Watches. "Gin-Iva- [:s" New ï¬uo gold and silver watches by best makers at Mcliiunou's Beaverton very cheap for cash. blothorla. It is with regret we have to recoru u victun to this dread disease in our midst in the young daughter of Mr. Alex. Dob- eon, who (lied on Friday last. ' ‘he care. I lesqnoss on the part of the o‘llcials both at Cannington and here are largely to blame for the condition of affairs here. and Should more douthq result. it might I almost be said the blame will lay with 1 them. The Government has provide-.1 a. most excellent Body in the Local Boards of Health. but in this village at least, the inetitntion has' been triiled with and treate l with numrkedconteuipt. In the appointment of the Board for 1886 let the Council see that the members do their dutv according to law or else it will devolve on the citiaeus themselves to take the matter in hand and see to it that proper precautions against undue carelessness be taken. In this connec- tion the Peterhorough “Times" speaking of Dintheria. says: “ It being verv in- fectious. the greatest precautions must be observed. Whenever the throat is felt to become sore, a garglo of sulphur and water is. we are informed on the best medical authority. a sure preventi- tive from further trouble. To our Canvassers. All those engaged in cauvmsing for the Evin-nae or Auvocun Will oblige by vending in the names of new subscribers at once so that the paper may be sent them. Regular Meetings Wanted. 'L‘he vaenhurst _‘_"Banner" invites :arelessness be taken. in mus uuuuuu- uuv ms. 1....“ "hm." _ tinn the Peter-borough “Tunes" speaking meuce. The speaker then pointed out nf Dintheria says: “ It being very in- l that Christianity does not teach or en. factions. the greatest precautions must 5 courage asceticism, it does not refuse the be observed. Whenever the threat is 1 good things which God has provided, it [alt to become sore, a garglo of sulphur i brings sererity into no man's experience and water is. we are informed on the or darkness into no man‘s home. it does best medical authority, a sure preventi- not remove a, good thing from our table tive from further trouble. but it would have us consider the end To our Canvassers. and count the cost of sinful indul- - Hence so that we may use and not All those engaged in canvassing for the i "b D , l . l EKPREsS or Anvocua wnl oblige by I a. “89- ame “as 330 8- VN‘Y 0011' sending in the names of new subscribers l scientions man and maintained “1,9 a greatest reverence for the faith of his 32:11:“; so that the paper may be sent fathers. so much so that he was after- ' wards made the mouthpiece of the Al- RQBU'GV Meetings Wanted. _ . mighty in his interpretation of the King's [he Gravenhnrst “Banner" “WW“ dreams. The occasion was here taken the: Council of that~ village to establish 1 advantage of to point out the responsi- regular tunes 0f meeting 30 that the bilitv of parents for the religious training ratepayers may know when 9:“‘1 how of their ehildred and claimed their di- ‘0 meet the WW“ fathers. I‘ 1,1“ would i rect reaponsibility to God for their child- b° 9' €00“ move for 01“ (30‘1“0“ and “:9 ren. he also pomted out that especially “0““ suggest the 00““0‘110“ 0f the “1' i as this training apnlies to the church it 1399 consider the matter. ' will also re-act m a large measure on secular aflairs. Returning to Daniel's Xmas. ‘ W Elegant Xmas Presents cheaper l habits. the Rev. speaker said: nothing than ever before. at John McKinnon's. i will give better results than a simple For Ice Harvesters diet without alcohol. hygienicallyspeak- This year a verv ‘important statute 6 ing. both for body and mind and be ap- passed by the Commons, will come in ; sealed go thef youngtmen Prese ntna 3] F0 force ' and as many of our citizens are in ' ‘8 WIS em 0 eing empeiate 1n 3.. t nu ’ . .. .. I as and total abstamers from intoxmants “nu-u-u 97- Elegant Xmas Presents cheaper than ever before. at John McKinnou's. For Ice Harvesters._ v- -v- -. This yearn. very important statute. ' passed by the Commons, will come in ; force ; and as many of our citizens are in ' the custom of taking out ice from tho lakes. it may be of advantage to them to ' know it :â€"â€"By Chapter 56, 49 Victoriaâ€" , “Every person who leaves an opeumg in the ice unguarded and uncloscd by [L guard or fence. of sufï¬cient height and n..--; “ strength to prevent auv person from ac- --i.h-nual£y ruling. driving. walking. skat- i-l :. or mxlmg therein is guilty of a mis- demeanor. and liable to be punished by {mo ('1' impnsoument. Wood. Wanted. w- 50') cords HanIanI wanted 1n ex- c‘n \ me 101‘ Cutters, Moiuhs Bumnes. or W 211:5 ms. â€"â€"1’. Mchlkm on Son. 15:: we» t0". S‘Vï¬'V‘m‘. \ con 4.; ova :s a cast. iron pnraunx. It Wm! u but 1 unless. 5011 put it. up ; 1'. K)“ it; w m t 1mm unless 304 bhmw 1t uowu. Slwerwaro. L1!" «Lngost 9.111 host aqsmhment of in ‘ :atnst (ls-xigms ex or ~hmw n in town at; :a'rtmv pail-es 'im' cusu at Juo. McLin- mm 3, I‘m wmton. lne-‘nWa-‘Jom The Inutaxiafion 0': Ofï¬cers of “navel" t'm bro-lg“. i. U. 0. 1“.. took plane on Monday (waning last in foiknva : N. (‘v., â€m. l). )lanbn: V. CL. Bru. Alex. Russ; R. 2%.. RM. RV. J. Curran ; I‘. 8., Bro. W. Mchn'mmfl ; Tram... Br \. I). MnKimmn ; “31‘1le Rm. Jag. Birulmrd ; Com. Bm. R. Puts: ; 0. (L. Br". Jaw. Gordon : I. G , Mm. W. Marti-1 : R. H. N. (L. 3m. H. {1(‘fffl‘l ; L. 9-. N. G.. 3m. 1-}. Leigh ; R. 5'. V. CL. Bra. 1). A. Colo: L. S. V. G., Rm. .7. A. Hmwn. 'Y‘hn nrml'n'i'm was “erfnrmml by Bro. P. Mummy , D. D. G. 11., of Woodviflc. Fur'. 3' TAR“! Astwohan Cnntq, Fen“ "a m and Setts at mrl lw'mv cmt. Fur R . )m. «ta. 8:0. at. Hodgscn's Bcavorton. County Council. ' he County Council of Ontario mocha 0'1 Tuesday the 25th inst. Christmas Annuals. L? We lmvn on hand all the Christ mm Annualsâ€"~-“ Sunday at, Homo. “ imimim Hours." “ Chatterbox.“ “ Girls Own," â€Bow Own.“ “Howl Words." “ British Workman.“ and many others of the popular British publications. Just “m â€rim?! ’nr holiday prescnts.â€"Jno. McKinnnn. Boavorbon. The Pulpltq. "iioé. Mr. Briden being ill Rev. Dr- Watsnn ofï¬ciated in the Methodist ‘(ï¬lmrch on Sunday evening last. ‘Xmas Grooming. ‘ mmmu mm news. n' Buv your Christmas Groceries at L. J. Cameron‘s. Beavorton. They are the ohoapest. Sermon. 3“". mul instructix-o 11' MI n-m‘tor of tho I‘w :vunot “mu a PM u ".' an,“ )4" '1'"! V'““ vim â€.uh‘n 1 NH: , r \ \ ‘wu-xrr. Lain ' m ". 5H VP] 0. lin'.‘ '2 31"! ‘1‘] m Nde {'20 “-v‘nm‘ «10“ If. ia (m'u' us‘ and m: mnti we can can; FRIDAY. JANUARY 14. 1887. regret we have to record a ‘ ' ,I , L - necessaril conceals ‘ A. pubho SWE'M. “mm. Km] human A puuuu an".-. "V", _ character to a great extent and human biographies (all to reveal it. but when we come to the Bible men are seen as they really were, nothing is suppressed that is really needed to reveal character and nothing is added that would conceal it and the case of Daniel was here cited in support of this contentionâ€"Raisw to the highest point of honor in the greatest monarchy of ancient times and surround- ed by tho contaminating influences of the most sensual and licentious court of which history has record he still main- tained his integrity and honor. so much so that his very appearance commanded respect and consideration. Daniel com- menced his career Might and that right- beginning was doubtless the fruit of early training. In the home of his childhood he had learned of the true God and that ‘ was the best possible preparation for life i and the fact of his being a captive and as such forced to live on the poorest fare was also regarded as one of the stepping stones to his future greatness. He was a temperate man and a total abstainer from wine and although invrted to eat at the king‘s own table he preferred rather to continue the modest diet of a captive . . .. . . , ' ‘L,,~7 which had giv‘éxulvlhhnithat brightuéss of mbollecb and beauty of persqn which in the ï¬rst place brought huh mto promi- "‘ ‘ It A“ “Aha-“J Ant an! “n“ -v ---_ n , Temperance as a. habit of life. not tem- perance in any restricted sense as for example,conï¬ned to intoxicatmg liquors, Jun-.. Ll... “Lnln WA‘lVlLlillu'UVA-u-pv‘- - - i†but as touching and regulating the whole life. It is quite possible to be temperate in one respect and most intemperate in others. Self-indulgence will manifest itself in moral as Well as physical weak- ness. The purity of innocence retained is better than that which comes by re- pentance and pardon. The guilt of sin- ful indulgence may he removed through repentance and faith but its memory even the blood of Christ cannot destroy. '.‘he life to which appetite and passion invite would rel) of purity. health. hap- pinezs and hope. Daniel was a man of determination and ability and it was lera shown that circumstances do 11 )i; make the man but only tend to reveal an] (levelope his seal charactervthe proyhet was not only a politician but he was also a statesman and scientist as Well a‘; being the chief of the viceroya af the great Uhalrlcan Empire. yet. with all his many interests he found time for religious exerciseszhe was. a man of prayer and the example of this ' ‘ n 1 'I, , ,L..... "van l l l l ...“ . v. ._, 1:111:13 (11.11u-te1' of sacred history was 1'0(:e;)11111:1r-t1de:l to ï¬ll lusinc .11 men 11.5 0-10 (1111111i11ez1lz'1v neceessary {11' their £11121 11'0 \xelfaro. '1'l1c (1.111150. of Daniel‘s lie ms. then {111.011.1911 “it'n it: 11121111' 1'. 21.3! ml and i11tc1esti11<1 scenes to the (1111::1 f11'111i11gv :1. (11 103111.11 M insuresuiug 19 it; 1 11.111 i11st111(:t.i1.11. The eerie? will be continued on Sab'mm evening next we believe. Given Away. 4:: Glam 50b4, Nappies. China. Cups and Saucers. given away with Baking Powder at L. J. Cameron's. Benvcrton. BrutaI. Word nachos :is of a fracas which oe- c lrred last week at llrechin between two men which in its details are so disgust- ing as to be scrrcely credible. 1t up. ; pears two parties got into an altercation one day last week an '1 fro-n words came to blows. In the struggle one of the men get his ï¬nger in the other's month which was immediately closed on it in- flicting a severe wound. in retaliation the bitten man succeeded in getting his opponent's face m such a position as to render him powerless when he proceeded to tear awav the face in a moat beastly manner. On being released a most fear- ful looking spectacle was presented. the nose was hanging by a thread and the chin was completely eaten fron the face. Strange to say this affair was witnessed by a crowd of spectators who refused t) separate the men. We learn the case is to be prosecute'l hv the Crown and that already a number of sunnnensei have 1 been issued. Silverware. .7 Silver and Iiicctm-Phtml ware. the best and Chen mat. in the market, at H. Westeott‘s. ï¬eavcrton. Theft. our Gram] Clem-in : an'o of Skikrm'wam Fancy and Toilet (i v uh mu] meHm-y M. McKinnon‘a. all m M ho gold within the next ten days. Tho party who b'mk lm Rclmnl Bag from the shop of 31-. .l. J. (Hover. lion- vorton. will pleas" return tlmsmnr nt once and no qnmb'mm will lm mlunl. ()tllCl‘WlM’ prosecnï¬on will follow. the lnrtv luring known. 'an9 and Holidays. 7 Village Guanqgi. Village VVuIIv-u The ï¬rst meeting of the village Conn. oil will take place on Monday next in the Town Hall at 11 o'clock 5.111. Taxes. -.Ab:fln- n1: ' ‘he village collector notiï¬es all parties who have not paid their taxes for 1886 to do so at once and save costs To the Lagos. - I _.-.'I ‘Iln‘bnnnn '19 .v-. â€"..._ [173' Ladiésr'r Laced and Boots. at 81.00 per. pair Cash. Campbell's, Woodville. A study. H OtUUJ- A sleeper is one who sleeps. A sleeper is that in which the sleeper sleeps. A sleeper is that on which the sleeper which carries the sleeper while he sleeps ruus. Therefore while the sleeper sleeps in the sleeper the sleeper carries the sleeper ever the sleeper under the sleeper until the sleeper which carries the sleeper jumps off the sleeper which carries the sleeper and wakes the sleeper in the sleeper by striking the sleeper under the sleeper. and there is no longer any sleeper sleep- ing in the sleeper on the sleeper. Cheapp A . rid __ -._ “uni!"- Vlluay _ . Teas. RRISIHS, Currants. Sugars. Crock- ery Glassware at the Woodville Cheap Cash Stowâ€"J. R. Prior‘s. ‘ Division Court. - n . n' -,7:_ Ul‘lalVl‘ vv-u- -. The next Sittings of the ï¬rst Division Court of the ()onnty of Victoria. will be held in the Town Hall on Monday next. The Cheapest. (Iv-Lainey Felt Balmorals at 81.00. Excellent Value at Rod. Campbell‘s, Woodville. An Opening. H" VPVIII-Iaâ€" Here is an excellent chance for the surplus of fair ones said to be a burden to the communities of Cannington and Woodville : “There are no less than 30,- 000 bachelors in Montana and every single one of them is in need of and anxious to (Jet a wife. These entertain- ing young fellows and benedicts have no time to go courting themselves, and so much of that sort is done by proxy. They are entirely too lmsv amassing fortunes. either at sheep hord- ing. cattle growing or mining. in winch at least 50 per cent. of them are bound to become millionaires sooner or later. There is the greatest possrhlo need in Montana for young girls and maidens. old women and old maids. too for that matter, each and every one of whom would ï¬ll a long-felt want. IIUIlvu, Es.†Fruits. Fresh Cheap and Whole. some. Try our 25c 3500 and 35c Tens. Cheap Sugars at. Pnor‘s Woodville. For Snortsmen- Begmulng wxbh lat inst. it is illegal to shoot. or capture in any way ducks-1 of all kinds. mnl all other water fowl. Partridge, pheasants. grouse. womlcock. snipe. rail and golden plover also come under thn protoctï¬nn of the law on the same date. It in unlawful to expose them [01‘51110 or have them In 1105305911011. Dress Goods, Plushos, 1» 11‘ Holiday Wm. “mu", - .m Grey :uul \\ him Comma. Grey 13 n- nels. 'i v. 90:1»; (.‘wtumades. Shirtiugr, ‘lwan forcusa a: J. R. Pri 01" s, \Voud‘ ville. Dissomtlon. 4.â€" ___._-._.._â€"â€"-_. -.__.. l v I'v- -wv 1n purchasing furs a. sum test of wha' dealers call a “prime“ fur is the length and density of the down next the skin. This can be readily determined by blow ing a brisk cuvrent of air from the month “against the set of far." If the ï¬bre- opens readily. exposing the skin to vieWx reject the article : but if the down is an dense that the breath cannot penetrate it, or. at most. shows but a small por- tion of the skin. the article may be ac- cepted. The Weather The pzu‘mmrship of Messrs. Horton «9: Hawkins, minors, has been Lllssulved by mutual conacnt. Tho Coming Weather. ,. .l m . .w -........,._, -- p, \Vcther predictions for the month of January. 1837:1n' Prof. L‘. I’. Ham- moml. of Corvallis. Oregon. The pleaq Ideays will he Friilnv of each week. There will he sto-ms in profusion (hu. ing nearly ihc cntircmontli. The heavy staring will he on Suturilay. Sunday. Monday and Tuosday of each week The herwioxt days of blizzm'ds will lw. ), ondays; 10, .17 and ‘34. Volcanoes wil- he in active operation and earthquake shoe i.“ will he felt in (livers places, Mon- day, the 21th. 8033' Long Boots. :35†Whole stock, solid Leather fvorth moavm: Mm! 33mm. $2.75 at $2.00 cash, at l{o( Woodyille. Are You About to Buy ? During the week has been decidedlx wiutory and cold the thermometer rang ing below zero [or some days. Geuer ally stormy. White and Grey Cottong ‘ Try Prior'a for Cheap White and Grey Cobtuns. Grey Flmmcls. Dress; Good: Flushes. Twccds c. Woodvillo Chou: (hall Store. J. R. I‘rlor‘s. Eternal. Than, great mystery of Time. whor- thcw no ntylwr. the illimitubln. silcn nnvm' resting thing called Time. rullim rushing on. swift†silent like an all on‘ bracing 0mm: titln, on \vlnch W0 mul in tho universe swim like oxlmlntimm. ‘llx ammritimm whirl! are. and than M'mm‘ this is furuvor wry literally n, miraclv- n. thing to strike nu «lnmbm-[m‘ w: luv: no word to speak about it.-«-“('nrlylc" Look AtThls. fl l;-.‘ Mmm Inn" Data. at $1.7 'man' vorth 92.‘ 2.5M R. Ca: nphol.‘ q, “omhilk. fl;l|,flt Rod. Campbell‘s. $4.97: and Buttoneu' Cash. at Rod. The Newspaper: ‘_"°°," I "I! notion-rv-w â€"....7. Some years ago the tar bucket and' whitewash brush Were much in vogue as advertising mediums, but lately they have been used only to advertise liver ( pads and corn cures. Some of the old l legends still traceable present some queer combinations. A duuber would scrawl something like this on a fence : GO TO LiMl‘lbUCKSAW cOYS FOR cum-2w: aoosanuum‘s. In a. short time a. breachy steer or it high wind or something would knock down the fence and the boards would ï¬x it this way : do To L19 MVSHOII‘I iME cOYS son smuuuasooo adaano. One half the money which it costs to cover 20 miles of road with signs that nobody reads. if spent judiciously iu printer‘s ink, would insnroa good return in increased put- ronaue. People in Canada are not so fond of literature as to read a. board fence. Clearing Gash Sale. uvu-v â€". v--- 6:? Far two liionihé I will sell my stock at cost to clear out. Rod. Campbell, Woodvnllo. County Councgl. - -.. . n n, 7_“__ Tho {irgt' geséion of Victoria. County Council for 1887 wxll take p‘mcu on Tuesday the 25th inst, at. Lindsay. The Band- u VVI. .,.-v y- ___, nl and Literary Entertainments the ï¬rst of which will take place in Spencer Hall on Friday. January 21st. The ob- ject of the entertainments is to furnish pleasant and cheap amusement for the citizens during the winter and at the same time procure necessary means to purchase some new instruments wanted. We have no doubt the efforts of the Band will be appreciated and that our people will liberally assist the members to the ob act in view. The Band announce by posters this week the beginning of a. series of Music~ “ ‘ ‘ ' I A‘ , Unon being: carried back by some casual remark to his boyhood days, Mr. Hamlin to‘d me how be accounted JVII- --....-v... -,. , for his having: grown up at variance. politically. with the other members of tis family. Said he: “When we lived in Paris father took the I'arta’aml Guz- cltc and the Eastern . :' 1H8. both weekly papers. I think the mail came once a week then. I used to go to the post- otiico for the mail and bring home both of these papers. l-‘athcr was a. whig. and he nSed to sit. down in the evening and read the Gazelle through ï¬rst. While he. was reading the Gazette I used to read the Argus. I did this week after week. and suppose ti 0 Ar- gus gave me a democratic cant. My brother Elijah was a very strong Whig. but he and 1 always got along well to- gether. because we agreed never to talk :oiities. and we kept our agreement. 1 ran for congress in this district. and he voted against me three times. “'hen he 'an for governor I voted against. him. In 1866 we came together in the republican party. and I‘ll tell you when and where it we“. They held a mass- nieeting here in Bangor and Elijah p: sided. He. introduced me to the audi- ence. and I liegan my speech in this way. ‘Brothcr! We meet 10-day for the. tirst time in our Lives on the same politind platform. 1 Wire you the right hand of fellowship. Did‘nt they howl. though!“ And the venerable. statesman} eyes flashed as he recalled the exciting: event. Ito said he could repeat a. large part of that; speech. “The campaign of 135“." he added. “was by far the most exciting of any in which I participated. 1 made nine- tyâ€"niue speeches in that. campaign. If Iliad known it before it was over I would have made one more." “I [ow many times did you speak in the last. campaign?" Twenty. I believe." “Did the work tire you?" â€Not, 2, bit. I got. excited sometimes, though, I tell you.â€"â€"Lcwislon (.llc.) Journal. Hannibal Hauntiuraud His Brother. Has decided to sellout all his large stock of 'lwmds, Worsteds and Overeoa tings, also a few pieces of La. lies’ Ulster Cloths, all of Newest Patterns and Style. A full assortment of l-IATS, hard and soft Felt CAPS, Real Persian Lamb and others, Buckskin Gloves gnd’Mitts. .8. few pairs of Lzmdies’ Gloves, Kid Lined, with ur Tops. Colored All-Wool Skirts, Dress Shirts, Collars and Cuffs by the Best Makers. Late 91‘ Styles in Ties: Timnking my many patrons for past favor I ask it continu- mo \ )f tho snmn kind nonwlomtion in tho Tailoring Duqlnoss to ï¬ll ich I now devote my entire attention. W. J. Risebomugh, MERCHANT TAILOR, Beaverton. @9315 L4 2 miï¬mmw ALL-WOOL UN DERWEA R, {@154in Lost or Mislaid. 1‘00 8 W. J RISEBOROUCH. . __.__-_ Sho stands beaitio tho dour in whim disdain: Fursumo purtcntiuus Imthiu is at Bltlkl‘. Ami she Will not unsuy no Words sht spa .n. Nor he make right or wrong. though he “ere fuin. l Muck! t‘m-ir hum-yumon is on thkum‘: } 'l he minus that butt as «mo have learned PI “0 in: Tim tints-tun wherein they two have como in l3 H ’0 Love's thirst is parched for drouth or L ~vo's swvot ruin. 'l‘iwv brood in when siionos 'ncttth tho cloud That no“ ï¬rst stnuinwu this {air \u-d m-k o't-r. Win-n 10! it bursts in tears irotn both their eyes. Ami. on each other}: lips. their tumor diva. Upon his [tn-mu ht- . idem ht-uti its tmwod. And. in his arm wasps his Li-u once 1 wow. , n L L- “Aunnï¬lwll. Consisting of M] of whit)?! I will mall at cost tn cicar out Star-I: as I am giving up this Branch of my business. -vv-u w.-- _ - I [If A large towel given with every 1 3 11) Bar Soap at L. J. Camwuu's, Beue I vortou. Myra Clark Cr ines probably knew more about law than any woman in the world during tho last. decade. Look Here ! All IE? Kinds of Firewood for sale and delivered to any part. of the villageâ€"1’. McMillan Sons. Beavertou. IN the early part of December betwwn Brechinl and Beaverton a Man‘s Dark Coloured Plaid .- ‘ Any one returmng it or giving such information as will load to its recovery will ho nnitnbly reâ€" ! warded. FRANKMADILL.or JOHN HODGSON | Merchant. Beuvertâ€"on. J any lat, 1887. N Thursday evening 3 Cardinal Plush 1’00ch B Iok. containing In sum of muney over Thir- umn Dollars. scum postage stamps. c. ' The tinder will be suitably rewarded by having it. at the Post Ofllco. Beavortou. Beaver-ton. Jan. 14th, 1887. KATE CALDER. INTO the promises of the undersigned Lot 11.;- 4th Concession 'l‘homh, about the latter part of November. A SHEEP. The owner can have thu same by proving progeny md paying exâ€" nmmes. GEO. RAKE. Thorah. pauses. NTO the realises of tho uudoraimled Lot 1 6th Con. ownship of Thoruh. on or shout. Sept. 13: 1853. aYunu'ling Halter. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying expenses. Thomh. Jnny 3, 1887. ‘ PETER SHIT?! (JF “TO the promises of the -undersigned, Lot R. Concession l5. Mari an. on or about Decemâ€" ber let. a. Yearling He: or. The owner can have the same by proving property and pnying on pauses. 3131111038; 'TO the premises of tho nndersi about the lst of October. 1 HEIF -; c .n have the same by proving proper i .g expenses. WM. TURNER, .IlL, L: C 110ml). Thorah, I NTO the premises of the undersigned ea or . about tlm 13% of Scptcmhur three sheep. Hm u suer is requested to prom.- preporty. paw ex- :211505 and take them away. WILLIAM. CLAY- }. (IN. Lot 6 Con. 3.'1‘homh. Thai-ah Dec. luxh 181-56. flwzmï¬. ¢OC§ mdwmcwhwï¬wcz .HC «HEM. Exwwwï¬mm >9; 620m. Making Up After a Quart-cl. lul .‘Kllltln‘ulnu\| "I... n_ï¬__ - 5370‘ XPENSES Plfu . Any autumn“- on man can succeed wit us. Peculiar advan- tages to hegilmm‘s. Stock complete, including many fast-selling specialities. Outï¬t free. Address at once. (Name this paper.) BROWN BROTHERS, ___ .. v nunsnm’smx, Fob. 1, 1887. " , Permanent posi- 3’! ‘ HW-Agï¬rrEnannm‘ wilh SALARY December 29m. 1896- Strayed ! Strayed ! Strayed l Strayed. trayed ’ Lost U) G h bc-Domoorut. ‘I{g-ï¬}‘(;13éityi and mun an, JlL, Lot 16, Comfy Thorah, Dec. 33. 1386. “’M. COAD. rhodnna'rnn. xx. anur