvenience might have been avoided. Lecturesâ€"Herr Mark Mendelson, the Phrenologist, gave two Lectures in Spencer Hall, on Monday and Tuesday evenings last. Both Lectures were very intereSting, but were not well attended, the audience on the second night being very small. Insurance.â€"â€"3\Ir. Geo. 1}. FUN ham, agent, for the “ Lzulcu "Standard,"“Watertown Agricnll “Confederation Lira,†and “Ac of Canada" Insurance Co’s. is in Lookaor his advertisement. Severe Storm.~â€"Last Saturday one of the most violent storms oi the season took place. It blew a perfect hurricane, accompanied by blinding sheets of snow and rain, causing 21 complete tics-satin!) of all business and tmtiic. Néw Stowâ€"Read the advertisement; of Mr. \Vm. Henry in another column. He is selling goods renmldmbly clump. ConVenll0n.-â€"The Presbyterian Sal)- lmtll School Convention will be heltl in the Presbyterian Church, Beaverlon, on Tuea'l‘lny next, February 4th. ‘ Tth.-â€"-Since the late storm we have been treated to) a slight. thaw, which although lusting but. :1. short time cur~ ......... v v-ulu ried aWay cnmsidcmhle of the snow Taxes. â€"The Tax~Collector for Eldon is moundâ€"look out for him. Remember the 14th. A splendid 88801 talent; of V alentinen, at Shetl’nau 3, cheap P. S.-â€"~Accoputs are novi ready and as We want money, parties interested are request» ed to call and, settle forthwith. A. C. C. 8!. Co. “r--j‘3n “ .5.. __Â¥_ Soliciting under the new regime a continu- ation of the favors so libaraily bestowed on us in the past, and win-hing our numerous friends and patrons, in spite of the hard times a. “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,†we remain, Our Mr. (kuuplnc'd -lms returned from Montreal, wlurru hu made special fim-chasus of general Dry (-‘umhs, Clan 'l‘nrtau Dress Goods, c.. tugether with a choice lot of Fruits and General Groceries, which buyers should inspect. before purchasing, as hard pan prices will be quoted for cash. Tho subscribers while gmteful to a dis- curuin I public for the liberal patronage he. atow on them in the past. beg tn auununce that on and after the liwt day of January, 1879, their hunks will be closed and positive- ly no credit givenâ€"~exceptim: as per special arrau unwnt-~-lmlicving tlmtthe truu Natimr 3.! Po icy consists in the adoption and car- rying out by individuals of the “ Pay as you go†system. Having tried the credit system to our hearts' calm-Mt, We prmmuncc it an unmitigated uvil â€"«us it alfccts buyer and seller, especially the latter. “'oodvillc. Dec. 18th, 1678 TH E CASH SYSTEM. mun. unynns. 5. @zmmbei! ('30. atertown Agricultural C. CAMPBELL ¢ 00‘ and “ Accident .Futher mo. LamCushir e†town. lemn has voted $264,567 in bonuse- since 1864, which requires $7,416 to be raised annually for sinking {and and inter- est. The rate of taxation in the town is ‘23 mills on tho. Gallon. Regular AdverliSers.â€"We commend the following, taken from an exchange. to the consideration of some of the business men of W’oodville:â€"-â€"“ Take it as a rule, the constant advertiser is tho onn who (‘00:; n proï¬table business, and , not tlmone who flashes his unnounca- mouts at irregular intervals upon the public. A uwrohant shuts a business. puts up his sign, and ho keeps it there continually. Ho would be considemd a ram uvis indeed, if he Would pull down his Sign when business was dull, and put it up again when business livoned up. Still, that is the plan of some advertisers. They make a good show for a few times, hanging out :1 nice sign, telling people where to ï¬nd l thom, and what they have for sale, and when trmlo slackens thoy pull in their sign, and take a nap until better times awaken them. We think our adveru tigers. thoao who wish to make the use of printers’ ink pay them. would ï¬nd it more proï¬table to have Regular, year- ly cards running, changing them iron quenlly to prevent them from getting aialo,then make their special announce» merits in separate adrertlaoments when ready to do so." trnction of windows 1)? dogs is getting very frequent and not until some sharp lessons have been bestowed will people become more careful about leaving their animals at home. Windows Brokenâ€"0n Monday last .the door windows of Mr. Don McLeod’s store were broken by a dog which had followed its master into the shop. The animal finding itself shut in, made a leap at one window, but failing to get through, although he hroke it, made a dash at the other shivering the glass into a thousand pieces. “’9 haw not‘ heard whether the owner of the animal paid for the damage done. but we think he should he made to do so. The (les« Manitoba.â€"-Mr. Prittie, of the Man- itoba. Laud olï¬ce, Ton-Onto, will start with a large party of settlers for Win~ nipog, on the 26th of March, next.â€" (lther parties will start each ten days thereafter. Any one who wants to move to Manitoba will do well to go with him. Those who wish circulars giving all particulars can get them by sending to him with a 3ct. stamp; DAVID SIDEY’S wmkrmpd Slack! Boots and Shoes at your Own prices ARCH. CAMPBELL selling at 10mm? Tho emu-can have him!) proving prg'perty and flying expenses. Romy ADAM. A SORREL HORSE, Aged. job done. F Cannington, will be at the “ Eldon House,†Woodrille, EVERY WEI). N ESDAY afternoon and SATURDAY fore- man, And will be prepared to do everything in his line. Now is the time to gei‘n good ink Anna Shaving and Egflumng. GENERAL FIRE AND L ‘E INSUR ' ANUE. AGENT. ll? INSURES nothin but F arm Property and primate ,residenc It not only pays all losses by ï¬re, but for mage done by Light- ning. whether ï¬re ens! s or not. It pays for live 9tock killed by htning anywhere on the (Arm. Park, Hay, Potatoes, Butter, FalliWheat,... Spring “'heat, Barley. Oats, Peas .. Eggs. In Mariposa, on the 22nd inst, at the resi- dence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. J. A. Jewell, B. A., Mr. Jan. Kinuee, to Miss Mary Jane Lilico. In Mariposa, on the 22nd inst:q at the resi- dence of the bride's father, by the Rev. J. A. Jewell, B. A., Mr. Amos Hawking, to Miss Hannah Marin Strickland. â€#9?“ Loan at 2.91%“: am: AME into 0 premises of the anhsqriher 1M4 Itâ€. 1'... nunu‘ WOUDVILLE mam: MARKET. Elm- ï¬xdmr‘ï¬ï¬‚}ï¬g .FQTHERINGHAM \ASTRAY. ’._ ARJLSTRONG, at Tn; A DVnCATN (mice. WOODVILLE. ON’P‘ TERTUWN AGRICULT MAIRIIID. 3 50 to 4: 00 7 00 to 9 00 40 to 0 00 10 Roll 13 A L $1,053,157.60 8100, 00!). 0« W40 8 pl nl 000 SUBSCRIBE FOR-THE ADVO. GATE ONLY 81 PER ANNUM IF PAID IN ADVANCE. - 102 When you can gay 1;“ you want up to half the actual cashgv u ' of ynnr pmpcrty from 2 to 20 years a par cent, payable at the en of and: year. Do you want my to pay nll‘ n. mnrtgau To build ane house or 1mm. To clenr mor land. To buy mor stock or Implmncntn. To fence or hmlerdmin. To buy Inqiher farm. Do you want to sell of rent your fawn, Sell a mortgï¬ â€˜e, buy a ‘Ygz‘nn or insure all classes of b ' dings at a low \nto, Whewouldbemï¬buthééieâ€"y At her reside gï¬n King 5%., next door to Mr. Mcchyn' . Pupils can In: attended at there own maiden 'f rcuuircd. Engmaasgyg'on the Organ The BEST 50 cent TEA in to NEW CAKES CONFELTIONERT McLEï¬ a» TERMS Mommy Best and most ufactured'i Cori-plate Mill M: n the Dominion. THE ‘HONEY’ IM‘PQOVBD PANNING MIL MISS H. G. STOTT In the ofï¬ce lat'ely occupied by‘Tal ADVOCATE. 63" Enlarging and copying old pictures a specialty. 0311 Mad see him. Charges mo‘ New Gallery, oppoSzte the Being aboutto commence thaPhotognpï¬k the public in general thatdlrand ufter all kinds of Phobogfgphic work} 3t» his WHITE I CALL AND EXA Big/and Wingek ry W3: Ca. and insgect his New Stock c general roceries. Great in- 7 ducements For Cash. -â€"â€"â€"..._.___ If so ipply to EHOTOGRAPHY 2: is now prepareflxto give “’3‘. CA M ER Agribyltural Works, as woMgN FULLwBLAsT. ,. MIIJL now mad A; _McFâ€"TABYEN, . We Task our friends; and the ‘ â€" -â€"~A FULL s‘TQgK 0F. ï¬rm mu. It is umlt\bbedly mtion of the farming community to 3 our works. This mill in known at l QEdlmzs SQMCAIIT’ED :ic business -r Monday FRUIT CAK s.M‘IXEDTE. CA 3., Buns. Roi BERRIE’S FA ILY B EAI warms SUPPLIED WRQL‘ESALE BISCUI S, \VHOLESALE SODA, AB RNETHY, AND FRUIT AIV ) RETAIL. farmers general! y \VOODVILLE in WOODVILLE, would intimz next, he will be prepared to ex‘ ‘5 Northern Hotel IS UNXLD 'I'ORE m m COUNTY JOHN BERBI '. Cor . Kin W1 Pastry 3. 399cm FAN; ‘