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Woodville Advocate (1878), 25 Jan 1883, p. 1

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Cabimt Maker 8» Undertaker -_.- .-- ..., uuvp. Farmers walfll? moat will flow leave their order tho night b oro M the 3 op. The Highest Cnah Pripo ptldor Hides. A (lo Noam furnished at nhott m Bouonnblo Term - Parties having!“ came to dispose of VIII please call or loan word at my shop. -â€"_‘ H m: H MC‘ORQUODEE, “000‘ Ill! BUTCHER 8.0T. fining bought thahop and fixture: of Mr. G. C. Smith. Butoher. datmnors can rnly on getting the host of Beef at :1 times. nnd other meats in season. ,V _v_--‘..., w“ ate. Resilience. one doc} .Queen Street. Woodville. COMMISSIONE‘ IS B. IL. I‘ONVEI'ANCBI GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. Moue‘ to Loan atflmfigpn. Improved Farms Ior ale. Sewing Machines. Wilsm'a “A" and "B" and "Royal.“ Also Noodlea leg: constant] on band. who of the Great North\ 'esteru To ograph Co. BENJAMIN SRUJIIW. Proprietor. This first ohms hnnso 11s boon thoroughly renov- Mod and rofurnishml Doing in the centre of tho luminosa part of the vilauo. and furnished with splendid samplo rumm it is thornfore most enn- veniant for travellers md commercinl men. The bar In supplivd with t host of liquor: nud cigars. Good Stables and H0: at in ntwndanco. PARSONS .1; DUNCAN, 3631731592 ragga? I 'mos. RlIWAlms Proprietor. First-class accommodntbn and attentive servants. liar well supplied win. no choicest Liquors and Cigars. ‘ans to and frnn all trains, and every convenience for the trawling public. . IBNRY EDWARDS, Proprietor. Livery Rigs at on time and at all hours on the ohottoat notice. ‘pocinl attention given to Com- merclul Travellers. Charges always modento. TERMS. CASH. Stables in connection with the Eldon House. CARTER. £12. Outing done to and from all parts of the village and Midland Railway station. Charges moder~ uto. Residence. one door north of Eldon House. nun“ Rhgns nr--a.-;u _ -wcr- wz-V'xu Ba-JQUQJ ‘ The highest cash price paid for all kinds of RIDES. SKINS. TALLOW, ac. An quantity of 1:“ Buk wanted, for which cash F? I be paid. N OR'I‘H ERN H D'I‘EL. W1 IEN'I'ISI‘S, ac" llnduy. on. One of the above will be at the Hamilton Home. Beavorton. on the Second Monday of each month. He will also visit Woodville on the Second Tues- dny of ouch mouth, stopping at the Queen's Hotel. W M. CA M ERON, ‘Vnodville. rm)! m {Inlon loan 4 Saving”: Co. “my to Law on first-class aocurity,at6 we; p.c. Agent for A. HARRIS. SON 5: 00.. Brantford. Mnnuhcmmrs of Reapers, Mowers. Self Binders. New woak nude to omernt shortest ric-vtice. Boat materials and workmen used. Remix-in of all kinds neatly and )romptl exocu . All kinds 0! acksmi hing. Lonn nhd Snvings‘ Company. once-Hm Street. north of Bridge. Bonvorbon. \VOO DVILLE LIVERY S'I‘A BLE Attorney-thaw. solicitor In Chancery, l‘cnv unlit-er. .‘r., :ic. Officeâ€"Rooms Intel) occupied by W M. Cochran), Bigclow a Block. Port Perry, Ontario. Oink “b Division four! (‘onlfly etc-uric Convoymcer. Commissioner in 8.1%., Issuer of Man-hm: Idicanses._3. _ Aggnj for the Freehold M A R'l‘l N $5 IIUPK INS. BAIIIS’I‘IZRS soucn‘ous .tc. Money to Loan nt 6 per cent. owesâ€"Jinn Street, Lindsay, Ontario. 7?. S. Mun“. 1 G. H. HoPKINS. A RC". J. STNCLAIR. (Late of McDougal] 8: Sinclair, Toronto.) Inn-Inter. Solicitor. Noll?! c., Dulceâ€"Over Standard Bank. Cannington. Ont. $15.0“! Private Funds to Loan. Mr. Sinclair will be at Woodvillo every Tuesday. GEORGE .‘WHTII‘ Township Clerk, lunlrlpallu of 'l'lorall. 061cc in Town Hall. Heaven-ton. Ontario. '. xnxuxns. L.D.s. : ms. PINTLAHD, L.D.8. VICTORIA COIN] I’ Al‘i‘TIOSBEI. 0mc0~0na door east of Post Otflce, \Vomlvillc 1m Surgeon Denllsl, '(Late of J. G. Adams. L.D.S., Torontd Galesâ€"Boswell's Block, Canning’oon. Ontario. J N0 A. J .u ‘KS: L\'. Eldon Township (‘Irrk and Treasurer. Olllw at Mr. lioid's Store. Lurnevillo, Out. OS. J. CAVE. l'wl‘v J. SNELLGKOVE, PEQEFIMARRMGE wows, JNp. MC'I‘AGGAR'I‘, Kirkfielé ELDON HOUSE. “'00”qu NEELANDS J: PENTLAND Barge - Shoelag a. Speciality. TERI/18.. CASH. . c STODDAE'F. JAMES M. LAWSON, HUGH D SINCLAIR. A I“ ‘H. ("A .\«' PRELIL GEO. F. BRUCE. {gusinrsa Q‘m’ds. H. W ELLE R, L. D.S., notice find on oonvznur, Who - atfnntlvillc gavnmtr, OFFICE<~KISO 3mm. woopvn.l.n , 0x7. ' TERMS. CXS‘IX."‘"‘ ' Shop over McIntyre Prim-‘3 Storeâ€"Enhance. Side Door. Bum made to order from the latest and most fuhlonablo styles. All Eqrg‘mlunnteod to m. An unfailing cure for Seminal Weakness, Spermntorrlima. Impotency. mninll diseases that follow as a consequence of Soil-Abuse; MI ions of memory, universal losqimde. min in the back, dimnm of vision. premature o a ago. and many other diseases that lead to insanitvnnd sum \â€" tion and a ‘irenmture grave. Full put mine our {numb 0!. which we denim to send (roe by mni to over one. LS’ The Srncmic lull-minim: is solrl by hi druggiata at $1 per package. or six pack es for 85. or will be sent tron by mail on reoelp of the mhn y. by addressing THE RAY MEDICINE 00.. D. Henderson Superior Grades and by «hn lost makers. Work In“ at the ofilce of the Advocate will receive . pmmpt ak'eu no». :3“ .. ‘. GRAY'S TRADE MARK. b/‘l 33‘ srzcmc A, 1 its? usnlcm: 'amw ’ MEDICINE g Before Taking ms 52;, In â€"â€"GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY gntcrimn Swisfimtthrs \VA'I‘CH AND CLOCK REPAIRING PtaclicalWatchmakerJeweller A lugs useortment of Whipsjrom 15 cents up. ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING NEATLY AND QUICKLY EXECUTED. Hummus, Coma, HALTERS. Wms, Canny Cons. Bnusxma, Tnunxs. VAmsxa. AND ALL KIND or Honsa memso. orncs nouns, FROM 10 AJL To 4 a.“ WOODVILLE HARNESS SHOP JAMES STU a RT. HARNESS MAKER, SADDLER m Blue and Farmers' Notes cashed at lowest rates. Cheques issued upon the Standard Bank of Canuln, payable at par at all its Branches 1n Guthrie and Quebec. NOTES COLLECTED AT LOWEST RATES. Savings Dagammem. J 08. J . CA V E, PROPRI ETO R. WOODVI LLE, ONT. Whitby. Jan. 1. less. W. B. msamw, BANKER, BMVERTUN, ONTILBIO MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD SECURITY Wammâ€"Jan. 2. Feb. 1. Mn. 1, Aim 2. May 1, June. 1. July 3, Sept. 1. Oct. 9, Nov. . Dec. 1. Bnouomfi.â€" I May a, July 4. Sept. 3. Dmm's Camâ€"I Jams. Mun-.9, Nov. 2. PORT Plenumâ€"“Feb. 12, Mu. 19. buy 7, June 18. July 31. Sept. 3. Nov. 5. Doc. 10. Uxunmonâ€"Feb. 13. Mar. 20. May 8. J mm 19. Sept. 4. Nov‘ 6. Dec. 11. CANNINGTON.â€"Feb. 14, Mania, May 9. Junem. Sq». 5., Dec. 12. BnAvxarou.â€"Feb. l5. Manila, June 21, Sept. 6. Dec. 14. Unmnovnj-Mu.m, Junem. 80pt.7. Dec. 14. By order. 000W 0F ammo 1320 Acres ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES. promptly executed and anvil-o nusfM-tiou nuan- anmed. Agood at~~ck of luau dwzgns in Clocks, all warranted. Deposits received and Interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per mnum allowed. Sittings of Division Courts for 1883. BEAVERTON, ONT. Published by order of the General Sessions. TH EO. DU MONT, mun ESTABLISHED. I856 All kinds of JNO. E. FABE‘VELL, Clerk of the Peace, Toronto. On t. WUOIWILIE, ON’I' A It Work Warwmfml. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIA LI'PY INSPECTION INVITED. In town. Parties having Socond- Hnncl Rigs tn repair, paint or trim, should latch thmn nlunu. Some of the heat rigs ever made in “'uodville nearly finished. ‘VOODVIIJIJE. Everything in the line.kept on hand or made to order on short notice. Having in my employ none but First Class Worl‘nren and the only FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE 'PAINTER HAIEWQOD'S GARE-.IAGB WORKS, “stern and Well Pumps FORC E PUMPS SUPPLIED. wooovms our. ALL NEW worm WARRANTED. lepnlrlnu Prompt]: Attended lo. Drain Tile a Specialty Stick and Pquary n' nvnvn Anna‘sâ€"u-.. amok YARD AND BQTTER‘X’. W. TAYLOR, Proprietor. LUMBER, SHiNGLES, and LATII e... ._ vvwâ€"WW'V and its branches. and all? refine in Canada and the United States. merican currency bought and soul SAVINGS’ DEPA RTI‘IIENT. Interest allowed on deposits at the rate of 5 per cent. Notes collected at lowest rates. omce Hours. 10 a. m. to 4 n. m. mum-a. a... TOWNSHIP CLERK. Benetton. Jun. m. 1883. ammsaréx, 0m. MQMEY T0 LQAISE GEO. SMITH. am. 0120. sm'rn, Jn. 3’ ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY PRIVATE Write or give us a all“ BLACKfiGOr B fluke rs OFFICE IN town HALL, BE’AVERTON 1 Being long familiar with Munlcipd malfers we are in a position to undertake Muni- ipil Drains and disputed Water Courses Levelling done for Tile Drains at only 841]) per day. Conveyancing done in all its bundles. W1 Deeds, Mort ages. c.. drawn on shortest notice. wi 11 neatuess and accuracy. SALES ATTENDED. c. SMI'I‘H «K; SMITH. Snrvrynw, @nnvryuntsrs, AND GENERAL AGENTS, flfiNi} SU’R‘FEYIING General Travolfl'fii‘ Agent. St. Paul. Minneapolis Manitoba R. R SECTIONAL flu and ; Fax}: to any addrega by Tributary to thevtmited States thud 011100 at GRAND FORKS, DAKOIA. Dovu’s Lego, Disputed. Bounaaries a. Sneczalty. Lines Guaranteed. Bea Vgrtan. 01;: any. F1131} INS gums. . , MA DI LL. Manager. on good security. Drafts issued upon the Domain Bank of Canada. MONEY TO LOAN. Proctor'a Brick Block. first dOOMasli of Town Hall CONVEYANCING. JACOB BARNES, NORTH 0,4/(074 0R DERS 901.] CITED. 131330th in first-class Compiniel. of every description. MAN UFACTURRR 0P ’1‘ \RIO, 'l‘HURbDAY, JANU \RY 25 1883 in, Turtle Manama, AM Mouse River Country, lo a. m. to 4 p. m. Saturdays no a m to 2 p In. General Truvolfl‘i‘ A -â€"IN THEâ€"- m E. Front 86., Toronto, Ont. .Iic {le L 111?, P. 8. Sunvuvox. Free. ;. _ “jun, “TaAmmuy " in Very line-- Muken your 'l‘nmh M whim as! mine ; Try " 'l'mnmwv " nml yuu will see If it's not what ’tia said M. ho. (or (Brand Fleming Rain of balance 0 Winter Stock, rngardlcn of profit. at A . U. Campbell‘s, Wmnlvillo. IIo/Imvay's I’ll/s.â€"-'l"1e Grem- Newtâ€"The blood is the life mul on its purity depends our health, if not our ex‘atenw. Those Pills thoroughly cleanse this vital fluid from all contuuinntinus. and by that power strength- en 1nd iuvluorubo the whole system. health- ily alimulnle sluggish nrqana. repress nvnr- excited nctlnn. and establish order of circula- tion and sear tmn throuulmut 0.va purl. of thelmdy. The balsamic nature of Hollo- wny's l’llla cnnnm-mls them to the l'nVnr of debilitated mnl net-mus cunstiluliuns. which they soon revuxcilntc. 'l'lmy :lislmlgn all obstrnclilma’lmtll in the bowels mul clav- whero. mul me, an that. nccuuut much sunght after for promoting regularity of action in young {cnmlcs and delicate pvrsnna who are naturally weak, or wlm hum some cause have become an. Bexley rm 1883. Bylaw N... 173. :1 “Jim. ins; rm Assvsunr to assess the 'owns lip of Bexley fur the year Iss3, was passed in usual manner. (lolmcilndjnnrned to meat at Uolnocunk on lat day 0f February next. all presentâ€"Necessary declarations sub- scribed. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Resolved, that J. E. Gould, Esq., heappointed Auditor to audit the accounts of 1882. The Reeve appointed W. A. Silverwmd, Esq. Resolved, that By- law No. [7'2 being a Bylaw to appoint Auditors to audit the accounts of the Town- ship ol Hexley for the year ISSQ, be now revcived and read a first timmâ€"By-law read and passed. Resolved, that Mr. Heaslip he hen by appointed to sell the road allowance between lots 20 and 21, N.\V.B.. to Mrs. L‘orson as soon as W. ll. Uorson. Esq., fur- nishes the township with a deed of the Junction lload in the Township of Bexley, from the lake shone to the railroad, com- pensation to he the same as paid for June- lion road. Resolved that the lleeVe give his order on the Treasurer in favor of A. llume for $2.35. o'ereharge in assessnwnt on Lots 8 and 9, G. R R.. for the year 1882. Resolved. that an abatement of $ll.30 he made in Peter Grom-llo's taxes for 1852 as the same property is assessed to another party. Resolvwl. that a charity grant of $3.20 lie gchn to the family of the late ()olin McDonald to he expeud‘ d by the Reeve. llesOIVecl, that J. ll. Graham. Esq, he api- pointed Assessm to assess the 'l'ownship of I] .‘.I, -» I ‘. -â€"7> - :,, Innn '- The past. year has been a highly properouu .one for the Society. There weré in all 1496 entries made for the Show. Cnuncilmct at. Victoria Road January 15th, 1883‘ pursuantto statute. Members The Secretary read the minutes of the 'annual megting of [882. The Srcretpry roqd his annual "port. ' 0n mntifiu tllb'i‘e'ffih'i-t mull uninjured. TIM! 'l‘rnnunvau .- .. “A-.I L1 _ , The Show for the present year will be held on the Agricultural Grounds. Uxbridge, on the first Tuesday and “'ednesday in October. The staff for the present year is 'l‘. H. Glendinning, Pxeaident; ‘L. Burnett. lat Vice-President; S. Netherton. 2nd Vice. President. Directors and Auditors the same as hat year. fijmd‘ry _Acc« nuts. , ,7 --.“ ..-..Fuh ., 64 members at 62.} etc. each. . Prvmiums for 1882 ............ Secretary’s salary and poa'ages Treasurer's salary and postages Printing nccnuut. ........... ... Balance in favor of the Society mmary Acc¢ nuts ................ $149 40 Brock Society 16! members, 62; each I 0 00 Thorah “ I53 " " 95 00 Mam “ 104 " " 64 68 Uxbridge 107 “ “ 66 54 Seutt " 86 " “ 53 49 Ranch. l’urt Perry" and Scugog Soc'y RA lun.nl...._. -L nnl V“- .Vru-u "an mlu‘llcll. The Treasurer now read his report. 'I‘ne Auditur‘s report was now read an foilows:â€" '1‘. (7. Forums, ESQ, Treasurer. in account‘ With the N. 0. Ii. 1). Agrlcultural Society for the year 1882!. Balance from Audit of 1981.. . L . . . .3137 18 Membership I’m-s for 188?. ........ 199 00 ‘ Gov_ Grant for 188:? ............... . 700 00 Dunatiuns ........................ I78 00 vaeipts at. Gates and fur Stands.. . . 658 ‘25 3 Receipts in)!" extra Entrivs ........ 5 50 ‘ -..-..- u: an: ..... lutelest on Ba]. iu hands'of' Twas Flu; Weather was about as unfa orable an it could be, and it told upon the meeting there being but few present. \lr. “film “as called to the chair and business was pruceecled with. The Amnmllleeting of the N. 0. E. D. Agricultural Society Was held in the Untnrio Hall. Uxbridge, on Wednesday, 17th lust. 01 North Oulurlo Agricultural Society. nexley Column Prmingn. fibmmitg CR. I‘lu‘IIIOCIII Il‘183'3.. oo-ootn-nuoooo ........... .o l fur Stands” . . £I. tlivs........ mds of Twas. . $1,782 93 3|.782 93 $137 )8 199 no 700 00 178 00 658 25 39 80 725 45 4?. 8! 44 00 35 00 366 45 5 00 1883 has opened with a terrible record of suffering. disaster and death. The firm Sunday in the new year an: the atesmnhiy' City of [Image/n go down in the lrish Uhao. nel with a loss of ten lives. . Then follow»! the Newhall House holocaust at Milwonkeo, by which nearly a hundred persons lon their livas. Thena circus in Palm] mu ‘hnrncd. consuming more than three hundm I men. women and childlon, \lei' e thw- l’lnnfera‘ hotel at. St. lmIIi- was enorclml and neural lives lost. The dwfh Ioll hm- nlqo lIt‘Pll oIIIiI hod lu nInnv onIinoM mow whilo storms and floods have HImlI‘. thin I. InontlI ‘go he long I'It‘Ine nlII rml \\'l|l. am rov I W Selling OfiZâ€"You can get great bar. gains in Dry Goods, at McIntyre a; Prim-“s, \\'oo»lville. «r Sellingmf OILâ€"You cm buy Mantle‘ from 82.00 upfimrda at McInt) re a: l’rior‘ a “’omlville. ary nbility.â€"()rillin Times. IT is our pninful duty to record the death of Alfred C. Memles,‘ One of Orillin’s best young men. which occurred last waning within a few minutes otsix o’clock. at Tnit's saw-mill. where he had been working, It. appears that after quitting work he ascend- ed a small ladder or stairway to-z: platform near the shutting. for what purpose no rsn. son could be given. and when turning to come down again his overcoat caught in tin sbaitiug between two pulleys, nnd beforn oasistnnee could be rendered he was 38 fear. fully mangled.“ tube nnrecogn'znble‘ one of his legs and arms being almost torn from his body and some- fearful wounds in the head and face, that when extricated life: was extinct, “in clothes were entirely stripped off except a skimtight gncrnsey. and presented n mast sickening night. He- censed was about ‘23 years of age. and leave: a young wife to whom he was mii‘evl in mm . rim-e hut summer. who has the hu'tfelt ny‘n- pathies of the whole community In this he" terrible bereavement. lie was one of the most active workers it. the Primive (Shunh. being nloenl pronelnr of more than ordi. - 82.00; Mrs. Sweetland, $3 00. Resolver}. that By-lnw No. 2"! being a By-law to appoint certain oflicers in the Township of Maripoea for the year 1883, he received and read a first time. By-law No. 201 after passing through the committee of the Whole was read a third time and finally passed. Resolved, that Charles Reader be appointed Commissioner to have the bridge repaired: on the 7th Con. line opposite Lot 18. Re- solved, that Thomas Brandi be appointed to examine the bridge leading to W‘astcbone‘.» Island and have it repaihed if necessary. Council adjourned till: the l2tlxl do}; of February next. u n 2 ........ 41 '76 " “ 3 ........ 382 33’- “ " 4 ........ 279 5'» “ “ I7 ........ 88 02 Resolved. that the Reevetgive his orders on the Treasurer in favor of the followmu indiuent persons: Blew'a family, in care if W. Lownabrough. $7.00; John Edwardh, Council met this 15th day of January. 18‘3. The following gentlemen liiwing subscribed to the declaration of oilice and qualification, took their mats : R. Adam, Reeve; W. Parkinson. lst i)eputy~Reevo; 'l‘. Broad. 2nd Deputy-Reeve; \V. Lowns- hrongh and E. Bowee, Councillors. Min- utes of last meeting read and approved. lleeolved, thnt J. Kelly be appointed Audi- tor to not With George Davy, Each up; oint~ ,gd'by‘tlie'MTV limit the mounts for the your l882, at a salary of $8 00 each. Resolved, that Henry Yerex be appointed Assessor for the year 1:333 at a- salary of $130.00. to include amyd ties that- 2 my be imposed on museum by the Legislature or the County Council up to the that day of February 1883. Resolved. that the follow ing accounts he paid and that the Reero give his orders on the Treasurer for the same: Jos. J. Cave, advertising Votere’ List Court. $.10; G. W Beall‘. as per account. 8l7.01 ; A. Cameron. as per acc’a. $3. 70. Resolved. that the 'Reeve; give his orders on the Treasurer in: favor of the- Secretary Treasurer of the School Sectiom for the following amounts for the year 1882 : School Section No. 1...... .. ........$390 00 " “ 3 .............. 350 0'! Union H ti I! H I‘ .t ‘I It (I H n‘ ‘I 10 ll l2 l3 l4 )5 16 I7 18 19 School Section lat-luau Township Cult". VOL. VILâ€"N UMBEER Juan 5‘. Cosmsas. Clerks

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