nxsonnu “roan m: romon mournn. homoml'cb. 6,â€"Nlno prioonm ummd The murdered girl hed only come irom Irelend n ehort time ego. end wee ehout 23 yeere oi ege. 8he wee employed eerning her living in her uncle'e houee, end wee ee iree from guilt or my knowledge of the exieiing imbrogiio betwegn the belligerent pertiee. ee en inient child. Nevertheleee. the morning light found her e ehepeleee meee.in “one red buriei hient," no doubt through leer oi her recognition of eome oi the murderoue perty. WHAT WAI CHI VIOIMIOI comm]? The Vigilence Committee. concerning which so much hee been eeid. hed ite origin in the deeire to unite in en effort to put e check to preveiling crime. Thole who were pertiee to it became so openly, piecing their nemee to e peper to thet eflect in the porch oi 8t. Petrick'e Church. It wee eteted tome. time eince that the remerke oi the B". Fether Connolly directed egeinet the enthore oi crime genereliy geve greet cflence to Williem Donneliy. end thet he went so ier ee to throeten Fether Oonnoliy by eheking hie hut in hie iece. It wee the iertheet iron the thoughte oi thoee thet united in the p;oieet egeinet crime to he the perpetretore o it. The remeine oi the Donnellyr were interred in the Romen Oetholio cemetery without eny opposition or meniieetetlone of en unnenel ohereeter. Fether Connolly eelehreted men end delivered e very efleetlng eermon. in which he eteted thet when he eeme to Bid- dulph he did not know the Donnelly hoye. but heerd thet they were very herd oeeee. end wee enxloue to meke them better. it possible. but he wee eorry to eey he hed not eneeeeded in eeoom- pliehlng thil. In ieet, he eeld he believed there were men hed enough in Blddnlph to ï¬ght et been. knock e men down. meim horeee. burn down hnildinge, end even kill e men ; but e tregedy like the one thet hed recently heppened he did not think my old men bed anything to do with. end the’t it ex- ceeded in horror enythlng he hed ever met A reporter bed an interview with Rev. Father Connolly. the parish prieet. who is much reapected in the neighnorhood. He eaid he approved at the appointment at the Vigilance Committee for the purpoae oi ierretting out the wrong-done in the neigh- borhood. many bad crimes having been com- mitted. The Committee. howeVer. had kept their uctiona eecret irom him. In iurther couvereatlon, Father Connolly eaid : It it not true that 1 have excommunicated or placed the Donnellya under the bann oi the Church. Sometime agoI receivedeletter irom William which eonteined come very importinent remarhe, and I then acid I ehould have nothing more to do with them. I aleo referred to the burning of Patrick Byder'a harm on Sunday Week. I told my people from the pulpit oi the occurrence, and pointed out to them the terrible work which had been done by aome pereone, but did not in any way mention the Donnellye. 0n Chrietmaa eve the elder Donnelly and lira. Donnelly both came and conieued to me. A low daya alter. Thomee woe ameted for robbing Byan. John Donnelly came to me to conieaalou. l reinted to conieu him, and told him I thought he intended to conieea to an nntruth in order to tree hie brother and ‘implicate othera. He then went away. 80 tar as I am concerned, I am periectly inno- cent ol any connection with. or knowledge oi, the movement'a oi the second Vigilance Committee. I expect to be arrcated, aa 1 know that irom the bitter hatred which William Donnelly been me he will do all in hie power to have me arreetcd. URAICII CI‘ COIVIC’I‘XOR. Accompanying the detectivea who made the erreata war a miacellaneoul collection oi apadea. ahovela. picke, etc.. which ,were iound near the ruins of the houae. and which it; ie auppoaed will lead to romething. Wur'unu no out {or ton morn Impacted puma. and i: in not expected tbn any troublo will be oxpuionood in muting the mom. Ono mm implicated ll xepoflod to bun dogmpod. ii in thought one o! thou-united will “ [pm " from romukliho made. Luca. Fab. 6 10 I. m.â€"-Tho one» o! I number 01 prom neni lumen. members 0! the Vigilanow Committee, 1m onuabd :enowod toxoltrmum throughout the diomot. and mo» cx'rmrhnary dualopmonu are upset"! hourly, u the dououvu no working hard. IKULLI l’l‘OblN., During last night the skull of James .Donnelly, which was (matured. wu stolen from we win: of the building. The portions 0! the than of Mrs. Donnelly and her niece, which mminod mm“. mm also stolen Item the mun. Undo-meet}: the charred remains at James Domnuy was a pocket knilo. whï¬h was uenulry carried by him. The ruins hove been mitcd by hundrede of people. and many cum 4 away mementos of their visit in the ob. p .01 teeth or bones of the deceased. A SAD “Jill. A heart-tending eeene was witnessed when thu only daughter of the hmily arrived. ‘Upofl being ehown the bodice she went into Violent hyetetios. which continued nearly all night. She is the youngest ot the lemily, being twenty two years of ego. ï¬ne la mer- rled and has three children. Her residenee sis et 8:. Thomas. During the day several lettu- ol a threat- onlng onlnotet were reooived by Ohio! Williams. He was adviaod to go home and “tend to hit business. or it would be ‘ho wane {or him. Five Victims. A SDLEMN AND IMPRESSIVE 80ENE. A SERMIDN BROKEN Wl'l‘ll DOB! AND WILD LAMEN- 'I‘A'I‘IONS. THE LUCAN TRAGEDY â€on Evidence Brought Outâ€"1 Io Bloody Blank“ Found In Kennedy's-'1‘ no â€use Arte-ll. Interrlng the Remains o! the IRTIBHINT Ol‘ I'll. DORIIIJJI. nu umm mum‘s ton-non. IBBBLTIIIIIG LITTER. . LOOIKSO ’03 BILXOI. A BAD XIC’IDIII. At this point the . epeeker egein ehowed eigne of Meeting down, end teere gethered tn hie eyee. but he btnehed them ewe: end meneged to enppreu hie emotion enflieientiy to be able to proceed with hie eddreee. " 0n thet night." he continued. " the old women told me ehe wee trying to get her hoye to come to eonieeeion. But they did not come. end here in the consequence. O, God oi Heeven, 10min them 1" Here egein the rev. gentlemen euoenmhed with the exoiemetion " I een’t eey my more." and bowed hie heed in teen on the eiter. while at the eeme time sobbing wee renewed in level-e1 oi the pews. Then ioilowed Oi the manner of observing the ï¬rst there are. and ever shall be. diflerenoes ol opinion ; but as regards the laws oi the land there can be no second opinion as to their observance. In the interest oi sooiety and God these laws should be respected. This has not been done in Blddulph; house all those lawless pro- ceedings there. I feel sorry for this awinl occurrence. particularly tor the iamily before us. It might be thought that I was not in iriendship with the family. But I can say truly that I have no enmity against them. With the old people I always agreed, par- tioularly with the old woman. She came irequently to eoniession, and it was only on last Christmas Eve that she told me of Aid. In! IOHOWS AID TROUBLII OI‘ RIB hill." Patrick Donnell: roee {tom hie eeet end exoleimed in union: voice “ Fethor Connolly. I wieh you would give e detelled‘ eoeount." The prieet. who evidently wee eoneldenbiy eetoniehed et thie requeet. heelteted for e moment end then eeld : “ Perhepe lt would be juet ee well thet I ehould tell eomethlug of my trouble with the boye. The gteeteet teuit I found with them we thet they hed " I never expected thet euch e ecene would ever prceent iteell to at. end belore the whole world. To come to Biddulph I lelt e quiet place, end e 0hrietlen piece, where the lewe of God end the lewe of men were obeerved. I cemc to e dtetrlct where neither the lewe 0! God nor the lewe of men were obeyed ; hence the terrible coneequencee we no to-dey. The lewe ol the lend ere founded on the lewe ot God. end I repeet thet they heve been vloleted eaein end egeln. And not only thet. but than entrueted with the obeervenoe ol the lew proetltuted it. For thet proeitntion they heve to enewer one dey beiore the Eternel Judge. ee thoee guilty men who uneven mm mane xx rumour moon." By thie time the prieet hed fully recovered himeell. end uttered the leet eentenoe with method empheele. He continued in the eeme toneâ€"“ When I eeme here end heerd eooounte ot the depredetione thet hed been committed by the Donnellye I could herdly believe them. I did not think thet eny one could bring euch diagreoe on hie religion. But there were othere in the heck ecene. end they ere the once who committed thie murder, lot which they will heve to enewer before their God. My beloved brethren, there ere two thinge thet muet be obeerved in every eoolety, " a! nun- xs noun." He turned hie incl: to the congregation. end. leaning on the holy sitar, wept like I child. At the some time sobs broke torth from Mrs. Curry and the women eitting next to her.while Patrick and Robert Donnell}. who set in the not before them. although they annexed to suppress their tears. were observed to shske like brenehee in e sole. William Donnelly's futures were tightly set. showing the iron will thet he is possessed of, but still he was not unmoved. Men: at the women in the congregation joined in the weeping. end {or two or three minutes the some wee teaching in the extreme. Father Connolly wee the ï¬rst to banish his tears and renaming his tormer position. in: HIV. IAWII'B IIBHOK. “ My boloved brethren." he said. “you Ire in the presence of the moat solemn Ioano am has our been brought hotoro the gaze of humanity. I hove behold many solemn wanes. but thin in the moat solemn I have our wishes-ed." Here the feeling. 0! the rev. genueman overcame him and amid a flood of «on he oxolnimed. In] ODBTIGI KOVRD 0", the eoilln contcinlng J ohn‘e body being borne in n heme. end thct contolning the remains of the tour other vlctlme being placed ln 0 eleigh. The mourninl proceeeion. which war over belt e mile long, wended its way to the Roman Catholic Church It Ryan's Oornere, about two miles distant from the village. It was met at the church door by Father Oon- nolly. who preceded the comes up the ciele, where they were rented during the Impressive services that followed. A roux: All) MOVIKG (CINE. Alter prcyere end Holy Sacrament there eneued a scene that probably stands unpre- cedented in the cum]: 0! Umade. This ooumony buying been concluded. Fother Connolly took up his position 3: the foot 0! the alter, and lacing the oongregntlon begun to sddress them. It was evident that he was loborlng under Intense emotion and his ï¬rst woxds were uttered in a low and choking voice. In oonnooflon with tho Blddulph Mod: won bolero tho Polloo Moatomoo this mowing. A torso crowd hod gothotod. hm tho: vmo dboppolntod. tho oxomlnoliono “king piooo in tho Obtol'o oflioo. No ovldonoo woo ousted. ond tho prloonou won romonded to: “W 1"...- , Leon. Feb. 7.â€"-Ae briefly elated in getter. day’e dcepatchee. the interment oi the bodice oi the murdered people won the principal event yeeterday. The luneral took place iron: Michael Oonuore’ house. The Ion Robert arrived lrom 8t. Thomae at two o'clock yeeterday morning. and a most meeting ecene followed hie viewing at the re- meine. He wept like a ohild. and ï¬nally tell laiuting at the cofï¬n of hie brother John. It war found neeeuery to teke him to aneighhor‘e houee. Hie griel did not exceed that of his litter. who. along with her hueband. J amee Ourry.ceme up lrom 8t.Thornae on Thuredey night. Her criee and robe were perfectly heartrending. and nothing could comfort her. The women present aleo gave vent to their feelinge in tears. Patrick and Wm. Donneily were more com. posed than the othere. William eaid it was no use grieving over burned bodies. “Don‘t be a tool." he laid to Robert. on the letter was sobbing over John'e romaine. Among those present were many Orangemen living in the neighborhood. About eleven o’clock 'Mrnfuulhhon npgmrod {or the prisons". and and 102; trial. which wu rotated. The oouchblu hive gone Von} “Lino“: with warm“ tor ton others. “(MEIR BIHHIABLI BOIEB. IILXGIOI LID 3mm! LAVI- BI Lam MIA!!!) T0 arm. BIO“ unma 0' LYROIIRG, Ind «id um I! It won pummel! lo the Wooten: am“ he could no no reason why it would not In mowed ha". Another urn-t When the deteetive pieked it up Mr. Ken nedy. who wee etending by. pointed to e etein on the bienket end eeid. “ Thet‘e not blood; I bed it exemined by e doetor end he eeid the etein hed not been eeneed by blood.†Mnrpby thought the remerk e etrenge one, end on meking enquiriee leerned thet Mre. Kennedy hed driven to Grenton, e neighboring viiiege, with the blenbet tor the pnrpoee oi heving it exemined. end the remit being to the (fleet eteted above. It is euppored thet thoee ertielee were worn by one ot the men who termed the murdering geng on,Tneedey night. element's realm. While epeeking at Kennedy. something mey be eeid ot hie temiiy. Hie tether livee in the township end ie e highly reepeotebie termer. Bo ie not on good terme with hie eon. end mede e etertiing eteternent ebont him to Bill Donneiiy. to the efleet that he wee the leeder ot the men thet committed the murder. When e tether epeeke thne oi hie eon there muet he eomethlngyrong. When Murphy wee bringing Heenen to the viiiege the letter . WELT m PIOPLI BAY. Mr. Wm. Btenley. Reeveoi the villege. wee {eerieu in eteting thet two yeere ego the Donneliye were the terror oi the townehip. On being questioned ee to Fether Connolly'e ecculetion thet the megietretel neglected their duty. he eeid thet elthough the boye were olten arrested on verioue chergee it wee very diilicult to eecure e conviction. In fact. it wee lmpouible to get evidence, ee the people eeemed to leer thet it they ewore egeinet the Donneilye their berne would be burned down. or they would be mede to eufler by other depredetione. Thie leer et leet reeched some of the megietretee. end they declined to receive iniormetion egeinet any member of the iemily. Hence it wee, Mr. Btenley eeye, thet 105710! $0014!) '0! Bl ADHHIIITIBID. Towerde evening the excitement in the vil- lege began to rise. in entielpetion of ireeh er- reete being mede. Detective Murphy ceme beck about eeven o'clock. HAVING ll MIAMI KIOBAIL EIINLN. e eon oi Anthony Heenen, e well-to-do iermer. living ebcut three end e hell mile- lrom the Donnelly term. The pmoner eppeered to be ebout twenty-nix yeere oi ege end it unmerrled. He wee iound et the home oi John Kennedy. who wee one of the pertiee erreeted Thure'dey. Murphy went to Kennedy‘e home in eeerch oi some ertlclee oi clothing thet hed been oblerved there by the police previouely. The clothing coneieted‘ oi e peir oi pente. e blenket. end one or two rmeller erticlee. He found them npeteire end brought them into the villege. There it A PIOULIAB ITOBY TOLD “3901' Till BLANK-T Mr. E. Meredith, of London. has been retained by William md Patrick Donnelly to work up the one for them. He won out hero yesterday ottomoon and hold A long oon- Inflation with both brothora.bnt whot poured between them wu not divulged. The Donnellyl and the oonstnblor seem to be conï¬dent that norm 0!. the patio: under arrest Michael Carroll is considered weak. sad it in undernood thst ho uqmintod Obie! William with some intern-“on thot will lend to the douonon o! the mutdoreu. 0n Arriving hero yoflordu afternoon the Ohio! Ind his men Immodmoly not to work. TKI IIIBDIOTION 0'38 TR. 00171115. site: which they were conï¬ned to ecrth and the uccmhlcgo dicpcned. Tho Donnell:- wcnt into the priest's house. where they hcd dinner. William beccmc reconciled with the rcv. gentlcmcn and he cud Patrick with it to be distinctly undentood that they have not run uncann- xu-nnunc mmm- mu. not numoloul "up.“ lot their own ohuutor; home an, did Mm 10! mm thq did ‘__l __-|_- A AL-_ _-.A, A curl-mo. sump no mean: Lanna. It wee egood letter to lend toe powelen. but it ehould not heve been tent to e prieet. However. I did not think much of it, u I eonetdeud thet it oeme tron: e men who wee too emert. Another time. at Whelen'e~ threshing. I bed 3 eonvexeetion with the boys on seven! metteu. Alter- wetdl I found they had deceived mo. and I lelt egsreveted with them; but with regard to the old people I cannot eey a word egelnet them. Al to 'l‘fll I‘OIIA'I'ION C-l Till VIOILANOE Oiflfllull I had not much to do. I war not present at any oi ita meetings. but I had unbounded conï¬dence in the men that belonged to it. and believe that they are incapable of committing each a terrible murder at this one. it waa onteide oi them. and my aucpioion rests on othcra. I can’t understand how it took place. The hatchery ia a terrible disgrace to Biddulph and the province at large. but all that remains now to be done in to pray lor those that are gone. Let us try in our hearts to pray for them. for no matter how we die. whether by the hand oi God or the hand oi wicked men, we have to etaud before the Great Jehovah and account tor all our earthly notions. How will those guilty paonle appear before their God with a cry for vengeance coming up from the earth? Ah i it will be a terrible day for them." listening again to the lawleee acts of the Donnelly boys. the reverend gentleman thought if Patrick had been living at home thie tragedy would not have taken place. He characterized Patrick as being law- abiding. conciliatory and charitable. and it his advice had been followed the iamily would have eeoaped many 01 the troubles they got into. The apeaker then pro- ceeded to refer to '1‘!!! HORRIBLE NATURE 01' In] 0311!! and theenddenneee with which the victims had been remand, without warning. and unprepared to meet their God. “ Thie pheee oi the efleir." he said. “ had such an effect upon me'thet I would willingly have laid down my life to save them." This announce ment created e eeneetion among the congre- gation. Continuing. the epeeker admonished hie heerere to be prepored (or death. He cloud with an earnest exhortetion {or the people to exercise oherity in their deelinge with their fellow men. and eouneelled them to observe the law end keep the pence. At the close 0! the eddreu Fether Connolly stepped down iron the alter and pronounced - 'w' -v- wu-I III" III“. i'iE'it'YioRâ€"t 'thou concerning . houo um hurl been In from Mr. Kelly. The boy. «mod think! 1nd no buIinou taking w mun. and Wllllam wrote no . loll". WILL TORI QUIII'I EVIDIKOI. eny meseures which were senctioned by e majority at the meetings. As is neuelly the one when such illegel doings ere being enacted some pertiee ere genereiiy found who do not edhere strictly to the requirements oi their obligetion, and through thie meene some oi their proceedings heve Income known. It would eppeer thet there were thirteen oi the members selected irom emonget their body whose duty it wes to prepere end errenge beiore the meet- ings eny questions which required to be dis- oursed or voted upon. There wee e beck or unto-room adjoining the schoolhouse. end to this room twelve oi those perties would repeir to consider end prepere eny subject which wee destined to come beiore the members ior dispose]. end by e preocnoerted errsngement between the thirteenth men end the twelve who retired. he herengued the perties er ii by soeident upon the very subject intended to be brought beiore them by the conoleve in the ente-room. end by the time the question ceme up their feeling: had become so excited thet they were reedy to vote the cerrying out oi any deed. no matter how much et variance with the Ohristien rules leid down by his reverence ior their guidsnoe. This etstement oi their proceedinge seems reeson- able when the explenetione mede by Fether Oonnoiiy yesterdeyis teken into considere- tion. The only time upon which Willlom Don- nolly showed on, also. oi wooknou wu when his lower- honn wu oxpoud to viow during the pant» mortem enminoilon. Ho oxoloimod in agonizing moon": " This in more ihon flesh ond blood on ondnn, ° my only and oinoero with now 1. iii“ I wu lying there olong with him " The spoomou led him on, from tho “hail loam. adminmoud o lilmuloni cordlgl. ond Lonoon. Feb. 7.â€"-10 e. m. â€"- When the detectivee brought in Michael Keenan and John Purteil laet night. there wee a big crueh at the G. W. R. etetion. Heenen did not eeem dleeoucerted. but Purteilwae in an agony oi leer ae he walked up etreet. iollowed and ear rounded by a crowd that he ieit eure was de. termined to lynch him. Re clung to the de- tective and Uonetehle Pope. and beeeeched them to protect him. Hie hneee aeemed to iaii him. and he wee heli carried at timee. eo overcome wee he by the idea that he would be eummeriiy diepoeed oi. It wee en immenee reliei to him when he got inelde the celle. Heenen wee quite talkative. end spoke oi hie experience in the Far Weet and the way iynchinge were managed there. ae ii he ieit a great intereet in that branch oi ecience. FATHER CORNOLLI'I STATIHIRT. From the etatement oi Father Connolly it would appear that in J una laet. in conce- iquence oi the great number oi depredatlone i which had been committed. hie people. upon ; hie advice. eigned an agreement in a book 1 which he produced. The iorm oi the agree- ment wee very eimple. and purported to be made between the Roman Oathoiiee oi the parish oi Biddulph. reeoiving themeeivee into a body " ior their own mutual protection end aeeietance in bringing to juetice the perpec tratore oi the deede which were being perpe. trated by unknown pertlce." UNPABLLLILID BBU'I'ALITY. It ie learned irom a reliable authority. whose veracity cannot be doubted. that when the terror etricken women who were being so *brutaliy beaten to death. iouhd that no ‘ mercy could be expected lrom the ademantine lhearte at their aeeaeeine. hire. Donnelly iell ‘ upon her kneee at the feet oi the ringleader and implored. with mingled teare and blood pouring down her iading cheek. ior one \ minute to prey ior the ealvation oi her eoul. inth e eavage laugh and a blood curdiing wouree the iiend replied. “ Pray. yetiâ€"â€" You have prayed too long already." and with a heavy inetrument the poor women wae ielied eeneeleee at hie feet. and haii a dozen oi the aeeaeelne outrivalled each other in ï¬niehing her. Another iact which leta eoneider,ahle light upon the eubject wae eleo elicited by our reporter. and that ie. that when the. body oi Thomae Donnelly wee dragged into the houee the handa were me nacied alter throwing him roughly to the ground. One oi the murderere etooped over him and. taking on the maneclee, put them into hie pocket. The blade oi ehniie wee aleo iound imbedded in the body oi Jamee Donnelly, eon. It ie a signiï¬cant iaot not a aingle atraw in the barn and etehlee. eitueted close by, were touched, and the horeee remained undisturbed. From thie iect. it ie aeeumed that the murder had been in contemplation ior daye, weeke. and even monthe past. and the plane at the murderer-e had been cereiuily eoneidered and every poe- eibility of identiï¬cation wae intended to he deetroyed. The evident intention was to burn the houee and every trace oi THE BOBBIELI 814003133. The idea. ac the houee was alone. wee to lead the world to believe that the building had. irom eome cauee. caught ï¬re and banned the Donnelly‘e ee they elept. Thle would have been the general verdict had not the boy eecepcd and the blood been ieund outeide. Had the etebiee been ï¬red. euepiclone oi ioui play would have been immediately eroueed. hence the reaeon ior their exemption. LATIIT ’30! BIDDULPK. Lucie. Feb. 7â€"1 p. m.-â€"-In John Ken- nedy'e houee. not only wee a blanket iound eatureted with blood. but a pair at pante were also iound with elmiler epote. About830 thie morning Ohio! Willleme. with hie able aeeietente. Detective Phair and Murphy. er mud in the village irom London. Alter taking breakiaet the three oiileere ieit in a cutter driven towerde the Roman line. The oeteneibie purpoee oi their vieit to-dey ie to eecure evidence. and a thorough eearch oi a number oi homer in the Birth Oonceeaion will take place. . . CIOBIT MEETING! 0" m VIOIIALROI COK- A etatement made thle morning by a party who proieeeea to knowuvonld lolly bear out the remarke made by Father Connolly yeater- day. and which appeara in the mom lng papere, anent the doinae oi the Committee. to the eflect that they had deviated irom ~the eimple rulee laid down by him for their guidance. Thia authority eeya that the committee new numbere over one hundred memberl. that the old and respectable membere alluded to by Father Connolly have moatiy tell of! and do not attend the meetinge. and that those who etill remain organized have bound them- Ielvee under an obligation to_"earr_y_ out In due mod. yutudu altomoon. the mm o! “w whom: bolas John thfl. who [I 3 young mun ruined by the Ryan. md who works through the town-hip. The phonon won “hon to London In! night. nnonn DOWN. _V..___. 7â€"- vvv-v -â€" â€"- vâ€"v v. "Imv lion; 7‘ - About September 1. 1879,: mm nomad son mined his now. A party of tony In In. went out to the Donneliy farm and lurch“ it. The cow was not Iound. but no lab-earns“! discovered in quibo another piece on John gounelly‘pgoqgn_3_ quit forjro‘epoge. In oomph. A French ohmm mom that n In in ground like ooflu. lmmodlnt’cly baton in mm in pom-ad upon a m “hum qnuluu um be doublet. __v- _v_ -__â€" - -â€" " quorum of his toltimony in that mu concerning the permlulon given to go on to the had, ho was attached on a. charge of perjury. no wu undo: bond: to answer to this chum when ho WM um When Mr. Fowler, Oolonlel Beoretery oi? the Honduree, wee recently exploring the- lnterlor ol the colony. he wee overtehen b e drove ol peeoerlee.end hed only tllneto 0 map ehot et the hut of them eat! eorenble ‘ up n tree. dropping hle rifle In the potion. enoe, belore the whole peek were roundhle ‘ perch. gnuhlng thelr teeth et bun, grunting and eherpenlng thelr tueke egelnet hle tree. Now the peoeery le not only ten- eloue but petlent. end rather then let en object ol lte enger eeeepe will ‘ welt ebont lor deye. eo thet the 8 bed before him only two oonneeâ€"elther to, remeln where he wee until he dropped down emong the ewlne lxom eheer 'exhhuetlon on. hunger, or elee to commit enlelde et one by coming down to be eaten there en! then. While he wee ln thle_ dllennne, howevee' t jegner eppeered. Thle enlmel hee e pee , londneee for wild pork end the penal. bolted helter-ekelter. The leaner wee Iltlt them wlth edmlnble promptltnde. and Ole. Seoretuy,ï¬ndlns the ooeet eleer, node Me eeeepe. at this etauathe tend wae removed from the Village of Lnean to the neighborhood of the Donnelly home, and the ï¬ght which onlmm eo terribly this week was begun. A manna“ Everett wee employed to obtain evi against the enppoeed guilty pertieein cone with these numeroue flree. He and the Dow- nellye did not agree very well and he beam arreete made by which he eot into trouble with them. On the evening of March 18th he wee about entering hie door when a charge of beek- ehot was tire at him from moee the em, Eleven bnekebot struck the door, but he wee not injured. Robert Donnell wee erreeted en the party who ï¬red the 3 ct. Several pertlee aware that he wee in [mean that evening. ï¬ll father. mother. brother and three othere em that he wae at home lyin on the lounge at the time. Be wee oonviete and eenteneed to two If“. in prison at Kingeton. He wee ereh 26 end eenteneed April no. ï¬le time expired e ehort time ago. He made ope amount by "good time." Binoe that time I. Everett lee made aindevit that Robert Donnell! wee not the man who shot at him. end “he been aeeerteined that the witneeeee who em to an alibi told the truth. At one time a man named Ryan came to Ian- ean, got drunk and ahowed money. Thoma. Donneliy and another men were at the lane hotel. Ryan wae robbed of too. Dennellywee charged with the robbery and the matter invee- “gated. Nothing came of it. He wee re- erreeted. and nothing came of that. Byen’e iriende followed the matter up end brflubt the oeee before the Grand Jury. Donne y to now under bonde to never the charge. and hie friend! claim the ease to be one oi nereeenp M1524, the buildln onntuinin tho I. 0. 0. I. 0236 rooma were red. The onnollyl who a. l a to entertain no good menus- tow-rd an Order. . July 5, there was another 1m in Fluslmond’i Itgblqa. apd Glï¬ugg’q “qu9 qubrurnod. mien. nojgy a. - 7..--â€" vâ€"Qllv" Be usmber’isfiï¬Ã©hael ci‘ï¬an'. mm. cu. were tuned. Carroll and Donnelly were out â€I‘- Msy 11 there was another heavy are in I. ban in which some stages and horses were log: burned. Amajorny of the people chased t Donnenye with the crime of neon. ' May 1211:. Manny's bum burned. Bum incendiary. \ May 22. three hone: belon in: to Wm. Weller were butchered. This we: 0 urged on the Don- Apt-[1'25 Jainéi' MoMahon'n burn burn wlm ï¬ve horses. McMahon van a puma 8:15:15 7 February 24, 1876. anlmonde' hotel, bun. containing stage stock, butned. Wen-onto wen iumd for the street of the Donnelly boyl. resisted arrest. ~ The oaneteblou who and. the attempt were John Bowden, John Bold and John Oowcey. Wm Donnellv and a. men nomad Ferrell resisted. Bold wee shot twice to the body by no letter. and in in nidtnet William Donneny shot twice at Bowden. He did no‘ hit him. how- ever. The men escaped. One was subsequently neg: to prieoh {or two more. _ - On March 1 ’l'homu bonnefly was arrested on a charge of being concerned In the robbery at I man numed Buta,a.nd Michal on 3 ohms ol bug-nine uhe Flgpniggn cuylel ' 7 Marci 16 Wflltihi‘bonneu gave himself up“ London on achar a at to: I the 17me m9 (ragga above algmdod to. w ill» Hardin. lb‘lifiho cubic of one Collin, in which tho Donnellya' cages. cm, were kept. burned; supposed to have been done by In. anngflj}: engmles. . Thursday. September so. 1875. the bum buildings of Juhn Flannlgm. at Sunblomno the xivul proprietors, burned; supposed to Ian been areaulcot the rivalry. - ~ Ooï¬ober 4 another rival's barn went up in mm o. ‘ December 3 one of Flannlgnn's bog. whoa coming onto! the barnnua usual: vm a club on the head and nearly mum by panic. un- known. Oontrsry to sli expeetstions from reportsh oiroulstion yesterdsy the Donnell, brothers hsve to duty snnonneed their intention cl building up the old homesteed snd coins to reside on the premises. This resolution 'Il tsken owing to the feet oi s lsrse serene c! (all whest being sown thereon. which would prove s complete loss without s protection. IXPIOTBD “TUB! 01‘ TB] nusorivu. Lucui. Feb. 7.â€"-l.40 p.m.-â€"â€"'l‘he return 0‘ s portion 01 Ohlei Williems'stsfl from tho settlement is looked [or every minute. AN EXTRAORDINARY 830031) 0' 031“. We have already reported thst Jsines Dm- nelly. sen, killed is won in it drunken diam“ I. rest. at n husking bee. and this was the beginning oi his troubles He was tried two yeus Ister. iouud guilty of murder, snd sentenced to be hanged. Petitions were. however. lsr eiyeirelp titted among bll numerous irisnds on his I..- tenee was commuted to pensl servitude for seven ours. While he was in prison Mrs. Donnell, stiled away with n hrsve heart. snd sticking to the homestead supported her chiidnn. in the course oi the rolling years tho Ills- willing ebdicswr from the domestic throno returned. and once more assumed control. But iittie is m be said at the ismnly theneeo. tillsbout the year 1870. At this time the ho osme into notoriety in the township oi their hug through their oonneotion with s stsae route. They ï¬rst drove it sts 0 iron) London to Exetor. the owner of the line sing one MeField.sndtho line being in opp. sition to one operated by emu named 8: out. Alter s. time the outlined Gill- troioi the lne themselves. and hs “a shared petronege. They were very kind on ob I. and sooommodul iuii. even more so tin-n any 0 men who ever had control or the line. it tu- dition may be believed. It came to pass “to: n time. however. that they become involved in a serious controversy With the owner. of the rind line. and here they, whetherj or not, obisined . the__ repntstion w 7 l.-_ _____ moans. Iuwtu :1. canon or was will won an. May 23, “:73. r. Field. proprietor of o I!†of stages the Donaellya drove. succumbed to tho pressure of mo oppualuon and sold out. Thu enraged the Donnaliya and they bougm I. new 100 of nausea. nurses, om. They obtained th- eon- uaot for carrying the mail. Wm. Donnell, It this time had otyngp o! my; line. _ _ ll:|_.._,_j,# .. 4‘-.. u .7 w *vâ€"â€" -â€"--v "â€"vâ€"V- 0â€"- or not, obtained the reputation will; has since clung to them. A sum-Ito- ot small tricks followed and the battle mod. Wheels came of! from stage: in a mo“ uno- countable manner. and other diseases“ episodes on both sides were no; gneognngop. ._I.. at... _..L_|- __ , , ., 1.,4 the warfare on one side or tï¬e othef.“ {Siâ€"‘5;- tcud grow up. whicngs‘ alleged. mpgvg gem; 7 {n than Analâ€"“-11.... A ___.__ __A, v___- __ _.-- -_ “nu-1" nut-III .. wu- â€" I W‘- in the destruction 0! twenty four building. b{ are and the death of nineteen hone: by on threats, amputated too net; or other and means. wibmn a. erlod of one than ten an. May 23, “:73. r. Field. proprietor of o I!†of stages the Donaellya_ grove. spooggnbod tog); _......-..__ _.1 Al. _ II! n tow minum he "gum hi- mul co.- Nearly ihé‘wï¬Ã©l; ESEILIiLiH Q15 {55553378 the warfare on on_e_slde gr “19 other. A bub!- ‘ “j ._,_ _, -