been found media] to hop a tight hold of the nonmonhl win up. He thinks that short nonunou pad the “pm-Mo can Iyuem might be efllculoualy combined. The Mother 0! an Ontario clergyman Walla Into a Lake While Lela-charm l- Drowned. N2" GMIGOW, Ne 8e. D00. -â€".â€"-MII. Btewert, aged eighty-nine. he: been drowned in Loch-her Lake, Antigonieh County. It is believed tbet while in e state of eomnembu- mm ehe left her room early in the morning and went down to the lute. where ehe was found drowned in two teet ol Inter. Deeeared wee the mother of the Rev. Doneld Stewert, of Arthur, Ont. “ who has ancked vlco into hlc nature from a degraded mother." A: c class, he deems them utterly nnd lrreclamably lost. He shows that convict labor ought to be worth 3 great deal, cud is worth next to nothing. Th rinon wardens nre. for the most part. on d terms with the worst class 01 com vlctu. The cat. he thinks. chould, alter a time. be upplied to the worst clan of orlml. null. for It la the only thing they fear. Chaplains do little good. At worchlp a large number of men, whllo protcnding to utter tho "spanner. are really talking blasphemy. Mun: rooundrolc tcko the sacrament merely to "and well with the chcplnln. and it has The meeting adjourned to meet on Thurs- day morning. Tonono. Dec. 18.-â€"Ths Council oi the Agricultural and Arts Association met again this morning. The Committee appointed yeeterday reported on the allegations oi the Ottawa Chiei oi Police against the gate keepers. The report declared that the charges were based on insuï¬icient evidence and that come oi them were reckless in character. The Council edopted the report unanimously aiter considerable discussion. and passed a resolution requesting the Commiseloncr oi Agriculture to enquire into the whole man- agement not only oi the Exhibitionbut oi the Association. The application oi Ottawa ior a 81,600 grantia omissd and will he discuss- ed this evening. is not likely to be paid. as the Association, owing to a dimculty at the Ottawa Exhibition, is at present without funds. The Council sent ior Chiei oi Police Sherwood to explain and substantiate his report. Although staying at the Queen’s Hotel he failed to respond. The Mother 0! _â€"---v v'- 7â€".†u - , mm -- a are ï¬lthy, mum, ï¬endish, "than bonny flu or inï¬rm deeper or more horrible thun all other vice And tummy, it may be lound ingnlnad in the English profaulonal thief Id whn ha. analyst! uh". intn Ll- _-‘._.._ 1---- , Alm- dl-ouuion it won moved that Pro~ tom: Willioml. of Edinburgh. bo recom- mondod u the judge of the “sumâ€"(Joniad. The Plllmlll' and several communion- tlonl from parties in Dunn, «king ply for the union of door-hoops" out! the Dominion police during the In: Exhibition of tho 8m“. Chamber. on tho ooouion of tho prolontnion of prison by the Prinoeu Louise. It was considered tho: the Council were 110‘ 11.51.10: this bill. Aremnlmblo book-bu lately been pub. lluhed in London by a ticket-ol-leavo man. He solemnly deck-run thnj yhggagoverghlngl -_‘ AllL- V- ._v â€"_ ' .uov-o Tho discus-ion woo cloned with tho follow- lng resolution: Movod by Mr. maul, oocondod by Mr. K. Guam. Thot when» conflicting oniniono loom to exist on to the time o! commoncing tho Provinciol Exhibi- tion to be hold next you: It Homilton, be it theretoro rooolvod thot ooid Exhibition com- monco on Mondoy, tho 20th September, Ind continue for two wookc.â€"0orriod. Tho Pal-mun rood o communication m loting to prize colon on contagious (ï¬nance 0! cottlo. ond «king whot notion bod boon “hon by tho Cannon in tho mottcr. Dr. Bonn thought the third 3nd {ourth week: would be too No; tad Mum. Afloa- worth nnd Shiploy were 0! t_ho 95mg ogigion. ML- Jl_____3__ 7, u Mr. Manon! moved. seconded by Mr. Llool. That the Council make a grant to the City of Otto“ of $1,600. . _ The msttcr was laid our. At tho owning scuion, Mr. loom spoke oi the circumstance thnt the Toronto Exhibition nnd the Provincial Exhibition were likely to club, nnd suggested thnt sn undcutcnding should be hsd with tho Togonto Associstion. Mr. MoOm thought that the third and fourth week: of Beptomberwonld b0 the but {or_tho_ Provinolnl Exhibition. Hr. Guam aid iiEVuâ€"IE. although they 1nd paid :bout 32,000 km this you than in thg you; previous. Dr. Beau-r; aid the mode of thin intelli- gence reaching them was rather e eurpriee. and he thought it would be proper for the Oouneil to mete e repreuntetion to the public. through the prone. stating that the Council believed the repreeentetione inthet Ottewe eommunleetlon to be greetiy devoid o! truth. Mr. Guam. Treeeurer. wu eerteln thet in men: reepeetl the oommunieetion we: entirely erroneous. Mr. Aunewonm wee oi the same opinion. The statement In referred to e Oom- mlttee. In reference to the great asked by Ottawa. 3 member of the Council naked the etete oi the funds. Mr. Deon! eeid he believed they were ebout 0599 worse then nothing. And THE PROVINCIAL BX!!! Bl- TION. Mr. MAGIIRTOBH, Meyor o! Ottewe. ed- dreued the meeting briefly. “king [or on oxtre great to: Ottawa, where the show wu held int your. He laid that the entire expenditure wee ebont 88.000, of which about 07.600 had been expended on the buildings end grounds. In reference to the alleged head: at the gates at the Exhibition. he reed l number of: eommnnioetione, ehowing the opinion 0! the diï¬orent pertlee down there. that the allegation were eubetentieily true a! â€platted in the peyote. Ann-nil: lor Next Year's flow I- III-‘ nun-u-‘l‘ho unaw- [Trumanâ€"Iona uh’¢u_uoauo-u 5â€" cs- lion-l- -0 .- Tho "gum meeting of the Council of the Agricultural and Arts Auoolnuon not held In their rooms in the Jamaican! Hall. Toronto. yuurdu (Wodnudny). Thom worn prawnsâ€"Mr. 8. Wilmot, Pruidont, in tho oohsir. Ind Monro. Stephen White. Joahnn Legge. jam. D. P. Mellnnon. J. B. â€lo-worth. Thou. Stock. Wm. Boy, In Moran, Chum Drury. Goo. Gnhnu Trauma). Prat. Buoklnnd. member: of the onnoil; nod Menu. K. Gnhnm. Rev. Dr. Burnot, David M00110. Oflo Klotz, Wm. Saunders. Dr. Smith (Toronto Vet. 0011.). and James Young, M.P.P.. u-momboro at tho Gannon. FATAL BONINAMI ULIBJI. 'onoe flogged me very several: for telling the truth." " Well now," observed onozhor American a! the am! of the table. " I have known you nines you avowed at. and u appeal to no um your who: cum! you." I On reaching Kotal on the 18th a large force ‘of Afghans. who covered the hills on either side at the paee. opened a vigorous ï¬re on Col. Norman’s ioroe. to which the British column replied ae well as it could, consider- ing the disadvantage of its position. This running ï¬ght continued through nearly the whole of Thursday and only ended with the approach oi darkness. On Friday the engagement was resumed the Aighane again assuming the ofleneive. The battle is reported to have been a very sharp one and the Afghans are said to have had the ad- vantage oi the troops. whom they attacked with a persistent determination which must have resulted in heavy losses to the British, oi which no ofï¬cial report he yet been reg oeived. A detachment is being sent to reoon- 1 noitre Boroli. The villagers who were friendly} protected the (label mail, but showed the troops no further countenance. A recon- noitering party out upon a tour oi inepeetion oi the Paviehana deï¬le was fired upon by a email bend of hill men. who retreated ï¬nally before the charge oi the British. who burnt the villages in the neighborhood and made a rate return to camp. Advices through pri- vate eourcee are to the eil‘eot that the Afghans are bent upon the total destruction of all‘ Britiehforees outside the Shirpnr conten- meut and prevent, ii possible, the arrival of‘ any supplies. An American found it very cheap talk to condemn flogging, ond told his audience he would prove it 'f M: “they,†_ ho cold, ..... fl‘___! Nun You, Dee.:-â€".â€"The Tribune‘s eeble epeolel eeye thet the Mann dleeetere excite generel elem end Tory oonrterne- tlon. The Queen ll reported I! greetly dietreued. end publicly blemee hord Lytton tor luppreuina end distort- ing intermetlon. The beet outhorltioe on Indien efleire eey thet Roberto wee utterly lgnorent o! the enemy'e preparation. end wee obliged ï¬nally to light hie wey round Oebul to the Bhirpur eentonment, where he to oompletely enrroundod. Boberte’ poeltlon inextrernely erltleel. It le doubtful it the eupply of voter ie eeeure; fuel in ubundent, but tense in name. It in expected thet Roberto will be compelled wlthin e month to ï¬ght hle we, through the enemy. There in no poeeibility of relnloreemente edvenolng before Februery. trenaport service being deï¬cient. A German etefl omoer deride: the imbecility o! the Indian Oomrnlueriet De- pertment. end "and: Bobcrte’ petition or meet critical. The Queen eoneldere the mistake eo grove that it to reported Ihe le disposed to ebendon her Minute" on their Afghan policy._ Oamma, Doc. â€".â€"A dispatch ltom Boborta of the 18th luau Gough'a immediate advance in light order. without tents. and only taking ammunition and supplies {or ï¬ve or six days. Roberto statoa that there is no enemy between Jngdnlnk and Cabal to oppose Gough'l advance, and mid. that he will be able to Iottlo attain at Cabal when Gough anivov. Gongh leave: Jugdnlnk on the 21» inst. with 1,400 men and tour guns, picking up 700 men and two gnna at Lata- Bond. Generel Roberta reporte that on the 18th inet. he heliogtephieelly communioeted with Letebond for e low minutes. and learned thet Gough hed not yet edvenced beyond Jngdnlnk. Omar-u, Dec. -.-The Government of Indie he: publilhedmn explanetion oi the militery eitnetion in Alghenieten, eteting that Genet-l Roberto has ample txenepoxt end emmnnition. Beeldel 23 cennon be. longing to hie force, he he: 214 eeptured cennon. meny 01 which ere titled. The entxenohmente cen eeeily be held by 2,500 men. leeving 6,000 {or ofleneive operetionl.; Genenl Bright he: 12.000 men between‘ Jumrood end (Jugdnlnk. with 30 cennonn two month:’ euppliel, end complete diviJ eionel end brigade trenlport. Including theI force: It Omdeher. end in the Kornm Volley, the tetel ï¬eld torce in 45,000, with Inn A H, 169 ï¬lial. Lonnon. Dec. -â€".â€"â€"The Aishanietan situa. tion cauece much comment. There are many demonstrations oi public indignation at omcial dieingenuousness. The press. ions patient. now denounces the infatuated and insolent restrictions imposed on correspond~ cuts. The result is perilous tor the Govern- ment. Private remonetrancee are numerous and emphatic. The English papers, while admitting the seriouenees oi the situation since General Bobcrte' communications were out. aesert oetentatiousiy that there is no cause for anxiety, but profound anxiety nevertheless exiets. You can get nobody who deniee privately that there ie anxiety. Liberals and Tories equally admit the necessity to rcconquer Oahul, but nobody knows what next. Evidence is irresistible that all Afghanietan is in arms. Every assurance which L'ord Beaconeï¬eid gave has been ialeiï¬ed by events. The scientiï¬c {routier has vanished. and a hiendly Malian. istan ie impgsaihiet Lennon, Dee. -â€".â€"Generel Arbuthnot‘e brigade in distributed along the reed between Gandemuk and Jugduluk. Contra: toex- peotetlon, the tribes below Jellnlebnd eon- tinue quiet. Had Generel Bright advanced with his whole force doubtleel the Moh- munde end Aireedil would have rlsen. but the Intern at iorvurdinc troops item Jello- lebed only on reinloreernente arrived item Peehewnr word: them no opening. Greet eï¬orte Are muting for speedy concentration at Puhewur. Meny netive prince: have tendered their unletenee. A islegmn irons Gsndsmuk an the Mohsmsnde end Aireedis us still quiet. despite the works oi smissuiss irom Osbui. A telegram from the British Commissioner st Poshswnr reports thst the Aireedis and Shinwsris are quiet. with every hope of their tsmsining so. Telegraphic oommnnisstion is still opsn t3 Paijsrsn. _ 7 Lennon. Dec. â€"-.~â€"Afler the Ooh at Council 30-day the Inthoritioa o! the or Ofï¬ce hold 3 mating Inning seven! hours. considering the ndvlubllicy of sending teln- logoemontl to Afghanistan. to â€andâ€. hid onoounteud no Iorloul oppoamon. A doapnoh tram Gan. Robot“ on Doo.14 say: be In a Bhlrpur. able to hold his own. . The Al"- quduv [leaningâ€"Tho Quo- Greatly â€km! and Blun- culled. uacurn, Doo. -â€".-â€"Gen. Gough loft Judd on the 12m to: Cabal. Col. Normm. wnh “o mun infamy "31mm“. 1m Jollallbnd with Goggh'u oommaqd. which, up A- ___L__J-_ l, AFFAIRS 1N AFGHANISTAN. 0mm. Dec. â€".â€"-éériiornrr Pasha has bean recalled. Judge Eldridge. oi Mompbia,jnned himself .10 {or tudinou It Conn. Two lmyon mode ublo urgnmonu for the remission 0! sho penalty. but Hi1 Honor romuinod ï¬rm. Among the many productions 0! Cali- iornia’e iertile nail. the olive promleee to be one oi the moat valuable. An intelligent Italian, who has been familiar with the cul- ture itom hie infancy, eaye that eventually. the California olive will aurpae; the beat pro- duced in France or Spain. It is now larger and of better flavor. and yields an oil equal to the imported article. EGYPT. The Negounllom With Abyulnla. 0mm, Dec. â€"-.--Tho Government can- tlnuen no military propannona. though little doubt in felt so to the favorable inn 0! negotmlolu whh Abyulpia. An English physicien. Dr. J. Mortimer Grenville. in his recently published work upon sleep, seye : “ A constreined or un- comforteble posture will often prevent repose. Lying let on the heck with the limbs relexed would seem to secure the greetest emonnt of rest for the muscuier system. This is the position essumed in the most cxheusting diseeses. end it is genereliy heiied es s token oi revive] when e petient volunteriiy turns on the side ; but there ere severe! disedventeges in the supine posture which impel: or emberress sleep. Thus. in weekly stetee oi the heert end blood vessels, end in certein morbid conditions of the brein, the blood seems to grevitete to the heck of the heed, end to produce troublesome drcems. ‘In persons who hebituelly, in their gait or work, stoop, there is probsbly some distress consequent on streighteninc the spine. Those who heve contrected chests, cepecielly persons who heve hed pieurisy end retein edhesions of the lungs. do not sleep well on the heck. Neerly ell who ere inclined to more do so when in thet position, bscenee the soft pelete end uvule hens on the tongue end thet orgen feils beck so es to pertfeiiy close the top at the windpipe. It is better, therefore. to lie on the side end. in the ebscnce of speciei chest diseeses, rendering it desir- eble to lie on the week side so es to leeve the heeltby lung free to expend, it is well to choose the right side, beoeuse when the body is thus pieced the food grevitetes more eesily out of the stomeoh into the intestines. end the weight oi the liver does not compresej the upper portion of the intestines. A glance: et eny plete of the viscersl enetomy will a show how this must be. Meny persons are: deefiu one eer. and prefer to lie on e perticu- ‘ in side ; but, if possible, the right side should be chosen. Agein. sleeping with the was thrown over the heed is to be depreceted; but this position is often assumed during sleep, beceuse clrouletion is then free in the extremities end the heed end neck, end the muscles of the chest ere drewn up and ï¬xed by the shoulders. end thus the expension oi the there: is easy. The chiei objections to this position ere thet it creates e tendency to cremp end cold in the erms. and sometimes seem: to cease heedeches during sleep end‘ drums. These smell mettere oiten make or i met comfort in sleeping." ‘ In connection with the English Methodist Wesleyen “Thenksgiving Fund,†the following recent donetions ere signiï¬cent oi the weelth oi the body : One 01850.000. one of 820.000, two oi 810,000. one of 810.600. seventeen of 05.000. The sum elreedy promised exceeds $1,000,000. It they selely be escorted thet not e eingle one of these weelthy donors is, in English teehloneble perience, “ in society." Mrs. Berbeuld segecionely ob- served thet the cerrieges o! Methodists who grow rich teke them in the second generation to the Episcopel Church, end probably the sweet denghters oi meny of these prosper- ‘ons Methodists ere on their my to Episco- ‘pelienisrn. ‘ Bev. Lawrence Welsh, lately returned item e visit to Irelend, hes been-lecturing et Providence on the subject. end seys thet “ the secret of meny oi the misfortunes that sfllct Ireland lies in the feet thst her chil- dren ere not united." He cautioned his heerers to remember. when applied to. the two millions of money subscribed by the Irish people end equendered by Fenien heed centres in the Mofiet Mension in Union Square. New York, end suggested thet money intended to help the Irish people should be ’iorwerded to Dr. Mec- Hele, Archbishop of Tuenr. et Tnem. in Irelend. end not given to those eppiying for it in this country. The Genersl Committee of the Primitive Methodist Conference,Englend, having lately considered the questions telegeted to it by the Leeds Conference releting to the employ- ment at evsngelists end hired local preachers, hsve decided thct the time has not arrived for the appointment at A special order of evsnaeliets. especisliy ss regulations elreedy exist by which hired local presehers mey be regularly utilized as speciel revivelist agents. The loathern pert 0! 8t. Gllee' Oethedrel Edinburgh, he. been restored at the expense of the venerable Dr. William Ohmbere, the pnblhher. The stone work 0! the ediï¬ce hed been hidden from View. but It in now restored to the condition end eppeerenee which it pre- sented belore the Reformation, and the whole terms. it In nid, en excellent specimen ï¬lteenth century mhlteoture. Truth says there is a gnve aesndcl in the Well. The affair is in the hands of the bishop of the diocese. The origin at the sandal is. u usual, the confession]. This system oi ooniesslon in the English Church will hue so be put down, or it will put down the Church of Englend. The are“ preuhlng hlnhop in England now-Mk:- in H.300. ol Peter'ooxough, trans- luted lrom the hishto the English hadâ€"an almost unprecedented distinctionâ€"by Lord Benoomfleld. He in also an excellonl speaker. Dr. Magoo ll ulher Low Ohm'oh. AI a proof 0! the rue flexibility and prod. lion 0! the Joponuo louguoge, i: in umd tflot Dr. Nothm Brown. in manning the New Tentomom into um tongue. was obliged to innate: only two wordsâ€"“ amen †Imd u EXIIOP." A Tho 81-1101) 0! Gull-lo (England) recon“: consented in on. dny {our obnrohu « Bunow-ln-Fnrnul. in dlmlou when thou bu been amt animation. The ohnrohu eon 0120.000, of which the Duke of Devon- Ihlxo gun 060.000- .--w -¢,: -\ f“ Amman. Church. Edikbmh. bu st rm uomd n tum-or to Dr. Linda, Matador In tuyumu. The Rev. Japan Gregory, 0! u-n-U‘o Uh! uuv Ann-u. AMONG run 3 reduc- Elect. Bleep. "Nothing.†ny- Oolonel Furnoy. " so quickly dtloa up u woman's (on. u 9 km." Indies who no ubom to map will plane apply at um omen. Constitution mo. London has been startled by the news that Prince Bismarck has written to Lord Beaconsï¬eld to snytnat he will visit him in the summer at 1880. The invitation is at old standing. having been given during the sittings oi the Berlin Conference at the Bsdizvsl Palace. Bismarck was absent from two of the sittings, and on learning the atl- mcnt, Lord Beaconsï¬eid said that Burton’s Spring was n speciï¬c. Bismarck suffers from a strange complication oi disorders, aggravated by his enormous consumption 01 tobacco and his proportionate use oi beer, not the light Bavarian. but the heavy beer brewed on his own estate. Fun-es or run Srsunow roe Gm Lin.â€" When we come to regard the sperrow with tolerance to specie] edsptetion tor city life. we ere iree to scknowiedge thet it possesses cherecterlstics ï¬tting it for thst existence ier superior to en: oi our netive birds. It is herdy enough to withetend the shock of our rudest winters; end it is e source of inï¬nite reiiel end emusement to our people in the ierge towns ell over the country. who. by reeson oi poverty or else ebsorbing occu- pstion. ere never able to spend their sum mere in rurel districts, and who. were it not for the chettering little ï¬nch in ques- tion, would herdiy know whet e wee bird reeilylooked like. Look egeln et the beeutiiui edeptetlon of this expetrieted eper. row for e residence in the begrirned end smoky thoroughieres oi commerce in our Western cities psrticuierly, where soit coei is the sole iuel end beee ior heating, lighting end menuiecturing. Here, emid the noise end in of ective business competition, why should the bird sing? Who hes time to stop endiisten? And ii he did, whet kind of setieiection could be gethered, with the bsnging oi e trip hammer on the one side and the rattling of freight trucks on the other? No, it is more, much more. then right to eek e bird which eheli care! to winter end summer with us in our cities oi iron. brick end stone to possess the power at song, end sing ec- cordingly; it would simply be an idle end extrevegent expenditure oi e beeutiiui gilt for Neture to endow say such ornithologicel subject with the ieouityâ€"contrery to her periect lewe. end in violetion of her perfect wisdom. The idea 0! e noute spsrrow trying to vocalize es it perches on the coping at e pewnbroker’s window, while the sound of en enetioneer‘e hell or oi en eleveted reiiwey train deeiens the ear. end the smoke of e‘ foundry derkens the tunâ€"American paper. ‘ The death took place on Saturday night, under very shoehing circumstances. at William Sherkey. a young man who had lived with his mother in Dunfleids, and who previously had been a sailor. During the evening he had been in town with some companions. and shortly after ten o'clock at night called at the Sun In, at the corner of Bower Spring, where he and his friends had some beer, and were served in the tap room.- The young lellow was then perlectly sober. and it is said that his companions also were. Turning to a companion named Larkin. Sharkey raid: “Lend us your knife." and with this the young iellow com- menced cutting some tobacco. While cutting a piece oi " twist," Sherkey, who was noted for being very jovial. sailor-like, commenced singing. and danced in time to the tune. While doing so he knocked against a wooden projection. and immediately tore open his shirt. exclaiming : “ Oh, my God, I'm done.†Larkin put his arm around him to steady him, as he appeared to be reeling. Bhsrkey thereupon drew the hello from his bosom. closed it and handed it to his friend, who supported the poor tel~ low and conveyed him to the street. On going to an adjwent druggist'a shop. it is stated that the proprietor oi it told them to go to the inï¬rmary. In the meantime Sharkey exclaimed in the shopâ€""I am growing taint.†Ultimately he was placed in a cab, Larhin still beiriending him. and, to use the words of the letter. “he was dying as we went along.†0n reaching the inï¬rm ary the injured man gave a iew gasps and expired. An examination showed that the knife had penetrated to the region oi the poor iellow's heart, it not the heart itself. and the wound thus inflicted was the cause oi death. â€"Manchater Courier. 0 New You, Dec. â€".â€"-The escape of 700 people during the ï¬re at Park Theatre last night without e panic in dwelt upon by the morning pepere as evidence of whet presence of mind will ecccmplieh. The ï¬re wee die- covered while Emmett wee ectlng. Manager Abbey and Treeeurer Edwerde et once etetlcned policemen et the Breedwey veetibnle, where the the wee burning. end opened two other exite on 22nd etreet. Emmett bede the eudience dieperee quietly. end egentlemen in the audience mede the eeme request. In (our minutee the theatre wee quietly emptied. Men-gar Abbey pub. liehee a card etetina that iree edmieeion will be given tc-night to those who ettended leet night. 5" __ u -8... VVIM a. 1:3... .ï¬f‘bpï¬e eloee oi the tint act at " Fritz: in Ireland “ at the Park Theatre. a ï¬re waa discovered under the main ataira at the entrance to the theatre. and an alarm waa immediately eounded. to which the ï¬re department promptly reapondcd. but belore the arrival of the tint engine the ï¬amea had made conelderable headway and the theatre had become almost ï¬lled with emoke. The audience became terror atricken and ruahed lor the dean. and for aeveral minutee it seemed ae ii a number of pereone would be trampled to death, but. iortunately, note eingle pereon. ae lar ae known. waa eeriouely hurt. The lamea were extinguiahed in about ten minutee. The loan will not exceed a tow hundred dollare. It is eaid that when the ï¬re waa discovered. Mr. J. K. Emmett was the ï¬rst to leave the stage. and, of coureo. waa lollowed by all oi the company and mueiciane. which added eoneiderably to the panic. It ie the opinion oi the chic! ol the ï¬re department that had the ï¬re not been discovered ae aoon an it wee. it in more than probable that a eerioua calamity would have occurred. because the location 0! the ï¬re was each that it would have cut 03 all meane oi eeeape iron the Broadway entrance. The ï¬re in euppoeed to have originated lrom the packing around the eteam pipe becoming ignited. The damage will be repaired in the morning and it is probable the perlormance will so 03 an uenal tomorrow evening. _ um ' A Horrible Death \thc Dancing. flaw you]: PARK HEATER mun. 18, 878 bmbolu of hula, mu chi Io Omega from Hcmiltoq dating tho «non. An English ghysioim report! rm imitnooo within in experience whm boxing of children's an by punk 4 teachers hu resulted in Guinea. " tht," uh n cortelpondent. “ am the hair to come out ?†Baton we mam, we must know whether you no mariachi single. This in imporum to t true nadm‘ standing of the one. 1 "Ladies should never append n pound to a letter. boom-o it shows thnt the epi- but been penned without “union or 1mm] my plenum to the writer." Fronds “ya Julius Caesar non: hm!- death. We nuppou. than. he would within an odflor’l unolnm with a bundle of I poetry under his arm wi‘hont tho [out lhulbl‘ of alarm. Henlen expects to commence work on his mew hotelnvhlch he intends erectlnaon tho slte of his old home at the island, at Tomato. in the course of e few weeks. It is prob.“ hls homestead will be erected shout hell Q mllo of! to the south. nest the cottages lulu on Block House Bey. Emerson says e men ought to come pencil and note down the thoughts of the moment. Yes. und one short pencil, devoted excluslvely to thet use, would lest some men we know 1 about two thouscnd seen, end than how the I ozlglnel point on. A tepofler of the Syracuse Courier hu bu- ohown Mr. Courtnoy’s buck, and n: I at covered wuh photon. It would I», much better it that gantlemm would show his but to Edwurd Honlun. Bonds: but long been the groom do! 01 the weak for the show buoinou in Cincinnati. Not only no all the regal-r theatre! 0pm,“ several Inge valet: conceml run It no em time. The police have now underarm to pxovon‘ m Bands] entermnmentl. Benn] London plpfl'l tamed I low (1m :50 thnt the Prlnoeu Loni-a would not rum to Omani. In Jnnmy. No Ila-Mon Ml been made In :he mum-monk “"3 Announced II nude, mad the Prineau will in the Bulimia on the 22nd at Juana. In the poorhonee ol Beglnew County, Inch. there was en old men who for men, seen bed been on employee of the Hndeon Boy Compeny. Alone and lrlendleu, he ho torn upeedy tetmlnetion of hi. m exletenee; bntme, when“ wu lent went“. would not depart. He grew to be 102 you. 0! age, and then committed suicide in O plgety et the nlmehonee. Lindy write: an indigneut note to noon. temmrery, in which. with true rultie inno- cence, ehe expreuee e belie! thet editorl never go to heeven. We thought even eoun people knew thet journalist: never went - where. They don’t get the ohenee. The! juet eit up nights thinking how to do good. until the top: oi their heed: weer holel through their heir. Bxuoouuo Broom ro A Bonnetâ€"W0 quote the ioliowing iron: the intent remind Honolulu Advertiser: “ Tho bquuc Icin- kcuc, which bu iult mivcd iron: 8.. Frcncinco, brought with other ougo I lot of pine wood. Au inquisitive cuctomc ciao: discovered tint some oi thin wood ind but split, than glued cnd nailed togethor using and. panning hil investigation. discovered. on hiring tho nailed pieool sport. a nicin had been cutout oi the centre mac mush to contain o ion: pound can oi opium, which icid snugly within. Only iour tin: hove boon discovered I0 tor, but the return. no not all mm. “u Well.†ma Jann' martin}. muflod mount, and I‘ve got to 1 outage girl.†to." whlnod John. " Look .me and m «quanta! with lone ; um [I the wuy I on when I won young. . How do you Inppouthat I ever got mun-led 2" enquired the old south. mm. “ Well.†laid John ultllnllv. u m " Now, John," said a who: to h!- a“): non. “ it in nbont time thnt you got mm“ and «mad down In | homo of your own." “ lint _I ï¬oq‘t mew unygixlg to‘ not maria] A young men belonging to thll town, eon. duster on the I. O. R.. wrote. while on bond the train the other day, it letter to his he- trothed. In h!- htmy he enoloeeddneted o! the billet (10:43,: clearance pope: with the. word: on it: " I retein no Inrther hold on you." He tound out his mistake when the pope: wee returned to him. Al he luoeeedell in expleining the motto: to his loved one’l nucleation. he has been tax-given end reh- eteted in hie position, which he hed land. vertently reflnquiehed.â€"Halifas Herald. Should the Liberals come into power it name to be conceded that Lord Edmund Fitnmeuriee, brother of the Muquio of Lenedowne. will be Obie! Secretory {or Irelend. He he shown on enxioue deal" ut leeet to enquire into Irish grievenou before deciding on them. which in more than eon bu aid of the present holder. Mr. Lowther. Tho position hu ueuelly been ï¬lled by the loin oi come noble English home no u “lining ground. end ion: Prime Minioteu hen occupied it within the leet hell century. '18.. the Duke 0! Wellington. Sir Robert Pool. Lord Melbourne and Lord Dexby. The London Army and Navy Gazette urn that there in e etrong primafacie eeee egeinet the honor of Col. Welieeley (eon 0! En! Cowley end greet nephew 0! the tint Duke 0! Wellington). end thet hie brother cmeen of the Ooldetreem Guexde eey thet until eherecter hee been cleared they c mooiete with him ; yet he rennin: aide-de- eemp to the Queen. Therefore it eonelniee that the Queen has not been tally interned or the cï¬ieen oi the Ooldetteelne ere too eqneemieh. The Gazette oelie to: prompt intentigetion. ‘ 'Th‘.l.| In {tong 3 French boo); of “lung“.â€" , ,.___.._ _-- _w- wnvu .v-u- IOU Wllh tall 'e on end 5’ that. And gully r do n pomp end pride; We can dispense with 5' am. An honest been note no such pmâ€" A girl’s n girl (or n’ ihnt. The nobly born mny proudly scorn A lowly in: end 5‘ tn»; A prom iaoo ha in mote grace Then hnughiy look: and u‘ thnt: A bonnie mald needs no such sidâ€" A slrl'e egirl 101- n' that. And let us trust that come it must. Ana lute it must to: a' them When ialth end love. all um above. shall reign supreme and n’ that. And every youth oonieu the ï¬xativ- A alrl'a a girl (or e’ that. “I yin u» land a Th::.b::2|’ to: 1:111 nah -' mu 7 v. or. I†I! "1%: "1:320:01 :an; b" For nutnro’ a chum ohm but an pulm- A 3131' I 3 31:! tax u' um. Whu though her neck Imp gem! nu duh Winn an" .. _ _A_, A aur- a am For 3' Thu.