w [6 Dozen pairs of fresh stock, hand. pegged, in “'UHNN ‘s wear, arrived at Rod. mampheli’ a this Week. K Accident~ Muster Mattie Stoddart has met with anotiwr painful accident. 0n Tuesdnv [‘menoon lw fc-Il IiIImIgh II trap dam in Cumplu- -'ll 3 Gaming! \mG8, IIIIII lnoke his Iight IIIIII. Mac. tie has been Rillgillzllly IIIIfIII-IIIIIaIetIIis winter, this lming the secoml time he has neveIcly iIIjIIIerl that mm. ( Solid PM l‘838.â€"â€"Tlm Oukwnnd Cor- respondent, of the Post says : Um sister village of \Vnoclvillc m-mus to In: mnku ing steady lwugross. Nut. ' having been in the village for four or ï¬ve years I now nmiuv mnrkv-l :uul snlicl imprnve» ment. 'I‘lm new Pl't-N'Iyilfl'iélfl chm-ch shows What :I tlvrnlml mu! “hm-u! pen-I pk) cull (In by lilmml mu! llnitml t-li'm't. It, is n grout CHVHI m Hm Caugrr‘gntion. If it. hml rt WM! 'mmm-limml spire in» stem! instmul of tho litllu mimu'vla nn HM cnrmn's it \vnultl 84’! H "W to mill gl‘eah-l' ml'.-:ml:utv. 'l‘ln- mum-y invested in chumlws will 9":va cmml. in llm great h'uknning much m t-‘m mlvuutuge of the giw-rs. I nutia-wl â€mt, gnnin' citizvn, Hm township (aim-k, Mr. 0- ‘V. Millnr, has 1mm u lmm’il’ul N-siwlonce on Hm Muripoan siclnnf' rml brick trimm- ed with white and fln. umf. May Hie mil Inge-go on’ n ml . prosper. (a,- Any lmnts bought at Rod. (‘nmphcll's ‘that have pmwnko Rules or counters, they will be taken out and Leather Ones put in free of charge. Mr. James McKibbin and Mr. L. Maguire have been appointed auditors of the cuunty accoums. "- Mitchell 00. have just received a fresh lot of Felt Hats. hard and soft, the Inc-hawks, and cheap. “A business that is worth pucroniz-o lag is worth udvercising†Print and prosper. “- All accounts not tettled 13v the 15th inst, will positively he placed in Court for collection. Jan. A. Blitclxell('lu. .3 Have you seen the latest m Hats 1' If not call ct Mitchell 6: Co‘s. ‘3' The Seamless Boots. whole Stock hand made, at Rod. (3 pbell’s. - Mr: D. K. Campbefl, of Mm-iposn, has received the appointment of Bailifl‘, for the 1M. and 7th Division Courts of the County of Victoria. “- Dry Guods and Groceries arriving this week, and will be sold clwnper than ever, {or cash only. Jae. A. Mitchell a; Do. Social. -â€" The \Venleyan Sabbath school intend holding it Sucinl on \VecL nesday evening next, in tlmclmrcln Programme wii'l consist, of Readings, Recitatiuns, Singing. Admission 15 cents. 0" J ust. arrived, a ï¬ne assortment oï¬ï¬‚ata, at Jun. A. ï¬litchcll «X: Uo's. The only minority which has a right to rule is the baby. (r A fresh stock of Fancy Trunks, crys- tallized, at. Rod. Campbell’s. Bread is the staff of life; udVeltising it the staff of trade. Our delinquent subscribers must. not besurprised If in a few days they are brought lace to fawa with their little bills. w A large assortment of Valentines, at D. McLeod’s. Call and see them. \flr Never mind the baa-d times keep your feet dry. Anything in the Boot line at Rod. Campbell's, cheap for cash. We would feel obliged to any of our subscribers who would send us a copy of last week’s ADVOCATE. Vennor Says it. is going to be vevy 001d, that is if it is not warm during the month. of Februaryâ€"That is just what we were expecting. 33a- Tbe new tariff has not yet dfl'ected our pricesAin Groceries. Mitchell 8:. Cu. Meetingâ€"The Diwctors of the Eldon Agricultural Snciecy are called to meet On Friday, lBLh-innL, at. the Eldon House, Woodville, at 7:30. p. m. Busi- ness of importance. For the new Bailifl'bnsiunss promises to be brisk. A. C. Umnpln-H AL 00. are entering a. large numhex ot’ cascs for lat. Court. A hint. to the wise is aufli~ cient. The decision given by the Court of Chancel-v in refurenco to the Church 01 Scotland in Eldon, has been sustained on appeal. It was slaimad that this church entered tine Union, but the courts have decided othm-wiso, and therefore the church, nmnse and 200 sores of land remain t. no property of the hurch of Scotland. l Wag g.on I puir Bob S'elj'hfl and a team of Home», ‘9 ill be 0m: rod for flu at the El (bu Hum-e, at 2 o‘clock u. (0-day. A. Campbell, Auqtiouucr. g.- If you wantto save money get your Boots at Rod. Campbell's. where you can get rips repaired free of charge. ’ Valentines me making cheh dppexl~ Inca ugnin. Wu. HENRY. who Careful 0! your Money: ‘.D Mala-m. uâ€"(ireen Puss). Manson t. Uo.â€"-l"or Salk . U. W. Manxâ€"«E. A. 3. Meeting. NEW A DVER’I ISEMENTS. £50m gflnttcrs. AUCTION SA LES. UNEQUALLED Bargains in EVERY THING JAS. STUART, At 7 oéclock, p. m. A full nttendauce in r nests . oq . l}. W'. MILLAR, 'An n-n'v A“.- In these days of mock Auctions, bogus Bankruptï¬tocks and Clearance Sales, a pawn will naturally wondel whme they can get ,goods the cheapest but that doubt can easily be put aside when you inspect Wm. Henry’s ï¬ne stock and 1: ate his prices. SORRFL COLT. about 3 years of ag e 4, also a BU(‘ (xY. CUTTER. and SF'l‘ of Sl\(iI.L " LIIARSESS. Will be sold cheap on time. Feb. 4th, 1879. Fellow Citizens: YOUR MONEY ! Eldon House. Woodvilla, Président. \Voodviflo, Feb. 2nd, 1880. Eldon Branch Agricultural Suciety, â€"will be held at theâ€"â€" FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 141"}, 1880. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE COUNTY. gm: ï¬dvmimmmts. GREEN PEAS Meeting of the Directors of the NOTE THE PLACE MEETING ! FOR SALE. Don’t you forget that Wm. Henry is selling his goods at cost price. Piles of Fancy Dress Goods, New Colors, from Piles of Black Lustres, good color, “ Piles of Heavy Manchester and scoured Winceys “ Piles of Best Canadian Grey Flannels, “ Piles of Check Shirbings, Flannols, all wool " Piles of Heavy Canadian Tweeds, “ Piles of Mens’ Heavy Wool Shirts and Drawers, “ Piles of Canadian Grey Cottons, u Piles of New Dark Prints, 4: The Closest Prices in the Dominion; D. MOLEOD’S. Apply to “ THE REGULATOR,†Y customere will please take notice that their accounts ere all made out and must be paid promptly. If not paid immediately I will place them in Court for collection. I am determined not to be'pnt off any longer, as my own debts malt be paid. No more .credit ‘given. Please call for accounts end nettle. ROD. CAMPBELL Woodville,an. 27th 1880. Last Warning. MORISON Co. CAREFUL’ Secrelary. .OF. To the purchaser, if desired. The Stock is not very large but is we" inserted in not disposed of BEFORE THE FIRST OF FEBRUARY, he w For CASH ONLY-«Nd Credit will be Given nor Trade Taken I too much business on his binds, he has made 1?!) liil mind to. while, and is willing to As he has the best stand in the village it is a good opening for any person place, and he will give , SHOP RENT FREE FOR ONE YEAR SELL OUT ON FAVOURABLE TERMS I w He would also notify all indebted to him that account: must. be settled immediately he wants to settle his business. The undersigned ï¬nding; that his health ‘is giving wayï¬thljgugh “\“cll llllflillasfl 0“ MB IIAnIII 'IA Ln. nnnn'n Inn 'J- m:-sll .A DI“ I‘Yl) L‘ mnn\l “Int? n“ A ‘- nmn h---- -_ _ . M ASON, Manager. SPLENDID CHANCE : 10cm up. Nets up. bets up. 300th up. 250% up. 40cts up. 35cta ï¬cts up. up. up. JOHN C. GILOHRIST.’ +3! Preposals for the purchase of Stock and Good-will of business will be enterlained and responsible parties desirous of succeeding to a large and lucrative (madness will be liberally dealt with. ATAND BELOW COST FOR CASE Dry Goods at and Below Cost. Groceries at and Below Cost; Boots and Shoes at and Below Cost N. B.-â€"All notes and accounts due us, and not paid by the‘lat of Febru'nry, prox. will positively be placed in court for immedinm collection, as we want money and must have it, by llouli .or by crookâ€"Jet'it'rain or shine; January 22nd, 1880. L GRAND CLEARING SALE" The cubscriben‘hving decided to retire (rem business for the present, will on and afoer Ranging me Business SELLING OFF!" immem .LUJMEMWN "'""‘ A W 0 VW Am .Em. W 11‘ C TOMONT0,0NT. The 24th day of January, 'â€"â€""" commence 8 -.â€"_. REI‘IRE FROM GLWERAL'STORE‘REEPING {0'1} â€"-â€"of their entire stock Mm W {9 1M" Wyn 'izumum "I“ '13:: rag 'numll 55†W; m .z‘ï¬â€™!"¢FUFPS {’83 4'51!" I¢i~l“floh"~ï¬fv 1. my! 4L aM‘b‘l Moi-’04 “52‘ '«Jiu‘ ma. . C. CAMPBELL CO. ssorted. and mostly all new goods. If the Stookj ', he will then commence to sell off at cost i. 7: . o. CAMPBELL 49 Co. " wiphing to commence business in the VI No excuse will be tailed