Ma. BRIGIIT'S I'mmnly for the Irish land grmvancu seems I-nnsonnhlo enough so far as it. goes, but it. is not; likely to satisfy thoso who started and I'H'o kI-Isp- iIIg up tho III‘I'RIIIII, agitation. Hosts of Irish Inn-lloI'IlsI who naturally kick against; tho. idm of oonï¬scnï¬on, InIve avomnl their willingness to dispose of thI-h‘ I'R-‘ill-(‘fl for :I lIllI' OOHSlIlI'I'flllI)". Mr. Bright’s III-opos'nl lH Io amnl II Com- IIIIxsionm' to Duulin Io PIII'ClIIlhI} Iho property of l'IlHl loI'tla who um thus IIIiInhnl nnII m-Il it. in sun-Ill we! Iinna Io tenants willing Io huy, :nluIIIciIIg three- foIIIIhs of tho Inn-chase money III. II moIlHrsIIo IMII of llllI'I't‘Sb. This wonhl "H" h. In Ihn [mwm- oI' many In lIf'CIlIIH' proprn-Ions ol Llne soil; hut the "max .oftlw. III-II-IMIII-y, who III'O unahlo III. â€roman. Io my Ihv trifling I'IeIILIlI-IIInI-Il- ml of Ihnm will hanlly ho “lilt‘. Io ï¬nd the oIII-JoIIII' .I lmyoml what it is pro~ posed (lounnmcuc should advance. IT is said that the application for a charter to build a railway from the head of Lake Winnipeg to Port Nelson on Hudson Bay really emanates from the Hudson Bay Comp-my. This corpora- tion apparently realises this season more than at any preceding one, that their 'teal interests lie in Colonizing the North- West, so we hear not only of building the line of railwnv alluded to, but of the transformation on the Thames of four of the Company's ships into steam~ Ora, capable of breaking; ice, and of an anticipated iunnigration under the- Company's anspicm of fortydhonsaml people from Europe to the NorthAVc-st during the Spring and snmawr of 1880. “4.. IT is proposed to increase the German drmy, already swollen out of all prm portion to the resources and industries lot the country, by another 20.000 men, making a. total force of 423,000. The annual cost of the force is at progent Iome $90,000 000, and the additional levy will entail a prelilninaly expendi- ture of $6,250,000, and an annual ad. dition to the budget of four million dollars. The menacing aspect of Bus- sia is probably the inciting eauSe of this step, Which cannot but increase the prevailing discontent. The personal prestige of Kaiser William amt his iron- willed Chancellor may be able to pre~ vent an outbreak during their lives, but, if no, thev will lrave a legacy of trouble for their successors similar to that which the amiable but nerveleas Louis XVI. inlu-ritml from his strong and tyrannical ancestors. Trgigg going South ~9:05, mm. , 6:55. am. .....â€"â€".â€"â€". A new property owners on the Island in Toronto Bay, advocate that, location as a site for the new pavliument lmihl» highâ€"Ex. “70 would suggest a visit, E0 VVoodville, as a splendid site migh' be discovered on “ Pun-son’s Crock," without. the proqllectivo danger of hom- bardment. and demolition in case of war with the U‘ S. 'l'ninu‘g'uiug Northâ€"11:05, tun. ; 3:15,p.m.; 7:26 pan. meat and Five cattle and sheep is on the Way from Australia tu London. The importation is an expel-imam. MR. Bmlgm‘ow’s Division Court Act takes from the County Judge-s the power of appointing clerks and Builifl's, and confers it on the Government. AT the last meeting of the old emu» oil Mr. Carmichaelfrotm‘ned $182 and Mr. Aaliman $30 to the county Trous~ arel‘. This money was voted lust- spying by the County Council in he (-xpnml-«l on the leading roads in Eldon, but. the roads being already so gnud it. was con~ aidured unnecesw y to exlmnd much more on them, so “my mum ned it, after having held it f0! 10 months. The Advmaz’ï¬e. TORONTO . NIPISSING RAILWAY. MIDLAND RAILWAY OF CANADA. Trains going Northâ€"«2:30. p.m. Tnino going Southâ€"1:15, p.11). A STEAMER with a cargo of fresh WOODI'ILLB, FEB. 5, 1880. gates and 21mm. “ Pro Bono l’ublico." (From our own Correspondent.) The case of Boyle vs. The Globe has excited consideral interest among the public at large. This was a libel suit instituted by Mr. P. Boyle of the Irish Canadian. The facts of the case are as follows: The Joint Committee of the House of Commons and Senate last April advertised for tenders to do the departmental printine for a period at ï¬ve years. Some nine tenders were put in the loweSt being Mayor McIntosh 0t Ottawa. The third lowest was a Mr. Cotton’s, the next lowest being that of Mr. Boyle and immediately above him, Messrs. McLean, '{ogers «it 00., the old contractors, who Were naturally anxious to get the contract again hav- ing special plant for the work, and in case of failure to secure it they would he compelled to sell the plant at a. great- ly reduced rate. Between the lowest tender and that of McLean, Rogers it: Go. there was a difference of some $15 000. McLean, Rodgers 61. Co. seeing this came to the conclusion that those tendering below them should if possible he bought elf. So they commenced with Mr. Boyle to whom they oflered a con» siderution to withdraw, but Mr. Boyle refused this, but subsequently he did withdraw at the instance ofa friend. Iu,like manner the other tenders below McLean, Rogers (it (,‘0. were either withdrawn or they failed to put up the uemmsary security required by the Committee. ($5,000) 'l‘he,(}lobc in No- Vt‘lnln'l' last. in a series of tlt'tlclt's charged Mr. Boyle and the other pan- ties who had tendered with having hum! paid to Withdraw This Mr. n'oyh- de- niml iu twn letters to the Globe, but the Globe refused to accept. Mr. Boyle's du~ nial, and consequently a suit. was iu~ stitttwd, whicn rmmlte l in a verdict. lin' liu- «lt'h-mlauls. lt oauw out in Irvine-twp that. .‘lulmm, lingers tit (in. paid t3l5~ illltl to parties to withdraw their (,un-a tracts. M r. Melatosh reel-iving $12,000 for withdrawings his tendel, and which Mr. "Ugt'tfl awm-o was pm In at his in- stauou. finnn- $3,000 was paid to M r. (lotton who managed In qt-t. lmnt Mr. llnyh- a letter withdrawing his tt-nslor. Mr. Cotton HWUl't‘ lu- 'nn'kutiml the. wlmli: sum, but. (in: jun-v oann\ to the cone-lur- siou that Mr. lim he shared (lit't'ltilV m- llHiil('Cll_V in this sum. 'l‘ln-ro wwo umny dis-closures made during the trial “hich will Call lor special enquiry. The amount of log-rolling done was enor- Nfli'l‘li VICTORIA AGRICUL'NL RAL socxm‘v. The Society then proceeded to the election of oiï¬ce-lmarera and diiectors for the current year with the following re sult :â€"Presi(lentâ€" Thos. Smithson, re- elected ; lst Vice President, A.H. Carl, re..electe(l ; 2nd Vice-President, James M umberson; Directors, Messns. Ruhr. Arnisti-ong,VVm.McKenzieJohn Smith. Tlms. \Vinter, J. W. \Vood, M. D., Geo Rumney. Chas. 'Bowens, Joseph Calhoun and John Holland ; Delegate to the Central Exliihitition Committee, Roht. Armstrong, 198+, hirkliehl,’ Delegate for electing member of Agrio culture and Arts Association, Thos. Smithson, Esq., Glenurm ; Auditors, 'l‘lios. Shields, Esq., and Jae. Cowan, Esq., Victoria Road. It was moved by Peter Cameron ,and seconded by Time. Winter, that. the Diieccom’ and Tr"~easuiers repent be accepted. â€"-Can ied. J No. MCTA GGAR'I‘, At a subsequent meeting of Directors J no. Mc'l‘nggart, Esq., of Kirkï¬uld, was appointed) Secretary, and Nah-ton Heaslip, Esq,, of Bexley, Treasurer, for the current year. Dr. 'l‘o balance: In hand, as per Inst annual report .................... Mcml era’ subscriptions... .. A lIIIissiun fees to othbitimI. luagisiative grant ..................... . Municipal grant.......... ..... . ..... Miscellaneous............ .. Cr. By paid for prizes.... "8257 75 Prizes for previous year paid... r......... 57 50 Paid for p1oughiug match 12 00 (Signed) (Signed) ‘. Huaulip, Eat}, Treasurer, in account, with the North Victoria Electoral District Agricultural Sonic-ty, for the year ending Dec. 31'“, 1879. pniI1.. Paid for pioIiOhing mittch Portion 01 Le gislative grant. paid Township Societies ............... Paid on exhibition build- ings ..... . ............... AngcultIII-nl publications Printing and ndvertminq Working expensesdnciud- ing services of secre- tary and treasurer.. ... Tnmsunnn‘s “mom. G W'. MILLAR. 2A1“! DAVID SIDEY, THOMAS SMITHSON. Balance on hand... J OHN Mchan'r, TO RUNTO. Secretary. z Auditors. 38 67 5 00 30 75 . and Which In M. his in~ [mill m Mr. 1. 1mm Mr. Secretary. President. 31132 80 s 53 35 98 00 4| 20 700 0!) 7 0 ()0 40 25 $227 05 $905 76 'I‘Immmnn} mnming of the North ()n'min \griculmrnl Swain-l5! was luv-HI M Uxhrhlgn on Jun 21%. 'l‘lu- nu lit- .ws' wlwut. shnwml u hnlmmv (\fSI‘ZO M â€I" mm“! ul‘ UN'SUCWW. T. H. (“PIP 'limuivu, New“ Was ("N‘H'l' mm" of Hm Vic-v-Pn-xiclaum. :mtl WiHium Shit'r s! Hirvclm- fur tho 'T‘mvnxhip nf Brnck. "'lu‘ m-x? lew i« In In, le M. Port, PN'I'V, and tho m-xt mumm‘ awn-ting M. Sumll-vlmul. Mr. H. 1‘. â€women, of len-iclgu, is; So-cretm'v of the Society. ~~Glcancm moue. Persona actually tendering for th' purpose of being bought oli'. The Globe deaorvea the thanks of the entire public for bringing such dietzlosures to public notice. it is rumoured that the plaintill' intends applying for a new trial. I think that Mr. Boyle will, if wisely advised neck seclusion rather than another exposure. Mr. Dalton McCarthy eonduc‘ml the cone for the plaintiff with his usual ability, and Mr. Bethuneappeared for the defendante. Very little business has yet been done in the Legislature. 'l‘he Proi'incial 'l‘reasurer made his budget epmch on 'l‘huraday last. llo seems hopeful ofthe future and shows the ï¬nancial position of the Province to la) pr-Osperous. No amount is put in the estimates for the new buildings and nothing was said in reference to the same. It. in not ptiu clear whether the government. intend to drop the matter tor the present. or bring in a enmileurentary list for thin expenr diture. Mr. McMaeter made his maiden speech during the week and made a very favourable impression. DI the new members and I might add of the old ones, he is the one most observed by strangers. He has given himself quite a uoteriety owing to being interviewed by the- N. Y. Herald. He is .quite youthful in appearance, medium in height but slender. and a. fluent and easy speaker. It is expected that memo- lane will now commence work in ear- nest as they now have the estimates. THE VICTORIA ROAD CONCERT anherinen and oclnrs int'erested complain of the want of snow. Pro- viulml 1m more snow falls during (he winter lumber will rise to amuch higher ï¬gure. As announced, the hand went to Vic- toria Road, on Thursday last, to play for a concert got up by the ladies in connection with the Roman Catholic Church, of that place. They were met at the station and escorted to Wismer’s Hotel, where they were regally treated. After supper the band turned out and serenaded the village for a short time, and then marched to the Town Hall, where the concert was to be held. Mr Robt. Armstrong, of Kirkï¬eld, was moved to the chair, a position whicb‘he ï¬lled in a very pleasing manner. The concert was opened by a selection by the band, followed by a song, “Put me in my Little Bet ," by a little girl, Miss Ida. Shields, who sung it very sweetly. “Josiah’s Preposal," and “Matrimo- nial Tili's,†two good dialogues, next followed. in which Messrs. J. T. Boden, Francis Silver-wood, \V. Cuvunn, Dr. Wood, Miss Rose Burke, and Miss Mary McRae took part. Miss Annie Shields gave a Solo and Miss Burke recited “ Curfew Shall not Ring toâ€" night,†in ï¬ne style. “ Arabelln’s Poor Relations,†was next presented, Messrs. Jno. A. Campbell and \V. Cuvuua, Miss Burke and Miss Katie Molnnis taking the leading characters. One of the most enjoyable parts of the pro- gramme was the Instrumental Duetts. violin and organ, between Mr. Holiday and Miss Mel-lac. Mr. O‘Brien of Lindsay, sang a. Comic Dutch Song which was loudly encorcd. A rocita.. tion by Mr. Burke was well received as also a song by Miss. Burke. In the dialogue “The Widow's M islnlm," Miss Mclnnis plaved the part of “\Vidow Bedottc" to perfection. The Band p|ay~ ed several selections during the evening and were loudly applauded after every effort. The entertainment wound up with a roaring farce, “ The New Judge†which fairly brought down the house. After votes of thanks had been tendered to the band. the Kirkï¬eld and Lindsny friends, and the Chairman. “God Save the Queen†was played and the audience dispersed. Immedia- tely after the concert the benches were cleared out and the young people en- joyed themselves for a couple of hours " tripping the light fantastic.†Alton gether this was one of the most enjoy . able. eutm'taiuinents ever given in Vic~ toris Road. and much credit is due the ladies of that village for the manner in which it was got up. \Ve believe about. $40 was realized. The hand returned home Friday morning. much pleased with their trip and the manner in which they had been treated by our frionds “ hack north." Mus. WM. \IITCIIIHJ, n!‘ Mm-inrm, Whilu 'mswing mmr (lm rvaiclvnm- of Mr \Vm. Slmml. nfflnnninghm, Ahmm-l nu tlu- icv, and in falling brake mm 01' Im- Inge. .OQa Cmmxo'rox Couuuu..â€"â€"'l‘he village council, by the casting vote of the Rue-w, refused to grant ubillimd license this year. l'rim-u Bisnnn‘nk’s dexiw- to take up the gigmtic luminms of the Hmnhm'g Gml~ "H‘_\.‘( m the South Paciï¬c is much cum- munh-d ul-ou. 'l‘hn Prince wishes to who up the mmmerm luff. hy this n» mmlmhln ï¬rm. but to annex other is- lumls nf the Paciï¬c, mm ofwhich the (,‘hnnmlhw would him use as a g-ml for the transportation of politiqal offenders. HUNTSVILLE spurts nn nxuman who pjlus n") his twu corda of slow wood by Inulf~pusb (Wu in tlm nl'ternoun. He gujuyn himself blmting for the Hmminâ€" 36- of Ilm day just. (mkecp his blood in circulation. Bnoxe HIS LEG. â€"On Thursday nftelnoun, 22 nd ult., Johnston Whit ney, a young man, son of MI. Christa phei Whitne , famne: on the 7th cou Scottâ€"accidentall y had his leg broken while tending the saw of a sawing ma- chine which was running at the resiâ€" dence of Mr. John Bond, on the same con. It appears that the. log being adjusted to the machine rolled against his leg, and bienking it between the knee and ankle. A little more care in working these machines and there would not he a host of lamentable ac~ cideuts to record every year from this cause. MECHANICS) INSTITUTEâ€".A meeting was held in Dr. Nonis’ last- Monday evening to discuss the matter of 3 Me- chuuics’ Institute for Omemee. The advisability of having such an institu- tion in this village was unanimously conceded, and Messrs. J. Shaw and E. D. Passlnore were appointed a com» mittee to wait upon the citizens to see what local assistance could be secured for the object in question. “’9 have before this shown the advantages that would be derived from havmg a good circulating library and reading room in Omemee; and it is to be hoped that the public will heartily co-operate with thmeuow moving in the "Mittenâ€"He- rant. A COMPARISON of the budgets of En row! shows that ance III: (I Germany have Ihe heaviest. GeII'mIIIy s is (Iona hle win", It Was in 1865. l‘hose of Italy and AIIIItIiII me the only ones which show I'mlnclinllfl in military expenses. It. in to he noticed that France is stend~ ily IIIIl patiently increasing her arnm'. Illt‘lll‘. ’umain has published anole l'mnmllv denying the IIllI-gml concen- II' .uion 0f ln-r annies in I’uluml. 'l‘hu l'lqu-IIII lms been greatly Imunyetl at Im- riruulution of tlm disquivliug ru- HIUIIIF. ')II this head, and the pnlicu lmvn |I:ul Instructimm tn va-k out the IIIItlI'II'n nl' Im- cmmwl, mu], il' funml, In kczep thum out of funtlmr IanC'llt“ for sumo. (iIIII- In Winn. (ivrmnnv is IlI'lolnlIinq lll‘I ism-oust in cnlnniz-Itiun suhmnos. and avwwxw'N \ A. “M B\~I.AW PASSED. â€"- At Um meeting of tho (' Ollllt) Council of Halihmton, held on â€i uesdny, tho hy law gunning» bonus to aid in building the Victoria Northern Extmmion Railway was passed through ilN mwrml stages. PACIFIC JUNCTION .RAILWAYaâ€"The pomp!“ of Parry Sound are holding "matings advocating the Western route ofth Paciï¬c Junction Ruilwzl}, and hum appointed delegates to Toronto to represent. their claim. Mom-z GOLD.â€"A deposit of free gold [ms been discovered on Mr. Henry Bull’s property in Mudoc. Mr. Bull $8 the owner of a bed of red hematite iron within the corporation and only about thirty rods from the railway. 'l‘mm‘ Caucusâ€"For some time past the fan mere Ieuiding in the NOItlI \Vest corner of Biock and pmtion of Georâ€" gilm and '1 II0I ah, have been Ver much annoyed by a number of petty depr-e dationa, among others the stealing of wheat fiom their barns. One day last week some wheat was stolen rom _n fauna; in the neighhm hood, end by means of H. projecting bolt in the sleigh shoe the thief was tracked, and the wheat lound. The party in whose possession it was, one Godfrey, was brought before magistrates in BI-Iu'erton, and has been sent down to \Vhitby tor trial. The whole gang to which he be- longs is II had one, and it is to be hoped may soon be broken up. *0}: Thursday morning, a little before 10 o'clock, the small building in this village owned by the Victoria Railway Company and called by courtesy the “Station," caught ï¬re in consequence of some defect in the Stovepipe and was soon entirely destroyed. The tank- house, which was only about eighteen feet distant. was at times in danger, as the wind was blowing toward it; but by the active exertions of a number of villagers and the able IIIanngeInent of two little engines, which were kept go- ing right merIily. the tank-house would certainly lIaVc Iuken lire, in which 'cuse the grain warehouse just homes the truck, with six or seven thousand bush- els of bailey therein, might have gone too. (9m gleighbnm. One of the beauties and charms of an editor’s life is his dead-heading it on all occasions. No one who has never tasted of the sweetness of that bliss can begin to take in its glory 3an its llap~ piness. He does $100 worth of udver-c tising for a mill-0nd, gets a. “pass" for B year, and rides $25 worth, and then he is looked upon us a «loud-head, ora hnlfo-blown (lead~beat. He puffs 2: them- tre or a conCert troupe $10 worth, and gets 81 in “ complimentnries," and thus passes in “free.â€, If the hall is crowds ed, he is begrudged the room he occu-v piesâ€"for it his complimmtmies,†were paying tickets the troupe would be so much in pocket. He blows and pufl's It church festival free to on y desired ex- tent, and does the poster printing at half-rates, and rarely gets a. “thank you†for it. It goes in us part of his duty as aui.e«.litor. He does more work gratuitously for the town and commun- ity than all the test of the population put together, and gets cursed in many instances, where a mun who donates a dollar for theiï¬rst of July is gratefully remembered. Oh, it is sweet to be an editor. He pussies “free†you know. RUI’IflWfler'l'hU (mm of Mr. Donald Jzurkmm. Slum-livid, Inf! Handing at “I. lmrlmvillu gmin sheds, took fright, on Fridny uhm‘noon, mull rem down the Nipiauing Rnilu uy truck towards Woodo‘ villv. A genus-man who huppmmd to be walking up Hm track turnml them into Mr. Donald Curriu’a hum, where they were impuu-ml. ()ue wheel of tha wwgun wan smashed but no other damage (1mm. The mlvwlisz-r, having been px-Imanently mum] of that vhw ml clifwlxu, t Imwlmption, by a sim; u.» ru'rmvlv i~x a: Ixmm tn mnko kmmll M M! Tulhn s {Th (":4 t 10 moms of cum. ’|"n nl. who PM In it, he will mud a mm; of HM prowvip'i-m ll‘ml. (f we of chm-gt!) with the «lirv-«e'i m [w p sp't'in I mu] using the name. «huh «uh-z vv \ Ili hml a 311er mm: for (Inxmmrrn ‘, Aimm. Hum mm. c. Parties wiahim: the l’r-mcnipliun. will lease midway Nev. FLA. “1130):, 19‘ Balm 86., William's'myg, N. .Y. " Death 31' Nahum "-â€"â€"oï¬â€˜ered to every snhscrihur, hy thuPuhliHhH 01' [ha Cam adu I’rr-sberriun, are valuable pictures, and will prom bmutiful ornaments to nny home. The ofl'er of thin Premium is still good to evmy person who reunite $2 on or before the end of February, or joins a Club at. reduced n'ates. Old subscribers who pay arrears and remib in full for 1880, are entitled to both pictures. 08' The but stuck ever taken to Wood~ villo just an rived M Rod. Umnpbcll's. “ Referring to the statement in the Packet that a farmers†wife found it proï¬table to ’come all the why to Orillin to buy goods for herself and her neigh- bors the ADVOCATE is ignorant m-dishon- es enough to say the lady in question could have made her purchases to much better advantage in “'oodville. Any‘ one acquainted with the two places will tell the ADVOCATE that we have six or eight merchants in Orillin any one of whom does prolmhly as much businno us the Whole of Woodville put together. It would be safe to any that dealers here, as a general thing, can sell goods quite as lo v as V‘Vood ville shopkeepers buy. --1’ new. " “79 must again differ with the Packet. The ADVOCATE is neither “ ignorant or dishonest." \Vo knew whereof we spoke nud we only stated a fact tlntt can he proveu. We can only reiterate the statement that our merclmnts can sell goods as cheap, and home hruncnes chenpcl' than can be sold in Orillin or any town or village north of us. The reason [or this is that our merchants are nemer the wholesale markets, have better facilities for get- ting the heat goods, and they buy for cash. Since the introduction of the cash system they have been selling on a close margin of cost. and if the Packet man thinks our statements are not cor- rect he has. only got to compare the prices quoted in our aJVertisemcnts with those in his own paper and he will be convinced tlmt it is hard- ly ti no to my °‘ that dealers here, as a general thing, cm sell mods quite as low as \Voods ille shopkeepers hny." l’urk Beef Geeso 'l'nrkvys ('hickc- -ns Ducks . . \Vnml â€1H1 “land 30“. Lard .. 'l‘allow T( D GUNS ' IMPTI VES. lhe Premium Engravingsâ€"“ Meet.» ing of _\Yt-llinghm and liluclner," and Fall Wheat... Spring Wheat Barley . . Outs .. . Butter Eggs Potatoes My WOODVILLE FAR MEIIS‘ MARKETS. gum! iitzxtterï¬. per dozen per bushel per ton per bushel per owl; 5 par uwt 4 per pnmvl u H n im bushel 50 to 60 m-r owl; 5 0'! to 5 50 um (M 4 00 to 5 00 per pnmvl 05 to 0 06 “ 0 07 too 00 " †0(ht00 00 “ “ 0 ms :00 00 per Can} 2 .1010 3 90 “ ' "5 to 2 00 nor pnmv-l :0 to 0 00 an 1' uml 5 to 0 00 l 15tol l7 1121:0116 45 to 60 I5 251:030 30 to 31 15 to 16 I :l 7 (K)