The subscribers wlnlo g'nteml tn :1 dia- oeruin ' pnlnlic for the liberal patronage be- llowo an them in the past. beg to announce that on mnl alter the ï¬lut_dayI of ‘Jannury, w“. "Ul lull. C‘l‘v. ---V .V._V , v - 1879. their books will bu closed and positive- ly no credit givmiwcxccpting as per special arrangement. â€"-|wlicvin I thatthu true Nation- al Policy consists in t no adoption and cor- rying out. by individuals of the “ l’ay M you no" system. Having tried the credit syntaui to our livurts' content, we pronounce it an unmitigated evil-ms it allucts buyer and seller, especially the latter. Our Air. Ca‘mpbell has returned from Montreal. where he made apucial purchases 9! ggnerftl Dry Goods, Ulau'l‘nrtau Dress ,,,LL4._ ...:AI. .. “I‘nian In}. nf UI 'qu1 n: F'u.’ .â€"_-_- Goods, c.. together with a. choice lot of Fruit: and General Groceries, which buyers should inspect before purchaslug, as hard pan prices will be quoted for cash. ‘de. I'"" 5' ’ - Soliciting under the new regime a. continu- ation of the favors so libzrally bestowed on us in the past. and wishing our numerous friends and patrons, in spite of the hard times a. “ Merry Christmas and a. Happy New Year,†we rumuiu, A. C. CAMPBELL (6 Co. P. Sâ€"Accounts are now ready and as we want money, parties interested are request- ed to call and settle forthwith. AnnLI‘A Advertise your wants in THE AD- VOCATE. If you have anything to sell adver- tise it in the columns of THE ADVOCATE Taxes-J ‘ho Collector will be in Woodville, on Thursday the 27th inst. to receive Mixes. The Beaverbon Good Templam, paid their brethren of \Voodville a. visit last Friday evening. A North Carolina editor declares that “ the man who will read a newspaper three or four years without paying for it will pasture a goat. on the grave of his grandfather." Woodville Lodge of Good Templars paid a. visit, to Cannington Division Sons of Temperance, on Monday even- ing last. A very pleasant time was en~ joyed. Music Hath Charms.â€"The largest audience ever assembled in the Metho- dist church, gathered on Sunday last, the building being crowded. The inv troduction of the organ and choir is undoubtedly the cause. Tea-Meeting.â€"-A Social tea~meeting is to be held in the Methodist. church here on Wednesday next. It is ex- pected that several eminent speakers from a. distance will be present. THE CASH SYSTEM. \Voodville. Dec. 18th. 1678. Declined.â€"Rav. Mr. Cameron, of Chatsworch, Presbytery of Owen Sound has declined the call extended to him by the congregation of \Voodville Pres~ byteriun Church. The Rev. J. McQueen, pteuched in the Preshyterian church last Sunday morning, Rev. J. McNahb, of Beaver- ton, in the evening. Rev. Mr. Scott of Cambray will preach next. Sahlmth. The Band Concertâ€"The Band Con- cert, came oll‘ last. Thursday evening and as far as numbers is concerned, Was very successful. Several nico songs and choruses were sung, but the main fea- ture of the evening's entertuiunmnt was the Valentine dis'rihution, which by the. Way is something original, and created considerable amusement. We have been favoured by “a suh~ scriber" (If more than ordinary talent, with sauna] “beautiful" sacred lKN'flIH. but owimI to the said “SIIhscrth-I'" not. having fuI nished us with his name, we cannot publish them. CulIeslIOIi~ dent‘s should IenIeIIIth' that. counnuni- cations must. lm :IcchIlmnieJ by the name of the writer to insure pulIliczI~ cation. New Advertisementsâ€"Read our new advertisements thin week! Mr. Rod. Campbell mmuunccs a large new Stock of Book: Mid Show, fur spring wear, which he is selling clump. Mr. Henry Folliutt, of Bolsovei', gives the pvt-ple- oflthis m-iglilwurlmod to understand Shut. he intends to fumish Lumber cheaper than any other person in Llw District. It. will [my to pcrusmuur advertising columns. Says the Boston I’Ost :â€"â€"" People who udveitisc ure smarter thnn those who don’t ; better looking, too, nine in ten. This is natural, if not logiCnI. Advertising is un indication of ill-9r""i~ gence, is one of the lending elements of good looks. At all events, the'world believes in those who advertise, sud it plants its dollzus in their pockets. Such ‘ are live peeple, and in these live days nobody wnnts anything to do with any but your live men and women. Our advice to everybody-~excopt in matri- monyâ€"is to advertise. It is sure to return largely. increase your reputation as a. a business man, make hosts of friends, riid add to the number of shrewd and sensible people in the world of which there has never yet been (“I Qi'emorJ‘. “CAI. MATTERS. tllodiet church, Hartley, on Monday evening last, resulted in a decided suc- cess, about two hundred being present. Several Rev. Speakers were present and delivered very pleasing addresses. The ladies of the cungwgutiun deserve grout. credit. for the manner in which they provided and served the tea. The \Voodville Brass Band were present. and helped to make the evening plea- sant. Brace up !â€"“ Brace up !" “he like that slung phrase. \Ve like it because there’s lots of soul in it. You never know a mean, stingy, shrivel-souled man to walk up to a discouraged or afflicted neighbor and slap him on the shoulder and tell him to “ brace up" It is the hig~hearted, open-handed, whole~souled fellow that comes along when you are cast down and squares of? in front at you and tells you “that won’t do, old fellowâ€"“brace up l" It ‘ is llu that tells you a good story and makes you laugh in spite of yourself; and lifts the curtain that darkens your soul and tells you to look out and see the light. It is he that reminds you that there never was a brilliant sunset without clouds. He may not tell you in so many and such words, but he will make you “ brace up†and see the sil- ver for yourself. MARRIED. 0n the 5th inst... at the residence of the brides father by Rev. J. A. Jewell, B. A., Frances Baby, of Maripou, to Miss Lucy L. Hale, of the same place. ‘01} the 14th me, a} the Methodist nonnge, \Voodville. by the Rev. J. A. J B. A., Jesse Christia'n, of Fenelon, to Barbara. Laidly, of the same place. BIRTHS. On the 17th inst. the wife of Mr. H Millan, of a son. On the 16th inst, the wife of Mr. Neil], of a. daughter. DIED. At Orillia. on Tuesday 18th inst, M ion F. youngest dmulucr of Mr. J. Henderson, aged 13 years and 5 months. OTICE is hereby given that the under- N signcdlmve (lluflulVed partnership by mutual consent. Henry Folllett will hence- forth carry on the business, collect all ac- counts, and pay all liabilities of the old ï¬rm Dated this 15th day of Feb. 1879. 100__AC.RES. 00 AU £th LOT 15. Con. 1 nldun,25 acres cleared good house and stable on the premises. Apply on the premises. \VM. M U LLEY. lin West San Lot 21. 5th “3-: 85 Acres cleared and in gnod state of cul- tivatiun. 30 acres fall plowed. A decided bargain will be given as owner intends to retire: from farming on account of ill health. For further particulsrs apply personally or by letter to DUNCAN CABMICHAEL. Or to Eldnn Statinn. DONALD B. CARMICHAEL. 114-6m Teacher, “‘oodville. FARM To RENT ! AME into the remises of the subscri- / her, but 4. in trio |5th ('an. Maripnsa. in December last, A RAM LAMB. Owner can have it. by proving property and paving expenses. D. ANNAS. \Yondville, Feb. 4th, 1879. 3 NOTICE- LL parties indebted to 'tho estate of 1“ David Sidey, lnunlxent. are herclly numiml that all accounts not pnicl to -. mlrc- w Morrison, \Vnotlville, by February 24th will \Vnodvi‘le, Feb. 5th. 1879. Insurance Company ! Vet Asseu, - (.uvcrnmeut Depouit XSURES nothing but Farm Property and l _ private reddenccs. It not only pays all I lusses I) lire, but for damage done by Light- nin . w ether tire ensues or not. It pays for ‘live atopk killed by Lightning anywhere an the (arm. ‘ umxicimt. FIRE AND 1.1M: 1315;: ANUE. AGENT. ‘: placod'iu Court. 911m: gantrï¬semtnm. WATERTUWN Signed Mono? $0 Man at Lowest Rates. FOR SALE. ASTRAX . “ Brace up !"A \_Ve like NOTICE: FOTHERINGHAM, at Tm: A mun-nu 0mm. \_\ OODVILL'E. OX'I‘. AGRICULTURAL J. \V. FOLLIOTT. HENRY FOLLIOTT. \V M. 110881 N S NORTH HALF Ofï¬cial Assignee. '. H. Mc- ;.::;\5l CENTS IN THE $ Eldon. 115-3 CHEAP HARDWARE. \, Fall and Winter Dry @eeds, Call and inspect his New Stock of general Groceries. Great in- ducements For Cash. McLEOD‘S NEW BAKERY, NEW CAKES CONFECTIONERY The BEST 50 cent TEA in town. TRY IT. “-1â€"“ Boots and Shoes at your own prices. Being about to commence the Photographic business m w a ter Monday next, the public in general that nu an all kinds of Photographic work, at his New Gallery, WOODVILLE . In the 060; may occupied by Tm: Amount, Enlarging and copying old picture. I specialty. Call and gee him . C. GILCHRIST Has on hand a aylemlid assortment of now STORE Is " SMALL PROFITS.†IS NOW IN FULL BLAST. DAVID SIDEY’S ARCH. CAMPBELL. Is selling at 6560mm the if Northern Hotel," MCFADYEN. A FULL STOCK OF No business U1. In WOODVILLE. would intimate to next, he will be prepared to execute Call 39d gee him. Charge: moderate =| oUR PREMIUMS: Y0 UR CHOICE. | Two Great Offerj We will pay Agents Salary of CNN)“ mouth and oxpouses, on allow a largo on mission to sell our new and wonderful ventiuus. We mm" what we my Snm' {reel Address. SHERMAN 00., M shall, Michigan. '1‘ HI RTY-FOURTH Y EA H.‘ Only $3.20 at year, including Postage \Vcokly. 52 numbers a ycul. 4,000 hook pugvs. ‘ ‘ Tm: Summit-1c Auuuumx in large Fin. Class \chkly vaspnpur of Sixteen Page: rintml in the most bountiful style, profuse] cl!u.-!m(rd with altlmuligl. elayrulzilfqa, repregeni ing the nun’cst Invention and the 11-1056 1 cuntAdvnnccs in the Arts and Sciences ;: eluding New and Interesting Facts in A culture, Horticulture. the Home, He ‘ 'l‘h ~ must valuablo practical papers, by. e incnt. writers in all departments of Scien will bu found in the Scientiï¬c; §m9ri9§n ; 'l‘crms, $3.201wr year, 8160 half yol which includes postage. Dicount to A Single copies tcu centr. Sold by all 0‘! dealers. Rclnitby )ostal order toMunz 00., l‘ublishurs, 37 ’ark l‘iow. New_ Y0! Scientiï¬c Americanr 1n connectionwit P ATE NTSI the Scientiï¬oAm icmi. Masai-.3 Muss CO are experienoi and now have thu lar goat establishmenti in the world. Patents are obtained on [a best terms. A special notice is made in Scientiï¬c American of all Inwutiona pate!) ed throng, vh this A gency, with the name an residence of the l’ateuteo. By the immen circulation thus given, public attention directed to the merits of the new patents! sales or introductiox} often_ easily offgoh Any person who has made a new dilco cry or invention, can ascertain, free of chat whether a. patort can probably be obtain! by writing to the undersigned. We Ii send 1m: our Hand Book about the Pate Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marlin, th costs, and how procured, with hints 1 roeuring advances on inventions. Adm ibr the 1’: per. or concerning Patents, ' for the 1’: per. or concerning Patents, MCNN 00., 37 Park Row, Na“ Ya Branch Oklice, Cor. F 7th Sts., \Vas‘tington Db This publication is widely known, he? beenliel'orc the reading world forty yea and occupying a. place in literature exclul ly its own, viz. :tho study of HUMA NATUhE in all its phases, including Pl nology, Pliysiognouiy, Ethnology. 8150.. gctlrer with the “ SCIENCE OF Hmurnfrl no cxpencc will be spared to make it' best pnbiication for general circnllt tending always .to make men beth phyli ly, mentally, and morally. latâ€"THE I’HRENOLOGICAL BU! This is made of Plaster of Paris, and no ‘1 tcrul as to show the exact location of e†of the Phrcuological Organs. The head nearly life-size and very ornamental. 1 until recently has sold for $2.00. This.‘ the Illustrated key which accompanies e lust. and the series of articles now b1 publis-wul in the Journal on “ Brain .lliml.†will enable the render to bacon successful student of Human Nature, ‘Zml. â€"A NE W BOOB PREMIUM lmnumnrg or, Vmietieftl of _Phy1 (jolllsti‘t1lnii‘glllw 3:1, .Slvzlli,'"(Eoinroï¬srideirédi in; relation to Mental Character and P11 All‘airs of Lifc. $1.50.. A new Work ; the only one on the ml)! of temperaments now belore'ztho public, 1 treats of this important subject i a in comprehensive manner. showing its bend} on marriage, education and training2 children, occupation. health and dineuaw The book contains almiit 250 pages, and portraits mnl other illustrations; in In Homely printed and bound in extra ‘ muslin, nncl can not be procured at least $l . 5|) rctailcxccpt when taken as a Premi} TER .\lS.â€" The Journal 13 now pub] 31. $2.00 a your (having been reduce! 33.0", for 878), Bin 11: N03,, 200. 25c Lm must, be rcceivct with each minor to [my postage (m the JOURNAL and t1 pcnsc of hoxiug and packing the But. will then he sent by express ; or No. small lmst nr the Premium Book, ‘ will he sent by mnil. past-paid. Ehrenological Journal" AND SCIENCE OF HEALTH. AGENTS WANTED. Send 10 cents Specinum Number and Terms. 8. R. WELLS 81. 00., Publishers. 737 Broadway, New Y¢ SUBSCRIBE FOR THE AD‘ GATE ONLY 81 PER ANN] IF PAID IN ADVANCE. Obtained for Inventors. in the Uniï¬ed Canada and Enropemt reduced rate; our principal oiï¬co is located in Wash: (1 rcctly opposite the United States I L- -II u IVL\-.' Vl-l.‘.~_. - NHL-o We are able to attend to all Pa induces with greater promptnesa and patch and less cost, than other potent a1 neys, who Me at 0. distance from “fad: ton, and who have, therefore, to em “ associate attornevsï¬". We make preli unguuuuu n--.†my examinations and furnish opiniéns II patenta- ility, free of charge, ï¬nd all who interested in new inventions and Patent! invited to send for n copy of our “ fluid obtaining l’ntcnts," which is lentfreo ‘ address, and contains 00me inatmci how to obtain Patents, and ofller Vgln matter. \Ve refer to the German-Ame! Noï¬'ï¬nnl Bank, Washington, D. 0.; toynl Swedish, Nnrwegmn, and BMW!" Minna. nt \Vnnhingtnn; flan. June 11 CI late Chief Justice l’. H Cnurt of ‘ldm; thv oflicinlu of the U. 8. Patent Ofï¬ce, ‘ IC-_‘-L.‘_.. A! lbw-ma- Ian. v ........... _ to Senators and Members of Congrats every State. Amman LOUIS BAGGER an 00.. hrs of Patents and Attorneys at L mun Buidins. Wuuwow". 0. C. PATENTS To Subscribe to the.