I' ~"woonv1LLE. - I It of the Senior Division of thel oPublic School for the half year In the following pupils who took i 315% Decumbur. {Von the names of six t number of marks in each subject. m; done during the turn: :â€" f \ rurru anus. {thawhm- llichxml inirman, Robert (h, Mary Campbell, Neil Carmichael, I Gilchrist, Sarah Campbell. " braâ€"Robert Ncsbiu, liichanl Fair- .ry Campbell, Lizzie Gilchrist, Sarah ll, Neil Carmichael. ' motry.â€"â€"\lary Campbell. 1:. Fairnmu, “but, Lizzie Gilchrist, S. (.‘zuuphell, Carmichael. .. , I - .‘-. \Inrv (hull)- FOURTH cuss. Lrithmetie.â€"â€"Lillie Gilchrist, Bweyn, Eliza “'estlake. Sarah Carmich- , Alex. Carmichael, J ohn Carmichael. Irammar and Etymologyâ€"A. McLeod, â€\Vestlake,Sarah A. Carmichael; Arch- ild‘Calnpbell and Annie Cameron, equal ; an CarmiChael, Maggie Berric. 300grapliy.-â€"John Carmichael, A. Mc- pd, Archibald Campbell, Maggie Berrie, rah Carmichael, J edsic Stepllcns'il). Compositimi.-â€"â€"l\lng;,ie lierrie, Sarah Car-~ Lobsel, Maggie Armstrong. John Canni- nel, Bella Smith, Martha l’arsmx. Beadingâ€"Sarah Carmichael, Archibald In) bell, J. Carmichael, A. McLeod, Mag- 9 rrie, Maggie Armstrong. Dictation and “’riting.â€"â€"Martha Barson, alla llmith. Maggie Merrie, J. Carmichael, ngua McLeod, Sarah Carmichael. - 'llunn CLASS. William Height Vision, other diseases that lead to Insanity or Con- sumption and a Premature we desire to send free by The Speciï¬c at 8] per package, or six pack will be sent free by money by addressing Premature Uld Age,anu um", Grave. cry-Full particulars in our pamphlehwhicli mail to every one. Medicine is sold by all druggists ages for $5, or mail on receipt of the THE GRAY MEDICINE 00., Toronto, Ont.. Canada. .3- Sold in “’oodville by all Druggists, and by all wholesale and retail druggists in Canada and the United States. ll4-ly N. B.â€"The demands of our business have necessitated our removing to Toronto. to which place please address all future com? munications. Estray Cow. hmphell, Minnie Juiniesun, David Sluttci'y, irchibald Carmichael Florence Lethln-idge. Gramuiar.â€"â€"-Minuic Janiicsun, \Vcnnie [638, John Gilchrist, Daniel Sluttcry, (fath- rine McLeod, Florence Lethbridgu. Gaography.â€"John Gilchrist, Dnnio-l Slat- cry, Minnie Jamiesun, Catherine McLeod, ha. Smith, Florence Leblibriugc. . Readingâ€"Daniel Slattcry, Minnie Jamie- lon,_\annig Ross, John Gilchrist, Catherine 1 ALLAL] Ariï¬hgmtii-c: â€"Juhu Weanaue. mphy.â€"â€"R. Fairinnn, Mary Campbell, 3312112211: «but, Sarah Cam mun, Lizzie Gil- . '5. Jessie Studdart. 1 all partim till) l'liï¬Wi‘y.â€"â€".\Iairy Campbell, 11. perielico ( MD, Neil Carmichael, Robert, Eesliitt, securiiig lohï¬st, Jessie Stoddart. yPutrb 2‘31 wlinu Historyâ€"Jessie Stnddurt, Mary gin 110 t then, R Fairumn ; Lizzie Gilchrist. and y a me lCampbell, equal ; liubt. Nesbitt, Seil GRAY lichael. - . . r-:L_‘...:i.t locals) Siml- TRADE“ £8830 . . The succese that these medicines have nut with since their introduction to the public some years ago, proves plainly to the must lie Public School for me half vcar :keptical that they are medicines that per- .. . ,' orin what they are ndvurtised to do. The 313% December. I“ [he {Ui'm‘mg virtues of these medicines have been Well a the names “f 5“ l’“lâ€l-“ “'1'†“Wk tested. and have withstood their trial in a lost number of marks in each subject most satisfactory manner. For diseases of k done during the term ;_ the Blood, Liver, Lungs. ko.,they are unsur- \ "fl." cuss. passed. \\ u how testimonials of miraculous __ - _ . . , cures of these diseases, and of many others. ,“Mtw' .lm'lmul l airman, liobert If any one is afflicted, let him try a bottle of ., Mary Campbell, Emil L-ariiiichael, ,- i - . - Iiilebrist Sarah (Ja-npb-dl the remedy and a box of} ills. be innin- bmâ€"liobert Nam“ illicliard Fair. 0ii|_eii'ects Will follow their use to the most any Campbell Lizziefiilchrist, Sarah del‘°“‘°.l’c“°"' 3.“ch a"? 1“".9‘3' “gm“.‘e' ell Neil Unruiiclmcl there being no mineial matter in them. .1 he netry "“3â€, Campbell I: Fuirinnn cost is small, while the advantages derived bitt, Lizzie Gilchrist, S. Campbell: from their use Will d ubly many you for umichael your ex )ense and tro do. _ ° 1 be com-inc- . q , __ , .. Try t 630 great remedies mu 3?;gil‘i 133,8:339' Mâ€) anp- ed that they are no humbuq. No one who ibell ; ll. Faii'ninn 1 . l ‘ Sl h ,. ‘ _ we Gilchrist equal- 50“ Carmichael ias triei t 10 ms oneesl 1113 ms pionounc- Weutloke ’ ' ’ ed an unfavorable opinion of them ; no fain- . ‘ . ily where they have been used will be with- Rail}Qï¬hFaogï¬iiiicli“riggizlflijii' out them. Full information may he had on 2 ' l - - ' - . all articulars touching the use, and the exâ€" iiliilewï¬istoiitlirâ€"Klury Campbell R perience of those who have used them. by in). Neil Carmichael Robert ï¬ehlï¬tt. securing the Treatise or the Circular “0!“ iohrist Jessie Stodduirt. ’ your druggist Free._ Price of the Remedy in ' Stoddui-t, Mary pint bottles. 81 ; Pills 25 cents a. box. Sold mhan History 'â€"Ju?s-le s . -n..i._;.,. and by all medicine dealers. r /LXAM11‘AL Avon». . ""'"‘"‘ ' “’OODVILLE. It of the Senior Division of the _____â€"-â€"â€"-â€"--‘I In .------â€"~ - ~ . 3v. Smith, Florence Leslibriugc. . Readingâ€"Daniel Slnttcry, Minnie Jamie- ‘n, \Vennie Ross, John Gilchrist, Catherine [oLemL Florence Lethbvidgu. Com osition and ,Spcllingmâ€"Vl'lngh Carmi- ml. innie Jamieaun, Duncan Carmichael, .rohibald Carmichael, Catherine McLeod, mliibnld McMillan. Dietitian and Writing. â€"-Archibnld Mc- Iillan and H. Carmichael, equal; Archi- pld ‘Carmichnel, Daniel Slamcry, Minnie mieaon, Carl Smith, Geurge Smith. John iiichrist; Eflxsmsn TEACHER,â€"â€"Pormit us to give ‘oxpreosion to our sentiments of respect. for you, and of our appl‘ccmtiull of your un- woaried diligence in. seeking to promote our instruction and to secure our comfort. Be- ilore school hours nrriVed you were present to see that the school house was comfortably Allowed for your scholars. Throughout the {day you manifested an earnest desire to do {justice to all under your careâ€"to those who _- had recently entered as Well as to the more 4dvsnced. And that no one should fail to hove full beneï¬t of your instruction, with ; Iingular devotion, you gave additional time flter school hours to those pre swing for spaniel examinations. With t 0 other brmches taught us, we cannot forget the in- "Itmotion you imparted in vocal music. On {t e Sabbath you Were equally willing to ‘9 6 your self-denying services to thme who diam disposed to twnil theumeives of religi- you: instruction. And with all you exercised discipline with marked mildness and impar- tiality. It is diï¬icult for us to imagine how" uny teecher could show greater interest in ,9 AL--- ..-.L_....L...l on Id- nurn. The examination of the Lorneville Public bhool took place on Friday, the 19lh inst., I presence of a goodly number of the rate- syers of the Section. After the examina- lon of all the classes the visitors expressed homselveu as well pleased with the condi- ion of the School: and expresse-l their regret it the departure of Mr. Symons. the present mcher. The pupils also gave tangible l'idence of their esteem by presenting him with a valuable present and the following wv-nv- v‘-â€"..- - Ill, " " a the training of those entrusted to his care. .It does not become us to any that we sufï¬- cienflya preciated your labor and zeal on ‘our helm f, or that we made such regress 1- --... “mu... m. minke. 1m exnectm of us. Ulll' Wan-u, v- 0...- in our Itudiel as might be expected of us. ‘But now as We learn that you are about to Jone us. we trust your departure does not {arise from any disrespect on our part. mul we «mostly hope you shall enter on work where your servxccs shall be fully apprecia- l ted, end where you shall enjoy much antis- iwtion and encouragement in your labors. And now before you part with us permit us to fly thnt we do hope the instruction you imported to us has left impressions on our minds that will prove useful to us through '. Wm. 11. Symons: I‘ll-nut â€"- a..- 7..-- l’ , life, and that can never Lo cfl‘nced from nur ham; and as an indication of our appreci- “100 of your kind interest. in us, and that no any he of some rmmicnt benefit to you i Ind thus secure a anting remembrance of A. I.-.‘ v11 ,EXAMINATIONS. LO RN EV I LLE. Gilchrist, Roderick lieSOIl, David Slnttery, Florence L‘cthhridge. Jamicson, \Vcnnie Daniel Slattcry, Cath- GRAY'S Speciï¬o huoa MARK. The Great ' m 8318113th- “088. Sperma- , torrhea, Impo. ‘ ., z: tency, and all ‘ M020 Taking Diseases thntmv ‘ Tahng. follow as a se- 3" ï¬nance of Self-Abuse ; as loss 0! memnry, niversal Lassitnde, Pain in the Back, Dim- ness of Vision, Premature Old Age,and many other diseases that lead to Insanity or Con- sumption and a Premature Grave. cry-Full particulars in our pamphlet,wbicb we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Speciï¬c Medicine is sold by all druggists at 8] per package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent ffee by mail on receipt of the Great Shoshone“ Remedy â€â€˜1- TRAYEI) Into we prullnun v- m- dcrsigned Lot 39, North Portage Road. Eldon, about seven weeks ago a. cow. The owner can have the same by provmg pro- perty and paying expenses. 1: nnmn‘n ‘11“ N NIS_ Eldon, 10th Dec. 1879. \VHAT THEY SAY OF IT! A FEW I FACTS FOR THE PEOPLEâ€"There are but few preparations of medicines which I have withstood the impartial judgement of the people for any great leu'lth of time. I One of these is Dr. Thomas’ Lclectric Oil. Ilead the following and be convinced :â€" I Thomas Robinson, Faruham' Centre, 1’. Q., writes, “ I have been aillicted with rhcuin- 1 atism for the last ten years, and have tried ‘mauy remedies without any relief, until I tend Dr. Thomas' Ec'ectiic Oil and since then have had no attack of it. I would rec- ommend it to all.â€â€"-J. II. Earl, Hotel Keep- er \Ve.st Shell'ord, 1’. Q., writes, “I have been troubled with liver complaint for sev- eral years, and have tried dillerent medicines with littleor no benclit, until I tried Dr. 'l‘homas' Eclectric Oil, which gave me im- nzcdiate relief, and I would say that I have used it since with the best cil'ect. No one should be without it. I have tried it on my horses in case of cuts, wounds, etc., and think it is equally as good for horse as for man.â€â€"A. Mayhee, Merchant, \Varkworth, l w. ites, “ I have sold some hundreds of hot- ilcs oi Eclectric Oil, and it is pronounced by the public, ' one of the best medicines they 5 ha re ever used ; it has done wonders in r healing and relieving pain, sore throats, etc. _ and is worthy of the greatest conï¬dence.â€â€" r J cseph Rusan, 'l‘uwnship I’ercy. writes, " I h was persuaded to try Dr. Thomas‘ Eclectric it Oil for a. lame knee which troubled me for three or four years, and I never found any- y thing like it for curing lameness. It is a TRAYED into Oil for a. lame knee ‘ three or four years. 31 thing like it for cuvi‘ great pnbï¬c beneï¬t.†1»â€" ‘c-v’r great pnouc vent-m. BEWARE or lmr.vnoxs.â€"Ask for Dr. l Thomas Eclectric Oil. See that the signature ‘ of S. N. Thomas is on the wrapper, and the names of Northrop 8L Lyman are blown in the bottle, and Take no of/cer. Sold by all medicine dealers. Price ‘25 cents. NORTH- ROP L YMAN, Toronto, Ont., Proprietors for the Dominion. NOTE. â€"- 1' electricâ€"Selected and Electerizedl $ T0 820 per day at. home. Samples worth 85 free. Address Srlssos an ' 156 (30., Portland, Mame. $66 ‘fl’vv «w- 1.2T $00.. Portland, Maine. $ 2 AWEEK. '812adny athome oasi- ! 7 ly made. (‘ostly Outï¬t. free. Ad- dress 'l‘mm . 00., Angus ta, Maine. 156 EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL. “ ADVOCATE,†NEW"'éV§tEM _0_F_ CANVA‘S‘SJQQ. A‘gmts nave wnnucrnu Huvuuna. [on or: to 1poq WWW“ leuvau u- --- [unions are m ndard. Address. 115 1gentnhave Wonderful miccoss. 129 {‘E 4---. ..L__AL_ adv, an unï¬ilo iug ' cure for Seminal \Vcak- in. my mummy» SU BSCRIBE FOR THE â€M a week in your own town. Term: and 85 outlit free. Address H. H u» I- unnuml Maine. 156 Send for circular: exphining our Ewan-mm; '36. ; " Noumea, Con; a; 1633 of M61119}?- HECTOR MCINNIS. EDICIN. E0 1mm: 33335!- and i. bu} bub. FRUIT C QEQQE’S SQLL‘CETED. SODA, 4111-; PARTIES SUPPLIED WHOLESALE. JOHN BERRIE, W This Great Household Medicine ranks among the loading neoeseaflos of Life | » u‘l nnn These mixing Pin; purify the BLOOD, and not most. powerfully,yet soothing on t1 LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS .___.._._.._....â€"--â€"- W and BOWEIB, giving tone, energy. and . vigour to these great MAlN SPRINGS 0! LlB‘E. They are conï¬dently recommended as a. never failing remedy in all cases when the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or Weakened. They are wonderfully ellicneious in all ailments inci- dental to Females of all ages; and as A GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, are .I BERRIE For the cure of BAD LEGS, hib'munns, sanas M30 megs V-v I'v'-â€"_ 'I ltis an infallible remedy. .ublwd on the neck and ch meat, it cures DORE TH RUAT, Dlpthenn, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and even AS"HMA. For Glandular Swellmgs, Ab- scesscss, Piles, Fistulas, If effectually And every kind of SKIN DISEASE, never been known to fail. Rolls and. Entry 0. Specialty \, ABERNETHY, AND FRUIT, BISCU l'l‘S, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. UVUI uvv-n .-..v v _- The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at 533. OXFORD STREET, LONDON, And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized World; with (Ii. rcctions for use in almost every Ian 'unge. The Trade Marks of these bledicinea are registered in Ottawa. Hence, any one throughout the British Possession, who mav keep the American Counterfeit: for sale, will be prosecuted. The Trade h are registered in throughout the mav keep_ the sale, will be prosecuted. mrohasors should. look to tho Lahol on tho Pots and. Boxes. If tho address is not 533 Oxford. Strode, London, M 2110 are spurious. \ ALL 1 IS UNXLD JAMES STUART, HARNESS MAKER, SADDLER 3w Gout, Rheumatism, HARNESS, COLLARS, mums, wuws cunmr comes, unusuas, muuxs, VALISES AM!) All. KIND OF ‘IIORSE FURNISHING Woodville Harness Shop. The subscribers have now got their Factory ï¬tted up in ï¬rst-class style and tr. prepared to furnish anything that may be entrusted to them in the shape of Issuer of Marriage. Licences Sash and Door Factory SASH.D00RS. AND bLIND: I’LANING, MATCHING, MOULDING, SCROLL SAWING c. on short notice and M. bottom Prices. Also shingles and umber for sale cheap. 1x TUE coUsTY AKES. MIXEDTEA CAKES. CONTRABIIIG MID BUILDING iwnmtorgï¬ A SPECIALTY. Land 85km atbend free. Orders left at McGimsio Bros. mm“, “mm .0. KINDS OF REPAIRING NEATLY AND QUICKLY EXECUTED. PLANING MILL Cor . unsurpassed nsumunw, 1856. DOORS. AND BLINDS WOODVILLE King and Stuart 8t iiy the BLOOD. yet soothing on the AND Bad Breasts, 6412 500 Feet fno Supply with Boots and Shoes. Boots and Shoes. REDUCTION A Large Variety of Ladies’ Bananas, Cheap, LATEST STYLES ! CALL AND SEE MY NEW STOCK OF which I have just; purchased on cost, Blows and. Gang Haws, Merchant Tailor. BATISFY. soozz'nr means made to Mec- AGENT FOR THE LIGHT RUNNING "I SEWING MACHINE. THE BEST THE MARKET. ALL‘IKINDS OF SEWING MACHINE “seams ALWAYS 0" HAND. MUSIC CLASS ! ILL form a class for instruction in Piano and Organ playing in Wood- ville. Bein ntencher of ï¬fteen years ox- riencc am success. Mrs. Pringle is fully qvnlilied to give instruction. â€"â€" - .. ,_.=.--v...nnn qunuuuu w Blvv nu.-. __ _, TERMSâ€"For a test term (if a clue of 10 is formed) 84 for 20 lessons. Pupils wishing to join the class can leave their names at 'l‘nn Atwooun Ofï¬ce. Good references furnished if required. from Unbridge, Sunderland. Cmniugton, Saint- ï¬eld. and other places. 149-31“ V I Auction»: for tho county of mum. ‘, and can consequently sell very cheap. 1 per cent. per MRS. EDWIN PRINGLE in ‘11 theâ€":- a'aezdal. Notes furnished left at “I. Advoogu Ofï¬ce month charged on accounts for rep-aim “Born†31 m Grain Cradles. Hay Forks, Rakes. Scythes, Hoes BARLEY FORKS! COAL‘ OIL A SPECIALTY. ZOcts. PER GALLON. PAINTS, MACHINE OILS ! i All kinds of Hardware- AND ALL KINDS OF Sign 01 me " Bu Hive," Which ho' 13 Selling at a Grout Bargain. Of .11 Descriptions, InvEndless Variety. Remember the place-«next! door to the “ Northom IIutei." New Harness Shop I VARNISH ES, OILS, bbï¬iéc‘raom-zav Shop, MA RTIN «V HOPKINS, BAIRIOTIRI soeqcmn no. v. 8. MARTIN- KING STREET, W v -v..- __ Wbodville, Oct. 22nd. 1879. EGS to inform the farmers > public. that. ha ha opom m. on the South side of ‘. MCLEOD’S9 A LARGE STOCK 0F Money to Loun at 8 pa cont. Onionâ€"Kent Street. hnduy, GROCERIES CAKES, gee. . .7. 8.011211 â€"â€"-AT-- ‘, a! ter October BRUSHES, VVOODVILLE, .merg md nornl 9pouod a mess anduy, Onhfim 0'. 11. Bornâ€. 6:9,,