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Woodville Advocate (1878), 25 Jan 1883, p. 8

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As tho from of wlnmr vanish nndor thocmlorlc in_ "Home o! the sun‘s myn. no dose Bright's Dismnn Uropsyfitonnlzl tho Iiidnoya and Bluldcmand Inflammation of the Khlnnyn. lrodvo nho body up- NI tho adminis‘tntion of DR. VAN Dumma‘h Kl - LL] CUJE. $3M ' Pg: n12 dragging. Tm: following are the officers of the Town- ship of Man Agricultural Soolety for 1883 : ~l‘rc-siduit, Geo. lloiilton ; Vice-l’rcsiclunt. Him-lug Sperm"; llirectars. June: Smith, William llromnliulil. C. E. Human. Michel O’llmmull. Daniel Lemurd, David Evans. 'l‘limnns Roach. Hugh Mohermott' Duncm (lrnlm n ; Alltlltnri, Alliurt Urciu, J. J. lli-nmrd ; Su‘..'l‘rvns : C. E. Hewett. Tun Quaker fli'l Presbyterian people were not succmuful in getting Rev. Mr. Alexanâ€" der, of Nurval. translautml to their Church. Tm: annual convention of the South 0n- turio Sabbath School Anaciation willv me- 1'. at the Frienda' Heating Home, Pickx-rilrp; Tuesday. ‘.’.3rd day of JMI ; 1883 at 2 o’clmk pm. to continue in session for two days. A1 Ramsay's c§rriawc \vnrks. Orillima line of wagons than miles 1011,; will he built. dur. ing the coming season. He now employs over 80 hands. IL, was struck off the Collector’s roll; The time for the Unllectnr to return his roll wan extended to the [at day of March next. A resolution was passed accepting payment of the amount of N. Campbell's nmrtgage and directing the Reeve and Treasurer to give a discharge for the same, The Clerk was instructed to advortls) for tenders for 1400 Oedur rails to fence grwul pit on Let 0, (‘01). 4. The Council then mijmu'nnd to meet ugtiu nt Hurtlcy, on the second Tuesday in March next. N. Campbell's mortgage. and asking for a discharge fur the same , Messrs. Geo. \V. Miller and M. O'Neil Were appointed Audi tors. Mr. Archibald Carmichael was ap pointed Assessor at a salary of $00.0) Resolutions were pasaeil ordering the in]- lowing payments: 8105 for gravel pit ml Lot 6. (Jun. 4, Eldon ; $1.25 to A. 8 Mc Lean for rennir'ng road scraper ; $3.00 to Sarah McKinnon, an indigent; $6.00 for Sarah Shaw. an indigent, to be e-xp‘nded by S. llic‘mliy. The following ahatenu-nts were made in ”m Collector's roll : M rs. Marsh, Balsover, 82.07 ; Mrs. Cumbqrfnrd. Kirkfield, $2.84; Arch. .McDonald. Kirk field. 82.“ ; $6 44 charged in error against. S. W. qr. Lot 13. Con. 7. was struck off and charged to S. E. qr. Lot 13. Con. 7; 85.2l charged in error against Lot 24, S. P. Eldon Council met at the Town Hall, “'oodville, on Monday, January lfith. 1883. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Communica- tions were read from, Rev. Dr. Reid, of Toronto, offering to sell $4000. Eldon Dc- bentures, at 75 per cent premium ; from Messrs. McCarthy, Doler, Rankin, and (.‘reelman, of Toronto, tendering pavment of 6 .1 6 'l‘muu CLASS. "~mnlmr ul' Inurks poasihlo, 1 Dixon Jnsv h ........... . . . 2 Campbell, 3|ir.1huth..... 3 F01 inn. 'l‘lu-nms ......... . . . 4 Mel-‘Ivcray, Susan Jane . . . . . . 5 Folliutt, A ggir . . . . . ....... 6 Fulliltlt. Millil‘ .............. 7 Buck. Mary Jane ........... 8 Mch‘ilveruy, Susan ......... .. 9 Marsh. Annie ............... 10 Dunn. Minnin ............ Tbr fullmdu,’ Li a “M of the pupil» whu Bra unlitlml m prim-s. with thu standing of 0:301], I} the L1 lath-r l’uhllu Sclnml: yu'ul'u rhma. Numlmu of marks pnasinlc, 600. I Cullina. .‘Jury Jame. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547 2 Nebula. Allm! ..... 459 3 Dixmn, Mnmu- ............. . . . . . . . 405 4 “mm. llunuuh ......... . . . . . . . ; 37' 5 Dunn, Uuroliuu.. .......... . . . . . . . . 3511 0 Furcle. 'I Imuma ........... ‘ . . . . . . . 346 7 Follinlt, Man ............... . . . . . 295 smmxn CLASS. Number of marks possible, 600. Jewull, Gnome ....... i ...... . l Yule. Augie ....... z .......... . . . . 4 Youungariali ..... ..............£ Horton, Albert . . . . ..... . . ..... . . E Uncles, Annie ................ . . . . ‘2 Young, “'ill am John. . . . . ...... . E Taylor. David .............. . ..... 9 Simon) mm, 151‘ nooK, SENIOR CLASS. Number of marks possible. 300. Folliott, Allie . . . . ................. 2 Nin. Emma. . 4v ................... 2 Silvertlmrn, Minnie ...... . . . . . . . . . 2 Campbell. Susan .................. l, McGirr, Samuel .......... . ........ 1 Norton. Emma ................ . . . . l McGilveray. John ................ l' Tm lor. Louis ................... . 1‘ 830051) mm; IS'r BOOK, auxiok cuss. Number of manks possibl ‘, 300. McGilveray, Dan ...... . .... 21 Grant. llubecca ..... . ........... . 1‘ Gibson. James. . . .................. ll Dixon. Velma ............ ........ ll Campbell. George . . . . ........ . . . . l1 Young. Charles .... ........... . . . . 1 llerun, \\'illinm...... l FIRST cuss. Number of marks possible, Jewell. James II ............ Baukley, James ............. McGiIVeray, Ida ............ Merry. Charles. ............ Follintt. Frank ............ Folliott. Mary . . . ........... Forde. “'illiam . . . . . ....... Nichols. Uonalda. . ; ....... Mandyen, Mary .4. ........ Eldon Townshlp Council. Juo. A. JACKSON. 'l‘p. Clelk. Jso. D. hEID. Teapher. ..................... 225 ................... liunie .............. V. 220 :m .................. MO cl ................... 150 a .................... I50 [olm ................ I40 marks p. fiHSlble, 600. ato-ni-‘quaocotoull ...|. ....coo..oo¢n. :‘t .................. ......o...o.--..o‘.- nu Jnhu............ ...-.--..-..oo...-.- .................. ................... .................. .................. .................. marka‘ pnasiulc, 600. Jum:.............. «1.... . h 11!. a a Dal-over. .................. .................. 200. 178 150 150 130 118 He 9" 250 170 169 167 l29 118 80 244 225 220 506 438 32 I 303 254 250 215 377 360 360 340 324 459 405 37 I 35)] 346 295 Don‘t you for at It. clnymloso In widely known to be the heat I Am [mm-mum over introduced to the public. It has never hqen known to in“ in restoring and hnputhm n hmutllul ,(glons p- mrnnoo iothnlmir. mm M 60 emits a on. By 011 druggists. dice surely follow. A highlv accumted remedy for these evil: is NOWI‘HROP LYMAN'B Vegetable Discovery. Dyspeptic Cure and Blood l'uritler. which cradioates impurities o! the blood and for- tilines it by Iromotingdiuestion and assimilation. Moreover. t its fine alterative and ntomaehic exerts a specinc action upon theliver. healthfully stimulating that organ to a perforance of its secretive duty when inactive. and expelling bile from the blood. It likewise Possesnes diuretic and depurent properties of a h gh order. render- ing the kidneys active and healthy. and (gruelling from the system the aerid elements whic pro- duce rheumatic pain. Price. $1.00. Samp‘e Bottle. mounts. Ask for Non-timer Ln”): 3 Vegetable Discovery and Dyapeptic euro. The wra Tet hears a Fae-3mm“. of their nignature. 80h! )y all medicine dealers. ‘l‘mn ELEMENTS or BONE, 13mm AND Mvscm’. are derived from the blood, which is the grand natural source of vital onorizv. the motor of tho bodily organs. When the circulation hccomes lm )ovorishcdin conso nonco of weak «ligeqtiun an imperfect nssimilat on of the blood, which should enrich it. every bodily function flags and tho system grows {cohlod and disordel 0d. When the blood becomes hnpuro either from the do- volo mom of inherited 800(13 of disease. its con- tqm untipn_hy_ hilo, on: othcl: causes. serious mola- Gilbert. Luml, St. Margaret‘s Hope. Orkney, Scotland, \vriteaz. "I tun rommstnd by several friends to order another pal-col of Ur. 'l'humus‘ Icloctrlc Oil. The lust lot I got from: you having been tested in sovoml cases of rlwumntism. has ivon relluf when doctors‘ medicines; have failed have an? ‘ofloct. The oxcollmt qualities of this medic no should ho malls Known, that tho mllllona of antral-era throu hon: the world may benefit by its providentlal ( lsc Jvery.” - JmJienudin, M. 0.. Hull. P. Q.. writes: Dr. Thomas‘ Eclectrie Oil commands n. la: re and in~ creasing sale which it richly merits. have ol- woys found it exceedingly helpful ; I use it in all cases of rheumatism, as well an fractures and dislocations. I made use of it myyolf to calm the sins of a broken 10:] with dislocations of the oot. and in two days was entirely relieved of tho 1min. Malaria] Diseases, so ymmlont in tho Srring and Fall, lunch as nguo, 0 ii]! fever, biliuus over, 6m, depend 11 ion an inactive state of the liver, bowels. skin, idneys, em, {or did these outlets of morbid poisonous nmttor freo tho Hystoxn propor- lv. no sickness would result. Burdock Blood llitters oficctuallv regulator: these organs and confiocts the absorbent and secretory system as we . Mrs. Wu). Allnn, of Acton. says she has never been without a bot-fie of iiugym‘d's Yellow Oil in the house for the lust twentz' yours. and would nut be for ten times the («Is ‘; adding that she 3.3 nevorlmown it to fail for colds and croup, m: thront,stifl‘ neck. burns, sculds, etc. She concludes bv saying, “if any one doubts its em- cacy rater them to me." I. u‘. IIASLOA)’ oi‘ muuismo no preparation has re. oi 'cd such universal commendation for the a! v .stion it affords, and the permanent cum it efleAsin Kiilnoydisemws, as Dn. VAN Bum-:N'o Kmth Cum-x. Its action in these distressing complaints is simply wonderful. Sold by all drug- gists. Now THAT there is a reliable remedy for kidney troubles, half the terrors attached to these com- plaint-s have been removed. For this let us be umukfu], and to DR. VAN BUREN'S KIDNEY 1 am; award all praise for having thus removed a. hither- to considered fatal disease from our path. IQ ‘ 3‘ nnvar known to fail. Sold by all druggista. A Good Investment.â€"Twenty-flve cents expend- ed to your dru Hist for a. bottle of llagyard's Yellow Oil will a lay more pain and cure more diseases than many dollars spent for ordinary medicines would do. Yellow 011 euros rlxeulnat ism. hurus. scolds, frost bites, sore throat, croup, stifl' joints. contracted cords, and all lameness and inflammation. J. S. Wetherell, writin from Winnipeg, says: "I can say more about ’HORPHA’I‘INE now than wheuI saw you last in Toronto. My health is much im n'oved,andI am free from headaches or any no as, having only used two and ahalf bob- 91%: of your I’houphatine. For sale by all drugg 18 . . A cure for Headacheâ€"Thousands are sufl‘ering martyrs to this distressing trouble. If you halve pure and properly vitalized blood coursing {reel through your veins; if the stomach. liver. ki - neys and bowels act rightly, you will never ex- perience headache. Burdock Blood Bitters will effect this desirable condition, if properly used Try it. G. W. Mingay, Parkdale. Toronto, writes: “My wife had several very severe attacks of cramps in the stomach. Hearing of Du. Avs'rm's PHOSPH- ATINR, and its pleasantness to take, I ave her two bottles, and she has not had an attac since. and her health is much improved." For sale by all drnauists. Deafness that is caused by colds, inflammation of the membrane of the ear, and Earmhe. is often cured bi, Hagy an!“ a Yellow 01], the great external and ntemal remed for all pain, Hote- ness. and inflammation, reumatism, burns. scalds. frost bites. sore throat, croup, contracted muscles, etc. Never be without it. Mr. J. R. Seymour, Druggist, St. Catherines, writes that he finds an ever-increasing sale for Burdock Blood Bitters, and adds that he can, without hositancy. recommend it. Burdock Blood Bitters is the grand specific {or all diseases of the blood. liver and kidneys. without a. bottle of Dr. Van Bureu's Kidney 'Cure is “1th closet. It is the only remedy that win Mr. '1‘. C. Wells, chemist and druggist, Port Colborue, Ont“, writes: “Northrop (i: L'mau's Vegetable Discovery sells well, and gives t e beat of satisfaction for all diseases of the blood." A single trial always proves our assertion. They are pleasant to the taste. and only cost fifty cents 11 bottle. Sold by John McKinuon, Beaver- ton, and Gunn Bros., “'oodvillo. A friend in need is a friend in deed. This none can deny. especially whon assistance is rendered when one is sorely elliicted with disease, nlore particular by those complaints and weeknomee so common to our female population. Every woman should know that Electric Bitters are woman's true friend, and will positively restore l_mr_ to_hen.l_tl_1. evon when all other renledieslail. )ositively ermancutly and ploulptly cure all 1onus of ki( no) diseases. Soid by a muggists. Ev the patience of Job would become ax. bans 0d were he a preacher and oudeavoring to interest his audience while they were Imaging up an incessant conghiug. making it imposni 19 for him to be heard. Yet, how very easy can all this be avoided by simply using,' Dr. King‘s New Dis- covery {or Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Trial Bottles given away at Gunn Brae. \Vood~ ville, and John McKinnon's Drug Store. Beaver- ton, Ont. Ecmco'mxc 011. is on the front of the wrapper, and the signature of Non rme LYMAN. the prqprietorefor Cguada, on thflmcjg. _N_o Hougehgld should_ be _considered complete BEWARE or Tum: “mum NAMED AB’D‘K‘LBB. If their originators had any faith in the healing Properties of their own medicines they weul . ike honest men. rive them a name of their own. end not tr to sel them on the reputation of an- other; bu as thev know their preparations have no merit, the? resort to the most unprincipled means of sell nu them by getting a name as near an gossible to Eunncnuc. We therefore ask the pu lie when purchasing to see that the name Blnco Dr. Thomu' Ecloolrlc Oil h“ becomd celebrated. I. number of unpriuuiFled person: have been endeavorlug to palm of! ulectrou and [Electric Oil [or the gonulne Dr. Thomas' Electric on} liluuur. is to have it 82.5.00” Post um“, BfiWARE OF IMI’I‘A'L‘IONB- Woman’s True “friend. A Vexed Clergy-man. fiptstnl $2103: :3. flow It “'m'luo. IJR. TI-IOBI AH’ Novem'ber 14th, 1882. C. '3 l m l .7 ' M am he seen to be underesood. The variety of goods. colors, shapes .«nd fnanione is as various us the cartel and complexnone of their fair admirers. We have the best Milliner and Mantle mike! in Down. Harvest Queen, Reaper Harvest King. Reaper Sprague, Mower “Combination” Ploughs, Nos. 2 and 4. Ladies’ and Misses’ lined buttoned and laced boots, OUR MEN’S HAND MADE LONG Booms Millinery do Mantles As we buy these goods by the halo and direct. from the manufacturers. and my cum for them, we get special discounts, we are enabled to give our customers extra Value. iTHE - TORONTO - HOUSE ! Full range in colcred Cashmerea, cheap. Special value in Gray and wmte Blankets. lowed the It ilway ("n-re o 49. way N obbie Winter Goods at Ritchie’s. @- OLD IRON, LUMBER AND FIREWOOD TAKEN IN TRADE. _ As I am nhnut making a change in my business I will offer for January the BALANCE “F MY SIUUK 0N HAND A l‘ U0~‘a'l‘. This isa splendid opportunity for one and all to buy cheap goods as Morrison’s Old Stand. FAMOUS “BELL” ORGANS !-- Our Grey and White Cottons are cheap. - E A Well“ Asgamw Stock of ’Dry Goods, Ready-Made Clothing, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, GROGKERY. GLASSWARE, 8w. CLEA RINGSALE We have the largest, cheapest and best “sorted stock in town. “'0 have as usual a fine stock of TO MAKE ROOM AS WE IN'I‘END ADDING ANOTHER BRANCH TO OUR ALIUQAHY LARGE AND INCREASING BUSINESS. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR F41 IUII PRODUCE. COME ONE, COME ALL, OUR STOCK OF BEKDY~MR DE CLOTHING . McNabb’s, Davidson’s Old Stand. S. O. RODGERS, WOODVILLE, ONT. SSTGJGK; MUS? BfiE’. SQ -â€"LAND ROLLERS 85(7). Special inducements to cash customers. We manufacture the famous N__0T_Eâ€"â€"AI! parties from Brechin buying $6.00 or Game ridge $3.00 worth of goods {will be 51- Suitable Trimmenga to match all goods. In Woollen Goods we show a fine display JAB. RITCHIE, 6% fiEW 'EEAS 5%? OF DRY GOOILTS I-I- WILSON’S, COMMENCING J ANUARY 11TH. That will he sold at reduced prices. Also on hand Which will he sold at the very lowest prices at $359 @tgfigfi Are equal to any shoemakar’s make. Our ".0 k of 13 large and complete. Prices to suit everyobdy. Has just received A large stock of Full mugs iu VBlack Ga hint-res, cheap. pecial value in Union and. A11 Wool Grey Funnels B EA VERTON- - mum rm: nm- - and see the grand display of Hamilton’s Block, Beaverton. --FOU N DRY-- Full range in Colored. Suiting, cheap. W. Smith Gm BEAVEPTON MANUFACTURERS OI“ “'OODVILLE. DEB. Orrlcnâ€" McKinnon’a Store. Bcnverton, Ont. Sunscmrnos :-â€"8|.00 per nnnum, m ad- vance, or 3| 50 if not so paid. ADVERTISIN“ RATES. gcolumn, 1 your ................... $12 00 Elm gimmmt (fixprm. JOS. J. CAVE, PROPRIETUI’». Price 81 per bottle, or six bottles for 85. All Druggists have it or can get it for you. or it, will be sent to any address 0]] receipt of price by tho ‘rfii)ri‘\’tt‘)m' Dr. B. J. Kendal) 00., Enoaburgh n a, ' . SOLD BY ALL :0 W'GGIS’I‘S.‘ LYMAN SONS 00., Mommu., l’.Q.. Wnonnsz 1.1-: Amzx‘ru Send address for illustrated circular which We think gives such positive proof of its virtues. No remudy has ever met with such unqualified suc- cegsyto quit knqwlqtjge, for_ begmtgs well as nmn. __ Is sure in its effects. mild in its action as ;t does not blister. yet it is ponutrating and powerful to reach every deep seated pain or remove any bony growth or other onlnrgunenta such as npavinn, splits. curbs, callous, sprains on’ swenings aml’ any lameness and enlargements of the joints m limbs. or {or rheumatism in man and for any gunman for which a. liniment is used fer man or east. It in now known to be the beat llninmnt to: mm] ‘2‘:“" used. 59mm mi_lrlnnvl_yet cpytgin. ON HUMAN FLESH. West Enosburgh. Vt, Feb. 15th. 1881,- Dr. B. J. Kendall dz Co..â€"Gonts 2â€"Seveml months ago I injured my knee-joint. which caused an enlargement to grow to the size of a large walâ€" nut and caused me very severe pain all the tlmu for four or five weeks, and then I began to Use Kendall's Spavin Cure with the most. satisfactory results. It has entirely removed the enlarge- ment. and stopped the lameness and pain. I have long known it to be excellent for homes but now I know it to he the best liniment for human flesh: that. I am acquainted vs ith. Kendall’s Spavin Cure ed at once to try it, and got our druggists to send for it, they ordered three bottles. I took them all and thought I would give it a. thorough trial. I used it according to directions and the fourth day the colt reused to be lame, and the lumps had disappeared. I used the bottIe end the colt'x limbs are as free from lumps and as smooth as any home in the State. He is entirely cured. The cure was so reumrknhie that I let two of my. neighbors have the othcr two bottles who are now using it. _ Kendall’s Spavin Cure Youngstown, Ohio, May 16th, 1882. B. J. Kendall Co..-â€"G'ents :â€"I had a very valu. able Hamblotonian colt which I prized very high- ly, he had a. large bone apavin on one joint on a small one on the other, which made him very lame; I had him under the charge of two veterinâ€" ary surgeons who failed to cure him. I was one day reading the advertisement of Kendall's Spayin Cure in the Chicago Expglsss,_l_duteriuin_- Curd: not exec-Ming one inch. $5.00 per flflflllln. Splints, am] can cln, oxfully testify and recomâ€" mend it to be the bent thin for any bony sub- stance I have ever used am I have tried many. as I have made that my study for. many years. Bee “all ours, pee yy 1’. V. CHRIST- Hamilton, Ma, June 14th, 1%. B. J. Kendall Co.,â€"â€"Goncs:~.-â€"This is to certify that I have used Kendall's Spuviu cure and ham- found it to be all it is recommended to be. and in fact more too; I have removed hfi' usilfiz the Ebqu: qulous, j‘onq _$1)n.vins_._ ing ones, THE M031 SUCCESSFUL REMEDY ever disobverr ed. as it is certain in its etfects and does not blister. Read Proof below. other, and ovoid ail sumlur named articles a: then are worthless. NORTHROP d. LYMAN, Toronto, ‘ Proprmors for Canadm DIRECTIONS WITH mu BOTTlE PRICE 96¢. EMILBURN 8: 60., Premium" “ARA..- A APPLIID [EXTERNALLY '08 RHEUMA TISM, NEURJLGIA, CIIILBLJLVUS CALLOLSLU MP8 8 W'R'LLINGS, 8 TIFF JOINTS,, FROST 131m LA amxrss, comm, covrm 10110.93 BRUIS‘ES, LII-,Mlmao 1101!, pm 1:91:99, 1-,: IN IN 11401:, SPL'AINS, PAIN In .91 DP, .cc. Fvery bogtle finranteed to rive satisfac. tion or money re xdcd. FROM COL. L. T. FOSTER. anal/P, ORAMPS, ASTHJIA, TQDIsRnsns, COMPLAINTS and Accmlm'rs whlch HAuYARD's YELLOW On. 15 marm- tecd to cure or relieve either in All (. BEAST. KENDALL’S. 3mm CUBE, KENBALL'S SPHVIN CURE. INDEX Very respectfully yoyrg TAKEN INTERNM.” FOB ca ants, s, som: THROAT, 4, COLDS, .c-c. TORONTO, 62m Young Em}! IS l‘lllly, '1‘.1’.I;A\VRENC’E. CU R E 8 RHEUMATISM, Lumbago,Lamc Back, Neuralg‘la, Dxphtherh, Croup, Coughs Colds, Sore Throat, Piles, Frost-bites,Bums, Asthma, Catatrh. Chilblains, Corns, Tooth. Bar and Headache, Bruises, Wounds Sprain: of every descrip- tion on man or beast. Actually the best External and I ntemal Reme» dy knowu. CAUTI N.~This Cut rrpr'esents our New Wrapper ; take up Jun), L. T. FOSTER. .812 00 . 20 00 . 30 00 . 60 00

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