It. Henooon'r moved for on Order oi the Home tor e return ehowing the eggregete ; Ieee reached by eech Judge of the County i Court inthie province in connection with hie dutiee ee Judge of the Burrogete Oourt . lathe yeere 1878 end 1879. He pointed out, ‘ lhetln thie country the principle wee ed- llltted thet judgee ehould not bepeid by bee. yet there wee prelent the enomely ol the County Judges receiving face for eervlcee ‘ under the Surrogete Court. - He did not met 0! the judgee’ eeleriee. ior whether they were or were not eufliclent had nothing to do e with thle one. He believed thet in come eontiee the iudgee received on much ee 01.000 eyeer under the Burrogete Court Act. lldheheld thet it would be well. if necee» eery. even to odd to the eeleriee in order to eholieh there lace. The motion peeled. (IO-01’1“?!" AIIOCIA'HONle Ir. Mower moved the eecond reeding oi . the Bill tor the relic! of cooperative eeeo Mae. ‘ In doing It) he egein expleined that the Bill propoeed to extend the limit oi the reetrlctlon ee to the emount oi etoeh one "eon on hold. iron: 0400 to 81.000. It the propon to ellow en euocletlon to pur ,hege on mortaege property in which to do oononu' non-In. Inflow“. in no 3 the uoond ï¬nding .1 AL- nun A- A , cl the Bill to note iurther provirlone lccpccting Ooronere' Inqueetc, cxplcined thnt according to the exieting lcw inqucetl were to in conï¬ned to core: where. lrom inlonnction mired by the coroner. there is reuon ior 'bcllcving thot the deceued curne to hie deeth by other Incene then through mere cccident or Ikchluce, but thnt provirion wu Ioncwhnt Indoctln in the opention ol the low. The object of the preeent Bill was. therefore. to ' dye elect to that provision by requiring , coroner. to mute on eï¬idevit in it- terme F More holding on luqnert. In the leu eettled giletrictc. however, it might be neceucry for gccrcnerc to hold lnqueltl without inching * Inch c dcclmtion. end this Bill providedthnt W n County Attorney, or, in the dletrlcte tic! III-hob, Perry Bound, Thunder Bay cud (Inducing. n Itipendlery mnglrtrete, cpplied ilnr In inqueet in writing, the coroner wee Illicvcd tron: making my eueh Iï¬idnit. . it “'u further propoud that n coroner ehould ‘ c cirnilcr declcrction with regcrd to t modem exeminetlone. The Bill woe rend i Iccond time. It. mum‘s-u thought u provision should In t in tho Bill to svold such on inJustioo I ma: A short time ago on mooistion in Inndon bought good. irom o whoiosnlo mor- Olllnt ï¬nd psid for than: ovary Bnturdoy night. On one ooosnion tho indobtodnoss I'm up to 01.000; and thou the association blind to pay. The manhunt sued, but the Motion. invoking the olouso nquiring that all urohslos should ho for onh. tho Outta! ommon Pins decided usinst the "about. who lost his 81,000. Bnoh on In utioo a thin should he provided ogninst. Bill us usd tho second timo. Ir. lion! eeid it wee not the intention oi Ibo Govemment during the present eeeaion to introduce en emondment to the Eleetion lieu in the direction indioeted. He did not think it wee expedient to amend the Election Iaew hon: net to you. It might be proper h tho iut union to no whether eome Ileeinl mendmonte might not be introduced. ht until then he thought they hed better loatpone eny iegieletion on thie eubjeot. amn mane. It. Miran." moved iox en order for e Mun-honing the eoet oi Grend Jutiee ior tho yeere 1876 end 1877 ree peotively in each ol the eonntiee in Onterio.â€"Oerried. noun wne'r nounnnr. Hr. Youno moved (or en cddreu to Ill. Lieutenant-Governor. praying thet he mull canoe to be ldd betore, the House any pepcre or correspondence which any Inn peeled between the Government cl the Province end thet of the Domin- h in regud to the conflrmetion of the Imd o! the erbltretore in reference to the northwest hounderiee of the rovlnee. To oorpox mpnny- poem: 1 m can boon. The Hon-0* tho [0110! o in In the In mom Mm. Jun. 19.â€"â€"Mr. Spent" took the an: M tbm o'clock. Tho lollowlng pomlonl were presented : BK Hr. Gibson (Hnmuton)â€"From the loot Blmooo Ronny Company. for n AM to conï¬rm n In“ 0! molt line :0 th: Noflhorn â€I. o! Gin-do. m. Alsoâ€"Ftom the 0M «torn Bunny Oompnny. um Act: W (or by the burnan (Jenn-11min†not pun. Alto-From tho ulna. Shot m .991th {or by tho You Stanley. 8mm. :01 a Pox: Funh Bunny Oompmy any lot I. Also-From “no “mo. thnt an Act lot by the Eric J; Huron Railway puny any not pan. 8: Hr. Mandalaâ€"From the Dominion Gun... {0: n nduotion o! the ptuont Public Ochoa! autumn†"onion. “0’10! “V. II. Am! nukod i! It in tho Intention of I» Govoxnnunt during tho present tension .0 Introduce on mondmont to tho Elootlon LII. lo .0 to ohonao tho mod. olmuhlng the ballot . or to ouimuato the tom 0! bullot lud'nt tho Ontulo election: to thou mod It! Dominion oleotlonl. ‘ n: nxemxone. He. Ibum’m eeked when the Bill leepeetlng tex exemptione would be intro- heed? Ir. flownâ€"In two or three deye. ‘ Mme edjourned et 4.10. o. J en. 20.â€"-'1'he Speeker took the Ihetr et three o'clock. - ‘ lhe following petitione were preeented: g Ir. Betterâ€"From the County Oonnell I end. {or eld to pereone who me: in menuleetnrlng beet root Inger. . Amy-From W. F. Orr end othere, the lnenorporetlon o! the " Floe Lumber y. Imollowlng Blue were Introduced end ml the tint tlme: . To eo rete the Senlt Bte. Merle Bell- Oï¬pmâ€"Mr. Lyon. peetln the Sletere of St. Joeeph ol the Oetme Dlooeee o! Hemlitonâ€"Mr. been. The Home went lnto Committee on the Bill the reliel ol eonperetlve mroeletlone, Mr. ter in the ehelr. The Bill wee reported t emendment. m NDIO'ATUII Inn!“ ‘23:. lower. on rtelna to move the mood at the Jndleetnte Blll, preenmed thet melee!†9n thle BU] would he ln "WITH PARLIAMEIYâ€"FIMT SESSION. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. to In «Imus. Md thud obhia: Eliot: coon! wnan’ nu. Mr. Ouon toldâ€"J! hto rogulotlon woro oonlod out oooh book would boot on Imprint. ohowlng thot it woo outhoflnod oud tho prtoo ot whloh It woo to ho oold. Now thot hlo ottontlon hod boon oollod to tho omount ot huoinou onorgy dloployod by tho publllhon It would ho nooonory to: him to ohow o co!- roopouding oplrlt in tho notion ot tho Dopott- mont. Htthorto ho hod boon rolylng upon tho honor of tho publlohoro to com out tho rogulotlono lmpoood. but It nooouory ho would ovon ho proporod to hovo tho Dopott- montol otomp upon oooh copy 0! our, hook iuuod. (Ohooro ond louahtor.) But tho onumout on to tho odvontoao to tho publlohor ot tho outhotlntlon ol hooh might ho puohod too for. Tho tondonoy ot tooohoro who won thoroughly ooguolntoq _ with thou- dutloo Mr. Miamiâ€"Ara “in prices to be chimed [or book. ï¬xed 2 u aometlmu u higher prio- II 931::de thun It others. Mr. Grnrou (Huron) moved tor ereturn iron the Treeeurer o! the Agriculture] and Arte Aeeooietion giving e deteiled etetement of lte income end expenditure tor the yeere 1878 end 1879. He eeid hie object wee to obtein e tuner etetement then wee contelned In the pepere ueuelly preeented to the Home. The Income from the Exhibition held et Toronto in 1878 wee 823,000. to which wee edded 010.000 grented by the Government. making e totel of 833.000. 0! thet emount about 814,000 had been expended in prince, thue leaving I belenoe o! ebout 819.000, end the expenditure of thle eum the Home end the country ehould know more ebout, eo thet they might eee whether they were getting velue tor their money. He obeerved thet et London. nemtlten. Guelph end Toronto elmoet ee good Exhibitione ee the Provlnelnl were held. Home of the money received in 1878 wee peid to the city on eccount of the buildinge thet were put up. The motion wee carried. The Home edjourned et 5.10. Tonon'ro, Jen. 21.â€"The Specter took the ehelr It three o’clock. ‘Mterroutlne. Mt. Ceooxs soid this motion woe oppor- tune. as o good desl oi light hsd reeontly been thrown upon the subject by the rival pub- lishers themselves. As he hod ototed In his letter to the publishers. he hod been ondso- voring to select meteriel whieh would eneble him to consider the question whether the time hod not onived when the prices might be toduesd without interierlng with the legitimate proï¬ts oi publishers. The question oi eheop end good books woe one oi the diiil eult questions which hod demended his ottentton when he first took chemo oi the Erlueetlgn Deportment. ' The known Gunu. moved the third reading oi his Bill lot the relic! oi oo- oponu'vo unooinilonl. which w“ uniod guild» sheen. being the lint Bill of the nylon puugl‘ihiongh Ill iii-incl. Mr. Cnoon introdnold 3 Bill to nmond the Agriculture and Art. Act. The objoot of the Bill. he uld. wu to tun-tor lho control 0! "10h inultntlonl u Agricultunl and A" Aamolulonl Ind Mechanic Inatllullonl Item the Tron-urn“- Dopntmont to the Doput rant 0! Eduonlon. The Bill wu rend 3 ï¬rst “m.o ' In reply to Mr. Hereourt. Mr. Mower eeid it wee the intention oi the Government to print end ley beiore the Home the returne, required by the Act oi leet union, irom eheriï¬e. ee to their ineomee. 1'8. 00“ 0’ IOHOOL 3003'. Mr. Burn moved (or on order or the Home ior ereturn giving the neuron oi eli hooke euthorized by the Mlnieter oi Eduee tlon; for use in the puhllo eehoole oi the province; the number ei oopyrlghte held by the Government. end the number held by private individuele. together with the nemee oi the publlehere; eieo the prloe oi eueh booke to the public. He introduced hie motion beeeuee it wee reported thet eohool hoohe were ier more expenelve then they would be ii the Depertment held the copy- right. He would like to know whether the Depertment could. by any meene. eeoure e reduction in the price oi booke. Mr. Pennaâ€"The Government hope to be eble toopen eome. it not ell, oi the townships econ efter the end of the eeeeion. “RICHIE!!! FUND. Mr. He! moved for ereturn of any pepere end correepondence which mey have passed between the Provinciel end Dominion euthorltiee in veepect to the peyment by the letter of the improvement fund eocrning on eehooliend eelee end due under the Quebec Awerd, end eleo in respect to the peyment ol the improvement land the on eccount ol nice of Crown lende mede between 14th June. 1853, end 6th Merch, 1861. end on collectione mede between 6th Merch, 1861. end let July, 1867. It wee now over e yeer eince the ewerd ol the Commissionere on thie metter hed been conï¬rmed. Under thet ewerd. there wee due to thie province on eccount 01 school lende 8124.785, end on account 0! Crown lende 8101.771. meking eltogether $226,456. The mnniolpelitlee entitled to receive this money were. ol conree, enxioue to get it ee coon ee poeeible.â€" Denied. Mr. Mm.“ ukod when will the Township of Sinclair. in lho Dlltrlot o! Munich, und tho Townships ol Bethune. Proudloot. Joly, hurl“. Him-worth, Nlplulng. Maohu. throng. Loam, Prinalo. Patterson. Rudy, Millo.Foxry, McKenzie, Wilton, MoKonkey, Blair, Brown, Burton. Burpee. Showing: Ind Human, in the Dlltrlot of Party Bound. In oponed tor loenlon under the Free Grants and Romuluds Act 0! 1868 7 Mr. Fun: laid he ind no objection to iho uoond tending o! the Bill. with the under- Iunding tbu tho Home did not commit in." to ony principle in the Bill. With ihil nndorumding the Bill wu mod n ‘Ieoond Alto: tome dltonuion Ibont the propriety 0! so soon reading 3 Bill which had only unhad noun 0! .tho mombou the previous do), it no read 3 uoond time. BAIL“! AWDII'I‘I. Mr. 000: moved tho uoond ruling of his Bill to Amend tho general Runny Anti. Ho exploinod thtt it provided tint tho irogl oi nilwoy tuck: should be ï¬lled up, And tint switch". inltood of being thrown thro- inche- oport, should be thrown nix inohu spat. l0 tint o pcuon'l loot might not be cons ht in them. Then proviatonl. ho believed. would gmtly tend to diminish the lou oi ill. on nil"; inch. (on. bono one» In furthor delving in «com! nudlng. In Oommlmo he would am .ho Honu my Inflow-non mo: dulud on tho vuloun chum at tho Billâ€"how to: may cone-pond“ with "10 English Jealou- turn Lomund how In they dnfluod (tom mom. . AGIIOUL'IURLL “D “II Aucmnon. “in blukboud vary hm], IIII emu. Mr. Oeecmeu eeid thet even under the preeont etete oi the iew no medieei men oi ihigh etending oered to teke the oiliee oi coroner. but ii the iew were ehenged en en to mete him enbmit hie hill with en edidevit etteehed to the County Attorney.end then my him. ee ii he hed been guilty at perjury. no men oi eelireepect et eii would eeoept the onioe. He wee awere thet in name eeeee, end pertlenleriy in thie elty. there hed been en uneeemiy eorembie emong the ooronere ior bneinue. The ieot thet not only medieel men but gentlemen oi the ions robe were eppointed ee eoronere night explein thie. (bennhter) II: edvooetod ee e remedy ior thie evil the eppolntlnent oi one or two eoronere in e riding. eeeh heving inriedietion within e eertein dietriet. eoronere. who were genereliy medieei men. the indignity oi enbmitting their eiiidevite to the County Orown Attorney end eeting on hie opinion ee to whether en inqueet wee neoeeeery or not. IOPPL’IIITAII DMIIACI 3! “WI. Mr. flown moved the eeeond reeding oi the Bill to mete inrther provieione reepeeting enpplelnentery drelnele by-iewe. He expieined thet itl pnrpo-e wee to remove donhte which hed erieen ee to the enthority oi the Government to pnreheee dreieege dehentnree under Inppienentery Mr. Monmou uld modiosl wiinuul hod no option in tog-rd to post mum nomin- rionr. which “my hold on the command oi tho coroner. Ii would be In loin-ii†if u modioul mon were deprived of hi: ion [or holding post mortem enminaiionl nndér mob oiroumrnnui. Mr. Dnucnn Iungontod thnt u medial man an I mlo did not “to to be mud. corona". he boliovcd I laymln Ihonld be lugnhhod with pom-n 39 hold inqnmp. Mr. Mower expleined thet et tiret it hed been intended to provide thet in oeeee where the coroner wee likewise e medloel witneee he ehould not be peid ieee ee eueh witneee nnleee hie eï¬idevit, eiterwerde to be mede, eteted thet there wee good reuon tor the holding of e port mortem exeminetion. But tram lurther ooneidereticn end eonvereetlon with gentlemen ecqueinted with each mettere. he thought it wiee_to apply it to other medioel witnreeae ee well. He eleo expleined. ee he bed beloro, thet the Bill provided thet the coroner ehonld meke eflidevit thet there wee good reeeon for believing thet deoeeeed oeme to his death by other then neturel or eoei- dentel meme. Tonax'ro. 3m. 22uâ€"Tho Bpukor took the chair at throa o‘clock. Relating :o the incorponuon o! the Village of punchyâ€"Mr. Sinolur. To {miner amend the Act incorporating the Trent Vane-y Baum] Oompunyâ€"Mr. Striker. To amend the Genet-I Acts relating to the Toromo. Grey Bruce Bunnyâ€"Mr. Moms. cononna’ mourn. The Home wen‘ Into Oommlzm on the Bill of the Attorney-Genus! to nuke {mum prggisigpn tummy; ogmpon' mqnuu. A The following Bills were introduced and road the ï¬t" “me: Mr. Murmur: waa glad to hear that there war it chance of recurring uniformity in the price oi authorized achool-boeke. Me on to not agree that the present book: were in il eaten superior to thote formerly in ueo. per- ~ticularly in the care of epoliinwhooke and readers. He gave the Mini-tor of Education every credit for what he had done in the canoe oi education, but he thought much might yet be done to cheapen tho prion: ul aehool-bookl. The motion wee carried. 1'3“ Pllflll T0 IIIOBANTL Mr. HA! moved for an order of the HomeI for a return tor the year 1879. ehowing : In The number 0! emigrant tree pereee given by the Outerio Agent at Quebec from that port to poihta o! dentinationiu Ontario, and the ‘ poiute o! destination ; alto. the names of the 'boate. and by whom owned, in which such emigranta arrived at Quebec; 2. The number 0! emigrant free pauee reiueed by the Ontario Agent at Quebec; the grounde 0t auch re. ineal ; the name 01 boat, and by whom ‘ owned. by which each emigrants arrived at Quebec; 3. The number of tenant farmers ‘ with capitol, and the supposed amount thereof. arriving and settling within the prolince in 1879. Nua.â€"Meun. Apploby. Awrey. Badgemw, Ball-utyne, Baxter. Bbhop,Blozord,Bonï¬sld, Ouoodonflook. Drydon. Fax-is. Fieldï¬mur. meunï¬ibnon (Huron).Gnhum. Harcourt. Hardy.flawloy.Hoy,Huntez-. Loidlaw. Living non. Lyon. MoOraney. McKim, Mchsughl‘n, MeMnhon.Mlllu,MowM.Murny, Nnirn. Nae- lon. Padee.Pottenon.Poxton. Poohllobinwn (Oordwofl), Robinson! (Kent). Babortoonflou, Binoloir. springer,Wotan.Watorworth,Welll. Widdiï¬ald, Wood, Young.â€"60. Alter Inï¬ll" debate, the momben were culled in. when the second reading won in: on the following division: Yumâ€"Menu. Blkfl’. Bukenillo. Bell, Bonner, Brodor. Onlvin, Oroighton, French, Hakin. Jelly, Lindon“, Lou. Mack. Meredith, Merrick. Melodie, Monk, Morgan, Martin, New, Porkhill, Richardson. Bomvoar,’1‘oole5, White. “balmâ€"26. Mr. Benn: expleined thet steps h'ed been taken by the Government to have this intern motion supplied to the municipalities, and as this rendered the measure unnecessary, he thought the mover should withdrew it. This, Mr.0reighton refused to do. but Mr. Wotan, who bed a Bill of similar import, etsted his willingness to withdraw his alter the Provlnoisl Secretary's explanation and snnonnoement. Mr. Hun)! untamed that the Ontario Gov~ ornment no longer granted any assisted pann- hgos. sad that they toward at their own upon-o tram Quebec only such immigrants as were dolinblo to introduce. He aaeonted to the production at the information dolkad. Mr. CBIIGBTOI moved the «com! reading of hie Bill to emend the License Act 30 as to require the License Oommiuionue by the end 0! J une in each you to imnieh the Council oi each municipality with a printed statement in deteil oi the teeipte and expenditure on account 0! the licence (and. u a “human to: book. He Ill. 0! «our». M liberty to «our. the but intommion b0 oould upon my subjun and input n to his pupiln. 3nd our. must be Mon ‘0 “old the dunner 0! mm mpeob being paid 10 the mthoxluuou of the Deputmont by unnu mound boon being and in the 30110010. A textbook must be ohounâ€"one 01 :howngb mom could not be produoad to order. The pun which be propcud to purana would. he believed, Iobiova bow meril and cboopneu in bho text-books. TH! LXQUOB LIOINII ACT. IIBIT RIDING.- Bronmo Non. â€" The Quetl ehootlng eooeon oloud on the that o! Jenner], and tho tevorlto Oenodlen gonzo bird ml! ho ellowod to root in poooo ond qulotneu until October next. ï¬le grootoot onomy willbo tho oold mother of tho next two monthe. 'l'hlo. however, on ho outcome In o greet mouuro by tho hindneee of “more In pet- mttttns the “No Mule to bother ebout thott borne end oooeelonetly throwing them out o mu 0! ooede. Mr. Mower-Thin ie the only dey on which the Government heve no right to go on with their hneinen, end we do not propoee to so on with om to dey. AI there in no pxiute bueineee reed, to be gone on with; I eheii, thereiore, move thet the Home edjonrn. The Home edjonrned et 8 40. The motion pauod. and “mum wu rend a uoond time. The order pupa: having been read and no prkstg gnomberjgejng [93(1th pgooeod, _ A _ ITA'IUTI â€303 III VILLIOII. Mr. Bwannow, in moving tho second tend- ing 0! his Bill to amcnd'ihc Municipal Act. cold it ind rcicroncc to ctctutc lcbor. encbllng tho Uonnciil of villcgec to make the «Inc compnlcory. Ho bud received communion “on. iromccvetal viii-soc concerning it. On motion of the Attorneyoaenerel e special committee wee eppointed to consider ell manure- ~purporting to amend the Muni- o‘pel Aet. Their nmee ere Helen. Bonlter, Bishop. Bedserow. Broder. Bell. Oelvln, Creighton. Oeeeeden. Dryden. Fro-men, Graham, Gibson (Hemilton), Gib-on (En- ron), Hardy. Harcourt. Hey. Lender. Leid- lew, Meek. Monk, Merrick, Meredith, Neirn. Bole. Robin-on (Kant), Slnolelr, Scott. Tooloy. Wetere end Wigle. The House edjoumed et ï¬ve o'clock. Tononro. Jen. 26.â€"-The Bpeeker took the choir et three o’clock. The ioliowing petitions were presented: By Mr. Nearâ€"From «ruin minute:- of Thorold, for the prohibiiion oi the 3an of liquors on Chrililnu Boy and other holiduya. By Mr. Giblon (Hmflion)â€"From the Wellington. Grey Brnoo Ruin", 00.. uglinu oerioin propoud ohnngu in the Act incorporating iho_1‘oronj_o, Grey 5; Bruce Bsiiway. The tollo'wlngâ€" Bill: were introahccd md rad I flu: “mo: Mr. Bonsai-son eeked whether it is the intention of the Government during the pre- sent session to introduce any Insecure in reierence to senitsry reiozm, end to further improve the meme at present adopted for obteining relieble vital statistics tor the pro- vince. ‘ , Mr. Mower replied in the negative. Mr. Nuns: moved for an order for it return from tho clerk-s o! the municipelitiee and county treasurers of the expenses incurred in each municipality oi the province. under the Votere' Lists Act, showing the reepective emounte paid in esch for preparing, printing, publishing, distributing sud iyiing the Votere' Lists; the number of eppeeis to the Judges’ Courtâ€"Carried. After a brief discussion Mr. thlghton'c motion to convert the ordlncry «tending committal into permanent committeec wu neg-tint! on a division. On motion of Mr. Ruby, the report oi the Hooper lnvontlgnting oommiuion III ord_ered to _l‘o brought down. To umond 3110 Act respecting the nlo Ind mglgomont o! pnhliq made. -Mr. Pudoo. To incorporate} the F10: Lumbbf Cdiï¬ï¬hy. â€"Mr. Anny. Mr. Butler enquired whether it is the in- tention ‘ot the Government during the present session to introduce cmeunre providing thlt municipeiitiee and individuals moy. under proper restrictions end selrguerde, mske ditches ond dreine under and screen nilvvoy tracks thct sre vvithin the Legislstive control at the province. To amend the chapter 0! the rovlud am- uhl respecting land surveyors sad the survey of Inuitâ€"Mr. Pardon. To nmond the Free Grant and Hammond Actâ€"Mr. Pardon. After Mnbnocxa an'd Mr. 000: had rpbkan to question: of privilege in reply to lotion injho Mail, The Veeoond 'repor't of ehe Ooï¬miu'ee on Private Bills contained a recommendation to extend the time for receiving Pdvete Bills to Wedneldey, 28th inn. The upon wee new. The following Bill was Introduced and mod n um time : To amend the Municipal A03.â€" Mr_. _Gibl_|on (flamiltonl. ‘ _ A potition was presented by Mr. Giblon (Hï¬nllton) lrom about thirty clergyman oi difl‘oront denominational in the City 0! Hum- ilton. that intoxlonting liquors be prohibited from being told on Christin“ Day. Good Fridoy. and days 01 public thank-giving. Mr. Mown approved 01 the Bill, ond M his suggestion is won allowed to â€and so as to be related to tho Oommmao on Municipal Bill: to be oppolmed. he presumed. to-morrow. The House adjourned at. 6 40. Tonouo. Jan. 23.â€"The Speaker took “no choir “ï¬n-so ozolook. cmrrsx. Hummers. Mr. Manson-u nioVed ihe second reading 0! 1118 Bill to n move donbis srising. our 01 the Round Hieiuxe respeoiing mortgages sud sales of personal property. He explainsd this its inieniion was to make one general power of stiorney suilloiem under which to eï¬eoi sll renewals o! mortgeges or bills oi ule, wiihounhe neoossiiy oi as new enshorily (or each individusl one. - rnl nrs'rr'ru'rl meal. Mr. Warns, in moving the second reading 0! his Bill to make provision tor the support of destitute inssne persons. ssid thsi is pro- vided thsi the power 0! determining the sssisianee to be given (or such persons should be taken lrom the Grand Juries and given to thepounty Oonnoils. 7 by-lewe. whloh the Blll trout-d In the nine wey n orlslnll by-lewe. It the tequlted enpplementuy by-luu to be publlohed. one theletter should be publuhed. The Bill wee rend the eeoond time. '18] BUDGET. Mr. Mon-r eluted that the Provlnolel Tie-outer expected to unsko hm ï¬oeuolel Itltement on Tuesday next. nucuue AND wrrnnooumne. Mr. Rum-on (Kent). in waving the second reading ol hle Bl“ to unend tho Ditche- end Wetrrconreee Aot. etetod that by the pxovielone ol the Act only thoeo owneu who eetually occupied the land were compelled to do the neceuery draining. This we: teken advantage ol by the uhuntoe owneu. Very much to the pn-jndloe in meuy one: 0! had- Wozking eettlexe. The object o! hie Bill wee to tom all persons owning lend: to nuke the neoaenry dteine. BITCHES AND LEAH"- ADJOOBRIIINT. hm you tMfly-thm dam wm fought In Inna. The Port Hope Guide telle of e gentlemen In thet town who lneerted en edvertlee~ ment in the Globe (or three needy. relleble young men. to whom proï¬teblo employment could be given. He expected thet he would reeelve et leeet a dozen repllee, end he ehle to ehooee thoee who would eult him lrom thet number. Whet wee hie eurprlee on going to tho poet-ofï¬ce on Seturdey morning to and hlmeelt the reelplent o! tllty-three epplleetlone tor-the eItuetloue. 0n Moudey lorty-elx more eeme to bend. end on Tueedey no leee then any. tour. Wedueedey brought lay-two, end Thuredey twenty-two. meklug tn ell two hundred end twenty-eeun. The open winter is likely to produce moat aerioua emote upon the lumbering interests in Ontario. In Western Ontario. since win- ter haa act in. in conscquenoo ol the advanoe in prim, producers oi anw logs and owners of raw milla have been most anxious to accuro as large a quantity as they could ; but. uniprtunatsiy. the weather hal p roved uniavorable, and union there In a " hardening up †wry soon it la possible that a large sum oi money will I» looked up for another year. 0! course involving the ion 0! the proï¬ts of handling. cutting up and transportation. The saw mill men will capacially under. a: without n aut- flciont aupply of logo they mutt cloro their operations during the aoalon. Their- Un-Uhrinlan-llke Behavior at a Y. A". (LA. flleclinx. Kmearoxflen. 26.â€"â€"A disturbance occurred at a meeting 01 the Y. M. 0. A. of Queen's University, held in the Medical College last evening. A number of young men commenced the dinurbenoe by singing as hymn nu oppoui- tion to the one given out, and when they could not close the meeting by this means, they went outside and conducted themselves very uubeoomiugly. They capped the “fair by looking the worehippue in. One of the members climbed out at an upper window. end by thia means let the brethc ran out. A. frencher'e [lair Pulled and III: Face Slapped by a Young Lady. Bum-roan. Jen. 26.â€"0n Semrdefa evening e number of the members oi Went Brentiord Methodiet Church had ensembled to hold preyer meeting. While they were engaged in preyer e Mile Clinch entered the church end welking quietly to where Mr. Broedwey wee kneeling caught hold at him by the heir of hie heed end hit him ceverei tunee in tho ieoe, when three gentlemen preeent took hold other end put her out. It in euppoeed thet Mile Olinch ie leborlng under an heiineine- tion. She lenciee thet Mr. Broedwey wente tomerry her. but no eeuee ie unsigned tor the etteek. Mr. Broedwey hes not given her eny eenee to enppoee that he thinks more of her then of eny other member of the oongregetion. ‘Mr. Broedwey in not it regu- ierly ordeined preacher. but has been ï¬lling the poeition tor eometime. He is e etudent ettending the Brentiord Collegiate Institute, end le from Woodetock. to sell,‘ and would return immediately. Brilbois continued his journey downward next day. but during the night it waa noticed that he was very reetlees. and walked about the house and slept but little. He arrived next night at one Donnie Sth-nie'u. who keepe a stepping place about twenty-live miles above this place. and promised Bennie $7 to drive him to Pickanock. driving paet this place in the night. When on the way during the night he contoured to Sevenie that he killed his partner. that they had quarrelled about an otter skin, and that he struck him with hie hatchet. that lie was on hie way to ‘Ottawa to deliver himseli up. Strange enough Bevenie kept this matter to himself, and only now telle 0! it, saying that he was airaid that Brisboie would kill him. It appears, however. from the statement oi the lndiana that Brieboia‘ story with regard to the method oi killing him is not true. that be was killed by a blow on the head by a tomahawk while in bed. that the murdered man never moved irom where he was struck, and no blood iound other than where he lay. so that the poor ielicw must have been murdered in cold blood. From latest accounts the man atill liee where he was murdered. Strange it is that a human being should be leit in this way. The lndians are afraid to go near or bury him. and this seems natural enough. Should not the Attorney- General irom Quebec at once look into this matter and order an inqueet? Something certainly should be done to arrest the mur- derer. Briebois is a large man. With black beard and hair. I should say that he must be ï¬ve ieet eleven inches in height. He was formerly a foreman for Manure. Stubbs, and is well acquainted with the'Upper Gatineau.†Warrxonrr, Ohio, an. 26,â€"This ener. noon Joseph Nearer. blacksmith. eeverely cut his wrietï¬hen drove a emlrh’e scribe ewl deeply Into his breast. He then placed the eel to his loreheed end with s hammer drove it home. As this point he wu discovered. An "hunt to pull the iron from his head tailed. When his wile appeared. he himself wrenched it from his forehead. where it pene- trated twolnchee. There Is small chance 01 his recovery. Dissipation is assigned «a the eeuse. “Brvun Dnzzn'r. Jun. 19.â€"'l"he lurk: o! the Getineeu ie ebout 100 mile! nbut‘u Denert villene end about fllty mileu uanu Mosul. Hamilton Broe'. Sturgeon Fum. At this polnt Briebotl end llenneeuy were partners hunting {or lure. . Henna-try came lruxn the lttver St. Francois, below Queue. and In aid to here been a Metlu. or halt-breed. They h nted together since September tut an bed secured, I! Mr ate oen beleerned.ehout 8150 worth 0! lure. when Brirboil brutally murdered hie eumrude. and etarted down with the turn. I!» urrtved tn the evening It Hemiltun Broa'. Sturgeon term. end when questioned about his partner, he eteted that he remetned at the oemp to hunt. thlt he had plenty o! prowleiom. and that he_(8riehole) w_ne taking down the lure Tune In." ol' Ibo Grime and De-crlpflol of Ibo Pcrpeluuor. Orum, J“. 23.â€"Tuo {allowing doapntoh bu been “saved in uluuuu to the (human murdot: I 'I‘IIE GA'I'I'NEAU mumum. DISOBDBRLY STUDENTS. A SCENE IN CIIUBUII. law [.03. and law iflllln. UIIIDL'KING SUICIDE.