l’ri'cc. I'm“ largo‘ box, $3.00, sent to any part of the United ï¬tntes or (Immdn, by mail, on receipt. m price. Address, r-Asu _ mums, Matlmn‘tcs furnis'nml, am] cnntracts taken for any or all of the «have wnrk. Materials lur- niuhed if required. ~indvcd, so strong is our faith in them, arid also in cmn‘im-c yuu that they are no hum- bug, me will lurwurd to "very sufferer, by mil. post paid. a frmz trial liox. M'c don't. want, your iunuuy until you are .rfocuy satisï¬ed nl their curative powora. f your life in \vurth saving. (luu’c delay in whim; lhoac l’nwilurs a tiial, [13 they will nufcly lillri‘ ynu. , Oï¬co on King Street, m- arch-rs cm be left at Tm: ADVOCATE ()lï¬cc. l. HALWARD BROS. naxczmmns, ‘ PLAS'TIz'lfl'IIJh' AXI) MASON'S «(-c. 'l‘ltc sulmn'ihcm have nnw got tln ir Factory ï¬ttml up in lint-class style an.“ arc prepnrml tu furnish anything that may be entrusted to them in the shape of ‘l‘USl'I‘lVlillY L‘l'lllfl)w ‘- All sull'urura frum this (“5:04;“) that are anxious to ln: clll'wl slmultl tzy lll‘. K [33- Nl‘JR'h‘ 1‘lil.lilll{;\'l‘l~ll) (UNNK'MI’TlVl‘I P()\\'l)l".llh'. ’l‘lwsv puwdvru am: the only preparation knmvn that. will cure: ('ummmp- tion and all dim-axw of â€â€5. thymtnnd Lungs PRACTICAL Ancm'mm‘, Bmwnu AND Cox- mac-ran. Plum and Speciï¬cations made on the mortcst notice. Estimates given for all kinds of work. on reasonable terms. Heats ing and Ventilation of Churches and School Houses 3 nzmcialty. King Street, \Yuod- ville. 37 Sash and Door Factory The sulmzriiwrn have now 1106 tluir l. numm. m .n‘. i J. L. mumps, L.D.s. All. (‘Altllll‘lll to the Nipissing Sta.- M fin". ('Ali'l‘ING done to and lrom 0 Railway Station and through the Village at Madonna rat‘s. W. A. SILVERWOOD, SASH.D00R5. AND BLINDS NEELANDS 8: BRO, Dentists, LINDSAY, - 0:61.! mo. Onccfthe above will be at Hamilton's Hotel. Beuverton, on the SECOND MON- DAY 0f each numth. He will Mao visit “'oodvxllu on the Second 'I‘U ESDAY of each month, stopping at Mcl’hcrson’s Hotel. HUDSPETH a BARRON, Barristers, am, c. Oiï¬ccâ€"Kenb St, Lindsay. an)! IICDSI'ETII. - JOHN A. BARRON. "v"..- u. -. “nu-v.4. :50: u: l. I). #3. Company. (ouvegaucer, Commiamuner in Que‘en‘x Bench. (Hark lst and 7th Division Court: County Victoria. Clerk Township of Eldon. Sec- retary Eldon B. A. Societv. Agent. P. B. Inspector of “Rights and Measures County of Victoria. Auctioneer, Land and General Agent. Debts and Rents collected. 1 GEORGE \VILLIS MILLA R, NORTH EKN HOTEL, \Voodk’ille, BENJAMIN SCAMMON, Proprietor. This House is situate in the centre of the business portion of the Village. and has re- cently been refitted and refurnished, and is therefore most suitah‘e for commercial men and the public generally. The Bar is sup- )lied with the best brands of Liquors and ‘ignrs. Gumlb‘tables and attentive Hustler. grufc’gsioxml LIT-2mm. wni‘A.SILv1ijoon, J ELDUN HOUSE, VVOOdVille, T. EIMVARDS, - Proprietor ï¬rst-class accommodation and attentive tenants. Bar Well supplied with the choic- est liquors Mud cigars. ’lius to and from all trains and every convenience for tho travel- ling public. SUBSCRIl‘Tln.\'â€"â€"()nly ()ne Duliar nyvm; Sh'ictly in Admmce. ADVHflTlSlNG~Y0ufly Adw-rtisoments charged qumterly; Transient Ad- vertisements, when mulcmd. PLANING, MATCHING, MOFLINNG, BCRULL S A “'1 NH 8:0. ml short notico and at imttom prices. Also shingles and lumber fur sale cheap. EVERY THURSDAY MORPING. GOHTRAGTING AND [WELDING PETER CLIFFORD; Express pun: Henderson Cave. King Sh'vet, "’oodm'llc. CONSUMPTSON PLANEMG MELL DICK, 2/115 31$ VOCJEIZA' - COUNTY AUCTIONEER. 360 Fulwu Stréc‘, Brookb‘mN. Y. 33113i1=c££ Gums. \V( )(),)‘7II-Jl J“. A SPECIALTY. Manimm'c Bros. iï¬um warm. 18 PUIIJHHED carefully att‘cnd. d to. AN!) Agent far the LANUANIHRE FIRE . LIFE INSURANCE L‘o. Capital, 316,. 000,000. JOHN McTAGGART, Kirkï¬eld, " Commissioner in 8. IL, Cmveyancer. Apprniser fur the Canada Permanent Loan Savings Conqmny. MUNAY TO I.().«\ N as a low rate of interest and on easy terms of payment to unit. borrowers. The ISOLATED RISK FARMER‘S F1 RE {N51} RANGE 00. L'spitn). $600,000 The ONTARIO MUTUAL FIRE IN- SURANCE 00., of London, Ont. “ E have recently put in new mill stones, new cleaning machinery, and other valuable inmrpyq-m«nts. and have In our em- ploy â€NE “I" THE BEST MILLEHS IN THE (,‘IHTN’I'RY. Tuour custumem We Guarantee Quantity and ,Ouality ! Aml realm-(fully request a continuum-v of their [mtrunngm Flour and Feed «leliveuul to all parts of the village free of charge. N. B.~â€"-l)r. MrKny’s varied and extensive experience in the Hospitals of England and Scotlandâ€"the {our Uiplmnaa which he hulils from the hunt Colleges nf the Mother Cunn- try in addition to his (.Tanaalinn Degrees should ha a sure guarantee of his cllicieucy. The STANDARD FIRE INSI'RANCE CO. Anflmrinmi capital, 83,000,000. Agent {or the sale of tho celohrMed “’Il;«)N A.. and LOCKMAN SEWING MACHINE-‘4. Music Lessons on the Organ PROF. LIS'I‘EH’S Appliances and appar- atus for the Antiseptic System of Treatment 10w adopted hv all the leading Surgeons of Europe on hand. 5r PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND AC ()OUCIIE U]? At her residence on King 812., next door to Mr. Monayn‘u. Pupils can he attended at there ow“ residence if required. J. MCKAY, M.D., L. R. C. P. and L. n. c. 3., ktlxnunuu. (ucnsnn‘x ROYAL comma or PHYSICIANS, A50 LICENTIA’l‘E or ROYAL COLLEGE or sunuutoxs.) GYNECOLOGYâ€"(Discuses peculiar to \Vomeu) practiced in Hospitals exclusively devoted to Diseases of “'omcn in London and Edinburgh made A SPECIALTY CAPITAL . . . - $1,000,000 G OVERNM EMT DEPOSIT, $50,000 CASH ‘0‘ All work warranted Ind satisfaction gt: nranteed .- And REPAIRING of all kinds, carefully and promptly attended to. CARRIAGES and “'AGGONS on hand an] made to order. ( )ttawa. Agricultural INSURANCE Co. INSURES( Farm Pmpertv. lmlated Dwell- m 3 Churches, l’araumges, School Houses Mid :11 ï¬sh of this cl ms. J. MATHIESON ENRY ED“’A RDS is prepared to sup- 1 ply LIVERY RIOS at any time sud on the shortest notice. Special attention given to Commercial Travellers. Charges always moderate. TERMS. CASH. Sta.- bleu In connection with the Eldon House. LIVERY! . , v“ u; .u uvnu on mum: I'HU' 1" V PER'I‘Y, for a term of years, at a. ren- snnable rate of interest. W Mortgages and Municipal Debuntures bought. Apply to DUN. CAMPBELL, Agent London and Canadian Loan 6: Agency Company. 67-! y WonnvxLle. O.\"I ~M‘ (WWW/wwvw W TERMS MODERATE. Oflicc-â€"~King-st., “'oodville. LAN!) and General Agent. MISS H. G. STOTT 511 ELDON MILLS. I-IORSEHHOEING VOL. III. ox‘gz‘gnfp‘mm on FARM PHO- G EN ERA 1. BL A CKSM ITH. Money to Loan; THE ADVOCATE. immw prepared to give 22m. Cam; Well, Age! t. “'01 (â€1110 HENRY EDWARD JR. \VOODVILLE TH E WOODVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY \VIH'I‘E BRO. OODVILLE, O.\"I ! Loxnox, (lut., Feb. l3.â€"-The first large fire that has visited this city for upwards of six years occurred this morning, whereby the magnificent new brewery building of Messrs. Carling (30.. together with about three-fourths of its contents, Were reduced to ruins. The tire commenced at about four o’clock in the maltiug department, the l malt in the drying kiln igniting, and heat- , ing the iron doors and framework so as to set ï¬re to the woodwork adjacent. The alarm was quickly givemand the ï¬re brigade were spcul ly on hand. Meantime the engine which is always kept on the premises, was brought into use. On the arrival of the fire- men four lines of hose were attached to the hydrants on the corners of the burrow square, and thus ï¬ve streams were available. The utility of the water-works, which hare just been completed at a cost of 8325.000, could not have received a better test. Here was a pressure of SOlbs. to the square inch (roman nnl-snited fountainoi the unrest water situated on an elevation three miles distant. At greatly less than this amount of pressure ten or twelve streams could have been brought into play, covering every part of the great building. The ï¬reman did their duty uobly, in the face of the severest weatherâ€"n terrible gale blowing from the north-west, carrying flakes of ï¬re and em- here over a great part of the city, and the frost being intense. There has not been a sharper morning this winter , the wind was biting in the extreme. After playing for a while with live streams the ï¬remen relaxed their work, thinking they had conquered the flamesâ€"as it seemed they had. Some thirty or forty men were in the building below, and the ï¬remen were thinking of packing up to go homc,when all at once an explosion was heard, and tho onlookers saw the slate roof in the centre of the building raise like a hugb wave, and with a crashing, crunching roar, as though the building was being rent by an eartaqnake, collapse: Those outside imagined from the shock that the whole building was on the eve of tumbling, the massive walls of brick and stone being jarred and shaken. For some time the fate of the men inside on the ï¬rst floor was a mystery and the cause of an intense anx- iety, but they were Soon found not to have been injured. The client of the explosion, which was caused. it is surmised by the ig- nition of malt dust, was to renew the fire on n more extensiVe scale than before. A few minutes after the re if has fallen flames were noticed bursting out in did‘crcnt directions, and soon united in a general conilagration. which atc up the contents of the building with astonishing rapidity, and against which the fireman Were to a large extent powarlcss seeing that the lire was raging behind im- mense Walls of brick, and was not very ac. ccssible from below. The intorior was sup- poséd to be as nearly as possible fire-proof and yet the progress of the flames after once ‘ gaining headway was something marvellous. ' There were in stock some 30.000 or 40, 000 bushels of barley and malt, all of which be- came food for the flames or is so damaged by smoke and tire as to be unlit for any pur- pose whatever. The stock of hops was partially saved ; the stock of bottles was saved almost entire ; the safe was turned out of doors early. The boiler, engine and machinery situate'l in the lower part of the building. aro all preserved in tolerable good shape : they cost $5.00!). The stock of bar- rels and ale are nearly all destroyed ; the warehouse and collar on the north side con- taining a portion of it escaped destruction. The entire loss so far as can be at present } ascertained will not fall short of $250,000, on which there is insurances in varying sums of about $75, 000. ' The ' Black Denth’ or Plague, which inte- ly started in the miasnmtic marshes near the Cmpinn Sm, movml up the Volga, and raw agar! the pr vinces of Astmklmn and Snmtnï¬' is the same that haw at various pnrimls of the World's history. hnth in ancient and mmicrn timun ravaged the \mrhl. The prme of Daniel Defoe, thn nnthnr of Rnhinsnn Crusoe, and the pantry uf Jnhn Wilmn, have immortalimd that of 1665. The sermon had hnen nnnsnnlly rainy. From Christmas until mithummnr the atorms Were incessant. inumlntinns fullnwml uni] iurge bodies of stagnant water were utmulimg all over the surface of the country. in Juno the «lmths Were 590. In July 4,129, in August 24mm, in Septmnhcr 26.230, in October 14,373 in Novmnlmr 2.449, mu] in Heccmhor the mor- tality was less than 1,000, showing that tho Loss, $225,000 ; INSURUICE, $75,000 GREAT FIRE IN LONDON. THE I‘ERRIBLE PLAG UP}. “ Pro Bono Publico.†MWWMMW" I v- cold weather acts as a check on the disease, yet the plague is unknown in tropical counâ€" tries. It is estimated that 68,596 were carried all in London and 40,000 in the Neapolitan territory during this year. The most important event of the reign of Ed- ward III. was the plague of 1340. In em hibited itself in inflamatory boils and tumors of the glands, accompanied with burning thirst, sometimes inllamation of the lungs and eXpectoration of blood or Vomitings and fluxes of the bowels with discoloration of the skin and black spots, indicating putrid decomposition. from whence it was called Black Death. Dogs, cats and (owls were affected, and the cattle were affected with murrain. It was supposed that the disease commenced in the Kingdom of Cathy, north of China, in I333. Thence it spread to Con- stantinople, where it appeared in 1347, and in 1348 at Avignon, in the south of France, in Northern Italy, in Spain; and England. Despair seized every one, so frightful was the mortality The wealthy readily deeded their estates to the Church. while the poor died miserably by the roadside and the fields. In Florence 60,000 lied, in- Venice 100,000 in Marseilles in one month 16.000 in Vienna 70,000, in Paris 50,000 at St. Dennis 14,000, in Avingnon 60,000, in London 100,000. Superstition then ran rampant. It was charged that the Jews had poisoned the Wells, and thereupon the ' chosen people’ were massacred by the thousands, 12,090 Were murdered at Mentz. Many shut them- selves up in their houses, and applying the torch perished with their families and goods. A few Were saved upon their embraoin 3 Christianity. Many people fasted and sub- mitted themselres to severe penance, and in this Way originated the order of the religion' late called Flaggellants. _ Contemporary writers, Mczeroy and Villani(the latter per- ished by it). ascribed the plague to the cor- ruption of the atmosphere. Showers of snakes, reptiles and huge vermin fell at various points, and ï¬lled the air with putrid exhalations, and some over-zealous Christian derived its‘ogigin {geronthat arcbimpostor Mahomct, whose temple at Mecca was de- troyed, and where the old chroniclers will have it, snakes and blood rained for three days and nights. Among medical authorities three views‘exist in regard to the plague. Some maintain that it is propagated exclu- sively by a peculiar contagion. Others, while admitting its contagious nature, says it may be spent: ncously engendered by en- demic or epidemic influences. And others re- ject the contagious view, and assert that it originates exclusively in local causes or cp- idcmie influences. The present plague is attended with alarming fatality, Nearly all thatare attacked die. The ofï¬cial reports say ninety-ï¬ve per cent. In the Russian \ illagc of Victlianka out of a population of 1,700, not a soul is left. Four hundred corpses were left unburied in thestreets. The rest of the population 0ch, spreading the disease broadcast. In I’riscbibe, out of a population of 830, 5120 died in two weeks. Sometimes the disease appears simultaneous: at different points ten miles distant from each other. Its advance is rapid. In four days it advanced thirty Versts toward En- otaiersk. The plague has, for many years, existed in the unhealthy marshes near the Caspian Sea. At licstli, at the southwest angle, in 1832, it destMycd (me-«hall the population, which was 40,000. In 1877 it was again there. In l828~29 when Diebitsch led an army of invalids across the llalkans, and dictated the ï¬rst peace of Ailrianoplc, it swept through 2.010 villages of Roumania and carried of 80,000 Russians before they rccrosscd the Balkans. The Russian phy- sicians describe the present plague as com- mencing with swellings in the groin, the elite of hens‘ eggs, general indisposition and violent headaches, which develop in a few hours. Internal pains and violent vomitings speedily ensue, and black spots appear on the body, notable on the breast, forearm and top of the back. In tWo hours after the black spots appear death invariably follow-5. 'i'lie plague is the oldest of known diseases, has existed in the Levant and along the Mediterranean shores, was Well known to the Greeks, {omansaud inhabit ints of Palestine. l0l7 n. u. it carried away 70,000 in Palm- tine, and 452 u. u. sWept off half the popu- lation of Home. One hundred years later l0,0l)0 died daily in the seven-billed city, 120 n. (1. 800,000 perished by it in Numidia, and 2 0,000 in Carthage. From 205 to ‘25!) B. If. it spread all chr t 6 World and in A. I). "305, historians estimated that it carried off one-half the entire population of ihc than inhabited \vorlil. Such is the dreadful calamitv that now threatens Russia bankrupt in lreamry. crippled by war, and on the verge of her population being still further decimated by this greatest of post. ilential ills. ~ 20, 1879. nAAM/M mv No. 115 A PARTY of nearly tWo hundred fro: ‘ hm: district, cbmprised principa ugriculturisto, will leave Ottawa on th [ of March for Manitoba. Accmmmâ€"Mr. Archibald Logan 1: of his shoulders badly bruised and hi. bane broken. \Vhilo standing in the door two of his colts run out and 01 him against the door with the foregoi suit. He in doing Well under the-c stances. Fan MAxranâ€"o‘ievcrai young me} making arrangements to leave Poterbd Manitoba in a week or two. They an: the times are too hard here at present they expect to come back in a few with their Docket full of money. Tm: Pmnumno RAcm.-0n ace the hard times the subscription fund races on the Little Lake is not boil ponded to as heartilyaa desired. ‘% Cnvmmgh and other energetic rubs: are taking the matter in hand and w“. doubt succeed in musing tho mqnim cunt. MUD LAKE.â€"-â€"The ice is very thin on 1 Lake this winter, owing to the dept] snow. No teams haVe crossed “yet. Tm; Canada Southern Railway Co. 835, 000 a year to their employeei at herstburg station which inciudea the t1 fer across the river. Mas. Gnome 81mm, an. aged re: the Township of Brock, had a- child knees teaching it its letters, whnn back dead. Tm: Lumbermen of the Ottawa (ii are to hold a meeting shortly, to p1 against 0. duty on outs, flour and pork, lens and all kinds of hardwm'e. THERE is said to be much disease 3 horses at the lumber shantiea back of 1 borough. A number of animals have sent to Peter-borough for treatment. Tm’. roads leading from Brockvillo country src in a deplorable conditic peculiar formation of pitch holos mill almost impossible to get along. Tm: By-imv in the township of granting a bonus of 829.000 to the V ton and Georgian Bay Railway extox Owen Sound was carried on the ninety majority. Tm: Counties' Council of Dnrhui Northumbcrlnml has memorializod the: Entire Assembly in favor of a reducfl the number of the representatives Is that body from each municipality. Sun-rox._â€"A case of small-pox bu ed some alarm at \Vhithy. It lnoko 1 the family of the keeper of the tom and lockup, and is supposed to have caught from tramps placed in the 14 Means have lmen'taken to prevent th cane trom spreading. and there is 3 ft]! vncci notion . ' A FEW days ago the Halifax City snror adv: rtiscd for a. loan of 326000. the Finnnc o (‘folmnittcc opened the is “07,600 was off red at prcmluml l1: fl om 25 to 4!. per cent. The majo tenders, are bank directors. '1' abundance of money in Hall’ / safe investment. A A 'rmuumc explosion oucurul ya at the Wollingtun Oil Reï¬nery, Gaol ï¬re broke out but was immediately I‘ No one w m Injured. IN the case of Allsworth, the music 81 or, who «bed suddenly at. London, Ont. jury returned a deiot of. “ died from posure.†$l.800 were subscribed in the Yonge Methodist Church, Toronto, for mill! purposes, in a few minutes, last Sat waning. Mos man. has the successful fai Campbell Brysou, gluather dealer, failed $50,000. A. ï¬rst mm mm dividénd. been doolared of two cents on the dolls! . Tm: Hall Works, Oshawa. will be 01 next week and employment afl'oided large number of hands by whom it is needed. ON the farm of Unarles Thompson of Vex-ton, on Wednesday, 5th, Mr. Foam machine threshed two buslwls of clove} 28 minutes. Mu. Dunn“; Buuwxa Collector of [1 Revenue, has been nrrusted for defalow The sum-oi $10,000 is said to be the d McKeown, whu tried to accomplish feat of walking 500 miles in £44 hour: Winnipeg, failud yesterday. A uefxtlcmuu {rum Battleford, N. W. recently made a trip or forty miles in s 4 train in six hours. Hmnx bn-inou man no petition!" a repel! of the Insolvency Act. Tun ï¬rst carlom of nitroglycerin. arrived safely at Winnipeg, Mun. THERE are 33 members in the ol council. The late session lasted eight and coat ubount 8100 per day. 11‘ takes 810,000 per annum to hoop streets of Montreal clean! of snow in winter. CHEESE Furromzâ€"Lamtield is to a cneesu factory. The milk of over hundred cows has already been promil Tu» amount advanced by the Metal Bank. Quebec, m bogus warehouse receipts exceeds ten thousand dollm.