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Woodville Advocate (1878), 8 Jan 1880, p. 8

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Dent expressed themselves as being well satisfied with the progress made during the past term, with the order maintained and the sympathy between tombs! and pupils. The examination closed at 5 p. In. when a number of the young people in the section came to the school-house \vith baskets well laden with provisions. 1-: a short time a splendid repsst was spread before the nu- merous guests who smply enjoyed the‘trcat eo successfully prepared. After the festival a programme was prepared, and it was moved and seconded that L. Gilchrist act as Chairman. The first thing on the programme was en anthem entitled “ The P’rodigal Son" after which Mr. Wm. Ross spoke for a short time. touching particularly on the unison that existed between the teacher and pupils about to 'sepahte. The next was a piece entitled, “Behold ye shall see the Son of Man,” followed by an Address from the Rev. Mr. Ross. who gave some very useful hints to the children and chn. to older persons, with regard to accuracy in their work punc- tuality in their attendance, anl respect to their parents end teacher. Then the anthem entitled. “ The Lord is King," was sung, when a number of pupils came forwsrd and presented their teacher with a large copy of the Bible and s beautiful cup accompanied with the following address :-- i . To our Rammed Teacher :-â€" We, the pupils of S. S No. 2, Eldon, hearing with regret that you are about to leave us, take this privilege of extending to you our heartfelt thanks for the kind and efi'eble manner in much you have treated II since your arrival in our Ulldal. We have always found you a faithful and painstaking teacher, one who discharged his duties with prudence and impartiality, and on all oc- casions ready to meet every obstacle in your pleasant and courteousmauner. \\ e cannot allow this opportunity to pass without giv- ing you some tangible evidence oi our respect for you. _ We. therefore. present you with a ‘l‘ho examination on the whole was very Inhhotory 1nd reflected much crodit on both teacher gnd pupils. The visitor: pu- Tho unorly examination - I School 80c- “01! No. 2, Eldon], was held on Mondty 920d Member. The various ciaues were (‘3- lllllol‘l by the teacher 3. C. Hogan, uoistod hy the Rev. A. Ross, L. Gilchrist; and Wm. Cunpboll, the teacher for the conning term. Signed in behalf of the School; ' Mr. Roger: replied with suitable remain, and “pruned his regret. in separating from children with whom he hm) formed the moat intimate fricndahip. A number of toast, "Ming- hc., were then given and the meet- lng It: brought to : closo.‘ at} olthe Bible And lingo-1: u a. alight % en of the esteem in which we hold you. We sincerely hope that ynu will kindly keep in romeulbrunce those from wlwm you are tbont to separate. Trusting that you why hva every success in your bigli‘calling and flue prosperity may eVer be yours, we now bid you a kind farewell and with yo‘ i “spiny Ncw Year. Breehin Public School examination took peace on Monday, December 21st, when o large number of ratepayers assembled, end hoving heard the different clauee examined were pleased with the manner in which they conducted themselves. Order In .11 thot could be desired. In Arithmetic. Grammar uid Spelling, eapecially,the pupill hove done remarknbly Well end seem to thoroughly un' dentand their work. At the clone of tho nomination the pupils [ire-outed. their teacher with a beautifully hound Photograph Alhu m and the following address :â€" To Mr Staback :â€" |)u.n 'l'muuzmâ€"We your fiupile on thin the eve of you ' departure iromvamong in. being demrone of proving our nppreciw tion of your kindness Aunl never-tiring zeal for our welfare untl ellucnlinn, do present ynn with this Album m a slight token of our Iowa and es’eum for ynu. We grieve that circumstances prevent ynur longer remaining with no, but feel confident that our eXur- t‘ons to attain a highei etniulun of educa- tion wil be amply rewarded by every suc- cesc. and that of amine future time you may return among Ill in the prayer of your IoViug pupils. Emu Enwmm. liusA (humus. Sum" M. Mclln. Signed in behalf of the mlmol. In the cumin; 3 {mm-n supper was (Won by MN. Rmull. of tho Victoria Hotel Aft-er the fan! th‘n {a of the table 'wure pm‘. taken of Mr. Philip Mafia-s. Reeve of Mara. Wu culled tn tho chair anvl noveml toasty- varo propane! and respnmlrel to by Mr. M. U Sullivan.(founnillur, 3nd “curs. Gaudrio, gins-ford, Mick! and Smback. After singing God 83% the Queen the party broku up. Tm. Pummmmmcu. Jouumu. fur Janna- ry. 1880, comes early into the “ulll nf Ann-ri- cnn literuturu [or the new year. Ms mines are lolectovl with particular rsferenca to Hlu Mason, and each one has an important pract- ical imriug. It is rare tn find a m-riul pub. licatinn which from mouth to nmnth C(Wura Io brmul 0 "Old, and yet an o.- {actively in- !M‘ucta uud interests its tandem. Tn he sum it! work Man-s In human nature qmcinlly. hutouo would think It «limoult to provide (rash. crisp. matter. month after month, in Inqh n flohl‘ The J; URNAL, hochul‘. is n (leumustmtiou uf the extent nf thn‘rcmuwos Iuho comnmml of the earnest student Your affectionate pupils, lemon. IX A u INATloNo ' scuom. IXAMINAfloN. BRECHIN. ARGYLE. J. Cumulus. fl. Mcls'rvnl. ELLnx DAY‘FJ. , BARBARA Ron. in? At the opening, a phase of American p0 itice is presented to the reader, in u sketch and portrait of the Maine Senator, Mr Blaine. Another perwualeketch ull‘eele American literature, eupeoiully poetry, and is a really interesting paper, Vlz.-l"lt'-Ul‘ufl~ ne Halleck. 'l‘echuieal science hue its place, end is copiously illustrated in the elaborate article entitled “ b‘tluliee in Comparative Phi-etiology." Here the reuder'e eye is ur- rested by an array of facts of an entirely novel order. A ca ital article in that of "Intemperunce iu intory.” in the course of which the writer culls from old authorities to show the and effects of wine-drinking in ancient times. ” M Wicked Frieml " is a very leaeent-lile inculent, while “The Old end ew Education” supplies some very valuable hints, on which parents and teach. ere would do well to reflect. A juvenile ato- ll? in begun, with the title of “The Young olltl of Cherry Annue," which will he tak- ing to the young readers of the Puklsowe. IOAL. The depeltmeut of “Science of Health ” is well filled. The article entitled ilm, at; d was unable to move without help; But :fber takin‘3 r a few bottles of the Shoslm noes, wu able‘3 '0 walk as well as ever. Price of the Remedy xgoirnt bottles, 81; Pills. 25 cents a box. (1 by allmcdiciue dealers. alsorthe “ Answers to,Uorreapomluuts," a mine of intellectual wealth. " What They Sty.” although devoted to fugitive contri- butions. usually contains many eXcelcut notjoiza, etc. Taken altogether, as was hinted at the be- ginning of this notice, the number is an ex- cellent introduction to the new year, and will please the large circle of J ounxAL’s sub- acribers. The price of this Jonas“. is nnw only $2.00 a year ; single numbers 20 cents. To each yearly subscriber is given a Phreno~ logical bust, or a book premium. Address the publishers. S. R. “falls 8!. 00., 737 Broad- wny, New York. Read Carefully. Samuel Osborne. Sophiasburg, says : I was infected with Dyspepsia for nearly four years, my lungs becoming all'ected towards the last. 1 was induced to try the Shaeho- nees Remedy. After using three or four but- tlee I felt much better and gained strength rapidly, my health improved steadily and rapidly, and when 1 had taken three or four bottles more, 1 was quite restored to health and strength, and lime experienced better health than for forty years before. 1 had been under the treatment of a number of physician: before, but never received any material grid until 1 used your remedy: A.MOKny, ’l‘ruro, N. '8" says: He was very bad with Liver Complu‘nt, but-used tho Shoshonees Remedy, and in a month was as well as he hml ever been in my life. I am now in buainess and wish you to send mefibree down by steamer. ' uéeJ the Shoshorzeos Pills and find that they snaps googlfs an): I ever Kieth Henry King, Geneva, N. Y., say a: My wife was intense! afflicted withdyspepsia tor a long tune. {Va comulted physncians of three different schools, and received no bench: She has taken three bottles of the Great Shmhonees Remedy, end Is now hear- ty and w_ell GRAY'S Specific MED [CINE run! MARK. An. Great tun: "an. Evory page in this numhor «em: to have a special pertinence. . suggestion or two be. @113 fougul ghereiu which lufve a u_so}ul hear- A. Wood, Con-seep“, says: That he has tried the Remedy for LiVer Complaint mud Dyspepsitwigh greatjgcceu: _ 14 h?“ @130 M1. John Scott, says: Mr. McKenzia Netting sufiered from an attack of Rheum \t- gay: :n uuhil mg cure for Seminal “leak: new. Sperm» ton-hen, Impo- cency, and all " l: ‘ Benefiting Diseases thutm TIM followaa a se- “ Mnguotiam uud Sonmmnbnlism In Paris " is notowurthy as offering some very extraâ€" ordinary incidents from a Paris observer. The tegulnr readers of the JOURNAL must fiyd thy notes on ”Science and Agriculturg. " followaa 3 Ie-fim â€" ' vnenco of Self-Abuse; as loss of Memory, uiversal Lassitmlo. Pain in the Back. Dim- neu of Vision, Premature Old Age,md many other diseases that lead to Insanity or Con- sumption nud _n [fremnture Grave. ‘ wFull particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all druggiau at 8] per package, or six package: for $5, or will be sent free by mail on receipt-of the money by addrenain TIIE elm IIDIOIHI 00., Toronto, 0129., Canada. 0-- Sold in Woodville by all Druggiltc, and b all wholesale and retail drugglsts in Cam. 9 and the United States. ll4-ly 1". B.-â€"-The demands of our business have necessithd our removing to Toronto. to which place please address all future com- munications. 35 TO 820 per day at home. Smnple; 5 worth 85 free. Address 811me 6:. Cu, Portland, Mame. I56 a 0 0 s'wéék nyonr own umu. Tenn: ()6 and $5 nuttit free. Addreu‘fl. H u,- m-zr t 00., Portland, Maine. 156 Containing a number of letters and inwicoa, anal n mm: made by -â€" “golden", in favor of Joseph Craig. of Oshawa. The Iinclur will oblige by nemlmg the same tn me at Unk~ wnml l’.U., or leaving at the " Advocate" Ullice. 158-2in. | A. ROSS, Agent. EMPLOYMENT FOR ALE. Englishma- ody. :n unful- iug cure for Seminal \VcaKg new. Sperm» ton-hen, Impo- hsnnu nur‘ a" $319 A W EEK. 812 a day at home easi- ! l 417 mmle. (‘0:th (Inuit free. Ad- drcgs 'l‘lwx (10., Augusta, Maine. 166 A cuts haw: mmdorfu! succesa. 100 gig. song»: to 1000 inhabitants. Um pub. llcntinna are standard. Address. FEW SYSTEM OF “CANVASSIIB. ETVVEEN ‘Vuoalville and Hartley on ’ Wednesday, 17th inat., a small who may 3m rubmm ' 00., 4|, 43 and 46 Shetncket t. ‘0- MEMORANDUM BOOK Sand for circulars explaining our LOST- Hlbllc- uh, Nommm, Corn. Dunn Bonn and rum amenity Orders SQLACITED. FRUIT CAKES. MIXEDTEA CAKES. and BOWELS, giving tone, energy. ail vigour to these great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are confidently recommended :5 answer failing remedy in all cues where the ounslitution, from whatever cause, but become impaired ur weakened. They no wonderfully efficacious in all ailments inci- dental to Females of all ages; and an 3 GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, m It: 89mm and. 3am 2:09 arts.» are Known Throughout the World. For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, 0L0 WOUNDS, SflflES AND ULGERS This Great Eeusehem Medicine ranks among the leading necessaries e: Hie. These (muons Pills purify the ISLUQD, and act. most powerfully, yet soothing on the FAMILY BREAD tt in an‘lnfallible rowed . If eflectmlly‘ -ubbed (m the neck and cgeat, as salt into meat, it. cures SOBE THROAT, Dipthorin, Bronchitic, Coughs, Colds. and oven ASTHMA. For Glandular Swellingn, Ab- aceascas,"Pilca, Fistula, Ggut, Rheumatism, And .v'éry kind of SKIN DISEASE, it h.- never been known to fail. And no sold by all Vendors of Medicine: throughout the Civilized World; with di- regionajorysejp almost: ov_ery laiiguggg. The Trude Marks of these Hedi‘éinoa are re 'atored in Ottawa. ”Hence, my on. throu out the British Posaeuioal, who may ecp the American Counterfeito for ale, will be prosecuted. Monsoon should look to tho Low on tho Pots and. Bom- n the Maroon u not 633 Oxford Shoot, Won, M m spurious. 64.12 The Pill- md Ointment no Mmufnctnnd only at muss STUART, HARNESS MAKER, SADDLER be maniac, commas, mums, v‘mws cunnv cones, nausuea, nouns, vmsss mm All. xmn or nous: runmsmc ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING NEATLY AND QUICKLY EXECUTED. The subscribed have now got Muir Factory fitted up in first-class 8!.ch mu‘ are prepared to fumiah anything that may be entrusted to them in the shape of Issuer of Marriage Licences Sash and Door Factory SASH.DOORS. A ND BLINDS LIVER, STOMACH, KIDN EYS. PARTIES SUPPLIED WHOLESALE. JOHN BERBIE, Cor . King sud Stun. 9t ,Woodvflle Harness Shop. Emu, ABERNETHY. AND FRUIT, mscurrs, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. PLANING. MATCHING. “GUIDING, SCROLI 8 -\“'ING c on short notice and at bottom mms Mao . shingles and {number for sale clump. CONTRACTING AN!) BUILDING 633. OXFORD STREET, LONDON, PLANING MILL BERRIE’S IS UNXLD ‘VOODVIL»IJ]": mmusmm. 11‘ TI“ NU an A SPECIALTY. unsurpassed. McG (mate Bros. AND 500 Feet to Supply with Boots and Shoes. A Large Variety of Ladios’ Prunollu, Cheap. CALL AND SEE MY vNEW STOCK OF Boots and Shoes; REDUCTION P. M0$WEYN, Merchant Tailor. LATEST FASHIONS! AND A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. WITH PRICES WHICH CANNOT PL". ‘30 ' “nan. Aon'r Iron rm: mom- nimxmo “noun.” 3317110 IACHINE. 'rnn 3331' m m: yumm- scum manta undo to order. AiUKINDS OF SEWING IAN"!!! Imus , ALWAYS ”I "AND. ILL form a class for instruction in Piano and Organ playing in Wood. ville. Boin ateachnr of fifteen years ex- perience smf success. Mrs. l’ringlo is fully qvnlih'od to give instruction. MUSIC CLASS ! Tie. RMS.-â€"For a tent harm (if a class ’0! In in formed) 84 for 20 lessons. WM 1m. Atacama for tho (1th of mum Good references furnished if required. from Uxhnd ge. Sumlurlanl, Cunningfim. Saint- fiuld, and other places. |49~3m Pupils wishing to join the class can lone their names M. Tim A I‘VM‘ARK Office. Land Sales “tended. Note: furnished free. Orders left. at the Advooum 0mm promptly attended to. LATEST STYLES ! FULL LINES I WANTED ! a“ 1 per cent per month charged on “counts for repaint, vter Uoto l on coat, and can consequently so“ very cheap. WOODVILLE HARDWARE EMPORIUM which I have just purchased MRS. EDWIN PRINGLE Flows and; Gang Flown, M30“. 0AM PBEH. . MchLLAN’S. GREAT ‘AT A.â€" in all thoâ€"~â€" .LLANDSEE. ,‘T. COAL OIL A SPECIALTY. m PER GALLON. Grain Cradles, Hay Forks, Rakes. ‘ Scythes, Hoe PAINTS, All kinds of Hardware ‘21:? [VEST 'MGLS 8 PURE TEAS Sign 0'! mo “ Boo Hive," Which he is Selling at u Great Balgcin Of all Descripfions, In Endless. Variety. BEGS to inform the farmers and gone“? , public. that ha ha opened chum“ Shop, on. tho South side of Remember the place-«nostrdda the “ Northern Hotel. " NeW.’ Harness Shop posite the " Eldon Home," nnd :1 WI“; «rm faithfully execute all work entrusted to hnn. Particular Attention aim in PM: me. A Fun Stock of WHIPS, BRUSI' CURRY COMES, ML, always on hand. MARVIN 4t HUPKINS, unusual SOUCITGI. ‘0- Mary to Loan at 8 par cont. Onlm~Keuc Street Unduy, l’ S. Mumn. ‘ I G. 11.1 BARLEY FORKS I MACHINE OILS ! CONFECTIONERY KING STREET, WOODVILLE, D. MCLEOD'S, Woodville, (Lt. 22nd. [879. HEBWAHE. E1 AND ALL KINDS OF A LARGE STOCK OP VARNISHES, GROCERIES .71. .7. 8.017217 -â€"-AT-â€"- 011.9, 1 BRUSHm bro

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