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Woodville Advocate (1878), 6 Jan 1881, p. 8

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iii? . CONSID‘EHABLE money changed hands in the village on Mendy last on the iis'sne of a match race between Dr. Mc- ,Kay’a hone, " Extra." and D; K. ‘UullnbelYH mare, ‘ Bird." The race ' which took placmon the ice in Port Perry, mm for $200 a side), and con. :8izlcrublut-xcitmnvm was created, the ‘nmtch lueinymnnilm v 3 u class one. The West)“: of tho rwe WM m1 follows: fiExma lat. lliwl 2nd. #1me 3rd mul 4Lh luuuta.‘ The Dr. is highly eluted with lhis victory. . T113 Clerk informs us that the peeple vof Eldon me very lax in the matter of \re'giasturiug births, ‘23,, with him. 1W1: have frequently dlawn the at.- 'teliti0ln 0f the public to the fact that. they «re expusiug themselves to the liability uf :1 fine for non-compliance wilh cl isttaluu‘, but it duve'not seem to produce any «mach The Clerk in- ‘forms us that he will propped m prose- voute all those who fail to ~cmnply in future. An ekmnple or twu would he; Very salutary ‘in this connection. Tim Methodists of \Vomlville circuit ’ 3lmve arranged to givena a mm musiml invent. Thurcelubrutell Calm-u] Jubilee ‘Singore‘huve been engaged to give bwu 'concerteon the circuit. One wdl be held apthe Muthodist clmvéh, Glen-arm. ‘ ‘On Tumduy, Tannery 11th, «ml in the; 'Methodist. church. Wmnlvillu, rm \le ‘ mesday. January 12th. This Nominee- I‘to be due best. musicn‘l ‘trmt 'even‘ pre- eeeutml to a 'Womlville audience. The, 'h'oupe are fluteriflgly‘emlmswl hy the Provincial piemuml thepulvlic nmv exv ‘put‘arare treat. The 'Ilmnim-n Times? maya"--“ The Juhilue Singers .ga‘ve ui concert at the Mechanic? He'll lns‘ ! oevening, which was 'one df the most 3; ~aucee:~rel'ul entertainnu Me df'flie‘seneon. 3.? 1n point of attendance it extemled nny- ‘ mhingtlmt‘hae been in the hull for u Hong'timd. The Rev. MT. '(‘I'Bnuyoun ’luader of Who-singers, is ‘to he congmu *tulatex'l upon 't’heeucress of his comert, 'wLich, We ‘mudb say, was in every Way deserved. The various melodies were melodies in every sense of the word and received heme-unions enc‘mee. Some of the old sdnge of twwty years ago were admirably sung and stirred the hem-l: of many in the assemblage. The con- cert was a financial success, and what. is even more, everybody in fine house went home pleased am] satisfied. Holloway‘o PHILâ€"Pure Bleakâ€"As this Vital fluid, when in a healthy state, sustains and remontes every part of the living sys- tem. so, when it becunes impoverished or in. .pure it exerts a precisely contrary effect. it is abundantly manifest that any medicine which does nrt reach the circulation c‘an :nNer extol-minute the disease; but any pro- pm‘atiuu capable of exelcising s sanitary in- fluence over the bland. (mist With it be carried t) eVery living til-re ot the frame. The lungs. heart. liver, kidneys, and skin all re- caive beuefi I iron its more wholesome con- dition. Bollouays purifying Pills operate directly. powerfully. and hemficinily upon the whole mass of blood. whether Venous or arterial. They strengthen the stomach, sti mulate the liva- sml kidneys. expel disease, and prolong existence. FA BMEBS' HELPS. The Montreal “ Weekl Witness” is o paper that devotes especie attention he the Fsrmers’ needs. The A' rieulvanl Depart- ment is edited by W. E larke, Esq., Lin- elebank, Guelph. who is widely know" as at one time the editor of the Canada Farmer and more recently the “ “'itusu ” lecturer on sgricnlture. His editorial articles and " Agricultural Letter Box " are especially attrwtne. Ulla “ Witness” Markets are ~‘s'll pcrlecJ reliable and Very full. Hardly less‘uln'sb e is the Veter‘nnry column can- ‘t‘l’cbd by D. Mobility. F. R. C. V.S.. Principal of the Montreal Veterinary College, and the Dominion inspector of live stock. His name stands in the front rank of voter- inary surgeons on this continent, end the i prom t replies given to correspmdmte are value rle. A ”Pueltty Column" in» jn-rt been added, and p om'ecs to he of grill. «substance!» poultry (Miners, who are gran . ing in number. In the cities xzn'l town s capeczdly the raising of {owls is lllCl‘eiLaillx in popularity. “’ln e these il. pntmcuts er:- of especial value to the fsrmero. the cultiw - ton of the soil in a smaller way. anl the g-e. - tiemcn and la lies who are fond of gsnleniné are nutneulectecl. The Legal Dopnrtm-mt. in which all legal questions are answered by one cmnpetent to perform this work. is :- valuable nssiatnnco to all men of business And then the paper is full of information 01 especial interest to the family. even the little children have a. column to themaelves. An especial feature about this paper in that every department is careiully cdilell, not thrown together llnpchnmnl, [0 that those relying on any information given are not likeiy to he inigled. Every eutecrdwr of the Moutrvsl “ “'eukly \"itncss" can tell oi epccial offers whereby old and now subscri- bers sre benefited. ___._____. ,_ Outfit furnished free, with full in- 31 fllltcliulll for conducting the man! “unable busiueu that. muynno can engage I)... The business is an any to learn and our instructions are no simple and plain that any one can make great profits {mm the Very start. No one can fail who is willing m «.ork. Womm are as successful as men. noys and girl- enn cnrn large sums. Many have mule M the businesl over mm hundred dumm- in a single week. Nothing like ig amt imam “cfufc. All who engage Are lur- ar'aul M “no can and rapidity with which they are nbln tn make money. You can en. . in this Maine“ dming vom- Ipare timo “ gwnt prom. You do not. law, to inwst «(vital in it. We take all the rink. Those who ueml randy mmu- , should write to no 1! onus. All lurnisho iroc. Addreu Tmm . 00,, Al'gllath. Mame. l £11m! fitnttm. A manwwho bought. a turkey on the Landon market a few days ago by the pound found it stuffed with scale eggs. lllmxru danger threatens any one trou- bled witna liuuking cough. Influnation when it attacks the delicate tissue of the lungs and bronchial tuba. trawl: with prriloua rapid- ity. It. is Worse than madness to neglect a cough or cold. To do no in simply to invite conuumption and premature death. Bottle with and overcome the disease in its infancy, Mid overt the peril. Do not allow the lung- enting tuberoules to ilevelope themselves be- foro rosorling to moilioiuu. Experience has Ihown that the preparation boat adapted to subdue a formidable cough-40 sooth-and heal the laueratcd lunga~-is Northrop Lymnu’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypoplioa. phitea of Lime and Sodaâ€"a swift and 3m. specifio for bronchial and lung Mfcctions, lar ugitis, and various fez-ins of scroluln. [Us not pretended that/thin favorite remodY “nun“ hut “I In ”00 Ivvvuuvu yaw-l -w.” .m will cure fully developed consumption. but that. it will Mei-nit ia a {not too Well [woven to admit of any reasonable duubt. The fact. is equally well known nail appreciated. hnth hy the riddle and profession, that. the article in an admirable fortilizuroi tliu blmul. imparting to it those constituents which me rascntial t0 the complete nutrition of ch..- syst'um and its presoyyntion in a statoui health. In an en- chlu-l syam‘in pliusyhm‘naâ€"tliab necessary -» 'elnunt of bodily snhstnnceâ€"is deficient. '1‘ Is uuhsiiWem, us well as liuie‘a-ul sud’c mp mum in bane formation) are supplied in bite x‘Lulln‘LU-I nf Cod Liver Oil. Prepare-l by NmLIJup a Lyman, ’l‘uronto. Sold lby all d‘ ““3 dalmâ€" Telâ€"{051w} On. 00., Toronto. PUBLISHER, mm; or PEAK-K LESLIE's runmcumss, “use YEAR was osur 82.50. The Frank Leslie ‘Pubhsbing 00.. 1'5 Dey St... New York. will send Faun: Lusux's Faun}! Emma. a. Impageillustrntod paper, for unly$L00 pan- your, ' " r’ davnhn‘ J“... 13.3". [Ur Ullly‘Q1.uv yo:- qvuq. F um: 'Lxsux’s Y-mma F0133, devobml to the interest of young people, and cantam- ing much to interest tlmse of a more mature age: a “huge illusuawd paper. Price. peLysar 50 cents. ' _ r _._- .n’n u‘mnuJ l AflRIf‘IYIfl‘URIST 1’?! Jun-- vv '~.,,., FRANK Lxsun’s NA-floxu. Aontccm‘amsr Asu Wunxlxg FABMER, a lfi-page illustrat» ed paper. for only $1.90 per year, with Dr. B. J. Kendall's eminent “Treatise on the Horse and His Disenses‘”a book of “)0 pages, 90 line engravings, ’free to each mlmcriber. anx Lmua‘s Puurr or run Du, n 16. illustrated paper. J ust the paper for Sunday reading. Price only 75 ccntu per if”. including two beautiful chromos. “The irst Easter Dawn" and “The First. Christ- mas Morn.” _ - . ,l'!,_‘£_,‘_ I.“ 01' all tour of (In above publications jor $2.50 per year. Samples of all of our Publications and Ill- ustrated Catalogue (without premiums) for )5 cents. All desiring steady and profitable empiayment should send at once before their territory. is_ takon. ,,,|_1:--L:.\..- nan‘ Inu- niv WITIWI V 15 van»... An of the above publications sent for six mont at half rates. Addraas FRANK LESLIE Punusmxa Co., 15 Dey Sheet. New York. '1 Younelvea by making me- HlijL ney when a golden chance is offered, thereby always keeping povert from your door. Those who always take - vantage of the golden chances for making money that are offered, generally become wealthy, while those who do not i‘ihpro‘Ve such chances remain in poverty. We want many men, women, boys and irla to work for no in their own localities. 0 business will my more’than ten times ordinary wages. \Ve furnish on eXpensive outfit and all that you need, free. No one who engages fails to make money very rapidly. You can de- vote your whole time to the'wark. or only your spare moments. Full information and all that in needevl sent free. Auldrmn STINSON CO. Portland, Maine. JJ‘JI‘Jl“ â€" -_ . Prepared from Milan! Rod 8r!“ Gum. (IMF ohms no". Bahama). Ecol {no rdomnl and Tonic. perim- to any mull M o cred [hr oaths abou com Inn. A with" a 00vath cf the Out» on: wudcofrom {M ed Spruce ma wallow Ma's-mt valuable Mun 014nm The (mm American Remedy/for 00170118, GOLDS, ASTHMA, BRONOIIITIS, LOSS OF VOICE, 110A RSE’NESS ANIh THROAT AFFE‘QTIOflS. .. - I. 13164531 W ’ . 0/le dcrfm cf- fut-all” Bpruou and Nu PM" M can: of ivfours Tnglyl‘ who ramarhabkfiower in rationing certainformaf of rmwhim, and in almost specific cf“: in curing obâ€" m'nau hacking Cong ha, {0 mm well known to the public a! larg 4. Sold by l "Wow M. Ma. I out Damn a me. The mnla' War-up of [RM M” ml- Ma ourW .m drmdc 'M. “our mm Andlnbeh aria mutual. KERRY, WA 7' SON (O 00., WW1: k mun no“ Pray-mm and lanVa'uumo. 3231' 0mm. 2m mm: .1 .p.â€"-- “The Union Standard " Thombury, SI'éAREWELL GRAYS SYRUP‘ RED SPRUCE GUM. ’I'lxurnburEfiOGtw‘zfith, 1880. (In above publications for have been urging 37°“? In Hut rap art»- to» flu Gumum "parain. and all!“ «Influx»- "data ‘00 ”no ac an! luau. um ballamlo proper-Nu or. pro- cup“!- c‘fniwpli“ 'Ont. “Tm: Pansnv'mmau is wwnouc uouuu the beat religious publicattou 1n the Dow- iuiot}, and is a welcome vuntur to thou- - - I unamoflnul Ruin-an, A la:- 6 16 . 8 Fer‘; lutuu’ In“ H. .. sands of families.";Si)'¢ltfoy‘d Beac An Agent wanted in ovary oongregaw A Long List of Liberal l‘wmiums. Only a few Huum' Work Bequil Balance of Year Eteé to Na .ble engraving. Our premium engraving to every subscri- ber for 1881 is a chaste piece of art, entitled “ God’s Word,” size 24 x 30, from a paint- ing by H. Larpnnt Roberta, II. A.. and en- graved-by Arthur Willmoro. In this picture \3 illustrated thq ‘Parfsb'le of the _vaer, and Iv n...-.-_ _. , gruvcu-uy nun: . ' a _ \s illustrated thq Parable of the Sewer, and the distinguishedartist's concaption js so ad- mirably carriqd out by the engraver that we feel much pledsnre, as wall as no little pride in presenting it to our pre~paying subscribers gyery one of whom is entitled to this Valua- Shauld any subscriber prefer our front ofi'er.for 1380, viz. : the “ Death of Ne 50199» and the “ Meeting of Wellington :1};le u- cher after the Battle of Water/long” both of these historical pictures will be forwarded to all who express apreference for this magni- ficent Premium. Bear in mind these picturea are 18 by 40 inches each, nndcannot. be got elsewhere at less than $10 the .pair. , It is confidentl ex eoted that the em gravingâ€"” God’s Von ."â€"â€"ofl'ered for 1881, will even more fully commend itself ‘to our patrons ; and thpt thousands of copies will be called for. Sure we are that wherever it is found. whether in fife drawing-room of the wealthy or the modest parlor of the for- mer or artinn, it will he looked upon as “ a thing of beam,” if not "a joy forever. CL’UB RATES FOR 1881. Fivch ies, and‘under, 82.09 each; from 6 £0313; 3 .65 each; 20 and over, “.50 each' Oldzand new mum count alike in forming Clubs. No Ono in arrears allowed to take advantage of our club rates or premium. Ptemium Lists on application. 0.; BLACKETT ROBINSON} No 5 Jordan 815. Toronto. ‘ Publisher. H Ably Conductod."â€"-. “THE WOODVILLE ADVOCATE? “IThe “’oodvillo Advocate" is the best local papa in the bowuahipspf Maripom and Eldon ahou rpnblished in the County Eve: 1d fluke it. It a your lamp-per. THE WEEKLY GLOBE TEE MONARCH OF THE WEEKLIESE ' O Manda grc‘ibgtmnu. Editad by REV. WM. INGLlS. \Vill he published in connection with the ‘\VeeklyGlobe' for 1881, the BL- OGRAPHY and SPE EUH ES of the late HON. GEO. BRO W N . The work will contain “bout. 600 pages, «ml will he sold to nulmcrilpcrs of ‘Tllo Glulm' only at. the law price. of ONE DOLLAR. subscribers of ‘Tlle Remember that all subscription mm in 14 x 20 ind...“ (you; only M. the between this (late and In January. 1891. - . law price 6f ONE wullcutitle the subscriber to receive THE "M 80‘ up m ““3 GLOBE from am of subscription :0 31.: of my but “1‘6 or DOLLAR. December. 1331. "0"“ “‘ SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION, TWO DOLLARS. THE GLOBE PRINTING CO. TORONTO. Agent. wnnéed in we unnotccentcd disMct through“ 00 :W inducement. ofi'ned to goo neml‘iEN 0 FOR Titans. .llrz. [RBI-MAN'S woun POWDER la a uni". um and MI W 0t svm-m in children or adult». Mu ism». or 5 [or 8L”. 6' Mrs. FIRI-TMANS NEW ”091197“: DIES uh perk“ I- chl'ytclor. ‘1'" umcnou ma autumn: they law. no canal. Price “may: m m EVERY EUBscamsn lfipp. Famil' Fnday, at $5 human OFFER; ‘amil Journal. Publishod ou ut 3 .00 per ”mum. anomm-l‘cl Era. “NM- is without ‘10th congregation. -JOS. J. CA VE, Publisher.- Containin 90 columns 0! remmg mauct. and udmitbet ly the beat. authority in agri- cultural und commetciul circles thmnghous the Dominion. vuv u vu-...._â€". I to enormous circulation distributed. as it is, in all part- of the country,’ renders it the best advertising medium for reaching the intelligent. muses everywhere. The Cheapesrjg‘! NE‘V TYPE ! INCREASED SPEED 18 PUBLICATION ! Order- and remittances to be Adda-ed FOR 1881- Containing 96 colnmna of yemfingmafielj. Réquirod. to New Sub- N EVV PRESSESI wribera. 'JM. ‘ EPABTMENT. odihd by Chm. F. I £011 01“ 1111311853. ‘lmwvnuun- arker. Relisblo FlKANUIAL Mm IN THE \VORLD, wum Information .33 Entertainment lay; for itself Envy \Vuk. ‘8 Pages. 56 Colum- Every “'eek. NO FAMlLY CAN DO \VlTHOU'l.‘ IT. FARMERS. LADIES. YOUNG FOLKS and ALL who would mung. BOMB] CULTURE or be THOROL'GHLY POST- ED In what is going on in this [my wurld, indome it as film BEST of all “’EEKLIES for the FlRESlDEaml FARM. 1t 13 m ENCYCLOPA‘IDIA of USEFC L KNOW- LEDGE, necessary to EVERY ONE and within the memofall. YOU CANNOT D0 WITHOUT IT. 'lhe but AGRICULTU- RAL DEPARTMENT (one full [M30 ova , week), ad: ted to mm «(the Unit.» States. he best LADIES‘ DEPAKT~ 1 M ENT (comprising c tuhfioriculmm. anoy Work. Home Art and (bakery). The best YOUNG FOLKS DEPARTMENT! (the “Grist Mill" of Paula. odibd. by “Comus,”'l‘nles and Slim. The best: Original Serinll and Short Sharia. The- beat Essays onSciemthoAxtaandlndns» tries. Tue beat ‘ ‘ of Coutunpomr ry qu and woman. but Poems and: Literary Miscellany. Tho but Han: and: Foreign News W «plan to the homo! oingto and. M MIR. BOB 0 THE m The CHECK- ENLY ONE DOLLAR Best Cheapwt Library fiker. Ramble rmmum 3.4 m KET REPORTS. on. a». . MORE FOR YOUR 1mm 1m In Why “1' Watt!) h h.“ ONLY 31 an m (52 Numben), fmofm Gecfiuhfi For-I I €1.50!th Alina-re I”... Addres- We will club THE WOODVILLE ADYO-x GATE with THE WEEKLY GLOBE. mdi send both to one add“... (or only “.75.. WhoeVar receives hairpi- will be well} Inpplied with tho but genital-Mi in. lowest possible out. Dulce: I m1 A! 3°! "I" 10'"? life. beware of opium- nthurhmuixtum They quell pain, but too suddenly the new“: new .mm name: 01 wan- mm. and. from the Wild Starker] plant and other healing Vegetghlu, i mum's mm fnr all terms of bomleonphi-t. THE WEEKLY GLOBE. The Best ! any to every yenfly snincrilnc of the “ Weekly Globe” for 1881;, Eng-Avail Pound: Box. 050mm BROWN, i Will be D. McLEOD. M 1m AWORG'S OLD 51m ”meme I~ as, mammals, and mum. sum. mom magma 3mm 1mm Mama!) n Rump}; m. min “mama. King Street; walls Anal nuan- Iflw Earthen “and. Knunmwflmiu and: in MM“ Mimns, moo; a well ; mun; téiugus. Ire-l. Holt. M “a «cum» Mk; emu“ gum: and dry. Miidh. mums. Pontoon. Bum. MW: in supply ; Kant!“ "imam, "gm Clam ml KM Andl was... xintho ju. . mama» um! «um um. uni Sup in but Still amine"). Knuth pen and chi. MMRNW h“ ; Ami W‘ must . M. WWW magma: mmwwwâ€"fiécfifim mgfis Hilarity an an“; anti ant nuns: umwuiuflsg'et wzhingo: uh uni W3. giving tone, energy. ml mmmmgm NAIR sl’RlKfiS or MW). 'M' mumfidently MM mmuwmfi'uiiing muedy in all MM him- mmnnihfltimn, from whatever mm M hummin- inguinal] m Wukeued. '1” m mmrhmfidlwdfiucinu in til ailunu‘ua‘ (Wm: Wind.“ W: ml at 3 mm FAMILY MEDXCKSS. u! ‘ “nu! mm “W I.“ OAK. ”QJI. H Anguilla“: 3 ME Wmuflnilnb. W 3‘1 â€"â€"â€"'vâ€" , “Zamrmzumzm Wadi an'lmm 1;: mm LEGS. N M ”WSBRES All!) “[8533 mum. in. «can: 30!“: TH RUAT, Dina-lb. “Mnuflilk'irn (Cumulus, cums. a] an W. {For Gland-lu- S'ding‘ AU m mam, Wish)“. Gout. Rheumatism. 31;.an of SKIS Dim Wham: Bumto fail. Afimmwa my .11 Vendor. of W mghmam Civilized warm 3 with «iâ€" mfiirmft‘nrzusc‘in :0an cm 135m ‘~ g, ~_ m We links of “at m m: "‘ ma influx“ [lemma-gnu Minus; mm film W PM... W mim- lump flue karmic-I: Count“ n saith, mm “In figmecmofl. -“- imam; Smomacu, mnxm fish“ all Well RIF. mm autumn-nun. mm mm- mna Ointment an 5mm STREET. 105293. JACOB BARNS. SWEET, “’OODVILLK (MEWS soucn'm ‘HDBALRI ISâ€" Msmfin ‘t’fll‘lcfflln 0' Mls'

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