l» .ho corporation will not accept our ‘ \ mhle advice we are Bpared the noccs. ! r , of inll‘hting it. .‘Ioss‘rs. \"estcott 4 Young and Trclem-en were ovidentlv I the favourites and we have no doubt the . Laws contributed generously to (Well , their returns. It was really astonishing 3 in witness the vigorous efforts that Were undo by these ponulnr gentlemen m be. hull of tho ladies on that (law and tho apps}: of their smlivihulv '- r“. Beavnarox. In ‘the history of this usually quiet and nnexcitable town we do not thinka more energetic day‘s work was ever done than that of Monday. The remarks of this journal evidently spurred the electorate to an effort such as has never been put forth before. Particularly for the Reeve~ ship was the contest hot and close and the votes were almost evenly divided, Mr. Bruce being returned by a majority of only ï¬ve. The keenest excitement prevailed. particularly towards the close of the poll. when the lady voters, of which there are quite a number in the village. were gallantlv escorted to the poll and for the ï¬rst time in every case polled their votes. For the council the contest was also well sustained but after all the old council. with the exception of Mr. Proctor, was again returned.and we are of the opinion that had it been pro. perly announced that he was a candi- date. (the rumour having become current that he had resigned.) he also would have been returned. as it is Mr. Thus. Treleaven takes his place. Tm: Ex. rnrzss got badlv left in the melee and we now console ourselves with the fact that the recent lawsuits which the council had been ï¬ghting over a certain roadway in the municipality. incited a ï¬erce struggle by a wrathful faction to remove the old council. but, as we expected would be the case. when the ratepayers were asked to pronounce upon the mat ter the Reeve~ and Deputy-Reeve of last year were sustained and returned with good majorities. Mr. Bermingham has not gained either in strength or popular- ity by this display of rabid vindictive- ness and the ratepayers have evxdently sized him up in a proper manner. It was all very well to have beaten the municipality at law and have put the corporation to much annoyance and ex- pense in the endeavour to vindicate what was considered a right. there is alwavs two sides of a story, however, and the ratepayers have not vet been convinced that the whole has even yet been told. 12; was certainly bad taste on Mr. Ber- iuingham's part to endeavour to “ rub in“ his victory by asking the people to displace the present Reeve in his favor. We do not hesitate to say that Mr. Ber- mingham is in every way qualiï¬ed to fill the civic chair with dignity. and further. he is a man of judgment and intelligence. qualities which should have preventv ‘ his allowing himself to be pointed in ts a weak and vindictive faulttinder. Hwn - ever. the light is over and things vii} again settle down to their normal con- dition. The vote resulted as follows :â€" l"or Reeveâ€"McEachern. 343 ; Birxnin g- hain, 74. For Deputy-Reeveâ€"Staback. 311; Armstrong. 68; Folliott. 34. For Councillorsâ€"Gillenders, 279; D. Fraser. 193 ; McFadyen, 160; McKee. 140 ; Dixon, 122. Independent In all Things and Influenced In Nune. No such interest has been taken in municipal contests for years as was gone- rally exhibited this year, particularly in the municipalities of this district. Some disturbing element appears to have arisen in each and every one during the year 1887 and with the exception of the vil- lage of Woodville none of the councils were returned by acolemation. In the township of gmm “EA Vl-LH'I‘ON , U N ’I‘AIHO. “The Woodvlllo Advocate," “1’00:qu I‘Z.ON'1‘AIUU. 3N0“. uunun mmu IIIIIIHII THE ELECTIONS. “Tho Beavorton Express," FRIDAY. JANUARY 6. 1888. loouumuouooooooowouoooo} |000000000000“ 00 000000 J08. J. CAVE Puausuu, anvsarou. GWHMQ 6%; {35, OFFICE OF "Not if he is cured the way I was. About ten years ago I was living in In- diana. in Vigo county. near Terra Haute. In those days a. man was regarded as a stranger until he had drank about a gal- , lon of whiskey and quinine and shaken down his bedstead three or four times “'1“! the ague. I had a rather reticent nature and I suppose it took the climate ’ longer to get acquainted with me than ‘ it;did the ordinary run of men. I' or I i had to drink about a barrel of whiskey l and ke whole pounds of quinine before l I couh et strong enough to even shake myself. t alone a bed." A "How \ 'as I cured ‘2" “Well it was a novel cure. I boarded l with a Mrs. Dennis. who told me she ' could cure me if I would take her medi- ‘ cine. Finally I agreed. She brought a towel and bound it around my head so I I could not see ; then she brought a glass _‘ of water and told me to take mv dose ‘ and immediately awallow the water. "The next mormng Mrs. Dennis brought a little box and showed me her medicine. . It. was a big. hairy. black spider. alive. am! “in†mat" tn the and I l-n swullmwd - . Iva-hm." 'l‘hedosc tastbd like a’i’i‘mflli'n of dust and as it was going down I felt a sharp pain in my throat. as if It had been scratched. Pltcher’s: (Easterla. “Malaria ‘2" “Yes Malaria." “No sir. I am no more afraid of malaria than I am of you." and as the speaker was at least ten inches taller than the reporter and proportidnately broader. his fear of that dread malady wagprobqbly not excessive. “I’ve baa malaria cured." "Yes. but a man can have malaria more than once." mitt ~-=_‘Z\_ . For First De} imiri. 4.; ‘ ePhadeu, 288. 5 In :13)" ~- .4“. ‘m, 410 ; Amey Fm \‘_»;1m-i13m«- ‘urvis.365: T110: 319 ; l“x.-.ulgé>.n. 2d ; Gordon, 229. RROCK. In the township of Brock a hard ï¬ght was again fought by “Squire“ Gillespie and Mr. J as. Glendinniug for the Reeve- ship, with the result as we predicted, that Mr. Gillespie was againleft at home b} a. very large majority. For the ï¬rst Deputy-Reeveship, Messrs. Baird and McPhaden were the contestants. with the result that Mr. McPlIaden was de- forlted. We regret this. Mr. McPhaden * :-hle man and would have made an Deputy. For the second Deputy- ‘ Messrs. St John and Amey \gainst each other. Amey l. The poll stood as fol- lum . Veeveâ€"Glendinning, 4-13 : hit“ ~36. . For First Deputyâ€"â€" imiri. 4v cPhndeu, 288. Second in 32:; ~â€" 3,. ‘in, 410 ; Amey, 225. Fol \' allh‘iiju: -- ‘urvis.365: Thompson, MARIPOSA. The election resulted for the Reeve- ship in favor of Mr. E. Bowes; lst Deputy-Reeve, Dr. Vrooman; 2nd Deputy-Reeve, D. Carmichael; Conu- cillors, W. Swain, D. Ferguson. Quite an exciting contest was witness- ed in Fenelon this year over the Reeve- ship. Mr. J no, Daniels being elected Over Mr. J. D. Naylor. For the Deputy- Reeveship, Messrs. M. H.Berkley and J. G. Moynes contested, Mr. Berkley being elected, The Councillors elected are Messrs. Dougald Brown, J. P. Palmer, J. Graham. The Reeve and Deputy-Reeve were returned by acclamationâ€"Reevo. T. O. Leary; Deputv-Reeve, P. Thompson. The poll for Councillors closed zâ€"D. Graham, 275; G. Bruce. 248; A. Doyle, 216; P. Boyle. 74; J. McKay, 124. CANNINGTON. Reeveâ€"Wm. McPherson. Councilâ€" A. Dobson. jr.. Jos. Mernï¬eld. Dr. Gil- lespie. S. Glassford. TIIORAII. The principal interest centered in tho contest for the Deputy~llcoveship be- tween Messrs. Galloway and Mun-my. The poll closed as follows: Galloway. 113; Murray, 81. For Councillors-â€" Fraser. 148; Brown, 124; Morrison, 101; F. McRae, 88. The mv I iug. particularly in poiut of instructing l tho fair voters how not to spoil their § ballots. It is u notoworthy fact that they did not spoil them and it is also quoted ‘ as a curious coincidence that theso lml- ‘ lots invariably contuinod the exprossion ‘ that Messrs. Wo‘steott. Young or 'l‘roleu- von were tho Inc“ who should speak for ‘ them during the your. Bo that us it may. . we would advise tho wives of these gen~ ' tlelnen to administer u strict cuution l whou election day returns again. The poll closed as follows :â€"For Roovoâ€" Bruco 80; Gillespie. 75. For Councilâ€"- Banister. 67 ; Gave“ 85 ; Cumpholl, 74; (llussford. 60; 'l‘i'olcm'en. 74 ; Proctor, 51; Westoott, 90; Young. 86. Every ' nvailablovoto in the municipality was polled. ~ l A Novel But a Marvellous Cure for Malaria. Swahawed. 3. Spider. FENELON. NARA. ‘ mate tn thb and I x.‘ lwfm-n." JJIIH -m:m took for and I’ve been 'l‘ho certain and harmless cure for ma.- lana is Warner's safe cure which put»: the liver and kidneys in healthy action. when the poison is carried out of the system and the serious effects it ou~ uomlom. pass away. J. M. Booth. Springï¬eld. Mass... umlor the data of March 28th. 1887, writes â€" “Ono your ago I had the malariaâ€"had had it mom or loss for ten years. I stopped all other medicines and took Warner's safe onto and it cured me. This country is famous for malaria and I know Warner‘s safe care will cure it." And troubles of the Urinary and (hmerntivo Organs; also, Surgical cases. such as (.‘Zub Font, Stiffâ€"Joints. Hump-Back. Spinal Disease and Kindred Aflectiuns. DR. POTTS, 0001/37 and MIR/87 l OTICE is hereby given that the partnership hitherto existing between William Taylor and Henry Moyle in and near Beaver-ton. Ou- tario. as Brick and Tile Manufacturers under the Mine 0! the Beaverton Brick and Tile Company was this day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the late ï¬rm must be paid to Wm. Taylor and all liabilities will be discharged by him. HENRY MOYLE. Dated at Beaverton. Dec. 12th, 1387. From the premises of the undersigned. Lot 5, in the 9th Cuucussion of Thumb. a. two your old s'l‘l-JER. Hin-lquarters white. neck mu] four parts principallyrcd. Horns short and thick. lufnrumtiou gs toits whereabouts will be thunk- fully received md suitably rewarded by JOHN MORRISON. Clmnxrc DISEASE, including Cammm or Tm: NOSE. THROAT, CHEST. S'ronmcu, DYSPEPSIA, FILES, YAmcocnmz. Thumb, Dec. 20th 1837. Gamubridgo P. 0. All who are indebted to the undersigned by overdue note or book account are requested to settle up at once as it may save costs. Beaverton, Dec. 16, 1887. “I was effectually cured. but I would not take another dose of that medicme to save my life. " The gentleman who swallowed the 8p ider. concludes_ his narrative in the New York "Mail and Express" by say- ing .â€" .. r _‘ _ - . _ .- People who live in uialarious localities will ï¬nd in Warner’s safe cure a speciï¬c against contracting this disease. The malarial poison can ï¬nd no entrance to the system. if the liver and kidneys are kogï¬ in healthy action. Mulnrin is u poismicd, condition of the blood produced by lmd air or wutor. which enter the blood-channels through the stomach and lungi and other ways. und produco injurious ell'cctu on tho liver und kidneys. It is cured by putt- ing tho liver and kidneys in u pork-ct. healthy working order. The druga ordiluu‘ilv used for ch purposes fro. quoutly do ( uito as 1 h harm as good and leave tie system in an enfoublcd Condition. nmlariu, may have been efl‘ectivo, but \ few would care to try the remedy. Nor is thure any necessity for it. _ l Notice of Dissolution ! [UNDUN 'AND NEW YUBK Medical 85 Surgical Instituta. Strayed. \Vho is our representative in Canada. will visit Beuvortnn monthly and will be prepared to attend all cases of Final N otioe. MOTHERS LIKE "I CHILDREN LIKE IT" m It In Ignelblo to M0. IT CERES UVER COMPLAINT, BILIOUS DISORDERS, Actb 8mm". Dvsnma, Loss OF APPETITE, SICK HEADACHE. Communion on Commas" PRICE 26¢. PER BOTTLE. CONSULTATION FREE I MORE PILLS! WM. SMITH. Hum l†6:5 95:2 . 02335; . n2 lSilk Squares, all colors I Plushes, Hoods, Fur Caps, Fur Capes, Muï¬â€˜s, Persian f Lamb Caps, (imitation) . Alma Caps, American Seal, 9 Boy’s and Men’s, Large ( Assortment from 200 up l Hard and Soft Felt Hats, Gloves, Braces, Ladies’ Vests, Mitts. Hosiery. Cuffs, (8mm- wares) Tweeds, Ready-made Clothing Men’s ; Boy’s and Youths’ Overcoats and 'euits Don’t be humbugged by would-be-chcap sales but call at “Toronto House†for Greatest Bargains. The only House in Town where Children's Clothing is kept-wary dump. Men’s and Boys’ Shirts and Drawers, Collars, etc. at lower prices than ever heard of 1n Benvexton before and For December Only. DRY GOODS, Dress Goods, all descriptions, Cottons, Prints, Flannels, Winoeys, Woollens, Clouds, Soarfs. Shawls, Corsets, ijbons, Velveteens, Tremendous Reduction on our Already Low Prices : Beaverton. March 17th. 1887. Still ahead with lower prices than any Quotations given by would be cheap stores, wiwse prices are away above our Ordinary Prices. I have reï¬tted my shop and in connection with my Carriage Works. I have plan! in my shop a. NEW COMBINED PLANER AND MATCHER, so that. on and after the lat of April I will be able to do All Kinds of Planing. Matching and. - Sheating MOULDINGS KEPT ON HAND or MADE TO ORDER AT SHORT NOTICE. All Kinds of Carriages Buggies on Short Notice. -An Important Notice To- Farmers and Builders! I am agent for one of the largest Wholesale Carriage Shops in Canada and to parties wishing to buy for cash or three months I can furnish and at prices far below any ordinary Carriage Works. The work is all made of the best material and guaranteed. ALL KINDS OF WORK MADE TO ORDER. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0 For December we purpose placing the following Goods before the Public. I recommend in: auporionzooauy prescription 30h? S‘di‘m'ih:li‘f‘ï¬riï¬â€˜Ã©Ã©nâ€"Ei‘mu“““‘- knownwme." n. A. Alumna. 11.9.. m ‘33“ “m“ ““P' “‘1 â€WM“ ‘5' 111 80. om 8L. Btoouyn. N. Y. W! out injurious medication. _‘ “Ca-torn}; so well adnpued mochndmn that I gang}. cufeegonq. Conggmuunn. DECEMBER 1887- “TORONTO HOUSEâ€, A LONG FELT WANT SUPPLIED ! As cheap for cash as any other place in Ontario. All kinds of for Infants and Children. Jas SNELGROVE. D.McNABB. Tux Gamma Coxmxv. 7‘.‘ Murray Stn'et. )