iiother candidates. 1 .j; ed to the position, and it is said that he only OIlII.LlA. gs (From our own Correspondent.) .. ' The Orillia Divisioii. S. of T., held their ï¬rst open meeting Tuesday evening. the 27th ult., and was a decided success. The read- hgs and singing appeared to be appreciated g and cujoyed,‘and the speeches given by Rev. 3343‘. Lambert and Messrs. 'I‘. M. Edmondson 3, and 13'. Murray were practical and pointed. Orillia has'a good reading room and has Itafted a Mechanics' Institute under most failcreble circumstances. Snow, snow, beautiful snow, when will come, does any one know! Echo answers ledly, no. One death from Diptheria has taken place here. i McKay Bros., who were burnt out lately, on pushing forward rapidly their new brick Woolen Mill. If the weather continue as .flvorable for building as it has for the last {few days, the workmen will soon be able to put on the roof. .; 'Cnrlcrs and skaters seem to enjoy Todd’s resort. l r W LINDSAY. ‘ ’ (From our own Correspondent.) .' The County Council has been in session ,~ during the past week. They met on Tues- . ’day, but after spending some time balloting ' ‘were unable to elect a Warden: The candi- dateswere the sic-Warden, Fairbairn, Reeve 9‘ of Verulam; Stephenson, Reeve of Emily; " and Deacon, Reeve of Lindsay. It was fully j gexpeoted that the late Warden Would have been elected for the second term, but he 'f' Was unable to obtain the requisite number of ' f votes necessary to secure election, viz.: a " majority over the total vote for both the Our cit-Mayor also aspir- aocepted the‘Reevcship of the Town expect- :‘ ing that he would obtain the \Vardenship. , After balloting again for some time on Wed nesday, during which the worthy Reeve of Mariposa' was a candidate, the Reeve of Omemee came to the surface as Ci aspirant and was elected as it seemed acompromise between the parties. He is spoken of as One who will without doubt till the office ' with honor to the County and also to him- self. The Council adjourned on Saturday 5 after transacting a large amount of impor- tant business. A fancy dress ball, in aid of the poor of the Town, was held in the Tovim Hall, on Friday evening and i was very successful both in numbers and financially. Some of costumes worn were very fine. . The ex-Deputy-Reeve of Eidon' seems to have acquired a perfect mania for law, since ;"_hla defeat in the late Municipal Election. "lï¬ecase of the Queen vs. Waller, in which 1 3. "’ was the prosecutor, was tried before his Wanner Judge Dean, or Friday last, and re- , Jquted in the defendant being acquitted, al- though his Honor gave the Defeuuaiit some ; good advice. A. P. Devlin for the crown, The case. of the Queen vs. Birmingham ' else came up before his Honor the some day, in which your ex Deputyls son [was the pri- vate prosecutor. The evidence in this case was the same as was given before the M agil- trates and already reported in your paper. ' His Honor dismissed the case without call- ing any witnesses for the dufcnce, as the CrOWn admitted they had not made out a . ease. I suppose that the last has been heard of it, and should think that his Hon- 'or's advice should be acted __on, viz.‘ "go home and be good friends.†A I’. Devlin for the crown, J. McSWeyn for private prim. ocutor, and I’. S. Martin for dufcndant. Business continues very il:i‘l. and the want of snow prevents farmers owning; in. Th.- business men are all prayin..r that Vouuo. ,may do better in his next mid “dip" aiil ‘: enow, which he puts down for first part of _ next month, than he did on Ill-l 1.13;. The Irish Relief Movemen: hm nut as yet 3 atruckhere, and as we ham .1 I.\:‘,(: lrzsi. : population both in the Tow-r mu! surround â€" ing country it seems strnn :iw mi «ff-in i has been' put forth to asszwr th is fellow countrymen. ' ‘ ,A great deal of dissatisfaction felt in re gard to the Victoria R. IL bump-1 ugii'ncil :1 station in the Township of i'i.l‘.-:Iul| \VIIICI- would not give a bonus to tin: inn ; who!" if 'was being built, and which 232.: themselves not to do until tin 5.! :. imnus. It only shows that peoplr .m-rm! nit put 3 their faith in bonus-hunting “ain't-)3 nmna- 3 gers. SESEX. ‘7â€. bound e-oâ€"eâ€"... . .- BEA YE R’I'O .\'. (From (I Sprc‘ial Corns; :Il'll 71!.) The annual Social in comn- ; -::: \i'zlll Knox 3 Church Sabbath School, “as 3.. ‘ m lllt‘ lime- '3 want of the Church, on 'l‘ir by. ‘..'.'t.h ult. i The attendance of young lll' hi" :m l friend. 3 of the school was good. , :Hi-nt (on. Isa-pared by the ladies of if: 3 «.mgrugntioni, having been served and cnj vl. is“ Super- intendent, Rev. E. II. Il.iul~l A11 is 3 ..... tli chair. l Aft†devotional exorcism, . i I‘S'txli suit- ; able- and interesting \vcro do . - w' ' i-vs. 5 I! l". Cunn, A. lime, of \\'« I fins- 1 i ii of Lindsay, and the pa ‘.'.-.lih. ; 3‘ '3“ spun hos were infer 3p. â€Ills. ‘ by the school Illlllt r LXIK'A Lidlucuin, .‘U' ; J. McSweyn for private prosecution, and D. ‘ 4 J. McIntyre for the Defendant. Mr. J. Jamieson, of “'oodville. The follow. ing address was during the evening pioaentod to the superintendent accompanied with an elegant writing desk. Mr. liauld, who is about to leave this locality, replied iii an ap‘ propriate and feeling maniie ‘. The address was read by Miss Christina Robinson, one of the Teachers :â€" Ii’ev. E. II. Buuld, Superintendent of Knox Church Sabbath School, Braverfun, qu. Fï¬'l‘ltlflMED AND Bswvso Sueâ€"Permit us in behalf of the Sabbath School so long un- der your care, to express, at this our annual social, our feelings of attachment an I respect for nurse" as a gentleman. a Christian and fait ful worker in the Lord's vineyard. Dur- in your residence among us your tune and talents have been suitably employed in Sab- bath Sehool work, and while not actiVer engaged in the duties of the profession of your choice (the Gospel ministry) your labors as a Christian worker ha c been constant and ontising. By your affa 1e manner. amiable disposition nd Christian department, as well as your zeal in Sabbath School work, and devotedness to our best and highest interests yo'u have gained for yourself a lasting place in our affections. With deep sorrow we look forward to your separation from the school so long favored with your efficient an I faith- ful services; your absence will be a blank which will be deepl felt. but the influence of y or life and tone ring will we trust remain with us. Language fails to express our sin- cere gratitude for the affectionate and earn- est interest you haVe always taken in our spiritual and eternal welfare. It has been your constant endeavor to disclose to us the fountains of eternal truth, and set forth the Lord the Saviour whom you serve in all the pleutitude of his love and fullness of his grace. Your appeals to our hearts and con- sciences, for a full consecration to Christ, we trust shall not be forgotten. And now, sir, will you be pleased to accept our affec- tionate regard and be kind enough to receive this small gift as a memento of our love and esteem for you and a token of our gratitude for your work of faith and labor of love among us; and as in the providence of God we must soon be deprived of your kind ser- vices, allow iis before you bid farewell to our school, of which you have been the res- pected Superintendent for the last eight years, to assure you that your name will be cherished in our memories and we hope the influence of your teaching reflected in our lives. Please, sir, convey our regards to your excellent partner in life, who like your- self has taken an interest in the welfare of our school. \Ve tender our best wishes for yourself, your estimable lady and interesting family. The Lord’s'presence be with you wherever your lot may be cast. and make your home a Bothel. Through grace we hope to meet where parting will be unknown. In behalf of the Teachers, Bible Class and Scholars, CHRISTINA Romxsox, Manv Brixxm'r, Joiis McLean. Prz'rsn McMiLLAN, JR. CH URCH DIRECTORY. Passar’rsaus Cnuucmâ€"Serbice is held in the above church at ll o’clock a. m., and (5:30 p. m. Rev. Alex. Ross, M. A., pastor. Sabbpth School at :3 o’clock. CANADA Msruoms'r GNOMEâ€"Service every Sabbath evening at 6:30 o’clock. Rev. J. A. Jewell, B. A., pastor. Sabbath School at 10:30 a. m. â€"-â€"+â€"~â€"aâ€"â€" SOCI E'I‘IES. Cicsaoxn Lopes. l.0.0.F. meet every Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock at McSweyn’s Hall, Woodvillo. BLOOMINI} Ross Lonon, I.O.G.'I‘., meet every Friday evening at eight o’clock, at Mcs‘wey'n's flail, “'oodville. - Wooovrass GRANGE, P. of H., meet ï¬rst and third Friday in each month, at Mo- Sweyn’s Ha I, WoOdVilIe. \VuoDl‘ILlJ L.O. L. No. 3?, meet first “'cdncsday each month, at McSWeyn's Hall. \Voodville. HARTLEY L.0.L. No. 1,153, meet last \Vodnoeday of each month at Hartley. I'EACEFUL 'Dovs, I.0.0.F., meet every Thursday evening, at Odd Fellowa'HaIl, Canniugton. UANNINGTON Escuirnssr, I.0.0.F.,mect first and third Friday in each month at Odd Fellows' flail, Canningfon. 'l‘iiviiuu I. moi-z, N... 502. [HG/II, meets at Ssimnl Iiunso. Section Nu. 3. 'l‘lioi'nh, uvory “Hahn-eddy evening. .\. I). Sic-Innis, I'.I). Visiting lii'ctli.cii cordially \'r'CIl'IIllIl!IJ. .A. ..V V .. - . 7.7, 7.7 _â€"â€"~â€"~_‘~ ...... ~â€" l‘lio Great Shosheaece Remedy and. Pills The success that those in dicines have moi: with Slriajo: their iiitrnliicziun to fhc public sumo ye-nrs ago. proves plainly to the mmt sk lllll'fll that. they are medicines that per- form what. fin-y art.- ndvcrtiwd to do. The \‘Irtlluzi of them medicines have been well testul. and have withstood their trial in a must s;tII.~fIi(JIUI'y manner. For diseases of the film». , Liver, Lungs. l3.,Il|Oy are unsur- il.‘|.<.~‘uil. We have testinii-niafsnf miraculous curve of flu-so diseases, and of many others. If any III" is afflicted, let him try a bottle of the cumly and a box of f'ills. No injuri- uii-r ell'rc-‘n Will follow their the t0 the must ridicule [mi sum. .13 lIliev are purely vegetable. thorn in'ill': nu mineral matter in them. The cost is «wall. whili- tin: advantages derived from iluzir use will doubly repay you for your uni-us- au.l tr -Illilt!. l'iy tin-Ii: .gi'eat rcumlies and be convinco ml imii Hwy “I" no humlmg. No one who In. t im‘ the Sliushonoes Pills has prououuc- u'I an unfavorable" II .iou of them ; no fmn in WIII‘HS th V have been used will be with- o If fh ‘Iu l"'il| inf munitinu may ho had on oil portio'ilnis f‘IIICIIIll': flic uscdmnl tho. ex- p'llf'liizu of lime who have used them. by StH'IIIHI‘,‘ IIN: 'I‘ri-ntise or- the (‘iri-ulnr from your illllï¬'L'Ih'f I"rro. Price of the Ilcuicdy in Iillll bunk-4. '3l : Pill! ‘25 cents a box. Sold by all medicine dealers. YOU TH l A iii“. <'I'lll'i.\l.\ N Willi Sillf‘wwl for years ' from N mm-n III'IiII :.I'I'\‘. I’III'INIA'I‘IIIH'I Iil'h‘ \Y. mul :ill the off-ch of youthful iii- d.:: 'rurimn. “all for Hm sake of suffering Im- Vll.‘.llil‘. *"ll'l fro-rte! :ill \I’Ili) Ilt‘t‘il if, the ii-wigir .‘ll‘p' .liinx (ion for making the simple .-. .. 1-4 fl. ~t'ffll'll III' wax t‘lIf'fl‘I. Sufferers l .,.| how dug in prrfccil. cur- . 3 . . 3w: "Ii 0' “If!“ 'J‘ 'N. -o . In' the mhuwti-wr's oxpori» DRAINAGE BY~LAW â€"â€"oâ€"â€" r IIE Municipal Council of the Township , of Mnriposa intend at its next meeting to be held at the Town Hall, in the Villag of Oakwooil, on Monday, the l6.th day of February next, to finally pass By~law 240, entituled a Bv-Iaw to provide for borrowing by way of loan on the credit of the Town- ship of Mariposa. the sum of $I.998.58. for the purpose of draining the fa lowing lands in the Townships of Mariposa and Eldon :â€" Maripoea, Con. 15 N} not If) 40acres u H 15 S‘ u 10 25 u u H. 15 Nl " ii ioo « u C! 15 S; H ’1 60 0‘ u u 15 Ni .. 121m - H u 15 s‘ so 12 20 u .. “ 15 N; u 13 53 " Eldon, " 5 123 u l 30 u 40 H 6 ‘ 6 " l 53 ‘C And further take notice that any person who intends to apply to have the abore nam- ed by-law, or any part thereof quashed, must within ten days afterthe final passing there- of, serve a notice in writing upon the Reeve or other head officer, and upon the Clerk of the Municipality, of his intention to make application for that purpose to one of Her Majesty ’s Superior Courts of Law,at Toronto, 'during the term next eiisuin ' the ï¬nal pass- ing of said by-law, or he wil not be heard in this behalf. JOHN P. CUNNINGS. Township Clerk- Township’s Clerk’s Office, Oakwood, January 21st, 1880. â€"-DIALIR INâ€" 'I‘IN and Copper - Were ! KING ST., \VOODVILLE, TINWARE Manufactured from the best materials and at the cheapest rates compatible viith good wdrkmanship. MILK PARS, RAILS. TEA AND COFFEE recs, KETTLES, Japanncd. Ware, ac. All kinds of repairing promptly attended to. â€.1â€" ' Stoves I A large and select stock of Stoves bythe . Dual. makers on hand. Merchant Tailor. LATEST FASHIONS AND A PERFICC’I‘ | wrrn PRICES WHICH (manor mu. m SATISFY, SOUIE’I‘? REGALIAS made to Order. __..._ AGENT FOR 1'" E LIGHT RUNNING “ROYAL" SEWING MACHINE. THE BEST IN THE MARKET. -â€".â€". , strains: or assure u scum: «recite aware c , so. is NOTICE" TB FIT G IIA RA NTEE D. -_~~*~..-â€"r-..â€"m_â€"___.._.-- wâ€..___~--~_. w†FOR TWO WEEKS YOU CAN BUY Bed - Room Sets, And Sideboards, AT TWENTY PER CENI‘ BELOW cosr. â€"â€"ATâ€"- STODDART’S Remember I This offer is for two weeks only and after that everything will be sold at a living profit. W. G. STODDART. This Great Household Medicine ranks among the leading necessaries of Life. These famous Pills purify the BLOOD, and act most pOWerfully,yct soothing on the LIVER. STOMACH, KIDNEYS, and BOWELS, giving tone, energy, and vigour tothcsc great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are confidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or \veakencd. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments inci- dental to Females of all ages; and as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, are unsurpassed. . . Its Searching one. legallngyrcpcstizs are Known 'lhroagnont tae w and For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bud Breasts. OLD WOUIIDS, $33.58 All!) ULBEBS it is an infallible remedy. If effectually .ulibeil on the inch and chest, as salt into meat, it cures hOIlE TH IIUA'I‘, I)iptheria, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, rind even ASTHMA. For Glandular Swellings, Ab- scesscss, Piles, Fistnlns, Gout, Rheumatism, And every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has never been known to fail. ' - The l’ills and Ointment are Manufactured only at 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, And are sold by all Vendors of Mcdiciu’es throughout the Civilized World; with (Ii- n-ctions for use in almost every language. The Trade Marks of these Medicines _arc registered in Ottawa. Ilcucc, any one throughout the British Possessions, who mnv keep the American Conntcrfcits for sale, will be prosecuted. Z’urchasers should look to the Label on the Pets and. 132203. I: the address is not 533 Oxford. Street, London, thcv arc spurious. 6412 Woodville Harness Shop. zsranLisiii-i; 1856. .iliissâ€"si‘vi i'r, HARNESS MAKER, SADDLER dzc [T \Z N, minutes, census, mums, WHIPS 0038'! MINIâ€, BRUSHES, TRUIlKS, VALI3ES AND All. KIND OF HORSE FURNISRING â€"_..__._.. ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING NEATLY AND QUICKLY EXECUTED. Issuer of .II a rrizigc Licences \VUOT) VI LIJIC PLANING MILL Sash and Door Factory The subscribers have now got. flu ir Factory fittc'd up in first-class style an!l are prepared to furnish anything that may be entrusted to them in the shape of N'DOLLARS or v...’ AND SEE OICA Y'S Hpaoillo NI I'll) ICIN [1. maps some The Great TRADE "NM. ï¬rm. Enclishnexn- ’ . *3 f‘gï¬â€™iï¬'i“ ody, nu unfail- ’1' ,9, “ in; cure for ’11. Seminal Weak. (f:."‘,\ ncss. Sp-rma- , tori-hen. Inipo- ' 4‘.» . .{i“%éf‘tb h. . . I u -_ . Bef TAMI!" .my, run a A.» 3 3°†0 “messes that .1130 ' follow as a so- iience of Self-Abuse; as loss of Memory, iiivcrsal Lassitudc, Pain in the Back, Dilu- iicss of Vision, I’rcinuturo ()lil Age,and many other diseases tliut'lmnl to Insanity or Cou- suniplion and a Premature Crave. wr‘ull particulars in our paniplilet,which we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all druggiste at 3| per p 1chagc, or six packages for 85, or will he sent free by mail on receipt of tho m may by addressing THE GRAY MEDICIEE 0P., Toronto, Ont., Canada. W' Sold in Woodville by all Druggists, and I) all wholesale and retail druggists in Cans a and the United States. Ild-Iy NI. B.â€"'I‘he demands of our business have necessitated our removing to Tomato. to which place please address all future corn- municafious. LUMBER 6'5 SEINGLES l The undersigiied Would again thank the public for their iberal patronage in the past year and would state that he is still manuc facturing LUMBER AND SHINGLES. Having a good stock of logs on hand he is prepared to fill HOUSE AND BARN BILLS as cheap as any mill in these parts. FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR LUMBER AND SHINGLES. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. REMEMBER. THE PLACE, FOLLIOTT’S MILL. Half a mile west of Mrs. Young’s Hotel, PORTAGE ROAD. H. FOLLIOTT, Bolsover, P. 0. l 60 FRAMING TIMBER». "â€"ANnâ€". SHINGLESI CHE A I’. , A RTIES contemplating building will find it to their advantage to apply to Elohim Bros. Il‘ilSill/iiil. l W39 .« l l I 0‘ f‘ e TH E A T Flows and Gang .. EEEEdW’E’S. W 1 per cent per month charged on aomunta for repairs, after October. in l .L CAL dd. ides ï¬m“---_.. .. . ..__._..__....... .. .â€" . BERRIE’S FAMILY BREAD IS UNXLD i IN THE (‘OUNTY Buns: Rolls and Pastry a Specialty “MIA, ABERNE'I‘IIY. 2le) FRUIT ’piSClII'I‘H. \‘v'IIUI.f'IS.-\I.I£ AND RETAIL. l SASH.DOORS. AND BLINDS FRUIT CAKES- IVIIXEDTEA PLANING, MATCHING, MOUI.I)I.\'(:, SCROLL H :\ \VINU (TO. ml BIHH‘I. "silica and at bottom prices. Also ‘ shingles and lumber for sale cheap. CONTRACTING MID BBILL‘illG A ï¬i'mtmier. chGl‘msi'e i". CAKES. orders ionicwmp. . .-M-. ___ I’All’f‘l ES SUPPLIED \‘i'l {OLESAIJ'L' Jflllil BERRIE, Cor . King and Stuart 3‘