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Woodville Advocate (1878), 20 Jan 1888, p. 8

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Tee Oenereuu . . . . About the meet premmptnonn. we might‘in feet 'eayrimnertlnent circum: etaneee an the outcome of the nresent temperanee «motion was the demand made by one of our villaee hotel-keepers on Mr. Wm. Smith of the foundry. to discharge his foreman. Mr. A. Rose and his blacksmith. Mr. Wilson because they happened to he earnest temperance men. Mr. Smith verv fittinely replied that he had no control over the opinions of his men end further that he would be the but to influence them in anv war even if he had. Conld anything be more presumptuous than the above. It in about time this worthy disciple of Bacchus learned that emplovors are usually on the look-out for jmt anal) men as he would have Mr. Smith dis. charge and further that finch an infringe. Mont on the mmnal liknrtim of good reopectable citixona will not be tolerated even from hotel-keepers. ‘ Flannel. and Monitors I Almost elven arr-av at “ode-ms. Big Bargain Home. Bring alomz‘yonr eaah and secure some M the heat (mode for the least price north of Toronto. In. Youmane. This veteran orator of the temnoranoe platform loctnrod in the hammer». of Knox Church. on Friday evoninq laat to a large audience. From a late dmpntch to the “Toronto Emnire" we learn that nothing new wan elicited in helm" of the tomperanm canoe and neither wad more n great amount of en'lmqiaom shown hy STOVE bought to: you an you‘lnvo soonxmfhnndl delivered toany part of the Vilhgq-câ€"B mum“ a Song. Besverfionh 'ruTJJE'thJ 24531136; I . | a- To call at the Beavgrton Woollen Mill for White and Gray Blankets heavy all wool Full Cloth. Tweak.” Gurnseyn. 'l‘nn Shit-ta. kc. All our Winter Shock will be sold at a. . riflce for the next two months. 0. T. oung. Benetton. county counoll. Ontario County Council meets on ~lBeggjrettrc>pr Stbve figfiffl‘bshofi All the result of the recent temperance lectures bv Mrs. Yonmens of Picton. the ladies of the village heve organized a Women's Christian Temperance Union with en alreadv large membership. A meeting was held in the Odd-Fellow’e Hall. on the 14th inst" which was cong ducted by Mrs. Yonmnns. After a very feeling and instructive address a Union was formed a. large number of ladies ioininq. The officers elected were :â€" President. Miss '1‘. Robinson: let Vice- Presifient. Miss M. Cameron : 2nd Vice; President Mrs. McKee : Recordingl Secreterv. Minn Kate Calder: Corres- t‘onding-Secretnrv. Mrs. C. Campbell: Treasurer, Mimi Bella McKinnon; -'The first meeting of the Ilnion will be_ held fl“, .,,,,n i; V the bmméintr of». Knox Church on Thursday the 26th inst. at 8 p. m. nwm Pay Your ‘WESICOH’S'.‘Sfiflltlm !} A New Granulation. lull: Outer: at R. Dunohuth'l. ' n- Also go to H. \‘Vostcott's2 Beaver. ton for the Chen t and best Lamp Goods ond COAL IL. Good Canadian Oil 4 Gallon: for 700m. and a. superior? brand at 25013. per. gallon. ' '3' Go to H. Westcott'e. Beaverton, for choice Christmas Presents in Silver- ware 5nd Cutlery. A large consignment just mivod and opened out. ' E“ Go to H. Weatcott's. Beaverhon, to: the cheapest and best WHIPS. ‘ 0045 or W001? KS“ Go to H.’ Westoott's. Beaverton, for the'cho‘spedt and best SKATES. 3" Go to H. Westoott's, Benetton, for SLEIGH BELLS. cheapest and 13983 in ‘0“. 2 COOKING. ‘ .PARLOR ' , ‘ ' or HEATING Farm er‘s -N ew Tubular Lanternâ€" 3' Kinds of Firewood for sale and by the but mam u clout ‘prloon nun an In .ovn. No ooculoz. to 80 to other plum. it I. hove not out requirement! In nook . 'q procure them In the with “at! Burner the “Cut sad but in an huh». FRIDAY. JANUARY 20. 1888. mamm aura! aims. Lowest Possible Figure;â€" LADIES Children cry for mom. Cuba Wanna! gen “awn-Q : - MURRAY: “Siomuwownéin \ “5 'Odlmdloo hand-owe Tho sham? carnival at Conninnton on Tuesday even on drew quite I number of our young people to that vinogo. Conflomon ! to. Look hero I If you not A first- class ortiolo in Panto. Suitings or Out. coatings. coll at Logon' a. Benetton. I’m-es away down We would call the attention of our tendon to on article from this week'o Bertie “Colette." which will be found in soother column. The plo of Beoverton end Thanh m pa color- 1, interested in this matter. It will [in You To buy our Cottonodes. Shirtlngn. (he ond him Cottona nt Hermon} Lou ie'n while their monster sole is going on. The chrnlvnt. w- R. ' Dunshenth'a. Bow Lemons at 25 cents per donen. Road It. Pltchor's Omorlm Those who intend furnishing s house should not foil to see Harrison Leslie's Carpets, Window Blinds. Chins Betta, Glassware etc». st whohssle prices. loot! Ad! on»: ' ‘ ‘ Our vinege hotolkeepers 'were again up before the .po police «neg: strata on Saturday lut. Alex. Hemilton.ceee dismissed; Jno. Kennedy 050.00 and costs or806:yu;Joa. EHiothSfiODOnnd ooeteorsodey s. In the onseofJohn McM.jndg1nyent was reserved for one week, pending further evidence for de- fondant. Matrimonial (‘3‘ A few Ladies' and Gents' Fur Coats also Ladies'. Fur Setts to be clear- ed at tremendous btrgains, atHod u.s cub atom. , gso awreife that no gift at our bands can re- pay your work of faith and labor of love among 'us ; “Ye shall be recompensed at the resurrection of the just." yea. even now we believe you have reward far be- yond earthly source; for He is faithful that promised. and His promise is this : “He that reapeth receiveth wages and gathereth fruit unto life eternal." May God‘s love ever sustain you, His peace which passeth understanding. fill your heart and life. and His grace prepare yen for the crown of glorious victory. is the unanimous prayer and wish of all. Signed on befialf'of theYarmouthréidn- gromtion, I Rev. J. A. Brown was presented with a New Year's gift. consisting of a hand- some fur overcoat and gloves. accom- panied by the following address : Dna PASTOR mu Famsn. We have taken this simple but hearty way of manifesting our heart‘s best wishes for a happy New Year to you. God has been gracious in direct- mg to us one who has. with such love and , power. brought home to us the . ine‘ssage of salvation : fearing not to de- chi-e the whole council of God. Our hearts touched by His truth. kindled by gin lave. scek utterance by asking your kimlbcce ace of this coat and gloves. -and_sbon you everâ€"which. God forbid wiexpcrie'nce the chill of disappointment or the biting frost of affliction. may it the“ be. as always. a comforting testi- moqyof‘tho’ warm appreciative hearts ofs‘iour Yarmouth congregation. May the ley'spirit who has called you. con- tinuej‘to fill your heart With faith and poster. that His manifested fruits may abcubd 0n everv side. We are well At the annual meeting of the North Yul-mouth Presbyterian congregation. lleld 9n Wagnesday the 4th lust... the u. 08. 00Pante for 84. 50. atH. Loggn' s, Benetton. Address and Pfieentatlon. reader is thrilled by the hair- breadth escape; of this dauntless American boy when capturing the $830691: 9nd wildest animals eye: seen- in; any trayeling show. “The New York Family. Show Paper is for sale at all “Mada. . ., -. At the luvomh Wobilen mus. ' ‘ *‘Blankbts: Yams. Full Cloths. Twaeds. Flannela. Gumwys. 61.0. M" all goods away down m price. Call and see them. 0. T. Young. Thachoapost.‘ ii the columns of “The New York Fam- ily Story Paper." The story describes the ndventures of an American boy, whom Mr. Barnum .calls. “My Plucky Boy Tom'f and whom "he sent to India. in scorch of wild, fierce and rare animals to replace thom destroyed by the disast- rous lire nt Bridgeport leet month. The reader is thrilled by» the heir-breadth those present. both of whioh statements go to prove that the writer was not present or if ;_he wss'thst he wilfully perverted the truth. It is a long time since such an audience assembled here theiore. All denominations were repre-~ sented end the most earnest attention was given the speakers in their remarks. The visit of Mrs. Yonmsns will prove a veritsble _ revive! in the temperance sen meat 0! the town end we look 10: ‘hi. good to result from it. laminar" January. {5‘ I will continue my Christine- ' Discount Ssle during this month. Cell st the store end ask for sale bill. J. 'H‘otlgson.‘ Benetton. , The Inner mul'. P. '1‘. B'aruuii). 'ap this week in, the columns of “The 7 ew Yogk Fam- The opening chapter of at splendid story {orihejounm by the famgqs show_- v-v â€"â€"v-â€"- The Band are preparing to: another Grand Concert. to be held' In the near future. Hishut Prloo. [r In Cash for Potatoes, Oats and Passe at R. Dunshenth's. Benetton. P."l5. Barnum wyluu a {tom A F'. CAIPBELL, A. 0. MCBAXN. will 1,; ing across that thoroughfare s cutter in ‘ ple which a young boy wss seeted was over- onler- turned and the horse dsshed down Yonge street st s furious lute. Op- posite St. Joseph street the snimsl took hlrtl to the sidewalk on the west side 0! the i “8" street and only stopped by the cutter's rr ”1°“ ‘ collision with the remodel: in front of se 9 i' ’ Cornell Husbsnd’s butcher shop. The as. which wss the property of Mr. curios Kiel . the hverymeu. wes badly mtonon smashed. iss Hoodlum was in front number l of the store sud was struck h the cutter go. 1 with terrific force. Her sku l was (no. tured in two plsces end she suflerred . a t other serious Injuries. She is now st r 0": ' the Toronto Genersl Hospital.â€"[ World] rtor. â€"-”Miss McCallum was st one time'in we .“' the employnohN. B. Campbell. of this Elders. . for V -â€"â€"r"'"' V. quU villus." 'Bv méfmen we learn the is slowly recovering. The Corporation has had a snow plow built for the purpose of clearing the sidewalks of snow. It was used {or the first time on Wednesday. School Board. The I. 0. G. T. nrpose holding an open temple on Fri ay evening. A good programme is in preparation and an en- joyable evening may be looked for. Ind Aceldon . Liuie MoGullum. 5 young domestioin the employ of Mr. Josiah Barnett 01,64 Gloucester street, was. it is feared. htally injured by a runaway on Yonge Ptroet Satugdav gttemoon. Whilst driv- A farmere' meeting will be held in the basement of the Presbyterian Church; under the auspices of the West Ontario Farmers' Institute. on Wednesday. Feb- ruery let, when Hon. Wm. MoDougall. or Prof. Goldwin Smith and Mr; Valenoy Fuller will address the meeting. The question of Commercial Union is a very im rtant one to the farmers of Ontario on the above named gentlemen are its most powerful exponents. A large endl- ence is therefore almost assured. snow Plow. ' A meeting of the . School Board was held on Monday evening. Considerable business was transacted. The present staff of teachers were re-engaged. Miss Pattyson receiving a slight increase in salary. Commerolal Union. We understand a- carnival will take place at the rink shortly y, we trust it will be above the ordiuar as we would like to see a few of the eaverton and Cannington twirlers on hand to partici- pate and thus help us to enliven the evening‘ a proceedings. School Board. No change will beanmde in'ithe politics of the pa r, but we; predictz-dt will be conducte in a manner that will not only gain for it the confidence of the better elements of democracy, but will tend to place the “Commonwealth" where it should be. at the headiot theparty press in Southwestern :e-cIowa;-'â€"--“Ureston Gazette," . .' Carnival. " Mr. Ed. Sidey y. who for the past four years has been foremap of “TheGazette's job printin department. last. Tuesday purchased 1'. e Ureston “Commonwealth" of W. A. Page. and- will take possession ue_x_t Monday. Our well- -worn racing track, the main street. is, since the last snow, the scene of the usual excitement and tur- moil. Judging from the way Louis D. is moving. we think Beav erton “hustlers" Mayflower,“ especially, must be able to trot faster than she hitherto has- done to even exert this coming wonder. A #18999? Chanso- [ A large number of members of the R. ‘ T. of T.. here availed themselves of the first opnortunity of visiting their sister Lodge-at Cannington. The evening be- ing a pleasant one and the roads capital. the journey was without either accident ‘or delay, rapidly accomplished. After arrivmg at Canuiugton, they registered at P. McSweyn‘s, who made every pre- paration possible to hespltahly entertain the visitors. The Cannington Bros. . - Sis. had a very extensive and interesting programme repared and entertained their Woodvi le friends for nearly two hours in a most friendly manner. The exercises being concluded tea was serv- ed and ample Justice done to the necess- aries provided. Throughout the even- ing great enthusiasm was manifested and when the Caunington members visit here. we trust they Will be as well treated and entertained and ' a programme equally as well prepared. Speedlng By Local Trotters. The A. 0. U. W.. of this village, are greatly increasing their membership. Every meeting brings new candidates and for some time past there has been: an average of three initiations. each night of meeting. Frlendly th. Lately 3 young men hired s livery rig and drove to Menills to pertioi to In a. party. He was loath to return ome end the young lady ordered the horse out and took her seat in the sleigh. Then she sent for her stripling‘iriend end as he did not. answer the summons. she drove home leaving him to walk. It is safe to so; he will not trifle with her again. Bargains. (-5" Big bargain sale of Tweeds now going on, for cash, at J. R‘. Prior's, Wood- ville. ' A 0. U. W. 1 Now Stock. _ ".3 K21” Trv Priors) Woodville. for cheap Dry Goods, Groceries. Crockery and Glassware. Dlvlslon Court. Division court was held here on Tues- day l7th inst. Very-. little excitement was moniloetod. therdboing but one case. vim. that of J. McFad en vs. L. Mo- Eoohernrwliioh maul in s glorious victory for the plaintifl. A Plug” Young Lady Wooavulc “atom! mm. N. B. -â€"-The above inducement is for Cash Customers only. We are not retlring from business nor selling below but what we offer we will do. Cell and see us. and our large Manufacturing Trade emables us to gin benefits of our Goods to our Customers. I We Purpose to sell all our . MLHFALL AND WINTER STOCK-- Positively AT OOOT. Three Bales of Elegant WaII ~ Paper. -Boots and Shoes. 1? Our Stock 18 now selling at 65 ots on the $ and we cordially invite everybody to come early while the assortment lasts. E. TISDALE', This Stock must be turnedrinfib‘Hird Cash by that time and if Bargains are any influcement we are fully determined to furnish this inducement and sell an Prices low enough to please and even astonish the most economical. A‘LARMQN’G SAGMH Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots Shoes, Overshces, Furs, c. ' ‘ - --AT ANâ€" As We intend closing. our present business in Woodville by the let 0! March we will sell for the next 60 days SIXTY DAYS oNLi‘r. BUY FOR CASH This is no humbug. We can afiord to do this, we LARGE FALL ST©GK BANKRUPT' SALE L. J. CAMERON, BEAVER'I'ON, J ust opened out his OUR ENTIRE STOCK For the Balance of the Season. Just arrived and Opened out to be continued for the next I-l. LOGAN, Beaverton. Ont. WOODVILLE. 33E.

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