- " Thou you oholl hoot one to-night. Hold l "l‘rovotoro’io on the bill for thin blooood night. Whot ooolnoidonoo 1" And lo. whon tho city iornpo woro trying to outdo tho otoro. Victor drow Nino‘o trembling hond within hio orm. ond thoy hooomo o port 0! tho go, ond loohionohlo world inoido tho thootro. And whot o world it woo. with oil the glittor oi iignto ond booutiiul ioooo, tho ohimmor oi lilk ond jowolo, tho odor oi musk ond oondol- wood. and tho hind. hondoomo iooo of Victor Blumonthol ohinlng upon her! How the tonor long out. owoot oo oyllobloo oi lovoi how tho ooprono ooorodl whot doptho tho booo oxplorodi whot pothoo, whot oorrow, whot dollaht owollod ond obbod with tho ohordoi Did pooplo roollylovo ond onilor Ind doopoir out! triumph lilo thin Hod oho 11nd through it oil horooll. oomowhoro. oomo- how, thotlt ooomod ou echo of hor own on porionoo: or woo it but o ohodow of things to oomol Whoa tho ourtoiu loll. Victor dlo. oovmd tooro in hot oyoo. 0thor pooplo woro inching orouud hor; ono toll gontlomon limo-t otoopod to look undo: hor hot oo ho . bowod to hor oomponlon. ond would ‘ ovo ioinod thou hod Blumonthol boon logo ; Mold. " i hovo ooon thot gontlomon bolero." i «id Nlno; " ho oomo with o lody who woo in ‘ ' “It in n it: {tom tn "o'pon," hushed ‘Vletor-“ (tom ' Tronton.’ The honor 0! Making I! up ’ belongs to one Verdi. ’ Hun you new: heard u: opon r" " Never.†Bo tho [mndlhlp grow botwon Victor and RIMâ€"Nun. the poor littlo flown-unholy the Int of but non. 3nd Victor Blnmonthnl, the mm Ind multomiroâ€"ond the picture grow opus. Somehow ho duod not ï¬nish It, lent Ninl Ihould tool her debt plidmnd «up. him. " Ohmhlt in that huntllul thing 7" the uk- Id on. do}. on he tuned : ammo: III while Ipxudlns her pulotto. " Did you nuke it up 30:19.11. ?"-hor_ hoe Ill 3310'. Victor Illkod to the dnk alloy in the (1qu will: Nina. and thought at the white lllien ï¬lm grow into pulse: bounty and Iwoolnou. though :09!“ In mould Ind sumo. 1111! Nine lolbwed. nothlng loelh. How cool end eweet the hon: wee om there, with nlle blowing onl llke wine 0! whlte gull. in the ofllng. pleuure been lolterlng or Ipeedlng by l ow geyly the Inn emote the cure eplree. end ohenged the window: 01 dingy werehonau on the whervee into melon: none. like thou of Aleddln'e pelml How much pleennter ell this wee ehen elnlng u home. In e derk alley. over he: ullï¬olel flowere. trying .0 embody he: {eyelet in nun end velvesl “I thought perhepe we ehouid meet you here," ehe oonieued. “ Jenny bringe her mother'e thenke. How can we repey you but with our preyere 2 " " It you oould lit to meâ€"" " 17 You meen Jenny 2 " "I mean youreeii. It you would oome to my etudio, end let me point youâ€"" " Oh. you are leaching et me i " " I wee never more eerioue in my lite." " Let ue go, then," ehe eeid. “ Your picture to long in mulching.†eho remarked one dey. eiter innumerebie eittinge ; for Victor hed every night wiped out whet he hed iehoriouely pointed in during the dey. eo dimonit wee it to imprieon the ehedow oi hie model within the oenvee. to lend to Undlne the uni thet not end untied in Nine'e eyee. to endow her with the epirit thet iniormed the ieee. iiuehed in the on! cheek, or trom- bled _ebout the mobile mouth. " You an “rod of coming to no. I in you too long." “No." she replied ; “ I wu only thinking cm 1: I mm my flow." [0 lionâ€. 1 uhonï¬d lune.†View: lmahod Ioflly. “ Fame in bone: dun mono." ‘ " And m. in both: thm “mo.†And than View: than down at: brush. “ The can is setting." In laid a " let us go o!“ upgn tho buy 505 lunglntiqn." “ Than oblige me by meeting me here satin, and telling me how on: ma. friend but! he: druohing.†ha returned. as he put ihem into n cud-go. Then he wont to his Itndio, nnd tried in iimn the {we of Undino. and throw down hi1 brush in dupnir. And the 119:: any. happening into the public unr- don ngnin. more aha was boioro him. mailing and Pin-hing. with the child beside her. Victor Biumenthnl wu ennntering through the public gnrden, thinking shoot the picture he won painting. thinking how the light wrong the true suggested certnin etrnine oi mueic to him, when hie eye fell upon A young girl leading the cunt. and lingered there. “I! I could only curry thnt hoe home in my mind'c eye nnd reflect it upon my cenun!" he thought. “ She in the very imege oi Undine herself.†Jult then the child hulde her reached screen the brim oi the hula to ‘ ton n crumb into the water. and lost her‘ bounce. Quick u thought. Victor eprnng to the rucue. brought the child up dripping. Ind‘oonironted 'Undlne. out 0! whore lece all the race had icded. all the sunshine hnd fled. “ Oh, how ehnil I thenk you! whet ehell I do for you!" the cried. "Ii you had not eeved her, how could I have lived 2 She is my little neighbor. and I promised to be l0 ctreiui oi her. On. though you ere n stronger, I feel II it you were my best iriend l" Eye. on round end bright to Item; Oboe)“ like a plea glo wing. noon that to new trouuro mu Quito to overflowing. " J-ok me have his a necking boots: line mo] eve herloo et; Hugo: something better yet.- hovo go! a pocket I" Alltoo huh the Joy to mole Empuumn sorrow; Lune hood to plump enough To an n-uu to monow. And om many dodge won o’er. seamen thinso d nook 13; Nothing ever come amino To this wondtouo pocket. C Mother. mum". bm of smug. L10 moo-mote ond candy. Ntonel. o bdl. hlucrennlee. too, It no uwoyo hon y. and when willie'eooug In bod. Rheum you chance to knock u Sundry natures tome out Mom this Moulded pocket. Some times Johnny's box-towed 1mm Found a place within n: He forgo: than he had so“. " l want It just a minute." Once the olonot key wanton; No one could unlock it; Where do you nupp one it was ? Down in White's woken mm It thll homondoul nclu ? Whn on be m. nutter ‘I Wudc'l count up would" th nun-nu c "or. Now ho hum- into the room, No!" u I xockot: “Annual I am an ynu old- And I've not a pocket! " The Elm Podsâ€. NINA. " I have been eiiiing for my permit." she nid one evening. Nine‘e hurt cave n iiiiie oil: a bed ehe not an to: her pieinre once? The moon wee thining in ihrough ihe ions window oi the uniting-room ; were me no other iighi in ihe room. excepi ihe fliini blaze behind the fender. \ Grendeiew bed been called oni oi ion: on bneineu for n nighi or two. “ Bteila haa come to look at her rival," laid Mu. Grandeiaw, when Nina bade her good-night. “ We ieared thnt my aon would marry Stella acme day. She thought no her-oil. but I dlaapprove oi eouaina mar- tying." “ Did ahe love him 7" gasped Nina. " I dare aay aheioved him well enough ; but one aunivea theae things." Ni" Oh, how ahe moat hate me i" cried no. But ii eonain Stella hated or loved. ahe knew how to diagniea her ioeiinga; nobody could he gayeror aunnler then ahe during thoae daya. Bhe aperkled with repartee and aneedote. and ahook her iietenera with gain of laughter. Perhaps ahe waa ahowing‘ Grendeiew whet amlatake he had made to‘ ehooee this led, ahadowy women inatead oi} heraeii. Everybody wee very kind et Laurel Lodge ; everything wee line enough to win I mercen- ery heert. ii Nine hed owned one. Nobody hinted thet Gmndelew wee meklng en nneqnel merrlege. One dey when Nine returned iron: e gellop eoroee the hlile with. Grendeiew there wee e tell. greoione women weiting lorithem on the verendeh.who ellnwed Grendelew to kin her hend, end mede Nine e ete_t_oly bow. ieee in her pillow. remembering how her heert hed gone out to e married men. Another women'e lover end ehe hed mieteken him for her own i Donhtleee thie wee why ehe hed neither eeen nor heerd iron: him tor eo long : he hed divined her heert end eon- eelenee hed mede e oowerd 0! him. But it ehonld never be eeid of her that ehe wore her heert on her eleeve. And when Victor returned when the eieter whom he hed .juet eueeeeded in enetehing iron: the veiley of ehedowe. heving written to Nine, but in hie enxiety nailed the letter without en eddreee, ehe hed been engeged to Mr. Grendelew {or e month eireedy end hed gone to vieit hie mother in e neighboring town till the wedding should teke piece, without leeving eny treee behind her. Grendeiew hed. in leet, persecuted her into ooneent. A thoneend thinge hed eon- epired in hie ievor. She hed iellen ill end into debt. end work hed leiled. end Grende- ‘ lea hed eent hie own phyeioien to her. with iruite end ï¬owere end winee. hed tekern her out in hie eerriege when air wee preeeribed. end hed ended by proposing to teke oere of her ell her life, by winning e relnetent eon- nnt to endow her with ell hie worldly goode. Victor hed deceived her. or. tether, ehe hed teken too much for granted. end hed de- eelved hereeil. end whet better could one do then rewerd the devotion of Grendeiew. who reared her thet he hed love enough tor them 0 2 “ I «a Ch“ youerikâ€"VB'Riiudy caught one." tugged his cousin Bulk. "Ed. the this: fallen, um we 03th [aka 2" uked Nina's lover. Whn hId Victor BlnmImhIl maInt. Ibo “had hex-Io". " by thou wordII Ithought too tender." by glInoeI that made love plIinIr thnn Ipe ooh? Why hId he held her hand an aha hlmhod. Ind Hunt] the pink flngorotipn Why ha! be long ht her out, only to brIIk her but†Did he no: love pin cousin Thogdon? And then she hid her "Nothing. nothing†ehe enewered. “ [do not doubt it." Bur the bed grown very white, end her eyee ehone like wondering "are. end the needle trembled in her bend. “ 0t eonree he in untried, " ehe edded. in a lighter tone, “only the idea never occurred to me beforeâ€"It took me nneweree." “ Did you not lit to Victor Blumcnthcl for hil Uudlno ?" he ukcd. “ It woo u picture worth pointing; ho moot hove had it thous- cnd Iittingc." . ' " Not non-1y Io many." sighed Nina. " I should hove been jocloua, ii I had been Mu. Blumcnthcl." ‘ " Jalonc i" reputed Ninuâ€"" Mrs. Blu- ‘mcnthcil His mother 1" " ch wileâ€"Victor's wile." " Hll vitalâ€"Victor Blumcnthcl'a wife 2" " on. than. pcthcpc you did not know he won muricd r' " Ho never spoke o! it." “ Bcooucc our} body know it. Come, Mica Nino. don't look It mo a it I was to blune. Victor Blumcnthcl was mimicd more than two yclrc ago to his cousin Thcodon. It you doubt it, I will ï¬nd you the notlcc of his mmilgc cmong my iylo oi the Tribune. But of oourcc you huc no interact in it. tht lc it to you or mc 2" Alter this. whet eould Nine do but accept him at hie own valuation 1 How could she ovoid meeting him in her welke, end eilowing him to eecompeuy her? how refuse admit- teuee to one who hed beiriended her ? And he knocked oiteu. end watched her at her pretty toil. end the intimacy progressed. Sometime: ehe opened her door. and showed e beaming leee. but the smile would fade coon. At other timee he observed thet ehe Iterted when n lootetep penned outeide; ehe expected some one. euewered eheently. listen- ed to hie flettexiee with e fer away 1001: in‘ her Ioit eyee. One do: Grendeiew deter-' mined to probe the wound. up. not her own. bu‘ number‘s plethorio puree. M the some moment a mango hand denined her, and the was accused ot oholr. “ This lady in n Mend of mlne,"nid Gran-te- hw. flopping {orwud to ha "zone. hlving followed her mm the shopâ€"-†aha is a (ï¬end of mine :"md the mouse: bogged a thousand pardonomnd oboeqniouoly bowed himself om of night. , M shout ibis time he ueeived news the: his only sister was urlously m in London. He wss obiig ed to drop his pencil and fly to her without so much ss bidding Nine g~ood by; but he would write snd expisln. he promised himself. In the new time Grendel“ found occasion to make blends with Nine. She hsd hsppened into s shop to purchase metal-lull (or her work; she had isid he: pocketbook down for nu lnstsnt. and not till she had nasrly reached the door‘dld she discover um eho hnd taken 3‘ Ye: i3 doee not cquil the originei," uld Grendelaw. “ No." returned Victor ; “ pigment in a poor nuke 1th for the end lplth." a but: to: some flour: 1 bod promlud. Ho «nod ho: Bulb." «u no In: oomln. Bull: Gundolow." uld Viowr. Ono do, Victor. who oould no long" ï¬nd o pm.“ to continue the ï¬ttings. pus bin pio- tuu on exhibition. All mo town wu «than of it baton night. " Snob flab-mm! ouch oxptgulon! Inch bounty?! "7 liming: nu reduced its Wnrdon'o “In: mm #100 to 9300. It his on to- queue. The Whitehall Review contains the mum of tho [allowing gentleman tor whom mongol on to be providod: Mr. Chaplin, Colonel Taylor. 8!: B. Wallace. 8110. Mills. air Lowrance Pam Ind Vuoonn. Golwoy, in oddiuon to a whole pone o! Oonnornuvo borough members. Among the Mm. Iti- nld. will be hand the name of one or two "pro-amoun- o! o wanton: uoport. Dllhonou begs-u In tholnierelt o! the mam" o! Irolsnd no oironlmng Indmount pull. London Truth:-" Tolullel o! e mtgnonne, petite type of beauty. with pretty little loot Ind well turned enklol. tho now Iornewhnt generally worn short ball dreu may be be coming, although lt om never produce on elegent or dlgnlfled efleot. But why in It thet tall, nngnlor gewks. and grent. let awk- ward lmmpe wlll vle with each other. night otter night, In meklng them-elven look utterly ridiculous? Will the lomnle mlnd never realize thet some laehionl are made only {or the few 2" ' be 'contented. ll their child ll extremely ‘eirong, end eucceede in keeping eoul and body together on the cheep. unwholeeome lood lorced upon it by lte percntl. ell in Well, end il it ie eiok they lay it to thc reeietleu, ever eating. unseen loreee of nature, on: which no one eevc the Almighty een hue control. I! the leerned end good (emu, phyeleien her no remediee of which!“ cure tive powere to extrect or countereot the poieon thet ie edminietered every dey, end ite enflerinue ere ended by deeth, the, bow in broken-heerted eubmiuion to the head oi lete. end lay the ceuee at their eiIiietion to en ell-wire oveiruiing providence. I believe thet dieeeee, like everything elee, hee ite oeuee. end in oeeee like thin where the come is not removed phyeiciene cennot cure. end Providence would heve to perlorm e mirecle to rev». Ie it not time thet perente weke up on thie eubjeot end no to it thet the milk they fled to their children ie et leeet good enough to he reiiehed by themulvce." A physician who writes to one oi the Detroit pepers eeye thet the consumption oi milk in thet city "rescues something like 10,000 gallons per dey. end is iurnislwâ€"d by three sources at supply: ï¬rst, by sh were who buy of ieimers end ship it in by rail or large weggons, end irom their stores here deliver it to consumers; second, by producers who heve milk terms or dairies near the city; end, third, by psople who keep it iew cows in smell stables and ysrde in the city. Just how much oi this supply is pure end wholesome, end how much. is ednltereted end unlit for use. mush he leit to the consumer to judge. There is no doubt, however, thet much oi the mor- tality emong children can he set down as resulting from the use oi nduitersted milk, or. whet is just es bed, milk msde irom unwholssome load. The milk that e cow gives is loosely determined by the iood she sets. end in order to get good wholesome mill: you must iesd good wholesome iood. ii you iced ewill you must expict ewili milk. It is very common in cities to see persons seting in the double cspeclty oi gerhegc getherere end milk vendors. Bsrrels oi swiil end eens of milk pess your doors deily in the some weegon. These people ere very kind and very useini. They tekc ewey your kitchen reiuse to dey to eceommodete you. end to- morrow they return it to' you es food for your children. heving ï¬rst pesssd it through e poor,iilthy bovine distillery eslled e cow,end thus converted it into pure milk. This inno- cent economy in perents'mey eeve one or two cents e qusrt on milk, but in return it brings doctors’ hills. diseese end sometimes deeth. People es e rule pey little or no etten- tlou to the source oi their supply oi milk. whether the vendors ere honest or responsi- ble or not ; whether their premises ere ï¬lthy or cieen; whether their cows ere ied on swiilsiope end strew or cornmeel end hey; end. in iect, whether it comes irom cows, goets, pumps or psnstocks, only so thet it is white, won't sour. end. shove ell, is cheep. they will buy_ it, iced it to their children end III should marry on. Mr. Anson Grundeluw, some day. in look ng over your 1on of old Tribunal should huppen upon one containing the marriage of Victor Blumenthal to his cousin Theodoramnd the notice of her doom on the some day. and your duoeit would klll whatever love I hudlearnog to pea! you._ 7 u- ____‘ LU " My son and I think diflsrently,†replied his mother; but me remembered ofterwnrd thet Nine had lingered end hoeitited-â€"-u just as it ehe wished to Ink pardon tor nome- thing.†Mu. Grendel": explained; end when Urandelaw himself returned to Leuul Lodge there was a little three-cornered note on his libruy table. in Nina‘s hand, which read: uly r ‘ »' “You have been very kind to ma,†Nina “id, when It). kissed Mu. Grandelaw good-night " I ahau‘nlvnya bless you for it; butâ€"Sum would make Grands!“ a boner wile and you a. wing: daughter." ' (by: Nine not like one stunned by In earthquake shook; ell Grendelu‘a psrï¬dy Mood out like the hendwrmng on the well. Vietor had loved her alter all! Hie klel had nor been treachery. She would go to him. She would leave thin when for ever and ever. Bow bed she ever drained 0! loving Grendelew some (1“: ’ . ‘ “ That depends." rcturncd Btelic. " Ho mottled hil cousin Thoodonâ€"" “ I hue no patience with cousins marry- ing." " No? There wan no great need of patience in this one. Blnmentbal‘o grandfather hcd icit all the money to Theodora ond her mother. Victor no to poor on became An artist to be. I Ioppoco Theodora had always loved him, but-ho waisted upon being married to him on her death-bod, that he mlghtinherit he: portion 01 theiortnne. She died an hour “taunt-d." “Didn't we Eii§1i§o "man. well?†asked Mu. Handel“. to whom romance mount nonlonlo. " Then Gtundoid;ï¬il told you show“ him? You 3 _i§ van to runawayâ€"and and." " Bm be In mauled.†spoke Nin’n ouc of we ohtdow. and than III the wand 01 tears in her voloa, l! uy one hit! had can to hear. -' BLI- mumd. Stella." 80 good- ~by, ahd make Eton: happy. Nun. “ I hue «on IE nymitomo 0! ‘11“ ï¬nd.†laughed Bulk. " I with Imiaht. He would mtg unridonl lover." Nlnu fluted um droppod hot 1w. Bud Ibo oomo to Laurel Lodge ‘0 hour of View: ? “ And who 1- Victor Blnmomhnl 2" «had 8mg."- uumâ€"“ another than c} :9an 7" “ Indud."nld In. Gunlldn. “It “not I tedious dd: 1'" “ It would be. puhspI. , my on. but Victor Blumgnfhu yoga pdn_ 93 it,†\I ,,,,, Imp-no mm: and Dina-e. The recent deflh o! the Bnflruon Bishop of Gulltott! in Ipokon of.“ " unngoly dram. ulo :†" Hll Lordship punched from Mui- Ihow nv. 24â€"4 Thu: he who bod remind tho one Mont oumo.’ Thou who hnd hurd him baton though. m. Lorduhlp om: more The Biehop of Mencheeter, in e recent eer- mon in hie Oethedrel, remerhcd thet in netionel end politicel efleire the put you wee not merhed by much 01 which ee e netlon we could he juetly proud. He eeid the quee- tion muet force lteelf on Engliehmen. " Whet bueineee had we with our ermiee either in anulend or‘Afghenleteni Could it be pre- tended that either of them wee juet or neoeeeery 7" He edded thet " unleee we were to ebendon ell pretence to just": e reoouree to erme. he. ee e Ohrietien Blehop. muet dietinctly eey. it he wee to be leithiul to hie meeeege. thet ee e nation we hed mirdoinge to repent of for hevlng been the that to drew the eword tn than two were." We leer there ie eome toundetlon tor the Biehop‘e compleint. ' The London corrupondent o! the Ger- mania (on ultrcmontene German organ). in announcing thet the Uonnteu o! Tcnlrervllle And her Ion. Lord Bennett, had " returned to the boron) ol the Outhollc Ohnrch,†nu: " There to herdly e do, In whlch the non- pepere do not ennonnoe some converelone. and set we mutt contest the vlew commonly held in Gummy thet Englend wlll coon be Octhollc. Unfortnnctely. thlc vlcw cannot be juetlfled. Unqneetloncbly, the Cethollo Church In England hu mode enormone etrldee la the leet any you". but etill the around hoe only been broken. ‘ ‘ ‘ The beet clly of Rome In the Engllehmcn'e love at epllttlng up lnto over new end etrcnge religion: bodlee on account of the most trlvlel dlflorencee." A recent number of tho New York Church- man notion the (act- thot in 250 you. only 38 clergy o! the Angllcm Church hno token onion in tho Church o! cho. 0! thou. 6 were origins“: Congregationollcts. 8 Path!- terlcno. 11 Methodloto and 1 Bomon Outhollc. Since the Eoglioh Bctormntlon, 800 years :30. 2 blohopo hm perverted to Bomcnlsmâ€" Bishop Gordon, of Gollowcy. lcotlond In 1688. um! Blthop Ivor, 0! North Onrolino. In 1852 ; during the some time, .14 Room: Catholic Bishops hove renounced Roman-m. The in! published minutes of tho (Jon- gregulonnl Oonlonnoo Auooinuon o! the State 0! Connecticut contain ouotnlly oom- pllod «flannel exhibmng the “mm in- orouo in Connection“ of Oonmpgationnlllu. Mothodhtl. B-pnm nnd the Prom-mat Epllcopfll Ohuxoh in the twenty yam pro- oeding 1879. The "mm increase is .1 follows: Congrognlonnmu. 20 per cent. ; Methodists, 34 per cent; Bum-u. 13 per out; Prob-nut Epiloopnl Church, 69 per contâ€"N. Y. Churchman. At the monthly meeting of the Presbytery of Msnehester. the Committee in Synod on lspsed Presbyterisns "commended the Presbytery to hold s oonlerenee sLsn early deytoeonslder " how we as to prevent the enormous lssksge thst goes on Iron: yes: to you tron: the communion rolls sad the dissppesrsnoe {tom our congregstlons o! 3 very lugs numbe: of our bsptlsed youths snd others." One of the miraioneriee oi the Church of England, who went to China thirty-ï¬ve years ego, wrote home to hie Boerd A short time ago e sentence which ought to touch every heert : “ From the day l errived here in 1844. to the present any. I heve never bed the pieuure oi the eoelety oi e brother mieeioulry ulooieted with me in the mission work here. and I euppoeeI Iheil never enjoy thet privilege now." Rev. William M. Berry. who died recently et Woreeeter. Meet, lett dureetione to me executors to burn all hie pepere unread. to bury him in his pleineet clothes end | cheep box. to permit no clergyman nor hie wife to be present at the lunerel eervloee, and to do. vote his property to the maintenance of worship in the Congregetlonel Church of whloh he hed been pastor. The Home Beunionï¬ooiety having oflered 0 pulse 0! £25 ier an essay under the follow- ing tuie. " Anirenieon to: the Week-yam. with proposeia let the present eo-openiion and a scheme 10: the future reunion With the Church of England.†the puree we: divided equally between the Rev. '1‘. 0. Boundeie end Mi:L W. '3; Mowbrgy: From the Begiatur-Generul'a annual report It appmu :11» the number of Roman Outho lie muting“ during the put grant in the City of London amounzed so 1 172, or8 48 p9: cent. of the who!» numberâ€"33.693. During the sumo period 28.873 mun-rings: were solemn'zed in the churches of the Eltlbflahment. - The total membership of the Baptist denomination in :he United States in now 2,138,044, a gain 01 31,010 over In: year. In Ontario, Quebec and Mmltobe the member- ship is 27,252. a decrease o! 127 from last year's report. In the Maritime Provinces there in a membership at 87,017, an increase 0! 276 over lee: year’s report. The Liverpool Blshoprio Fund progrenea. The Additional Biahoprio Committee have appropriated a further sum of on» thousand pounds Itg. tor the purpose. A guarantee.“ also proposed 01 ï¬ve thousand pounds. which would secure the immediate foundation of the Bithoprio. Canon Forru rcoently preached in West- minus: Abbey a sermon on me sum sunl- voraary otm founding. und made touching allusions to many of the dtutlnguiuhed persons inwmd wuhln its walls. At the Advent ordlnulonn in the Church of England 456 candidates were admluad to holy orders. The larger: ordination was in London, where more were 31 demons and 21 prints. The)": thing the Bishop 0! Mannheim d†before darting at! to not mun’od won ‘0 devote 81,500 :0 the poor of mo Chy o! Mmoheaur. A young Glorgow clergyman is sold to be nearly randy to utonuh the world whh a series ot sketches 0! “Soon" from Bootoh Olodonl Lilo." Rev. Walter Home. of Polwuth. in now tho “that o! the Ohuroh of Scotland. Ho mu attends to his pastoral dntlel with his tome: vigor. A new Russian Church “mph in to be dodloncd u Monoow in Luann no“. u wu begun In 1833, and will 0043 over {13,000.- AAA A Saturday Night's Pnlulum 0! Interesting News. Lord Bone. accompanied by Onnon Tm- tum and Dun How-on.“ ubom to nuke a tour to the Holy Land. AMONG THE CHURCHES. London Truth: "Othor womon’n git!- ml, 30 our the border. but such moth†think: her own an “to u it youthful blood wu loodllko ohomptgno cup. and the ï¬n wu not lighted ch“ would nuke It boil. Those who know better do not onto :0 Inform agalnouyoung cream" who never omnded them, and who in only lnlfllllng mo law $th gonm lamhklnl and kldflngc. It is nloelr business to spoil upon. and tho cities of prlnto dououvo lI‘ both that†and ungnolonl." Ammln Utah who hu only the has! numb» 01 17m in Ipokon o! u, " comm. clvoly‘lpnklng. u Mahala: t" A correependent oi the London Timer, who hee trevelled through eome oi the dletricte in Ireiend where the present dietreee ie moet keenly ieit.remerhe upon the civility end reepectinlneee oi the women end children. “A iemiiyiimited toeeingie epertment by night end dey,"eeye he. "heve their own ideee otwhet ie decorone end whetie not; end I can teetiiy thet here neither the improper honee eccommodetion nor the working 0! glrle end young women out of doore inducee thet boidneee or groee rndeneee oi behevior which dietingnieh the ï¬eld hen“ in come perte oi Englend." I Bram! Bunnu.â€"Meure. O'Kaeie. o! IHamiiton. nnd G. L. Clarke, 0! the Paelï¬c Railway enrvey Itemwho leit Ottawa laet June to proeeoute exploratione north of the Bee- ketohawan River. Northweet Territory. have reported. From the Big Baekatohewan River to a point one hundred and flity miiee north they ionnd a textile. wooded. and well watered belt of country with an average width of one hundred miiee. From ite northern limit the eteriie dietriot spread. he illne- trating the fertility of the lower bolt the two engineere have brought with them lampiee oi wheat averaging 25 bueheil to the aero. grown by the 0m Indiane. a eettiement conducted and inetrnoted by the Rev. Hr. Hindu, oi the Church oi Engiend Iliu- eion. He he a ohnroh. school home. a term oi 160 aoree. and some 60 Indiana under tuition. " How it does remlnd me of my courting day-l" exclaimed Mu. Goodington. remak- lng the blue]: the‘ me done-Ml: turned oomplimen: of Aremlnwe young men but brought to the guru cheek. “In thou hel- liud do". when I wee young and pereepuble. how haunted I need to teal whon Den“! paid me e condiment. II he elven m 'i-doing! Yen." Ihe conunued, stopping» broth 03 the ten um trembled :3 the up 0! her emnneled noeeâ€"" yen. Deniel use one a! e thounnd. And he never ohenged during :11 our yem o! petmnony." Dr. Adolf Sander. ophyuloi-n of Enid“- berg. died 190311st from :ho efleou of unl- wlowmg . ohm button. How anon hon I. waned bachelors o! “m dangers likely to arise from killing wuh tho-o treacherous and explouvo Article-l Marriage In the only Inlay-vulva against donh {tom bottom. -ICV'I“. I “ Yen. apples. belovodou." " Jim on. more I" " Basins, my moot belovodut.†“ Well, John, it you would only drink 3 mm bundy. now. I think you would nuke 3 good mines pie." A dietlngulehed and long winded Pull lawyer lately defended e criminal uneneeeee- fully. and et the end 0! the trio! the judge received the tollowing note: “ The prieoner humbly preye that the time coupled by the plea of the eonneel tor the defence be counted in the Ientenee." “ John. whet odor is tint?" "Olom. love." "But that other 2" "Alllpioe. my beloved.†“ But len't there mother?†“ Vol .I‘Ih“. Lalnâ€"-J--A n n r__; , , I said to my link girl one day: “ Wu» I Inge lorohoud you huve got! I: in jun like your lather‘a. You could drive u pony ou- tings round it.†To which her brother, in years old, said : " You. mnmnn.» but on papn’n you on: no the marks 0! the whack." This confusion in the weather, huing it cold when it would be warm, and hot when it should be Rigid. is undoubtedly the work of our many weather propheu. Their boom: have clashed tougther. The New York News informs ‘a wilting public thnt "poison does not rhyme with raisin." Neilher does pie oruat rhyme with overshoo, and more are 10h! 0! other word- that don't rhyme. Broad is the road that loads to debt. And thoueunua walk together there; Prompt. payments ï¬nd a. narrow rut. Wm: new an; more a. passenger. The man or woman who has zové‘r loud. hugged. kluud. played Will]. liutened to. told motion to, or thoroughly spanked a «had bu missed the cardinal joys of lilo. The English have presented Oetewnyo’n wins will oonoerlinu. Irnudulu in :0 ho flanged. 0h. unhappy king! There are two olausa who cannot but prosperity, on» u! mun bung thaw who on“ got 0. chance of it. “ Swans sing before they die." The; have to, it may sing In all. ' If your son has no brains dou‘; 59nd bill to college. You ounum make a palms out of a shanty by puniug a French roof on it. I'll-alumnus. A rieh man‘s son lives on his pop. “ Grinderpeat " in a very Ipproprium nam- lor the toomaoho. .......... . “an". “ What then r The mlnhtor of 0mm it not the head 0! a house at public entertnlnment. ll the public enterteiner does not drew he ll a failure. Not so with the preacher. He any hove I smell lollowlng end 30$ do greet good." Another celd that the preecheu who attracted the large-ct congregation. were by no meene the moat lufluentlul ; mother thought that preachere had weakened them- selwe hy meddling with politics ; and another remarked : " The inVetente tendency on the part of the prone to hold Ohrletmn eentlment up to ridicule. and to attack the ehueeter of the mini-my, has had much to do ln mnklng na lose our power." The Buptlot mlnittou 0! Philadelphia Inn been dlaounlng the question. “ In tho pulpit losing its power 2 ’ Tho pdnolpnl spun! admittod thut the multitude was no loam attuned to the church". but he aided. “ What "no. 0 In]... ._x_.l 4.. -1 11...,LA . ‘ impressive then ususl. It wu noticed tint ‘he referred to the mercy which hed been shown in spcting them thtouch enoiherycu. Alter the sermon. Hie Lordship descended to the eheucei and reed the buyers m the church militant. and. hsving uttered tho words ' thst it mey please Thee shortly to accomplieh the number 0! Thine elect)!» knelt down beiorc the communion table. fell lorwetd and died. His Lordship's wile wee in the church. sud excleimed in piteous accents thst ehe had bogged him not to ear turn out in‘ the cold westher."