It it considered oertnin tint the wreckcge thrown up It Btoughty Ferry cnd clans the thaw quil- coconuts tor all the mining cam-gee and "no that tell into the Toy on the night of the 28th. It in thought ell the bodieu hcve been wuhed out to In. During the enmiuntion oi the iron columns 0! the bridge. which no Itiil bulging in bunches zonnd the tops of each 01 the piers. it wu ionnd that they were ï¬lled. come uppnrently with cement. but other. cloudy with nothing but and. The capitol pncticcily lying idle owing to this dilute: in represented by the to!- lowing ï¬gnI’OI, which recch 3 total oi ncuiy it million etexiing zâ€"Ooct ol bridgc,£480.000; coat oi bridge station, with tunnel communi- ceting with line to the north. £286,000; the Montrose a Arbmth Railway now being contracted ea I link in the Toy Bridge system. £150, 000; Suburbia! Bciiwcy y, between Newport end Tcyport. to: trnï¬iou to Dundee by the bridge £74. 000. It up that the but train which eeiely croued pathe bridge win so enacted by tho wind tint the wheel. of the engine gated against the The Oete’ Home to e reiuge meinteined by the women'e hrench oi the Penneylvenie Society ior the Prevention oi Cruelty to Animele. Here en oï¬icer oi the rociety receiver ell etrey cote. loet oete end direered or eged cote. both Thomeeee end Teblthee, whether Tibhiee or Grimeikine. whore iriende deeire their eilmente cured or ended. Not only oete ere included in ite heneiieent provieione, but dose end other “ emell deer" like perrote. oenerier. rehhiteâ€"in iect pete oi eny kind oen .perteke oi ite hoepltelity. ii the eninrel ie eonnd end heeithy it ie not killed. but kept until e good home cen be ohteined ior it. I! it he oi meny yeere or' inenrebiy dieeeeed in tile ie merciluily ended. Ten thourend elx hundred end thirty doge end cete received. end either provided with good homer or kindly killed, in e period oi iive yeere. ie oerteiniy at record oi which the oflcere oi thie euxillery oi the women'e brench oi the P. 8. '1’. 0. A. mey be proud. Thie ehowe the necoeeity oi eueh en lnetltntion in e lerge‘ city. end er the workince oi the reiuge‘ become wider known doubtleee in the iutnrew ‘the ebove ï¬gure will be greetly inereeeed.‘ Phiiedelphie etende elone in thie work oi mercy. There to no other inetitution oi thle kind in the United Btetee. The home end lot et preeent occupied by the reiuge wer porch-red hy the women’e breach in 1878. 07.000 being the price oi the lot end home. The eociety hee reieed. by euhrcriptione end donetione eince thet time. the eurn oi 91.400. leevlng e debt oi 05.600. which ie secured by mortgegec on the building. 'to pey winch the eoclety will be (led to receive any contributione. however emeil. (Any per-on een become en ennuel eubeeriber .b, plying $1 per yeer. Recently e kind heerted young iedyg» who is connected with e 'well‘knuwn iemily oi Berton. geve the cum oi 960 ior the purpose oi building eemeil thouee for note in the yerd oi the reiugemhlch -hee eince been erected end in now in nee. mud-ml, 3nd uniod I‘ conunno'un shower 0! Ipnpkl. A Curiou- Chuflty Ihlt mlourlllln ll Phil-(ebbin- In his meet recent letter. Vennor eire him- leli'ee iollowe: I no eleeriy we ere yet to here eome remerkeble mild end elnehy, poeeibiy relny. weether between now end the end of the month. over a greet extent oi country. Thet thie. however. will probebly be interrupted by e cold term end “ dip " on the 19zh. 20th, Blet or 20th. 2m end 220d deyr, the eeverity oi which mey be greeter or leee but decided enough to he noted; end thet thie term will terminete in e (eir enow fell end m‘ldneee egein. I think thet the end oi tne month will. with the exception oi one dey'e "dip," be mild egein.end thet Febrnery will enterin the tune menner. Alter the entry oi February I hid edlen to mildneee end cloth for e eeeeon. Poetihly the tint week of thie month may continue moderete, but it ie probeble that either the fourth or elgih dey will ace the mercury eettling down to the nneomiortebie pointe I here ellnded to end (or the eecond time thie winter regitterinu e eeriee or very *' low reedinge.†'l'hie dip will moderate in tome \ heevy enow ielie end the month will give . ne more now then we hero yet bed thie winter. A second dinie probebly ierther on in the nine month. eleo eeVero. but this I cannot locate prcâ€"eieely from ‘my present etendpm‘nt. March bide leir to give the heaviest ermw-ielle ol the winter of 1880. but then will not delay the eeriy errivei oi epring. Tm: Doo Emma Nonmem- A writer in s oontempotuy um : “ A oonenpondom 0! your: who who‘ non oonduo‘or can be used to: stopping the loan in of the both 0! down. rl‘would In: to thin normal gonuoman that pan, to good for thin purpose. Lot him mot. two boll! about the “no of I bllliord b.“ and much one on uoh on. I will-wanna: hlm to sleep soundly 3nd no Ionnd [tom the do; will raaoh him." THE 'I‘AY BRIDGE DISASTER. A to‘dod old. Mod sod bladed, 1 round \v «Mn your book In“ night. 1 «gm no; to“ 03. (um «19¢me ' (in: hi it; ifév:i‘;l_71iillahti 30 pm (I. huh. and 10“ it man. u u in mm: I dxd nowuo. _ Turii {llâ€"0 undiihoy “one any bearâ€" A inning i e. a (loudly sin. A something bought they did not win. "I “.1994 '99". be! b!!! â€39.83!!! AM we bu. u: s folded lot! Thu 1:: Time's book 01 long :50 We have: u half allot F3 xiii Hows-£56 aim bio Shréyofl nee; Am} guide}: opting! "only: buy: ' mm '05 a} iiiiob' iv; hide u no. Wu Md u do an, then turn any. And who any nu! mu)“. 00-day ? Not vou my child; nor you, my wuo. Who m boudo my uudyo abut: For .1; bus launching In that: lit. .. kB'ZQKiHoâ€"Eiï¬i 1603i ii 'my knee! Ah me! {but 106! h £01981! dogm, And yet I love than) who lit by. My best and donut-dean" now. '11:!†my pm 3901101: 11qu I sigh. And aye for inn the look: no bxown. ' 'whi’i thing’s 156 iii-186v? an in’y'mbw. Ghana u. the bolt; .0 let them be. No: come batman my me and mo. " "that: 51.. mi onu'to'xdoa page behind. 80 lat u ever folded lie; "1‘ Ii in be unfolded when I die. 'ennu’. Lam: Weather Prophecy. They only the st twilight hour: to light the lamp. sud close the blind 819le rpquumgquptliq the 119w»: [mu-I Received non- “ [mere-t. (From the Women's Joumnl.) A I‘oflcd. loo-t. The lerflbte future at a 0m India-- nut-tune. the Hunt of lite l'leeleer ulcer Bering flee likenâ€"A Unique Executes. Four Ecnonroe. N. W. T.. Dec. 23. 1879.- The liret execution in the Cenedien 'i'errl- torice took piece It Fort Seeketchewen. it Mounted Police outpo-t coventy milee irom‘ here. on the 20th iuetent. the victim being‘ Swiit ltunner. e Urec lndien. who wee guilt) oi murder and cannibeiiem. Fort Bee. ketchewen etende on the tenth benh oi the North Sucketehewen Blur, end it eurrounded on chry clde by precipi- tone hille which ere infected by Indien cutthroete end by the relugeee who tied it to ‘ their inlereet to keep clear oi the chenfl end ‘cwihz ition. The Hone. Bneke, Beever, 15100» end Yermiilion Brill heve long her ‘boud there gentry. end the cflorte oi the } police to drive or nerve them out here never succeeded. Bwiit Bunner‘e crimee ere oi the meet revolting end unneturel eherecter. Some yeere ego he wee e heed men in the little bend at Green thet room through the North Beehetehewen dietrict. end when the police cemeto thiz pert oi the 1875. he wee recommended to them by the Human Bey oflicere ec e truetworthy end intel- ligent guide. Hie contect with white men. however. ruined him. Although whirkeyie berrcd the territoriee, lerge quentitlee never theleee ï¬nd their way in. in hottlee dleguieed ee petent medicine. Bwilt Runner became inordinetely iond of it, and when hell drunk wee the terror oi the whole region. Six ieet end three in height, end 0! extreordinery strength, he wee an ugly customer to meet when on eepree end the police geve him e wide berth on each occecione. At length hie conduct grew to outregeouely bed that they cent him beck to his tribe. hut hie old hebite clung to him end he turned the Cree eemuc into little helle. Lest winter he stole eeverel bundlee oi peltrlee from It heli- hreed hunter end traded them to e pecker ior whiskey. Be wee drunk ior three monthe et e etreteh, end, elthcugh diligent eeereh wee medc, neither hie iellow eevegce nor the police could come ecroee the epot where he bed ceeheed or secreted hie store 01 liquor. 0n the 24th 0! December. 1878, he entered Fort Becketchcwen end attempted to ehoot e treder. He wee erreeted end conï¬ned until he hed recovered irom en etteek oi delirium creme. nee'neo on me mom. 0n hie return to hie bend they refneed to let him trevel with them. end eent him under eecort to the Mooee Hille. Hie familyâ€"con- eieting oi hie wife, mother end eeven children â€"remeined with the bend. but on hie pro- mieing to beheve himeeli they went to the hille to live with him. At thie time Greet Bneterd, the Cree chiei, reported to the police that SwiitBnnner had turned cennihel ; but, ee there wee no evidence to enetein the cherge, nothing eeme 0! it. On the 18th oi J ennery e Oreo hunter who had been It the hille brought word thet Swift Banner hed‘ murdered hie entire iemiiy end wee1 euheieting on their hodiee. A rqned 0! police wee dlepetched to the ecene, but ewiit Banner wee not to he ionnd nor could eny trece he got 0! hie temily. Beverel timer during the eummer the police went out in eeeroh oi him, but, knowing every hole end corner in the mounteinone region, he elweye meneged to give them the etip. At ieet. on the 25th of October. three police overtook him in the veiley oi the Kith Ureek. tilt, miiee north oi Fort Beeketchewen, ee he wee fleeing to the Atheheece territory. They eenied him to the tort end eent for Sheri! nicherdeon. On being cherged with the crime he pleeded guilty end oflered to con- duct the police to the remeine. He hed camped in e hole or oeve et the beee oi the monnteine. end the home oi hie victlme iley ecettered ehont the floor. The: hed ‘been hailed. Hooking hie ï¬nger in the eye at one o! the eknlle he picked it up en_d eeid in the meet nonchelent men- ner. “ Thle le my mother I" end eo on with the other ekulle, nine in ell. He eeld whieke’ hed demorelized hlm end mede him feel like e wall. He killed In ell one night while they were eeleep en buried the hoduee in the new. cutting them up ee he needed them. He wee forthwith eentenoed to deeth end his requeet to be ehot lneteed ol henged wee relnud. The Indlene throughout the district were invited to give their viewe on the one end they unenlmouely eppr red of the nut- enee. Bwilt Runner wee ked it he would like to no u prioet qum the Bomen Oetholie mleelon on the North Beehtehewen, but he eeld the whlte men hed ruined him end there- lore he didn't think their God could amount to much. a "clan. burn. At aoven o'clock on the morning oi the 20th he wee ordered to prepare ior death. The scaffold had been erected just onteide the main gate of the tort. It wee pitch dark and blowing a learlal enowetorm as the con demoed man wee marched from the lockup to the gallowa. A number at Indiene who had hung around the place all night had lit tirea in iront ol the geilowe, and Swilt Bun- ner. who wee the cooieet. calmeet man in the crowd. etopped and warmed himeeil. The execution had been ï¬xed for hell paet eeven, a. m.. but it wee bund that the Indiane had need the trap door for kindling wood, and a delay oi an hour occurred, during which Bwiit Bonner. with the rope about hie neck. eat at one at the (tree end partook of a hearty breakfast. The hangmao, a holivbreed, waa very nervoue. and when everything else wee read, it turned out that he had no etrape tor pintoning hie men. Another long delay entued. The Indiana. who never beiore eew or heard at death by henging, were anxious to know ii it wee a epcciee oi torture. and Swift Runner acid it it would edit the police it he would kill himeell with a tomahawk and cave the hangman lurthcr trouble. It wee bitter cold -â€"40 below zero. At nine e. m. the lung- man returned with a coil of rope. but he trembled eo that t ei‘Indleue drove him 03 and bound the pr loner themaelvee. Then they etood him up against the eccfiold? pesto and danced the death deuce. while Smit Bonner laughed end appear ed to look upon tho whole hueineea no it good joke. At hell-poet nine a. m. he demanded more food, and alter eating a pound of pomiuicen mounted the geiiowe and euhmitted himrcil to the executioner. who had reoowred hie nerve. One at the police (.mcere attempted to read a preycr. but his voice wee drowned by the jeore end ehoule oi the Indiana. and Sheriff Ilioherdeon gave the hengman the eignol. The trap {eliond Built Bonner went down with leeriui force. there heinge drop 0! ï¬ve loot. He died without e etruggie. The body wee out down in an hour and buried in the mow outeidc the fort. in the eitornoon the Indiana held a grand ieeet. rejoicing at being well rid oi a moot accom- plished villain. ‘ HANGING A C 'ANNIBAL. Totem, Jun. 14 -â€"Tho Spade: took the chair a mm o‘clock. Mt. Momr prenatal tho upon 0! the Uommmoo appointed to prepare and "port mu of Studio: Commute“. on which we ï¬nd_tbo following looanmol : anuou Inn ' Euo'nouu. â€"â€" Menu. Avmy. Uuosdon. Crooks, MoMshou, Babett- 109. Wowâ€. 7 A Faun Bum.â€"-Mauu. Away. Baxter. Ouudon. Ohhholm. Rudy. Harman. Mo- Mullon. Neolon. flute", Equal, Boson-r. Srarinrso Cannes. ~Messrs. Gibson (Elam- ilton). Livingston. Puemo Acooua'rs. â€" Messrs. Harcourt. Hardy. Young g. Mr. Ween introduced a Bill respecting the Agricultural Colleg e. The Bill was read a ï¬rst time. Mr. Mower introduced a Bill entitled an Act “ To Consolidate the Superior Courts oi Law and Equity. to establish a uniiorm system oi pleading and practice. and to make iurther provision ior the due administration oi yustice." In or piainlng the object oi the Bill. he said that he had not had time to get the Bill distributed as widely as he desired; but he would have it distributed. aiter which he would be glad to receive suggestions irom any quarter on the subject with which the Bill dealt. The object oi the Bill was to con eolidate the Superior Courts, and to have one Supreme Court oi the Province. in- stead of the separate and independent Courts oi Queen’s Bench. Common Pleas. Chancery and A ppesi. The new Supreme Court he proposed to divide into two branches â€"one to be oi original jurisdiction. and the other oi appellate8 jurisdiction; the iormer to consist oi the Courts oi Chancery. Queen's Bench and Common Pleas. andthe latter to be composed very much as the present Court oi Appeals was composed. Then the Bill provided ior a uniiorm system of pleading and practice in the high courts. For the conve- nience oi the business oi the Supreme Court oi original jurisdiction he proposed to divide it into three branches. He did not in- tend. however. to number the branches ï¬rst, second and third, as was the case in the United States. but he proposed to retain the historic names at Queen's Bench. Com- mon Pleas and Chancery,'1‘hose courts. however. would be no longer separate courts, but divisions oi one high court. The im- portance oi having a uniiorm system oi pleading and practice would be admitted by every one who had studied the question. ‘ The difference between the systems iollowsd ‘ i in the courts was so great that a lawyer might be very learned in one system and yet entirely at sea with another. Still there were good points in both systems. and in making the systems uuiiorm. he proposed to take the best points irom both. Such a system was adopted in England in the Judicature Acts oi 1678 and 1875, and it had worked admirably. The proposed Act was not, however. a slavish imitation oi the English Act. The proposed legislation was adapted rather to the position and circumstances oi our province. One question which arose in considering this matter was. when should the changes he cniorcsdi He found that the Common Law Procedure Act was passed in June. 1856. and went into ioree in August oi the same r ’ . . thought that was too short a time s did not know that any ineo - lowed. Be- iore the Bill, passed y, - stages. he would sug gpeettotheï¬~‘ : at time he thought the ehang es s _ ‘ into enact. whether during the pre ar.aiter the long vacation. or during next year. The Bill was read a ï¬rst time. k‘--‘. "' '9“ Bantamâ€"Menu. Chisholm. Crooks, Gibson (Homuton), Livinguon, Robertson, Odvin. Onlghton. wu nununeuuw.“ .‘zn . u Dir. flown: intro-in Bill for the pellet oi Cooperative Aeeo one. In explenntion oi the Ines-um he dwelt on the odventegee' oi enoh eeeooietione Ind etnted tbet it wee deeireble to enoonrege then by providing that etoekholdere ln them could heve 01,900 worth of etook. inetesd of only “00 worth to loilowe: The Bill provided ior thie exteneion ot the ability to hold Itook. It eleo provided thet Oo operotive Leeooietlone should be or liberty to buy on credit. end to pnrohoee a home in which to ad ‘ on bnbineu, paying e portion oi the money each. end Inortgeg- ing the property for th rout of the money‘ The Bill wee reed e urethane. ‘ Mr. Mower introduced 3 Bill respecting ooroner'e inqneete. The object ol the Bill woe to oblige ooronere. when epplying (or the payment of the expeneee of en inquest, to teke en emdnvit thet the denth we of the ?ulnar mentioned in the Statute Book omong oeeee in which inqueetenru neoeuery. The ‘ Bill wee reed e ï¬rst time. ' The {allowing Bill! were olao initodubad: To make iarlher provision impacting [apple- montny dtoinogo by wu.â€"Mr. Mont. To provide {or the on “ion and licensing oi person: employed in engineers oluwhoro than on suomboouéâ€"Hr. 000k. To {armor mood iiza Geno"! Bonny Anteâ€"Mr. Cook. Mr. Mannie eeked whether my regulations. 4 order or ordete hnve been adopted by the ‘ Executive Council or any at the Deputmente. prohibiting omoere oi the Locnl Government irom noting u meyorl. tenet. eonnoillou or eidermen. or holding nyoi euoh poeitione, end ii CO, to whet classes of ethane such rules npply end when the lime were ndopted. Whether any rnlee. order or orders have been adopted by the Executive Council. or by nny Deputment oi the Government. pxohibiting omcere oi the Loon] Government. or my oi them. from taking any pert in Dominion or Legieletive electione except that of voting therein. end it co. to whet clean oi oflicen eueh rnlee apply and when the some were edopted. fBUï¬TH â€MINER-FIRST SESSION. Mr. Mow“- uld In reply tbct no toga}.- tiona bud boon mode In this dlrectlon by the Exocuttvc Council. The Hluhtor .3! Ida. tion had mod. 3 rulctp Dï¬tï¬m utlomolalc should am their their omclol dutlcl. In come one: in which ho had loomed that tho than which should be devoted to the public lemon was being occupied by ofï¬cials in other matters, he bud spaciolly instructed tho omcor thnt such a course must not be ccntlnued. Mr. 0001 moved [or a return thawing the amount 0! money collected and disbursed by oaolh County Trauma: In Ontario from 1868 ca 879. Mr. Oman-rot! thought the return «had to; 3"! though“ too lugs 3 (mg. Mr. Ron (Huron) ngroed with Mr. Creigh- ton. adding sh» thoromrn ii brought down wonidboao bulky that it would no": gei printed or be brought bnioro the public. The motion was lubjuoted io oomidenbio unend- ment by membon oi the Governmonc. Ind no. “to: some discussion, in which the ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. ’1 tbé Imo’vr rt a tune a \00 0" um! I“ t the E It quutlon o! u» reduction at tho number 0! County Connemara no motioned, our!“ or amended. Mr. Dunn mom! (or on ordor 0! ‘ho Hon-o for o return thawing tho number of councillors oomprloins tho nun! County Councils of this provlnoo {tom 1868 to 1879. the number of unlom hold. ondme amount paid for rho “undone. o! memben. Tho motion curried. Ml Mr. Owe-x: introduced 3 motion 1): "Iain: um ‘ho Inclusions. providing for me prim- ing 01 mo vow: md pxoooodingl It the oxdor o! the Spain only ; to: tho withdrawn) 0! I mambar (tom tho Home whilo the nudity of his olaoxlon wu under debt“. and to: the pnnishmant of oo‘nupt puc'dool, which xeno- Imionl no always «tried It the opening 0! ‘ho lemon, bu Handing onion o! the Home. Mr. Oman-ran “id thin was evidently an ondenvot to do â€ï¬‚y with rod-tnpaixm. and he was aid to see it. He noticed that in the vote:- and prooeodingt this union the word Leguintnro wn ntod.wherain tonne: yam the word Parliament wu used. He withed to know whether this was an indication that the Govemmont did not approve of the use o! the word Pariiunont rounding this An- Ietnbiyj‘ Mn'Mowu said 110 did not concur in the opinion held by some that the use 0! the word Pullman an lmpropot. The word was not. however. and {exuding chc Legitimate in the 3mm: North Auction Act cud it was vellto be in accord with the Act. Mailman ognod with the making oi rotoiutionl sanding orders, Ind suggested tint the motion requiring the Clerk to bring down the Omaha returns of voting st oieotions should be made a standing order. He nlIO suggested tint with a View to expedit- ing the bminou oi the Home at each union, petition: tor private bills abould boin at an earlier doto than is now letdown for them. The motion curled. Tomato; Jan. 15.â€"~'1'ho Spanker took the ohnir at three o'clock. Mr. Faun moved (or e Committee to enquire into the subject of the inquent acci- dente. in meny ineteneee with ion of life. to brekemen end others employed on mileage. and the menu by which danger: of this periloue evocation may be diminished; with power to send (or person: end pepere, and to report by Bill or othezwiee ; the eeid Com- mittee to eomist o! Moe-re. Bel}. Boniter, Cook| Fraser, Gibson (Hemiiton). Harcourt. Hey. Lees. Moheughiin. Peek, Perkhill, Ron, yells. White end_Young. Mr. Monte expreued aetioteetiou at the course euggeeted by the Minister of Public Woxke in this question. He believed the Government veto noting wisely in moving (or the eppointment of this Committee. and he trueted that the question would be thgrougyly examined. Mr. LAUDIB observed thet none of the nuggeetione made by the Commissioner of Public Work» covered accident: ceneed by the chart dietence between the tap of one and come cl the bridgee under which they pueed. He noticed hot e new oer wee making ite eppeetence upon eome 0! our roede, eeiied e “Reirigeretor On." which wee e good deel higher then the ordinary eete, end e men etending upon one while peeeing nndere bridge wee elmoet core to bekiiied. He trueted thie mutter would not be ioet eight 0!. The motion wee emied. Mr. Bwenow eeked when the return to the Addreea 0! thin Home peeud on the eecond of Febrnery. 1877. reietive to the nine 0! the preeent cite or the Pexiiement build- inge end grounde, end the probebie coet oi new bnildinge in the Univenity Perk, will be laid before the Home. Mr. Hon! outed thot it tn: the intention of the Government to submit this and o good an! mom Mormution upon tho some Inb- juot hunting the Hon» ~ to fluid: upon tho qnoition o! tho caution at now Pullmnt Mr. ï¬ncouu moved ior 1 «Sum nh'owinz iho number 0! when." uni 1mm «oh county in Onmio to the Kingston Peniten- mry. tho Boionnuiory Ind the Auyium during the yam 1878 um 1879,3114 also “fling in dotnii the ion received by the Iberifll oi giho counties respectively to: :11. union in con- nection therewith. ' T030310. Jun. 16 -â€"Mr. B patter took the chair In three o'clock. when Mr. Jello). the new metal!" for Dnflerln. was It once inho- duud 9; Megan. Morodlth and Pukhlll. By Mr. Gibson (Hamlllon)â€"-Puunted I potlzyion from the Gm: Wanton: Ball": Company.ags!nn the pnuing of n Aot ro- lutlog to the London Junction Bail", Oom- puny. Among the reporte prevented wee one from the Prlvete Bitle Committee, reoommendtng the extenelon 0! time to: the reception at petition: for privete 3m- to Tnerdey. the 20th tnet. The report wee edopted. mm annual. Alter routine bneinue yeeterdey Mr. Grehem moved for I return lhowtng the emount at money epplied tor end peid out under tho Tue Drelnege Act at 1878 end the emended Act 0! 1879. Menu. Lender end Creighton spoke eltghttngly ot the Act. end bel‘ttled lte operation, but the Treeenrer. at the request of Mr. Meredith. eteted thet «vent thoueende 0t doll-re hed been eppllrd lot in all The exeet emount will be ehovm by the return, which wee ordered. Mr. Gmson (Hamilton) moved for an Order of the Home tor e return to: the yeore 1877. 1878 and 1879, ehowing tor each Licence District in the province tho number 0! oonvlcttone under tho Act respecting the act. of tormented or Iptxltuone tiqnore, for: (1) Selling without licence. and (2) calling on anode, or otter eaten o‘clock on Saturday ctght‘. or during cny_ other glen or home. oontruyto any ummfln (om ln'tho province 03 on; by!†microphqogmqh dlnriptl, the ho â€â€™0'! the um: oiun' have. «J‘g' mailman. bun rm Nonnumm Mr. MBBIDITE took excapiion to tho mm- ner in which convictions are secured by means of informers, who enixap denier; inio bromhes oi the law. Mr. Hun! explained in reply the doom oi h'o Govommant to bo that convicllona abould not be nought on ihc evidence of detectives alone. These detectives could only be appointed by resolution 0! iho Bowl. unciionod by the Dspatimcni. The, were, he bclioved, excepi in Imoiiplnccu, pnid 3 “Med allowance. 1!. however. ihoiz recom- pense woo conditional upon a conviction baing "cured. ihe instructions of the Da- pulmcni were ibni I convicilon should not be pruned upon the ovidonco of the inspcoior or dcieclivc nlonc. bni ii pouibic to um uni llflllfllllfllfl'l 0! ml MOI!!! LAW. on emu. "Menu. By thin mm do. than omum vm I‘M, from com odlum which would “not: to than "tutu, git £n§o sh. box to am molt: â€Mona. Thou deteeum weu'noe g“ 0W with the emotion o! the amt. He believed the: the we! mentioned by ill. hon. member were the only once of the kind um bed occurred. end the with the“ neon- tiom the law bed worked with are“ lath!“- tlon. wheeze) The return we: ordexed. LIIRDIINTI 1'0 1'3. MUNICIPAL ‘0'- Mr. Oalvln'l Bill eeme up 1‘):th reading. hue n the uquut ol the‘M‘oxuyc Genenl u we: allowed to "end {or I “no. I†object in $0 provide A boner manic: eoourhrge remedy meta-3 injuuloe In tho equdizmon of eownehlp “salmon“ the. ehgprount 13w prgvldel. Tonouro. Jan. l9.â€"Mr. Spade: took“. ohuir n mm o'clock. The tollowlng petitions were pronoun! : By Mr. Glbaon (Hamilton-From “I. Not“: Simone Railway Company. for m M to conï¬rm 3 loan of their line to the Norman Runway of (lands, etc. Also ~Fron tho Gum Weston: Ball": Comping, tint Lou applied to: by the Inmbton own] “I†may not put. Ahaâ€"From the nun. that Act: applied for by thu Pou Hunky. math. ray (2 Port Franks Bsilmy Oompuu as, not pus. Alsoâ€"From the “myth“ tn Lot applied (or, by the Eric at Huron Bull“ Company muy not pan. By Mr. Meredithâ€"From tho Dominion Gauge. for a reduction 0! the present Public Bohool midaummer "onion. ILIC‘IIOI MW. Mr. Awnu naked it it ie the Intention of the Government during the pmunt melo- to introduce an amendment to the Eieotion Law. so u to chance the mode clanking tho ballot , or to neimllnto the tom 01 bdlot used at the Ont-trio .eleotlonl to thou no! {or Dominion oleotlone. Mr. Mowu- acid it wee not the Intention o! the Government during the pro-ant union to introduce an amendment to the Election Law in the direction indiceicd. Ho did not think it won expedient to mend tho Election Luv lrom year to you. It might be my. in the last session to use whether com- nccinl nmcndmente might not be introduced. but until then he . thought tho, hnd both: poatpono my loaielntion on this lubject. own Jams. Mr. Mzrcem moved tor an order do: n ntnrn showing the coet oi Gnnd Jul!" {0: the years 1876 and 1877 rupeciivoly In OIAII oi the couniiu in Datumâ€"0mm]. ' noun Wll‘i‘ nounnnr. Mr. Youua moved to: n ndduu In the Lieutenant-Gonna. preying thnt It. would cause to be leid before the Hon. my pepen or correspondence which no have pound bctwoon iho Govern-um oi the Province nnd thnt of the Dalil- ion in toga-d to the conï¬rmation 0! the nward oi the erbitrntorc in micron. to tho northwelt boanduiu at tho province. Me. Humour moved for en Order of the Home (or e xetum thawing the Intent. lace reoeiwd by each Judge of the Conn Court in thin pmvlnee in eonneetlon hie duties ea Jn'd e 0! the Burro; ete Ooltrt lot the yeeu 18 end 1879. He pointed nut thet in thie cadet}: the principle wee el- mittod thet judge! ehould not be mid by ieee.yet there wmpreeent the none!) 0! the County “(1369 receiving leee to: urvleel under the Bunogete Court He did not epeek oi the judnee' eeierlee. 10: whether they were or were not entiielent hed nothing to“ with thie eeee. He believed thet in lone eonntlee the judsee zeeeived ee tune]: a 81. 000 e yen under the 81mm ete Court 10‘ end he held thet it would be well, ll neeee- eery. own to edd to the eeieriee in cede: to ebolieh theee ieee, . od onu-nn Summon Kr. flown moved tho uoond uodln‘ at tho Bill to: tho rollol of oo oporotlvo oooo olotlono. In doing to ho ogolo owl-h: that tho Billpro poood to oxtond tho Halt the mutation on poo tho omount o! otook coo pouon on hold {tom “00 to 01 000.1t oloo propoood to allow on ouoototlon to par ohooo on mortgogo proporty in which to do bulineu. Mr. Mnnnrrn thonaht e provision shoe]! he put in the Bill to eyold such en inmstiee es this : A short time ego sn essoei in London bought goods iron: e who! Ili- ohent end psid -ior them every Belem ' night. On one oeeesion the indebtedness rsn up to 81.000; end then the essoeietlol isiled to psy. The merchsnt sued, but the sseoeietion, invoking the elense requiring thet sli purchsses should he ior essh. the Court oi Common Pless decided easiest the merchent, who lost his 81,000. Book II injustice es this ehonid he provided sgeilst. The Bill wee reed the second tune. oononus‘ trousers. Mr. Mower, in moving the second mill. ‘i 0! the Bill to nuke iurther provisions ~' respecting Oorohm' Inquests. erplsitmlflsfl according to theexisting isw inquests were to be conï¬ned to esees where. iron: iniomstlol received by the coroner. there is resson for :‘ believing that the deepened esme to his deeth _.,‘ by other mesns then through mere socident or mieehenoe. but thst provision wss semi!†" inductive in the operstion oi the luv. Tits-Y. object oi the present Bill wee. therefore. to ‘ ‘glve eiiect to thst provision by requiring - ooronere to metre sn smdsvit in its terms,» ‘ heiore holding sn inquest. In the less settle‘ districts. howev r. it might be necessaa‘flot- coronere to ho a inquests without each s decisretion. end this Bill provided where e County Attorng. g. in ï¬ghter: , , nun sy ' Nipiesing, s stipendiery minute, â€â€™3“: lot sn inquest in writing. the sonnetâ€: relieved train making eny such .mmu; It, oi Mnekoke, Perry Bonn wss inrther proposed thst e coroner shill“ music a similsr declsrstion with meld to; port morinn exsmlnethnsg‘xpflm Ill I‘ll the second tinie’. 7n nlmon. Mr. Mann-n and ulna “I. ma respecting tn exemption: would N m dnoed? Mr. Mowuâ€"Jn two or three day. .4 The Home adjournad at 4 10. , ‘1 The noun 0! the delay in ï¬nding iho M train and ii: imprinonsd victims at tho IN iom oi the Tny was the excessive mnddinl oi the wnier. The «liver: could not In : inch bnioro them. The mm in Want] (1 due: when the min uni. Fox. tho din wnl ed Along the bottom until he «no pin: up again“ some objeoi oihon. H. II I: thought ii wu n pnn oi in. brides. but VII ho lali over it with his hundu ho ionnd it I the engine. The iim thing btonghi up u the lamp oi n nilmd W. oonuu Junou‘ rm.