372 ; quarter ending January 3lst 1887, informations 373, convictions 248 ; quarter ending April 80th 1887. informa- tions 810. convictions 605 ; quarter and- ing July 3lst 1387, informations 900, convictions 696 ; quarter ending October ‘Blst 1887. informations 1475, convictions 939. This gives an increase of nearly 400 per cent. in convxctions in the last quarter as compared with that ending January 3lst 1887, this is surely the very best evidence that the law is not an entire failure, but we regret to say that out of 1475 informations and 939 con- victions only 6 transgressors were punished by imprisonment. Total ï¬nes in Ontario province for quarter ending October 3lst 1887, 352,890. In the county of Renfrew, during the last two years of license there were taken out of bond at Pembrook 34,142 gallons spirits, during two “years under Scott Act the amount was less by 10,615 gallons and a large quantity of it was sent to Nipiss- ing district and county of Pontiac. Under licence in same county from June 1883 to June 1884 there were 310 convictions for crime, during n st year the Scott Act came into? . l convictions for the next twrl'. : being 137 or less than ha 3." . vear following 132. Further u.- '. . t the Scott Act 3 was as “:41 1 1 . ~ense law, dnr- ‘ ing last _vi-.-..- u.;. Act 12.7 vio- lations \vev-c jg, mm or lst year of the Scott .\i-: 1'1. lations and 2nd year 64. l. h; 3.1., .e 57 con- victions for assaulz. nix, . . cott Act, 23 convictions for aux-inn . lst year license, 57 convictions 1w 5.; :i;.:;enness, or 5 times as many as undr: :smtt Act. Record of committals to goal is a power- ful indictment of the license system and a grand tribute to the beneï¬ts of the Scott Act. Committals 2 years under license drunk and disorderly 46. for 2 years under Scott Act 4 ; larceny 2years under license 64, for 2 years under Scott Act 15 ; total number of prisoners in goal 2 years under license 266, for two years ' under Scott Act 156. Taxes saved in goal expenses for the county 85395.00 Now a few ï¬gures for banner county, Halton. expenses for relief of poor tor 1831. last year of license $436.45. in 1883 8218.31, in 1385 379.00 ; 1882, ï¬rst year of Scott Act $342.47, in 1884 $133.55, in 1886 872.00. Add to these facts that Halton has for several courts had no criminal case3~and the judge has had (hilt-rent presentations of white gloves. We will now give a few facts re. our own county as obtained from police magig. trate llorne. In August of this year 7 cases. 4 convictions, 3 dismissals, pen- alties $250.00 in North Ontario, South Ontario 3 ; in September of this year. 1-1 eases, 0convietions,bilismissuis. , penalties in North Ontario 8400.00. m 1. South Ontario $300.00; in October of. 1 this year, 37 cases. ‘29 convictions, 8 dis. 1 Inissals, penalties in North Ontario ' 1 81.13.30, in South Ontario 8250. Number cases booked to date of November 24th 162. convuctions 115. dismissals 32. with drawn 4. undecided ll ; total lines by 1 Police Magistrate Home. up to Nov. 24th i ; $29.30. also 6201) previous lodge ointment .1 as Police Magistrate. “ii.'.‘ :. mg on cans With I). S. Brown. , y’on. l With your permission. I will again hike up the Scott Act. but ï¬rst I wish to state that while desiring to treat court. cously those who may reply to my letters Iehall decline doing: so whenever they become personal and abusive. )lv own character can safely be left to the judg- ment of your readers without my coni- nlenting upon the letters of those who like Mr. McKenzie, instead of offering reason and logic, decend to hard names, low abuse and incorrect statements. This will explain why his letter in your last issue is unanswered and any oppon- ent who wishes to strike without being replied to will know just how to manage. As to who has most evaded the points at issue, others are the best judges. I much regret being unable to obtain tulle: statistics as to the working of the Act but the following will show that it is not the dead letter that respected gentle- men pretend. In the report of J. N. Manning. Chief Superintendent of the Department of Scott Act Enforcement, we ï¬nd that the informations and con- victions for the, last six quarters of three months each are as follows: “ Quarter ending J n13 Slat 1886, informations 463, convictions 269 ; quarter ending October .3lst 1866, informations 562. convictions MR. EDITOR, as responsible reflpoudeuts. l [W a do not hold oursolv for the opinions of out our (Eommunirntlun. Renwmber this stool: must. be sold be. fore the 13% of March. So came one I come all! «ml got. goods at your own prices. The Cheapest. n9. 86.00 Pants for 81.50. at". Lngan‘s. licuvcrtun. i I At every moment of life ten pounds of blood gush from the heart through the arteries, thence through the whole body by channels so minute as to be invisibie and of so delicate a texture that the ï¬nest lace is coarse in comparison. In the course of}; year this stream of life conveys 3000 pounds of nutrition to the various tissues, and at the same time ex- pels an equal amount of waste from the system. Scientiï¬c research into the nature and phenomena of disease de- monstrates that four-ï¬fths of the dis- orders which aï¬lict the human race spring from this proliï¬c source when in vitiatcd or depraved condition From careful analysis of human blood at dif- ferent periods. Thomas Holloway dis covered that in an unhealthy state it engendered erysipelas, pimples, blotches and all cutaneous eruptions. He, there fore treats the vital fluid, ï¬rst by his Pills to cleanse it of the liumours which give origin to the external disorder, while applications of his Ointment are used outwardly to remove the blemishes from the surface. This is the simple and rational treatment employed by Hello- way in all the above named affections. With the innumerable certiï¬cates in his ‘ possession from all parts of the world. ‘ and the increasing popularity of these preparations, he challenges the united medico~scientiiic world to produce an- other medicine which will effect the same radical and permanent cures of all . skin diseases with the safety and cer- l tainty invariably attendant upon the use of his celebrated vegetable Pills and balsamic Ointment. These remedies are conveyed by the circulation to every tissue of the human body, thereby purifying. renovating and invigorating, every organ and function of the system. i By their means the most obstinate sore or obstinate ulcer is quickly cured : the i Pills cause foul humonrs to suppurate and discharge, while the Ointment, act- , ing as a great â€heal all" does its work I in a most surpriSing manner in harmony with the former; no wonder then that these famed medicines are to be found in every cabin, in every house. in every mansion and we may say in cvcrypalace. There is no disputing their sovereign eilicacy. we therefore willingly and i cheerfully recommend our readers, ifaiiy i there he who are yet nnacquainted with . the virtues of these famed remedies, to . try thenaâ€"LFree Press.} ’ The Last Hurrah. Paid in by Inspector of South Ontario to Treasurer in addition to foregoini.l pre- vious to appointment of Mr. Home for the county 8650. Also two parties gaol ed in default of payment in South Unt- urio. Fines not collected, 10 cases, 8500. North Ontario, 37 cases. 8:20.50 ; fines to balance 62550. Total lines to Nov. Z-ltli 86850. In addition to the foregoing the Police Magistrates of Whitby and Oshawa manage the cases in those towns. In two or three courts in the county no criminal cases on hand and similar re- sults have followed the Scott Act in sev- eral other counties where previously such a happy state of alfairs was unknown. Government report showed convictions for drunkenness for one year under license and one year under Scott Act to be in the followmg counties. Northumber- land and Durham reduced from 111 in 1885 to 81 in 1886 ; Elgin, 151 to 96 ; Kent. 103 to 89 ; Ontario, 108 to 70. In- land revenue report showed a consump- tion of spirits per head in 1885. 1.126 gallons, reduced to .711 gallons in 1886. Beer has a slight increase. In 1885, 2.639 gallons and in 1886 2.888 gallons. Wine in 1885 .109 gallons per head and in 1886 .11 gallons. These ï¬gures furnish food for reflection and digestion of our Anti-Scott Act friends and for our own friends also and they form ground to warrant us in trying the Act for a little longer and instead of repealing it bring more pressure to bear on both the Pro- ‘ vincial and Dominion Governments to i give better opportunity of enforcement. The Mowat administration has been j fairly honest in giving us the necessary assistance but Sir. John's has steadily refused to aid us, indeed as a government, it has given all its influence against us and it is almost a matter for wonder, certainly for congratulation. that even so much success has been obtained. ‘ Yours truly, The Circulation of the Blood. The Wonders of Nature. 0.. b HENRY Mom. Benverton. Dec. 15, 1887. EING North Hnlf Lot 15, 5th Concession of Thumb. containing 100 acres mom or less 70 acres under cultivation. A good Urclmrdmood Buildings. Adjoining Lake Silncue and pnrt within the Corporation of Baum-tun. For pur- tncuiars apply to P. McMILLAN dc SONS, «A . ~ ~ STOPS HUN Dropping. from " " ' ' ' ' Raul passages in. . EASY To USE. to thc throat and excessive expectonflon caused by Cam-tn. Sent rare-paid on receipt of price, 50c. and $1. Addresl MILFORD a. 00., Brockvllle, Ont. Beef Turkeys. per 11)....“ ........... Geese.perlb ........... ....... ....... Ducks, perm .......... ...... . Chickens, perm ................. ........ . Clover Seed, Alsike (per bush) ......... 3 00 Pleasure. Parties suuflied at Short Notice with CHUICE PASTRY and CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM c. Prices Moderate. Fa]! Wheat .......... .. ......... ......1 Ft]! Wheat... This powder nover variefl. A marvel of pur- ity. strength and wholesouloness. More economical than the ordinary kinds. and cm:~ not be sold In competition with tho multitude of low test. short weight ‘nlum or phosphate wders. Sold-on] ~iu can; .Ronl. BAKING owns 00.. 106 Wn 1 St. N. Y. R ESTAURAN T. Desirablé ' Farm For Sale. Farmers’ Markets. BEAVERTON ICE 0/954 M PA BL OR, Eï¬ï¬ Absolutely Pure. \novngngmg . ;'-\\!!' gnaw/A BEA VERTON MARKETS. WOODVILLE MARKETS. â€"-â€"ANDâ€" .-c- nun-con... no... P. D. McARTIIUR. . .'... ......... 80.8) 8 GATARRH, Bold in Head, HAY FEVER. suomma, ’ cLEmsma, HEALING. It Cure- .8077 Parties Indebted to Us will Kindly Pay Up at Once. HARRISQN LESLIE = Biggest Bargains ever given 111 BeaVerton. Possession given early in 1883 Simcoe Street, Beaverton Ont. A: an advertising medium, The Globe has no equal in Cmd‘. It: circulation, which appears at head of its eclitorinl columns dnil , i. {u in ndvmce of all other Canadian apers and It a the intention J the mun- : ement to always keep The lobe in itg proud position I! the LEADING 39â€â€œ OF CANADA, both in point of Circulation end influence. between Toronto and London, which has been running daily since 3rd March last, will be continued] thron hout 1888. This train arrives at London at 6.40 n.m., making connection mt all the early trains from that point, securing for The Globe a. delivery throughout Western Ontario hours in ndvnnce of all Toronto papers. - - - T0 ADVERTISERS - - - THE GLOBE The different editions of The Globe can be procured from :11 News Deden throughout Chanda. Manufactured only at Taoxua Honwwn‘s Esmauénnnm, '78. NEW OXFORD STREET. LONDON? GOODS SOLD £013 CASE QNLY. HARRISON 80 LESLIE NO MORE CREDIT GIVEN. wish the Public to Understand that this is a Genuine Sale. iflnlr< Grown. . abdcwu>< °>=r< OPOUW. DAHILY GLOBE. Mornlng Edition. “ I: o 'clook “ u u 3 u u THE DLDEST ESTABLISHED AND THE LEADING NEWSPAPER OF CANADA THE LATEST. ENORMOUS STOCK it Pnrohuon ahonld look to tho but»: on m but no! You. I! tho Mom: :1 not 088, cum Inn“, London. thy no spam“ and can now give for a short time the - - - THE GLOBE SPECIAL FAST TRAIN -- - I’JJ We are bound to Reduce our THE GLOBE PRINTING 00. have sold their business to TISDAIaE :vw VVW\’\ AWW 85- 00 par aunum. 3. 00 3-00 “ u LOO “ II I000 “ u .TOBOITU .'