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Woodville Advocate (1878), 8 Jan 1880, p. 7

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Mr. J. L. Tooltho gnu mum: contain. ll annexing county non: thonmm gout. Ind hi: so». Mr. John Lumen Tools. Inc by“: lomd go nudptgq II Aluminum 0! Pill HILL. K’-. D90. â€".--In 1868 wmo ‘0 Owono hlliod Jomoo Innuiard’o htothot Booty ond woo ooqnittod. Longlord ottomptod oovonl timoo to kill Owono; onoo ho omptiod o ohot gun into Owono'hook oo ho woo floolng.~onothor tlmo ho oood Omo oovonl mlloo on hombooh, tho ttot ooooplng hy toting to tho woodo. Yoototdoy thoy qnonollod ot o otoro ond Owono ton homo. sotodonbiobomllod ohot gun and annual- m. Returning, ho mot Lonciordln .horood, omptiod both honolo oi tho gun ond ion: ohomboro of tho rovolvor ot hio onony. tho loodo of both tho gun bomio ontotina Long- lord'o body, ond thtoo plotol holto poooing through hlo broin. Longlord‘o novy molvor woo ionnd otroppod to hlo body. A wonont {at tho mmdoror hoo boon loonod. It lo thought ho will not ottompt to oooopo. In 1874 John Hiokono woo ohot tron tho bnohoo whlio on hio mod homo: From hlo otrlhing‘ roooxnblonoo to Owono. Lonsiotd woo ohotgod with tho murdor. it being onppoood ho nlotooh hlo non. Ho fled, but woo ooptnnd in 1876 ond ooqnittod. Longiord hoo boon mlxod in other oflolro ol bloodohod. Owono klliod John Griffin not two Iniioo tram tho opot ol to-doy‘o trogody. Ho woo ocqnlttod. In Indlono; throo yooro ono ho tilled o {outth mon. Bo io not moro thon 23 yooro old. ond io tho Ion] oi ono at tho boot oltioono of tho oonnty. Opinion io dividod oo to whothot Owono' oot] 1o inotlflohio. V_7-_-_ â€"â€"â€"vâ€". v. 'â€" «uh; and In woloomo the uhbliahinont o! the Ounuum Academy 0! m u 3 no» natal Ind noodlu! lmtitutlonmhloh dam. In human onooungomont at tho land- 0! our! loyal own... It In lntondod to hold Oh. first wand oxhibltlonmndor the patron- ago 0! Hi: Excellency. utlogtgyujnj'ohmm _A-‘ _L .â€" RA 1. next. when it in oihootidwthâ€"ntâ€"hâ€"llwfillx «onion will be ublo to b. mount. thoir yonth. Thoy hovo boon finding thot tho mojority oi tho higher pooitiono in monu- lootoflooâ€"onoh u dooignon. droughtomon, oto.â€"oro onntohod up by Engiiohlnon. Fronohmon or Gormono. whiiot Young Amo- tioo ho to piod niong in tho ordinory wniko oi iiio. Our oxpetionoo in Condo hon boon Inoiogouo. olthon'gh . to o oortoin oxtont oxen-obio. from tho toot thot wo no o youngor monuiootnring country. Our noighbou hon, howovor. hooomo olivo to tho nooouity oi tho odnoo- tion onppiiod by tho Bohooio oi Danish ond othor ptootiooi inotitntiono, ond thoro in not Y o oontro oi popniotion whoro ouoh noy not now ho ionnd. omoorod with tho obioot tooohoro ot oommond. Wo on siod thot on: thoughtini Governor-Gotten]. following out tho oonm to o oortoin oxtont ioid down to: him by hio gonioi prodoooooor. in dototminod thot no oliort oi hio ohoii ho looking to hoop Oonodo obgout oi _tho oiviiinod notion- oi tho will remedy this. It will provide ior the clueiiicetion oi the works oi Artiste, end prove e greet help to lovers oi the fine arts. Oi course. compentively iew Oenediene csn eflord to pay large prices ior works oi srt; but still lewer sen trust their own judgment to decide on the reletive merite oi the pro- ductions oi the easel. The new institution will. unions other tblnze. prove e nimble old to such es these. lieuecesslui in still further populerising Schools oi Design. its ser- vices will elso be highly epprecieted. We ere too ept. in the hurry end bustle incident to e pioneer lile. to taunt thet eriietlc excel- lence in soy given article oi msnuieeture or design ieee much neceeury to secure public epprobetiou u utility. And eo we ere lleble to get behind the me. Even the Americas. with ell their ingc unity. as only now begin- ning to ewcke to use neceeelty oi peying snore sttention_to the technicel educetion oi -._- __â€"-â€"- such. in ehort, ere the meta leeturee oi the new venture. which we truet will be eueccee~ dull, cerried out. In e country like Oenede. whore l0 much time ie expended on develop- ment, end no little in neceeeerily given to coneolidetion. it ie rether e rieky undertaking. But ite utility none ceu queetion. Not- withstanding ell the difilcultiee in the wey. there hee been e net im- provement in the production oi_the worhe oi ert in Uenede within the leet querter of e century. ee our ennuei exhibition here borne unple teetimony to. Btill it hee elweye ; been e greet drewheck thet. there hee been no recognised etenderd ol merit by which eech individuel production could be judged. The eetehliehrnent o the Acedeuay oi Arte â€"III ...._..1_ AI 1, -- _ , _ ”v“- __.. _-â€"v-â€"- any-vaults}. The Grove or-Gononl will nominoto tho onion-bum tor the first you, dad thereon» um duty will devolve upon the Gonna! Anumbly. Tho munbeuhip of the Council in. however. to be filled up by rotation. 3h. nnior mombenblp serving fint. Etch Aoodunioim will contribute an onnnll Inb~ Ioripiion 0! 810, 3nd «ob Auooiuo $5, and Ill mono” than niud shall be Vented in Tmtou. to be “toward- nomad. elem. canal-ting 'o! dietingulehed Ionian nrtiete not reeident in the Dominion. It ie 3150 intended to hove an Honorary Retired Clue o! Academician: end I elm {or fionox- nry Mambo". The government of the Andemy in to be vested in 3 President. Vice- Pruidont. Council nn_d Genernl humbly. snent oi design es epplied to peinting. sculpture. erchitecture. eugreving end the industriel srte. end the promotion end sup. port oi edncetion leedins to the production oi beentiinl end excellent work in menniec- tnres. To ettein these ends. it is propoeed to institute e permenent Netionel Geller, et Ottews ; to hold ennnel exhibitions et the principal eitiee in the Dominion. end to -esleblish Schools oi Art end Design where they do not elreedy exist. The Society will consist at not more then iorty members. to be known es Acsdemioisns oi the Oenedien Aeedensy. Oi these. not more then ten shell be erchitects. not more then three shell he enarevers. end the number oi Acedemieien Designers shell not exceed eix. Another Order oi members. to be celled Aesoeietes oi the Acedemy. is not to be restricted in mem- 1 here. These membere will be divided into‘ Assoclete Peinters, Bcnlptors. Engineers end Designers. All shell be British snbjecte. or ii ioreigners shell reeide in the Dominion. Still another eless will be Foreign Acedenii- AN A0103“! 0' LIST. I.- CANADA. Wo hovo boon iovorod with noon at tho «knit oonotitntion oi tho Oonodinn Aoodom, oi Am. whirh hujuot boon iunod to tho ptooo oi tho Dominion. Tho objooto oi tho now socioty. which hoo boon argonlnod moiniy through tho oxottionl of tho Huqoio oi homoâ€"nod, donhtiou. with tho toil oon- ounonoo oi tho Ptinoou Lonloo, horooli on oblo nunâ€"m ototod to ho_tho onoonxoao- _.-_A -1 n-,1,,, log n tho only "61150.7( :33; h; Ipnbflm o! 1 Incl-.- h!- The chip Crocodile. whleh croeeed the Equetor letely. encountered e curioue exper- ience, thue releted by e peeeenger : “ On the lollowing night e moet curloue circumtence occurred. which would herd]: he eredlted. The chip wee etopped by jellylleh, which, ehortiy elter 1 o'clock. eppeered in myriede ee ler ee the eye could reeeh, end the thoueende oi lumincue hodlee floeting upon the weter geve the eppeereuce 01 e ecene iron: lelry- lend. Some ol the fleh got into the etrelnere oi the condeneere, end blocked the holee. eo thet the weter could not enter, end the mult wee thet the veeuum went down, end then dieep ered entirely. The condeneere etterwerd eenle eo heeted thet we hed to etop eteelning eltogether. tehe o! the etrein- cre. end cleer them. Three etternpte were mede to Iteem. end eech felled from the eeme ceuee. In thin we: we were deleyed no leee then five home; but It deyhreek the itch ’eenk. end the chip wee eble to proceed. The eeme thing occurred egeln on the lollowlng night. the chip being deleyed lour houre." 1H- ham: to uni . poor mt with t ion! huts bohlnd It than to m n to”! vent with I boun’a ham mm. - - â€" â€"""â€"'â€""_UI ‘ton. Juana, 1. Dunn or Com-mo: up Ducmnu Pu. nunâ€"Alb.“ a Ymovor. Mom-burg, with A Bouhonhioro. Montrni; J A Bou, with D MoDonoii. Oomwhli; 0 (Jim-tun. with '1‘ Bijoitc, Otun; A H Gomii 00, with A T0001)». Tom»; W Waddington, with J D Honolulu, Bonitow; J Mitchell. with W Wodd. Pomhroko; 0 J Dixon. with D Mo. Donal]. Count“; 0 W Budd, with H E Noll“. London. : Antwan-mu rol Damnâ€"D B Camp- bull. Puhhiii, Juana: Bi; J MoGngor. Touwntot, Fobmuy 2; J B Minot. Bunt- ioxd. Juum23; J O'Donoahuo. Stntiord. Jhnnuy 21; Home a Inglis, Whikorton, Jammy 23. wood; DIoDouEOOmnll. toJA Ban; '1' I! Nun, Aylmor. toJ Faun; W Wodd. Pambroh. to J Kimball; D MoDonoll. Oom- nll, to O J Dixon; B. E Noun. London. to 0 W80“; ABmhun. umuord, to B 8 Emmott. Mutton. Dmnml Pumaâ€"A H Gornll J: 00. Toromo. Dumbo: 30; Lulu- dz Davidson. Brahma. Juan») 6; G B Poul] ll Kuhn, Guelph. Quail! 6;_ _Jo_uo Eula]. n-_n.__ 1 ,,,,,,, Wink". I'd-towel. Amount hmnm.â€"L Emma. Whitby, to Alex Boboruon; W K Smith, Walton“. to J Harman; '1' Ohmhor. Imdon. to Thompnon Murdock. Luann; '1‘ Church-r, London. to J E Dub]. Pukhlll; ABonrbonnlou. Manual. to Albon a Yan- ovu.Monl-bm; '1' Buick“. om". to 0 Christian; W Bobbins. Toronto. to E B Sham; H 1?. Non“. London, to L Am“; SOFA". Manual. to 11 Allan. Perth; W Smith. Uxbddgo, 39 {G Hugohiugn, good- _‘_‘I “can New untam- or Cannon. â€"6 Bet- hr-by. Blmeoe. Jenner, 6 ; L ct E M (Joe-m. Guelph. December 26; G Falkner, Toronto. Jenner, 2; 1: Bundle, Guelph, December 30 ; D Orewtord. o! Wee: Lorne. at 8! Thoma. Jenner, 5 ; J 0 Meeklln. jam. Brenuotd. Deeelnbet 30; Devid. Andrew end Theodore Gtehem. BI Thoma. Deeembbt 30; wuum Jonee, Bernie. leaner: 2; J lamb. Toronto. Jenner, 2; W K Acflneona 00. 01 um Unis. u Perkhiu. Jenner, 8 ; John E «I: Devid Even. Guelph. December 27; Jemee a And"! Wetgl. um. Bernie. Janna: 2 Wm or Autumn Imamâ€"53.111" B Martino“. Olin‘l; D Gaylord. Wu! homo; Alex Madonna, London; J J Human. Godmoh M _A _O'Bymo_. I 9 [1.1-4-1. ‘ (in. _____ .n - .__-_â€"' w. .J-WI- VI , _ , .. .-.. horsepley I- too prevelent. Beepoeteble people. especial] India. are Inenlted. when they will: to enjoy the putlme of eketing, eo u m mete one reflect sometime: whether rho liberty o! the whim» her not degenerued law "commâ€"London World. Ti flow Dole-edu- Wo-c- nu- Tuned In the Gun Metropolis. Renee et Anette! flue-m. Dune. 0el.. Dee. -â€"-.â€"The communion- tion between Leke Oity end Loo Pinoe it not broken. but there in no newe. omeiel or nootlleini, since Friday night. Ketch wee to heve iett tor Oiine'e Benehe. thirty miioe iron hoe Pinoe. yuterduy morning. The imiety ie intenu. tor there no tam oi Another nee-tore. ‘ Nzw You. Dee. â€"-.â€"-'l‘he Time: an e ‘Weehington epeciei an that yeeterdey Secretory Bemuy, alter e eonenitetion with Shem, directed the Generel to telegreph to ell the military detechmente in the vicinity of the Ute country to be on the eicrt, end thoee «lunch-ante which ere mount the 0m) eaeney have been directed to move; forward tothe protection at Ketch end pert, While edmitting thet the preeent upeet lei discouraging. Bchun he not ebendoned the hope that the guilty Indiene will be surren- dered. lithe eurrender ie not nude. Behurx will promptly turn over the nutter to the Wer Deportrnent. Nothing will be done until Hutch ie heard train. The etetement thet the women of White River egeney were hrnteliy outraged is true. but tor prudent reeeone the teete hove been heretotore withheld. LADIES IN LONDINV. Insolvent None". TIIE UTBI. ammo. The bad.“ thing in “I. wotkl to do no mutant], film you do It won in to mind you own bullion; A Won: wno Hum Tum Wu".â€" Auotroiio io greetiy exercioed roopocting o women who he 10: my yooro pooood henoit oi! oo o men. end who hoe mottled oovonl wine. In 1857 e girl booting tho nomo 0! Ellen Tremoyno come to Melbourne in the Cocoa Monoreh. 0n he: onivoi oho merriod o iollow-pooeenget oi the nomo oi Holy Dole. hnnty end .onmed horeeii the mo oi Edword De hocy Evono. Mery hoving died, who” mended Bereh Moore. end on the deoth oi Boroh " eho" mottled Jolie Moynord. Julio io etiil olive, but Milo Edwerd Do Locy Eeono hoving gone med hoe been confined in the Kew Lunotic Aeyinm, where hie or he: not woo diecoverod owing to ooch lnmeto being forced tctoko o both. The curiono circum- etonce connech with thio cooe ie thot not one of the wine roveoied the lmpooition thet hod been proctioed upon her; nor did the mine" with whom Ilioo Edwetd worked iori obove twenty yeere ever empect thot oho woo e womanâ€"London Truth. merriege velid where eelebreted le velid everywhere. But there ie more uncertelnty ee to the lew ol divorce. In 1812 e ceee eornewhet eimiler to the preeent one eroee in Enalend. A men nemed Jolly. who hed been merried end wee domi- ciled in Englend, went to Scotlend for the expreee purpoee of getting e divorce. TAfter living there forty deye, the time which the lew preeerlbed ee neceeeery to conetitute e preemptive domicile. he returned to Eng- lend. where he wee merried eeecond time, hie em wife being etill elive. He wee tried for bluemy end convicted. Hie ceee coming before the twelve Lew J ndgee, it wee held thet “no eentence or eet of en, foreign country or etete could dieeolve en Enalleh merriege for grounde on which it wee not lieble to be dleeolved in Englend." Thie would «em to be directly in point, but thie judgment wee rendered before the Divorce Act wee peeled, end, moreover. there ere eone indicetlone thet the doctrine of the courte on thie quee- tion hee undergone eome chenge in recent yeere. lend. end thet Fernie ie thereiore guilty oi bison): in heving contrectcd tho meniege with her in 1865. Tho chem mede to thie ie thet e divorce lewinliy procured end veiid in Bootlend ie cqneliy velid throughout Greet Britein. Tho mount provocation ie merely e iormei one. The Divorce Court will be celled upon to decidc the qncetion. which it ie expected will be token to the Court oi Appeel. end prohebly to the Home oi Iaorde. The queetion ie compliceted by the ieci thet e divorce on he more eerily ohteined in Bcotlcnd then in England. In other worde. Scotch divorcee ere grented tor roe-one thet ere not recognised ee grounde oi divorce in Englend. In the cue oi merriege, the rule to oitcn but not elven rpcognixcdi thet e Vere that Mr. Fernie. e Scotch dremetiet. merriedliiee Devie in Weiee,in 1861. They went etonee to Caper, in Sconend. where they lived until 1863. In thet yeer Mu. Rennie obteined. in e Scotch Court. e divorce from her hurhend, end eubeequentiy ehe merried mother men. Fernie went to Rnglgnd end wee there carried. in 1865. to Kieeflervey. In 1868 e upereiion took piece. Fenie’e firet wiie being still olive. the ucond Ire. Fernie he now eppiied ior e divorce, end her eieo cherged her hmbend with bigemy, in the hope of hula; her mer- riege deciered null end void ab initio. Bhe ellegee thet et the time oi her merrieee with Bernie ehe wee ignorent oi hie prior mer- rieze. e91 thet ehe__enpx_>oced him to be en namcnlod mm. Bho ' aooo hot «13», tho «Edit, 0! Fonto'o divorcc undo: tho Scotch low. but mohtdnl thot _It to intolld Infinnzf I-..) -...I AL-A ”A-" _ “ Wu], I'm goin' up on the nut“ just now. bm “to: dinner 1'11 «11 sud no the book. If that“ 0 single crooked Word I won't have It. for I nain’t goin' to how Bush olidln’ down from her about»: winder a midnight to meet no brinnd, and it the our toll- mo ogiu tho: I'm o kicker I'll box hu- oul. em: n she in going on 23 l" EXTRAORDINARY DIVORCE SUIT Bench Mun-Inge. Anal: In Question. An inure-ling gunman 0! In bu jun been mined bolero one ol tho Pollen Mull- mtu In London. and loan“ la in import- mu m: It will doubnou be curled to tho Hons} ol Iagrdl; Tl:- ohlofiluu in the one _- "v-â€" " I Mum you sh}: Tonnagi poems no .1! gym and mo clerk. “ Waai. I gone as. I haln't no hand to remember namee. Do you know anything abo nt thia ’ere Tenuyaon? ” " Why. he'e one oi the leading poete." “ Married man 1 " u YOU." “ Move around in party good loolety. doea he 7 - Ever hear he waen't exactly atraight 7" “ Why. Mr. Tennyeon ia euppoeed to be a gentleman." raid the utoniahed elerk. “ though. oi eouree. I don‘t know anything about hie private life." “ Doea ne nee any alang words in hie vereee 1" " 0i oouree not.” “ Anything about girla olopln' away from home with piratea or’rohbere t" " Not a word.” \ t' The reaeon I'm a leetle partiokler.” raid ‘ the old man. "la beeauee my gal ia rather on the romanee. She'a Juat dying to aiope off with acne pirate. or be logged on by aome ‘Injnn-killer. and it that ’ere Tennylon ie on w the aiope I don’t wanthla vereel." “ Oh. you ean he lure that hie poeme are all right. They contain nothing but the pnreet sentiment." " ’Nother thing ia. one oi the girl: in our neighborhood eent ofl alter aome one’a poeme. and that 'ere pamphlet come nigh workln‘ .a heap oi evil. There waa a long in it about a boy with aglaae eye. and another about flirtin’ with a teller on the corner. and I can't tell you what. ’Twaan’t a week aiore our Sarah begun to aay ehe'd like to ' oollar a heeu.’ and aakin’ her mother not to ' give her away.‘ and all aneh alang an that. I kept her ehurnin’ butter tram eix in the mornin’ till ten at night. and I gneee it reformed her. but I don‘t want to let her goin’ agln." 9' I IIII’II‘ mun ‘Lnb m‘â€"--‘A-I_ ..--..._ _ , , “ You. sir. H“. you n: choice of “ Wu]. I a’pou they m d! on the umo plea.” npuod tho old nun .- ho scanned tho ahdvu. " 1 don't know much Ibont ’cm. hm the 3.1 the «em to think a Map 0! thu ’m chip nunod Tonnymoon." “ Tennyson. you mun.” “ W91. I sum lg. I hdn't no hand to " I‘m Hugo: loony 033d {ozJ 1.11120“ 0! pooufio c u my nu; on ma." oxplnlnod an “duh-looking um: thy other a» u I elm In 3 book-ton um toward $0 nation him. “In: '8" Ton-non." 8t. Thom“ II to hm nnolhor modloo Inning n totnl ol alxloon. nn norm 0! on. to our: 560 ol tho popnlntlon. The County 0! Lincoln will be «9an t the nppronohlna union of the Local Lexi-[mm the film “no in In 3m. Tun Len 00mm Nom.â€"The hodlee of Lieut.-Oolonel F. V. Northey. com Elfin. eon ln-lew of Colonel O. 8. Grow-kl, end Oepteln the Hon. 3. V. Wyett Edsel). 17th Lencere. heve juet been brought home from Zululand to Woolwloh In the eteenuhlp Ton Morton. The flat nemed omcer tell et the hettle ol Glnghllovo leet April. end the letter wae killed et the vlctory ol Ulundl on the 4th cl July. The outline contelnlng the bodice were pecked in deel ceeee, end the whole of the elter pert ol the ehlp'e meln deck wee ellctted to them. After e long voyage they were lended et the Boyel Arlene! without ceremony at eny kind. end were teken on tmcke to the Anne! Mortuery. where the outer ceeee were removed. Frlende In ettendence then took cherge of the remelne. end they were curled ewey ln hence: for lutennent'â€"the body 0! Colonel Northey to Epeom. end thet ol Oepteln Edgell. lt wee nuderetocd. to Ruby. Prineooo hod enoontogod hintooomoto Oanodo to not owoy from tho voxotiouo troubleo ineident on hlo anamolono pooition in Oonxt oimleo. The tone atory telleroâ€" ‘ohall wo oay in tho wont ooooptation at tho tom i-originatod tho oltogothot ionndotion- ‘ieoo rumor thot tho rooont return to England at tho Ptineooo Louloo woooanoodby he: total dloliko to Oanoda and ito pooplo. A greater ialoohood, thoro to authority to: otating. wao nova: olrenlatod. Bot Royal nghneoo hao not only onjoyed hot otay hero. but io reptooentod ao being pooitivoiy ohanned with it. It io to be regretted thot thoprivato afialro 0! our (humor-General ohould ho thno interfered with and mioromeoontod and ridiculod by ineoponoiblo oorihhlon. It moot be onnoying to hun. oopooiolly who. he findo certain Dominion journalo toody to follow in tho woke oi 4heir foreign oontemporarieo For tho uputotlon oi Oanodian jontnolioni it is to be hoped that moro care will ho taken In dealing with theoe mottoro in tho iutm. do most 0! the otorloo boat on thoir iaeo a oontrodietlon. tho taok o! dieotiminotion ought not to ho a difionlt ono. “ ructiono "in Government Homo. u to who should build tho firo. oto. thoro woo nothing in tho oritioiuno at tho pron of tho noighhoring Republic to pmioniuiy object to. ovon oithough tho " wit” might be o littlo tor-ictchod. But when tho New York World o tow don ogo otottod tho nonlomiooi rumor thot tho Prinocu Louioc woo ohout to \roturnto Gonodo with o :0on totinuo. with 3 which to octoblioh oOonrt with oil tho pomp ‘cnd pogoontry incident to St. Junoo, tho hoight oi tho obuudity woo roochod. Thero it. it ncod ooorcoiy bo aided. no ground to: tho publication at ouch o ototomont, ond ono on only wondot thot noun]: woll-inionnod Oonodion journoio ohonld poy on, hood to it. An equolly ohjco- tionol report woo thct otoxtod by o London journci. rcloting to o purol, dolnoctio nutter-o cabinet. tho diocuuion of which, in roioronoo to poopio moving in tho ordlnm wolho oi iiio, would ho togudod oo olnpiy propoctorouo. oltogothor unoollod tor. ond‘ not to bo tolorotod. But bccouoo tho Ptlnoou Louico to tho Quoon’o doughto: ond ; tho wllo oi tho Govornor-chcrcl of tho‘ Dominion. hcr domcotio ofioin m mudod no fit Inbjeoto tor dicouooion by cottoin Io- oollod journclo. who no oitcn nothing oloo thou oiondcnu. It won thooo coondol monzcu who otortcd tho roport thot Ho: Highnou ll unhoppy in hot choioc of o huobond; thot Bio Exccllcnoy woo onuhbod ot tho English Court bcoouoo ho did not hoppon to ho_ o potty Princo; ond thot tho otnid country lit. Cumin without tho nnnoynnno oi thou penning gubfliol. But it in not 30. Eve: line. the min] of our distinguish“! Governor-Genera and his Vito. their life, both omoinl and private. has been meddled with to n extant impndont in the extreme. 80 long u the references Ion con- finod to iqonlu nmukl nbont tho dementia H "mun... n In nn-an-Lâ€"â€"A u____ -_ A nuevnoune eu- 'l‘lllt «event; «acumen-rel. um rumour-e “HIGH. . One oi the peneltlee incident toe prominent poeition in lile lice in being much, telked ebout. Some there ere. oi couree, who ‘ rether enjoy notoriety; but to moet people the continuel meddling oi bueybodlee ie eu intolereble nuieeuoe. Dr. Telmege. lor exemple. me! find it profiteble to vielt ell the elume oi New York. eud give diezuetlug deteile oi whet he eew end hcerd. He hee boolu to cell, end profiteble lecture enaeae~ mente to mete. end why ehculd he not tekt the moet potent method to keep himeeli belore the public? file conduct cennot be acid to be oi e etrictiy minieteriei kind; but then it ie underetood whet ite object ie. end 1 people don't much wonderatit. 0! come there ie no excuee for the pe odicel ettecke on religion by infidele end eemi-inddele beceuee the doctor doee not eiweye ect with etrict propriety. even in the pulpit. For one eccentric genlue like Telmege, whoee evowed method oi edvencing Chrietienity ie open to eerioue queetion. there ere thoueende oi eerneet Ohmtieu ciergymen eteedleetly bettling lor thet which is right. Such public pereonegee en the Brooklyn Boenergee court public comment. end deeervedly get come herd hite et timee. end no one objecte. ,But the eleee oi criticlem. of bueybodyiem. which ie moet objectioneble. beeeuee it ie lmpudent, ie thet which ie continuelly ’ interlering with the public end privete efleire ol individueie whore poeition in iile ie unfortunately. though wrongly. regerded ee e werrent tor euch intermeddling. It the gouip oi thcee bebblere wee confined to drewing-roome or clube it might not do much herm. or be pro- ductive oi eny greet inconvenience. But unlortunetely lte ephere ie not eo curteiled. Indeed. there ere meny journeie. principelly pubiiehed in Eugiend. which owe their ex- ietenoe to the pubhcetion oi more goeeip. it ie evident, therelore, thet but lor the eupport of e lerge number at the cleee oi pereoue we here nemed euch eo celled newepepere could not exiet. The evil lice with the reedere end not with the publiehere, tor, no the editor oi the moet notoricue treepeeeer in thin reepect leteiy remerked. " the journel ie mede to “cell." Neither the public or the nrivete chmeter at either men or women of note ie lree iron the criticiem oi theee journeie. which pry into the moet commonplece efleire oi thoee thought worthy oi being introduced into their columne. One would heve ‘ thought thet the Princeee Inuiee end anm‘ m: An Englhh Jada. noon“, (10de um i not of lulu tooth war. not " nooouulu " lot . lumen wife. and non-ulna u donflu who had mppllul than without any um “mom, from the husband. The pmout when ”MIDI aged In In;- und will be super-dad nut you. It bu bun loom! am the black obflunung lurk all! be taken out to won the Oh. IN" on b. and unln without tho WM! 0! domuon. To ohm. 31:".an o! n thine: gum:- will be and. and the solo: win In " Hen ehould not ellow their wine to epltt wood." eeye e mild contemporary. m- te tether lneonelderete. How can enen utnee when hie wife eonee up with teen in he: eyee end up. " Now do. deer, let no go down eeller end eput wood to: en hour to get up en eppetlte." " A pun my eon) ! " e puneter cried, " some pun tnflemee by brelnl ’ " Then o~pnn not," e Mend rerlled. “ Tnet pun-kiln mm min " I! n potion ohonld buy I“ thou “all" which "no tunily should b0 without " ho Wonk! hue to one. M loan but a no building: out: you to hold than all. 1! every shred of wool oheuod from Ibo “1001) of tho unlvem ond ovary film of cotton plokod hon thin tom-trio! bull, could in Ipun Into yum und knlmd into on o . whloh would be u long on tho bottomlou pl! lo «loop. And be round enough to an tho oquolor to: o gator, it wouldn't hold enough to mm: the Ohrlotmu whhu o! u «My hoirod gltl o! the tender but prooodoun 50m. Thin la 5 hurt]. but! world. lo the m of our, one no he Ilowly duo hon tho {upper} spot on which ho to Iuddonly In: i'l‘nclll the urine Home to the all!!! ‘ Mum-The Tau-0.1 ol 3 Tooth. hm Boon. Doc. â€"-.â€"'1'homu Edmdc. couvlctcd at tho murder of Jun. Asa-brook cud that: child, no yutctduy untcnccd to be hungod ct Ozuk on Fob. 27. Tho all. wo- committod in 1878. The your boron ho locotcd in Wuhington County. coming thou with Mia Amhrook from Kontucky. no lott Wuhington County withhcr out! that: child to so to Johnson County, but non: mind. Ednrdc lubacqmtly turnod up It hit Kcntncky homo. nnd utd hll compo-ion dlod ct Poplu Blufl. Missouri. Some mouth- lctor human boncl wore tound on the do“! tho Alton-u Blur, not: Bpntt'c bonding. And the clothu of tho muting woman and child were found on tho nolahbodng bout. Ono ol the chlgtonl wu ldonttdod u that at him Ale-brook by mom of n pccullct The mommy ll grains“, linking Iowa and lower, md In. that thing we know it will go I gum-u {or the Qnoboo LOW" Donnell. DOUBLI MURDER IN ARKANSA- The depioreble dieeeter et Dundee. “corded in our telegrephic eolurnne to-dly. will ceuee eorrow in rneny e houeehold in Greet B which doubtleee were preperiug to celebrete the New You eeeeou. the ennuei ieetive period in the northern pert oi the ielend. At the time oi writing, the ptrtienlere oi the dieeeter ere oi the moet meegre deeeriptioni but it eeerne certein thet 150 to 200 pereoue heve met e terrible end. The eeteetrophe took piece during e geie. end it ie repreeouted thet the bridge wee blown down whiiet the lete treiu iron: Edinburgh wee eroeeiug iro- Newport to Dundee. How thie come to he eeoerteined hee not trenepired. but it in jnet ee likely thet the etructure tied collepeed prior to the errivei oi the trein. end thet it dlehed ' into the regiug ebyee below. In eny eeee it ie not to be wondered et thet there ere no ‘ eurvivore to tell the tele oi the horrible engulphrncnt. The Tey Bridge. it they not be generelly known, it the longeet bridge in ‘ the world. being cloee upon two tulle! in ‘ length. It iornre e portion oi the North Brideh Beiiwey eyetern, end wee built within the put ton yeere. with the object at tucking the Northeeet ooeet route iron: Englend to the north oi Scot- lend the more populer ior the treveliieg public. Prior to ite erection. the peeeege oi the Tey hedteither to be eecornpiiehed by going the circuitoue Perth route or by crou- ing e ierry et Teyport. where the Frith oi Tey ie oitirnee in e very rough etete. Bo encceeeiui hed the bridge been regerdod. thet operetione heve been begun to build e eirniler bridge over the Fritu et Queeue- ierry. to connect with the come eyetern. with the object oi cutting oii the neeeeeity to: e terry over thet river. end eneuring en eli- reil route iromEuglend to the North. The construction oi the bridge, which hee hed eueh e tregic collepee. eoet in the neighbor- hood oiemiiiion pounde eterling end wee believed to be oi euiiieient etebih‘ty to with- etend ell the etorrne incident to the Tey. It in eitueted et the couthweet portion oi Dundee. the Erie end being et Newport, e wetering piece. The river ie Very deep ewiit flowing et tbie piece. end during e etorm end en ebb tideâ€"ior. eithough It: miles iron the oceen. the tide operetee to e coneidereble dlttence ebove the bridgeâ€"it would beimpoeeibie ior eny humen being. however good e ewimmer, to eeve hilteeii. The chencee ere thet the mejority oi thoee in the eerriegee. who were not killed in the deecent, were carried eeewerd end drowned. Wuet we must expreee our eetoniehrnent et. however, ie thet the rneeeive eolurnne which eupport the bridge ehonid heve eoliepeed. it re true thet the etructure wee re- gerded ee e eubetentiei one; thet the utmoee oere wee tehen to eecure eeie‘ty. It wee however. very nerrow, being only e .reii truck in width. But Mr.Bouch. 0.3. ‘ whoee union in thie connection were met- dered eo greet thet he wee ewerded the honor oi Knighthood et Her Mejeety’e hende. hed the utmoet confidence in the etebiiity oi hi workmen-hip. ,The piiiere were oi concrete. and were built in eoflerdeine. firet eunh, end. then mind when the concrete hed eun- ciently solidified. The upper portion oi the bridge wee meinly oi iron. The only apie- netrun oi the probeble ceuee oi the oeteetro- phe tree in the greet height oi the etruetlllo. Borne idce oi the height my be gieeuediru- the loot thet it wee eonetructed‘eo eeto eiiow every deecription oi veeeel to peee upend down the river to Perth without in the ieeet incommeding their meete. It my be thet thie greet height, end the hot thet the we: built in eeort oi circle. in which itwouid heve the tail ioree oi e gele iron the eeet, ie the true ceuee oi the dueeter. Leter perti- euiere will be eweited with much intereet. 'I‘III TAR BRIDGE DIMI'I'I-o

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