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Woodville Advocate (1878), 19 Jan 1882, p. 1

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J08. J. CAVE Publish". ‘VUL VI. Clerk'lat»!!i\'iuiou lkmrt ('nunty Victnria. Secretm-ytilldun B. A. Suciclv Agent 1’. ‘5‘ S. Cumpauy. Uonwynnccr, Commis- rmoner in Queen's Bench. ’OFHCB.â€"-Ronms lately occupied by “'. M. (.‘uchranc Bigluw'fi Bluck, Port. Perry. .L‘ICICII: 'tlI Division Court County Victoria. '(‘ om \‘_\ aucer, Cuunuissimm in Queen‘ 3 Bum-II. Nutarvi’ubllc. c c. Office, Vio- ‘torIa Road Sjnti on -J’. S. M A um . 0rdvrsby mm] for Sulveyiug. Levelling, -etc., will receive prumpt attention. OFchâ€" Brechin. 0m. Union Loan ('0 s Buildin I 23 8.: 30 Toronto Street "'.lmoum Anna“ MchnoAu. 1 Audi. J. SINCLAIR Livery Rigs at any time and at all hours «m the slim-test notice. Special attention given to Commercial Travellers. Charges always moderate. TERMS. CASH. 5m. lilesm comm-lion with the Eldon llnnse. ‘Gnccftiw nbuvc will be at Hamilton’s 'Hutd. Suarez-tun, on the SI‘IUUNU MUN- DAY of each month He win 330 visit \Voodvulle on the Second 'I‘l' FSDA Y of each month, stopping at Mel’lxcrson’s Hotel. .mertxnmns. L. . Jus. l-IINTI.ANI»,L.D.$‘. .Notes and other Negotiable Papc'r bought. $ to 1'); i"? ceufi. THOS. fin‘VAIDfi Proprldll'. First-class accommodation and attentive (servants. Bar We“ supplied with the Cllflkg. eat. Iignors and cigars. ’Bus to and from all trains and every convenience for tho arm-e1. [in-.1 ‘mhliv. "V The Highest Price paid for MJ\ K, FOX, and all other H. nv Flu. I’R’UV'IL'SSIONA L (,‘A If “S. .-‘\;_ v1 ut. fol A. "ALRIS. SON as: Co. ., ah .mu'urd, Manufacturers of Reapers, Mow- ers, Sclf‘Bindera, 810.. M This but?! us in awry way complete to meet I)“: {uplh’cillglfll of the >tm_vc),l_im;upnblju BEN'JARIIN M‘ASIMOV. Proprietor. 1'his limbolnfla house has just hovn re- fitted. furn shed and otherwise runnvnhd “ml immune-I. Ih-in: in tho centre of thv inmincw part of the village, and fnrni~luul with apiumli-l sample l‘hbllls. it is ”II-I‘Q‘ful'c must, cmwcnicnt fur tram-llcra and cnmnu-r- uinl mm». and the puhlic generally. 'l‘ho. Mar is surpliml with the host of Liquors and (Maps. Hum] Stables and Hustlur in at- Meals served on the arrival of all-trains whichntop 'mre, on both railways, twenty minuu-s for rcfrunhmcnts. Gum! Width]; rooms. Bur always euppliml with the best brands (I liqnmx and cigars. tofiulunm. I‘ .3111“. TEAMWI‘BI. d0. (‘nrting (ll-n:- tn and from all puts nf the villauv. .Viviscimz and Midland linilwm; ”Minna. (‘lmrvzt-s much-mm. h-siclmu-v.cum dnnr unrOh uf Eldon House, Quota) Stu-ct, \Vmuh'illt‘. J‘AMFS LAWSON, ‘1 EUHG E WILLIS MJMLAR, limrney-nl-lnw. solicitor In Chancery, (‘ouveyanN-r, do, dc. Mon-2y to Luau at 6 per cent. . OFFICESâ€"Kent Stu-eta Lmdsxy. Ontario. Money w Luau on first-class security at (:Ol's'n' .‘l'l'TIOXCER. ‘OFFICEâ€"Lme dour cast of ”fast Omcc, A'geu! hr Union hum Slvllg's Co. JOH'I‘IU’AKA 'llO'l‘l'lL, Woodvillo. than. u. MILLA u, Dominion land Surveyor, Draught:- nnn and Vulnutor. .run I). SINCLAIR, Elan-ts lets, Sum-nuns, smart“, ¢tc. LUON “GUS I‘L Woodvidc. Ali'llN HOPKINS. EBZA N US 13'. PEX'I'LAN D. RC”. 0 -\.\l I’BI‘ILL INLAND AND NIPISSING HUTICI. H.|RRISTI’.B§ SOUI‘I‘I‘O In) d‘c. [)0U‘;A LL SI .‘L‘LA ll; A. MAYBEE. 001)? I LLE ‘HVERY STA BLES. M. GA.“ EROS. Lomcvillo. 01-13113“, .81.. Lindsay. om. G *INERA L CA RDS. HENRY EDWARDS. Proprietor. G. L‘AVANA, P. L. S WI. mums Proprietor, 1H. TEL ( A RDS. ' @m {Humming + fibmmitg MUS L" 1’0 LOA N. “bud ville. 011 t. “'OOXH'HLB. LL H. .llumuss. sewing Machines and Medics kept coust'aut 1y on hand. Office of honltI-onl_:Pel§-gu'aph Con pally, Having bought the shop and fixtures of Mr. (i. C. Smith, Butcher. customers-can rely on getting the best. of Beef M: all times, and other meauin season. II Parties having fat cattle to dispose of will 11113an call or wave word at my shop. Farmers wanting meat “ill plume have their union 1: .0 night before at the shnp. The highest. cash prige paid for HilHSS. MAN U FACT" REP. 0F Cistcrn and Well i’umps, FORCE PUMPS SUPPLIED. WOODVILLE- ONT. Gl'ZX'l'Ll‘IMAX who sun's-red for years from Nun-nus Dullility. Premature De- cay, and all the efileczs of yuulhfnl imliscrc- Linn, will for the sake of sum-ring humanity. send free to all who need it, the realm and «lin-ctiun for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sulfercrs willing to profit by the advertiser‘s experience can do by addressing in peufeot mnlidence. OGDEN. Coda-Sh, N ‘RfOODV I LLE PU M 1’ FACTORY. JACOBâ€"“BARNES HARNESS COLLARS, HALTERS, WHIPS CURRY COMES, BRUSHES, TRUNKS VALISES AND ALL KIND OF HORSE FURNISHIHG A large assortment of whips from lficta. up. ALL KlNDS OF REPAIRING NEATLY AND QUICKLY EXECUTED. The Subscriber is prepared to lend Money at greatly reduced natcs of interest. in sums of J t». MES STUnRT. HARNESS MAKER, SADDLER m ERRORS OF YOUTH. According to amount required and terms of trayment on .1 Straight Loan or Sinkiu,’ "nml System. lnstnlmonts n Hired to re- pay a Luau of 3|,OUU £11 3 periods : 10 years. $14320. 9.0 years, $95.30. These Sulna payable at the end of each year pay at!" him entire delnt. Principal and Jim-rest. KG! COMMISSIUV. N0 FINES. Expelmcs reduced. l. C. GILL'HRIS'I‘, l’mtnmstcr. \Vnmh‘iuo. Ie following Duu't furgct your lusurnnm'. J. (‘. (:il. Christ is also agent fur suvmul first alas: In- surance Companies. Farmer’s risks taken at. lowest rams. 'l'hu a-lwrtim r. hm’iiig been pvtmmwnlly cured of that uh‘cml Ilisua‘ua (‘nn~ini|plim|, by a simple reumly. is mnxinns tn mnke knnwn tn his fellmv sulL-rors the "mans uf «sure. Tn all whu th-xirv it; In: wull send u u-py nf the prvsr‘rmtiun use-l, (free of chargv ) with the (lin-viinln fur Prt‘pill'ill‘g and “Hill; the same, which Hwy will find u arm: (Tm-2 rm: (.‘nxsrmrrmx. ASTHMA, lhmxrnrrls. c. l'nrlicx wishing the "l'u‘m‘wptiflll will [DUN MUTAGGART, Kirktied. CGMIIISSIONBI l.\' B. ll" 1‘0NVEI'AR'CEI GENERAL IXSURANUE AGENT. Tt‘YOONSUMP‘I‘IVES. please add r0 (‘JltilCE- Donniniovn Stundxnd ‘Q' Citizens insurance (:nnnnuues. Also Agvnt. fur thu ALL NlflV “'ORK. \VARRANTl-ID. ISSUER OF MARRMGE LICENSFQ. “:ilsufl “3?.” \legm ffB"_and ”Royal” '1‘er 3 m; and gctnlmok, You: own LieQ‘UOB TEA C0. 13 U. '1 4" 388 CA 1U)S.. MONEY T0 LOAN atfi percent. ~ IMPROVED [“Al-TMS FOR SALE. UG H McCORQUODA LE. CHEAP MOI BY ! Repairing Pronlpuy Attended (0. NU "nun-xx, Nov. H. A. “WI/(UN. l9! l'vnn Wiflinmabmgh. N. Y. $200 to $20,000, 00DVIhLE HAHN ESS SHOP. woonvuu: Blf'l'lfllllll SHOP. TERMS CASH, ORDERS SOLICI'I‘E D. 6 TO 7 PER CENT. ESTABLIMI III), 1356 Kilklic‘d, 07“.. Agent for the At from WOODVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19 1852. “ p120 BONO PUBLICO." Provide for the Weak under Your Charge .’ ‘JEAD OFFICE: 63 King Street East. 'l‘mouto. I nco'mmmtml Aug. 24. 1880 ol-‘HI‘EIIs: Wm. Rmxm. Esq" ’lorunto, President. A. (hm-mm, Huh Meafonl, Unt., Vice. Uirqntor. hm. fl. ’WATSON, L. L. B., 'l‘m‘outn, Salinitor. S. “K HILL. Esq., RidgeVillc, Membership Superintendent. Executive (‘ogmlflcex Wu. 113mm, W. P. Pans, J. P BULL. IRA ARGU 3, Agent. \Voodvillc. l’rcsixlcut. W. "EMBHHUN Pun-t. I‘qu., 'l‘uronto, Sec’y. E. H. “11.8mm, [{qu [III-ridge, 'l'xeasurcr. 1i. hulhumm'mox M. Di, Toronto, Medical Suits made to order from the latest and most “'5 a fashionable styles. All work guaranteed TB.“ to fit. TERXH, msu. W" Shop over McIntyre. .‘Prlor’s Store, en- gore trance, Side Door. ; ' An unfailing cure tur Seminal \VeaknessJ Spernmturchca, IIIIpothIcy. and all diseases; that folinw :Is a consequence of SeifiAhusn ;, as has 0f IIqumry. Universal Lassimdc, Pain in the Buck. DiIIIIIess of Vision. Premature ()‘11 Age. and many other di cases that lead to lll>nllit\ m Cunsnm]: timI and a pIcIImtuIc uImu Full particulars iII um pamphlet. which \Ic desire to send free hy III: Iil to cwry (mo. gr The SPECIFU:\1EIIICIXE is sold by all lllllf'fl‘ists at SI per package, 0| six Dacha-ms for $5, or “ill be sent free 1)) ' mail on Icccipi. of the IIIoncy. by addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE Co. Toronto, Ont HERDERSUN MONTGOMERY ‘11; ,- (fix! Before “hug THE {Ear n1-1 â€"GRF.AT ENGLISH REMEDY Buns. Rolls and Pastry a. Specialty SODA, ADFRNE’I‘H‘Y AND FRUIT BUISCUITS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. FRUIT CAKES» lVlIXEDTEA CAKES. ORDERS SQLICITED. PARTIES SUl‘VIJEI) \VHULESALE. JOHN BERRI‘E. S- CO"1\EIL, Esq.,:lgmt London Mutual, In'mlun, 1]. L (\BK )mn' (IQ'HH'I "Ul' Cnstm‘ino Mwh Mnt'hlm- ()il uml :v v ”ml. Ilm lnulel is hrumlml " Casuninv." as none other is gmminv. ... .u .1. DI: ~.I- \II: â€"â€""n‘\o the goodness to convey to tho l‘iu-cIIII-sof the "London Mutual" IIIII thanks for their promptness in paymg nur clmms III full, Imsing from the losses by the recent hush liIoi Aicx. (‘lIII'kI-, Ops. .566 Jan-us McUIIhcy, Emily, 900 Edward KI-I‘I‘. 600 Juwlnh McCu-hucll, “ 590 Matthew “Wilson, Ops, 9|?) 'I'l.os. MpUIIlIe. Ups, 596 Edwin l‘rnusc, Mmiposa, 9m! 'I‘IIIIs. KI-lly I‘Imily, ‘IO Martin llarIingtMI, Rnnly, 795 (iuy II-uny. Vurulnm, 550 (‘. l‘). Twn, “ 87" lanuv Hr» liill, Lnxtnn. 2!!) "II II l‘ailm. “ 50 I‘lfll'o'flll'l lu'II, " 250 .luhu ('i|l$)llunlll,1“(‘Il(:10", 530 II-IIIIIIII \l- 11mm, 0px, 630 FAMILY BREAD VV OODV] LLI‘] BA R E]! Y. I’. IL \lvl:ll:\|~-.;c_\', I «Inn-rs Hmmrd. ‘ Julm \Yil: an. (1 “HM. Kiwl‘t‘rlt‘l‘s, v John iimnlwl, Linusuy. Hcl. Imh. ISSI. MUTUAL AID WOODVILLE, ONT. AND OF THANKS. B US'IN IL'SS (.‘A R Us. ASSOCIATION. JOHN BERHXE’S IS UNXLP IN THE ('OUNTY GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE I NAUIAN Cnl‘ .Kim: and Stuart St. Fenclon, Ups. Lindsay, Yvrulum, “In, \‘rn ulnm. 0'23, Ops, M m iposa. I‘Zmil)’, 50 50 530 630 40 404) 350 TU 35" Into a [1 hi»: [If a 1.. ’ Boh’ormu'a Oiulmmt and PHILâ€".Ohl \Vounds. Sures. and Ulcers.â€" Daily experi- .ance confirms the fact which has triumphed over oppusitiou for thirty yearsâ€"vim, that nu m mm are known equal to llollowny’a remedies for curing bml lc‘;s, sores. wounds. diseases of the skin, crysipelas. nhsconnem, hurns. sculcls. and. in truth. all cases when: the skin 13 hrukeu. 'l‘o cure these iuhrmi. tics quickly is of primary impm-lancc, as the cmnpulaury confinement. inuluura wvnk- ens tho _.;m-.ernl health . 'I'ho n-mly mculu nf cure are found in llnllnway‘s Uintmcut mul l‘illq. which heal the 3 mas and oxpcl their cause In tho wry Wurfl cases the (linlnn-nl. has Slllf(3('t‘lll"l in «Ill-cling :\ pure Amceting of the members of the North Victoria E. 0.. Agricultural Society is called for on \l’ot‘uesday. January 18th, at 1 o'clock for the purpose of electing officers and directors, and other business. The O‘Bnuyonn Troupe gave a concert here on Monday evening which was largely unfunded frog}: the_sut_'rom_\diug gonntfy. A new mail carrier has beenuplaced Em the road between Bexley P. 0. and Victoria Road. ~ At the last met: ting of the electors of S. S. No. 3 Huxley. Mr. Geo Blcutlmll was re elcutul tulstce .\II. “in. Alton, Auditor, and Mark Sears, Sen-Treasurer. inst. \Villinmson.oi this place. has been engaged as teacher by the trustees of a Thornh school. From our own Correspondent. J umum stnans.â€"..Tho O'Banymm troupe of\ Negroes paid us a visit .ast week and gave a grand musical entertainment in the Methodist church. Thu church was well jitlgd. J‘heyfnuk in _almut S‘ZQ. "---,. '77“ 7v" V . ‘ . Shingfe Imll under repair nuw but Will soon be In full blast nunin.-Good ileighlug now and business rusllinu. gig?“ Lmlic-s ”IIHIHHII uml anvd Buum 31 pm lmiIâ€"Mclnlvw dz Pnim a “I “just. like In sun v"uu, suicl u Him; IIIIIn (II II 'InIIICI-IIIIIII \V'IIHIIIII lIinI lm would luck him up if hwlidn’uuuve on. "hamâ€"Mr. n. McDougall paid a visit to our school on 'l‘humla.y last, _.___’_... ~._._ fret gnu-c, ancr ovary "the! means In'ns fn-Ilexl nf giving any ro-Ht'f. Dcsperatc cases but display its virtues. From Our Oum Correspondent. Opt-2x31). School re-opened on the 3rd Exmonn.~â€"We understand that Mr. W. meow-M this worthless vegebond." he exchi " a man to be selected and inspired READABLES. God ; n cheut and swindler ; a. crest the vileet hebits? He then is s junio â€"â€" she firm of {Jesus ghfiet J: 00.. this hm erer, trsc 'ng ‘ is victini at uis t. (‘3‘ Clouds and Mnillm‘s forthe cold 3:33;; “3:3: gymsmtgsé 033:”, unn dreary winter. Protect vournolvcs hideous pretension. and ‘sllow him in by c"""_'g “.t' “elm!” 55 PI‘iOI"s and inspiration of Paul, whom he impio purclmsmg one, “0099. that does not protect ha“ a W'HENEVBR ion see a woman talking id not rotect Paul from ctri . death.” 9 ’ pen sin-night at an inn» and beginning to and I IJthn J. lli'oBride, of guffulo, gent t] («W hea~l and keep time to it with her 0 owing teegrem to iatrict Woman-aim] ind ' an. ‘ ‘. - Corkhillmt Washington: “I will he {oh WIN, “1;”: h‘fl‘. 'i ‘L "K “"‘m‘ ““9 \Gniteuu without charging one cent to ' ‘ ‘ ~ ” " "" ' “ “N‘- ‘Government. Gmteauis not crazy." @- Mun’e Smgnsfor $1.50 at Me- Tmrox, N. J .. Jen. 11.â€"The Senute [my n, , Prinr's. adopted resolutions in reference to , ' deuth of Garfield “a calling for the] A 1‘ EW JERSEY man cnnltln t. see any and righteous punishment of these danger in finmking while weighing whom the “3013‘“!!! (10018“ to be pmnlm'. llecnn't see anythiu" now In the House the deadlock in broken)? __ I‘Iw Judge ° ‘ LL- n-_--....e:.. nnm:nnnn nhmn Tans-res, N. J ., Jen. ll.â€"The Senste adopted resolutions in reference to death of Garfield and calling for the 1‘ and righteous punishment of the assent; whom the resolutions declare to be ea In the House the deadlock is broken the Democratic nominees chosen. 1 The Steal at a PJIJ. Asylum 0nd! g3" Glycerinv Muchine ()il, Coal “0 33“?"- Uil, the” in. McIntyre Prim-’3. Atelegrnm from St. John. N.B., 3a m . . . Mr. Mulligan. Supervisor of the Pr‘. 1} “Thin!“ COMPOSITOR recently Edward Island Lunatic Aaylum.hns man u I" U! :in artlclu prepared by the found guilty of stealing. Ho upproprit edlml‘. 0" “rhubarb." to his own use sup lies purchased for (‘ i i n .- .- x. , asylum, and has! aitied his accounts. nulnETTA s but. Im mug the 1' much investigation into his conduct entered Constitutiun abolishes public prayers by the trustees has resulted in some run at. tln- opening of the Legislature. amtl'n and unex cote d‘ 00‘ ies. ‘ exteni‘. g) which lgulligilm llias‘21obbed @ Every lndv shunld see our New employers is not yet known. E‘inding ‘ Dress GUOlif‘, 10 yards for $1.00. hic- he could no longer conceal his dighoz [ntvrc Prim. rooticea th late Sn e "a. too ai re ' . . Student in feavo Chirihitgtowii. 'i‘oi A CALIFORNMX who had one one. of‘ him in his flight from um “may“ of jug a rope around his waist. and lassoed a he tookde hfrsglbelo‘ggfg to t2; igisl cnw with the other, Airports that. “at. ionan avaua as eown y - , M . Blanchard. Awarrant was “8qu for first he thought. he had the ecu, but arrest, but he escaped bv the Nortt at. the end of the mat. half mile he Light. ' lwcume convinced that the cow lntd â€"â€"- him.” NAPOLEON Ill. . .- - . @‘ Satisfaction guaranteed in £116 flames of Napoleon III. and ‘me Pr: “ , . . , . Imperial has just been discoveredntChi [KAY OH yum 0V81001:’t., 0! you “ on t hut-st. Mr. HowardVincenthas sent a. feel u, “hm: you go out, sand the land- aeveral special detectives from Londo‘ lurd of n Wruwrn inn to n guest. who watch the imperlgl mortuary 011399]: ~ was sitting by the fire. “That's what. hopes are entertained that the person ‘ I dun afraid of," returned the man. I an “1 tfnm r. will ahortl‘ . . h” n “m a a n fi‘q‘ke last mm- I was here I lmd ofl my I'ovurcoac. I didn’t. feel it when I went. out, and I have not. felt it. since.” - VICTO RIA ROAD. A 6‘ LUNATIC " TIIIEF. BO LSOV ER. A RGYL 1'}. emlti aspired oreat u junio this In a night, avorywh GAMRETTA’B BILL revising the French Cunstilutiun almlishes public prayers at. tlu- opening of the Legislature. @’ Every lndv should see our New w Clounla and Mufilnrs for the cold unu dreary winter. Pruu-ct vonruclvca by Culling up McIntyre J; Prion-’5 and purchasing one. Q? Gu Io Gunn‘s fur special value in \VaIIclws and Chains (9?. Gly erinv MIIcI IIIe Oil, Coal Uil, A'c. m McIIIIyIc PIim’ s. @‘ A [urge assortment. of Genuine Gold Wedding Rings at. Gunn’s. u- Manufacturers of Reapers Mowers and Threshing Muchiues prefer “ Caston‘ne.’ Two oldest inhabitants, who arr always remembering something, disâ€" cuss the weather.â€"- “Yes, sir,” says one, “for real unadulterated cold weather give me the winner of 1326-7. Tho rivers were all frozen solid, and the tiqh iu ha, and I recollect. that. I choppud out an eel and used him for :L walking-slick. Of course I stood it. up against phe door outside whenever]. went. into the house." ' Q” Just opened out. at McIntyre «b l’nur's a choice stock 05 Furs. Cull and sue them. g 1‘}:an 0!}: 001.1,“: PEI! ANNIE“ fitrlclly In Advance N U M BER 5

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