I Carelessness.â€"-Wc havo fruqnnntly noticed of lam the Carelessnosu with which drivers; loam thir (minis stand- ing on the strvcts, without tying (hum, \Vllflt might have rvsultml in a vm'y serious accident UCCIH'H‘li li'ht “70‘1â€ng day evening. A loam left, standing nnr tied in front of Mitchell’s store, mul. dimly thrtml m‘i'in the «lirocliun of the Railway Station. \thn nearly 0mm- sim Mr. Biuk'n rusidenw they nvm'tnuk a cutter containing u huly and gunths. man, and (hmhwl into it consiilm-nhly mnnhing ihe cutter. The tongun of the runaway cultur struck the ladv on the hack, hut fnrtnnatoly she received nothing moro serious than a few bruises. Now, ifjustim were clone the parties owning the team should he made to pay for tho damage, and pexhups in future they would he more careful about. tho mmner in which they leave their horses landing on the streets, ‘ AchdO'II. â€"â€"()II 'IIIny morning IIN a “(Mo (IIIIIgIIIIII of \II. 1:11I1IIIII, IIIIIIIIIII agent, Nipissing I.I..II|III:I_v, met with II very painful acciIIIIIII. It. Il])lII'2H‘?II III: II Mr. Adams went out I‘m SIIIIIIIIIIIIIr and III IIIII :IIIscIIcII, III1I cIIIII IvaIIrr seen II1II father IiIIIII the ï¬le with shaw- ings, CIIIIIIIIIIIICIIII lllltlill" somn that were left (III the flour III the stove UV some IIIIIuns the [ho caught her IIIgIII dream, and IMPfINC. :I: sixtnnce (IIuIIII sIIII Was bIIIII\' IIIIIIIIIII (III the III "I, right side and mm. I'M)IllllI\I.1'.I_V MI'.A1IIImsI was cImn (It hand m- the Iesult IIIi-rlIt have been mmc serious. Magistrates’ Court.~nofme W. A Silverwoud. J.l'., and H. Fulliott, J.P., on Mnmlny last, at (he " Queen's (In- tel," \Voodvillu. Lucy Young m, I) \V. Mc ’me, assault. ; «In-foamlnnt 1inml :3 and costs. Lucy Young vs. Julm (.‘aw anngh, assault, and damage to lul'ulu'l't)‘; charge withdrawn, Complainant w [my costs. Lucy Young w. I). \V. Molt-w, Jolm (,‘M’nnugh, Julm Merry uml Julm Harrig:m,-uxing grossly insulting, ln-n- ramp mud alumivu Imuunge; chm-gr against ()M’mmgh withdrawn, uml Um rout dismissed “in. costs. Resumed Business;â€"~We are pleased to notice that 'Mr. G. \V. Stoiltlart. lmu resumml buqiness in his old stand. llis stock 0! Fuinitiwc is complete, and will well repay the trouble of a visit to those about. starting housekeeping. Mr. Stonau-l. "nan-s special inducements, as well as u first-clings Mock from which tn chose. Eveiything required in the. un- dertaking line constantly kept in stock. His pricos will he fonml veiy moderate and buyers ‘will do well to give him at call. \Vill open at Sherman's next Week a In 0 And We“ selected stock of Stationary, which will be sold cheap. Call and examine. The Rev. Mr. Scott, of Cambray, oc~ cupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church, last Sabbath. JOHN JAMIESON has just received a ï¬ne Selection of Scotch and English Tweeds. Call and see them. The thermometer registered 14° hen low zero on Friday morning last. A fresh stock of Bacon and Dried Apples, cheap, at Jag. A. Mitchell Co’s. Township Counc‘I met on Thursday last, the minutes will be found in mm» ther Column. There Was a huge attendance at the Methodist Chunch, Inst. Sabbath even- ing. ANYTHING in the way of Stationery can be had at Gunn Bros’. Police Commissioners met on Thurs». day last. Lent began yesterday. Beaverton races, yesterday. More snow and anothel blockade. A FINE mange of Coatings, at Jamieu son' a. SEE J amieson’s Trousering, decidedly very low. ’ P. S.â€"â€"Accounts are now ready and as We want money. parties interested are request- ed to call and settle forthwith. A. C. C. 6:. Co. Our Mr. (,‘xunphell has returned from Montreal, where he made Special purchases of general Dry Goods, Clan 'l'artan Dress Goods, e.. together with a choice lot of Fruits and General Groceries, which buyers should inspect before purchasing, as hard pun prices will he quoted for cash. The subscribers while grawtul tn a dis- cerniu ' public fur the liberal patronage bc- stow on them in the peat. beg to announce that on and after the that day of January, 1819, their hooks will be closed and positive. ly no credit givunâ€"cxcepting as per special arrangmnentwbelieving that the true Nation- al l’oliey Consists in the adaption and car- i-y'ing out. by individuals of the “ Pay as you no" system. Having tried the credit system to our hearts' content, We pruuouuce it an unmitigated evil-as it affects buyer and seller, especially the latter. Soliciting under the new regime a continu- ation of the favors so lib3rally bestowed on us in the past, and wishing our numoruus friends and patrom. in spite of the hard times a “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,†We rumain, A. C. CAMPBELL é Co. WA Amv\AMM W, Woodville, Dec. 18th. 1678: £3. 6 6umpbrll 8: 6o. THE CASH SYSTEM. 1.60M. MATTERâ€. 1 UTICE is honeby given that the under- V signed have dissolved partnership by mutual consent. Henry Folliott will hence- forth carry on the business, coiloct all no- connts, and pay an habilities of the old ï¬rm l"n.llt“'ho:at. Swim; \that, Barley. Oats, . . ‘7} Signed. in \\':'m«lrille, nhmlc the lat of December, 1878, A RBI) AND “'Hl'l'l'} l'cas Egun, Pork, Hay. l'UCILUNES, “(I l (cl‘, may lflkt' it without the least difficulty, as it stzcngthcm the stomach and digestive or- gans. and seldom n-quiro more .than one or twn lmitlcu to effect a decided beneï¬t. as it contains nothing injurious to the most deli- cnto constitution. lmncmber to nsk for the “Quinine Wine prepared by Nnrthrop 8: Lyman, 'l‘uruutn." and we are sure ym will lw satisï¬ed that you have full value for your money. gar-901d by all Medicine Dealers. vaamns. do you wish to gather flesh, to aequire an appetite, to enjoy a. regular habit of body, to o )tllin refreshing sleep, to feel and know that every fibre and tissue of your system is being braced and renovated 1’ If so. connneuce at once and use the Quinine M'ine prepared by Northrop Lyman, of Turninto, and in a. short time you will feel the whole system invigorated and strength- ened. It is a well-known tact that Quinine has been acknowledged by the medical fac- ult for many years as the best uppetizen am tonic known And for general (lebility this combination will be found superior to all other preparations. And combined as it is with lim sh 'rry wine and choice aromatics. it is made an agreeable and pleasant invigop ntor to the whole system. The properties of Quinfne are a fehrifuge tonic and antiper~ i0 lic. Small (loses, frequently repeated, strengthen the pillar-.inm'mme muacular force. and invit-orate the tone of the nervous sy- atem. The pecnliar operation of this medi. cine in general debility and as an appetizer, lulu undergone long and close observation, and it is believed it will never fail. if pro. perly and judiciously administered, unlnss other diseases predominate of a different character. l’vrsonq of weak constitution Parties getting their Auction Bills printed at this olï¬cc will be entitled to n free .notice in Tu E A nvm-A'nz. THURSDAY, Fran. 27tlnâ€"Thc Farm Stock and Implements of M r. Stephen T. Evans. Lot 3, llth Com, Eldon. A. Campbell, Auctioneer. PAY UP ! PAY ['1’ !â€"As we are closing our books, all parting indebted to us will save casts by callin; immediately and settling their accounts.â€"â€"Jas. A. Mitchell Co's DEAR Sueâ€"Nothing short of my death and burial, with or without Masonic honors, could possibly excuse my seeming disgrace- ful conduct in not fulï¬lling my matrimonial engagement, according to announcement in your columns of three weeks ago , but as the “ best laid schemes of mice and men gang aft aglee,†my case was no exception to the rule. The bride was not prepared for the coming of the bridegroom, and as it gen- erally requires two to make a bargain the fault does not lie with me but with my afli- anced Dulcina, who wishes to postpone the affair for an indeï¬nite )eriod, nCVer think- ing for a moment that (lelays are dangerous. And now, Mr. Editor, by the great gun of Athlone, the next time you publish my me.â€" trimonial intentions in your paper I will not disappoint yuur readers if I marry the ï¬rst farmer’s daughter I meet, so that for the future the thing will not depend upon the caprice of any high-toned village coquette who fails to see that “ an honest man is the noblest work of God," notwithstanding he carries Her Majesty’s mail to the Nipissinz station, and ileliVers express parcels round town. Hoping, Mr. Editor, you Will give this room in your valuable columns, I beg to remain, very truly yours, ‘ How to Save Money.â€"-Township Councils, Agricultural and othel Socie- ties, men-chants and the general public oun save from 10 to 25 per cent by getting their printing done at TIL" ADVOCATE otlicc. We are glad to hear that Messrs. McMillan McLeod and Mr. G.’ \V. Stoddm-t have ticled over their business diflicultics and have resumed trade. Snake bracelets, winding several times around the arm, and having jew~ oiled eyes, are among the late novelties in jewellery and ornaments. A Fact Iâ€"For cash you can gel. bet» ter_ value for your money at Tue ADs VOCATE uï¬ice, tlmn at any other Print- ing Establishment in the County. ANYTHING jn the way of Stationery can be had at Gunn Bros’. A large assortment of Staple md Fancy Dry Guuds arriving at Jus.A.Mitcholl a; ()0 a To the Editor or‘ Tm: Anvocu’x : Wm )1)\']LH". FA R M Eltb" MARKE'J NOTICE. Spotted Heifer Calf. AMEill_fn_th_g_pr9.u{i§es pf Hm under- 23cm mlrcrusemcnm. .vuv\ \~ ‘V V nrx~v ASTRA Y. :ned J. w. FOLLIOT'I‘. > HENRY FOLLIOT'I‘. 15th day of Feb. 1879. AUCTION SALES. PETER CLIFFOR I). 0 75 t0 0 00 to I) 50 to O ‘25 to 0 00 t0 If) to 3 50 to 4 (M 7 00 to 9 00 40 to 0 "U 10 Roll 13 0 82 0 77 H 70 0 (H) 0 00 NEW CAKES CONFECTIDNERY The BEST 50 cent TEA in town. TRY IT. MGLEQD‘S NEW BAKERY, Call and ins act his New Stock of general rocerics. Great in- " ducements For Cash. ALARGE STOCK OF GROCERIES, “When ï¬lm Ship Games mea†“N aï¬mml Policy’ - , CROCKERY CHEAP FQR CASH ARCH. CAIWPBELL. Fall and Wmm 331’? Gagds, CHEAP HARDWARE. SUBSCRIBE NOW AND SECURE THE OPENING CHAPTERS. A GRAND NEW STORV! Boots and Shoes at your own prices. WOO DVILLE STORE. C. GELEHRIST IS NOW IN FULL (BLAST; Is " SMALL PROFITS.†TO BE COMMENCED NEXT WEEK DAVID SI DEY’S I!" on [and n sylcndid assortment of now -â€"-«â€"-A FULL STOCK 0P“ Is selling at ENTITLED -‘ Addmss: LOUIS BAGGER 00.. 80] tors of Patents and Attanu-ys 'nt LAW. Omit Buidjng, Warm-mos, D, C, . Obtained for Inventors, in the United 3 ' Canada and Enmpemt reduced rates ; our principal ofï¬ce is located in VVMhin , dt'rectly opposite the United States Pat Olï¬oe' We are ohlu to ntteml to all P“ Business with greater prmnptncaa and d pntch and less cost, than other patent I“ neya, who are at a diatnnce from \Vuhfl ton, And who have, therefore. to cmpl “ (Hamish gunmen.†“/0 make prelifli ary examinations and furnish opinions a; patento ility. free of charge, and all «1104 Interested in now inventimm and Patent! invited to m-nd for a copy of our †Gold.“ obtaining l’atvnh,“ which in sent free to address, and contains cumpleto imtru how to obtain l’atonta. nnrl other volt!» matter. ‘v'o refer to tho Hermon-Amer“ National Bank, Washington, D. 0.; I Royal Swatliah, Nurwaglm‘. and Danish IA ntionn. at “'avhiugtnn; Hon. Juno )h Om law (,‘hivf Jnxmmz l7. 8 Court of lining}! the ofï¬cials of the U. 3. Patent Ofï¬ce, I to Senators and Members of Cong-m {11 every State. . ' If you want-yummy to buy more land pay of! a murtgage or other debts, we we advise you to an: the reduced berm! of Canada Permanent [man and Savings 0 puny. which hmv made mure loans to fan! for the 133?. twenty-three yearn thanï¬ other You can get any time you wam repa , up 1,020 years, The In)! amoum the mm is advanced, nu deduction b4 mad" for cmnmission, puymcnts in adv. or expenccn. For further particulars apply to J JNO. 0. G1 LCHRI‘ F Cmnuingtan, will be at tho “I . House," \Voodflllc, EVERY ‘ NESDAY afï¬x-"mun and SATURDAY noon, and will In: prepared to do every in his line. Now is the tinic to get a job done. TO BE COMMENCED NEXT Shaving and Hair-Butt E‘When the Shj Comes Home’ "The Advocate GENERAL FUN“. AND LIFE 1 ANCE. AGENT. G. B. FOTHERINGHA‘ NSURES nothing but Farm Pro] private residences. It not onl} losses by ï¬re, but for damage done niug, whether ï¬re ensues or not. for live stock killed by Lightning I on the farm. and secure the opening chaptsl of our NEW STOR Net Assets, ~ Government Deposit: Insurance Compan: shall, M ushigan: AME into the naming of the out her, Lot 4, in tin: 15th Con. Mari] in December last, A RAM LAMB. 0‘ can have it by proving property and pa expenses. \Voodvillc, Feb. 4th, 1879. AGENTS READ We will pay Agents 3 Salary of 810 month and expenses, 0) allow a large mission to sell our new and wonder! ventions. We mmn what we say 8: free. Address, SHERMAN . 00., -L-“ ILHIJ,“ _ West Half Lot 21, 5th 0021., 31‘ 100 AC HER 583'â€:sz 1 Ehhï¬lï¬‚ï¬ amps clcnrml good lumen and on t c premises. Apply on the promi liu FARM TO REN Money ta Luau at Lowest 39.1 WATERTOW PATENTS FOR SALE.‘ IV. A “171511603711, Gun for Hard. Timon. ASTRAY. at Tm: A DVOCATIS Ofï¬ce. WOODVI LLE. SUBSCRIBE FOR AGRICULTURAL -~â€" ENTITLEDâ€"- WM. M UL! EY. D. ANNA. $1.1 . 31‘