la annual meeting of Ruse Valley Divi ï¬rings met in Bell's Music: "all, Lind- on Thursday hut, the ~16th inst. There lover a hundred delegates and visitors jut, every Ledge in the Division being rented. kmorning of the 16th lmin: wry stormy flatmates from the greater number of gub'UrmIgcs did not arrive mm! the W oou, in consequence of which a num- ’ inipurtant matters flint were to have i discussed, had to be laid over until itext regular quaiterly meeting. The Van auddiscuasing of the repmts «If Elï¬erent ofï¬cers and standing commit- end the election of new ofï¬cers occu- E!“ the avalinhlo time. The meeting. E1913 was one of the most interestin" important held in the Division 'iitl orgsnizatiou two years ago. J ndg- ‘f' In the intelligence of the new Dele~ i. it in evident that sub-Granges in ap- 0 same. , Le_ ncgt régular q‘nartcrly meeting will '11! ill Spencer Hall, \‘I'oodvilln, some {dining the next mulltln. hm fol-bills us publishing the Masters has, the reports of the Committee: on auntie Economy" and “ How to make iHappy," which were highly interest- but We make room for the Secretary's i’eammbcrs uml ofï¬cers of Rose Valley lm’aion Uraugc : our PATROSS,-â€"The onward march of has brou-Jht. us to the close of another and I um again before you with a rt oi the business of my ofï¬ce. During year that has just close I}, out noble orclel Enade great ‘irogress. It is true there not bceuso arge an increase of member ‘35 has characterized other years of nur "y ; in fact, in some sections of the try there has been a decrease. This Ihowevci‘. is no indication of a decline La Grange. \thn the movamcut was intrmluced into the country, its ranks i swo'ilzn by hundreds who had no higher ht in connecting themselves with it tnnn hr farmers. in" owu division has made great progress in the year. We are now one of the lgivisious in Canada. \Ve have made y large additions to our membership, up our members have manifested a Inger desire to live more in accordance hthe true principals of our order than lotto. Our motives have become more [resting from a growing spirit of enquiry "a desire to discuss subjects pertaining ihlï¬her knowledge of agriculture. Many ur elegates have given valuable ideas \ tiered from their experience ans-successful i nets. This is one of the most important mm of the Grange, and one that must and itself to the faVourahlc consider- many excellent farmers. who am- the outside of our gates. \Vhile it is My and privilege to give all the atten- Ito the business relations of our order Hts importance demands. we should not a moment loose sight of the fact.that it llnï¬nitely more imporï¬lnco to give at- Iion to the intellectual advantages to h;- ived from our connection with it. I trust log the coming year that this will tprominont characteristic of our meeting. .'he publication of our crop report has also man important feature of the work of ‘ Division during the year. The Division go is the host medium through which to in correct crop reports that can he found. any of the reports we read in our news- me are far from heinrzcorrect. asin many as they are collected by many parties ring but an indill'erent interest in the let. The features of our order should receive more attention during the enru~ car than it has in the past. reo of nurfluh-(lranges have built-com- did motive of gain. Finding. hoWever the Grange was nut a congenial atmos- a for the growth of such principfes. soon became dissatisï¬ed and left. Our [have also been increased in the past class for whom We cannot ï¬nd a more oprinte name than “ curiosity-seekers.†class in its restless wanderings. and an anxious looking forward to some other 11 of rest has overlooked the fact that a are any material beneï¬ts to he derived ,the grunge, and their places are also nt. 'l‘huso inc 3, however. should not “large us in theleast :in fact they should at encourage us. \Vhen a society ha; in its ranks u on who from a desire to n selï¬sh ends render themselves obliv- to tho. true object and aims of that ity, the snuner they leave the better. 1 nlly conti'lent there hm not a single in- lnal left the Grange «luring the year :has oven-eutmtnined correct opinions of It'an envd, it is only a means to an end. movement is yet only in its infancy, we who are its. pioneers should be Very ï¬ll hon" we lay the! foundation of its 19 standing and character ; for the ngth and beauty of the superstructure and: solely upon the strength of tho Ldotion. “"c have announced our alum he woild in a. splendid declaration of Iciples, purl WI: should endeavour by all means in our power to live in accordance [those principles, and we should en- ror by all the means in our powur to live tcordanC}: witl; those primiples, ’_nnd in Igthis we have many causes for encour- nent. \\'e have the important fact be- m that we are endeavoriug to promote interest of the most important industry he rising country. The many evidences he prosperity we see on chry hand are outgrowing of the energy and intelligence lug their representatives to the Divi- Grauge,lmvo given considerable at- rp to the importance of sending good imitative mcu. Those who compose iviaion for the coming year are men mtertain intelligent opinions' of the ims of the (1‘ range movument, and will aloe: do much to promote the interest-5 rno principles. It while we would qongratulate ourselv- LE VALLEY DIVISION GRANGE. bu our prmpcvity (luri'ng the past year mat not lose sight of the fact that. we yet a gfcqt }vonl{_ to do. The Gran-{c $11.“! dvring th'é year. Maripou When I inadeiny last annual report, we hail eleven Sublirunges, with on aggregate membership of 5W. “'0 have new seven- lucu Sub-limnges. with on aggregate meni- bcrship of 739. giving an increase of 229 [numbers and six new (lrangos. 'l‘his concludes my report. for the past year all of which is respectfully submitted. Cnmnm JUNKIN, Secretary The following olliccrs were elected for IS?!) â€".\laste_r, Ira. Argue ; Secretary, Charles Junkiu ; OVei-seer. John S. Cruesu ; Lectur- er, Robert 0. Brandon ; Steward, \Viu. O’Neill ; Assnstnnt Steward, John Daniela ; Chaplain. John Calvert; Treasurer, Adam Sheir ; Gate Keeper, Jae. P._ Palmer ;n(,‘eres. \Irs. Ira Argue; Pomona, Mrs. \Vin. O’Neill Flora, Mus. Peter Fisher , Lady Assistant Steward Mrs. John J. Fee. Delegates to Dominion Grnuue, D. Scully, Chas. anu_kin (-rauge erected a hull at 1 coat of 8375. Gleuunn aml llosedolo (irang 6 also erected halls, but l am not. in a position to give dimousious or east. ’ doduuerce~B. Fov, P. Fisher and J. Rod. ers. 1!. For the good of the Orderâ€"Wm. Swain, jr., \Vm. U’chfe and \Vm. Foster. Insuranceâ€"I). Scully, A. McKay and J. Calvert. Executive (.‘ofï¬xhittee-â€"~L Currie, Wm. O'chfe and 1’. Fisher. Moved by Bro. D. Scully, seconded by Bro. \V. l’owlc‘a, that the Secretary be auth- orized to publish the quarterly report of this Orange, and distribute them to the dif- ferent Sub~Gmnges.â€"-Qarried. . Muved by Bro. D. Scully, seconded by Bro. J. F. Clark, that this Grant's do recom- mend the (Influx-cub subordinate DGranges to take actionun the petition concerning the assessment law. Carried. Movd by Bro. J. S. Cruess. seconded by Bro‘ J. Dauicl.that there be a committee appointed to make the necessary arrange- ments for our next Division meeting to be held at Wimdvillerâ€"Uarried. Moved by Hm. P. Fisher, seconded by Bro. \V. O’Neill, that Bros. Argue, Fee and Anderson be a committee to make arrange- ments for accomodation for the next meeting at \Voodvnlle.â€"-â€"Carriud. “M ed bv Bro. J. S. Uruess, seconded by Bro. I. F. Clark, that this meeting do no“ adjourn, tomcat again at the call of the proper authority.â€" ('1 rried. A MAN stole a. boot the other day for the the express ,Lpurpose of getting himself sent to Bnrrrie gnu]. Tim Whitby Agricultural Society show a balance of $153 as the result of last year's management. Tim ï¬ltering basin in connection with the Toronto waterworks is being washed mvay. $70.00" sweeping into the lake. ‘ "THE farmers in the vicinity of Ottawa have established a market just outside the city limits. This step has been brought about by thy city levying high market tolls. A bandsman of the 97th Regiment, named liayhurst, was found dead in his bed at Halifax yesterday morning. Death was from disease of the heart. Tux merchants have petitioned the City Council to grcvcnt the City Passenger Rail- way Company from blocking up the pave- ment with snow. SAIALL-POX is reported to have broken out in Uharlevoix county, Que.. where frightful ravages Were caused by that disease some years ago. A MAN named J 0311 Van Norman was froz- eu to death at; Madnc. 0nt., on \chlnesday night, While under the influence of liquor. An inquest is to be held. Fon M.\Ni1‘oz.\.â€"A number of merchants and citizens of the town of l’ctcrboro' are contemplating a prospective tour to Mani- to a. If the result of their visit. is antis- facbory to thuxu,it is their intention to settle down in that Province. A lmnberman mun-ml O'Brien. together with his turn sons, have been burned to death in camp at Milllmrry Brock, near 5*. Stephen’s N. I). The remains were brought home on Saturday. CHIEF Wavmuxo, of the Delaware tribe of Indians, presented an address to the Gov- ernor-Genuml last Monday. The Chief ap- peared in full Indian costume, with war paint, c.. and carried in his hand an arrow from the NorthJVcst. and alsu the toma. hawk found with Tecumseh after the great battle of the Thames in 1812. MAYOR Monmsox, of Toronto. has just been made the happy recipient of a hand- some and costly tea service 01 silver and a. diamond ring as a token of the regard felt for him personally. as well as to indicate the apprcciution of the admirable manner in which he had tiilcd the position of Chief Magistmmduring the three years he had remained in otiicc. A Snuxur Acumzx'r T0 .\ Comâ€"Du Tuesday muming, as a young lad was diving a cow hulnnging to Mr. Edward Lee, Ops, anqus the Ups swing bridge she was struck by a passing sleigh, and, jumpiu; over the railing. plung.:d head foremost to the ice he- ucath, breaking a hole large 0110115}: to admit of her head aml fore quarters and lodged there. She was drownul before she could be cxtmcatcil. Mr. Lc¢ hail mly bought the cow the clay previous. Sunnax Dunnâ€"011th: evening of Satur- day, 18m inst, unc James North put up at the house (If Mr. H. Clay, [at can. of Reach and when Mr. ll. Clay and his family retir- ed to rest the stranger lay down near the stove quite cnmfortahlo but to tlm lmrrur of all when Mr. Clay got up in the mnrmn; he found the Mr \Ilgercultl in death. Deceas- od appears to be about 55 years old and sup. pond to have came from llm npton or to have some relatives there. CANADA . A Qunu Cumâ€"Tho Toronto Globe ny- A young girl got into a Yonge atreet oer, and having taken a. neat, began to exhibit oppressive and alarming lymptoms. Some ladies who were present, having been there understood the nature of them. and told the conductor he had beet semi the girl to a hospital. The conductor stopped a passing milk wagon. and placed the girl in. Be- fore she reached the hospital a rousing male hiby was born. The girl is uumarried, and very respectably connected. Tun Montreal Herald has been examining the ï¬nancial exhibits of Ontario, and says : â€"“ When We remember how large an amount of money has been spent by the Province in assistance to railways, and in actual distribution in hard cash, it must be acknowledged that our neighbors in the west have managed their affairs with a great deal of judgment. Since Confederation there has been a total distribution of money for railway and other local purposes, in ex- penditnre, of some $5,539,565. Isaâ€"wen as the doubtful distinction of being the precise spot upuu which Lucifer alighted when he tell from heaven. - Tm: German Government has vuted a largo sum to assist German trade and to ï¬t out exploring uxpeditions into Africa. ONLY thirty or forty miles distant from the city of Mexico are twu of the best wheat producing valleys in the world, and yet wheat costs at wholesale there from $1.60 to $2.40 a bushel, and flour retails for $1.75 per twenty pounds. NATIVE tradition in Cabul claims an au- tiquity of six thousand years for that city, J APAN has 5,000 miles of telegraph, and 1,000 more under construction. It has also 125 telegraph stations. The insulators made in the viilage of lmari an: of such excellent quality that orders for them have been. sent from Europe. GLADSTONE. according to all accounts, is just in the prime of his oratorioal powers. He must be ranked among the few men who know how to make a statement so clear that none can mistake his meaning, how- evcrabstruso the subject. It is said that he‘can state a. case better than any man in England. Tuazmw, the new King of Burmnh, was educated by an English missionary, and has chosen for his Prime Ministera man who has visited both England and France. The new monarch signalizcd his azcessiou by abolishing, in so far as foreigners are concerned, the rule of the court which com- pelled every one to remove his shoes in the royal presence. Ax ofï¬cer in the Bengal army had a very ï¬ne and favourite elephant which was sup- plied daily in his presence with a certain allowance of food, but being compelled to absent himself on a journey the keeper of the beast diminished the ration of food. and the animal became daily thinner and weaker When its master returned the elephant ex- hibited the greatest signs of pleasure; the feeding time came, and the keeper laid be- fol'e it the former full allowance of food, which it dividel into two parts, consuming one immediately, and leaving the other un- touched. The oliicer, knowiug the sagacity of his favourite, saw immediately the fraud that had been practised, and made the man confess his crime. T in; London World : The Prince of Wales and Dr. Lynn Playfair were standing near a cauldron containing load which was boil~ ing at white heat. “ Has your Royal High- ness any faith in sciuncc ?†said the Doctor. “Certainly" replied the Prince. " \Vill you, then, place your hand in the boiling metal, and ladle out a portion of it 2" “ Do you tell me to do this ?†asked the Prince. “ I do," replied the Doctor. The Prince then ladled out some of the boiling lead with his hand, without sustaining any injury. It is a well-known scientiï¬c fact that the hu- man hand may be placed uninjured in lead boiling at white boat, {being proteutnll from any harm by the moisture of the skin. Should the lead be at a perceptibly lower toinpcra'mre,the eil‘cct need not be described After this let no one ilndurratu the courage of the Prince of Wales. Wuzx Algeria was ï¬rst colonized by the French it was intended that it should rival India and Egypt. Uotton growing was unâ€" dertaken, and much money was expended in encouraging it; but in 1876 scwnteen Europeans only were engaged in it, 360 acres only were under cultivation, and to harvest amounted to but little more than 100,000 pounds. Cattle breeding.corn grow- ing, and the cultivation of vines promise ap- parently to be more successful ; but the de- Velopemeut of all these industries are im' peded by the prevailing system of military gm’ermnent. In 1877 50,000 acres were planted a; vineyards, and the total produce amounted to 15,750,000 gallons. F ortunate- ly, also, the dreaded phylloxors has not yet appeared on the Algerian vines. As Algiers is so close to France, cattle breeding would be a far more proï¬table pursuit than it is, Were it not for the unfriendly relation which exist between the European cattle owners and the Arabs. Neither has horse breeding made any great progress, although under the dominion of the Turks Algeria possessed an abundance of cxuellent riding horses. Once, also, Algeria was a woll‘wooded country; but new, in consequence of the reckless destruction of trees,’, this is no longer the case. THE London Titties, of Jan. 3 gives the following as the verbatim report of General Grant's speech at the Dublin banquet :â€" Citizens,â€"-I said there was no saying with whom I might come into competitionâ€"per- haps for the ofliee of Lord Mayor ; perhaps for that of their representative in Parliament but not both at once. In my country, before I was naturalizud in another, they have for some years been suffering very great depres- sion. There is no question that when 45,- 000,000 people feel poverty the civilized world feels it also. In Ireland yoh have lltld great prosperity ; from their great extravao gance and great misfortunes in America they are getting their bonds and promises to pay; but they are pronueing beyond the real wants of the world. But while you are get- ting fairly prosperous, America is getting very poor, though they are honest. Presi- dent Hayes, in his messageï¬o Congress, has spoken of the prosperity of America ; and Lord Beaconstield. one of the most far-seeing men of the age, has said that American pros~ parity meant European prosperity, and I am speaking this evening of European prosperity not merely of Irish prosperity. (Hear, hear.) This is the longest speech I have ever made. I have not kissed the Blarney Stone, and it is not likely I will ever do so ; but perhaps it is the looking at Mr. Butt that has in- spired me. (Hear, hear.) It is announced that after two years of «rein! lurch. the successor of tha Grand Llano! Thibot has been discovered and crowned. ABOUT two million shank-bonus of oxen are worked up ovary year in Slwlliold, Eug- luul, for knife handles, tooth and nail brushes, combs, fans, button moulds, (kc. If you w 1: money to buy more kind, to pay off a mo g. ge or mr debts, we Would advise you to cc the educed terms of the’ Canada. Pcmmu ut uau and Savings Con» ny, which has dc 010113103118 to farmers or the last two y~thrco years than any other You can go any time you want to repay, upto ‘20 cars, The full amount of the loan is ad nucod, o deduction being mad» for com issiou, pa cuts in advance or expences. For furth r particulars ap 1y to Came into the premises of the under- signed, Lot. 6, Con. 15, Mnripnsm, about the lat Nov., A RED H EIFER CALF. Owner can have by proving property and paying expenses. VOCATE, $1 PER YEAR. \Vhich will be found on inspection mo><éliahle as tervards wear and better value than was m or ofl'w/cd hi village berm-Te Just. received . choice ION Repairing Of Every Description Promptly‘ Ex egutefl.‘ Reapers, MQ rs, mg E unesg r 3 a @1%MER%BN BlacksmiLh and Machinist. Th:- 11111lornign , hogs to intimate that he has bought Mr. N. B. CAMP" BELL’S Business in ' odville, 111111 intends cany'mg on the same line of busi- ness in the Store lormcrl ccupied by Mr. Campbell. Having nimhafnoniable :ringmmmts with the Inmlix. .g inannfnctnrers oi Falming lmplemen 1119. in 011t1'11io, gin 1,1 elm ed to supply all kinds of Implements of the best quality and as che 1p :15 the cheapest. He \1 mild call 31 ecml at tradition to thereom'bflincd 8121' l) DRlI L made by the Masson Manninctmin ,Oshnw:1,(fo hich he is Sole Agent here.) This Drill possesses all the qiyrhgties of :1 ï¬rst-class % ' and B1 Ofltl-Lllï¬tbCCderyand 0“" be changed from the e to the other while in met! It is placed in the market this season so chm that it is within the reach of all in (ling purchasers. Call and examine be 8 buying. ' \\ . All kindy/of REPAIRS kept constantly on hand whicli he will sell cheap for cash. / H0 “(18“ that by strict attention to business and 541mm dealing to merit the farmers’ conï¬dence and receive a large share of their patronage. SUBSCRIBE FOR “THE AD- Be sure and GIVE J .AMIBSON A CALL. . ‘7‘ if†/ 7- . . Â¥ ' - In all the ncwï¬apes of ENGHSH. AMERICAN and CANADIAN /' MANUFACTURERS. K‘“ pure for Hard,!'1mos. $1 8272$1 2 I JNO. C. GILCHRIST. BOBT. JOHNSON. JGHN EVE T†‘ mwAm T’ 11m EGE â€m FARMERS. )weï¬s', Thiéshjng Machines, Sew- .mes Repalred,’and Satlsfactlon Guaranteed, WALTHAM, ENGLISH 8L SWISS WATCHES. < All kinds bf Watch, Clock and Jewellery repairing done on shortest notice, and war- ranted to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. ‘ On‘xCEâ€"“Xorthern Hotel," \Voodville. CARRIAGE WORKS, \VAGGON S and CABRIAGES made on shout notice. “ Twenty percent. allowed for Cash on old price for Sizoeing. HORSE SMOKING! “'ATCp-MAKER and JEWELLER, \ Dealm' in Of ALL STYLES and PRICES. :LMAYBEE; The subscriber has on hand ALL \VOR K \VA R {ANTED HUGH MCMILLAN' DONE NEATLY AND CHEAPLY. CAMPBELL’S REPAIRING \AND KING STREET. TOOK G. CAMP BELL .OREUZU MAYBEE.