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Woodville Advocate (1878), 15 Jan 1880, p. 5

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We copy the following sensible re~ marks from n Montreal paper, and trust it will convince some of our friends in this town as to the value ofndvertising: --" Some business houses advertise, others do not. The letter pride them»- eolves on their established business conâ€" nection, which renders advertising nn- necessary. They are independent in all things on the open market, and do notoere for the class of customers who show,- sny anxiety on the subject of price. Their customers can sfl‘ord to pay “l's'ir” pn'ces for the goods they purchase. . end, if their circle of custo- mers is not so large, they still mske good profits. Thehousetlut advertises, Mr. Vennor and the Weeniesâ€"The following letter from Mr. H. G Vennor appears in the Montreal Witness :~ If the basis or theory upon which I have built my predictions this year is sound, we should now have immediately. and with the commencement of the new year. a decidedly mild term in the win~ (er, lasting probably about a week. During this period ruins and slush may be expected. As previously stated, the second severe “dip” is probsbe about the 9th or 10th of Jan. I write at 8° below zero, but ere this appears in print the anticipated moderation may have begun. Mr. 'l‘hos. Brignall was in tom) on Tuesday last. He informs us that his nomin-law, Mr. Wm. McNevin, has been . appointed Superintendent, on a branch of the Central Pacific Railway, in the State of Nevada, near the foot of the Rocky llonnmins, and that his daughter, Mrs. McNevin. is the only ,White women in the aettlement. Ladies of VVoodville, imagine yourselves living one hundred miles’from civilization and surrounded by a. horde of Heathen Chinese. ' Al the sittings of the Division Court, held here, on Tuesday, A. Hudspeth, Essq., Deputy-Judge 'presiding, it came out in the comse of evidence that the Zznilifl‘lwl taken $2 over his fees for collecting a debt. In passingjudgment on the case His Honor naid he would report the Bailiff to the. Judge, us he had no right to a cent over his lawful fees. He thought there was a great deal of it. done throughout the County and he inteml’ed reporting every case that came under his notice, as it was only right that the public and judge should know it. New Time tableâ€"A new time table or: the Toronto and Nipissing Railway came into force on Monday 5th inst. The local (min in the morning leaves here a little later than formerly, but. is timod to arriva in Toronto the same as before. The mail train lrom Toronto arrives ten minutes later than before, and go. ing south is twenty-five minutes later. The correct figures will be found at. the head of the column. Rev. Mr. Currie occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church, on Sunday evening last. To Drivers.-Warm the hit on your bridle in trosty weather before putting it in the home’s mOuth. The bit full of frost, coming in contact with the tongue and lips, adheres to them soft tissues the same as it would do when redJiot, leaving the animal with a sore mouth. If you do not believe it, place your own tongue on a piece of {routed iron some cold morning and be convinc~ A merchant can collect interest at 6 percent. per annum only, on overdue accounts. Heading his hills with a notice that unpaid accounts‘ will be char- ged interest at. the rate of 1 per cent. per month will not. enable him to col- lect that. rune. Last Sunday evening wan éxtremely dark and mining and several slight ac- cidents happened to parties coming home from church. Mr. Alex. Adams, Station Agent, has been confined to his bed for some time from an attack of Quincy. Among the list ofcmdidutes fox en- trance to the Ottawa Normal School, we notice the name of Mr. Duncan Mc- Dougall, of this place. We predict for him a very successful examination. It is rumored that the Eldon Town- ship Election is to be upset. ”- Gum: Erna. have a few Christmas pre- senu left, which they will sell for cost. The correct. returns for the Presby- terian Sabbath School Soireemro $98.88 How to get married in X- lent. shle --bmrow a $10 \Villium to pay the ministel. Court Day on Tuesday lam. Vennor’s cold sump has arrived. Skating in Woodville has resulted in a fizzle. NVWWV WWVWW'V WVVWWW 0. W. Sroxm.sn'r.â€"â€"llocking Chain. T. Mynnmvuâ€"Uounty Council: Wu. III-zxuv.--l)ry Goods, c.. o. L. Manna. -'1‘in and Copper-wow. NEW A DVER’I lBEMBNTS. glam ajlnttm. CAME into the premises of thé Subscriber, Lot 19, [It Com, Thorah.‘ “rout the In December, A RED ‘YEARLING .BTEER. 0mg: can h9ve‘th¢'_‘qame 'by proving yropefly 9nd pa’yinf; expenses. ' ” ’ ‘ ' S. CARPENTER. ’11:“:th 5‘). 1880. Sin. ‘ LL parties are cautioned against nego- tiating a note made by me in favor of Mr. Neil D. Campbell, for ten dollars (810) as I have not received value fontho sumo. RICHARD PARRINGTON. Woodville, Jam. lat. 1880. Fall Wheat... Spring \Vhent Barley Oats nutter Igga Pntntoel Hay Pena Pork Beef Geese Turkeys Chickens Ducks ‘ ... “'ood Hard \Vood Soft” Lard Tallow Caxum fitment“ CHuRciI.â€"Service every Snbbn evming at 6:30 o’clock. Rev. J. A. Jewell, B. A., pastor. Sabbath School at 10:30 a. m. Hum.” L. O. L. No. I, 153, meet last Wednesday of each month at Hartley. 'JPEMEFUL Dnvn, 1.0.0 In, meet every Thursday evening, at Odd Fellows’ Hall, Cant. ington. thnnoxz Lopez. I.0.0.F. meet every Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at McSwayu’s Hall, Woodvillo. BLOOMING Roar: Lowe, I.O.G.T., meet every Friday evening at eight o’clock, at McSweyn’s Hull, \Voodvillo. \VOODVILLR GRANGE. P. oi H. ., meet first and third Friday in each month, at Meâ€" Sweyn' 5 Ha I, Woodfille. CANNINGTON ENCAMPMENT, I.0.0.F..meet first and thin] Friday in each month at Odd Fellows’ Hall, Calmington. .anam'wxnux Cnvncu.â€"â€"Servico is held in the above church at 11 o’clock a, m., and 6:30 p. m. Rev. Alex. Rose, M. A., pastor. Sabbath School at 3 o’clock. The success that these medicines have met with since their introduction to the public some years ago, proves plainly to the most skeptical that they are medicine that per- form what they are advertised to do. The virtues of these medicines have been well tested. and have withstood their trial in a most satisfactory manner. For diseases of the Blood, Liver, Lungs, o.,the' are unsur- passed. \Vo have testimonials of miraculous cures of these diseases, and of many others. If any one is afflicted, let him try a bottle of the remedy and a box of Pills. No injuri- ous efi'ecte will follow their use to the most delicate person, as they are purely vegetable. there being no mineral matter in them. The cost is small, while the advantages derived from their use will doubly repay you for your expense and trouble. Try these grent remedies and be convinc- ed that they are no linmbug. No one who has tried the Shoshouces Pills has pronounc. on! an unfavorable opinion of them ; no fam- ily where they have been used will be‘with~ out them. Full information may be had on all particnlnrl touching the nae, and the ex- perience of those who have used them. by securing the Treatise or the Circular from your driiggist Free. Price of the Remedy in pint bottles. 81 ; l’ills 25 cents a box. Sold by all medicine glazlore. ~ Woonmm L.O.L. N0. 3?, meet first “'oduesday each month, at McSwoyn’s Hall. \Voodville. nu Great We: Bound! and; on the other hand, seeks the general ti'ade-L-tlie trade of people who go where they can buy to the best advantage. To catch this trade they not only ad- vertise but they sell on small margins, making their profits on the greater number of sales. A striking illustran tion was brought to ouruttention a day or two since. A person wishing an ar- tiele of furniture visited several stores. At one steadyrgoiug old establishment, which notoriously never advertises, a curtain piece was found, the price of which was $15. At another store, whose advertisement had often appear- ed, the same article precisely was pur- chased for 810. The same principle holds in the case of dry geods, grocer~ ice, and everything else. The Same goods can be purchased for less money of these houses that advertise than of those that do not.” Therefore. our readers in making their purchases, should carefully look through our ad- vertising columns, and deal with those who invite theircustom. The man who advertises liberally can always afford to sell the cheapest, and his goods are fresher and better than his non-adver- tising neighbor, for the reason that they never become shop.worn, out of style, old, and musty. He turns his stock over frequently, and depends on small profits and quick sales to retain his business. By all means buy from those who advertise l ESTRAY. W00 DVLLLE FARMERS‘ MARKETS. gm: advertificmmts. CAUTION I UH URCH DI REU’I‘ORY. SOC] E'l‘l ES. per dozen 15 per bushel 25 to 30 per ton 7 00 8 00 per bushel 50 to 55 per cwt. 5 0" to 5 50 per cwt. 4 00 to 4 50 per pound 05 to 0 06 “ “ 0 07 £0000 S’ “ 0 05 to 0 00 “ “ 0 06 too ()0 per cord 2 50 to 3 90 " “ 1 75 1:02 00 ~ per pound 10 to 0 00 per pnund 5 to 0 00 125t0126 1201300 2'3 50t055 3012033 15 1:020 mamas or ammo NAOMI! luau: mum on Mar. ‘ SOCIETY MGALIAS nude to Order. mum yon THE mom nmmma f‘nowu." ammo momma. 3m: nns‘r m THE mnxm. LATEST FASHIONS AND A PERFECT FI'I‘ GUARANTEED. mm Pmcxe wmcn CANNOT FAIL TO SATISFY, Merchant Tailor. P. M@SWEYN, HE South-East quarter of Lot No. 1, in the [st Concession of the Township of Eldon, containing 5l acresâ€"~46 acres cleared, 5 acres hardwood hush, ll acres under hay. 4 acres under fall wheat, balance in good or- der for crop, being ploughed twice last fall. This farm is all Well fenced, laid out in six- acrq fields, and well under drained. There are thuildings, a good orchard, and two good wells on the farm ; one mile from the village of \Voodvillo, one half mile from the Toronto and Nipissmg Railway ; convenient to School and churches. This farm is allow- ed to he the best in the township. Any person wishing to purchase can apply per. sonally or by letter, to mu: I’ANS, mus. All kinds of repairing promptly attended to. at 2 o’clock, p. m., pursuant to statute. . T. MATCEIETT, Manufactured from the best materials and at the cheapest rates compatible with good workmanship. A large and select stock of Stoves by the best makers on hand. Count Clerk’s Office, Lin say, 13th Jan., 1880. will mcet in the Council Chamber, at the own! scum m was com: or mar, -03â€" 'le and Copper - Ware! County Council LMAYLEEQ TUESDAY. JANUARY 27TH, 1880. ORPORATION 01" THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA. Farm for Sale. TINWARE Staves 2“ TEA AND COFFEE rows, 157-3in. Notico is hereby given, that film KE’I'I'LES, dammed Ware, 8:0. KING ST., WOODVILLE, flDXALBR INâ€" ARCHIBALD SMITH. \Voodvillo. County; Clerk. A fine lot of Beaver Cloths for Ladies’ Mantle; A11 W001 Tweeds 650133 per yam TEAS FROM 25mg. UPWARDS 'GIVE ME A CALL AND SECURE BAR- GAINS BEFORE THE LINES ARE BROKEN These goods were purchnsed previous to the adoption sell them at less than what they m worth, wholesale, t NEW STOCK of FALL and WINTER GOODS. l3 and 14 BROOK ST., UXBRIDGE‘ @- I have received a. Large Stock and OVERSHOES, which 1 will sell at A Regular Slaughter of Ready-made Clothing The above is a true advertisement, carrying truth on its face, and is positively No Humbug, Either in Factory or Ordered \Vork.â€"â€"-All orders attended to on Any defect, in work sold by me repaired free of charge. Mr has charge of my Repairing Department and all work 6 him must. be paid for before taken away. Tremendous Bargains in Woolen Goods. Unequalled Bargains in Dress Goods. Immense Bargains in Flannels. Astonishing Bargains in Boots and Shoes. GMNI BLEARING SALE- I have determined to sell Groceries, Grockerv, c. REGULATOR !- LARGE COLLECTION OF CLOCKS BOOT AND SHOE STORE ‘. C'- GILCHRIS'I'- SIG/1' 0F 217E $16 $002. “Thick can be made up. or will be cut free of charge. WILLIAM HENRY. - MORE QREDI‘I' 'V or Orderml \Vm-Iz Â¥, All nan u n 1 . After the lat January, 1880, I intend to give â€"1880 PLEASE MAKE A NOTE OF THIS: my entire stock of Fall and Winter goods, at and under cost .rge Stock of \VINTER BOOTS AND BBC. will sell at a. REDUCTION FOR CASH. ~â€"-â€"-AT THE THE WOODVILLE ROD. CAMPBELL. on of the N. I, to.dgy' ugtcnded to on short. noti: KING st, WOODVILLE; 2. Mr. A. Weeks work done by '-. consequently I can

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