Tull: Mth of February is etunmlly tlcdicnt ~ed m the circulation uf luv-,- tukeua. St. Vulentiuo little tlmmlit in: would we ivo so hearty n coumnemuralivu _ve.u~ly. A pedliull in Min ‘ (:‘IVilid'Ahl and largely signed asking for 3. «IR y mill fur Gleunrlu m'a Woudvxlle. l! mu? hlwly be granted. 'l‘lc sweet vissged Valentino will loan 499“"- 'l‘lll; County appropriation: for Eldon, i|_ this year “93.00. 3300mm) Russ has}. I H. (R‘ 'l‘., hold an Open Pen-pk: to-umnu» m'vuing. (Friday) in Sprncur Hall, {ur the but ï¬t of the pour. No charge, but a Colluclm.) taken up. . Mom: anew 'l‘uu last snow has .unpmwd the roads very much. MIX. “’31. Gluten-d. Deputthecve uf Ellon Wen: tn 0n: m. u an Mun-lay eVeuiuu last, on the Trent Val! «v « mml lypututiou QUIqu the hang buyer was in town on Friday last. Quite a. number of horses Were purchasml mul falr [Minus paid. 0mm; now wants a from letter delivery. Heuown’a nclx'arcisv-znnulnb appeared fur the ï¬ust lime on â€elm: r we [5th. 1837. In 1842 his expend-L u- m :ulwrtiaiug was $253K†m 1845‘ ¥§l3000; In 1851, 8100 000 ; m 1855, $15!! (MO; and M. Ins death it exoeulcd 52.0.00 L n-_ (unzul his remml. 68‘ H. Waisuu [LU opened in Rodger’a H’ ros’. Store with u Lsrgu Mock of New :oods. Call uml sue them. ‘8- A supply of Jewellery always on hand at Uuuua’ Wuudvilhx ‘8' Lara» stuck. Umuul’u! «ml clunw patterns and large Su‘cutlnu uf new Sp in; .printa. (M'cr une humlml patterns tochosu hum. \ Mulutymk hm." \\'m:d\'illc. “l dvclare. L‘qulry :’ “claimed Clam, “you take the Wul‘lh rim» «ml. of my "ninth? “Uh. mmm." pipe-l iu the pitcher, ‘now I knww what. Clara and Charley were doing nu; m 111 rhall when she let him in.†THERE is gum] rcnsun fur believing that the hex; four weeks nil be characterized by whatis known as amt “eathrr. as it has always ‘040 ubsuved that. the new of the moon ioretellu the Weather we are going he have until aunt-her new _uxuon pretty accur- ately. ’I‘In- last new moon came in with I blizzu-d, and there Wan rough and. severe weather ever since until this week. With this Week‘s new muou them \\ as damp snow. sunshine and thaw; do itis provable we shall have soft Weather all through this I'l- in our and duty to record this Week :ï¬he death of one of the most. respecbed resi- nlenta oftho 6th Con. of Elglon, Mr. John Golder. who died on Monday evening last. Mr. Calder was hale and hearty on Sunday int. und attended church hero and on Mon- day molnmg just. before rising time he won taken ill and died in about. two hours. Dr. McKay was hastily summoned, but no assistance could be rendere'l. A blood vessel being ruptured in the bond. Doceued was in his 76th year. 05‘ l-; of the ï¬rm of Nedauls. 8'. Penthmd, fliontists of Lindsay, wiil he at, the Quecn’l .Hotel, on Tuesday. FeEHuury 12m, 1884. “- Handsome new Cretouues. Revers- ablo Crewnues at McIntyre . Priura’ Wood- Ville. Butisfuctwn guaranteed in Razors :nd Pocket. knives, at Gunu’u, Wuodville. On Monday. the 4m inst, John Cslder. 61h Concession of Eldon, aged 76 years. Rem-anti" flrat-clssa 00 Companies. Insur- ance oflocm on all classm of I’m arty. nlnst FIRE. LIGHTNING. CYUML‘JE and Ian \Xlï¬â€˜gï¬s. also agent. {or the HUN LIFE AND AC. (‘ I1" 33‘ Save money and leave your order, {or Any kind of watch M: Gunna’, Woodville. D. BLACK, 05mm! Quantum 39m Orders solicited for Musxcal Instruments 3nd Sowing Machiuus. A: 3 sure remedy for Sick Headache, Soul Stomach. Diapepnin, Indigestion, Conâ€" ntipntiou, Turpitl lava, Bilioumess, c., no medicine is equal to Dr. buxter‘s Mandrake Bitters. 25 come per battle. l-‘or lh‘N iq an elegant. hunk of 150 Page, acolor- ml l’lalcsnf l-‘lowoxs and Vegetables, and more than 1.00.) Illustrations of the choicest Flowers, Plants and Vt‘ut‘hllndfl. I.n,l directions (or grow- ing. It in lmndwmo enough for the center table urnhofldny prumnl. Sml on your name and Post oil-LII address". with 10 cents, and Izwill mend mu acnpy [mango 1mm. 'l‘hls la not. a quarter or ltd cost. It in printed in hulh Engllsh and (lermen. ll you anorwm'dn order seeds deduct the ten cents. Nel'n 50M! are the Best In the World 3 Bltthe. At \Voodville on the 3M: ult the wife of Mr. Richard Prior of u daughter. - Tho Floral (luldo will I ll how to get and grow them. Vwk‘n Floral and V0 'omlflo Gardon. 176 Pages 6(Eolured l'intos, 500 v‘.n twingn. Forbo menu in paper covers; $1.00 m o onus cloth. In German or l-lngllnh. Vlck'n lllnstmlml Monthly Magazine-39 p as. ncoloml pinto in ovury number and many no Bngrulngs. Price $3.95 per ynnr: Five copies for 05.00. Spom'nnn numbers son: {or 10 cents; 3 trial copies (hr 25 cents. Vick’s Floral Guide. ' Wonarmt Rural 332m. WOODVILLE, ONT. JAMES won, nacho-mm. y Died- The beat Salvo m the world fur Cull, Brtliw1,Sorea, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, ‘ever Sure-,Tetwr. Clnul-ped lauds. Chilllluinn. Como. and all slug Eruptimw. a‘ud mitivr ly cures l’iluu, or nu pay rrquirea . ll. is guaranteed tn gm: pen-(wt unlial‘nction, or money refunded. Prico ‘25 wants par box. Fur sale lay .lulm McKiuuun. Beavertou. W. G.Stoddart Cabinet Maker 85 Undertaker A Good Hearse furnished at nho notice In Reasonable Term Manitoba L ands for Sale gectious l5 and 16. Township 4. Range 2 1280 acres : also~ West Half 9, Township 7. Range 12, 320 acres. Seutlons 15 and 16 is near the Town. of Morris. and convenient to 9. Railway. Will exchange for Lands m thtnrio. Also a number of Improved Farms for Sale in the Counties of Ontario, Victoria. Bruce, Carleton. l)uudns, Durham, Grey. Haltom Kent. Lanark. N )rfolk, Simcoe, \\ ellaml and M uakoka. These farms will he sold cheap and on easy terms of payment. MONEY TO LOAN at 6,1 and 7 per cent. New and Elegant 7' weeds WORSTEDS, If you want a Farm address or call per- smmlly on Suits made to order from the'htofl and most fashionable stylus m “(01. ¢|ullflnt ’ed to m. Th“ “SJ, ‘xSH. and all surufulous diseases, Sores. Eryllpo- la», Enema. ulutclws. 'Blngworm, Tn- umrl. Curbuuclus. Bum, uml Eruption. or the Slilu, are the ditect tesult of an impure stme m‘ the blood. To euro these «Momma the blood must be purillellmwl restored to a healthy and un- turalcomlitiuu. A \‘EIt's S.\ltS.\|'.\lt|LLA has for over forty years heen recognized by emi~ nent medlcm authorities as the most pow- erful blood puriï¬er In existence. It trees the system Irun all foul humore, enriches and strengthens the blood, removes nil truce! of mercurial liefllllzt‘llt, mnl proves itself I complete master at all scrofulous diseases. A Recent, Cure of Scrofuloue Sores. “Some months ngo I was troubled with ecrofnlous sores (ulcers) on m legs. 'lhex limbs were bunny sn'ohen tunl ntlnmmt. and the some discharged lnrge quantities of otfeuslve matter. luvery remedy I tried tailed until I used Avrzn's SAIKSAI‘ARILLA, of \vlllcll l have now taken three bottles, with the result that the sores are healed, gm! my general health. grcntly lmnrmul. A. MCFA DYEN. BEAVER'I'ON """ “'4 °"""" "’ ,, u w 1 [col wry grutvl‘ul for tho good your medicine has done me. Yours I‘espeouuly. Mus Ass O'Bums." 1415‘ Sullivan 5L, .\ew York. June 24,1522. All ln-rsons Interested are luvlu-d to will on Ill rs. (Purlan; also upon \lno Rev. Z. l’. \Vihls of 26 East 54th Shoot, New York Clix. who will hike plenum In toslil‘ylng In the womlrrl‘ul (-Illq-m-y of Ayeij‘o Slll‘elllllll‘lul‘. nol_ouly In lhe euro of this lmlyl. Iml Vl'uvlnrls u'\'\*n cane and many others wuhin his knowledge. The well-kunwn N'rilerml (he lloalo» â€cm/«l, B. W. BALL, uf Ihx-Iuskr. ‘\'.ll.. writes, June 7', 1882: “ Having sul)‘. rwl severely for 5mm mm) with Eczema. nml having fnih-d tn ï¬nd roarf frolumtlm‘ rcmcuu-s, l have made 1Lw..;urmg the past three mm.lhs. 01' A \‘l-tlz‘s :‘u RNAI'A- mum. wl-h-h' lms ctl‘ecu-d n amid.» rm". 1 consider it n nmgumcent rem: y !m‘ ml blood diseases." Ayer’s Sarsaparilla stimulates and regulates the action of the tligeqtive and ussimilativo organs. renew: and strengthens the vital forces. and speedily cures Rheumatism. Neumlgiu, Rhéunm- tlc Gout. Catarrh. General Deblllty. and all diseases arising from an impoverished or corrupted cmulition of the blood, and a “cak- ened vitality. SCROFULA It Is inoomparably the cheapest blood meal. cine, on account of its concentrated strength, and great. power over disease. Sold by all Druggism;sgrioe $1.31: bottles {or PREPARED BY Dr.J.C.AyerCo., Lowell, Mass. WOODVILLE, ONT. =1). EEEDEBSOE- Iuoklon'. Arnloa Qalvo. WOODVILLE, ONT. “The Toronto House†BEAVERTON, Annual Great Clearing Sale" of Dry Goods. -FOR MONTH OF JANUARY.~ We will offer our whole stock of Dress Goods, Cottons, Prints, Flannels, Velveteens, Cottonades, Ducks, Clouds, Hosiely, Gloves, Mitts, Cretonnes, Shirts zmdDrawers, Ulsterings, Furs, Hats and Caps, also LARGE STOCK TVVEEDS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, etc, Which we will sell 14lbs. Good Sugar for $1.00. Cheap Gash Hardware Store Classwagex Crockery Shell 80 Heavy Hardware, Painters’ and Builders’ Supplies. @uï¬lery and ai‘lLEV_;~ 250 LAMPS 250 Coal Oil! Goal Oil! To make Room for Spring Goods. The only Cheap Store, “ Toronto Housoz†HAMILTON ’8 NEW BLOCK, “ THE FAMILY SAFETY,†the best. Brand Manufactured. ‘ Highest Price for Sheepskins, Calfskins, Raw Furs 650. Any quantity of BARREL SALT CHEAP. W POSITIVELY AT COST! I) S Boga to inform the pub ic but he has opened his new Hardware Store in .D. MoNabb, Beaverton, ï¬g WESWGQT if, South side Simcoe Street, Bcavcrton‘. Whom ho has on hand the ï¬nest display of 'AND LAMPS, Ever olYerod to tho public. All kinds nf Beaverton. 5lbs. Good Tea. for $1.00 Mrs. a, Morison, CH EAP CASH STORE (Graduate of the Outurm Yewramry (Toilet!- .â€" Disunseï¬ of all dmruesticuu‘d animals treated by latest and bust nmn ovu“ systems. Olï¬co and [lllh'llllu‘_\‘, m connéclmn with Hamil- tun Huuso. Baum-Ion mmu‘io. mummy: MI! m, Township Clerk, .‘Iunlflpullly of Thorn. Ofllce 11 Town Han. Beaverlon. Ontario. M A [WIN (8 IIUPK I Nb“. BARBISTEIls somrnous d‘c. Mouoy to Loan at 6 per celit. omenâ€"Kent Street; Lindsay. Ontario. I’. S. MARTâ€. 1 u. H. llumimk. W M CA M [‘3 “ON. \Vmulville. Agent for Union Loan a §l|\'lllfl'l ('0. Money to Loan on ï¬rst-class security atï¬ to“ p.c. Agent for A. HARRIS, SON 00.. Brautford. Manufacturers of Ruupem. Mo“ 613.80]! Binders PARSONS dl'. DUNCAN, Beavertga Z‘anmry I mums.Siuxs,'r.u:1.ow’. dtc. Any uantit ‘ of Tau Burk wanted. for which cush will 0 pni . WOODVI].LE LIVI‘IRY STABLE, lllfllfl' EDWARDS. Proprietor. Livery Rigs at any timu and at all hours on W. shortest notice. Special attention given to Com» nmrcinl 'l‘mvullors; Charges always moderate. TERMS, CASH. Stables in. connection with the Eldon House. VN‘I “KIA G'OIINI‘Y AUCTIONBIIu Ofllcoâ€"Onu door must of Post Olin-.3. Woodvmo CARTER. th'. Can-ting dam to and 1mm all parts of the village» and Midland Railway Station. Charges moder- ate. Residence. oucdoor novth of Eldon House Queen Street. Woodvillo . (WHIIIISSIONBR l.\' ll. 3.. I'ONVBYANCEI GENERAL 1N8UlÂ¥AVCI‘AGE\‘T.Mone to. Loan atï¬to 6i p..c Emproved Farms for o. Semi!) Machines, Wilson‘s “A" and “B" Qlld “Roy ." AlsuVeodloa ke )tcoustantl on hand. Olllce of the Great North- 'ostexn To ogmph Co. ELDON HOUSE, WOODVILLE, 'mos. WD‘VAIIDS Proprietor. First-class accommodation and attentive serum": Bar well supplied with the choicest Liquors and Cigars. 'Bue to and from all trains. and every convenience tor the travelling public. This ï¬rst class house has been thoroughly ronov nted and rcfuruished. Being in the centre 0} tha buying»: part Qf tho ï¬ling-I3, 311d fgrnished AVFQI NORTHERN HOTEL, Woonvlbu; nssumu summon Proprietor splendid sample IOOIIIS,“ is therefore moat: con- venient for tnvellers and commorcial men. 'l‘hu ban is supplied with the best of liquors and cigm'u Good Stables and Hostler In attendance. Ono of the above will be at the Hamilton Home. ï¬eavglztop. on_ tptlycqllgflondgy q! oacymgnth ilb'iil’liï¬o’x’v’iï¬i't\V‘Mï¬ildéï¬'lï¬eis'e’c'omi Tue}â€" glitzyâ€?! each month, stopping at tho Queon'o o . J. xzuwm. L.D.S. I Jon. rim-Limb. Inns. Send six cents for pasta 0. and P I rrceivo fmo, acostly box 0 goodu which will help you to more money than anything elm in this world All. of either MK. succoml from the!) hour. The broad road to fortnnu opens hetow the workan. Absolute] sum. At. once address. Than a: Co.~ Augusta. . (aim. ’l‘lm largest and chuibost stock 01 DRY GOODS and FANCY GOODS in :own. Buns. none and. mm a 3mm», SODA, ABERNE‘I‘IIY‘ ARD l-‘RUH‘ 3111800178. \VllOLWAlJ-Z AND RETAIL. Eldon Township (‘Iork and Treasure). Ofllcc at Mr. Reid's Stow. Lorlmuilla. Ont \V OODVX LLE “A K ER Y. ..__. J. BERRIE’S FAMILY BREAD FRUIT CAKES. MIXEDTEA CAKES. ORDERS SOLICITED. PART] ['28 8 U PPM ['10- \V I] OLESA LE. 11.. L. C. 1’. 8.. Graduate 0! Toronto Univ“- siby. Member of ollwu Physicians and Surgeons, Ont.. quuuluur 1m a'uu Life and Confederation Life Co's. (Mice and chulunuu, leklidnl. Untario. M. \V. PIANK, â€"VETERINARY SURGEON;â€" ‘p‘q‘hjgpcst cash price yajd fox: all kindgpf King Street, Woodville.. ADVERTISE I J NO. Mc'l‘A GG A R'l‘, Kirk ï¬eld NE ELA N DS 6; PENTLAN D W H. JOHNSON. M D. Dawns“, do" llmlnay. om. JAMES M. LA WSON, Alum. 0-5“ M 1>m«.l.1.. JNO. A JAC‘FBSHN. JOHN. BERRIE. IS UNXLD IS THE COUNTY Cor. Kim: and 3mm St