A good education is now twognized me a great Mlvunmge to the person pm- mugging it whatever his position in life, ‘ but beyond the Int‘lâ€˜ï¬ acknowledgement 3"!“ it in good very vague ideas some- times prevail as to whub really causli~ mm a good course of instmcï¬on. By ‘meny, certain educational requirements 4m, considered as ulcogether superfluous “if not. wholly unsuited to the life of a netioal fun-met, m4 tending to unï¬t him ! or labor ill-operable frOm his calling. :Bcoh ideas are based on a misepprehem felon of what education ought. to be. and Wherefore oftun stand in the way of the unit-improvement which the I'm-mam of “his country have so freely brought within their reach. ‘ â€Ml“ WAIIII.’ mt‘AI‘Itl‘s 3 L "311' \ H II into the meaning of the word edncution. Imtruction is known to he the teaching on any given subject or training in its practical application, but we must die- 'tinguish between mere instruction and its value when practically utilized. Will!“ is called learning is mostly 00'»- wsrned with books including the classics. modern lunguagea. 41.0., but familiarity “with these do not mnko up uncxlucntion. Education to be appropriate and useful \ 'i "7|!qu vuvo. ....... Let us now exnmine more closely\ must have n wider scope and n more practical application than the more dis ' -cipliee of the mind. In fact, it incl mles “not only schooling I (l instruction, 'lmt much special tra ii , mental, moral rand even physical development. in ï¬m at man for efï¬ciently performing the ; duties of life in the station or culling in which he is placed. To the ï¬rmer, therefore, the study of classics and Ihn~ gauges is not inolneled in the word odo- action, and the some may he Slllll of (Idler branches of icnrnin: . To be eilu- , mted the Ummlinn will tlu'mfuro ï¬rst I seek to know those things that help to Innke him n. guo'l l'nrnwr nor will this hinder him to all other intellectual u: .qnirenients if he 34 pleases. The long’ 'winters, when '0 :‘lnrntivuly little can i the «lone on tlp f. rm, place within the ‘reacl; of the ngricultnrists of this wutry grout opportunities 1' n‘ Self- ~'viinprounnent, while hooks and puma on subjects connected with their culling bring the instruments useful to tin-ii- instruction to their homes. Imleml, the opportunities for improving their *minds by reading,’stnuly nml social com- munication are as.) general that there. «can be no excuse for the farmer heing' or remaining narrow minded. slow and 1 unenterprising. U ntormnntiely for the J calling, of farming, ngricaltnrs has been too alum looked on as a slow unintel-- i‘lectunl occupation, requiring little edits cation or intelligence. There is, how- ~ever, nn pl‘olessiun, which to exercise it rproperly. involves a more quiet] circle ~of acquirenwnts than that of the humor. â€Bent down by continuous inhor the quioneer furlrem of this country, had ‘neithcr time nor means at self improve~ men‘. They were restricted to the icon-siulerntiou of mere animal wants, ï¬nal while physicnlly and perhaps men.- rtully the superior of the villuers they 7 . . . ,. ___, 'vuu.’ w. w -u ' l' ' V i vtoo often :onsidered themselves and 'their calling inferior to the atom keeper and his thick. Hence, young men ' 'hnve turned away from a euro and inn dependent means of living to what they considered the more lucmtive and re. dined calling of store-keeping. We mead not say that these false notions ‘fl‘egardiug the relative merits of farming nudetormkeeping have done immense harm to the farming classes themselves ’by drawing many gonna man from a vpnrsuir. whom success and independence ‘ would have crowned their efl‘orts into embarking in business only to fail and penniless to have to fall buck on the calling they once despised with many \of lii'o’a best oppporlunilies lost. All this is now chnngiog, however. Edna cation is uplifting tho fnrmer to see his true position, and thnt in this country, especialy‘ he is the foundation}? the :social ediï¬ce, and that consequently. his mode of life is as dignified itud as much tobaeovetcd as any other. Nor will the diffusion of knowledge Inssen the farmers interest in his eilling nml eliioi~ ency in pursuing it. On this contrary it will (mike tnmn more ellicient ns farmers and bu'tei‘ alpha to utilize the implored mothmls: yearly brought to thin: nid by inventors and soiuntixti. wln-iehy every ellbrt can be turned to gun l nucount. Vl\ \. In ‘V‘V‘v‘n-vv‘ a-..“ BM £0 plnco tha agricultnrint in a . 'o' ' " ‘fnlly qnoliï¬ed poaition‘ his elncntion Alphabetical â€"8010†shoull consist. at tho litemry and tlm AND A THOROHGH ‘ Pri‘flimiwâ€"Th“ “‘80"? 0‘ "Eric'lllm‘" CLASSIFIED Busmnss DIRECTOF will wear. of thawnmre of mils, mm» of the Business ma pmfouimm men in t fi‘l‘ï¬s. nml gnnem‘l farm mnnagenn-m. ; ‘ (mics, Towns. and Villagrl of Untari the princqvlos of drainage, rotation of l with A ~ cram. mmtrucfinn of I‘m-m implennonla, CLASSiFlnD BUSINESS DIRECTORY thv cultivation of the ilifl'en-nt. l’m‘m ‘ â€"â€"â€"â€"or Tin-- xcropa. their harvesting. c. Thmuhei . CITY OF MONTREAL. vmimm hremla of live stock. their fml- Tl a ‘ n one an d and 3““an how in: mnl tm’lmom, with “ knowlcdcv ed cl;:‘u:‘0“‘)lln\il\l0ll and Provincial 13" .M‘ 'lwir “â€3"“ by mmsnwmmt, ““‘1 tmioduf IS?! will ho given to this wo I‘m m'im'iplm llmt gm‘m‘n nnwkol,» .Nilmnrihels‘ names ruswctl‘ntiy when 5‘. m hunk-keeping: which E‘WINPS 13:0 2 TN"! "f -"-“"°3"i531‘al “WW known “P0“ {‘2 mur l0 h‘" P wily Um no“. nl‘ hhmw ; l"“"“"‘"‘ _ :ui ll 4‘ itéma i1 Pl’Ch tlt‘l‘ru llm‘l.’ 01. in ‘. "URN "0‘ EL" SON! Pub ‘h u and vxyuul‘llme ; such n knuwo I Mnntnn‘, hm. H30. A'I‘IIDNAL SEEN AV. 0?- "TlT “HES. now recognized ledge of BIVUII up. Ever' year thn improve-l mmlvs nf carryingIiu-mprmluca myl live-mock In England is brightening the prospects «if those engagml in farming here, and this coupled with the fact that farmem have placed within their easy reach an education In which they can make themselves familiar with all matters connected with their calling, should ‘LA “Hum"-.. lead young men trained t0 farming to cousijer well before gidng it. up for' other onllings wish which they are ‘ totally unacquninwil. Let farmem hut. 1 fully cultivate the opportunities of imw provemeul; within their reach, and nuke themselves tlmrunghly conveisant with the subjects connected with agri~ culture- and their own success will he assnrwl while the country generally will become more prosperous. .â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘-q.y,â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" Group can be cured in fiVe minutes by the combined use of Hagyarul’s Peobornl Balsam ‘ and Yellow Oil. .lndeel, Yellow Oil is m ; twelf a. speciï¬c used internally and applied t untwunilnlmt to heal and strengthen the lungs the Pectin-ail Balsam may he need with great success. Both uf these matchicsa re. medics should he kept in every house. To I be obtained of all dealers in medicine. PORT Ps'mv stares are chvsnd at 7 o'clock wary awning, Satur‘lay ex~ Oopwd. . [{ollmny'a Ointmm! and Pills. ~Rhonmnt- l ism or Nciirnlngiu :\lfwtinus.â€"-Nu diseases are more frequent. painful. or dnï¬cnlt ti cure than these. me their attack nu tissue of the human body is exempt; no age. >ex.i r calling is secure. It is a blessing. lichVer, w knuw that all these stuttering may be cum. plately an! expedibiausly snhzl-ied by Halli» way’s remelies. The Pills must assist in banishing the tendency to rlien-nntism mnl similar painful disorders; whilst thts Uiut maul: cures the lncnl uilments. the Falls re- move the constitutional disturbmicemnd ~9- gnlate the impaimd functiv n uf every 0 gm throughout the human body. The on.†ls neither temporary nor superï¬cial, but pur- mment and mmplete. and uha disease rarely ; recurs, so perfect has [mm the puriï¬ca ion 1 performed by than: searching preparations. I am a Baptist Minister and before I even thought of being aclergymau I graduated in medicine but left alucrative practice for my present prof ion, 40 yeaae 04.0. I was to- many years n fl‘erer from Quin o ', "Thom. l Eclectrie Oil cured me.†1 was also troubled with Hoareonees and Thomas’ Eclectrie Oil always relieved me. M y wife and child had Diptheria, and ‘ ‘ Thomas Eclectrio Oil cured them,†and if taken in time it will cure seven times out of ten. 1 am conï¬dent it is a. cure for the moat obstinate Cold. or Cough, and if any one will take a small teaspoon and half fill it with the Oil and then place 1 the end of the spoon in one noun-ii and ‘ i and draw the Oil out of the epoonh snifï¬ng as hard as they can until the Oil ills over into the throat and practice that twice a ' week, 1 don‘t care how offensive th sir head may be. it will clean it out and cure their Catovrh. For Deafness and Ear-ache it has done wonders to my certain knowledge. lt in the only medicine dubbed patent medicine that l have ever felt like recon mending and 1 am very anxious to see it in every place. for I tell you that 1 would not be Without it in my house for any consideration, l am now suffering with a pain like Rheumatism in my right limb and nothing relieves me like Thomas dielectric Oil. Dr. E. F. CRANE. i Corry, Po. LOV ELL'S PROVINCE OF ONTARIO DEREC l‘OIiY TO BE PUBLISHED IN NOVEMBER ’81 A Baptist Minis: :r’s Bxperlsnco. 1" R. LOVELL. at. the request of several Macclmuu and other: uf the Province nt' Untaria, of the Cit of Montreal, c.. Imus tn annnlmcoriAlAmtï¬Lï¬nl will publish . ..¢.‘ I\In|“l\’l| Imus to annnnnco um um um- mu ,mmm. n PROVINCE OF ONTARIO DUN-LC" ‘~ ORV. in November next, containing an Alpllahetical Directory, AND .\ THOROUGII CLASSIFIED BUSIN HS DIRECTORY of the Business and Professional men in the Cities. 'l‘uwus. and \‘illagra of Untario, The sum can and and attention bestow" ed nn tho Bnminion and Provincial Direc- mtio-i M I87l will ho given to this work. Suhscrihelg‘ names mlwctfntiy solicited. Trm a of .‘.dv¢rtisiug made known upon 31) 141036911. -__..nnfl FOR 1881-82. Fries $5.00. ‘ab «in 1- [408 5, Cu: ember lit; a R1; » ~ The owner can hum: . A property And pm in: u x11 1" 2i \.' Garden. Dec. 2m, I830 TouoN'ro 011. 0A)., 'l’m’ no. l "nu-nu. Gsxunuux,â€"-l have been using your "(Justin-inn " uml have discovered n new um forit, exh‘mm-ly usuful (u Printers in mling Roller .‘Iunltli. 'l‘u got u railiur out "1‘ a would is um: m the most diflicult jobs 3 Printer has but». i tried “ Unbuu-ine †tlucu tunes and was ptrfuctly delighiml with its nations, the mller slipping nut like a charm. my testing the Unsuiriuu between ï¬nger and thumb it stuck me that it would be just the thing to swab tho iron would with. Wow this hint published in tim Mail or (Hobo it Would be a great. boul to Uuuutry Printers. l’unmsnsu, The highest price paul for any quantity of good sound LOGS and SHINGLE BOLTS Apply at the Mill, or to W STRONG. Box 16, \Voodville, [OBBING and CUSTOM WORK promptly executed. SHINGLES! $10. [I H L lerscivcs by making m0- E ncy when a golden chance is offered, thereby always keeping poverty from your door. 'l‘hnse who uiw‘xys take ad. vantage of the gnlden clmu'sxs fur making money that II‘O "Herod. mums“? bircmuv wealthy. while those who «In nut. imp: on: such chances remain in povcrtv. Yo. want - u - a L -_7.I. auuu Una-u". u ............. .7- . many men. women, boys- and girls to Work for “a in tlwir uwn localities. The business will pay more than ten times ordinae y “two: We furnish {Inexpensive mum nml all that yun need. free. No one ivhg euunges fails tn make money very rnpi. ly. You can (ln- ‘voto ymir whole time tn the wm‘k, or nnly your spare mom-mm. Full information am! all that is “mule-l sent. free. Aclrlrees STIN'fllN .\' CU. Pur!.l-:n-l. Main-e. Yburs 'l‘rlllyz The (Train! American Remedy/for COUGHS, GOLDS, ASTHM , BRONC'HITIS, LOSS OF LOGS! Armstrong’s Mill. VVOODVILLE. FRAMING TIMBER ARTIES contemplating building will ï¬nd it to their advantage to apply to Wind of “6 won- der/m cl- rocu «UM 8p rue" and the Ptnu (I can“ of -H nu PM? their con- "5"†u STE; 3. 5:. “"1, 313 He (no - .99“ MUNRD BROS... my» R4 rcnmrkablogowcr in reliwing certain forms of ronchits'o, and its almost speciï¬c qfect in curing ob- stinate hacking Coughs, in mm well known to the public a! Iar 5. “Salt 1.! all WM mom . aw u_u‘ andlabflapm a!» mister“. -â€"- mnmnt‘tf L LOGS ! LOGS ! IIGWGIGW «w: w KERR Y WATSON c6 '00., ,o. mu. Outï¬t; furnished trAee, . with full in~ u '| Bi’ï¬â€˜AREWELL. . I'Alnvu .â€" The U lliUllâ€"b'itt‘l'ldard. †Thoruburyi CHEAP. I humuur)’. B0 LSOVER. wmmale 8000 M14 h u and amU‘ Vaults". GRAYS SYRUP‘ RED SPRUCE GUM. 1r: vxqmum-u. 1-"): \ mm smme. -' ‘ ‘I'.‘;une'_'p ‘15. u! Nov- ] um: jy'ral‘ 01d- mmu by plovmg Out. 25th, 1880. In NH: rep on.â€" (on the Gamma†"N 0'. “adult“. antgw cip 'naio- \ «11 r} ‘f rhea. ‘ on (n!- Tab“. 4 ball: Ont. c ample“ Mo mama: adamant, ELDON, and M4RIPosA. Should subscribe for it. It is your home paper and should claim your support. SPICIEST SELECTIO LATEST KENS ‘1 Live andv Extensive 55.263- lama. NE WSPAPER T0 ADVERTISERS, \VITH THE LATEST STYLES OF TYPE and all work done. by us is Warramed to give Com- plete Satinactxon. Our Job Department $1L®Q> THE BEST J OS. J. CAVE CONTINUED STORY. THORAH Ann GARDEN WOODVILLE, ,ONTG“ EVERY FARMER INâ€" extra inducements are offered: ADDRESS ALL ORDERS BY MAIL TO ACKNOWLEDGBD TO BE 8U BSORIBE FOR LO W RATES» NOB/HI 0" 1‘ 0308130. LOCAL AND FOREIGN, Emma 'l'l‘ CONTAINS THE- AND A CHARMlNG“ ALL KINDS OF â€"-WITK A‘ " ADVOCATE " IS SO PPLI ED Groceries. Fruits and con testimony. KING STREET, WOODVILLE. In fwd} suppl‘iedl‘Kigg Strffrtzflouth side," ._._._o._ â€â€"â€" mm a. LAWSON, gimme §igu and (Earring: PAINTER. SHOP IN ARMS'I'ROSG'S OLD STAND. House mama. GLAzma, a ma, PAPEB~HANGING, and KALSOMINING, And Dealt-“tho Northern Hotel. Keeps groceries iu flock in bi- brick block; Pruwaiom, too. at well ; Keeps Sugu-s, Ten, Flour, Pork and Cheese, Sells Apples. green and dr . Codflah. Sanlinen, l’ohwu. Ill, And Herring in Iuyply ; Keep: Butter, Eggs, Cleve. end Nutmep And Candie- in the jar. Keeps Candlewick: and candlestick, l-OI , e n_,_ L. L-_ . ALL \VORK GUARANTEED. MATER- IAL Fl} {XISHED IF REQUXHED. Wagons, Carriages; Gutteu 8101311. and. ram Implements ï¬enwod. ALL SMALL .1035 STRICTLY CASH Eraining in “'ALNCT. OAK. (light tall dark’ MAPLE and BURR “'ALN UT. '00.! Oil. and amp in ban. - Sell S ta here, both pure and char. 0! oh and Amber hue; Sall- Bainins, Rice. Bluck Pepper, 8] And Sundries not I few. Ems Gracia Houseman xaacmo nah among we landing mama-ins of Life. Thule humus l’illn purify the ï¬ll MID, and act mm» pmvcrfull,\',yct sm-lhmg «H the ann l'nU\ 'Elï¬, giving tune, energy. and viguur to these great MAIN :SPIHBUS Ul“ LEFE. They are conï¬dently rccununeudocl as a newer fiilinev remuly in all cam-s when: the cc-ustitutiuu, from whatever cause, has become impaired cur weakened. They are WumIel-fuliy cï¬icncinus iu all ailment: inci- dental m Females of all ages; and an a GEN ERAI. FA MU Y \I EDICINE. aw Its Seamus; no. new Proporï¬bl am Known Throughout the w and Forthe cure of mu LEGS, Bad Brows. “'oml ville, Sept.) 3. 18â€"82: GL8 WERBS, SORES AND ULGEff-S utis an iufallil-la remedy. If elfectaafly â€hind nu the “wk and chest, an salt. into meat, it, cures .5083 TH RUA'I', Di that-in, Iirunchitt', Coughs, Uni-la, am even AD'I‘HMA. For Glandular Swollxuga, Ab- sccsscss, Piles, Fistula, Give Him 3,0311 .55“? @5773? 5:52? Am! every 15ml of SKIN lllSEASE, n has In ver been known to [ails l'hc l'llls and Ointment are Manufactured only at D. MCLEOD, p.13. (:31 And are suit .hrm glint“ n'clibus fur i333. OXFORD STREET, LONDON. And an: 30“ by all Vendors of Medicine's Jnnughmu the CiVillzed \‘v'orhl ; with Ili- n-c:i(ms for use in n‘mmn evcxy hm uage. The Trade Marlin uf them Afedicim's are registered in â€it-ma. Hence, any mm lhrmulmut the British l‘tmesaiona, wtu man ken†the American Couuwrfcits or sale. will be prowuutul. -- --‘_-Q purchasers 550m look so um um en the 2.5033 and 332293. 11th. mama 1a not 533 Oxfaro. Sweet Landon, the? HAP) Cistem and We†I’mes, Eraâ€"spurious. MYAIRING 2220me Enema. ALL KEV 5.36:5, A uva, - .u- .... , Gout, Rheumatism, FORCE I’U MP3 SUPPLIED. WOODVlllI. ORV. A008 BARN S. â€"DKALBR LVâ€" ORDERS SOLICITEI). .V WORK WARRAXTED. u “surpassed. lAfll‘FAt’fURBn 0P (Hi2.