Movod by Mr. Broad, seconded by Mr. Lovmsbmngh, Thu the Clerk be instructed to publish 3 notice in the Woodville Am’ocu'x that this Council will at its next meeting, to behold 1, ï¬n Monday, the 16th day of February, 1880. i“ ï¬nslly pass by-law No. 240, being s by-lsw to provide for niaing the sum of $1,998.58 ' by way of loan on the credit of the Town- ship, to drain the following lots in the town- ships of Mariposn and Eldon :â€" ‘ ,_ â€grim ‘ 03m 15, £1} 10 40 acres } u H 1n n: ‘1 ‘- Uonnoil went into committee thereon Brand in the chair. :Commituw may and reported by-ln 250 to pull without amendments. u. I Inu- ' Moved by Mr. Broad, seconded by Mr. {Rhin‘om that this council adjourn to meet “a on the third Monday in February. ‘ApJAJ es '1 w R. P. Butler. account for telegraph- ing and postage for1879........ 25 94 I. F. Cnnninga, amount paid by him for municipal election, ............. 75 l. W. Pattenden, as her necount..... 3 I. W. Bull, account for stationary... )7 g legal advice etc. 6 V " " ‘ to ay costs for arbitra- ftlon, Goose Lu 0 Drain............... 133 47 " , Uncconnt for expenm in ,oonneclion with Eldon Drain ...... ll 62 v v -e-w- account Carried Move Parking Yer-ox, a . Moved by Mr. Broad, seconded by Mr, _ ‘ Pukinlon. that this council appoint Henry ‘ Ynez, u Assessor, for the your 1880, at a : “lay of 8125. last. '; Moved by Mr. Lownsbrouyh, seconded by Air. Bowen, that this council appoint D. ‘VCu’michml an Assessor, for the year 1880,“ u n “lax-y of $100 Carried. Moved by Mr. Lowuabrough, seconded by , MrLBroud, that this council go into com- . rim“ of the whole' on the second reading of hy-luw No. 240. Carried. “inï¬gofd by Mr. Imvnquughjaecondod by Mr. Bow“, that by-lnw No. 250 be now read third time and passed. Carried. time. Carried. ' By-luw No. 250 rend a ï¬rst time. ‘ moved by Mr. Bowen, Seconded by Mr. Lownsbrough, that by-lnw No. 250 be now road I second time in committee of the whole -w- . l‘l‘ll Moved Ly Mr. Lowuabrongh. seconded by Ir. Broad. that tho Reeve give his order on l0 Tmmrer in favor of the following per- ms viz :â€" i’lfl. James, for 6 cords of s‘tove wood ‘AL l'l II .._-â€", ~vx v uvnu to} Hall. ............... Moved by Mr. Bowa, seconded by Mr. Parkinson. that by-lnw No. 250, being a by- law to provide for appointing certain oï¬icen in the Township of Mariposa, for the year A. D.. 1880, be received and read a tint Council went into committee thereon, Mr. Down: in the chair. MOVed by Mr. Lowuabrough. seconded by Mr. Parkinson, that the Reeve give his order on the Treasurer for the following sums for 'lndlgente zâ€"Mrs. Sweetlmd, in care of J. F. Cunning, 84; Mrs. Wallace, in care of L. Petterson, 84; Mn. Peter Johnson, in care of Mr. Bowen. $5,to purchase wood. Carried. 7 B. Adm), Ream; \V. Parkinson, lat Minty-Reeve; 'T. Broad, 2nd Deputy-â€" _-Bâ€Vo; Wm. Lowmbrough and E. Bowaa, ".Counoillou. 1' Minutes of last meeting read and approved ‘ ‘ Moved by Mr. Broad, seconded by Mr. « yflkinlon, that this council appoint John Kelly u Auditor, to act jointly with Geo. ‘ Douglas, tamed by the Reeve, to audit the 'Vnooouuh of 1879, at a salary of $6each. at [up to what was at. oneï¬im an- } .’ were. nnvorthelou. much mom Mint “m: durin the two yum previous latter prim re» ï¬nd. “a hue duq 3.0 M um. unloigmd unmade tho absence a, [M diam. man; live Imk in the q we crops, nunng the pun yu'r al- n Committee rose and reported lby-law No. 240 to pus without nmendmentu. RTE VICTORIA E. D. AGRICULTU- ’ RAL SOCIETY. Byolsw No. 250 read a third time and the: Council met this 19th any of Jamaal-351880 Tho following gentlemen having made the (Induction 0! ofï¬ce and qualification took “lair nuts 1 ' MARIMBA TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. H H Jonx F. Cuxmsan, 8 7 50 for telegraph- , n an Ff sf 10 40 10 25 ll 100 ll 60 12 100 12 20 13 58 1 53 “ Carried. seconded by by-lur No. ll 62 Carried. Clerk. to M7. u N N (C U 0‘ .00. to persons, - I am deéornii’é‘evliihotva I: who! any longer. Any pefton having momma If!» me, if they present than) will!» poi u once. ‘ , ' G. 0. SMITH. 'wvv “I that "Ieir accounh are I“ made out and must I» promï¬fly paid this mnnth. If not paid this mont I will place ull my uc- 0mm“ in court for cpH'Iotion. without ros- Fnsxcn PAx-CAxxs.â€"lngredients; Tum eggs, two ounces granulated sugar. two ounces bntter, flour and jelly. Beat the butter and sugar to a mum ; beat the eggs separately the‘fnlkeq to a cream the whites ton froth. and add the yolken to the butter and engnr ; stir the milk into these inrzredi- onto; hotter eix tin pie platen; sift two cones: of flour with n teaspoonful of baking powder. and ntir it quickly into the IbOVO named mixtures, with the whites of the ergo, put the hotter quickly upon the buttered plates, and bake the pan-cakes brown in A quick oven ; lust them with powdered sugar, lay them one over the other. with a little jelly Between ; dust the top with Inger end serve hot. ‘ ’ ‘ Last Warning. BUCKWHIAT CAKEs.'â€"â€"The Best buckwheat cakes are made with an ndcliton of corn- meal flour and oat-meal flour to the buckwheat in this proportion: Six cnpfuls of bflckwhent, three cnpfuls of oat-meal flour, or if this cannot be obtained, substitute Graham flour in its place, end one cupful of cornâ€"meal flour; to this add a dessert- -spoon evenly ï¬lled with salt, two tablesptmnfu' s of molcsses, and lake-warm water sufï¬cient to form a butter; stir through the flour Well four teaspoonfuls of baking powder before wetting'; but these cakes are much better raised over night with yeast. Cummxa Tm Washâ€"Acids should never be employed to clean tin were, because they attack the metal, and remove it from the iron of which it forms a thin coat. “'0 refer to articles made of tin plate, which consists of_1ron covered with tin. Rub the article ï¬rst with rotten-stone and sweet oil, then ï¬nish with whitening and n. place of soft leather. Articles made wholly of tin should be cleaned in the some manner. In a. dry atmosphere, planished tinwure will re- main bright for a. long period; but they soon become tarnished In moist air. ‘ Gonna Baneâ€"Rub salt allover them as soon as out and laid on a table ; the next day brush it OH. and pack :1: a cash. Put on a pickle ma‘de ab follows :â€"-0qe quart of salt to a gallon of valet , to six gallons or water, half 3 gallon of molasses and three ounces of snltpetrm Int. ï¬le hams remain in sit or eight Weekl, according to size. Smoke to suit, and pack away in salt in a cask , put in a cool, dry place, and they will keep good all the summer. - ' Gaovrm Guamâ€"The frosted appearance of ground glue may be very neerly imitated by gently dabbing the glass over with a piece of glazier’e putty, stuck on the ends of the ï¬ngers. When npplied with a light and even touch, the resemblance is coneidenble. Another method In to dub the glue over with thin white paint, or flour pate, by menu of a. brush, but this in interior to the former. Used for windows. Excnnucx'r Sun- Punmxo.~ Two eggs, one ounce of beef snet, six ounces of flour. three ounces of bread crumbs, 3 little salt, and mix it slack with milk. this add one pound and a. half of lump sugar, taking off the scum as it rises ; Mid a little lemon peel, and juice improves it ; put it in flat shapes. We have else much pleastire in acknow- ledging the sum of two hundred dollars from the County Council and the sum of twenty dollm from Hector Cameron, Esq., M. P.. to whom this Society owes "a. debt of grati- tude for their liberal donations annually conferred nponthie Society. All of which in respectfully Inbmitted. (Signal) J mm Mo'l‘AaaAn'r. Dated at Victor-in Road. Secretary. this 2let day of Jan" 1880. [The Treunrer’u Report will appear next week. -â€"-En.] We beg leave to re rt. that. owing to the want of sufï¬cient otel accommodation at Glenarm. and the censcquent‘dissatisfac- tlon among exhibitors sud the loudly ex. pressed desire of many of them for a change m the place of holding our Fall Shows. your Directors, at least I majority of them, thought it desirable to submit to you. the members of two em’. standing in the Society. the advisihility of holdin the Fall Show at Victoria Road Station, nstead of at Glenn-m as formerly. A ublic meeting for this pur- was dul 0 led here, as by law provid~ ed, on the 8t day of July last, when it was unanimously resolved that the next Fall Show be held at Victoria Road Station. This disturbance of ion established affairs. the dissatisfaction there felt by many of our best exhibitors in t e south of Eldon and Fenelon, and the unsuitable nature of the Show ground selected, operated to a very large extent against the success of the show, insomuch that the number of entries i fell considerably below that of the previous year. and less money was realized at the gate. Your Directors are also pleased to re. fort that the Union Plowing Match held ast Fall .in the township of Eldon, near Woodville. under the auspices of this and the South Riding Society was an unqualiï¬ed success. Riding of no]: dim-on u in other coon. trial, mama the proportion of n notional calamity. customers yin Piano â€in notice .-A Al,-!_> _ FAMILY MATTERS. name of Self-Ab _ ; as .1033 of Memory, niversnl Lauitnd'e, Pain in the Back, Dim- neu of Vision, Premature OM Ago,and many othur diseases tlnat'lead 86. Insanity or Con. slamming! and 9 gromnturo Grave. ingucure for Seminal Weak- no I Spat-ml- to on. Impoz 4~ g“; ' ton and all 30‘.me Dinah: that “follow†a se- Branch Ofï¬ce, 00]â€. P t 7th St... .. Washington, GRA Y's Speciï¬c MEDICINE sum: MAEK-_Th_g great ‘I’RADI nun. ing cure for Seminal Weak- no ‘ Sperm:- to on. Impa- onn -._.I -n‘ Any person who has made a new discovery or invention, can ï¬â€™acfmtain, free of charge, whether a potent can probably be obtained, by writin to Mmm 8:. Co. “'e also Iend free our I and Book about the Patent Lawn. Patents, Caveats, ‘dee‘Mnrks. their coats, and how procured, with hints for procuring advances on inventions. Address for the Paper or concerning Patents. ___. _ â€" nun uuuuu LIPIU ' t ‘Y AMERICAN, Magma. Mum: Co. are 301- icitore of American and Foreign Patents, have had 35 yeawéï¬igerience', and now have the largest esta 'H ment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms; A special notice is made jnthe SCIEN i lFlC AMERICAN of 'all inwntinne patented through this agencyâ€, with the’ name and' residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thna ' 'ven, public attention is directed to the menu of the new patent, and sales or introducticp often_eaaily affected. ".ku ‘- â€6"! printed“ ' are?“ 93“! axle; Pro/Well! cllulram M , ward-Irina". repre- luiting the lie at m 1 imxa uni the moat rodent Advance: i‘ 33 Arts and ‘ iences ; including new. g intgreatings Facts in A riéultnremorf.‘ Wral‘tlze Home,Health edlcal Progreua,.Sminl Science, Natural Hiltory, Geology. Astronomy. The most valuable practioql eminent writ- ers in all depart! en‘ta of Science, will be found in the Scientiï¬c American ; Terms, 83.20 per ~yoar. 81.60 half year, which includes postage Discounts to A gents Sinr'le copies, teu nts. Sold by all new-- dea era. {emit fpoatal order to MUN N (k 00., Publishers, 37 Park Row, New York. PAIENTï¬: BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. THE BEST PAPER! TRY IT. a- An mmmicï¬ in tum m. an. am! (It: In 0] Jo VWM loud Mfluo. mm a 00., 37 Parkï¬owi Anyone in. liberty to m up 3 club on It“ °'£‘.:§"’.°“J“’““-" be uddnual mm c n In Mimi be 133:, P0,» 0am. ' Boll: 1e psrtiu I“ up club- wfll be lup- pued with Ipoclm oo o! flu paper gum, owpllutlou. * ' Wan“ Guou will bo seat In. at tomy Post One. in an“ nth-in tor 80â€"0: nine shilling: curling. _ Remltuncel my mum by P.O. monayoxdu, batik dram, real-urea mm, or by upto- u m Ordcnmd realm» bouddn-odtotbo a GLOBE â€mm: COHPANY. Tomb. uowumundln tho t on buiénh lad lmprovomont- “gt-£111. 31:113.! subscrip- tlou to Tun Wan! Own wm "mun u boro- totoro, only TWO DOLLARS PER AINUM. unt mtago flu to a." m of Guild: tnd tho United mam. pnblo humbly In dance. The CLUB RATES FOR 1880 mu. :3 Al tom": ':°:' :3 “3'†‘3‘"? £32129} :3 perm _V_â€". -- u I all. An lucteuo o! fading minor-1n outï¬gék'n 3:.†01 newly a: column beyond in jig-econ! m. vat addition to the and†o! the pro: will enable a. bill a! 1m to be ptueuud w I, pmbgbl more urlod ad mun-flux than no "or be on mmpflnhod In my wukly canal. The literary mutter will be much Inc ; mom I will be dovohd to Honuhold and nochl tin; :nd the initial W‘ will I). rendered more case!“ than our bolero. . ligtlgghgu-nqm; the gun; alumnae“. Ind '11. ‘ 0' mm.» AMIIIOA. “M d 0 admin: may“: [or [mt M131 matter In cub wuk'l but no a win- clude o new: from .11 action 0! tin Dominion and nut m “mama. of “I numerous radon. has rendered expedient ch. amusement 01 Tu: Want. Own much bo end "on m mummy. canonical. Common n; with the r" woek o! the New Yur thereto", the form of them will be chlnkoé tron: am of an 80vooluxnn pupal to that o! ‘96»me paw; and the ion as 0! “ch P‘f" Will also bola extended as to n. in “I tn norm of raiding mum- 1.. mph ml..- m mum 'r‘mm nmnm M I v'm' Gui-36.73? dambcum n 0 ml: at sup'rovonoat m: but» mun. tuned It to: nutty (onyx-n In mm pod- m M I n l IHEOH mus Megan“ m an!“ In «0:7! “mm. m manna?!“ runâ€"11mm . arm n runlomon. ,k WEEKWELOBE . "um 11 rumuuwl- 0... caugud'ot an ’.l880 7 L9†vnl bk. “3mm â€19.92-ng w _--_L -4 ‘ (mm apparatus In m7). 21 35mg'YEAR. ll! “a". .4111 stile, profuuly cngraamgn, repre- iona uni the moat Arts and Jenceq- , in conhectinn \vifli the SCIENTIFIC mama I F1! is a large ï¬rst- ?9_ 33W?“ Pages. Row York. 170 c'l’he subscribers have now got their factory ï¬tted up in ï¬rst-class style on“ are prepared to furnish anything that may be entrusted to mom in the shape of SASH.DOORS. AND BLINDS PLANING. MATCHING, MOULDING. SCROLLSAWING .10. on short noting and at bottom priceu. Also shingle: and umber fur sale cheap. Sagh and Door Factory ALI. 1:1an or REPAIRING NEATLY AND QUICKLY EXECUTED. Issuer of Marriage: Licences ‘. manna, comm, mum, Ml cunnv cons, muons. mum“: nuns mm All. mun or Indies: rumusm‘uc JAMES STUART HARNESS MAKER, SADDL’ER am inn-abusers should look to tho Laboi on tha Pots and. Box» I: the address 1: not 633 Oxford Street, London, tbs? an anxious. 6412 533. OXFORD STREET, LONDON, And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines ,throughout the Civilized World; with di. Vrectious for “win qlmosg micry lapguuge. 'I\|_ _ 'I‘ 'I The Trade Marisâ€"7;); â€"£ï¬Ã©;e-uife.:;izéilies are registered in Ottawa. Hence, anyone throuEhout the British Poacosaious, who may cap the American Counterfeit: fog sale, will be prosecuted. The Pills and Ointment are Mmmhetnnd only at ’ ' And oVerjr kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has never been known to fail. CONTRACTING AND BUILDING A SPEC] A LTY. Itia an infallible remedy. If efl‘wtnnlly rubbed on the neck and chest, an alt into me“. it cures SURE THROAT, Di orig, Bronchitis, Coughs, - Colds, an: even ASTHMA. For Glandular Swollilgl, Ab. n‘cesaeas, Piles, Fistulas, For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, OLD WOUNDS, SORES AND ULGEBS 1*! 89mm and 3mm: Pro mm .820 m hont Woodvllle Harness Shop. Ll'FE. They are conï¬dently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, he: become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully eï¬icacioue in all ailments inci- dentel to Females of ell egos; and as ‘3 GENERAL FAMILY hiEDIClNE, no LIVER. STOMACH, KIDNEYS; md BOWELS, giving; tone, energy, an an"... L- AL.___ -,, A “' ,.-.---‘. mu nu w 151.5, ngm tone, energy, and vigour to t_hese great _ _A1N SPRINGS 01" VII,†m This Great Rousehola 1:04.101†rank: “5332 {he lounge accounts: at Life. These famous Pills furify the BLOOD, and act most poverfu ly,yet soothing on the 160 Half a mile West of Mrs. Young’s Hotel, Give no a call before purchasing elsewhere. The undersigned would again thank the public for their liberal patronage in the past our and would state that be In still manu- ucturiug LUMBER AND SIIINGLES. Having «good stock of l e on hand he is prepared to ll HOUSE AN BARN BILLS as cheap as any mill in these parts. FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR LUMBER AND SHINGLES. Gout, Rheumatism, FOLLIOTT’S MILL, PLANING M ILL PORTAGE ROAD. H.-FOLLIOTT, Bolsover,‘P. 0. REMEMBER THE PLAC E, \VUODVILLE mAnmmnD, 1856. LUMBER McGimam Bros. unsurpassed. A81) Orders SQLJCRTED. FRUIT CAKES, MIXEDTEA CAKES. Remember the ; mce-â€"next| (100! to the “ N urthem Hoboi." ‘I I I v Uh II I ha Of all better iplious, CONFECTIONERY In Emllt- “a nrietv- FAMILY BREAD ‘Sign or me " Bee Hive," \Vhich he is Selling at a Great Bargain PURE TEAS .. PARTU'B SUPPLIED WHOLESALE. JOHN DEBBIE, E004). ABERNETHY, AND â€1111‘ BISCUITS, WHOLESALE AND RETAHA A Full Stock of WHIPS, BRUSHES CU_RRY COMBS, 3;... always ouhnnd. EGS to inform the farmers and ‘ public, that he has opened a Shop, on the South side of New Harness Shop I MUNRO Bros. SHINGLES! Endless Variety. LL parties are clutioned agaiud nego- tiating a note made by me in favor 4 Mr. Soil R. Campbell, for ten dollars ("0) as I have not received value for the some. RICH A R1) PA BRINGTON. \Voodville, Jan. lat. 1880. Wooavmo, Oct. and. m. 149-3m KING STRE. I. noun and rutry 0 â€mm? BERRIE’S ARTIES contemplating building will ï¬nd it to their advantage to apply to *. MCLEOD’S, FRAMING TIMBER 'â€"-AND-~ CAKES gnocemes IS UNXLD CAUTION I .71. .7. SMIZE IN Till WUNTY' MLSOVER. CHE Cor . Kin; nut an... I. â€"-ATâ€"â€"o " ‘4 A 13. 03 .55