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Woodville Advocate (1878), 27 Jan 1881, p. 8

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AND now the Chinese claim that the tel- phone Is nearly two thousand years old, hIIviIIg been In use about that time in their cquItIy. 0t, pagans with NI» 'u‘lmoud eyes them is aoumthiuu than IN 'olIlIII' tlmh (.3 fl‘ unlepllo: Ie ! Lying! It. is older chm the great Chin-mu wal'. [o Is us old us I'm citv «If Pukiu. It Is about. III: IIlIl .III the 5-“ (2 I5: wee lIisz- I'hIIIâ€"aml II ‘Iout us Ieliable. AN exchange says. 'â€" ..U W. as Long fellow can take .I. piece “of [up-r, 1’ write a few lines (III 5. , and It is wIIIIlI fifty. dollaIsâ€"that's geIIiI: 3. MI. W :H. Vandorbllt c:'lll wit» lo-wm IIIIIIls on a piece of pap-2r Ill! l he -.Imrh ti. I_v million dullaIsâ€"HIII.‘ i czIpiI II. A dehl'y editm‘ can write all over ”59 paper and it’s not woth IIs u1ll:lI us it Was before-Abate poverty. ‘ I 1?.1rrin'. " A .mitflm was unwanted by R‘chmwl 3min, and sigma! by P. Burk‘ and 13 min-us prnying In lmm Hm original road one-119d Can. 1‘. across lot 53. Muveel Ivy Mr. Bmud. seconded by Mr. Luwusbwngh, that Iln- Clerk be in- n: uwml m “0!in Hm owner of Int 93 q u» . B, to remmo his fince ofl‘ tho . n I! , 3’ ‘ . n'! (”In ‘:.." Ry-l‘uw N o. 2G6 nf or passing through mim‘nigh'a w": read an third time ahd finnlli'fiqsso‘l. Minn] lay M" t’arkinson, secondod by Mr; Bum-a. 93va. Hm Renvn giw his mxlel‘ on the anwurnv in fu'nr nf Rnlnt. \thorn for the sum of S4 00 fur res V‘fliring roml batwtwn cm-o- ssionn 3 find i», opposite Int 13. Carried. Moved by M". nnwc‘s, cmomlml lw :‘Ir. Parkinson. 'tlnt Hm Rm-vo giw his surdu' on um 'l‘rmwv war in fuvnr of R. (mm-r M n been 1 when pine f “an" aurmt met. 1 lever. r‘ghtl which ”W \Y‘ hrnkm ("8mm luck {‘amphell, for “:0 tum of 822 new pnlor "'0'" of I’ulico Cnmmissionns, \Vnodvillo I toa- n. m. n‘ Muvml IN “9‘. Lownshrough, spam 9 1 ed by \h'. Roms t. --\ this council a) 9 point Mr. Duncan Carmiclnwl Aem 91109 for the year 1881 M 9 salary of 8!00 meied. “and by Mr Puwt‘f‘, spcnm’ml lw htt‘. Pan-MIND". t'mr {Ivâ€"law N0. 26“. Inning a by-luw In :1': vim. CPl‘hlin officers fur the year 1991 M eceivml and read {mist time. (‘mr P4] Minutes of last meeting read and ap- proved. , Mdved by Mr. Bmves. seconded by r. Purkimcn,‘lhat Mr. Gen. D. “glass beappoinled Auditor to audit the ac counts of this: mmfici'mlit’)’ for Hm year 3881, Mr. John Kelly being npnninted by the Reeve, at a salary of $6.00 each. Curried. . Maved by Mr. Bozvos. secomlwl M Mr. Parkinson. than this cmmcil appoint Bin-Henry Yerex Assessor, at. a mLu-v of 8100.; Last. Council met this 17th clay of January, ‘1881. The following gentlemen having jlaubsoribed blie' necessary doélaration of office and qualification took their seats : :Robt. Adam, Reeve ; \Vm. Parkinson, lat Deputv-Reeve; Thos. Broad. 2nd Deputy ~ Reeve ; \Vm. Lownsbrougb, ‘Eliua Bowes, Councillors. THE Bohcnygeun [Ile’p‘lillIath i: in distress and soliloqmzes thusiy :-"'l‘wn jtlollara and thirtyvtive c 'llt-‘L \Ve haw fifteen cents to our uccuunt in the Pusl Oflice Savings Bank, and we reqmw to make up $2.50. We want some clothes. ‘Some clothes that are an nlmolute 11e- oesaity. In fact if this journal is not issued next week, the-world will know that our appreciative subscribem have not paid the $2.50. and we are confined “our roomâ€"withdrawn f1o1n mcrtnl gaze , Wasting mu fragrance on the desmt air , the beacon of the earth hid- ing beneath the f1icudly folds of an old \duatel‘. See to it. Let not the uni- verse point at the the finger of scorn, :and repeat the dread words, “ Thou art atlw cause of it. LOOK out for the chap who in travel. {li‘wtor‘t‘lyo couhtz filing an article ’5‘ w u’e alleges wil , if put in kerosene lumps, prevent them from exploding The article that he sells at one dollar war handful is said to be nothing Int ~mdinvry table’s)" colored. The dodga do in old one. Tm: Ladies (of Lorneville Sabbath $011001 intend giving a Sriree in Lorne- ville Selma! Houue, on Friday, Fell. 4(1), 1881. A good programme has been arranged. For further particu» law 8; 0 ~ post-era . W Parties indebted to Mr. P. Dounelly for threshing are hereby notified thut he has nceived full author- ‘ity from the \Vnterhons Engine 00. to "Will?“ all monies due for threshing. Wutflrhoue Engine 00 . , Brantford, Ont. , Mu. CAulLL, Assistant-Inspector Weights and Measures has been in the village on a tour of inspection. He re- ports having fouml the weights and measures in the village generally cor‘ rect. A few wine measures and one or two upring balances were seized. IABIPOSA TOWNSHIE COUNCIL. ml yang-vii. G‘N'I‘LENUN who suffered for ymn from Nerrnun Dehimy. Prema'nre Do- cm'. and all the emu-Is of Vnnthfnl indiscru- tion, “in fur H e sake uf suffering humanity, gnu! free to a" who need it, the rcc§pe «ml «linctiuu fur makin- the simple remedy by which h was cured. SmTzrrrs \viiling to pmfit M the _adw~r'iwr‘s oxpcrirnco on» do ton «and still. The [Ina'd my: ii is thought amputation will not be necessary. MR KI: mm‘s saw-mi". Omemee. had just been pp” in Work. one mnmind last Week, when thv .lrh'in: lw't slipped of? and the en- gine fn-e‘l from rosimin threatened to tear itself tn pim‘es. mu] an an im1= injury to the snrmumiings. Jam»: Cam ion. the engi- mer. noticin : what w: a wl'n“ {.mpmug for the lever, and in Join: m sfipvwl and fell. his right arm coming lien-mm the crank. between which mu] tho frnmn tho limb wu cdnght. tho. xvi-N on: lmi MI“ ”in {our Min bones broken. hiq-ncazinz the wounded member. (‘amemn race to his frat and with great {duck and presence of mind mspel the over and‘in a njiantime Iii-might the engine ERRORS OF YOUTH Dumm the week nm'w muject'lres have con inl‘ill‘sul in regarding the safety of tee fxll wheat crop, of which there has been a Largo nrcn amvu in this sentinn. The ex- trrmm of wemher which we have exper- iencnl would no doubt. lu-ml many to fear for ils safrfy from being winter killed. An old an I experienced farmer. hnwover, any: rmsitivoly that so far it ia all light, and that nnh $3 in Very em aezl sima in 3 such jnjury ii ran-1v known tn occur «luring winter. In the c-nfly wring. when warm day < and sharp fr \sty nights are prevalent. is generally the time when the injury happens.â€"Uxbridge Gum-(Nun. - M u. N .G. Ruvxouw. Sherifi‘ of the County of Ontario, died at his maidenca at Whitby on Sunday week. He had been au'fl‘erin for some time from the effects of a para ytic stroke received a couple of years ago. On 'l‘hursdny he was again striceu down, and had been uncomcious for the greater part of tho t’me to his dth. Sheriff Reynolds \vcnt cw Whitby in 1554. having received his nppnin‘ment on th-‘s setting ufl'of the County. and ln-M the affine up to the time of his decrease. LAKE Couchicbing ice is 'of poor quality this yearowing to tho heavy covering of snow. The people of Orillia are drawing 'their supply from Lake Simcoe. MR. T. H. “’alah has been .re-nppoinbed clerk of the township of Brock; at a. salary .o_f 8350 per anuum. Eldon payrita clerk the paltry sum of 8160 pm annum. Tm: Port Perry Council memoralized the Legislature to amend the Muncipal act so as to provide that at the nomination of candid- ates at elections the Returnin" Officer shall not receive the name of n canaidate who is notlprescnt. unless he shall hnvo signified in writing to the Returning Officer his willing- uea's to be a candidate, and also against the Special grants to Collegiate Institutes. 003036 Public School Truutees contem- plate opening a night school for those whose occupation prevents them attending school in day time. FRANK 311.“.st teacher of the Upter- rave school, is aha-god by Mrs. McGar of 14m. wi'h having spirited away her daughter. A‘N Oshawa man has been fined 85 and costs in Caluuington, for selling goads with- ,out; a license. Tm; new hotel at Cohnconk is to he called ‘ Cubuconk University.” In the course of time it is expected to turn but numerous gritduat-es. LOCAL men are daliverinq a serTes of lec- tures 0n scientific topxcs in l x'mdge. A sea- aible way of spendmg an evening a Week. Tm: Township of Thorah sent eleven candidates to the entrance examinations td High Schools. . ' 0.4qu; has carried a by-Iaw granting $10,000 for a branch railway from the G ’1‘. " R. to {he centre of the town. Two new steamers am on the stocks at Buhcayguam. three or four unxlcr repairs, and no and of Snows ham; fixed up. HAMILTON’S hotel, Bethany, was nearly destroyed by fire, caused bythe exp'osiou of a coal uil lamp. one evening last week. Tux annual meetiug'oi Victoria County Sal-bath School Association has been post- poned till May. Tm: next skating carnival on the Canning- ton link will take placa on inday evening, 28th inst. BROOK has a township baby, and.tho Council aw in a quandary as to its {unin- tonauce. GLBNARM has a debating club. Pmmnonouun has twantyâ€"two dbators. Emn‘rmox; pupils in the Oshawa High School. Moved by Mr, Bowes, seconded by Mr. L0wnsbrough,tlmt blnis council do how adjourn 9.0 meet on the third Mon. duy :11 February. Catried.â€"-JNO. F. Cuxmxus, Clerk. P. But‘ler. account for postngu for 1880. $21.69 ; Hart at Rawlinson,for station» al'y. 33.90 ; C. D. Barr, for printing, $4.50 ; 'J. ‘F. Gauging», fees‘ for regis- ter‘ng births, Marriages and deaths {GP 1880, 25.70 Curried. Moved by Mr. Lownsbrough, second- ed v Mr. Broad, that the Reeve give his ordqr on the Treasurer for the fnlo- lowing sums :â€"-J. Giles, for 60 loads of gravel, $3.00 ;‘Widow Johnson, for woéxl, in care of E. Bowen, 35.00; R. Moved by Mr. Broad, uemudml by Mr. Lownubrougli. that. the Reeve give his order on the 'l‘leauuror in Mar of the following indigent. pencils : Blews’ family, in care of A. Cameron, $5.00; John Edward» 82.00; Mr. and Mrs. McDmmlil, Lot. 1 Con. 9, in care of E. Buwca, $5.00 ; Mrs. Sweetlaml, 82.00; Widow \Vullucu and son, in cans of L. Pulamon,$4.00. Carried. @m fizighhoum. ”So“ by glticrpéiflb “mun. TH“. C” ("1“ (l . ‘. ‘ 'Ar :on-vtv " .x'ymp at Rut Spnm Gun" M In ‘c o r kafenrd Trade flirt. and our mm ml! brh (we 1.1.0 manual. Rs romarkabh )mcer in relieving ccr::n'.~.fonm of rmwlu'tt's, and its almost apecc'fic efect in curing ob- sh’na'o hacking Coughs, is now well know a :1th )rtgblic at large. wood: and ordcrthm to drink arm undo from Ma 9‘}: r! 00 dam Nan. lnrly um! lhttr o o n- I n M, l {w “Hunt; to mum to Vice j“: a_ Mu board an)” won- dtrful cf- fcctsofw Spy-Ion an d the PM“ in gaourof â€"'u’:t.‘im'ut dddbi‘fhi" chiclna l purpoaa. Juan ong .â€" Propawd fro-t Manna! Ru! Snrucc Gum. (mu. aims 11.1er Balsamic. Soothing, [:pra‘omnl and Tonia. Sun‘rlor to any mnh‘quu nj’md aum «bow mm Min“. .4 «:4:th omnbin q! the 0-qu wfichmdcgfngm the RetLSprlw (tea ,,n.1,, SHINGLES! ' g" JIFAREWELL, Ponm an "The Union Staudm ‘ were this ‘mus pubushéd in ilE‘Tfiaiz‘E Globe it Would be a great boon to Country Printers. The (Prom Amy-icon Remedy for 00 U 0118. COLDS, ASTIIAIA, BR ONCIIITIS, LOSS 0}“ VOICE, JIOA RSENESa AND 771120;! T A FFEC’TIONS. .liy testi‘ugvthe Castorina between finger and thumb it struck me that it would be just the thing to swzghthe Virou would with. I tried “ Castoriue ” thxee times and was perfectly delighted with its actions, the roger Vslip‘pingputrlike a charm. TORONTO On. 00.. Toronto. . anwLauax,â€"l have been using your "Castoriue " and have discovered a new use for it. extremely useful to Prinbera in Oiling Roller Moulds. To get a. roller out of a mould is one of the most. difficult jobs a Printer has to do. The snmeicare and and Mtention bestow- ed on the Dominion and Provincial Direc- tories (if 1871 will be given to .this work. Subscribers’ names respectfutly solicited. Terms of Advertising made known upon ap- plication. JOHN LOVELL SON, Pub shcra. Montreal, Dec.. 1880. k Alphabetical Directary AND A 'l‘HOl'OUGH CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY of the Business and Professional msn in the Cities. Towns, and Villages of Ontario, with a ' 1‘, R.- LOVELL, at .the request of several Merchants and others of the Province of Ontario, of the City of Montreal. c.. begs to announce that his firm will publish a PROVINCE OF ONTARIO DIRECT- ORY, in November‘next, containing an 1mm: 1', 1r.;17_'qmv .e 00., LOYELL’S PROVINCE OF ONTARIO DIRECTORY FOR 1881-82. TO BE PUBLISHED IN NOVEMBER ’81 Price $5.00. Ismail-nun Miulslvl nml 'zriur- l Tun thong!“ 0! being .ulor.."-‘va.i l n ..v. 1 in modicum but In I; a Month pi .1 w my present profession, 405.3.“ “34L 1 ‘ 0 In P. A.“ ) many years asuft‘urer nun» Lillian“, human. Eoleotrlo Oil cured mu." l u.»- in - .- M-iul with House-loss and 'l'i 4- ‘4' 1 -'.-x‘- 'h: nlwa s‘relieVed mu. My , w- :t'fl . ‘M lizul ‘ Dipt aria, and ”That“. M » wry: - HI: vmul them,"alulif taken m m.» it \-.-i% cun- seven times out of tun. ! nu: muvimm it. is n cure (or the most l‘bslilm'. ' ”id. . ‘ "ugh. Ind if any one will mk. a an...“ 3. :wwonu and half till it with the “ii an t [hm placc the end of tho spoon m um: uusinl «ml anu draw the Oil out of the 3;... n In}, mm"; as hard as they can until mu m» qux‘ uvcr into the throat mul pun-hm that lurcu a week, l (but care how unkmsm- Hm: Ilcml may be, it Wi'l clean it out and (”HF their Catarrh. For Deafness and Barnum n has done wonders to my own-tam kunwlu-fg-u l is tbs onLy medicine «lublwd pscvsnt Inmliciuu { Him 1 haw "er felt “in; i'lewuunev'dini‘ and '1 i am very anxious to be: it in cvmy pnéé, ‘ for I tell you that 1 Wonk! not bv wimout It in my house fur any commutation, i am now suffering with a pain like Rheumatism in my right limb mid umbing relieves me like Thomas Eclectric Oil. ' 'Dr. E. F. CRANE, ARTIES contemplating building will find it to their advar tags to apply to ENTS WANTED. â€"Big Pay. Light Gka. Steady Emplo: numb. VSnm- )les Free. Address, ‘1. L. BY}. 49 \‘assan Street. New York. 'o'uc doubt {he mi mum. nhflu 07.5.36 CLASSIFIED BUSINESS Dmxacronv -â€"â€"â€"or' TIL FRAMING TIMBER MUN $31“ Ygum .Tnllyl A nm‘m mum's 33:35:23.; CITY OF MONTREAL. GRAYS SYRUP RED . SPRUCE GUM; CHEtX P. BOLSOVER. Mm” "“929". ’lhomburv, Oct. 25th, 1880. â€"-AND-â€" C) 83:503., Thominu-y‘, Ira am a mm hm w pedal-an! tonic. a banana Proprrflu a re pro- 'EI'P¢!~ In M“ pwpam (ion the Gamma, M: r “51.11% (furry, P1,! 'Ont. u-uuau. Hui-Ind rlt' U” u had maul cure: ct 13 n W903‘!".LE; 053T. J OS. J . CAVE ,Warramed to give Com- ple te 'Satisfactlon. \VITH THE LATEST STYLES OF TYPE and ail work done by us is Live and Extensive Circa- lemon. SPIGXES-T SELECTIOR ADDRESS ALL ORDERS BY MAIL TO Our Job Department i . THE BEST Should subscribe for it. It is your home paper and shouldylaim your support. TO ADVERTISERS, ELDOJV, and MARIPOSA. LATEST MEWS E 31m Wandvim 3mm“, COJVTIN UED STORY. extra inducements are offered: ‘ THORAH AND GARDEN NEWSPAPER â€"EVERY FARMER IN- LOVV R-ATES. $315M) ALL KINDS OF " ADVOCATE " â€"IT CONTAINS THEâ€" LocaL; AND FOREIGN, ACKNOWLEDGE!) TO BE -AND A CHARMING NORTH OF TORONTO. 8U BSORI BE FOR IS SUPPLIED â€"WITH Aâ€" REPAIRNG 1303271.? Maud. Cistern and WIS irumps, firemen s ant-um 1991: to tho 1.31501 on the you: xx}. .1 \m If 23.0 9.46.2250 g pp§7§§q§dom 5:253: Maya, thw no spurious. The Tram: .‘n-u '.~ vi than: hrixli‘éinet are regist: x'ml In Hilea. “cluto. anyone throughout. (Em Brmsh Foam-minus. ‘Iho may keep the Amok-an L‘nuutorfaih ol‘ sale. will In: plum-Nun). '533, 0X {"0 ll D 8'! R E ET, And fire SUI-l Ly all Vendm thrnglmn: t‘... (I‘m-5mm! \\ rcctious {or 1. ~.‘ ‘2: timue‘t- 0V4. [‘hc fills and 02 only at And m‘cry kiml u! never been knmvn meat, it cures DORE drunuhiufl, Cong)”, Ab'l'HMA. For (Ha: secsrwss, Pilca,‘1"intnl; ALL NE‘V .‘VOBK “’ARRANTED. I‘m dogma“; an; aumfig “warm are”; am '3' moughout tho World For the care of BAD LEGS, Bud Breasts. OLD wan-:33, 8388-3 A313 ULGEKS Itis an infaliiflu rumcdy. If cm: :tuah'y uhiml on the neck and-wheat, as halt int» meat, it cans 501.1. 1 RH' UA",1 l)ipthenu, LIFE. 'l'nuy are cumidzudy ruwniufludul us‘ a new-r failing» Randy m all cares when: the wast: tutu-u, Imm nlnuwr cause, hm imam-u inqmiu-ul m \Hukcuul. 'lhuy qru -\o-nl~.'i.- m, Jim-ad. us an all a.i:-.. an-“ incr 'icnl-‘II m Remain» m nil .1 m; am} as p GEAM‘HXL FAA”! Y )hil Mil-31.. an: 11v Mt. smsL-zuu, RIDE: ‘YS, and BOWLLIS, 5km? tune, eucray, tun! vigour mlhcsu 'rezaz. .‘- l‘N ol'i! [MM 01" This Great Eonsohald. Magma mam among ma leaiung necessariss of L110. Them: famous PMs punt); Lnu MIMI}. and nut musl- pn\ruriull3',§ cl SIMILhLLlL; on use Groceries, Fruits andxcon fectionery. KING STREET, WOODVI'LLE. JACOB 77': STR" The highest. price paid fur luv mmtity Of goodsouua was and 31113131.: Mom‘s IOBBING and CUS’I‘U‘J WORK promptly executed. Tums Oneal). And near‘the Northern Hotel, ‘ Keeps groceries in stock in his brick block, Provisions, too, as well ; ' \ Keeps Sugars, Teas, Flour, Pork and Cheese, , Sells Apples, green and dry, Codfish, Sardines, Potatoes, Beans, And Herring in supply ; Keeps Butter, Eggs. Cloves and Nutmeg] And Candies in the jar. Keeps Candlewicks and Candlesticks, Coal Oil, and Snap in have. Sell Syrup here, hot-h prre and clear. Of Gold and Amber hue ; Sells Raisins, Rico, Black Pepper, Syloe. And Sundries not a few. Is well supplied. King Strict, $0M}: bidq. A...‘l -.___, Al , FORCE PUMPS SUPPLIED. WOODVIHE, 0|". App} at the Mill. m- in \V. \V. ARM- l‘RUNYG. Box [6, “'oodville, P. U. Give Him a, Call “5.“??? "01.?” -â€"---A'I‘â€"â€"-- A rmstrong’s Mill, WOO D V 1 LL E. Qtififififi§5fi [J U G 7!’ LOGS! LOG- . 3"" NANUFACTU RBI! 0' . MCLEOD, nuavii'pnss‘ed. I“: heumatism, â€"DEALER INâ€" uuncnt are :5K1.\'m.>‘:;..5r:, it. by to fail. km u L" clnlun nt‘ Medicincl I." “urhl; With di- >st- ovary lnngutge. of then: Mflicinct L‘uimx, Hut exen lul: .r b‘w-e Elm '5, Ab- 103-25 I (‘1.‘3 30H, .‘Janux‘acturul mu‘

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