. . . , -- "'1 car on the twin. By it. the driver can, inioaae the connecting link should break and divide the train on a heavy rude, held every car until the link is top Med. A train running at the rate of tw/enty miles an hour can be stopped still with- in twelve rod: of hho place of applica- fl-.. Vennor writes to any the probabilities are that the next mnrked severe term is likely to occur between ti; 10th and 15th dnye of Jnnumy, or very close upe on thesedatas. This will be severe and probably.c;p.al, if not exceed, the Dec camber cold term. The third “dip " which he thinks will be the severest of the three, is likely to come upon us in proximity to the 8th day of February, and continue for three or more days. Two other “ dips " ofminor importance will probnbly be located towards the end of February, and close to the 17th of March respec‘ively. Between these very cold periods there are likely to oc- cur two or more veiy geneml thaws, probably with mine. 1 The Toronto and Nipissing Railway Co. have for some time past been using Haggis’ “ \Vntoro-Lil‘wr," o. device by which the engine-driver can ï¬ll the boiler at any stream by the wayside and do away with Water tanks, force pumps and extra hands at the watering stations thereby affecting a saving in the run- ning expenses of the reed of several thousand dollam annually. The same company have recently put on Stock’s steam brakes, which will doubtless rens ‘der the danger of fatal accidents to. brakesmen a. misnomer and enable the engineer to pply the brake to every A-.. An ALA ‘ v The suit of Mo Kay m. The Town- ship of Bro.:k, to recover money collect- ed for sidewalks in the village of Can- uington, under an illegal by law passed last year, was tried at the Division Court hem last Friday, and resulted in judgment heing given against the Town- ship. As this was a test suit, it virtu- nlly decides the question as to the lias hility of the tomiship fat the money so collectedâ€".Glcuncr. The County of Victoria is now con- sidercd one of the most virtuous cuuu- ties in Ontario, and we venture to any that then: isnoo another county in the Province that can shown better record for the past year. At the present time there is not a. prisoner within the walls of the county~gnol in Lindsay. How many gnols in the Provmco were with- out a. prisoner on Christmas day 3 The Methodist supper on Tuesday evening lust Was well attended, and passed 60‘ very successfully. The var- ious speakers were \‘9I'y entertaining and were attentively listened to. Over $60 was realized. cw- A good warm Felt or Quilted Skirt would be a very appropriate as well u a useful present. You can buy them at all prices at the “ Regulator. †Teachers’ Convention.â€"The North Victoria Teachers’ Convention met in the School house on Monday last. A very interesting and insnructive time was spent. @- There is no use being cold when you can buy a. s ,lendid Ladies ulster for $2.50 at tho “ Regu ator.†The Cancenc he†in Spencer Hall on Monday niébc was nor. a succeeas, u very small crowd being in attendance. 3' Fur caps ore very comfortabla this weather. Why not get one for almost nothing, ot the “ Regulator.†Election of School Trustees yester- day. Christopher Anderson was elect- ed. Dont forget the church social this evening. Splendid sleighing jamâ€"b now; roads are in splendid condition. Vote for Cameron as Reeve and Mc- Alpine as Deputy~Rseve. Mark your ballots for Cameron and HOA lpine on election day. \Veducmlay, Jan. 7th.â€"-Tho North half Lot 6, 3rd 00"., Thumb, and the Farm Stock and quplcqwutx of Mr. Gordon Kean. D.‘ I _' "" ' " Ross, Auctwnccr. Saturday, J an. 3r«l.â€"~The Farm Stock and Implements of Mr. \Vm. Kay, Lot 24, 13th Com, Brock, without reserve. Elias Ems-cs, Auctioneer. For Reen.-â€"~Measra; .‘lJrliliierkley. John Daniel, Wm. Puwlca and Thomas Smithdon. Damn] Reove.-â€"William Down“): and Egbert lrwm. Election next â€outlay, 3.3.1117 in the polls and vote for Can- gamut gamers. AUCTION SALES. 'INELON NWNSIUP- MUN R0 Brds. SHINGLES! ï¬r MEMORANDUM BOOK ‘h Containing a number of letters and invoices, and 3' note made by -â€" Hageldoan, in favor of J oaeph Craig, of Oshawa. The ï¬nder will oblige by sending the same to mo at Oak- wood P.0., or leaving at the “ Advocate " Olï¬co. ' l§8-2in. A. ROSS, lge'nt. .,.- v - .‘IAV 1.1†fl ngninat negotiating a note made in favor of Joseph Craig, of Oshawa. by ~â€" anledenn, and Elizabeth Hazlodcan, for $35, as payment: has been stopped. An party returning the same to Edward’s Hote , \Voodvillo, wifl be suitably rewarded. Lard Tallow Pork Beef Geese Turkeys Chickens Dncks .. . ‘Vood Hard )Vood Soft. ... Hay Fall ‘that... Spring “(heat Barley Oats Butter Eggs Potatoes ENTLEMEN :â€"-AS I HAVE BEEN nominated for the office of Reeve for this Township for the ensuing year, and a great many Ratepayers being desirous of a change in your municipal ofï¬cers, owing to the general dissatisfaction throughout the Township in regard as to how our Township affairs are being managed, I, at the request of a large number of Ratepayers, have con- sented to enter the contest.’ If elected I promise to do all in my power to remedy the many evils in your municipal government, ‘and to bring about such reforms as will tend to the beneï¬t of our Township, and look after your affairs in a manner that will give satisfaction both to you and myself. All thoughtful men will acknowledge that there is room for an immense amount of improve- ment in our Township in the manner in which monies are spent for road work and other business. It will be my object to bring about such reforms as will tend to the espenditure of your taxes with the best re. suits, and to the decrease of the same. I am of the opinion that your taXes may be ‘ considerably reduced by the employment of i a different system of expending the monies. The time being so limited I will be unable to call on you all individually, and being a comparative stran' to you, although not a .stranger to either Township or County mat- ters, (having served in almost every capacity in the adjoining Township of Mariposa to the entire satisfacti of all), 1 will leave my- self in your betas. hoping that you will place me at the head of the poll by a large majority. I will endeavour to see as many of you as possible before election day. Your obedient servant, W0 ARTIES conten‘zriating building w ï¬nd it to their vantage to apply to TOWNSHIP OF ELEM l NOTICE- ETWEEN Woodville and Hartley on ' Wednesday, 17th inst, a. small FRAMING TIMBEii I? there is any section of the To that has been neglected during the p that lying around Argyle. This yr ratepayers of that section have brou‘ one of their own number sea caudit Councillor, Mr. Donald A. McIntyre. he is a. young man of sterling abili hope to see bun elected. z :09, p. m. T rains guing North-10: -55 7: 25 p. m. DODVILLE FARMERS‘ MARKETS. Trains going South-«8:15 AA- LL PERSONS ARE CAUTIONE gm gammï¬iï¬? MllrlgkAND Rummy. QEQANADA 8 Hull“! A‘Ill’lJlâ€"‘ _. TORONTO a NIPISSING RAILWAY Vote for Cameron and. lower taxes ALEX. RosS.â€"â€"Notice. Wu. HENRY.â€"-Tho Regulator. ,-w_---‘u ¢~¢aquV n]. 'l'rams guulg a Ul'tuâ€"anJu. Trains going Southâ€"1:15, LOST- †BMSWER. NEW A DVER’I ISEMENTS. CHE --ANDâ€" '. Donak} A. 31615;â€?! an?! E3 '00 â€"-OF THE EA 1?. section of the Township glected duringntpe past it is per dozen 15 per bushel 25 to 30 per ton 7 00 8 00 per bushel 55 to 60 per cwt. 5 0‘) to 5 50 per cwt. 4 00 to 4 5» per pound 05 to 0 06 “ 0 07 to 0 00 “ “ 0 05 too 00 “ “ 0 06 1300 00 per cord 2 50 to 3 00 “ “ l 75 to2 00 per pound 10 to 0 00 per pound 5 to 0 00 “'51. CA M ERON. A LEX. ROSS. sterling ibiï¬tieivgl; l “.m. ) 6:40, a. ’0 mm. 3 2:45 1 23 to l 26 l 23 to 0 26 56 to 60 30 to 32 15 to 20 ‘o I“. iear the )ught out lidate for -uv â€";V-un‘ IVII' 1U AMERICAN. MESSRS. Mum: Co. are Sol- icitors of Alnerienn and Foreign Patents, have had 35 years ex mience, and now have the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A ‘specinl notice is made in the 801 EN I'IFIU AMERICAN of all inventions patented through this agency, with the name and residence of the Patcntce. By the immense circulation thus given, public attention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and mien or introduction oftenyasily inflected. W a: 00., 37 rm now, Now York. Branch Ofllco, cor. F 8 7th Sc... Washington, D. O. --_.._ v.-~-- v-‘v-IJ IIII‘i‘iUV‘II Any person who hos made a new discovery or invention, can ascertain. free of chm-go, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to MUNN Co. We also send free our Hand Book about the Patent Lawa, Patents, Caveats, Trade-Marks, their coats, and how procured, with hints for procuring advances on inventions. Address for the Paper or concerning Patents. Terms, $3.20 per year, 31.60 half year, which includes postage D‘mcnnuts 10 Agents Single copies, ten cents. Sold by all news- dcalere. Remit by postal order to MU N N 61. 00., Publishers, 37 Park Row, New York. PATENTS In connection with l‘_tllc SClENTlFlC Alltvnnnn ‘r u- v o . Tm: Scmmmo Ammucn 18 n largo ï¬rst- class \Vockly Newspaper of Sixteen Pages, printed in the most beautiful style, pro/‘uaely illiwh'alcd with splendid engraningn, repre- senting the newest inventions and the most recent Advances in the Arts and Sciences ; including new and interestinga Facts in Agriculture, Horticultural, the llomechalth Medical Progress, Social Science, Natural History, Geology. Astronomy. T he most valuable practical papers. by eminent writ- ers in all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific Ametienn ; Aha. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. THE BEST PAPER! ‘ TRY IT. 0' , _ fl -....-.-.n.., u 511‘!“ unvuuuu, uuu 0W0 good wells on the farm ; one mile from the village of \Vrioilville, one half mile from the Toronto and Nipinsmg Railway ; convenient to school and churches. This form is allow- ed to be the best in the township. Any person wishing to purchase can apply per- sonally or by letter, to ARUHIBALD SMITH. 157-3in. \Voodvillo. HE South-East quarter of Lot No. I, in the lat Concession of the Township of Eldon, containinubl acresâ€"46 acres cleared, 5 acres‘bardwuml limb, )1 acres under bay, 4 acres under {all wheat, balance in good or- der for crop, being ploughed twice last fall. This farm 22 all well fenced, laid out in six- ncre ï¬elds, and well under drained. There are good buildings, a good orchard, and two Woodvillo, Dec. 10th, 1879. ALL parties in my debt will oblige by paying in full on or before the 23rd of this month. as All account: not then paid will be pheed in Court without fail. PAY UP AT ONCE. 1F VILLAGE OF \VOODVILLE. 191 There is a guod stable, well, and young orchard on the premises. \Vill be sold very reasonable. Apply by letter, to 8‘! ALL Frame acre of land 0 mill: in the I am not in the habit of advertising everythingl sell as bargains, and some~ thing wonderful in the way of cheap ness, but I can honestly assert that this is the best value that can be obtained in Bedroom Sets in the County. . r HE Partnership heretofom existing he- 1‘ tween the undersigned is this day dis- solved by mutual consent. All debts due the old firm will b9 paid to L. Maybae, who will pay all llilllilihta m. v L. MAYBEE. E, )ROUTER; I17_-!, In n rimï¬fic Emerimn I Dissolution of Partnirahip. Farm for Sale. Woodvillo, Deg? 15th, 1876 l57‘3ino PLENDID BEDROOM SET! 35m YEAR. For Sale. ~-TIIE~-â€" ’. G. STODDART. me Cottage and half an ‘, opposite \Vhite Bros. G. 0. SMITH . JOHN WORK, Oshawa, Ont. fetcrborozqr/it Combz’nalion 231mm, Wig/26’s Tat. W0 7 Improred 7707/2. Ceiziemzz'al Wk'rle flow, for Fad ï¬lmy/May. [Imam/’3 Yuleâ€! [rimming M71, Z/ee bet. in Canada, flange and .S'mall 82rdâ€! Gutiers (ï¬e W ALL IMPLEMENTS \VARRANTED, OR NO SALE. Implementl will be on Exhibition at the Fall Fairs. “’0 are prepared to furnish the following implements cheap for cash, or libe; time of cnedit: __..._.__. mm AAAAEAS AT AENWDN A LARGE COLLECTION OF CLOCKS A ï¬ne lot of Beaver Cloths for Ladies’ Mantle: TEAS FROM 250158 UPWARD At MAYBEE CROUTER’ Either in Factory or Ordered \Vork;â€"All orders attended 1 Any defect. in work sold by me repaired free of charge. has charge of my Repairing Department and all w him must be paid for before taken away SKATES ! @' I have received a Large Stock of \VINTER BOOTS AND SEC. and OVERSHOES, which I will sell at a REDUCTION FOR CASH. McCorquodale 8: (30., Woodville. In fact I am selling \VINI‘ER GOODS, cheaper than ever, in orddr to «13th 3 than clearance of my present large stock on hand. Don’t fail to give me a call, and you will be convinced that you will save money by buying of me. Those who are seeking Great Bar; N© ADAVBWE IN PRIGES - C- GILOHRIST- BOOT AND SHOE STORI Would do well to inspect my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Which c311 be made up, or will he cut free of charge. Choice Assortment, Cheap! SIG’JI' 0F ZZIE Z’ICT‘ 2’00]. After the lat January, 1880, I intend to give AT LOW PRICES, WOODVILLE. HENRY. THE WOODVILLE SKATES ROD. CAMPBEL nttended to on short notice.- 9. Mr. A. Weeks work done by