Talono, J In. 99.-Tbo Bpukor took tho duh n “no. o’olook pan. It. Woon. on thing to move the Bonn Into Contains. 0! Supply. wu warmly ohuud. Am†tow ptolimlnuy obnna- “on. he um : I need hsrdly remind the House thst three. fourths oi our receipts sre iron the subsidy of the Domluiou. end irom Interest on truet lands in the bends oi the Dominion Govern- ment. These smounts sre ï¬xed. The re- nsinlng querter is msde up oi items fluctnst- lulu vslue. which msy he elsssed es s territorielrevenus. The depression in the lumber treie. extending over a period oi seversl yeere, has very seriously eflscted the receipts of the province, sud he: reduced those receipts to such s sum snnuslly us was below sny celculstlons mode by sny Tree. surer iour, eight or twelve yesrs beck. But Ithlnk we touched the lowest point in' the yeer 1878, certsinly the lowest point resched up to the present time, end I trust it will be the lowest ior msny years to come. The mount oi revenue from woode snd forests tor thst yeer was $284,816. Thle yeer there lied been a coneidereble lucresse. but still not up to the eetlmete within some 850,000. There is s very merited improvement so isr se the lumber trsde ie con- cerned. 7 end we here hit the eflect o! it this yesr, end the prospects ere thet tor some years to come we will hsve 3 my lsrge income lrom the woods end lorests hunch. Ineressed prosperity in the lumber trede mosnt not only s lsrger amount at timber end loge to be got out, end thereiore leraer dues to be psid to the Government. but else the collection of erreersges ol iormer eeeeons. I mey eey here thst the revenue 0! 1880 will be derived {rum the timber end logs got out in the winter of 1878-9. And it we do not ieel the eflect o! the present prosperity It present we will et lent in 1881. The revenue from eolloetione on eccennt of Crown lends has been es follows : In view of these decreases, it ie very satis- laetory to be able todocir forward to a larger revenue in the Crown Lande Department. We haw been disappointed in the receipte on account of interest on investments. This is owing to the municipalities who borrowed Irons the drainage land not paying up as promptly ae they ought to have done. and particularly owing to the fact that on account 01 our heavy expenditure in aid of railways andin the distribution 0! the surplus we have had to get an advance on our bonde, and also on account of bonds which have been retired by the Dominion Government. We netimatcd last year that we would receive a large earn from there municipalities etiil in arreara on account at the municipal loan tnnd. but we have been dieappointed. and it is now a matter {or the Government to uricnsiy consider whether the time has not come when those municipalitiee should not be madeto pay of! their indebtedness. (Chara) The receipts for the year 1879 were in block 82,250,269 73. (“TAB") ‘ LEGISLATURE. ' mum mungâ€"rum azsslou. TIIB BUDGET. OUB IDIIDITUBI. New, with reierenoe to the expenditure. 1 dont know thet there in en: thing thet requiree nny very lengthy remerlre irom me. In ed- dition to the ordinery expendituree there ere e number oi iteme. euch ee the expeneee oi entertaining the Governor-Generel during hie vieit to the Province. the vieit oi the latent.- Governor to the newly acquired territory. eid ‘ to dletreeeed eettlere in Aigume, etc , in which we eek the concurrence oi the Houee. But there have been some over expenditures, to which I must brie iiy reler. Buperennuuted teechere hed received more then wee voted ior them leet eoeeion by 83.574 50. The: ie eimply owing to the working out oi the lew, end not to any regulation mede by the Gov- ernment end wee not within the control oi the Government. The over expenditure in immigretion hee been 812,650. which is eel eounted ior by the increeeed number oi im- enigrente who heve come to the country. In 1878 the number ee 18,055 end in 1879 â€.407. end thie incr ee entailed en increeee in the cart oi their meintenenco end in pey- ing their reilwey ieree to diflerent perte oi the country. There wee eleo an overexpenditure in the mutter oi ineurence. The ineurence peid by ue leet your on public huildiuge wee $20,671 on polioiee extending over three yeere. We came to the con- eiueion to‘ have e reveluetion oi our public buildinge end to edopt e better eyetem. We thereiore ineured ell our public buildinge. with the exception oi eix. in eeventeen or eighteen ï¬ret oleee com- peniee. giving to eech at there eompeniee en equel rich on ell our public bulldinge; eo thet every one oi our public buildings. whetever‘ it mey be. is ineured in all oi theee compeniee. end in eeee oi ï¬re the compeniee themeeivee ‘ would lore but little, while the eelety oi the Government would be eeeured. I mey etete iurther thet they heve given whet ie celled en nneonditicnel policyâ€"(beer. heer)â€"end we ere ineured lor 81,892,574 et e rete oi 1} per eent. lor three yeere. Home oi them ere et e higher rete end eome et e lower. The ex- peneee in connection with the generel election heve exceeded our eetimetee by eome 018,526. In eddttion to thet, but not included in the eetimetee, we heve paid out during the put yeer lerge eume in aid to reilweye, in the die~ tribution oi enrplue. end 825,000 to Quebec on eeeount oi the intereet due on the collec- tione on eccount oi Common School lende. Thie, it ie tr- 1. her reduced the eeeete. but it hee reduced the liebilltlee ee well. Our expenditure in 1879 emounted to 92,285,- 382 10. Now, Mr. Bpeeker. In the euete there hee been e conelderehle reduction. In the Met piece. the Domlnlon Government. ee I here eeld. hee retired eome $350,000 of their etock we held. end we heve ohtelned iron: the Bent o! Commerce en edvenoe of “13,100 on ec count at reilwey grente we bed to Ineke. on eeeount ol dletrihution o! eurplue end for the peyment to Lower Oenede on eccount 0! Corn- Inou School lende. Thle. ee e metter ol couree. VIII reduce our eeeete. though et the eeme time you will perceive thet our 1mm. tlee here been reduced eomewhet In the eetne proportion. (Beer. heer) I mey etete lur. user thet thle loen 0! 9413.000 wee obtelned at 8! per cent.. Including conmleelon, end the reeewel wee ohtelued et 4 per cent.. Inelndlng theeormnieelone. Our eeeete ere 06,141,896.“ n... Lou cal-IO“. DUI “MINI. OUR Alll‘ll. $189,655 so x. 82254 on .. ‘5,on oo GUI “Dim. thh totoxonoo to tho nobtflttoo. tho omino- ttono wo woro undo: on oooount at tho Act pooood In 34 ond 86 Vtot.. known on tho .Boilwoy Md Act. hove boon dloohomod. Bovorot at tho roodo ontitlod to :ollwoy old o goo: oao hop Igoon poly! o: rottm their oloimo heve been diecherged by the tune oi eorip under 42 Victorie. The land eet epert by the Act peeeed in 84 35 Victorie. known ee the Bcbeidy Fond. urenting 3100.000 e yeer ior ‘ twenty yeere. hee been exheneted. end ell‘ peymente by the tune of ecrip under thet end ell other Acte beve been mede up to the Slet December. 1879. Whet I propoee to do ll to give you the emonnte which we heve given by direct grent to diflerent reilweye. end which we etlli owe. We do not owe on ecconnt oi enbeidy, tor every doller oi ecrip ‘hee been peid thet wee dne up to the 81et 0! ‘December. 1879; we do owe to roede to which direct arente heve been rnede. but which here not yet completed their roede. end are there. fore not yet entitled to receive them. The only roede to which we ere indebted ere. I believe. threeâ€"the Grend Junction. 20 milee; the Montreel 6: City 0! Uttewe. 66 mllee; end the Oobonrg. Peterboroneh 43 Marmore. 13 milee. Our liebilitiee ere $842,821.54, leevieg ue. eiter ell our diebnreemente thie yeer. end etter the very herd timee we heve bed {or the leet four or ï¬ve yeere which entetled emell receipteâ€"etill leaving ne with e earplne oi 84.809.027.98. (Loud cheere.) u'mu'nn ““1318. Our "um-ted nooipn to: ‘ho ynr 1880 no $2,816,719.42. There are some increases and some decreaeee in the propoaed expenditure ior 1880, to which it is perhaps neceasary for me to allude. Hon. gentlemen will notice that. so iar ae public inetitutions are concerned, there is in the aggregate very little change. For the Hamilton Aeylum the inereaeed amount is in order to provide accommodation for eighty more inmatee. The increase in the appropriation for the Central Prieon is caused by the change of industry, which enabler us, however. to dispenae with the 'Iervicel oi the chic! man. giving a saving ‘0' 82,000 a year. and also to ark ior lees for materiel. We are asking for quite a large stun in connection with the Agrieul turai College at Guelph to provide ior additional pupiie. We have come to the conclueion that that institution ought to have additional accommodation. 30 ac to provide for at least 150 pupils. and when any boybeyond that number aeeka admis- sion he mutt simply wait his turn. I have been given to understand â€"in (act I am per- fectly satisï¬ed-that the present ataï¬ can teach 150 boye just as well as they now do 92. Solar ae the expense is concerned it will eimpiy be conï¬ned to a low more eer- vante, and the pro rata charge will be very much reduced. For that purpose we aek (or 822,000, which I have no doubt iviii he cordi ‘ ally granted by this House. We have aleo‘ made a change in the Beiormatory at Pene tenguishene. butas when I introduce the Bill relating to that institution I ehali make some remarks upon it, I will now conï¬ne myeeii to simply etating that we intend to make it more of a re- iormatory school and less oi a prison then it le now. and an inatitution of which the people 0! thie province will ieei proud. We propose to remove the priaon cell, and to provide the inatitution with large dormitoriee and an evening room. and to make arrange- mente so that they will not be obliged to take their meaie down in the cellar as now. For that purpose we require 829,664. 11' II A NAT!" 0' IUBPBIII TO Hall. and tcnobody more than me. that nearly all the railways we aided since 1872 have been completed. 0i the twenty-six railways to which we have granted aid only iour are yet uncompieted over the distance ior which we granted aid. These iour are the Grand Junction. having 20 miles to corn piete it to Peterborough; the Mon- treai 1: Ottawa City. having 66 miles uncompleted : the Kingston i! Pembroke. having 28 miles to construct from .the Mississippi to the Madawsska; and the Oobourg. Peterborough Msrmore. 13 miles. There could be no better evidence oi the propriety oi the action oi theGovern ment and wisdom on the part oi the House than that very fact that. in the lace oi the hard times. in the iace oi the iact that the prorpects until within a short time ago have been so dark and gloomy. that we have corn. plated these railways. with the exception oi a iew miles. Is something wonderiul. In addi- tion to that. every- one oi these roads has been tested to its iullest capacity to carry grain to the market ior three months prior to the ï¬retoi January. (0heers.) We have granted aid to roads in 35 out oi the 45 counties and districts into which the province is divided. The number oi miles completed is 1,410, oi which 644 had been aesisied by direct grant. 644 by annual sub- sidy. and 131 by direct grant and annual subsidy combined. The amount oi cash payments in direct grants was 81.685.409.16; by annual subsidy. 81.072.679.81. or a total oi 92.768.188.46 The amount oi annual subsidy yet to be paid upon the scrip issued was $182,032.48. Now. on iormer occasions in addressing this House with reference to the estimates. the Public Accounte. I have never reierred to the other provinces oi this Dominion with a view to making a compari- son. and I should reirain irom doing so now but that the political platicrm oi the Premier oi the Province oi Quebec is oi such a char- acter as to be dangerous ii NOT nosm T0 T3! XNTIIIII‘B OI ONTAEIO This is not a party questionâ€"it is one in which the people oi all parties in this pro- . vince are vitally interested. The principal plank inthc Quebec Premier’s platiorm is practically a demand ior better terms. it is one oi those things which must be carsiuliy‘ watched and careiuliy looked into. and 1 pro- pose to make a iew remarks as to how I view it irom an Ontario standpoint. This plank Ircier tois that oi ï¬nancial reiorm. No person could object to that. It is one oi those things which sounds well ; ii carried out is well. But the ï¬rst thing he sees. the ï¬rst thing he grasps at. the ï¬rst thing he mentions to bring about this ï¬nancial reicrm. is the sale oi the North Shore Railway to the Dominion Government. And when we recol- lect that oi the receipts oi the Dominion one- hali comes irom Ontario. we see that the sale oi the road to the Dominion ior ten or eleven millions oi dollars means ï¬ve or six millions taken out oi the pockets oi the people oi Ontario. (Ohecrs.) It is claimed that Ooniedsratlon has not worked , uniaidy so isr as the Province oi Quebec is . concerned. I do not propose t_c diacuss that pori o! tho quoulon no'w ' but I on “mm. hon olwoyo boon lotioflo .ln loot momma, II’HHATID IXPIIDYI‘U“. thst the working oi Oonlodsrstion hes been unuisto Ontario. But that in ssido iron the question. As I prooi oi the unisirnsss to Outuio. let us look st the mount position 1 oi the two provinces. It is pointed out thst we hero I surplus 0! shout two million. whilo Quebec hsd s doneit oi twelve millions. That would he s good ugument ii the people oi both provinees pursued the some lystom in dosiing with pubiio matters. I! the munieipslitieo ‘ond privste citizens oi Quebec took o shore in constructing public works snd pubiio buildings. in erecting end msintsining their jails snd oourt houses. us we do. I would ssy there might be some evidence of the uniolr- nose siieged. But let us look ot the position they occupy. Toke iorinstsnoo their rsii- wsys. They sre now indebted to: this purpoeo to the extent of IXOBT 03 “I mnuon nonuu. Including tho'ono they now propouo to hand over to the Domlnlon Government 1 quote the {allowing ï¬gures {tom 3 report 0! Mr. O. J. Budge! preuonud to the Dominion Pullman at thoir Inst Iouion. which conic: us down to 30th June. 1878 :â€" Twelve nilwuya “dad. 103.31 mileagooomplu- 01 men the Quebec. yoqgrnl. ‘ Ottawa «I The remaining railways are either bmnoh lines or local road- ud may be alum-ted to com u much :- simller roul- 1u Ontario. Iny 818,000 per mile: 550859 813.- Government aid to tho-e completed, miles paid and nnpnid.................. 9,724 250 00 Municipal aid to do ...... 85.11.5000!) Pxivctc capiul .............. . 6.991.550 00 The {allowing were ihé‘hgurcn oi iha acme cxpondiiuxc in Onicxio up to the 31st 0! December, 1878. clncc which time Very iow nddiléonnl milcc oi nilwny had been com- plete : Twenty-three railways w aided. total mileage 1351 @ cm.ooo........... 24426.000 00 Railway aid. $1,077,481“ Railway cub- Iidicc... .. 131130300 .. A-.. _-. -_ . â€"-___v.. ... .. Vï¬._ â€"-- " $2,838,734 05 Municipal eid. ................ 7.!39.1)00 Private capital. 14.8%,735 1:5 From these ï¬gures it eppeers that in Ontario privete eepiteliste end municipalities furnish the lnrger amount 0! the eepitel and build the roeds with the Government neeistenee. But in Quebec it in the reveree, the Govern ment there inrniehes the money end the cepiteliete end muniepelitlee essiet to build the railways (0heere.).low the mnnieipelities in thie province build their own court-houses end jail: nnd pey for their meintenenee. but in Quebee the Government erset these honsee and pays the oï¬ieiels eOnneeted with them. Herein this province we build colonizetion roads in districts where roedn could not otherwise be built. end do not epend in dcller for each n work in the older counties; but in Quebec lune eume ere granted to build roede in the older portions of the province. We ere therefore juetiï¬ed in going into this metter to find out whether or not there 1e eny juttiee in selling thie North Shore Railway to the Dominion Gow‘ ernment. (Cheers) Another point in con- nection with this mutter. The people of the Lower Province went into their present state of affair-1 deliberetely and with their eyes open. I do not mean by thet to charge leading men 0! that province with having looked forward ten or twelve years. allowing thie debt to aeoumulete in the beliei that when it became too heavy they would come ,to the Dominion and demand better tonne. But they let the Oocidemil PBOVIICI 00 BIHIID HNMMMY, taking it es e metter oi course. end believing , this wes the prOper thing to do. end thet it 1 wee propsr that the Government rether then ‘ the ps0pie or municipellties should beer the burden oi these public works. They beilevod that ii the Government did the work. the money which would otherwise be epent would be lsit in the people's pockets. 1 mey quote in support oi these stetemsnts the ï¬nenciel speech oi the Provinciei Treesurer. Hon. L. B. Ohureh, beiore the Legislative Assembly oi the Province 0! Quebec on .21st Jennery, 1878 ‘Ii Quebec bed gone behind ï¬nencielly through unioreseen or uneveidehle circum stances. or es e result oi the working oi Ooniederetion, she would be worthy oi ell sympethy irom the other provinces. but in view oi the remerks oi ber iete treeeurer she deserved no sympethy. end should receive no eid iron the Dominion Government. I mey heve msde en innovetlon, but under the circumstances I em quite instilled in ssying whet I have seld. end I would like to beer ex- pressions oi opinion upon this metter by hon. gentlemen on both sides oi the House. This is e mettsr oi very serious import to us. I believe thet the opinion oi the Lsgieletive Assembly oi Ontsrio upon this point should be deï¬nitely steted. (Cheers) Let the Dominion Government understend whet our views ere es to this mettsr. Ii it comes to be understood by the people oi Onterio thet the Government oi Quebec ceu construct greet reilweys end then bend them over to be e burden on the revenues oi the Dominion. I would not give you much ior the Con- iederstlon oi to-dey. (Ohesrs) I think it one oi the most dengerous circumstences which heve heppened since the yeer 1867. It would be it sorry thing ior the Psrllement et Ottewe to sey to the people oi Onterio. "You heve been lndns trious; you heve been enterprising; you heve neVsr esked ior eid ior e reilwey without ï¬rst subscribing your own iunds to build it 3 you beve never esksd ior essistence ior educetion or egriculture without ï¬rst contri- ’ buting yourselves; but you shell esslst to l pey the indebtedness oi the weeker endless energetic province.†The province thet is wise mede to suffer. the one thet hes been unwiee tobe rswerded. I move. Mr. apesker. ‘ thet you do now ieeve the ehelr. (Loud end continuous cheering.) Mr. Minions. without himull expruting on, opinion on tho oxpadionoy oi pmohuinu the Quebec North Shore Btiiwny tor the Dominion, protested main-t the introduction oi Inch n qnution into the humbly, nnd promdad to exitioiu tho annuals! Itoto. mont. Ho wu {allowed by In. Front. Mr. Motrin, Mt. Louder, Mr. Mill-r. Ht. Young, It. Dorooho nnd lit. no). tho dobnto taking I'M†wide nnao nnd iuting during the who]. oi n oompnntiniy long sitting. “nah oi the Iponling no 5 nptodution oi the otitioitl on iut Jon's utitutu. but our, Oppotition upon". ioiiowiu nu indw- 877.51 326 60 cast $10.3â€,000 00 820353.300 00 9.915.300 00 oxnmplp._omtully nlrdnoqmmpxpuqdu any ophlon on tho propoud much... o! the Quobco Bu) . On motion I Home um Into Oommmu 0! Supply. The nm “on In ‘ho «and». to: civil gonrnnont. was ad, when tho Commute. ton. and the can adjourned » 10.15. Tonou‘o, Jan. 80. -â€"-Tho Commune work a the Home Ihlc mowing wu not impoflun. In the Bull") Committee the chute: o! the Ponflunloy a ’20:) Funk Rsuwny _wu u)"- ed. in the Public Accounts Committee thou wu only I tow mlnutu' gourd oon- vorntlon. and in the Private mun Committee. the Bill empowering the trustee: o! Ohrlnt Church. Ottawa. to nuke O oortnln nip wu roportoq. __ M on o'clock an Attorney Gononl roe naked 3 dopunflon tron: Norm Yoxk ogainlt 3h. separniop 0! ‘ho gang. mTéxs'osro, Juli. 30.â€"'1‘ho Speaker took the chill- at three o'oiook. 7 Mr. Cnuonrou moved for on order o! the House tor 3 return 0! I11 doportmontal order: or Instruction to Income Commis- oloneu or Inspectors wirh o. View ‘0 {arm-1p ing to the mnniolpalfllu detail- 01 expendi- ï¬nro of Moon-o land â€"0mlod. Mr. Dneocne moved ior an order oi the Home tor a return at all ieee received by John Hoekin, guardian ad limit oi iniente. in the Court oi Chancery. during the year 1879. dietinguiehing diahureemente irorn ieee ; the number and names oi the clerke employed by him to aeeiet him in each guardianehip ; the ealary paid to each oi eaid clerke in connection therewith, and ii any oi euch elerke have been otherwlae employed ; the nature and extent oi euoh employment and aleo the particulare oi any other expenditure incurred by him ae euch guardian. '1!!! enter MIDI AID 030" fllllle The motion for the aeoond reading oi the Bill oi the Oommiuioner oi Crown Lande to amend the Free Grante and Homeeteade Act i gave rise to a long and epirited debate. Mr. Pnnnn explained that the chiei object oi the ‘ Bill wee to overcome a grave diflicuity which ‘ had arieen in the working oi the Act. Under the law at preeent the holder oi the timber licence ie compelled to remove all the pine timber within ï¬ve years alter the location oi the eettler on the loud. alter - the expiration oi which period whatever timber ie leit become: the property oi the holder at the patent. While the rate oi eettlement wae elow thie eyetem worked_weil enough. ior the lumberer hed plenty of time to remove the timber at his convenience. but ior eome yeare paet the rate 0! tree grant eettlement has been eo rapid that in order to cave himeeli the holder oi the limit hoe been forced either to eweep of! the timber more rapidly than he could market it, or to bargain with the locatee to hand it over to him after the ieeue oi the petent,“and thue out off the revenue from duee. The remedy propoeed by the Billie to permit the licence holder to leave the timber longer than ï¬ve yeere ii he hoe a mind to do eo. the eettler being meanwhile empowered. as now, to itaheiwhat he requires ior hie own use. -- hit: Wobbï¬ï¬‚ooincod that he oxpvotcd to be Iblo to bring down the Public Accounts for 1879 on Tuesday. The Home :djourned st 10 50. norm: or 110110!!- Mr. Gibson (Humilton)â€"Bm to amend the Liquor L' con-o Act. Tononro, Feb. 2.â€" The Speaker took the chair at three o’clock. non-nemnur sonoon narrates. Mr. Rose. In moving the second reading oi hie Bill to amend the Act respecting Public. Separate end High Schools. explained that its object was to give non-resident owners of property in school sections the same privileges as residents, so that they might send their children to a school in a neighboring section ‘ii more convenient than the sectional school. lThe requirement of the Bill was that non- residente should pay a rate eqnsl to the l average paid by rceidents._ Mr. Cnooxe cpproved oi the Bill and inti- mcted that his regulctlom hcd permitted non- reeidente to mend their children to neighboring Iohool nation. He called that the Bill ehould etcnd. .0 that he' might introduce ite provi- elonc into a general Bill, along with that last under diecnnlon. Mr. Ron coneented. - Mr. Youxo wu glad the Minister oi Educ.- tlon bed cpproved oi the Bill. In some one! gentlemen who owned a luge emount oi property in town: had their rulden‘el out- eide oi the town limits, and it learned on injustice that they should not he cllowed to send their children to the town echoole. - Mr. Mlunn‘n suggested that the Minister 0! Education should provide in his Bill some machinery to lacilitste the collection 0! ntes in union school sections. Mr. Bole eeid eohool eeetlone were now put to ooneidoreble apnea in teking the canoe with the view of eeoextelnlng their title to the Government grent. He thought the eeeeuor might do thet woxk. After some {author Inflation: by Menu. Uook. Creighton Ind. Wlddlï¬eld, the Bill wu nllowed to land. Mr. Gibeon'e (Hamilton) Bill to extend the provieion ewerding 820 to detectives oi hone thievu to citiee. and relating to the meinte- nenoe oi bridgee between county mnnioipeii- tier, wee reed 3 second time. end reierred to the Committee on the Mnnieipei Lew. Minivan“ Bill hoisting-to the dosin- nauon of township councillors, and Mr. Esra Bill to prevent “no spreading o! Onnnda thhtlel. were tanned to the ulna Oommmoo. Mr. Bu, in moving the eeeond reeding oi the Bill respecting the Tile. Stone end Timber Dreinege Act. expieined thet the object 0! the Bill wee to provide {or ontlete to he mede to the dreine ; eieo to extend the Lot eo ee to eppiy to tone and viiiegee, for there were teeming lende within the iimite of each muni- cipalitiee which needed drainege ee mneh u eny_ _oth_e_r. wâ€"l _-_-__ Mt. Manna obicoiodihoi in txionding tho provisions of the Act to towns and vii- logo-Aha rule ogninlt expenditure without the recommendation 0! tho Liam-Governor was being ovoruoppod._ _ "Mr. m36li'idgazuda um lbs 3111 should be nllowod to stand. :0 gm hlm 1n oppor- tunity to onmlno Into this quonllon. Mr. HA! ngmd um the Bill Ihonld Imd. AGRICULTURAL 001110.. Mr. Wood'l Bill nopoollng tho Agflonlllml College was puud thtonsh Oommlmowilh- out mulorlnl nmondmont. m» IUIVII’I. Mr. Pardoo’l Blll rupeetlng Inna Barny- on nu! tho not", 0! lands In tho punt! through Col-mum. ’ ‘ O3IXMII HIIHIOI. IUMOIPLL MW. The lollonlnc reports [or 1879 won Md upon tho “his: 01th. Iolpootor ol Innu- um; o! the Ontnlo School of An and benign; o! m Bum: o! the Unlnnuy ol 'l'oron‘o. TM flouu udjonxnad u 5.45 o'clock. THE BQ’I‘IMA'I‘ES FOR 1830. The uiimtiu lot 1880. which won brought down yuioxdny. contain the ioiiowinz how. the corresponding inn. to: 1879 boing given ior potpou- oi oompuiuon: ‘ ccauu: nunmwonn. union. law. 1819. Civil Government.................. 0176.519 0175M Adminiunuon oI Junie. ... Ednuuon.................. ......... Public lnl‘lliflfllt...†lmmlsnuon ..... ...... AI damn". Ax“. Eu... Halplull Ind ChumoI" leflluoouu .......... Publ. o Bulldlnuu .. .. Public Wot-II ...... mural on Crown 1;de Remnant..." ................ ...... Untoxouen Ind UnprovldId. Town-Inna OIIIIIOUUCW'. Ul'll “U V'l’lllfl'l-llo ygglglniuplz._........;. Public maniac"... Public Worku......... Calculation Bead: In udditlon to tho ubovo ordinuy ad «pm! upondlmro prop" for 1880. npproâ€" printout will be uhd a follow: to: «thin untgxeuon oxpondllml at 1879: common Icnoon rum. Interest paid Tron-nor o! Quoboo......0 25.000 00 Immanuel. Ext". oxpondlturo on account 0! lmor number or lmmignnu min In onl- muod tor...................... . 12.060 1 Bupounnutod “when . mmwnu'rxox or women. Lighting. “0.. Olgooao Hall............ nonunion. Inmnnoo. Imbllo maximum. 0,356 05 Expenulo oloouonl...†18.526 70 Expense. n 1111: of an Ex- oononc the Governor- Gone! - c u .- uuuu-uoo - to .553 91 Expense. re villé of ï¬ll Honor the Lieutenant- Govornor to tho Nonn- Wont, obo.............. 5.57 23 lnlpootjon or insurance com- ‘ Colonization Bond; The soul amount to be voted for on par- poua for 1880“. thereforomompuod with the amount votod (or last you. M 10110" . 1879. 1880. Current “madam-0.... 82,022,630 02,066,496 9.91:.“ oxpgndflggo ...... 266.0% 242,290 Current oxpondlture.... Capital expenditure Unfouuou to: 1879......... Tom 82.280.630 82.0w â€"_._____.â€"_â€" 31:"an um um. oununmnn. A Grout Religions Movement in the Clef â€"All the uhnrchee 'l'nrenged. 8r. Carnsnuus. Jen. 29.â€"Mr. E. P. Hem- mond hes been conducting revive! services in St. Cetharines ior neerly three weeks. He hes met with merked end unexempled success. Over six hundred persons heve been exec mined end given in their nemes. proieseing to heve experienced e. ohengu of hurt. Services heve been held during the whole time of the revival in all the churches eontinuouely end elntost simulteneously. Meetings heve eleo been iheid in thedrill shed. in the merhet pleee and in the police oflice. B). Peul Street Methodist Church. the lergest in the city end cepeble oi holding 1.600 perrons. hes been tilled to in utmost cepecity every night end crowde were nneble to gein edtniseion. The- Beptlsls, Presbyteriens end Methodists ere. working in the utmost hermeny together. So great hee been the evtehening thet not only ere the people aroused in the city, but large numbers flock in iron: the stu- ronndlng country, ell enxious end eager to beer and listen to the greet revivel preecher. The work hes been productive oi great good to many young men. Old hardened einnsrs who herdly ever entered a church beiore. end perhaps never uttered. e preyer. heve succumbed. end teerinlly told their experienee. end given evidence oi their desire to leed Christian lives. The work does not seem to be very emotions]. but some deep end mysterious power in moving the people. Although the oath bee; been going on for three weeks thereis not e' pertiole oi ebetement in the interest. No- thing in the history oi 8t. Oethsrines ever caused such en universel feeling wrong the peeple. It is e greet religious ewshen- tng. Depntetione heve come in iron: the edjoining towns and villeges eshing (or Mr. Hammond’s ,help. Urgent cells heve elso come from the leading cities in the Dentin- ion erking Mr. Hemmond to come end help them. Pnnlnnnnnl Hun Boonâ€"Tho Roma any: : “ Tho Hymn Book Commute how for the proton: concluded lholr noun lobou. The collection which thcy wlll Inbmlt to the Ganonl humbly will be concldcnhly lugs: than the flat prucntcd. It comic. full to be c volunblc compllcllon, Ind chlc to non, of tho congrcgctlonl. Tho ncw hymn book bu, however. to run the aunt!“ of coaching cmiclcm such in lhc Supra†Conn bolorc it In ‘ anthorlncd.’ †“ Joeephlne, you hevc eltogether too may conelne tor e lemlly thet te fond of cold meet â€"you muet look out {or enother piece." “ 0h, medeme. pleeeo"â€"â€" " We no neeâ€" Iglve yon evening.†" All ï¬ght, me’enaâ€"I teke yon: warning, me'emâ€"end heeven knows. me'em. We and I'll be to get out c! this home, me’em. There'e not I living Ion] In it I‘ll :egret. me’em, except Panto." “ Except Ponto 7" “ In. me’em. amt Panto. The etepe thet dog levee e 9 that Inc dlehee to ween." " The mun who hefle you ' Tom ' or 'Jeck,’ A119 prove: by thumps upongonr beck How he sitcoms your merit, It won I Mend muons had notd Bo vory much his friend,1nd«d, 'l‘o pardon or to but u." ‘ . Mr. H. M. Anderson, 0! Guoipb. hu loll h1- noohoru Lmlo Funk 10! .800 to put!" in Tomato. From thence It wlhbg, “mined for England. N It bu boon doumlnod to hold a latch nnlonal Exhibition st Rom. In 1882. an Import-at tutor. bolas the noon: applia- uonl of mono. to consul Indnmy. Rev. J. K. Smith. 0! am. who {or Ihn put two or chm nuk- hu bun ï¬ling. in slowly‘ but ï¬nally Improving. A, Boon ‘IG lino“ to} dolls an WM by on. London noun at than“ 0! W1,†â€I“ .‘u‘. , i bme.uoumuunuo-u 0000- I." CAPITAL EXPENDITURE. I'D... .00... . ou-uo on...- II I’DI‘II. IDUOA'IXON. It... 08,066,496 $176,519 1 I 1.000 885.461 4991 19 an .831 97.00) 109,860 '1! 870 57.607 7.100 8,0(0 7’4“) 59 630 50.â€) 0122.710 93,290 some 1,975 29 3105.107 92 “.03.“! 0175.â€? 108.000 .266.†42.182 1" mi“ 18 8,074 5' 3316 50 09.050 109.600 72.238 31. Ill 19.0!!! 11-709 1052137